05x13 - Twin Petes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x13 - Twin Petes

Post by bunniefuu »

We're gonna need
to take a look.

He got
2 in the chest,
one in the neck.

Looks like he just
finished at the atm,
got jumped.

Withdrawal receipt
for $200.

You got
a needle exchange
depot up the block,

Crackheads over on
avenue b.

You talk to
this merchant over here?

Nah, we tried. The wink,
uh, didn't, uh...

The elderly asian male
professes not to, uh,
speak english.

What about the kid?

No, he speaks.



You want to try him?

Excuse us, sir.

Sir, we're investigating
the homicide next door.


Hey, hey, hey...

Oh, i‐‐i'm sorry.
That's my grandfather.

Uh, he's from
the old school.

Did you see anything?

No, I just arrived,

But, uh, my grandfather
was opening up the store

And he heard something that
sounded like a firecracker.
Pop‐‐like that.

One pop?

[Speaking chinese]

[Speaking chinese]

Pop, pop, pop.

3 Pops.
3 Pops.

Did he see anything?

He said he look up
over there

And see a car
drive away fast.

Did he notice
what kind of car?

[Speaking chinese]

[Speaking chinese]

Some kind
of american car,
green color.

Can he
tell us anything
about the driver?

Uh, he see a person.
Just a minute.

[Speaking chinese]


He say a word
to describe them

That means barbarian
non‐asian guy.

White barbarian
or black barbarian?


[Speaking chinese]

Guey low!
Guey low!

Guey low?
What's that?

Uh, that's
a racial insult.

It means, uh,
ignorant white person.

So we're talking
about an ignorant,
barbarian white guy.


Thanks for the help.

Not even 9 a. M.,

And it's not
looking too good for
the rainbow coalition.

So nothing helpful
at the scene?

There was a young
asian kid that translated
for his grandfather.

The old man heard sh*ts,

Saw a green,
american‐made car
speed away.

The driver was an ignorant,
barbarian white person.

[Telephone rings]
there's a needle exchange
half a block away,

Opens at 11:00.

We'll check 61s for activity
at that atm, then go back
and recanvass.



15Th squad.

Diane: hey, andy.

What's it look like?

homicide off
an atm stickup.

Any arrests imminent?

Uh, how did it go
at the urologist's?

He was full of crap,
full of mumbo‐jumbo.


at an atm on
lafayette street.

Sounds like
the same deal.

Oh, it's getting
good to this guy.

Um, andy, um,
pick it up with
bobby and diane?


How'd it go
at the doctor's?

I'm cleared for
continued employment.


Um, I'm detective medavoy.
Can I help you?

Patrick welch. I'm here
to report a crime and
a person in danger.

Oh. Well,
why don't we speak in
the coffee room, mr. Welch.

You can give me
the specifics.

I've no choice
anymore but involving
the authorities.

We'll get the specifics
in the coffee room.

Morning, all.

Morning, greg.

Hi, greg.

So, uh, uh,
what's going on?

I'm an identical twin.

Using my identity,
my brother had
sexual relations

With a woman
I was dating but
am no longer seeing.

And now I'm afraid
he has further,
dangerous intentions.

How did you
come to find this out?

Well, vivica called me,

And it was obvious by
the way she was talking

She thought we
were still involved.

I realized
what was going on,
and I called my brother.

He confirmed it.

Confirmed that he'd
had sex with this vivica?


Did he say
why he'd done it?

Teaching her a lesson,

In terms
of assertiveness
and so forth.

She felt I wasn't
assertive enough.

This is why you'd
stopped going out?


And he was more
assertive with her?

Oh, he was
plenty assertive.

Are you saying he was
violent with this woman?

No more, apparently,
than she enjoyed.

That was clear
from her call to me.

She obviously enjoyed
what he'd done
a good deal.

Why don't you give me
your twin's pedigree?

He's not a dog.

Oh, that's, uh, that's
a shorthand police term

Referencing, uh, his
address and phone number
and the like,

And, of course, his name.

Peter. I told you.


My brother's
very protective of me.

When I told him
we'd broken up,

He spoke of vengeance
on vivica.

So I'm afraid,

And my psychiatrist
is afraid.


I wonder if
there's any chance, uh,

You could give me
your psychiatrist's
pedigree, too, mr. Welch?

Uh, possibly,
I could chat with him.

Oh, I've already
given him permission
to talk to you.

I knew you'd
want to call.




I'm the police
administrative aide temp.

Arthur fancy.

The boss.

Yeah, the boss, right.

Um, I didn't
get your name.

Dolores mayo.

How do you do,

The borough pool said
just the one day, huh?

Well, our aide naomi
has a hearing.

Oh, boy.

So anyway‐‐

Why I asked
"just the one day,"

I live in this precinct.

It'd be real convenient.

Yeah, um, anyway,

Your message pads and so
forth are on the desk.


There's no smoking inside
the building, of course.

No, no smoking.


And breaks?

Do you want one now?

No, I'm ok.


Car matches the alarm
you broadcast.



Crackhead scummers.

This poor slob's probably
going to mail a letter,

And his life's
over like that.

Andy, this is lydia.
Says she knows the guy
who ditched the car.

Sipowicz: you got
a last name, lydia?


I'm a performance artist.

Maybe you've
seen my flyers around?

Lydia labia?

You, uh, told
detective russell you
could help us with this guy?

Name's eddie the fly.

He used to come
to my rehearsals, right,

Leech off
everybody in sight.

What's this guy
look like?

Uh, he's white,
maybe 23, never
washed his hair.


Yeah. So I'm getting
a slice, right,

I heard the crash,
I look out the window,

I seen eddie
get out the car.

I'm telling you,
he's cancer.

Where are gonna find
eddie the fly?

He told me once that
he lives with his mother
on second and avenue c.

You want to head over
there and ask around?

You've been
a lot of help, lydia.

Hey, bring this to one
of my shows, you get
$2.00 off the cover.


See how I got
my last name.

Eyewitness puts this
woman's son pulling
that second atm job.

Is she cooperating?

Skel's name
is eddie golota,
aka eddie the fly.

I'm gonna run him through
b.c.i. In just a minute.


Can I borrow your
brain a minute, andy?

I caught a real puzzler

Involving an ostensible
identical twin

Ostensibly using
the first twin's

Securing sexual
relations, possibly
intending a homicide.

Now, the second twin
has an address,
a driver's license,

And a voice on
an answering machine,

But the voice sounds
like the first twin
that come in,

And the psychiatrist
that the first twin said

Would verify the second
twin was a menace,

He says he's never
seen the second twin.

Why would he if it's
the first twin that's
his patient?

Because according
to the psychiatrist

The first twin has
scheduled several visits
for the second twin

To come with him, but
the second twin never
shows up jointly.

He has shown up for
several individual

But the psychiatrist
says he don't know if
that is the second twin.

On the other hand,
both the first twin
and his shrink

Say the woman
is in danger.

And the shrink says this
would especially true

If the other twin
don't exist,

Because then
this patrick would be
a jekyll‐and‐hyde type,

Verging on
a homicidal episode.

This would be a perfect
case for the hypothetical
crime squad, medavoy,

Which also don't exist.

Warn the woman,
then put your name back
in the catching order.

I'm seeing the woman
at 2:00, this, uh,
this vivica.

I‐‐i‐‐i was considering
going to this peter's
apartment, andy,

Without telling
patrick my plan.

Then, if peter
answers the door

Without patrick having
advanced knowledge

That he's supposed
to be there,

That would tend to
confirm the second twin

Which I could nail down
by calling patrick
at his place,

Having him answer
the phone while I'm
in peter's presence.

If I confirm there
is a separate peter,

That either makes
the felony real,

Securing sex
under false pretenses,

Or, if peter exists,
but has had nothing to
do with this vivica,

I.e. Patrick is
projecting homicidal
impulses onto his twin‐‐

I thought I had
that covered, how i‐‐
how I determine that.

[Door closes]

What are you
asking me to do?

Are you able
to reach eddie?


No, I can't call him
on the phone.

He carries a beeper.

And many times
I call him and‐‐
and he doesn't answer.

Well, maybe
he'd answer to
a different number.

Maybe he would.

Would you be willing
to try his beeper number
from here,

Punch in a number
we gave you?

Well, what would I say
if he calls back?

I think, uh, just
be honest with eddie,

As far as saying
you're worried for him,

And maybe if he
needs help in some way,
maybe needs some money,

That you'd be willing
to meet him somewhere.

Do you have a child?


I got a 2‐year‐old.

I also had a grown son,
lost to v*olence.

If I could have reached
into his last situation,

I'd have been grateful
for the chance.

You're not a mother.

I carried him
in my belly.

I can't call my son
on his beeper.

I just can't.

Any idea why I'm here...

Why don't you tell me.

your brother patrick

Alleges you've
been sexually intimate
with vivica cerdan

While representing
yourself as him.

Are you aware of that?

I am now.

Have you done what
patrick alleges,


Did patrick come to you
to have me arrested?

Your brother
considers you

A danger
to ms. Cerdan.

His opinion
is supported

We've opened a file
on you, peter.

Any harm befalling
ms. Cerdan,

This is the address
we'll be coming to.

Ok. I'm on notice.

Perhaps we should call
patrick from here,


Get everyone
on the same page.

Go ahead.

Shall I do that‐‐

Call patrick from here
in your presence?


I've got the number.

If I call,

Will patrick
answer the phone?

I don't think so.

He said he's going shopping
at bloomingdale's.

Why did you
tell me to call?

It seemed like
you wanted to.

Peter, is patrick
here with us
in this room

At this moment?

You mean in spirit?

In spirit, in person‐‐

What have you.

He might be here,
what have you.

All right.

I see the tack
you're taking.

You're trying to get me
to explain to you

Whether I'm me or patrick
pretending to be me.

Right, detective?

If you will.

So you can tell the boys
at the station house

About the geek twins
you ran across

Or the geek schizo.

Do not bring
physical harm
to vivica cerdan.

That is
the substance of it.

And with that,
I wish you good day.

The police manual say

When dealing with possible
twins or loonies

To talk like it's
the previous century?

No, sir,

It does not.

If my boss decides
it's appropriate,

I'll be in touch.

And we sure appreciate
your cooperating

At such
a difficult time, sir.

All right.

He's willing to come in
and talk to her,

The brother
of the first doa,

If that's the way
you want to go.

You know
that either works

Or it blows up
in our faces.

She digs in after
the guy talks to her.

Her mind‐‐it's us
against her.

Diane: here's jill.

Here's the way
to do it.

I agree.

How's it going?

We appreciate
your coming in
a little early.

We got the mother
of an eddie
"the fly" golota,

Whose son's got
a 3‐foot sheet
with b. C. I.,

And that an eyewitness
makes a perp

In a stickup homicide
at an atm.

also did one
at another atm

A couple hours

They just about
had her moved

Till she pointed out

That they didn't
carry eddie
in their bellies

Or anybody else.

Wanna go in
by yourself?

How about me and diane?

She's saying a rosary
in the coffee room.

Her name's
golota, too?


New p. A. A.'S going on
16 consecutive minutes

Not going nowhere.

Mrs. Golota.

This is jill

Another detective
in our squad.


How do you do?

I'm sorry for
this difficulty
your son's in.

What is your connection?

I work a later tour,

So I'll be picking up
the investigation.

Is there word of other
possible suspects?

I'm afraid not.

For what it's worth,
mrs. Golota,

The eyewitness
of your son

Are pretty conclusive.

That's now developed?

That's developed
now, yes.

I have 2 boys,
mrs. Golota.

I work a late tour

So they won't wake up
in an empty apartment.

I go home
at my meal break

So I can make
their dinners
and be with them.

If either of the boys
was in any kind
of trouble,

The first, strongest
feeling I'd have

Would be to wrap
around them,

Get myself between them
and whatever danger
they were in.


Well, sometimes
I'd be wrong.

Sometimes I have to
let them be in pain
at the doctor's

And let my oldest
walk the little one
to the bus stop,

When I still
want to take
both their hands.

I keep learning
that I can't keep
putting myself

Between them
and everything
life brings them.

I brought them
into this world,

But I can't
live for them in it.

Whatever eddie has
or hasn't done,

The next part of this
needs to go on
between him and us,

And it should
happen here
instead of the street.

If it happens
in the street,
mrs. Golota,

No one can afford to
remember he's your son.

Could I be here

When you would
be speaking with him?

If you help us
bring eddie in,

You can
speak with him
before we do.

If you help us
bring eddie in

So we can speak to him
in the station house...

I will treat him
as your son.

I promise you that
as a mother.

All right.


Uh, dr. Berger?

Yes. Detective medavoy?

Thanks for coming in.


Uh, why don't we
talk down here.

Lead the way.

Frankly, I am panting
to hear your news.

All right.

So, you've been
to peter's apartment?

Yes, I have.

And as you know,

I'm about to speak
with ms. Cerdan

the misrepresentation
of identity

Which appears
to have occurred

To secure
her sexual favors,

And also
patrick's misgivings,

As well as your own,
concerning her safety.

You should
definitely do that.

Do you mind telling me

What the apartment
was like?

What it was like?

Peter's apartment.

Um...it was, uh,
it was kind of bleak.

Uh, bleak.

In the sense of

No. It was all painted
and everything.

No, no.

Would you describe it
as the residence

Of an incomplete

Actually, it struck me
like, uh...

A rundown waiting room
of some kind.

Oh. Waiting room.

Oh, that's marvelous.

Anyway, um...

Whether it was peter
or patrick I was talking to,

I put him on notice

That we were aware
of the vivica situation.

How did peter react?

Well, he didn't seem
that surprised.

No, no.
Was he compliant?

He seemed
pretty compliant

And also, uh...
Sort of sad.



Doctor, my job
don't let us
take a lot of time

Anticipating crimes.

If I'm gonna have just
the one conversation
with ms. Cerdan,

How hard should I land
on the danger aspect?

I'd land pretty hard.

So you feel her life
is definitely in danger.

Oh, absolutely.

The question is‐‐
at whose hand?

We're back to
the patrick‐peter

Yes. Is it
the predatory
peter welch

Or patrick in his
guise as peter?

What do you think,

Are they
separate people?

Who was that person
you spoke to
in that apartment?

Well, I couldn't swear
one way or the other.

No, you couldn't,
could you?

Well, with identical twins,
I wouldn't expect to.

Doesn't this engage you?

Are we dealing
with a single,

Wholly dualized

Or with 2 separate

Inextricably enmeshed?

And‐‐and...and why,

Why did he let you in?

Does that signify
some sea change

In their emotional


Or have you specifically
struck some...

Some responsive chord?

I guess the question
that occurs to me‐‐

And I talking
to a decent person

Or someone acting
like that jerk caterpillar

In alice in wonderland?

Excuse me?

That's addressed to me?

You got an identical twin?

Good day,
detective medavoy.

Yeah. Good day, dr. Berger.

[Telephone ringing]


Hi, dolores.

I miss anything good?

Being honest, dolores,

You're gone
too frequently.

I am?

I'll cut it out.

I'd appreciate that.

I'm nervous a little,

Which is when
I smoke too much.


I will cut it out.

I don't want to make
a bad impression.


Believe it or not.




No way this can't
be awkward, ms. Cerdan,

So I'll just convey
my news straight out.

Should I be sitting?

You may want to.

You've been conducting
a relationship

With patrick welch.

How is that
police business?

And has patrick
mentioned to you

His twin brother peter?

I've never met him.

Actually, vivica,
that may not be so.

Patrick has asked
I convey

Your most recent

Was with
his brother peter.

Is this some...
Sick joke?

The situation
is definitely sick,

With its ins and outs
unclear to me.

My responsibility
is informing you

That peter's intentions
may be dangerous,

And it's appropriate
you take precautions.

Why would peter
want to hurt me?

I can't explain that.

I can't even
say for certain

That peter and patrick
aren't the same person.

Obviously, from
your point of view,

This is crucially

But, to me,
the question is moot.

I feel like
I'm gonna throw up.

Can I get you
some water?

No. Uh...

Patrick told you
that peter was
impersonating him

And had sex with me?

Were your most recent
intimate relations
with him...



Yeah. He‐‐

He said that he
was proud

To be coming
out of his shell.

I don't know
what the hell
to think that means.

In terms of further
police involvement,

Our hands are
pretty well tied.

Clearly, you should
call patrick

And possibly
his psychiatrist
dr. Berger.

Why didn't patrick
tell me this himself?

He may have
been embarrassed

By what peter had
done in his name,

Of there may be more
complicated reasons.

You mean, if there
is no peter.

In that case,

It's patrick acting
like a separate person

Who, unfortunately,

Entertains violent
feelings towards you.

Well, he was...

Very physical with me.

I can't believe this.

He knows where I work.

I have to change jobs.

You have legal

Orders of protection,
so forth.

But speaking

That may be wise.

I'm sorry matters have
developed this way.

He seemed
so proud of himself.

And then he did
seem afraid.

How'd it go with your
multiple personalities?

Is that where you
came down, andy,

One person
with several selves?

I didn't choose up
sides, medavoy.

I was just asking
how things went.

I followed
your suggestion‐‐

Warned this vivica,

Then more or less
washed my hands.

It's so sad, andy,

Whoever they are,
however many.

Maybe make yourself
some cocoa.

[Telephone rings]

15Th squad.
Detective medavoy.

Uh...yes, I do.

I was over there,
in fact,

This afternoon.

Uh, yes, I can.
I can be there
very quickly.

So I assume...

Never mind.
I'm on my way.

It was him.

He wants me
to come over.

Dare I ask who?

I'm assuming patrick,

Because, uh, peter knew
I'd been there, uh...

I assume nothing.

Every time I'm about
to hit the john,

I get waylaid
by medavoy.

Go now.

Eddie called her back?

Yeah. We got a place
to grab him up.

I don't wanna
chance it.

As long as it
takes me,

He's liable to get
tired of waiting.



Curtain's up.

Get to your feet.
Lay face down on the mattress.

I'm a real threat
to you.

That's why I called.

Put your hands
behind your back.

You've got wounds
on your palm

From your hand
slipping up the blade.

I guess I'm a suspect.

15Th squad
to central k.

We need an ambulance
and sector car forthwith

For a serious bleeder.

4227 Avenue b,

Fifth floor, apartment f.

Dispatcher: 10‐4.

Who are you?

And don't give me
any crap!

I'm the guy too screwed up
to do anything

But sit at the window

That his brother
had to pretend
was big bad peter welch.

I'm peter welch

Whose brother patrick

Came to scream at me
and beat me up

For sleeping with
the girlfriend

He was too afraid
to sleep with as himself.

You're peter,
this is patrick.

Turns out I am...

Big bad peter,
huh, detective?

You just have to...
Lie about me

And beat me up
a little

To put me in the mood.


Oh! My god!

That's probably
a reflex.

I don't get a pulse.

Take my handcuffs off.
He's still alive.

Oh, yeah. You've got
a good case, peter.

Please, please, please,
let me hold him.

I held him till
I thought he was dead.

Held him after
you stabbed him
10 or 20 times.

I called you.
I'm no threat.

Put a g*n to my head.
Just let me hold
my brother!

I can't!

And don't ask me no more.

He's gone, anyway.

I'm sorry about all this.

I'm sorry for your loss.

The bitch beeps me,
sets me up, and now
I gotta talk to her.

Well, how your moms
looks at it, telling you
to meet her like that,

That was saving
your life, eddie,
not setting you up.

Meet me so she can
give me some getaway money.

Like there'd be
any other reason
you'd have met her.

Approach it this way, eddie.
When we get you alone,

A bad attitude
with your moms,

That earns you
a whole extra beating.

Come on.


Yeah, great
to see you, ma.


Are you all right?

If you don't count
being arrested.

I wanted to keep you
from harm.

Anyways, I'm here,
falsely accused.

They said it might be
a case of mistaken identity.

No, we need
to talk to eddie
about that, mrs. Golota.

I heard who told you
about me.

It was that sick
exhibitionist lydia.

Well, that happens to be
a grudge i. D.

We'll get you
a ride home,
mrs. Golota.

I thought I could
stay with him.

Detective russell said
before he was interviewed
you could talk to eddie,

And you've done that.

I promise we'll call you
if there's any news.

Will you go home,
so I can hear
the false accusations?

Oh, eddie.

Remind them.

Eddie's mrs. Golota's son.

Come on.

This all comes from
me speaking my mind‐‐

What I thought
of pierced genitals
on women.

Simone: lydia labia
took offense.

She took offense,
she rats me out
to you people.

I k*lled no one.
I robbed no atm.

So this was some
complicated frame‐up
on her part,

You being in all
the surveillance photos.

If I'm in
the surveillance photos,
then I don't know what.

I don't know
what the hell
that's all about.

Both atms, eddie.
Both cameras.

Both cameras?


I don't know
what the hell's going on.

Past the blackouts.

Blackouts, huh?

I'll have these
seizures lately.

I don't know
what the hell's going on.

Yeah. Go with
the blackouts.

Explain how confused
you were.

I mean, do‐‐
do I look weird
on the cameras,

Like I don't know
where I am?

If my mother says
she wants to cook for me,
don't let her.

Did you get her a ride?


poor woman, huh?

All you put up with
being a mother, imagine
winding up with eddie.

That's, um,
that's part of it,
isn't it?

Like when
you talked about

You can't do
your kids' living
for them?

You, uh...

You lie in bed
at night, you know,

Wondering how they're
going to turn out,

Imagining them grown...

What you want them
to be

And what you're afraid
they could wind up

It feels sometimes

If there was
some kind of a deal
you could make with god,

Not to smooth their path

Or guarantee them
anything good,
but just to...

Just to shield them

From what's terrible.

You know, that they
don't get sick

Or be walking
to mail a letter

Or buy some milk
one minute,

And the next,
some bastard
sh**t them,

Or some drunk
in a car
jumps a curb.

All you get to go
to sleep with

Is praying
that they'll be lucky.

That you've given them
values enough

That if they are...

They'll make good lives.

And you never know
what god says back.


You through?

Uh...not till we're done
with eddie.


I'm going downstairs,

I have to piss,
and I can't
with you kibitzing.

No. Stay. Stay.

I‐‐i won't say anything.


I'm turning away.

Uh, I'll make a sound
like rushing water.

[Sipowicz unzips]

The one twin
k*lled the other.

Yeah, I heard.

There were 2 individuals,

Not just the one schizo.

And the second
k*lled the first.

But the sorrowful
and mysterious
part of it, andy,

what occurred,

The second twin

That was accused
of being violent

And a danger
to the woman vivica

That the first twin
was seeing...

He was not a danger
and never dated her
at all.

Patrick, the first twin,

He was the danger
all along.

So...patrick k*lled peter.

Peter k*lled patrick.

But with terrible

Patrick apparently
needed a pretense

Of being peter
in his own mind

To act how he wanted
with vivica,

Even though...

Peter was not at all
how patrick pretended.

See...when I come
to see him,

Peter don't clear up
my confusion,

'Cause being
he's done nothing with
his identity himself,

If it helps patrick
be the person he wants,

Let him go ahead
and use it.

See, he's
an emotional shut‐in,
this peter.

But what I can
tell now, andy,

This peter had
a love for his brother.

Like he didn't mind
patrick borrowing
his identity

With outsiders,

But don't then come
to his own apartment

And need to
beat him up

And‐‐and wave a knife
at him

And‐‐and accuse him
of something

That the both of them
knew peter didn't do,

To where finally
this peter,

That evidently
all he did all day

Was sit and look out
this dirty window,

Finally he snapped.

Peter grabbed the knife
and actually used it.

And then felt
so terrible afterward...

He wanted to hold his brother
till he died.

[Runs water
in sink]

Thought he had.

But then the other one
coughs, you know,

This after‐death spasm,

And this one
wants to hold him
till he's gone.

[Washing hands]

But by then,

I had him cuffed.

[Turns water off]

Medavoy: anyway...

Were you seeing a doctor
for that today, andy,

your stream problem?

Is that what I recall?

Those guys should all be
street sweepers.

Urologists, huh?

Or‐‐or physicians
in general,
did you mean?

You're a good cop.

[Tv news plays]

Are you watching that?

Um, no, I guess not.

I'd like to go back
to work.

Theo is the most
important thing in my life,

But I want to work, too.

And I think
it's all right now...

To go back.

How do you feel
about that?

You letting money
enter in?

I mean the extra paycheck
would help us, but...

No, it's not really
about the money.

I've spent
the last 17 months
with theo,

Talking about
what we're seeing
and what we're doing

And sharing our feelings
and what we're thinking.

And I wouldn't trade
a minute of it, but...

There's a part of me
that can't really
be involved in that,

And it's a part
I don't want to lose
permanent touch with.

I probably don't give you
enough stimulating
adult conversation myself.

It's not the conversation
I miss.

I was good at my job...

And I felt that it was
a good job to be doing.

I want to be
part of the world
that way, too.

I know how much
you love him,

And you've
thought it through.

I want to talk
with my dad.

Your dad would
knock the door down

To stay with theo

And check into the program
at our office,

But...i wanted
to talk with you first.

[Clears throat]

the only down side
you coming back,

That cohen
that works with you...

He's pretty easy
to push around.

I gotta go
to the lavatory.

I'll see you
in about 20 minutes.

You must be so relieved
the doctor thinks it's
nothing to worry about.


Does he think
your problem
is just because...

You're getting
a little older?

He said it occurs a lot

With men had enormous
sexual prowess
in their youth.


Andy, thank you
for understanding.
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