05x15 - Don't k*ll the Messenger

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x15 - Don't k*ll the Messenger

Post by bunniefuu »

Sliced up pretty bad.

Ligature strangulation.

Still got
her jewelry on.

Panties still on.
Maybe not a r*pe.

Don't look like
a robbery either.

Still got some cash
in her wallet.

If this was some lovers'
quarrel got out of hand,

Why'd he tie her up?

I don't know.

But he tied her up
with leather thongs.

What do you mean,

Thongs, bootlaces.

[Clearing throat]

Here's the boots
he got 'em out of.

Who called it in?

Couple of coworkers.

Uh, gail marshall
and frances linger.

D.o.a. Worked at
lafayette hospital.

Missed yesterday,
so they come over
to check.

Got the super
to open up.

They take off?

Went back to work.

Took it pretty hard.

This guy you want
to talk to outside's
name is cudney.

Mr. Cudney, right?

Cudney. Correct.

What do you know
about this lady?

she live alone?

Yeah. She‐‐she
lived alone.

You ever see her
with any men?
Any boyfriends?

She used to have a boyfriend
that came around a lot.
A larry.

But they broke up
a while ago.

You know
his last name?

Larry tremayne.

He works at
the mission coffee house

Over on second avenue.

Young guy?

Around her age.
More or less good‐looking.

But then another guy
started to bring her home,
say 2 weeks ago.

I would describe him
as around her age, too.

You never got
his name?

No. H‐he walked
sort of stiff‐legged.

[Apartment door opens]
well, not stiff‐legged

I wouldn't be able
to describe exactly
how he walked.

All right.
Thank you, mr. Cudney.

Do you know what happened
to ms. Giddings?

I'm mrs. Schmitz.

Hi. Your neighbor
ms. Giddings got k*lled.

Can you give us any
useful information?

Take fingerprints.
That's what I would recommend.

They must've left

That'll tell you
who was involved.

Then you go off that.



Let's get somebody
on that.

[Siren whoops]

What do we got?

Bike messenger.


Shot in the chest.
Name's wendell starks.

any witnesses?


The black guy
and the white woman.

And the little white guy
over there was in
the middle of it.

Medavoy: anybody see
what happened here?

Uh, yeah.

This guy was, um, chasing
somebody on his bicycle‐‐

This guy who was running
away with a backpack.

This guy over here jumps off
his bike, and he grabs him,

And they start fighting
about the backpack.

The guy that shot him
stole the bag from this guy.

The kid on the bike was
just trying to get it back.

Medavoy: it was
your backpack?

What's your name?

Look, I had it over
one shoulder, right?

And the guy ripped it
off me, and he ran,
and I was chasing him.

And the guy on the bike went
after him, and he got shot.

Kirkendall: ever seen
either one of them before?

You never saw
the bike rider?

No, he was just
trying to help.

I‐‐i never even
asked him to.

Good samaritan.

I feel bad about it, man.

I wish he would've
just let it go.

Can you describe
the man who shot him?

No, I only saw him
from the back.

He was some kind
of puerto rican
or something.

Young guy.
He ran fast.

k*lled that kid
for nothin'...

And him only
tryin' to help.

on counter]

Larry tremayne
work here?

Yeah, he works here.

What time's
he come in?

At the inhuman hour
of 7 a. M.

So you workin'
his shift?

That's right.

You wouldn't happen
to be him, would you?

You're right again.

What are you, some wiseass
enjoys wastin' my time?

Why didn't you say
who you were?

I don't know you guys.
Maybe you're somebody
I don't want to see.

Yeah, maybe we are,

Oh. You're cops.

I thought you were
a collection agency.

Put that down.

We're gonna take you down
to the station house, larry.

What for? I‐‐i can't
leave. I'm alone here.

All right.
We'll talk here then.

Talk about what?

Come on.
Let's sit down.

I don't wanna
sit down.

Sit down.

What's going on

Why can't you guys
say what you want?

Hey, buddy, he was
trying to treat you
with a little sensitivity

Before laying it on you
that your ex‐girlfriend
is dead.

What girlfriend?
You don't mean

What happened
to her?

What are you
talking about?

When did you see her last?

It's been
a couple of weeks.

What happened?

was it really her?

Yeah. Somebody
k*lled her, larry.



Sipowicz: uh, it's
a police investigation.

Maybe come back

I'll wait.

Uh, this breakup‐‐
who dumped who?

She dumped me.

And you stayed friends?
That's gotta be rare.

I understood where
she was coming from.
I never have any money.

And if it's gotta be,
it's gotta be,

'Cause I'm not gonna
compromise my art,
not for any woman.

Are you a painter?


Not getting anywhere, huh?

Basement theater
with 30 seats.

That's the kind
of work I get.

Will you stop tapping
over there?

Well, what's goin' on?
Can I get a cappuccino?

What's going on is
none of your business.
Just wait your turn.

Look, who k*lled her?

What do you know
about this guy

She started seeing
a few weeks ago?

He was a mental patient
she'd taken care of
at the hospital.

She never
told me his name.
I never met him.

Her havin' a new boyfriend,
that cause you any jealousy?



You can't be talkin' about
something so important

That he can't take a minute
to make me a cappuccino.

Sir, if you would
just give us a minute
without interrupting,

We can finish with
mr. Tremayne here,

And then he can go over
there and make you
your cappuccino.

Fine. I'll go someplace
where they appreciate
my business.

Yeah, go on.
Take a hike.

Ok. I'm going.

I'm outta here.

And you make a lousy
cappuccino anyway!

What a drag
about darlene.

You're gonna be working here,
right, larry,

If we have more questions
for you?

Yeah. Unless
I get my break.


That guy.
"I want my cappuccino."

One lousy handicap,
and he figures he's got
a license to butt in.

Sweater, my walkman,
some tapes,

Maybe a book,
couple oranges,
um...oh, my hair gel.

That's about all
I can think of.

Ok, then, gabe,
I guess that's about it.

Obviously, we'll keep
an eye out, but, uh...

With regards to getting
your stuff back, that's
kind of a long shot.

Gabe: I understand.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Sure feel bad about
that bike messenger.


Kirkendall: the d.o.a.
Bike messenger
came up clean.

I'm still waiting
on this gabe's b.c.i.

good morning.

Good morning.

Fancy: so what'd you
find over there?

D.o.a. Was cut up
something awful.

No forced entry.

Anyone to like?

Simone: she was
a private duty nurse

Started going out with
a former mental patient.

Plus there's
an old boyfriend‐‐

Some actor she dumped
that's free of all
anger and jealousy‐‐

Told us about
the mental patient.

So you think you might
like the actor?

He acts in basements.
He don't have no talent,

Can't get more than 30 people
to look at him.

Anybody who gets dumped

And doesn't even get mad,
you gotta like a little,

But with the level
of v*olence here,

You probably need to make
this mental patient
the better bet.

That patrolman's
making inquiries
about your homicide.

Tommy richardson.

D.o.a. Worked out of
lafayette hospital.

We'll check there and see if
we can grab up the nut job.

Sipowicz: hey, tommy.

good morning, tom.

I, uh, knew this girl,
your d. O. A.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, that's tough.

You guys like anybody?

Might be some‐‐
some nut job

She was nursing as
a private patient.

Oh, god.

She was my first girlfriend,
this girl.

We knew each other
from high school.

I saw her
at least once a week.

I talked to her 3, 4 times
a week on the phone.

You hide the phone bills
from your wife?

Darlene came
to our wedding.

She and my wife
were friends.

I met this guy,

If it's this rich wacko

She was private‐duty
nursing for.

When you spoke to her, tom,

Did she indicate she felt
this guy was dangerous?

She said on his medication
he was under control.

He seem under control
when you saw him?

He wasn't foaming
at the mouth or anything.

She was a sweet girl.
I mean, a good,
sweet person.

Yeah. Look, we'll
keep you posted, huh?

Hey, what about
this actor idiot
she used to go out with?

He's who gave us
the nut job.

What'd you think
of the actor?

Just seemed
like a loser.

He take their breakup
hard, or what?

She didn't say that,

Was he off
his medication,
the other one?

We're just getting into it
right now, tommy.

We're definitely gonna
keep you posted.

I really wish
you guys would.

You know how you realize

Couple of things change,
your whole life would be


I went into the service
straight after high school,

Or darlene and me
would've got married.

Sorry, richardson.

Thanks, andy.


I think
that you can see

I'm trying
to cooperate.

We're the both of us
impressed by that, jason.

We're up on
the second floor now.

Yep. Here we are.

What we're gonna
do now, jason,

Is I'm gonna be,
uh, taking you into
an interview room.

Exactly what you told me
was going to happen.

That's what we told you,
and, uh, that's what
we're gonna do.

And while
I take you in there,
detective sipowicz here,

He's gonna get you
any type of refreshment
that you may want.

Gonna have a little chat
with our boss maybe.

You're going to tell him
I've confessed?

What did we say
about that?

What was our deal
that we made
about that?

That's right. I'm not
supposed to say that again
until you get me situated.

We're gonna get you

Do it absolutely
by the numbers.

The thing is...

I liked darlene so much,

And I feel
a corresponding remorse.

Absolutely you should
hold that concept.

Can detective sipowicz
get you anything
to drink?

No. I don't want
any refreshment
until I've confessed.


Here we go, jason.

How's it going,


How's yourself?

I would be good
if I didn't know

Something was gonna
louse this up,

And because I know something
is gonna louse this up,

I want to express now
my strong feeling

This is how law enforcement
was meant to be conducted.

The nut job was
at the hospital.

Oh, he was at the hospital,

In the nut floor waiting room
when we arrived.

He hears us
identify ourselves,

Presents himself
to be taken into custody.

And he admitted
he k*lled her.

Between the nut house
and the station house,

Admitted he k*lled her,
I would say, a minimum
of 5 times.

You give him
his rights?

I have given this guy
his rights so often

I may now be even with
how many suspects I've
questioned in my career.

W‐we don't have to notify
the family or anything,

It's not our job
to determine
his competence.


Let me now rejoin bobby
and our suspect jason.

Jason's withholding
from himself

To force himself
to give a statement.

Detective sipowicz?

What are you doing here?

Can we talk
for a few minutes?

I'm working right now.

Can I help you?

No. It's personal.

Detective sipowicz
is investigating a homicide,

So if it's personal,
maybe you should take it up
with him somewhere else.

All right.

I'm detective sipowicz's

And it's important
that he and I speak.

Come here.

You got balls
coming here.

I'm sorry to put you
in an awkward position,

But I don't see
that you've given me
many choices.

You don't, huh?

You told me not to
talk to your wife
about your condition,

So I can't
leave a message
at your home,

And all the messages
that I've left here
go unanswered.

Let me help you
with the choice
that leaves you, dr. Talbot.

Don't call,

Don't leave
no more messages,

And don't you ever
come here again.

Look, I know that this
is painful for you,

But I feel that I have
a professional

To help you confront
what's happening.

That's crap.
It's up to me
what I want to do,

And that don't include
talking to you
in this house.

Look, just calm down
a little bit‐‐

Calm down?!
You want to see me angry?

You want to see me
get angry?!


Are you
threatening me?

I'm telling you,
I'm working here,

And I don't want
to talk no more.

Now you get out of here.

This is not inevitably
a death sentence.

Do you think
I'm kidding?



I know you're not kidding.

[Breathing hard]


Sit down.

I don't believe you told us
the truth before.

I think you had dope
in that backpack.

Huh? I told you
I had my sweater
and my walkman in there.

And don't forget
your hair gel.

Yeah, my hair gel.

We got your sheet back,

You took a pop for dealing.


I think you knew
the bike messenger,

And I think you know
who shot him.

We just want some help.

We're not lookin'
to lock you up
about the dr*gs.

I swear to you,
I never saw
the bike rider before.

I don't know him.
I don't know
why he did it.

That's the truth.

How about the thief?

I don't know him

Gabe, we get burned
by jerks like you,

We form grudges,
and then god help you.

I didn't know him.

But you had something wrong
in that backpack.

[Clears throat]

Yeah, all right,
I had something
in the backpack.


I helped bring a couple
people together.
That's all.


Now, the guy
who stole it,

He had to know
what you were into

'Cause he made
a pretty good guess
what you were carrying.

Now, I want you
to think hard.

You ever see him before?


He looked kind of
like this guy
I seen.


Where'd you see him?

He looks like this guy
I seen a time or two

With this colombian.

His name is galvez.

He runs a crew
over on avenue c.

Where on avenue c?


Where all that
action is.

You're gonna have to
go down there with us.

No, not me, man. No.

Nobody's gonna see you.

You'd just have to
point him out.

I won't point him out
in court.

Yeah, but I'll
point him out.

Can we start?

First we're gonna have you
initial on this form

That you
understand each right
as I tell it to you.

I can initial them
while I tell you
what happened.

Let him go through
your rights now.

You can remain silent.

Do you understand that
and decline your right?



Initial the box.

You have a right
to an attorney.


Do you understand
that right?

I understand
and decline.

Initial the box.

If you want an attorney
and cannot afford one‐‐

No. I have a substantial
trust fund.

If you want an attorney
and can't afford one,

One will be appointed
to you

And will represent you
free of charge.

I'll initial no.

Then anything
that you tell us

Could be used against you
in court.


That you don't decline.
You say "I understand."

I understand.

Initial the box.

I already did.

Sign at the bottom.

With pleasure.

Simone: ok, jason,
just tell us what happened.

Darlene was my nurse
at lafayette hospital,

Where you and I
just met.


And we had formed
a friendship,

And, actually,
darlene had a crush
on me.

I was attractive.

Each night,
after her shift,

I would visit

And sometimes
we'd cabaret,

And sometimes
we'd stay in.


Well, did you and darlene
have any kind of

I can only say

That I stopped taking
my medication.

Although, what's crazy

Is that I thought
I was still
taking it.

So you got confused.

I must have kept it
under my tongue

And pretended
to swallow it

And then spit it out

Which is when I have
delusional episodes.

All right, jason,

What led up to
you strangling darlene?

I remember
seeing her dead...

At 2 a. M. This morning.

Uh, letting myself in,

Seeing what I had done.

He is asking
what led up to
you k*lling her.

I must have been

What kind of delusions?

I'll hear voices,

Or if some people
circulate a list
of rich people

To be robbed
in times square.

That kind of thing.

So did you think
that darlene was
conspiring against you?

No, no.
No, that's one thing
I know for sure.

She would never do
anything like that.

So what pissed you off?

Simone: jason?

You do remember
k*lling darlene, right?

Let's say I do.

Let's say you do?

I know I k*lled her.

Here we go.
Here we go.

You gonna claim
blackout now?
Is that where we're going?

No. I know
I must have k*lled her.

What happened afterwards?

Do you remember
what happened afterwards?

What did you do with her?
Maybe you tied her up?

She said she wasn't
feeling well.

I know
I was disappointed

That she didn't want
to go out,

So I took a walk,
over by the seaport

And in that
general area.

And then, finally,

I went to
a duane reed

And bought her a lot
of cold remedies.



You took that up to her?

I took it up,
and I found her dead.

He's asking what you remember
when you saw her alive.

Well, that would be
the day before,

And then last night
she said she wasn't
feeling well.

Son of a bitch.
Son of a bitch!

What? What?
What do you want?

So you're not confessing
to nothin'?

Listen, I set my
brother's house on fire
4 years ago.

I have had
over 3 separate
traffic accidents

That were my fault
and I didn't mind

I know I must have
k*lled her.

And all those things
happened when you were
off medication.


But you're not sure
if you have been
off medication

These last 2 weeks.

I must have been.

Oh, for god's sake.

She was
a very sweet girl,

And she was
the first person
to be kind to me

In a very long time.

I can't believe it.

This is how I repay her!

I knew this would
screw up.

Told us all them times
that he did it.

What'd I tell you?
I tell you this would
screw up?

He gave you nothing
on the way over

That puts himself there
k*lling her?

He just kept saying
he did it.

And I kept on
giving him his rights.

Well, maybe it'll
come back to him.

He's nuts.
We're as liable
to go back in there,

And he'll be napoleon.

Hey, tommy.

Hey. Did I hear
you picked the guy up?

Yeah. We're talking
to him now.

Did he go for
k*lling darlene?

Says he must have,
but he don't remember.

What is that,
some stinkin' trick
to plead insane?

As far as that goes,
he seems pretty nutty.

He's not getting away with this.
I'll tell you that right now.

If he did this,
he's goin' down for it.

Hey, relax, tom.
Take it easy.

How am I gonna
take it easy?

No one says
you're not
gonna be upset.

Let us do our jobs.

Yeah, a‐a‐all right,
all right.

You guys do your jobs.

All else fails
with napoleon,

We can turn richardson
loose on him.

Morning, andy.

How's it going?

Where's this one?

He's upstairs
looking at your psycho.

He didn't do nothin'
to himself?

No. Shannon watched him
during the night.

Said he seemed happy enough
to be there.

more comfortable there

Than his original
residence on mars.

So, um, I hope
everything turned out
all right yesterday

With that doctor.



Good morning, andy.

How's it goin'?

How's napoleon?

Don't remember no more
than he did yesterday.

You gotta like him
for k*lling her.

No forced entry
rules out a stranger,

And that
pain‐in‐the‐ass actor,

He ain't got the balls.

Should we be looking
at tommy richardson?

I don't know
what his motives
would be.

Uh, unless maybe
being involved with
the d. O. A.,

She's pressuring him
to leave his wife.

But if they'd been involved,
you'd think the actor
would have known about tommy.

Plus none of them
busybody neighbors
mentioned them.

Has the psycho said we can
talk to his doctor?

Oh, yeah,
he gave permission.

Oh, god.

Well, we gotta
talk to him, andy.

Does the guy
have a history
of memory blackouts?

Let's talk to them
phony sons of b*tches.

Does he cooperate
taking his meds?

Did I say
let's talk to him?

Also, I got the nurses
that you worked with.

Here, I'll talk
to the nurses.

You can talk
to those assholes.



Put that out.
It's affecting my sinuses.

Gotta do something
while I'm sitting here.

Why you gotta do

Why can't you just be?

Be what?

Just be what you are.

I am being what I am.
I'm a smoker.

Hey, that's him.

That's the guy.
The one in
the black jacket‐‐

He's the guy
that stole my backpack.

2 Hispanic males
coming out of the building.

Our man's in
the black jacket.

Let's go.

Stay here with gabe.



Police! Hold it!

Hold it!

Turn around!

Get your hands
on the fence!
Get over there!

What's going on?

Hardest coat
in the world
to get cuffs on.

Yeah, I got it.

He's clean.
Do you want him?

Take a walk.

what's your name?

What's your name?

Maybe that one's
too tough for him.

Maybe you should've
started with
"what time is it?"

Uh, yeah. 2:00'S good.

Look, it's really
whatever you say.


I appreciate
your cooperation.

How's it goin'?
Uh, hang on just a second.

I don't like being
in those places

Any more than
I have to, you know?

You mind we speak
somewheres else?


Yeah, I know where
the acropolis is.

Ok. Thanks a lot.

Harrison ford.

I'm seeing the nut job's
psychiatrist at 2:00.

When you notified her
in worcester,

Didn't the d. O. A.'S
mother say that she
was an only child?

Come on over, larry.

Who says she's not?

This nurse says
the d. O. A. Had a brother
and they were close.

What, are you referring
to darlene's brother?

What do you know
about him?

That's what I came
to talk to you about.

To say what?

Just that he talked to me
a couple times,

And he was really
protective of her,

And if she began
to date someone else,
I bet he'd know who.

I‐i'll be back
in just a second.

You want a coffee
or something?

No, thanks.

So, uh, did you do
a performance
last night?

Monday nights are dark.

What do you mean,

No performances.


You, uh,

You ever been to a play?

Uh, sleuth
I went to.

Oh, yeah?
How was that?


Check that out, larry.
See if you recognize anybody.

Yeah, right there.

Who do you recognize?

That's darlene's brother.
What group is that?

Is that some kind of
a softball outing?

Picnic last year labor day,

For the uniform cops
in our precinct.

Just your name.

Is that too much to ask?

What if someone puts up
bail for joe blow?

How am I gonna know
it's you?

You're starting
to piss me off, fella!

You're in very
serious trouble.

Now, I think
you're man enough

To face that
and deal with it.

Meet us halfway,

And maybe
we can help.

You like pepsi?

Want something
to drink?

How about telling me
your name?

There goes the rest
of your pepsi.

Back in the cage.
Go on.

Keep it down.

Boy, that pisses me off.

Let's try for lifts
off the pepsi can.

That's very clever, jill.

Yeah. We'll find out

If this guy's a member
of generation next.

You know?

Like the pepsi ad motto.


Hey, tommy.

How's it going?

I came in early.
I was hoping
I'd get caught up

With what's going on
with darlene's homicide.

What, are you doin'
a 4:00‐to‐12:00?

Yeah. I came in early.

Let's go in here,

Away from prying eyes.

P.a.a. Said you went
to the hospital,

This guy turned
himself in.

Yeah. Here we go.

Did that wacko's doctor
talk to you?

Did you find
anything out?

His main
psychiatrist did.

What'd he say?

What type mental illness
does this guy have?

He's says he's
a schizophrenic

by medication.

He didn't think
he did the homicide.

He didn't?

And did that make
sense to you guys?

Nothing them people say
makes sense.

No, huh?

Hey, tommy,
did you, uh...

Tell this darlene's

That you were
her brother?

Did I talk
to the psycho?

No. The actor boyfriend.

Did you tell anybody

That you were
the d. O. A.'S brother?

I think I told
the actor friend

I was her brother.


So he wouldn't think
I was coming
from jealousy

Or that type motive
looking out
for darlene.


The actor said

I told him
I was her brother?

He did,
and we're gonna go up,

And we're gonna ask
this jason about it.

Did you tell him
that, too?

I don't get
the importance.

It don't have
to be important.

That's what
I'm saying.

Just you telling a lie.

Hey. How about changing
your tone of voice?

Hey, tommy. What times
did you see this darlene?

The once a week or so

That you told us you would
get together with her.

What times?


Hey, screw you,

Back off, andy.

I don't like nothin'
impedes investigations.

So it's an inconvenience.

I'd go up to see her
late, you know.

Well, you do mostly

Stop in and see her
after that.

Nurses and cops, huh?

Exactly. Right.

We both work
strange shifts.

Why we ask,

None of the neighbors
said they'd see you.

Well, that's why.
I'd stop there
so late.

As far as seeing
the psycho,

I think I told you
that I met him
the one time.

Did you ask him
his intentions
towards darlene?

I don't know if I
asked him that

Or what solar system
he came from.

Did you ask him
his intentions, tommy,

Saying you were
her brother?

What's going on

Are you guys
looking at me?

We're trying to figure out
your connection to her.

Because if you're
looking at me,

That is
completely crazy.

Her and my wife
were friends.

What's that got
to do with it?

What would their
being friends prove
one way or another?

See, you could argue
that could be the reason

Why you would want
to k*ll her, tom.

Man, this is beautiful.

For the sake
of discussion,

Her and your wife
are friends.

You seeing darlene
at night,

Maybe it's gotten

Or it's always
been physical.

Not everybody
in the world's

A sick drunk
like you, sipowicz.

For the sake
of discussion, tommy.

You're possessive
over darlene

With other guys that
she tries to see,

But you don't want
to break it off
with your wife.

Maybe this darlene gives you
some type ultimatum‐‐

No more
late‐night rendezvous,

Plus she's dropping a dime
to the better half.

You know what, guys,
kiss my ass.

Draw straws
for the sequence?

I mean it.
I mean it.

This is sick,
and I'm getting
the hell out.

Unless you guys are
gonna lock me up.

Nobody's gonna
lock you up, tommy.

We're just gonna
go upstairs and
talk to jason.

Good. You go up
and talk to jason.

Birds of a feather.

Birds of a feather?

What does that mean,

Now I'm a sick drunk
and a psycho?

How's it going, jason?

I'm not going to ask.
Who wants to know?

You feeling ok?

I'm concerned, with not
taking my medication,

That I may be delusional
and paranoid.

Your doctor over
at the hospital

Just told us that
you'd be all right

Not taking anything
for about a week.

What if I already
haven't been taking it?

He thinks
you probably have been.

He does?


Based on when he's
seen you over there...

What, was it yesterday?

And how we
described you to him.

You know, I thought
I'd been taking it, too.

You're not hearing any voices
or anything, right?

I can hear your voice.

Oh, that's good,

'Cause he's actually

If I've been taking
my medication,

Why did I k*ll



Did you ever meet
darlene's brother?

We had one good talk.

I think
I satisfied tommy

My intentions
were honorable.

Did you ever
talk to tommy

About your
mental health problems?

I didn't think
it was right
to withhold that.

Did he ask you at all
about taking your meds?

Yes, tommy did.

I told him I'd had
periods in the past

Where I'd hold the meds
under my tongue,

But that I'd been
compliant for 7 months.

Which at the time
I thought was true.

Look, no brother's
going to embrace
his sister's suitor

With open arms.

And given my history
of insanity,

I feel tommy's
reminding me
of my noncompliance

Was appropriate.

And what
I did to darlene
has borne that out.

Stop saying you k*lled
that girl, all right?

You don't know
that you k*lled her.

Tommy must be
furious with me.

I'm gonna make
a guess now

As to your
possible name.

Don't forsake
your silence.

Just, maybe if I'm
on the right track,

Give me a nod.

I'm getting...
An "a."



I'm getting
an "arturo."

Is that
anywhere close?

Is your first name

We know a lot more
about you

Than the last time
we spoke, arturo.

I'm getting an "r."


Is it arturo reyna,

With 4 prior
possession collars
and one for sale?

Arturo, we got no intention
of putting dr*gs

Into what happened
on the street.

As far as we know,
this was a simple robbery,

You grabbing a backpack.

And what about
that guy?

Lo, he speaks.

Which guy?

The guy that got hurt.

I heard there was
an alleged sh**ting.

As far as we know,
that guy's all right.

So I'd be going
for grabbing a backpack?

Yeah. It's not the end
of the world, is it?

Nah, guess not.

Shall we write it up?


How'd you come by my name?

You didn't guess it,

Do not ask me to predict
lotto numbers, arturo.

My powers
are used solely
to accomplish good.

Are you sure the guy
that got shot
is all right?

as far as we know.


We gotta look harder
at tommy richardson.

This guy upstairs
is out of his mind,

But he didn't
do no m*rder.

Doesn't make it

we're not saying
it's definitely him.

What's making us
look harder,

A‐‐every guys that
shows an interest
in this girl,

Richardson goes paying them
a social call.

Says he's her brother,

Wants to know
their intentions.

So you think he was
still involved
with her himself?

This guys hangs out
with her at 1:00
in the morning.

It's guessing putting
an exact motive on him,

If the d. O. A. Is looking
to break it off

Or if she's threatening
to tell his wife.

But why you want to try
to make one fit‐‐

Richardson's definitely
moving this nut job's
head around,

Planting in his mind

That he might be
off his meds.

Setting him up
as a suspect.

Cuts her up real good,

Make it look
like a psycho k*ller.

Mike shannon.

Maybe being
richardson's delegate.

How's it going, mike?

Hey, how's it going?

I'm here as
tommy richardson's delegate.

In other words,
richardson's making
this adversarial.

Don't piss in my ear and
tell me it's raining, andy.

You're whose made this

No. What's making it
adversarial, mike,

Is tommy telling us lies.

Tommy's told me
you got a guy in custody

Confessed to this homicide.

To the homicide plus
to the w*r in bosnia.

We're pretty sure that
this guy that confessed
didn't do it, mike.

You notify i. A. B.?


Which tells you that
nobody's looking
to hang him.

Anyways, I'm formally

I don't want youse
talking to tommy again

Without me in the room.

Since you're refereeing,
let richardson know

That we're looking
to talk to his wife.

God, a civilian's confessed,

But you're looking to unsettle
a cop's marriage on spec?

My detectives know how
to ask questions

Don't jam people
unnecessarily, shannon.


All right.

He's just doing what
he's supposed to do.

Notice the sudden
temperature drop

As we traversed
the first floor?

Yeah. It's gonna be
a whole lot colder

If we turn up something
on richardson.

She's picking you up?

Is she doing better?

Yeah, she's, uh,
you know,

her strength back.

Yeah, that flu
knocks the strength

Right out of you

Dolores said that you
had some back‐and‐forth

With the doctor



Comes to my workplace
as a jerk.

There's your ride.

Is everything ok,

He was dunning me
for a bill.

Yeah, huh?


Hi, andy.

This is open malingering.

You're supposedly
down with the flu.

I'm coming back


Night, partner.

Hats and mittens.

Simone: yeah.

What's up?

Gotta look at a cop
for a homicide.

Not expecting a real warm
reception tomorrow


You ready to come back?

Still got my desk,

I like being with you
days...and nights.
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