03x10 - Landscape with Running Figures: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fugitive". Aired: September 17, 1963 – August 29, 1967.*
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Dr. Richard is wrongly convicted for a m*rder he didn't commit, escapes custody and ends up in a game of cat-and-mouse with the real k*ller.
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03x10 - Landscape with Running Figures: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Mr. Carver.

Mr. Carver, please.

Please don't run away from me.

Mr. Carver.


It is Steve, isn't it?

I never told you but...

But when you
first got on the bus,

I saw you, I know I did.

And, uh, when I-I looked at you,

all sorts of...

Of wild fantasies
crossed my mind.

I thought of what
it would be like if...

If for some reason you and
I were taken away together.

And it did happen.

But... But only a
part of it happened.

Only a very small part.


You saw me?

Yes, yes.

Carver, don't leave me,
don't run away from me now.


This is Lieutenant Gerard.

I'd like to speak
to my wife again.

A QM Production.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate when
a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run before
the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Barbara Rush, Herschel Bernardi.

Co-staring: Jud
Taylor, Robert Doyle.

Also starring Barry Morse
as Lieutenant Philip Gerard.

A police dragnet,
a bus accident,

and an ironic fate

have brought together two people

on a lonely country road.

The woman, blinded
in the accident,

is unaware that the man
beside her is Richard Kimble.

And neither is
aware that the other

is fleeing from the obsession

of Lieutenant Philip Gerard.

Hunter of the man,
husband of the woman.

Are you all right, Mrs. Lindsay?

Just tired.

How long ago was the accident?

About a half an hour.

Is that all?

I've lost all track
of everything.

Is it still light out?


How much further until we
reach where we're going?

Not much further.

What's happened?

Te... Tell me what is it?

There's a car in the
middle of the road.

Mister, mister. Can
you help me, please?

We can't stop.

I can give you a lift
into town, that's all.

Please, just... Just
take a look, huh?

I need your help.

It'll only take a
minute. Honest.

Well, what about that, chief?

Yeah, what do you think?

There's a woman in that truck
that needs medical attention.

I've got to get...

I've got to get
to the next town.

No sweat, chief.

We just wanna borrow a tire.

Take a look, Beavo.

Hey, hey, what's with her?

She can't see.

Could be a concussion.


Ah, ah.

Who is it?

All right, take the tire.

Move it, Beavo.

Thanks a lot, chief.

It's a 914.

Close enough.

You took the tire. You don't...

You don't need us.

Take? What do you mean, take?

We don't want to take anything.

We'll pay you for it.

Here, let me take a look,
chief, see what I got here.

You got any change for a 50?


Flat out, huh?

What about your girlfriend?

She left her purse
at the accident.

It's too bad.

Now, wait, wait, wait.

We'll find someway to settle up.

We just don't wanna take it.

Psst, hey.

Let me tell you about a
girl I once knew had T.B.

Did I ever tell you about her?

Did I?

Did I?

Did I? Stop it!

Stop it!

Easy, easy.

Come on, give me
a hand with that tire.

♪ I can't help but
wonder Will you still be ♪

It's all right.

It's all right now.

Just a bunch of kids.

It's all right.

Hey, chickee, the name's Beavo!

Remember to ask for me!

Command 1 to 1L35.
Come in please. Over.

1L35. Over.

This is Detective Sergeant
Rainey at Command 1.

Has the 2:10 bus
to Joplin, Number 73,

passed your position yet? Over.

About an hour ago.

Most of the passengers
got off when they heard

that the highway
ahead was flood alerted.

An auxiliary bus
just picked them up

and took them back to the city.


Lieutenant, the word
we got from Fredonia

is that the bus from here's
more than a half-hour overdue.

I'm sorry about
this, lieutenant.

But even if your wife
had stayed on the bus,

It's likely there was just

some sort of
mechanical breakdown.

We're sending a car out to
check the entire stretch of highway.

How serious is it?

I don't know.

I understand there's
a lot of pressure

on the Tilden Dam.

There's nothing to be
concerned about yet.

She's probably on her way
back on the auxiliary bus.

She's in safe hands.

We'll be there any
minute now, Mrs. Lindsay.

Are we there?

We're there.

It's, uh, only a few
more feet to walk.

Think you can make it?

How much further?

We're almost there.

You'd better rest a while.

Mr. Carver.

I won't be far.

You rest a while.

Something's happened,
Mr. Carver. What is it?

I'm all right.

I know I won't be
suddenly able to see again

but I don't want
to be lied to again.

The town's been evacuated.
There's no one here.

The phones? What
about the phones?

They're all dead.

Are we going back to the truck?

I think we're better
off here for now.

There's a switchboard
inside this building.

We may be able
to get a line through.

Don't be frightened. I'm
gonna break some glass.

Come on.

Would you mind if I asked
you to keep talking to me?

Uh, you can talk about anything.

Just anything at all.

Um... Wh... What
do you do for a living?

Jobs. Odd jobs.

For a moment back
there at the accident,

I thought that you
might be a doctor.

I think that believing that

might have carried
me over that...

That one moment.

Mr. Carver? You are
still there, aren't you?

I'm still here.

I don't know...

I don't know why I thought
that you had to be a doctor.

It's just the

incredible conceit of
the individual I suppose.

Always believing that,

whatever happens or
wherever it happens,

some divine providence

will allow you
personally to survive.






Mrs. Lindsay? Hm.

Mrs. Lindsay.

It's all right.

It's all right. It's
Steve Carver.

You were just
sleeping. It's all right.

The switchboard, what
about the switchboard?

The lines are all
dead out of here.

Some... Somebody's come back.

They've come back, haven't they?

I'll go take a look.

I want you to do
something for me.

You sit here.

Now, one of these circuits
has got to go through.

They're probably trying
to repair the line already.

Now, this is the key
to call the operator.

When the lines are
repaired, she'll answer.

You'll have to speak
to her through this.

Can you do it?

Good. I'll be back
in a few minutes.

Mr. Carver?

Is there really a chance of
getting something on this line,

or is this just occupational
therapy for the blind?

No, there is a
chance, Mrs. Lindsay.

You know, it... It
really doesn't seem

very important now, but
that's not really my name.

Mr. Carver?

Mr. Carver?

Operator. Operator.


This is the Fredonia operator.


Don't cut me off.
Can you hear me?

Yes, ma'am. I can hear you.

Operator, we need help.

Hi, chief. Small world.

Came out dry,
decided it was refill time.

Before on the road, I
asked you your help.

Uh, wait, wait, wait.

Wait a minute. Don't tell me.

You got change of a 50.

Before I asked for it.

Now I've got to have it.

Got to?

How's that again, chief?

Come on, Tommy, I wanna hear.

Where's the blind woman?

She's down the block.

Trying to get a direct
phone line through.

If she can't...

If we can't get her somewhere,

where they can help her,
she can slip back into shock.


Go on, mister,
what'll happen then?

Well, she could die.

If she can't get
help she could die.

Hard lines, chief.

Come on, Joannie, come off.

Ah, come on, Beavo.

She could really die?

Right here? Huh?

That's why we have to get her
somewhere where they can help.

Somewhere where
they can help her.

Well, we just have
to think it out, chief.

I'll tell you what.
Why don't you, uh...

Why don't you just have
a drink on the house, huh?



Go on, take it. It's good.


Yeah, you really
have a problem, chief.

Somebody really
pulled the plug on you.

You're in the
middle of a vacuum.

You know, that's why
we cruise around here.

There's nobody to bug you.

No fuzz, no heat.

Really free, like you're
all alone in the world.

It's like somebody came
along and dropped the b*mb.


Where's the nearest town
that hasn't been evacuated?

Uh, um... Mm... Uh,
maybe Hanleyville.

What do you think?

No, no, no, wait, wait,
wait, wait a minute.

It seems to me I heard

Hanleyville was
three feet under water.

She needs help now. Mm.

Relax, chief. Drink your drink.

We gotta think this out.



Yes, I'll wait.


Yes, this is Mrs. Gerard.

Mrs. Gerard, yes.

I want to speak to
Lieutenant Philip Gerard.

Hold on, I'll get him for you.

Lieutenant, it's your wife.

We still haven't gotten
word from the bus.

She must have gotten off
with the others at the roadblock.

Marie? Where are you?

Phil, I'm in a little town. I
don't remember the name.

I took a bus this
morning and then...

I know that. I want to
know why you're doing this.

Tell me.

D-Doing this?

You know how close
we might be to Kimble.

You know what this means to me.

And still you do this. Why?

Philip, I want you
to come and get me.

I see.

This is some sort of test.

A choice between you and Kimble.

No, it's not a test.

There's been an accident.

What happened?

Are you all right?

It's a little late to ask that.

I just want to know whether
or not you're coming to get me.

If you have to think
about it, Philip, don't come.

Marie? Mar...

It's going to be all right.

I got through.

They're sending an ambulance.

Some of the roads
a-are still blocked

so they don't know how
much time it will take.

But it's coming.

Mr. Carver?

Mr. Carver?

Mr. Carver.

Mr. Carver!

You wait a second, chief.

Now we're gonna help you out.

There's lots of people
wouldn't get involved but us,

we're gonna help you.

Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Wait, we didn't mean it.

We were gonna help you. Honest.

We were only kidding.

Tell him, Joannie, tell him!

Come on.

It's all right.

It's all right.

Don't cry.

It's all over now.

I'll need a car and a driver.

I want to go to my wife.

It may take a little
while to trace the call.

We can radio you en
route when we get the word.

Kimble's not like
other criminals.

People... Decent people.

Will hide him, lie for him.

It's always been that way.

You can't believe anybody.

Don't worry, lieutenant.

If he's in there,
we'll dig him out.


Yes, I'm sure you will.

That better?


Those people...

What were they?

Just people that are gone.

People you don't have
to think about anymore.


Yes, that's the
best idea. I won't.

I won't think about them.

I'll put them away
with all the other things

I don't have to think about.

I was able to get the operator

to put another
call through for me.

Did I tell you that?

Another call?

Well, it wasn't
anything important.

What's important now,

is that I get the doctor to
prescribe a drink for me.

Almost everything's locked up.

Cheese and crackers.

Half a bottle of wine.

I'll take it.

Are... Are the lights on here?

There's no electricity at all.

They must've
turned it off when they

decided to evacuate the town.

I don't know why that
makes me feel better.

May I have some
of that wine now?

Back on the bus,

a man said something about being

the last two people
left in the world.

And here we are.

How long were you married?

You were married, weren't you?

Mr. Carver?

Yes, I was married.

I could tell.

There's a... A quality.

Not quite beaten,
but badly burned.

What was it?




Act of God?

I suppose you
could say act of God.

Oh, I'm...

I'm sorry. I don't
know why I said that.

Were... Were there any children?


Oh, that's too bad.

Or maybe it's good.
I... I'm never sure.

I'm... I'm talking
too much, aren't I?

And I can't stop.

It's all I've got to hold on to,

and you can't hold
on to words, can you?


Uh, tell me, when
you were married,

were you happy?

Yes, that's what I want to know.

Were you happy?

What's the matter, Mr. Carver?

Hasn't anyone
ever asked you that?

Not for a long while.

I guess we were happy.

It's been a long time.
I don't remember.

That's not something you forget.

I didn't say I'd forgotten.

I said I didn't remember.

Please, Mr. Carver,
would you tell me about it?

Don't be angry. Start anywhere.

Tell me about anything.

But please talk to me.

Captain, no answer yet.

But the call did originate
from the Tilden board.

L9, L9. This is Command 1.

Command 1, this is L9. Over.

The telephone call
originated in Tilden.


Your best bet will be Highway 6.

You should be there
in less than two hours.

Good luck, lieutenant.

Thank you.

We hadn't planned
to get married.

Not right away.

Then my reserve outfit
was called up for Korea.

And we spent our
honeymoon in San Diego.

Town was so crowded,

that she had to
stay at the YWCA.

Every night I could get
off I'd walk her back there.

Kiss my wife good night in
front of the door of the YWCA.

Even after the w*r,

it was a while before we
could afford our own place.

The first one wasn't much.

Two whole weeks of
nothing but painting.

I guess we were happy then.

Where was that?

Back in that small
town you mentioned?

Yeah, back in S...

Back in that small town.

It must be very painful

being asked to go
over all of that again.

No, it wasn't.

It wasn't at all.

So long ago I'd
almost forgotten.

I thought there was
nothing back there.

Just some dust and dead leaves.

It helps?

Hm, it helps.

Maybe we could bottle it.


Just the thing for
people on the run.

Where I come from nobody runs.

It's that kind of town.

It's a perfect circle.

There's nothing to run to,

and there's nothing
to run away from.

The only thing to
do is wait around

until the movie
theatre changes its bill.

Every Wednesday.

And sometimes on Saturday.

Only when it's a foreign movie.

You've been there.

Another town with another
name. But I've been there.

Any more?

Dead soldier.

After faithful service, as
my husband would say.

I was able to get a call
through to my husband.

He's back in the city.

Will he be coming here?

No, I didn't tell him,

so he won't be coming here.

I should explain my
marriage to you, Mr. Carver.

What you see before you

is the losing end of a
modern-day triangle.

I lost my husband some
time ago to a will-o'-the-wisp

who drifts in and
out, twisting our lives.

The little man who wasn't there.

He wasn't there again today.

He's never there.

Never there.

You probably read about it.

It was in all the newspapers.

You did get newspapers
in that town of yours?

Two of them.

One and a half to be exact.

Oh, then you
couldn't have missed...

One and a half?

It was sort of a local joke.

The one paper,
the Call Dispatch,

uh, came out twice a week,

so everyone said one and a half.

The Call Dispatch?

Yeah. It wasn't much of a joke.

You'd have to come from a
town like that to understand it.

Yes, I guess you would.

Mr. Carver, you never told me,

how long were you
and Helen married?


Isn't that what you
said her name was?

Yes, that was her name. Helen.

It's all right.

No, it's all right.

The power's just come back on.

That's a good sign.

That's a good sign.
It means the town

is out of danger and the
people will be coming back.

The music started, remember?

We're back in the world.

Oh, you've done so much.

Promise me... Promise
me one more thing.

Un... Until they come.

Until someone comes.

Please, please promise
me you won't leave me.

Promise me.


This is the Fredonia operator.

Mr. Carver?

No sign of the ambulance.

I don't know what's
taking them so long.

I was just trying to get
through to the operator.

I wanted to see if there
really was someone out there.

I think you ought
to rest a while.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It was just so sudden.

You won't leave me, will you?

I won't leave you.

Oh, you won't be sorry.

It's... It's not as
though there's

any amount of money that could
pay you for what you've done,

but I'm going to make
sure that when we get back,

I'm... I'm going to make sure...

I've got it.



Marie? It's Phillip.

Are you all right?

I just found out what happened.

Why didn't you tell me?

It's... It's my husband. He
must have traced my call.


Marie, can you hear me?

Yes, I'm all right.

What did you find out?

About the accident, about
what happened to you.

Have you sent for an ambulance?

Yes, from Fredonia.

Marie, I want you
to know that, uh,

I was on my way to
you before I found out.

I was on my way.

It's important to me
that you believe that.

Yes, I believe that.

We're not far from,
uh, Tilden now,

and it won't be long.
I'll be there with you.


I spoke to Margaret again
and the children are fine.

Marie. Marie, Look...

I'm sorry. I can't
talk any more now.


Mr. Carver, I'm very tired.

I think I will rest now.

I'm, uh,

gonna take another
look for that ambulance.

I might be gone for a while.

No, please, please, don't go.

You'll be all right now.
Nothing can happen to you now.

You promised me
you wouldn't leave me.

You... You won't be sorry.

Did I tell you that
I'm going to see

that you get a reward
when we get back?

What do you think of that?

You just tell me
how much you need.

Need for what?

Well, for whatever you want.

Oh, you don't have to worry.

I mean, you can just
take the money and go.

You don't have to
worry about publicity.

What makes you think
I wouldn't like publicity?

You know, I, uh...

I might like my
picture in the paper.

Mr. Carver.

Mr. Carver, please.

Please don't run away from me.

Mr. Carver.


It is Steve, isn't it?

I never told you, but...

But when you first got
on the bus, I saw you.

I know I did.

And, uh, when I-I looked at you,

all sorts of wild fantasies
crossed my mind.

I thought of what
it would be like if...

If for some reason you and
I were taken away together.

And it did happen. But...

But only a part of it happened.

Only a very small part.


You saw me?

Yes, yes.

Mr. Carver, don't leave me,
don't run away from me now.


This is Lieutenant Gerard.

I'd like to speak
to my wife again.

Marie? Can you hear me?

Mr. Carver.


Mr. Carver?

You'd do anything to keep
me here, wouldn't you?


Yes, anything.


Mr. Carver.

Kimble. Richard Kimble.

No, no.

No, it's Carver.


No, please! Please
help me! Don't leave me!



You can't get away from me.

I won't let you
get away from me.

Kimble. Kimble.



Kim... Kimble.




Let me take you
back. Don't do this stuff.

No. It began with
you, it'll end with you.

Sorry we took so long.

Some of the roads
were still closed off.

Wait a second.

You need some help?

No, thanks.


Excuse me, but I'm gonna need

some information
from you. Your name?

Steve Carver.

I understand you had to
break into the local phone office.

Any other buildings?

This is just
routine, Mr. Carver.

We know you did
what you had to do.

Uh, we just need
a record, that's all.

Just the bar, down the block.

There were others,
they broke in.


Yeah, two boys and a girl.

In a small, red pickup? Yeah.

The highway patrol
already tagged them.

Did you personally take
or otherwise consume

any items that would total
in excess of $10 in value?

Just for the insurance
boys, Mr. Carver.

No, nothing in excess of $10.

Well, I guess that covers it.

Would you sign here, please?

Marie? Marie, it's me, Philip.

Philip. Shh.

No. No, don't talk. Just rest.

Kimble. Shh.

Don't talk.

I promised the doctor.

I-I can only stay if you
don't talk and just rest.

As far as Kimble
is concerned, I...

I got word just
a little while ago.

They didn't get him.

He slipped through somehow.

And I was so sure this time.

I'm always so sure.


There'll be another
time with Kimble.

And when the
call comes, I'll go.

I have to.

He's stuck in my throat
and I can't swallow him.

Sometimes it's as if
Kimble were all around me.

You're the only thing
he hasn't touched.

The only part of my
life he can't ever get to.

And if I lost that,

there'd be nothing left.

Nothing but the thought
of Kimble choking at me.

No more.

Sometime... Not now,
but, uh, sometime,

I want you to tell me
about the accident.

About the man who helped you.


Yes, sometime.

Ahem. I...

I spoke to Margaret
again, and, uh,

she's bringing
the children down.

So I thought maybe in...

In a few days
when you're all right,

perhaps we could
all go back together.

Just as if nothing had happened.

Nothing happened.

Yes, that's the way it was.

Everything stopped,

but nothing happened.

For a brief moment, time also
stopped for Richard Kimble.

And, for a while, it had
been good to be able to stop

and look back.

And find that there
was something there.

But now it is over.

For the fugitive, time
has started again.
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