05x14 - The Accidental Doctor

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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05x14 - The Accidental Doctor

Post by bunniefuu »


It's for Peter. I assume you
know where he's staying.

Uh, a vague notion. What's this,

a peace offering?
Just give it to him, okay?

Well, maybe I don't wanna be
your go-between here, Amanda.

So just give it to him,
or toss it in the trash.

I really don't care. You know,

for what it's worth,
I think it's a mistake,

you two breaking up this way.

And besides, this can't
be all his stuff.

So, there must be some hope.

What happened to you not
wanting to be the go-between?

Oh-oh-oh, there's
nothing altruistic

in my motives, Amanda.

The truth is
that Peter's so messed up

he can't hold a scalpel,

which cuts deeply
into our profits

and my personal well-being.

Bottom line? If I don't
get my partner back,

our practice is down the toilet.

Your concern is touching.

Come on, can't you
at least talk to him?

Please, that's all we've
been doing is talking,

but talking leads to fighting.
You know the drill.

Nothing you say is going
to change what he's done.

All right, all right,
I'll keep my nose out of it.

You know, but when he gets
this box, he's gonna have

an army of questions,
what do I tell him?

Tell him to go to hell.

Did you get all that, Taylor?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Well I've been talking
to a friend ♪

♪ They tell me
this circus never ends ♪

♪ Well, that's all right,
I know what I've seen ♪

♪ But all that juice
will make you mean ♪

♪ Every little secret feels
like gravel in your soul ♪

♪ And you find yourself
believin' ♪

♪ That it's all under control ♪

♪ But you're going too fast
to avoid the cost ♪

♪ You're trying
to get back what you never ♪

♪ Really lost ♪

Come on, Sydney, I know
you're in there, open up.

Lord, what is it now?

Simple question. Where
the heck is my painting?

I saw you drag it
out of here last night,

obviously planning
on selling it.

Right on your first guess.

And before you ask,

I got exactly what I
owed the benefit folks.

To the penny, the exact amount?

Is there an echo in here?

You sold it to the guy

you were bidding against,
didn't you?

You went over there,
struck a deal.

If you already know the answers,

why ask the questions?

I don't understand

where I lost
control here, Sydney.

I need that money, any money.

Any money.


Hi, it's Carter Gallavan.

So, how are you, Sydney?

Uh, fine. Great.

How's my painting doing?

Oh, it's very happy
in my special collection room.

Anyway, I wanted
to invite you to a party.

It's at my place Thursday night.

It's for the Southwestern
Software Association.

Is this the guy
that bought my painting?

Zip it, or I'll zip it for you.

I don't have any plans.

Good, then 7:00.

I will leave your name
at the gate.

Great. See you then.

Great. Bye.

Is there any chance

you are going to tell me
what this is all about?

Not a chance in the world.

But, uh, stop by anytime.

Our chats are always such
a delightful distraction.

What's going on, Miss Samantha?

Are you okay?

Yeah. Sorry. I'm just...

Just majorly frustrated,
that's all.

I have this chance to go home

for a few days to Maryland.

My family's having
this big reunion.

Every so often we get together,

and we fight like dogs
and drink like fish

and eat crabs from, like,
morning till night.

So go. What's the problem?

Well, if I took every
dime I had in the bank,

I'd be about $300 short.

If you need a little
help, I could...

no, that wouldn't be good.
Shades of Craig.

We definitely
don't want to do that.

It's just that
I missed Christmas,

and I haven't seen my parents.

Hi. Hi.

Oh, I'm glad
I ran into you guys.

Kyle's birthday is Saturday,
and we're gonna have

a party for him
at the restaurant.

Are you free?

Yeah, I am.

I'm still not sure.

Okay, well, if you are,

it's 7:00, and gag gifts only.


Oh, and you can bring a date.

So, if you don't make it
back home to Maryland,

maybe we could go together.

I'll let you know.

Thanks, Billy.

Oh, Kimberly. You know
better than anybody

I insist on appointments,

unless this is a social call,

in which case,
you better make it fast.

I got a roster full of patients.

Our final divorce papers.

All they need is your signature.

This has got to be the
fastest divorce on record.

Well, there's no reason to wait.

Why don't you look them over

and see if everything's
the way you want it.

It looks pretty standard.

Of course, I'll have to have
my lawyer look at this.

Yeah, 50-50,
right down the line.

Half of nothing remains nothing.

You know, you could have had
a messenger send these over.


Oh, I see.
Well, if you expect me

to sign these right
here and now, I'm not.

Fine then. Just mail them.

Hey, what's the matter?
Are you crying?

You know me.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.


My Lord, what have you done

to the poor girl now?

Good question.

Oh, before I forget, this
is for you from Amanda.

She thought you might
need some of your stuff.

Did she say anything else?

Yeah. Uh, actually she
suggested you go to hell.

But look, she couldn't have
packed up everything, right?

So, I mean, obviously, she's
leaving the door open.

So I tell ya, take this
as a positive sign,

and you get your
butt back to work.

Don't start on me.

Excuse me, but have you been
in the x-ray room lately?

It's empty. All the equipment
has been repossessed.

Same deal with the EKG.

Pretty soon,
they'll turn off the power,

and we'll be operating
by candlelight.

You know, these jokes
aren't helping, Michael.

Well, who's joking?

I'm telling you, Peter,
get your act together.

You gotta stop being
afraid of being a doctor.

Ugh... no, and gag gifts only.

Right. All right, we'll see you then.
Bye bye.


What? The guest list is my job.

You just stick to the menu.

I noticed there's no Peter
or Amanda on that list.

How can you invite everybody
else, and not them?

Really, Kyle. I think
after what's happened,

this is the last place
they'd like to come.

And don't you think
after all that's happened,

we're a little responsible?

She threw him out.
They've broken up.

So? We invite them separately.

We'll get them in the same room,

pump then full
of good food and wine...

we see what happens.

Oh, now you want
to play matchmaker?


We've never discussed this,

but we both know
that we are responsible

for half their problems.

For some reason,
ever since we came to town,

their relationship
has gone to hell.

A coincidence, yet you somehow

feel responsible,
I don't get that.

I don't think your
flirting with Peter Burns

was a coincidence.

But since it's such
a big issue for you,

I'll call 'em
and invite 'em myself.

Well, they won't come.

Oh, yes they will. Trust me.

Hey, Alison.

Look at this invoice
from Bennett Liquor.

Let me see that.

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hanson.

Something going on I
don't know about, guys?

Very funny. Yeah.

If you ask me, I don't
think it'll be too long.

Ouch. Boy, look at the time.

I got to go. Final
day, final paycheck?

Oh. Here.

Thank you. You're welcome.

I really appreciate your help.

You've been a terrific employee.

Mr. Hanson, Mrs. Hanson.

Good luck to the both of you.

Bye, Matt.

So, touchy subject, huh?

One that I would
just like to keep

on the shelf for now,
if you don't mind.

You know what I think?

I think that
you're a big believer

in the institution of marriage.

You've been a bachelor
for a long time,

and I think
you're thinking ahead.

Oh, and you're not
doing the same thing?

Sure, I just never thought

we'd be talking about
marriage so quickly.

We're not talking
about marriage.

Matt was talking
about marriage, okay?

Here, give me that. Let's see.

All right? There we go.

Just like that.
Now we're divorced.

Okay, we can go back to work.
Okay, okay.

Yeah, pay that thing.


I know. I know, sure.

I miss you too, Mom.
I really do.

Okay. Um, hang on.

Jane, it's Mom.

I mean, our mom,
the one in Chicago.

And she really
wants to talk to you.

Oh, I'm really busy right now,
I'll have to call her back.

Come on, Jane,
just for a second?

I'll call her back, Syd.

Mom. Um, Jane is really
swamped right now.

Could she call you back?

Okay, I love you too.


You know, Syd, if it would help,

I'll talk to Jane and be
sure she calls her mother.

You know,

I am so sick of your meddling.

What, you don't think
I see what's going on here?

First, you're staying
through the holidays.

Then you're staying
through the January sale.

How long before it's
Memorial Day, Labor Day?

You know, I actually
think you're enjoying

the fact that you're
destroying my family.

What are you talking about?

My mother was crying
on that phone, crying.

And you don't care, do you?

You're too busy
reaping the rewards

of long-lost "momdom"
with your lunatic offspring.

I have been trying to help.

Oh, help yourself to a
partnership in the store.

Sydney? That's enough.

I want you out of here now!

Oh, fine! Protect her, and
forget all about Mom and me.

Damn it, Jane, I have picked
your sorry butt off the pavement

how many times now?
After you were r*ped...

After the whole mess
with Richard,

after everything
I have done for you,

you choose this over me?


Good God.

What have I done?

Mom. Mom, wait.

Wait. Mom.

It's not you.

It's not you.

Hey, you want some
help with that?

Oh, thanks. I just need
to put them in my car.

Did you paint these?

Oh, this is great.
I really like this.

Thanks. It's stuff
that I did in college.

I found this gallery
near the boutique,

and they said they'll take
them on consignment.

So if they sell really fast,
maybe I can have enough time

to buy a ticket
back to the reunion.

Does that mean it's
still up in the air

whether or not you're
gonna go to Kyle's party?

Yeah. I'd love to go with you.

It sounds like a blast,
it's just that...

You want to go home. There's
nothing wrong with that.

That's cool.

Is this house...
Is this your house?

Yeah. I hate to even sell them.

It reminds me so much
of my childhood.

Yeah, I can tell. There's
a warmth, you know?

Kind of a sense of family.

You're a real artist.

You're sweet, but nobody's
ever gonna buy an original.

"Samantha Reilly."
It's never gonna work.

Yeah, it will.

Hello, Megan.

Join me in a cocktail?

Uh, no, thanks.

Are you sure you should
be drinking, I mean...

You know, the nice thing

about being nearly dead

is that nothing more
can hurt you.

To happy endings.

We may have a problem, actually.

Michael says you were crying

when you dropped off
the divorce papers,

and he's not in
such great shape himself.

I think he may suspect
something's going on here.

I'm not sure he's gonna sign.

He's just feeling very
vulnerable right now.

It's time to seize the moment.


I'm not still on
your payroll, Kimberly.

Two tickets to Vegas,
a nice hotel room,

and a big chunk of
change for the tables.

Consider it a wedding present.

Oh, wait a minute.
He's still married to you.

Trust me, Megan. You
bring him good luck

at the blackjack tables,
have great sex,

and drink a lot of free gin,

and he'll sign those papers.

By this time next week,

you will be Mrs.
Michael Mancini.

A limited club membership.

And you really think
this trick is gonna work?

Honey, trust me.
You do it my way,

it'll be the last trick
you ever have to turn.

All right, Kyle. Bye bye.

Got a minute?

For you, sure. One minute.

Look, I know that you left
Santa Barbara kind of upset,

and I was wondering if you wanted
to go to dinner tomorrow night.

Thanks, but I just accepted

an invitation
to a friend's party.

I thought that maybe we could
talk about what happened.

Let's get something
straight here, shall we?

This is a work environment,

so I suggest you focus on work.

Now, I know that
under that iron facade,

you're hurting
like a little girl.

You don't know
what I feel about anything.

Well, I guess
you're still upset.

Your minute is up.

Tea's about ready.

Where are you going?

I think it's time
for me to go home.

But you promised you'd stay.

I know I did,
but the longer I stay here,

the more fragile
everyone seems to get.

What are you talking about?

That's nonsense.

No, it's not.

I just think everyone

ought to get back
to their own lives.

Is Sydney getting on your case again?
'cause if she is...

No. No, that's not it.


when you were born,

I expected so much support
from my sister,

and all she did was blame me,

so I blamed her right back.

And now we have
all this guilt and anger.

So what are you saying,

that it's my fault that you
don't talk to your sister?

My fault for being born?

Of course not.

I just needed
her approval so much,

the way Sydney needs
your approval.

Oh, so now you're blaming
me for hurting Sydney.

I'm not blaming you
for anything.

No, you're just looking

for excuses to leave me.

After everything
I've offered you...

I opened my house, my shop,

my heart, for god's sake.

Jane, please.

What do you have to go
back to that's so great?

Huh? That crummy
little apartment?

That nothing life? That's
what you're leaving me for?

I'm sorry.

Mom, wait!

Careful, the accelerator sticks.


What? Not everybody
drives a Rolls-Royce.

Excuse me.

Sydney. Hi.

It's perfect timing.

I've just been trying to break
away from those eggheads

for the last half hour.

Oh. Are you hungry?

Um, sure, I guess.


Isn't that the buffet table?

Yeah, but I got something
better in mind.

Do you realize your
kitchen is bigger

than my entire apartment?

Grilled cheese. Hmm?

What do you think?

Sure. Who wants caviar

when you can have
processed cheese?

Yes, exactly.

Now, do you know how to do it?

Do what?

Oh, um, make the sandwiches.


Um, am I missing something,

or are all these people
in white aprons

not professional cooks?

No, you see, that's just it.

I don't want something
done professionally.

My whole life

is done professionally.

I want something...


Oh, so that's why I'm here,

to be incompetent for you.

That's good, I like that.

they're ready for you. Now?

All right. I'll be right there.

You okay?

Yeah. You know, I just...
I just hate this sometimes.

You know, I really do.

Well, if it would make you feel
better, I'd be happy to make

the sandwiches
while you're gone.


No. Forget about it.
Just come with me.

In conclusion, it is our honor

to present you with
this small token

of our affection
and appreciation

for being
the Software Association's

most prolific creator for 1996.

They just gave you a car?

Yes. It's too bad I don't drive.

Um, thank you.
Thank you all very much.

What else can I say,

but... I will just keep on

cranking the stuff out.
Okay, thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Wow, it's, it's nice.

You like it?

Yeah. I mean,
you don't understand.

Compared to my car,
it's like a limousine.

Then take it.


You are kidding, right?

Uh, excuse me for interrupting,

but there are some people

who would very much like
to meet you, Carter.


Keep it. It's yours.

What's going on?


What's going on?

Well, aren't we
in a lovely mood.

I had a bad day, okay?

And I hate g*ns, even toy g*ns.

What? It's just a gag gift

for a birthday we're
going to tomorrow night.

What do you mean, birthday?

One of the guys at the
apartment's throwing a birthday.

You get to meet the whole
g*ng, all at once.

You never mentioned a party.

Well, it just came up.

Yeah, well, you can
Just bury it again,

because we're not going.

Yes, we are, Dan.

These are my friends.

Is this wine you're drinking?

Yeah, what if it is?

I told you I don't
allow alcohol in my home.

You're doing it again, Dan.
The whole control freak thing.

Somebody's got to put the
brakes on around here.

Well, you know what?

I am just fine,
and if you're having

an impulse control issue,

maybe you just ought to relax.

Don't patronize me.

Ooh. What, am I
touching a nerve, huh?

You afraid of letting go?

Shut up, Matt.
Ooh, I am so scared.

No, you're drunk,
that's what you are.

No, you see, I'm the one
who has a problem with pills.

You are the one who has
a problem with booze.

You think that's funny?

Come on!

Ah, jeez.

I'm really sorry, Matt.

Are you okay?

Stay the hell away from me.

Jeez, I'm really sorry, Matt.


Mom, are you in there?

She's not home, Jane.

Oh. Hi, Ed. Do you
know where she's at?

I was hoping she was with you.

Her boss called.
She was supposed

to be at work today,
but she never showed.

Maybe something's happened.

Maybe we should call the police.

I don't think it's
time to panic yet,

but there are some things

that you should know
about your mother.

Has she told you about me?

She didn't have to.

You know where she is,
don't you?

I've got a pretty good idea.

Sherri and I first met when
she came into my temp agency.

She couldn't type worth a damn,

but there was something
special about her.

She was kind of strong, but kind
of fragile at the same time.

We just hit it off.

So you've been dating
all these years?

Off and on.

Your mom's a hard person
to get to know.

Maybe it comes
from her acting days.

But she can put on one hell
of a front when it suits her.

It was years before she told me

about giving up the baby...

I mean, you.

Is she in here?

Jane, she never got over it...

Giving you up.

It's haunted her
every day of her life.

She just got better
at coping with it.

But when you came back,

it just threw the door
wide open.

Are you telling me
she's an alcoholic?

All I'm saying is that sometimes

she tries to dull the pain.

I should probably
go talk to her first.

No, please. I'm her daughter.


Look who's here.

Oh, and look who's there.

Are you giving my kid
a tour of the neighborhood, Ed?

So, what do you think?

I bet it's not
what you expected,

since you expect so much of me.

Mom, please.
Let me take you home.

I was doing so good.

I had a secretary job, somebody
to sleep with on Saturday night,

and now I can't even
go out and have a drink

without "Mom, go home.
Go home, Mom."

Mom, stop it.

Stop calling me that.

Listen, you're my mother,

whether you like it or not.

Well, I don't like it.

I don't like being suffocated.

You want to be with me
every second of the day

because you don't
have anybody else.

You've suffocated
them all to death.

When was the last time
you got lucky, hmm?


What is wrong with you?

Do you really
hate yourself that much,

that you're gonna make
everybody hate you?

No, leave me alone.

I don't hate you, Mom.

Well, you should.

Because I'm a loser.

I gave away my child
because I was selfish.

No. It was the right thing.

It was the only
thing you could do.

You were just scared.

We all are sometimes.


But I'm the queen of scared.

I'm sorry.

Let us take you home.

Come on.

Come on, Sherri.

Come on. That's enough.

What? What is going on here?

I've been thinking
about it all night,

and... as much as it is
the car of my dreams,

I can't accept it.

It's too extravagant.

Excuse me, can you hold
on one minute, please?

Thank you.

Sydney, this was
a freebie, okay?

It cost me nothing.

Look, the bottom line is,

once you start giving
a person gifts

that are this expensive,

things just get all
lopsided, you know?

I mean, they already
are lopsided.

It's like you're in
a 40% tax bracket,

and I'm, like, in the 1040 EZ...

Well, maybe you view
people that way,

but I don't, okay?

Now, if you like
this car, keep it.

If you don't, then I'll
just donate it to charity.

It's your choice.

Wait a minute. So you're saying

you were just gonna
give it away anyway?


Then I'll keep it.

Okay, good. Do that.


Sydney? I have to get
back to this call.

I'm sorry. Wait-wait-wait-wait.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Aren't you gonna even

y'know, let me
take you for a spin

out of gratitude?

I can't, I have
meetings all morning.

Can't you just play
hooky for ten minutes?

I mean, what's
the point of being

a millionaire if
you can't do that?

Video conference
is about to begin.

I'll be right there, Walter.

Keeps you on a short
leash, doesn't he?

Look, I'll call you sometime...

soon, okay?

Yeah. Sure.


This is nice

being here with you
in your arms.

Yeah, well, don't get
too comfortable now.

I got to get a move-on.

Oh, Michael, don't go.

Look, it seems like I only
see you an hour a day.

If you're not working,
you're exhausted.

I'm a doctor, sweetie.
It goes with the territory.

Yeah, but can't we just
have a couple of days?

You know, go someplace alone?

Now that you've signed
the divorce papers,

I mean, shouldn't we
at least celebrate?

Yeah, but you know what?

I haven't exactly
signed those yet.

Why not?

Well, you know,
there's a lot of paperwork

to sort through and stuff.

You just don't want
to sign them, do you?

Oh, come on, Megan.

Just say it, you don't want to.

No, no, of course I do.

Really? Yeah.

Look, you know what, the
more I think about it,

us getting away for a weekend

sounds like a great idea, so...

you name the time and the
place, and we're there.

All right. Vegas
next week, my treat.

Great choice. Glitz,
glamour, and vibrating beds.

That's my kind of place.

Amanda? Are you okay?
You're so quiet.

I just have a lot on my mind.

Do you want to talk about it?

It must be nice being

so damned happy.

It's great.

Where's your husband?

For one, your guess
is as good as mine,

and for two,
I couldn't care less.

Maybe we should talk
about the weather.

You know what? I'm still hungry.

Do you wanna go to the food?

That's a great idea.

Peter, Amanda's here.

I wanted to tell you,
Kyle had some crazy idea

it would help you.

Give this to Kyle, will you?


It's good to see you, Amanda.

Kyle promised me
you wouldn't be here,

but I suppose that was all
part of some master plan.

Oh, come on, I had no idea
you'd be here either.

Pardon me for not
believing a word you say.

Now, wait a minute.

We haven't seen
each other in days,

and we haven't talked.

You're my wife, and I miss you,

and I love you.

Well, you have an incredibly
stupid way of showing it.

I know, the whole scene in
Santa Barbara was a mistake,

and I'm sorry.

But is that really
enough to end things?

I don't know. Maybe it is.

But right now, I don't even
wanna think about it or you.

Okay, then, I'll wait.

Forever, if I have to.

Hi. Hi.

Did you come to say goodbye?
You must be on your way

to Baltimore. I heard you
sold your paintings.

Changed my mind.
Decided not to go.

Oh. How come?

Well, the strangest thing
happened when I was there.

The manager said that
all my paintings

were bought by one person.
Imagine that.

Yeah, well, must have
been a big fan of yours.


Where are you going?

You want to tell me
what you're looking for?

Well, when I asked the manager

what my collector looked like,

she said that
he was really cute,

mid-20s, great smile,

curly brown hair...


Look, don't.
The closet's a mess, so...

What's a messy closet
between friends?

I knew it.

Okay, all right. I'm guilty.

Look, I walked by the gallery,

and I saw your paintings there.

And it just occurred to me

that, if I bought them,
maybe you'd have

enough money to go home
and see your family.

I knew how much that meant
to you, so I just...

well, I figured what the hell.

Who knew that you were such...

an incredibly thoughtful,

sweet, and sexy guy?


When did that happen?

Right now.

I'm not sexy. You're sexy.

You smell so good.


Oh, I'm sorry.
Did I wake you up?

No. It's just that when I awoke,

and you weren't there,
I thought that

you thought that last night...

Don't kid yourself.

Last night was the best.

Yeah, it was.

Okay. Stay right here.
Don't move.

What do you think?

I got one for every wall.

I think you're
pretty damn special,

Billy Campbell.

Really? That's funny.

I kind of feel the same
way about the artist.

Taylor, are you
coming out or what?

I'll be right down, baby.

This is Dr. Peter Burns.

Please leave a message,
and I'll get back to you

as soon as I can. Thanks.

Hi, Peter, it's Taylor,

and I just wanted
to say that it was

really nice to
see you last night,

and I just wanted to make
sure that you were okay,

and just to let you know
that I'm thinking of you.

All right. Kyle: Taylor?


What's taking you so long?

Excuse me. Is someone
using this chair?

No, no, no. Help yourself.


Doesn't last, you know.

Someone call 911!

My wife needs a doctor.

Please, someone!

Call! She needs a doctor.

I'm a doctor.

Excuse me, I'm a doctor.

Sir, please don't move her.

Please, let me in, please.

Don't move her.

She hit her neck
on the steering wheel.

She's not breathing. Now,
we need to lay her flat.

Sir, hold this door
open for me, please.

We need to move
her, lay her flat.

We need to keep her head still.

So I'm gonna tell you what to do

in just a moment, all right?

On 3, I'm gonna move her.

1, 2, 3.

All right, put your
hands behind her head.

Okay. Keep her head still.

All right. Okay.

You got her? Yup.

All right. Set her down.

I've got her head. Excuse me.

Is she gonna be all right?

She's got a crushed windpipe.

Does anyone here have a Kn*fe?

Any kind of Kn*fe?

I need a Kn*fe, please.

What do you think you're doing?

Just get away from her!

She can't breathe.

Unless I get oxygen
to her brain,

she's going to die.

I'm going to do a tracheotomy.

Do you understand?

I need a Kn*fe, please.

Maybe this will work.

Thank you.

Hey, she's breathing.

She'll be all right.

Thank you. Thank you, doctor.

Thank you.

Sack him! Sack him!

Yes! Ooh.

You're watching the NFL on Fox.

Hi. I hope I'm not intruding.

What do you want?

I was working at the office

this morning,
and I was catching up

on some paperwork, and I wanted

your input on a few things.

It's Saturday, which means

I have the pleasure
of not seeing your face

till Monday morning.

Is that any way
to talk to your boss?

These are important accounts.

A fumble! Oh, you
got to be kidding.


I didn't know you
were a football fan.

Well, I get a kick
out of watching

grown men b*at each other
into the ground.

Somehow that's not a surprise.

So what's the score?

What do you think you're doing?

I'm watching the game.

I got 100 bucks riding on this.

Oh, peanuts. I got 200,

which means if you're staying,

no entertaining,
no eating my chips,

and most importantly,
no talking.

Oh, come on, come on.


Hi. Hi.

Listen, I probably should
have called first,

but I just wanted to
tell you in person

that Michael agreed to
go to Las Vegas with me.

Perfect. We're almost home.

Can I come in? Sure. Yeah.

There's something
I want to show you anyway.


Accidental death
and dismemberment.

Kimberly, how many policies

did you end up buying?

Enough to put Michael
back on his feet

and give you two a healthy
start to your marriage.

What's the matter?

Listen, I know
everything you're doing,

you're doing for
Michael's benefit.

But, uh, it's changed
my life too,

and I just want to thank you.

You're welcome.

I better get going.

Listen, this is going
to sound strange,

but I'm really
going to miss you.

I know it's the last
thing you expected,

but I can't help it.

I feel really close to you,

and I consider you a friend.

I don't know what I'm
going to do without you.

You're going to marry Michael,

and I'm going to leave
this life on my own terms,

and that gives me more satisfaction
than you'll ever know.

So don't worry,

because I'm really very happy.

♪ ♪
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