08x15 - Love Hurts

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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08x15 - Love Hurts

Post by bunniefuu »

He pulled out,
took about two steps,

And collapsed.
He couldn’t breathe.

Did he say anything?

"I’m a cop, i’m a cop,"
and "call my partner."

Did he say anything
about who did it?

"I’m a cop, call my partner."
That’s it.

I’ve been telling him
not to work so much.

Is that what he was doing?

but we’re okay with money.

I keep telling him,

But it’s just
work, work, work.

Where was he moonlighting?

I don’t know. It changes.


So you both worked
the 4:00 to 12:00

And then you went
to your second job?

What’s the job?

It’s an after‐hours club down
in the east village.

I run security.
They serve booze.

If you don’t have to put it
down on paper,

I’d appreciate it.

You both work in harlem?

And mike lives where?
Bay ridge.

What was he doing over
in the lower east side

Instead of going
through the tunnel

After leaving this club?

Maybe taking one
of the bridges

To save the toll.

Looks like the b*llet
went through his seat cushion.

Crime scene’s getting it
out of the floorboard.

We found his g*n and shield
under the seat.

Okay, we’ve got him patched up.

It looks like he’s stable.

Hey, i’m detective sorenson.

This is my partner
andy sipowicz.

We’re from the 15th precinct.

Tried to carjack me ‐‐
latino, 20s, shaved head.

You return fire?
Came right out
of my blind spot.

You always keep your g*n
and shield under the seat?

I picked it up from one
of my old partners.

He’d stash it
under the seat.

He said leave the job behind
before you go home.

What were you doing
on the lower east side?

There’s this 24‐hour diner
I like over on 2nd avenue,

Is burgess my partner here?

He’s right outside.

Tell him to come in,
will you?

Your wife’s out there, too.

She is?
Well, then bring her in.

Anything else you want
to tell us?

Told you all I know.

He’s okay?

Yeah. Why don’t you
get his wife?


6:00 A. M.
On the lower east side

With his g*n and shield
under the seat.

Maybe it was a stupid habit
he picked up

From his old partner.

Yeah, that’s it.

How is he?


We’ve got a stickup
at a bodega

Over on broome.
Jones is up.

Him and greg
are on the way back.

You can catch them
on the radio.

911 Operator transferred
a call from a woman

Saying she had information
on your sh*t cop.

She’s on her way up.

Did she elaborate?


She didn’t. She was
very agitated, though.

What did you guys get?

Any news on your sh*t cop?

Carjacking ‐‐
that’s what he’s saying.

Any reason
not to believe him?
No reason not to,

Except he had his g*n
and shield under the seat,

And that brought back
some memories for andy.

I’m just saying the guy’s
got his g*n and shield

Under his seat,
he’s up to no good,

But we’ll go
with the carjacking.

What do we know about this
cop dominicelli? Anything?

Been in uniform 18 years
up at the 3‐4.

Guys don’t usually last 10
in that neighborhood

Without burning out.

And his sergeant says

He prefers working
4:00 to 12:00.

Drinking man’s shift.

Ona amadour ‐‐
I called about the sh**ting.

I’m detective russell.
You have information?

You’re damn right I do.

Come on in here.

Carjacking, uh‐huh.

It was dario.

That son of a bitch,
he said he would do it,

And screw him.

He’s going to pay.
Who’s dario?

My ex. Screw him.

How’s mike?
He’s going to live, right?

Yeah, he’ll make it.

How do you know mike?

I’m his girlfriend.

Yeah, yeah,
I know he’s married,

So don’t even start.

So, how long
you been going out?

Two years june.

We’ve got a 6‐month‐old
boy ‐‐ dillon.

And mike’s wife?

She doesn’t know.

Mike’s waiting for their kids
to finish school.

He is, huh?

Look, we’ve got to quit
wasting time

And find dario,

And let me know the expression
on his ugly face

When you let him know
I gave him up.

Dario said
he was going to k*ll mike?

"I’ll k*ll that fool.
I don’t care who he is."

Was mike with you
last night?


When did he leave?

About 4:00 a. M.

We got in this stupid fight
over nothing.

He was in one of his moods,
you know?

Did mike ever meet dario,
see a picture of him?

I protected mike
from that assh*le.

So he wouldn’t know it’s dario
who was his sh**t?


All right,
we’ll look into this.

I’ve got to see mike.

Is his wife still
at the hospital?

She sure is.

Can you tell him
to call me?

We’ll pass something along.

Okay. Dario?

Yeah, we got it.

I know this guy.
I know his whole family.

Great people, worst luck.

They get robbed
like they’re on a schedule.

Who’s got this?
Over there.

Oh, great.
He’s still in the academy.

The owner,
working alone, um...

Demetrius thoumopoulis.

He alternates
with his older son.

The last time
they got held up,

They p*stol‐whipped the wife,

Which is why
she don’t work here no more.

Uh, two guys came in,
male blacks ‐‐

One standing at the door,

The other making
like he’s buying beer ‐‐

Pulls a g*n.

So the one
at the counter’s armed.

How about the one
on the door?

On the door?
I‐i can’t find ‐‐

I don’t think the owner
said anything.

No, he said he saw
only one g*n,

The guy at the counter.

So the owner
empties the register,

The perpetrator reaches
for the money,

The owner pulls his own g*n
from under the counter ‐‐

Wait a minute.
Thoumopoulis got a g*n?

Uh, that’s what he said.
No permit.

Did he fire it?

Yeah, he fired it
twice inside the store,

Then he follows them

Squeezes off
three more rounds,

Hits one of them
on his backside.

All right. Notify central
for a hospital canvass ‐‐

g*nsh*t wounds
fitting that description.


This thoumopoulis
is a good guy,

But now he’s fired sh*ts
in the street, no permit.

He’s looking at a felony.

So, what do you
want to do?

Let me take care of this.

All yours.

Mr. Thoumopoulis.
Detective medavoy.

This is my partner
detective jones.


I’m so sorry about this.

When did you get a g*n?

Last month.

How many times
do I have to get robbed

And not protect myself?

Didn’t you apply for a permit
and get denied?

Yes, so I got it
from a friend of a friend,

And I would do it again.

Can the g*n be traced
back to you?


You say there were two guys
and one g*n, right?


Okay, so maybe this
is what happened ‐‐

They come in,
both with g*ns.

I think
I only saw the one.

Listen to me.

Maybe they both had g*ns,
you laid out the cash,

The one guy puts his g*n down

To grab up the money,
you snatch his g*n.

Am I hearing you right?

I got his g*n
off the counter.

It wasn’t mine.

I never had one.

Okay, then.

Yeah, thanks.

Um, the owner was confused.
It wasn’t his g*n.

It wasn’t?

No, no. He took the g*n
off the perp.

You wrote it down wrong,
got it?

Yeah, i‐i got it.

So we put two g*ns
on the perps instead of one.

Mike’s a lot better.

He should be discharged

Ona amadour.


You know her?

Yeah, maybe a little bit.

Have a seat, lawrence.

She’s saying mike
was with her last night,

Which would conflict
a little bit,

Him working security
with you.

What, she come forward
or something?

No, we broke out
a ouija board.

So mike wasn’t with you?


He was with her.

You know about her ex,
some dario guy?

I’ll tell you what.

Let me talk to ona,
just to calm her down.

No, i’ll tell you what.

Quit jerking us off.

I’m not, guys,

And, look, I know this all
looks a little weird,

But mike’s a good guy.

He’s been busting his ass up
at the 3‐4 for 18 years.

So, did mike ever bring up
his girlfriend’s ex,

How this guy
had it out for him?

He mentioned it.

So it’s a legit angle?

Maybe. I don’t know.

Mike a big drinker?

So chasing tail’s his vice?

Look, this is going
to jam him up big time

If it comes out about ona,

What with the wife
and kids, right?

Cop sh*t put up 10 grand
for information on this.

If someone comes forward

And they find out we’ve got
our heads in the sand,

We all take a hit.

I don’t know about you,

But I don’t have
any more hits to take.

Okay, I got it.

Anybody other than dario
jump out as a candidate?

With mike, you never know.

He drops down
into these moods sometimes,

And it could have been
over anything,

With the wrong guy
at the wrong time.

I’m just glad he’s alive.

All right, listen, don’t be
talking to your partner

Till you hear from us.

Delray, is it?

What do you want?

How’d you get
that b*llet in your ass?

Came out of nowhere.

Yeah, while you were
running away

From that bodega on broome?

No. I was walking
down avenue c

And it just
came out of nowhere.

We’ll see
what the owner says.

Who’d you do
the stickup with?

Yo, I got nothing
to say, man.

We’re going
to pull your sheet,

See who you took collars with
in the past

And run everybody’s photo
for the owner.

Now, you wait till you’re
picked out of a lineup,

Your bargaining power
is zero.

I was cleaning out
the register

And the old man went nuts.

You and your buddy
lifted that money

With g*ns in your hands.

The g*n we had
don’t even work.

That old man’s g*n
sure worked, though.

What about him?

The owner tells
a different story.

Yeah, well, he’s lying.

We’ll let
a jury decide that.

Last chance to help
yourself out, delray.

Tell us
who your buddy is.

My word don’t mean nothing
to y’all, anyway,

So why bother?
Suit yourself.

Yeah, i’m going to.

He’s a collar.

Okay, car ride over?

You know, i’ve been
going through my head

Trying to think of something
I might have done

To put me back in the joint.

You want to know
what i’ve come up with?

No, we give up.

Nothing, not a damn thing,

’Cause I swore
when I got out last month

I’d play it straight,
and i’ve done that.

I don’t even jaywalk.

That’s not
what we’re hearing, dario.

All right, go ahead.
I’m ready.

I want to hear what the hell
people are saying.

You know a cop
named mike dominicelli?

Not personally.

I know he’s boning
my ex‐old lady.

That’s the extent.

So you get out a month ago
looking forward

To some front‐door loving
for a change,

You find out your wife
is banging somebody else.

The guess here

Is that made you
a little ill‐tempered.

Okay, look, i’ve been through
this drill before.

Show me a little respect

And tell me
what this cop said I did.

He’s saying
that you sh*t him last night.

I didn’t sh**t him.

Well, you made it known
to other people

That you wanted
to k*ll him.

Yeah, well,
I talk a lot of trash, okay?

The other people
I made it known to,

Which was obviously
my hosebag ex‐old lady ona,

She talked trash, too.

Now, do you guys
give a damn about the truth,

Or is this a railroad,

And do I need to settle in
for the ride?

We want to know
what happened.

I don’t know what happened
other than it wasn’t me.

I was spending the night
with ona’s sister bonita, okay?

Yeah, I said it,
her sister,

And you can
tell ona that, too.

Write down bonita’s info.

Yeah, well, bonita ain’t
going to want to do this,

But you tell her dario’s ass
is on the line

And she’d better step up.



You know,
you’re here so much,

Maybe we should
clear out a drawer

So you can keep
a toothbrush

Or a change of clothes
handy or something.

I’m not ready
for that kind of commitment,

But, uh, thanks, though.

Just looking out.
Anything on the sh*t cop?

Yeah, he’s going
to be all right.

We’ve been busy
with a bodega stickup.

Oh, you need me?

Yeah, one of the perps
turned up at bellevue e. R.

With a b*llet in his butt.

Bodega owner picked him
out of a photo array

Along with a running buddy
of his.

The bodega owner sh*t him?

Yeah, apparently he got one
of the perps’ g*ns

When he laid it down
on the counter,

Followed them outside,
sh*t and hit one of them.

He’s been robbed repeatedly.

And he’s got the right
to defend himself.

Well, as soon
as the perps ran out,

He should have
put the g*n down.

Yeah, well, uh, looking back,

I‐i should have not worn

Muttonchop sideburns
in high school,

But it seemed like

The right thing to do
at the time.

We recognize the owner’s
a little wrong,

What happened
outside the store,

But we’re just saying
keep in mind

He’s been robbed five times
this past year.

I take it
he’s a friend of yours.

He’s a good guy.

All right,
defer the arrest

And we’ll let
the grand jury decide.

So, he’s looking
at a misdemeanor, if anything?

If anything, yeah.

So, are we on
for tonight?


Is there anything
on our cop?

We got a suspect.
Connie’s checking his alibi.

We’ve got a d. O. A. sh*t
in his apartment

Over on broome.

Greg, you’re up.

Dario checks out.
What did bonita say?

He was with her last night
at her apartment.

He left at 9:00 a. M.

No way she’s covering
for him?

She was so freaked out

About her sister
possibly finding out,

I took it as genuine.

Have you gotten back
to dominicelli yet?

No. We were waiting on this.

Head back to the hospital
and hit him up.

Yeah, okay.

Hey, diane,
maybe you’d want to come

And occupy the wife
if she’s there.

God, I hate getting
involved in this.

You want off?

Where in that did I say
I wanted off?

Whether we like it or not,

We’ve got to investigate
the case

Just as aggressive
as any other.

Oh, is that how it works?

Yeah, in the future,
when I extend an offer

For you to drop off a case
you’re uncomfortable with

And you don’t want
to take me up on it,

Just say no. I got it,

And we’ll save each other
some time. Cool?

Now it’s going to start.
You watch.

Woman: where are the fronts?

Well, I can show you
two fronts out there.

Hey, mike.


Central virginia,

And even snow here
in kentucky

And into tennessee.

Anything on the perp?

Who are we talking about?

The carjacker.

Your girlfriend
came forward.


Just like I said.

She figured it was
her ex who sh*t you,

But we looked into that,
and he alibied out.

My wife went home,
She ain’t outside.

Who knows about ona?
Just us.

And we’re keeping it
that way, right?

’Cause she’s got nothing
to do with me getting sh*t.

Who does?
I’m telling you,
I got carjacked.

Mike, you’re a cop
who got sh*t.

They’re putting together
a task force because of it.

There’s rewards out.
It’s on the news.

The sooner
you tell us what happened,

The sooner we quit wasting
our time chasing lies

And start spending it
on damage control.

I’m telling you,
I don’t know who sh*t me.

All right,
then at least tell us

What you were doing
on the lower east side

At 6:00 a. M. With your
damn g*n and shield

Under the seat.
Were you with a prost?

She a regular?
You know her?

She black,
puerto rican, what?

Black, junkie.

Those days I don’t see enough
degradation up in the 3‐4,

I stop by joya.

I hit my quota.

And you don’t know
who came up and robbed you?

This wasn’t no murphy game
she ran?

No. I know her.

Is this containable,

Or am I down the drain?

We’re going to do
what we can, all right?


He was with a prost.

Somebody jacked him up
in the midst. He don’t know.

We got a name to go on.

He’s going to have
some explaining to do

When he gets home, huh?

Dr. Carrerras?


Oh, my god. How are you?

I’m great.
Wow. It’s great to see you.

You, too.
How are you?

I’m great, too.
What a nice surprise.

Oh, um,
this is danny sorenson

And andy sipowicz.

This is dr. Carrerras.
He was bobby’s doctor,

The only good thing
I remember about being here.

Yeah, we met.

I remember.


We’ll get the car.

Give me a minute, okay?

See ya.

So, uh,
things are good, huh?

No complaints.

You know, I always wanted
to get in touch with you

And tell you how much
it meant to me,

What you did,
how you were there for us,

Because I don’t know
if I ever conveyed that.

It’s funny,

Because I always wanted
to call you, too,

And check in, but, uh...

No, I know.
Time goes by, and...

Well, it’s great seeing you.

You, too.
I’ve got to go.


You know, maybe we
should get coffee
sometime or something.

That would be great.
I’d love to.

Uh, how about dinner?

Yeah. How about tonight?

It’s a date.

I don’t mean a date,

Do you have a card?



Never even knew
your first name.

How embarrassing is that?

Victor, yep.

Good. I’ll call you.

Dinner tonight.

That’d be great.
I’ll look forward to it.

All right. I’ll, uh,
i’ll see you later, then.


What do we got?

Kids called it in

On account of he
didn’t answer the phone.

We thought we had
a natural causes

Until we got up close.

Looks like he took it straight
through the window,

Standing there
staring outside.

He never knew
what hit him.

b*llet went right through

And lodged in the wall
right here.

E.s.u. Did
a laser trajectory.

It came from in front
of the bodega.

Guess you guys had some
activity there this morning?



We’ve got a problem, greg.


Those perps,
off chain of events,

They’re looking at felony
m*rder, no matter what,

But if we stick with it
being their g*n,

We could be adding
10 years to their sentence,

And I ain’t doing that, greg.

This thoumopoulis,
he’s going to lose everything.

Yeah, well, we could, too,
if we don’t unring the bell.

We’ve got to get him off
that story we laid out.



Who sh*t your john
this morning?

I don’t know.
It was dark

And it was quick,

And plus I felt my life
was in danger.

She’s loaded.

We got to her
right after tea time.

A regular like that,

And you don’t want to
help the poor guy out?

Wish I could.
Would if I could.

You know the reason
this guy’s making noise

About getting sh*t
with a prost*tute

As opposed to any other guy

Who wouldn’t report it
out of embarrassment?

Oh, hell, no.

18 Years
serving this fine city.

And you know what happens
when a cop gets sh*t?

All hell breaks loose.

This is a cop, joya,

And life will become
very difficult

For you in this city
if you don’t help out.

Polo ‐‐
puerto rican named polo.

Deals b*at bags
in the village.

Polo, polo ‐‐
we know a polo?

I do, from the bronx.

Ripped off a dealer
for a key

A couple of years back.

I’ll go check and see
if it’s the same guy.

If it is,
we can get his picture.

This a murphy game
you two ran?

No. Me and the john,
we’re doing our thing,

And polo run up,

And the john reached
for the g*n,

And boom.

Write down everything
about polo,

And you can stay here
while we check it out.

Now, me and polo,
we got a history, okay?

We did run games
on johns before,

But not this time.

So polo’s probably
going to say

You were in on it, right?
Right, but he a liar.
Don’t trust his ass.

His g*n, his finger,
all him.


So, uh, here,
what’s going on?

Mr. Thoumopoulis,

There was an accident
this morning.

A man in an apartment

Across the street
from your bodega

Was sh*t and k*lled.



His name was ben torres.

Oh, my god.

The b*llet came
from your g*n

When you fired
at those guys who robbed you.

We’re going to do everything
we can to help you out.

No one’s blaming you.

Everyone’s clear
this was a freak accident.

So what do we do now?

We’re going
to talk to the d. A.

In the meantime,

You’ve got to get yourself
a lawyer.

Saying it wasn’t my g*n,
does that help me?

We’re going to have
to go back to the truth.

We’re going to have to say
it was your g*n.

There’s too much involved

To try and go
with the other story.

The men
who robbed your store,

They will bear the brunt
of the responsibility

Since all this happened
in the act of their felony.

What I suggested
to you this morning

About changing the story,

It’s best if nobody
brings that up again.

I wouldn’t do that.

I want to see my lawyer now.

I’m afraid we ‐‐

We can’t let you go
at this point.

You can call from here.

What, am I under arrest?

We’re sorry.

I’ll get you
to central booking

In time for night court.

You’ll make bail
and sleep in your own bed.

Get your hands up
right now!
Freeze! Police!

Everybody get down!

You, get down!

Diane: put your arms
behind your back!


Got it.

All right.
Let’s go, polo.

I’m looking for my sister,

And these animals
got her hooked on dr*gs.

We’ve got
a vigilante here.

Move it, polo.

Okay, so,
I give you some names

Of some bigger dealers,

You’ll work with me
on the g*n?

That’s not our department.

Then what’s going on here?

We’re waiting
for your fillers.

Fillers? What is fillers?

The fillers
in your lineup.

What lineup?

Andy: some guy’s
saying you sh*t him

While he was with a whore
in his car

Or some other damn thing.

They should be here
any minute.

I didn’t sh**t no guy
in a car, okay?

That’s ‐‐ that’s ridiculous.

You match the description
he gave,

Plus the whore says
that she recognized you,

Knew you
from the neighborhood.

The whore in the car?


Que tal, polo?

Who is this now?

I’m an old friend
of johnny santos.

Who is he?

He’s the guy you ripped off
for a key of coke

Up in the bronx.

He’s a guy currently
doing time upstate.

He’s a guy
who wants you dead,

Unless we’re talking about
a different johnny santos.

Must be.

Hmm. Johnny’s cousin
big ray took over.

You remember big ray,

I know he remembers you.

Big ray’s in prison, too.

Key witness against him...

Mysteriously disappeared.

All right,
what is this, okay?

Is this about a lineup
or what?

So here’s your choice ‐‐

You can tell us how it was
a simple robbery

Gone bad this morning,
and we’ll work with you

On the statement,
or I give a tip to big ray,

Let him know
polo’s making friends

With the boys
at the 15th squad

And you’ll be walking
out the door in an hour,

And the next thing
we’re all going to hear

Are the tires squealing
on big ray’s el dorado.

Your past just caught up
with you, polo,

And it’s either big ray
or us.

Who’s it going to be?

( Speaking spanish )

All right.

I tried to rob
the guy in the car.

He grabbed the g*n.

It went off accidentally,

And it was joya’s idea.
Don’t believe that bitch.

Don’t be saying that
just to get even with her.

Her idea all the way.

Good choice, polo.

So when did big ray
get out?

I don’t know.
I heard he did.

Maybe I was wrong.
I’ll go double check.

We need to get
something straight.

By all means.
Enlighten me.

Detectives work the cases,

Lieutenants ‐‐
good lieutenants ‐‐

Let their detectives work.

Is it all about turf
with you, or results?

’Cause I need to know.

It’s about respect.

Which you don’t seem
to be showing me at all.

Hey. If you miss the action,
go back undercover in narcotics.

Until then,
you’re a lieutenant.

Ask around what they do,
if you don’t believe me.

I don’t give a damn what
everybody else does.

I’m about results,

And I saw an opportunity
to get some.

That was our interview,

And we had it going
where we wanted.

We were going to drop the fact
that joya put it all on him

And let polo react,

But then you had to come in
on your white horse

And show off your español.

I came in because I had
a history with that guy.

Yeah, I know.
You told us earlier,

And you should have waited
to see if we hit a dead end,

At which point you wouldn’t
have had to come in

’Cause we would have
come to see you

To ask for help.

That’s fair enough.

All right, then.

All right.

We’ll be heading back over
to the hospital now,

I guess, and we’ll
keep you posted.

Please do.

What’s up?

When that bodega owner

Was sh**ting at those perps
in the street,

One of the b*ll*ts went
into a nearby apartment

And k*lled a guy.
Well, then, the perps are on
for felony m*rder.

And come to find out
it was the owner’s g*n,

Not the perps’.

So the owner lied
at the scene?

Maybe he knew a cop

Who tried to help him
with his story.

He’s not, uh,
liable for the m*rder, is he?

reckless manslaughter,

I don’t know,

But definitely
once he took that g*n

Outside his store
and fired it,

That’s criminal possession
of a w*apon ‐‐ d felony.

So what’s he looking at?

One to three,
six months split,

Straight probation ‐‐
it depends.

He’s got
no criminal record,

He’s a family man...

And he’s been robbed

Those are all in his favor,

But I can’t say for sure.

What if I were to show up
as a good character witness

At the sentencing?
That’d be good, right?

but the dead man’s family

Might be there, too,

If they end up feeling
he’s responsible.

What about the civil liabilities
from the d. O. A.’S family?

What’s your hunch about that?

Detective, you should ask
a civil lawyer.

Listen, just write up
your report

And we’ll talk then.

How’s it going, mike?

What shook out?
Did you find joya?

Yeah, we found her.

What did she look like
in the daylight? Any better?

She gave us the skel
she ran the murphy game with.

So joya did run
a game on me?

Yeah. You think
you know somebody, right?

Yeah, go ahead.
I’ve got it coming.

Those two and you parked
in the car with her,

That’s going
in the fives.

We’ve got no choice
on that.

Well, that’s what
I was waiting to hear.

Now I heard it.

Look, maybe you want
to think about some story,

How you were trying
to turn her around

As an informant
or something.

Yeah, i’d slip that one
by everybody no problem.

On the other hand,
your girlfriend ona

And your kid with her,
that ain’t going in.

The whole job will know
everything inside 24 hours.

What have you got,
18 years?

Maybe you vest out
of the job

And get a side gig

Until your pension kicks in
on your 20th.

Maybe you b*at
the rumors to the punch

And you sit down
with your wife

And your family
and you come clean.

Maybe together
you get through this.

He doesn’t believe
what he just said, does he?

We came here to tell you
the investigation wrapped,

And what’s going in
our fives and what ain’t.

I want it known

That i’m sorry for putting
my family through this.

You’ll be all right, mike.

Hey, you could have
got k*lled.

Look at it that way.

You’re feeling
overwhelmed right now,

But it’s not as big
as you’re making it.

You’re right.
I’ll be fine.

You should just
leave me alone

So I can get some sleep.

We’re going
to go make a call.

Stay in this room and don’t
leave this guy alone.

What’s going on?

Just do it.

I don’t like
where his head’s at.

I’m calling
early intervention.


The things people
are saying about him,

What he just said in there,

I don’t give a damn.
I’m calling.

I never done this before.

He told me
to come get you guys.

He wants to talk
to you again.

Did I not just tell you
to stay in his room?

He didn’t want me
to announce it.

[ Glass shatters ]

Mike! Mike!

Oh, my god!

[ Woman screams ]

It was going to happen
either way.

This isn’t on you.

Could we get him
covered up here?


Hey, raymond.


Let’s go talk
over here.

Everything all right?

Yeah. Come on.

You don’t have to worry
about me. I got it.

It wasn’t the owner’s g*n.

The notes I wrote
at the scene,

I flushed them
down the toilet.

Well, it’s changed,

’Cause the sh*ts the owner
fired out in the street,

One of them hit an apartment
across the street

And ended up
k*lling somebody.

Oh, man.

So that story we helped
the owner out with, well,

That came back around and almost
bit us in the ass,

So we’re going back
to the truth,

It being the owner’s g*n.

Now, the owner’s
clear on it,

D.a.’S clear,
everybody’s clear,

Now you’re clear, too.

Yes, sir. I haven’t told
nobody nothing,

And it’ll stay that way.

When do you graduate
from the academy?

Two weeks.

What are you aiming for?


Well, you learned today

What every cop
eventually gets hip to ‐‐

When you leave the academy,

You leave the manual behind

And you make
your own decisions.

And if you want,
when you want,

You can change things,
reshape things,

Let some things go.

You can...

Well, you can lie,

And good cops try
and do it

Only to help somebody out
they feel deserves it.

But it’s still lying.

What me and my partner
did today,

What we tried to do,

Was lie
to help that store owner

On account of him
getting robbed blind

Since he opened up shop.

We wish we never
had to do it,

But life’s not always
that simple.

I understand.


I’m around,

So you look me up
if you need me, okay?

I’ll do that.

We’re so sorry
for what happened.

I’ll never forgive myself.

You had nothing
to do with this.

Yes, I did.

He was manic‐depressive.

He saw a psychiatrist
outside work.

He didn’t want
the job to know

Because they’d put him
on the rubber g*n squad.

He said being a cop
on the street

Was sometimes the only thing

That kept him
from losing it.

I should have called someone.

I had the phone in my hand
I don’t know how many times.

We know you’re in shock
right now, grace,

And we know
you’re going through

The most horrendous thing
anyone can,

But we have to talk
about something

That you need to keep
in mind down the road.

You have to know

And we have to
tell you now.


You’re going to hear
a lot of things

From a lot of people,

And one of the things
you’re going to hear

Is how you should sue
the department

Or the hospital,
and lawyers

Are going to approach you
and push for that.

I already got a call
from one.

This conversation
isn’t about

Whether you should
or shouldn’t.

What you need to know
is if you do...

Things are going to
come out

Regarding a part
of mike’s life

You may not
want to hear about,

Things you may not want
the kids to hear.

We can keep most of this
out of the papers,

But if you sue,
it’ll all come out.

Like another woman?

Things like that, yeah.

We had to tell you this

So you don’t get blind‐sided
down the road.

How did she take it?

As good as could be expected,
I guess.

She’s not ready to walk out.

Connie’s going to
take her home when she is.

I got to go.

Yeah, go. We got this.

[ Knocking ]

Oh, hi.

I was going to
meet you downstairs.

The officer at the desk
said to come up.

Oh, okay.

You want me to wait
back downstairs?

No, no, i’m ready.

Good night, guys.

Good night, diane.

Good night.

Bobby’s doctor.

Yeah, that’s what she said.

Listen, about today,

You know greg
knew the owner,

So if he was
a little aggressive

In pitching his case,
well, that’s why.

as much as I don’t like

To talk about
personal stuff at work,

I’d rather not talk
about work when we’re out.

Come on, I brought it up,
what, maybe twice?

The only way I can do this

Is if we make it
its own separate thing.

Inside info, rehashing cases,
I can’t do it,

Because then i’ll feel
i’m compromising my job,

And it’s too important to me.


I want to share
the good things

Other than work with you,

And there’s a lot else
to enjoy.

Let’s share that.

If your big thing
is leaving work at work,

Then why do you still
got to try

And get your terms
when we’re outside of it

And not just let it happen?

Can you share
the good things with me?


Yeah, I can do that.

Then let’s do it.

And no more terms.

Well, uh...

Now, i’d better get going,

Being a work night
and all.

And what’s this guy’s

He can fly
and be invisible.

Yeah, huh?
How about that one?

I haven’t decided yet.

Hey, I can walk around
under you.

Yeah, you can.

So, you like having
aunt katie around more?

I like when she’s here.


I can’t watch cartoons
unless I do my reading first.

That’s good.
That’s discipline.

You got to have that

Or else you watch cartoons
all the time,

And your brain
turns to mush.

Cartoons don’t make
your brain turn to mush.

But you like aunt katie
being around?

I miss her
when she’s not around.

How’s he doing?

He just broke out
the superheroes.

He should be getting
to bed soon.



Do you want me
to spend the night tonight?

Maybe you should
just move in.

Just drop everything
and move in?

You’re good for theo,

You’re good for me.

We’re good for you,

Yes, of course.

So move in.

We’ll make a family
and we’ll raise theo right.

And i’m what...

Your girlfriend?

Your roommate,
but we share the same bed?

No, I want you
to be comfortable.

You know, whatever you need
to be comfortable

Because this would be
your place, too.

Well, if I move in
and we make a family...

Andy, I want it
to be official.

I need that
to be comfortable.

Okay, we can do that.

Do you mean it?


So we get married.

Is that what you’re saying?

That’s what i’m saying,

I’d like that, andy...

Very much.
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