Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2019)

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Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

Thanks again for the tour.

This is gonna mean a
guaranteed A+ on my paper.

Of course, Ms. Gordon, we're always
happy to show off our prototype.

Oh, I can imagine.
Of the generator is as powerful

and runs as clean as reported,

it'll change the...

Huh? Hey!

What's going on?

Get down!

And then they were gone.

It all happened so fast.

And I didn't have time to,
you know,

Batgirl up.

Those things, they were like
lizard men or something.

They took the generator. Into the wrong
hands, it could blow up a city block.

We have to stop them, Batman.

Whatever they are,

they're going to regret
stepping foot in Gotham.

They're ninja.

Master Bruce?

Here, Alfred. I've gone over
the security footage

of all the previous
laboratory att*cks.

Their fighting style is consistent
with ancient forms of ninjutsu.

The League of Assassins


Batgirl's report
was that this is someone new.

There are meta-humans
involved as well.

Some kind of
monstrous creatures.


Certainly Gotham needs
more of those.

Industrial is the recent victim

in a string of break-ins involving
research and development laboratories.

By all accounts,
the police department has no leads

on who's behind
these att*cks

or where they'll strike next.

But we do, don't we, Donnie?

That's right.
Wayne Enterprises.

Come on,
we don't wanna be seen.

By the way, we received a
call from Commissioner Gordon.

He's identified Wayne
Enterprises as a likely target

for another break in.

It'll be assigned ten patrol
cars for extra security.

Call them back
and respectfully decline.

Shall I tell them, "No, thank you.
Mr. Wayne would prefer

"to let these monstrous ninjas
attack, so that he might punch them

"whilst wearing
a bat costume?"

You'll figure something out.

Wayne Enterprises.

This is our big score,

There's a new player in Gotham,
and our mystery guest is stealing

all the experimental tech
this city has to offer.

A genius that I am,

I figure we hit
the Wayne Lab first

and sell the tech
to our new friend,

whoever they are.

Let's get moving,
but keep an eye out for the bat.

It's him! He's here!

Wayne Enterprises
cloud seeder testing


The boss gave them
the night off.

Me? I always work late.

Now, who is ready to talk?

Where is he?
Where is he?

Show yourself!

It's the bat. Fire! Fire!

Do I look like
a friggin' bat to you?



- What are they?
- We're aliens, brah.

Freaky aliens.

I don't care what
they are. k*ll 'em!

We're not aliens though.
We're turtles.

Not the time, Donnie.

It's always the time
for accuracy, Leo.

All right.

Dude, you're out of dudes.

Do I have to k*ll
everything myself?

Find cover! Out of
the way, lackey!

He's got a g*n umbrella?

A g*n-brella?

How cool is that?

Mikey, let's disarm
and then compliment him?


You lose.

Where's Shredder?

Shredder? What's a shredder?

You face the Penguin.

It's a sword-brella too?

I think I love
this little guy.

Well, as I have no wish to be
skewered by an ugly green monstrosity,

you leave me no choice.

So long, cretins.

Gotham is bonkers, yo!

Now what does a ninja clan want
with an experimental cloud seeder?

Where are your meta-humans?

Meta? You mean, the turtles?


You picked
the wrong battle, warrior.

Who are you,

and why are you in Gotham?

Stay out of my way.

Next time, I will not
be so merciful.

That was the
coolest thing I've seen in years.

I feel like you guys are not
making the most of this road trip.

Like, if we had to chase Shredder from
New York all the way to Gotham city,

we should at least
enjoy it, right?

I don't know, Gotham and New
York are pretty much the same.

Donnie, are you kidding?

Does New York have mad blimps
flying around for no reason?

I mean, like,
what are they for?

I love 'em.

This was a total
waste of time.

Come on, you heard
the weirdo.

They were going
to rob Wayne Enterprises.

Penguin clearly isn't
the Foot's new partner

which means, Shredder
probably already hit Wayne R&D

and got the gizmo just like the
generator he stole at Power's Lab, Leo.

Let's just get these guys to the
streets, so the police can find them.

Are you crazy?

You could've k*lled them.

They're fine.

Did you know there
was a dumpster there?

I might have.

- Yeah.
- If it helps,

the dumpster being there
or not being there

- really doesn't give no guarantee they'd survive...
- Doesn't help.

What is it?
It had better be...


It's beautiful.

What'd you think
something like that costs?

My soul probably

since I'd pay that.



Um, wild guess here.
This might be his car.

The Penguin mentioned a bat.

Think this is the guy
working with Shredder?

Could be.

- Wait for my signal to...
- Nah, I got this.

Hold still.

Take him down,
we need answers.

You're welcome to try.

What the...


Nunchaku to the face!

I said to the face!


I think we should
see other people.

But I don't like
other people.

Everybody run!
There's a crazy guy in a bat suit

who's trying to k*ll us.

It's a talking toad! No!

I know right?

- Spooky stuff.
- Go, go!

Oh, crud.

Nice of you to join us.

I was protecting
the citizens, man.

The citizens!

It's gonna take more
than a jerk in a Halloween costume

to shock me!

Okay. Taser level seven.

Think fast.

He thought too fast.

Whoever you are, you better back
the hell away from my brothers.

That's it. I'm calling this.

It's ninja vanish time!



Ah, Master Shredder.

I trust you procured the cloud
seeder from Wayne Enterprises?

Obviously without it,
I can't finish the machine.

We do not yet
have the device.

You shall not speak
of it further.

Got it.

Uh, just a heads up. Although you
might not want to talk about it

with me, your loyal henchmen/hostage.

I'm not 100% certain
on my status here.

You will have to explain
this set back to our partner.

I will deal with him
when he arrives.

Then, by all means,

deal with me.

Ra's al Ghul.

We finally meet face to face.


It seems things have gone
poorly while I've been en route.

I do hope you and your little Foot
Clan can live up to your reputation.

I have kept up
my side of the bargain.

You had better be prepared
to honor yours.

Your side?
You can't be serious.

I promised you the secrets
of the Lazarus Pits.

The source of my immortality.

All you had to do
was build a machine

And you haven't even
managed that.

The machine
is nearly complete.

Hi. Baxter Stockman.
I am building it.

Okay, that's fine.

The machine would be
finished already,

if it was not for
the Batman.

Don't you worry
about the detective.

I know how to manage him.

If you could do that,
he would be dead already.

Remember, your plan would be
nothing without me

and my supply
of the Ooze.

I just hope you can deliver
all you've promised.

If it's a demonstration
you want...

Would one of your men
like to volunteer?

For the glory
of the Head of the Demon.

Don't worry, he'll live.


We are legion.

I have many more,
just like him.

Once we obtain the cloud seed
of Gotham's own citizens,

we'll tear this city
to the ground.

And the world will follow.

They call him...

the Batman?

Oh, Batman.

Yeah, no, I'm glad that
a half an hour research

pulled up the name I could've
guessed in two seconds.

I've read rumors about a
supernatural bat creature in Gotham,

but I assumed it was
an urban legend

or that he was
a mutant like us.

That guy was definitely human,

and I think his supernatural
powers were just his gadgets.

we already know what he is.

He's awesome!

Unless he's a bad guy.

That'd make him like...

Forty percent less awesome.

No one knows his motives,
but it does appear

that he only att*cks criminals

especially this clown guy.

So he wears a Dracula costume
and punches clowns, who cares?

The dirtbag stole my sai!

Dracula costume? What kind of
Dracula movies are you watching?

Look, all I'm saying is ever
since Shredder stole the Ooze

from TCRI and came
to Gotham,

we know he's been working
with a new partner, right?

It's gotta be
this bat creep.

I'm not so sure.

The way he fought,
avoiding lethal blows,

he wanted to figure us out.

Like a detective.

Okay, bros.

I broke it down.


Little bat throwing things,
cool car.

Sweet bat hat.

Not awesome,
kicked our butts.

Maybe evil,
mean voice.

Either way,
after Wayne Enterprises,

we have no idea where
the Foot will be next.

The Batman
is our only lead.

Agreed, whether friend or foe,
he was at the scene of the crime.

And if you give me
a minute,

I think I've got an idea.

Heard on the scanner that the police
took in some of Penguin's men.

Say that they were
jumped by four crazy frogs.

I assume those
were my lizard guys.

They're turtles.

And the DNA on this w*apon suggests
they were mutated by an outside agent.

The technology the ninjas
have already stolen

could be used to refine
a mutagen like that.

But why?

The cloud seeder is
the last piece of the puzzle.

Which is why I had to move it to a
secure location outside of Gotham.

I really wish
you brought me in on this.

I mean, I saw the monsters
first, it's my case.

There were too many unknowns.
You could've gotten hurt.

But in the meantime, I'll need to
start working on a way to counteract

the mutagen.

I could use your help.


Although if those creatures left
Penguin's men tied up for the police.

Maybe I was wrong
about them.


Look, I love being an amphibian
as much as the next guy.

we're still reptiles.

Yeah, thanks for that,
but you sure this cave leads anywhere?

Glad you asked,
I am sure actually.

I made a database of every
reported Batman sighting

and ran it through an
algorithm that triangulated

against the city's police records
and natural cave formations.

Donnie, nobody cares.

Where are you taking us?

The answer should be
right through...


The Batman cave.


- This is pretty cool.
- Pretty cool?

This is amazing.

I don't know what to put
my grubby paws on first.

I'm gonna see if I can
access that big computer.

For clues.

And also because
it's beautiful.

I don't see any sign that Shredder
or the Foot Clan had been here.

Yeah, and I just see the signs
of a dude with way too much time

and way too much money
on his hands.

Most of these files
are encrypted too heavily

but it looks to me that Batman has
been tracking the laboratory break-ins.

Like he's been looking
for the Foot's next move.

Same as us.

Hey, guys, check it out.

I'm Batman
and I'm riding the T-Rex.

I've never been so happy
in my entire life.

Mikey, get down.

No, man.

I live up here now.

You should listen to him.


Take that mask off.

- Now.
- Help!

A tiny dude's like totally
trying to k*ll me.

I said,
take it off!

What are you, five?

How did you get in here?


Hey, little guy.

We didn't come here
to fight.


That's it, grab him.

Let go.

You let go, dude.


Listen, shrimp,

you don't wanna do this.

Oh, yes.

I do.

What is it with this kid?


Sneak attack!

Interlopers. I'll
have your heads for this.

- Let me up.
- I can't hear you, bro.

Answer my shell.

Let's just try and reason
with him before...


Get off Robin.


How did you get
into this cave?

Oh, well, there weren't many security
measures in the Northern tunnel,

we had to swim
for a bit, but...

I'm realizing you don't actually want
constructive criticism right now.

What I want
are answers.

Look, we're not here
to fight.

My name is Leonardo.

These are my brothers, Raphael,
Donatello and Michelangelo.

- Seriously?
- Our father was really into Renaissance painters.

And he's a rat.

We're not your enemy.

We came to Gotham to stop
Shredder and the Foot Clan.

Honestly, we thought you might
be Shredder's new partner.

Shredder, so that's his name.

I had heard of a Foot Clan, but I
thought they'd went extinct ages ago.

They're ninja, you know.

So are we not going
to beat up these green losers?

It's not looking like it, no.

I may as well tell you that I know who
Shredder and the Foot are working with.

Ra's al Ghul.

Hey, you can't be in here.


I said stop




This is a distraction,
we should be securing the cloud seeder.

After your failure,
I have put another agent on that task.

The next phase of my plan
is here.

Whatever you two
are scheming.

I'd appreciate
being left out of it.

Not me, I'm in.

Ra's al Ghul means Batman and
I'm just dying for a rematch.

You try my patience,
Ra's al Ghul.

The Foot has no need
of these...


Your constant questioning of
the plan tries my patience.

So we're even.

Hush, my sweet.

Don't let the mean old men
bother you.


Hey, over here.

It'll just take a second,
it's very important.

- Speak.
- You gotta come closer.

Hmm, uh-huh, that's it.

Just wanted to make sure that
my makeup wasn't smudging.

Thanks, metal head.

I hate Gotham.

Then you're in luck

because the man who will
help us destroy this city

is right behind this door.

That should
be everything.

Can you handle all that?
It's a lot of pizza.

Young lady,
I assure you.

There's no amount
of greasy cheese bread

that could surpass
my abilities.

You're the boss,
weird butler.

I offer to cook a gourmet meal
but they want pizza.



Oh, no.

Ooh, pizza.


Impressive form.

Your father taught you well.


So, this League of Assassins seems just
like your standard evil ninja deal.

Ha, hardly, despite
their name.

The League would be better
understood as a death cult.

Worshiping Ra's al Ghul.

The Demon's head.

Okay, fine.

Creepy evil ninjas then.

He wants to use the League to
tear down cities like Gotham

and rebuild them
in his image.

Yeah, Ra's obviously
has plans for the mutagen

your Shredder
brought into the city.

Ooze, we call it Ooze.

Really? Ugh,
I do not like that word.

"Ooze", blech, gross.

Right, Shredder gives
ghoulie the Ooze,

they build some kind of gizmo and
in return, let me get this straight,

Shredder gets a pit?

The Lazarus Pit.

It's how Ra's al Ghul
has survived for centuries.

It's magic grants immortality
to any who bathe in it

An immortal Shredder?

That would suck.

As much as the words immortal
Shredder freak me out.

I think Batgirl and I have
solved one of our problems.

Yep, with the info Donnie...

- I can call you that, right?
- By all means.

Cool that Donnie
had on his T-phone

I've whipped up
a retro mutagen.


Not gonna call it that. That will
reverse the effects of the stuff.

You're gonna wanna get that anti-Ooze
away from this happily mutated turtle.

Don't worry, it'll only work
on someone who's been mutated

in the last 12 hours.

After that, the DNA changes
are baked in.

Yeah, although maybe
worry a little,

because it's untested,
right now there's a...

I'm gonna say 40%
chance of lethal side effects.

I agree with the turtle,
go stand over there.


Where were those moves
when we fought before?

If you'd focused like that,
you'd have had a chance.

A chance? I won just now.

I'm still recovering from
whatever Shredder did to me.

I've never seen
an attack like that.

It must've been
the Sato Oshi strike.

It's a powerful ninja technique
that dates back hundreds of years.

Said to be created by the
founders of the Foot Clan.

It focuses all the body's
energy into a single blow

and can prove as fatal
to its wielder

as it is to the opponent.

Because of that, it's been
lost to history.

Only two living ninja masters know
how to utilize it's full power.

My father Splinter
and The Shredder.

Good to know.

Shredder may have
ancient ninja moves,

but I've still got
a utility belt.

And furthermore,
I am keeping the skateboard

until you learn not
to use it in the house.

- Dude, no.
- Calling me, "dude"

is not helping your case,
young master Michelangelo.

Come on, old Master Alfred.

Oh, that's not how that works.

Look what I got

Ahem, would the young masters
care for some napkins?

What for?

Batgirl, Robin,
Shredder and Ra's

will be looking for something
to replace the cloud seeder.

Any leads on where
they might find that?

Not right this second, no.

Then that's what
you should be working on.

Yes, sir.

Come on, dude,
you can't fight crime

without first partaking
in a cheesy slice.

This isn't the time
for pizza.

I totally don't understand
that sentence.

The Bat Signal,
Robin, Batgirl let's move.

- What about them?
- What do you mean, what about us?

We're coming with you.

Please, no.

I don't know Shredder
and I don't know the Foot.

Leonardo and his brothers
are important assets.

But you'll have
to follow orders.

This is still my city.

- Deal.
- We're definitely gonna want a road pizza.

Ra's al Ghul.

I've been waiting for so long,
I thought you've forgotten about our,

little deal.

I never forget.

I trust you have what I want.

But I've got it right here.


An old family recipe passed
down to me by my dear mummy Joker.

Who hasn't k*lled by the way.

This man is an idiot.

The Joker has his purpose.

And he has something
we need.

You've got what you wanted,
now pay up.

Shredder, pay the clown.


As if we didn't have enough
problems in this city.

Commissioner Gordon.

What have you got for me?

It's Arkham. Alarms went off
an hour ago,

but when...

What are those?

- Teenagers.
- Mutants.

- Ninjas.
- Turtles.

Just think about
your retirement.

Some place where the turtles
don't talk

and clowns are funny.

It's okay, Jim,
they're friends.

- Arkham.
- Right.

When my people tried to move in,
they were att*cked by ninjas.

Like the ones that have been
knocking over laboratories.


We've got the perimeter
locked down,

but we have to assume
there are hostages inside.

Guards, doctors, nurses.

I need you to...

Sure, leave before I finish.

That never gets old.

I'm still here.

The Foot have been robbing high
tech laboratories all week,

it doesn't make sense for Shredder
to take over for an asylum

all of a sudden.

It doesn't matter.
Arkham and its inmates are too dangerous

to take any chances.

Here we go!

Last one there pays for pizza.

It's not a race.

Not with that
attitude, it isn't.

Ha! I never said
I didn't wanna win.

Attention, inmates of Arkham.

Joker here and I'm pleased to
announce you have a new warden.


I've got a brand-new
medication regimen for you.

Oh, nurse.



Nurse Harley Quinn?


Oh, fine.

Doctor Harley Quinn.

You damn straight.

Eight years of college,
and three-year residency

and he says nurse.

I win.

No sign of the Foot
or the league.

Stay sharp.


Well, would ya look at that.

The bats have made
some new best friends.

So you're gonna introduce me to
your new turtle pals or what?

Harley, what have
they done to you?

The Ooze.
They must have injected themselves.

Uh-uh, there'll be
plenty of time to talk

once you find Mr. J
and our guests.

He's got a whole thing

I don't wanna ruin it.

You know how he gets.


Presumably, Shredder and Ra's
have mutated all the inmates

at Arkham.

Was this their plan? Mutate the
villains and unleash them on the city?

I have a feeling this is
just one part of the puzzle.

Split up,
investigate each wing.

Remember, this whole asylum
is essentially a maze.

There are hostages to rescue

and on top of that,
even before they were mutated,

these inmates were the deadliest
criminals in all of Gotham.

I was kind of expecting
a pep talk.

That was the pep talk.

Go, team.

So far, so good.

No creepy manimals
in here.

Says the creepy manimal.


I'm a super k*ll-manimal.

This is as far you go.

For you shall not escape.

Mr. Freeze.

A polar bear
with an ice g*n.

That is so cool.

I'll show you "cool", child.

And he's got the lines
down and everything.

Dude's on point.

This, ugh, Ooze.

Does it affect your mind?

Oh, no, not that
I've encountered.

It might change your mannerisms,
but you're still you.

I disagree.


I feel like a new man.

What is it?

Someone's here.

Hello, Batman.

I was afraid
you wouldn't show up.

Though not as afraid
as you're going to be.

Dr. Jonathan Crane,
calls himself Scarecrow.


Watch out, he has a fear gas that can
make you see things that aren't real.



Get out of here
before Scarecrow...

Mikey, Ralph, Donnie.



That's right.

Everyone is gone.

And it's all your fault.


Hey, creature.

Leave that kid alone.



I'm gonna need
some help up here.

I'm a little busy right now.

That won't...
hang on, what are those?

Bad idea, bad idea.

Hey, Freeze.

- If you can't stand the heat...
- Please, don't.

- Stop.
- Get out of the kitchen.

Boom! I got lines, too.

On second thought,
let's just run.

Did they not tell you
about me, little turtle?


I'm the man who
broke the bat!

Nice work.

Thanks, although I can't really
take credit for the shell.

That's more,
you know, evolution.


Your brothers
are gone.

You are too weak
to save them.

You k*lled them!

Leonardo, listen to my voice.

I don't know
what you're seeing,

but it's not real.

You'll pay for what you did.

Your anger won't help
your brothers.

All your fault.

You have to focus.

Fight it.

All your fault.

The antidote
to Crane's gas.

It should wear off quickly.

Let's move.

I don't think bear-breath
saw us run in here.

Hello, boys.

All these years, I've never
realized what my true potential was.

- This is bad, huh?
- Worse.

It's Poison Ivy.

Although, all this personal
growth can make a plant...



For real?

You can't reach?



No! I...

Hold on.

So, walk around her?

I'll eat you.

Get back here.

So long, plant babe.


Help us.

Glad you could join us, Bats.

You're just in time
for the coin toss.

Two Face. Wait.

Better listen
to the bat, turtle boy.

Take it from me.
One reptile to another.


Where's Ra's al Ghul
and Shredder?

That's it?

Where's Ra's?
Where's Shredder?

Why not,
Joker, darling,

I love what you've done
with yourself.

Honesty, Bats.

- I'm hurt.
- Aw, don't pout, pudding.

I love your scales.

I go through all this trouble,
and it's like he doesn't even see me.

You work so hard,
you're my workingest Joker.

- Hey.
- We made it.

Ew, that's weird
and gross.

It's the hostages.

- Wait for my signal.
- Nuts to that.

It's rescuing time.


- Help us.
- Stop.

Joker always has a trap.

Help us. Help us.

Whoops, did you think
those were hostages?

Guess the joke's on you.

- You had your chance.
- My turn.

Batman! Just the flying rodent
I wanted to k*ll.

- Oh, right, that guy.
- Rematch?


He's winning again.


Just stay down, Batsie.

See, Bats, isn't this
a fun change of pace?

Me, you, this city,

its villains, oh,
we were in such a rut.

But this Ooze, ooh,

is really shaking things up.

I made a deal with old
knifey-hat and demon head.

They gave me some of their
wonderful Ooze to play with,

and in return,
I gave them the formula

for my Joker venom.

Turns out when you combine the
Ooze with my little tincture,

you get something new.

Something that not
only transforms you,

but drives you mad.

Of course, it's a difficult
concoction to make in large doses.

Why, I only have
enough for


What's going on?


A bat Batman?

Wasn't Two Face
on our side?

Who cares?
It's not about side,

it's about selling
the joke.




Are you there?

I don't think
Batman is home right now.

Oh, there's a bat monster
after my own snake heart.

Batgirl, the anti-Ooze.

Retro mutagen,
and it's right here,

but it's untested.
It could k*ll him.

If he escapes and too much time passes,
this change will be permanent, right?


Then we don't
have a choice.

I'm sorry
I wore your hat!

Hold still.

I'll take that. Don't want you
ruining our fun.

We'll help Leo.
You get the anti-Ooze.

Got it.

Look, who it is,
the Boy Blunder.

Looks like you're...

Let's see what kind of venom
I've got in these new fangs,

shall we?

Like, calm down, dude.

We just gotta
keep him here.

And, you know,
keep him from k*lling us.


- Batgirl.
- Huh?

Donnie, catch.


Batman, if this kills you,
please don't become a bat ghost

and haunt me.


Did it, work?

I think he's gonna be okay.

You saved him.

Thank you.

Please stop.


Hello, Batgirl.

Love your boots.


Batgirl and I found the surviving
hostages in a room downstairs.

They're fine, mostly.

And now that we know
the anti-Ooze works,

we can give it to the Gotham
police to get these inmates

back to normal.

But if Shredder and the
Foot aren't even here.

Then this whole damn thing
was just a giant distraction.

I have to say Mr. Al Ghul.

I'm glad you asked me
to obtain this device for you.

It took considerable skill
and coin to steal it.

Ah, but that's why
you came to the best.

My new-found associate
left me little choice.

A genuine, one-of-a-kind
Wayne Enterprises cloud seeder

This is it.


You've done well, Penguin.

Shredder, remind me that you're
still good for something,

and take care
of the Penguin.

What about my finder's fee?

Quite a lot of money
was discussed.

There is no money.

What? It's a trick.

k*ll him.

Your men
are all dead.

Would you like to be next?


Fine. Take it.

I'll consider this
a resume building experience.

Uh, don't feel too bad.
I've been with the Foot for years,

and I've never been paid.

Which I guess is a mark
in the hostage column.

The Wayne Enterprises container
ship that was moving the cloud seeder

to Bludhaven
was h*jacked last night.

The thieves then smuggled the
cloud seeder back into Gotham port.

While we were dealing
with those freaks in Arkham.

With the machinery
that the Foot has stolen,

I think they're building
something that will mix the Ooze

with Joker's formula
and launch the Jokerized Ooze

into the clouds
above the city.

And when it rains down,
it'll turn everyone in Gotham

into a monster mutant
like Batman.


I'm freaking out here.

Did everyone else know that
Batman is Bruce Wayne?

I mean, you knew the Batcave
was under Wayne Manor.

Just saying, it's a lot
to take in. Rich and cool?

It's like leave something
for the rest of us, guy.

Going, I'm going, okay?

Do we have any idea where Shredder
and Ra's are building this machine?

I don't know exactly how
Joker makes his venom,

but I do know where the
components would be.

Ace Chemicals.

It's where the Joker was created
when he fell into a vat of,

you know, chemicals.

So if they need venom,
they'll be there.

But it's walled off,
easy to defend.

So what? If they're dug in
and ready for a fight,

then we bring 'em
a freakin' fight.

We aren't doing anything.

Master Bruce,
you are not well.

I'm as well as I need to be.

Batgirl and Robin are
coming with me to Ace.

The turtles are going home.

What? Come on.

We know your secret identity now.
Our team up has been cemented.

I gave you a chance,
but your four are impulsive,

and you don't follow orders.
I want you out of Gotham.

Uh, Father, look
it pains me to say this,

but the turtles
saved you and Arkham.

They are valiant allies.

Even the dumb one,

Hey, not cool.

If it wasn't for them, Joker would've
never gotten close enough to inject me

in the first place.

This is not
up for discussion.

Maybe he's right.

Following Batman's lead took
us to Arkham and distracted us

from Shredder.

We'd be better off
on our own.

No, no, he ain't right.

Look, Batman, I get it,
the whole brooding loner thing.

Sitting up on rooftops mumbling
about how you're the only one

who could stand up
to evil in your own city,

that's my whole deal.

I love that stuff,
and I totally agree

that my brothers are annoying.

Unbearably so, sometimes.


Where are you going with this?

That's why,
when things get tough,

I don't even bother with them.
I go off on my own and do things my way.

- He does do that.
- Mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm.

Yeah, but here's the thing.

Every single time, I just get
into more trouble, and my brothers

have to bail me out.

It's true. Every time.

Sure, we make mistakes,
sure, we make the wrong moves

but we can't get better,
if you don't trust us.

We're a family, and learning
from your mistakes together

is how a family works.

This isn't a family.

It's a team.

Ain't that the same thing?

You're right.

Let's stop Ra's
and Shredder.


Awesome, dibs
on the bat mobile.

- Uh, we have our own ride.
- You do?

Yeah, we didn't walk here
form New York.

Don't care,
called the bat mobile.

So many buttons,
could I please just...

Don't press anything.

So you ride around
in this thing on purpose?

Okay, that's cool.





Bossa nova.

Ralph, Batgirl.

You're up.

We got mutants.

Nice little wolf.


Quick, the anti-Ooze.

Retro mutagen.

Hey, we're still out here.

I know, I know.

Hey, Trunks,
don't forget to duck.

I told him to duck.

Aw, come on.


press some buttons.

I'm a hit all of them.

I've always wanted
to hit every button.

Nice job.

That was pretty cool, kid.

Gentlemen, ninjas,
all-around murderers,

I'm pleased to announce the
venom/Ooze hybrid is complete.

The cloud seeder
is ready to launch.

Then it is done, Ra's.

The Foot has completed
its obligation to you.

I will expect no more delays
in giving me the Lazarus Pit.

Over eager as always.

Activate the machine.

It's time for this city
to revert to its primal nature

and destroy itself.

Do what the man says.

Yes, sir.

Ahh. And now,
nothing can stand in my way.

So much for
your distraction.

That's it. We have to shut
it off before it launches.

You're too late, Detective.

Gotham will fall
and be born anew.

We don't have much time.

Let's take him down.

Shut off the cloud seeder.

Shredder is mine.

I think you forgot how our
last encounter played out.


Batman sends children
to do his work for him.

Perhaps another must die to
teach him the folly of his ways.

- You! Fly man!
- Huh?

Prepare to defend yourself with whatever
formidable abilities you may possess.

I surrender! I don't even
work for the Foot.

I'm basically a hostage.

Don't hit me.

You are a terrible





Dude, machine's launching.

I can see that, Mikey.

Don't worry. I got this.


I might actually
need some guidance here.

Your anger won't help
your brothers. You have to focus.


Foolish child.

I'm hundreds of years old

and have trained with the
greatest teachers in history.

How could you possibly...

Oh, yeah?

Well, I'm 16,
and I learned this from a rat.

No tricks, no gadgets.

I promised you would die
if you stood in my way.

You are no match for me.

Now I will take control
of the League of Assassins,

harness the power
of the Lazarus Pits,

and the Foot Clan will rule
for a thousand years.

Any last words?


What? Cowabunga?

In your dumb face, Shred-head.

We have to shut it down.

I don't know, man.

There's no off switch.

There must be.

See if you can find
the manual override or...


I think you somehow
turned it on even more.

Well, sorry,
this isn't my thing.

You do machines,
I'm the party dude!

Huh? Mikey, whatever you
did, keep doing it.

You overheated the generator...

It'll explode.


Wait. We're riding it.
Do we want it to explode?

Ah, cool.

I knew there had to be
a reason for all these blimps.

Let's end this.

It... It doesn't matter.

Destroying Gotham was only
Ra's al Ghul's objective.

The Foot and the League
are mine.

There's nothing any
of you can do to stop me.

We have to get
everyone out, now!

Little help?
My guy's really heavy.

We did it.

The scan showed no trace of
the Jokerized Ooze in the air

No way Shredder
could've survived that.

Well, we've certainly
counted him out before.

Only to be surprised.

I still can't believe Master
Bruce actually said, "Cowabunga".

Come on, that was genius.

We needed a code word that
Batman would never normally say.

You did well out there.

Your father
will be very proud.

Thank you.

Although, I'm sure he'll have some
harsh words about us being gone

from the city
this long.

That's our fearless leader's unsubtle
way of saying it's time to go,

but let's keep in touch.

Sure, my handle online
is "Oracle".

Oh, I see you.



They are.

You're a tough
little guy.

I respect that.

It was an honor
to fight with you

and your more
frivolous brothers.

You are also weird.

But I kind of
like that, too.

Alfred, I'm very sorry
about before.

So to make it up to you.

Please accept
my skateboard.

It's just what
I've always wanted.

Promise me, you'll only use it
to perform the sickest of tricks.

All right, guys,
let's go home.

Wait, you can't leave now.

It's pizza time.


- Happy lunch over here.
- One for Batgirl.


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