Batman: Death in the Family (2020)

Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.

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Batman: Death in the Family (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

Don't move! Or I'll--

You'll what? sh**t me?

Twenty rounds a second,
and you were still too slow.

I'm not slow, punk.

-Me neither.
-I've got him.


I had to take him down.

You shattered his collarbone!

He's a drug dealing pimp.

I didn't think I had to prop up
some pillows before I took him out.

We needed him. He would've talked,

but you put him into shock.

Sorry. That was dumb.

But he deserved it.

That movie was amazing!

Hey, Dad, imagine if Zorro

came riding through Gotham
on his horse right now!

Well Bruce, I'm not so sure
a masked vigilante

would be welcomed in Gotham City.

Sadly, they'd probably just lock
someone like Zorro in Arkham.

Those were his last words to me.

Lately I've been wondering...

if he was right.

I had years and you, Alfred,

to help me come to terms
with the m*rder of my parents.

But I must have been crazy
to put Jason in the field

before he'd recovered from his loss.

His father m*rder*d by Two-Face,

his mother succumbing to illness.

His actions as Robin

are guided by unresolved pain and anger.

He's a danger to himself.

A danger to our mission.

I have no choice.

Jason's going off
active duty immediately.

Fine with me.



That looked like it really hurt.

Whoa. Now hang on.

That looked like it hurt a lot more.

So let's try and clear this up,
okay, pumpkin?

What hurts more?


Or B?


Or backhand?

A little louder, lamb chop.

I think you may have a collapsed lung.

That always impedes the oratory.

Now that was rude.

The first Boy Blunder had some manners.

I suppose I'm going to
have to teach you a lesson,

So you can better follow
in his footsteps.

Nah. I'm just going to keep
beating you with this crowbar.


What are you doing here?

You followed me. Figures.

I was about to guess the same of you.

But I didn't follow you to Bosnia,
I followed Ra's al Ghul.

He's got you jumping through hoops
to marry his daughter again, huh?

Well, I'm on my own mission here.

-I'm tracking Joker.

Here? And you're tracking him alone?

You know how dangerous--

I know that he shot Barbara
through the spine!

And I know he didn't stop there.

But you only put that
waste of life back in a cell.

Well, he's broken out. Again.

And someone had to do something--

Jason, Ra's is attempting
to build dirty bombs

that could k*ll thousands
with radiation poisoning.

He's here in Bosnia,

buying nuclear material
from an unknown seller.

Joker got a hold of stolen uranium.

I got a lead
he's selling it to t*rrorists.

Excellent detective work, son.

I think it's going to take
Batman and Robin together

to close this case.

Ra's' men are trying to get
the uranium across the border.

We'll lose them if we don't act now.

Batcycle only seats one.

You take them down while I investigate
that warehouse we tracked Joker to.

No. Stay here.

Just watch that warehouse
until I return.

-Jason for once, please listen to me.

Don't go after Joker alone.
He's just too dangerous.

You read me?

Loud and clear.

Just hurry back.

Okay, kiddo, I gotta go.

It's been fun though, right?

Well, maybe a smidge more fun
for me than you.

I'm just guessing
since you're being awful quiet.

Anyway, be a good boy,
finish your homework,

and be in bed by 9:00.

And hey,

please tell the big man I said...



He's alive.

He's alive.

You're going to be all right, son.
I'm going to get you all fixed up.

Fixed up...

but different.

Stitches, skin grafts, scar tissue.

Seventy-two days bedridden.

The outside is healing,
but the inside...

It's like suddenly
I can see through walls,

through lies,

like the smiles they use
to hide their pity and fear.

They see me as a victim,

a failure, a thing
that could happen to them.

And they're right.

The truth hurts more
than the 27 shattered bones

Joker gave me.

But what I see
is that they're the victims,

victims of Bruce Wayne.

d*ck, adopted co-dependent
of his mommy-daddy issues.

Barbara, crippled by
a maniac of his creation.

What kind of damaged individual
mentors a child

into the line of fire to begin with?

The butler did it.

I was doing fine
before Bruce brought me into his family.

I was alone before this family.

I was alive before I let this
insanely messed up family

lead me to slaughter!

Never again.

No more family.

I, alone, will become more than

the dreams and nightmares
they imagined for me.

New details are emerging tonight
from a grisly m*rder scene

in downtown Gotham City.

Several notorious crime lords
were gunned down in cold blood.

A witness in the area
reported seeing a masked gunman

with the letter "R" on his chest.

You know what scares a criminal?
It ain't a guy dressed like a bat.

The question
under investigation tonight,

did Batman's former protege,
Robin, strike again?

Moments after the Dark Knight

apprehended Barbara Ann Minerva
aka Cheetah,

she was shot and k*lled
by a yet-to-be-identified sn*per.

Batman unchained
from his self-imposed, moral leash.

That scares criminals.

Scares Bruce even more.

The GCPD has condemned
Robin's murderous rampage,

but some in the public actually
applaud the execution of criminals.

The fear Bruce will never face
is the truth Gotham needs most.

I've become his fear,
thanks to the Joker.

Can't wait to return
the favor to them both.

The infamous
crime lord known as the Black Mask

was barbecued by
the Boy Wonder man k*ller.

Vigilante Robin continues cleaning

the streets of Gotham with blood.

Crime rates plummet
thanks to Robin, but at what cost?

Even the Batman
can't seem to stop Robin's rampage.

It is impressive that you have
evaded the Batman this long.

But no one can evade the League.

That remains to be seen.

When you're trained by the ol' bat,
you learn a thing or two.

Or three.

Like how to cover your six
with hidden expl*sives?

Please. I'm a commander
in the League of Assassins,

and the daughter of Ra's al Ghul.

I know exactly who
your family is, Talia.

In fact, I found a special file
on the bat computer all about you.

Read like a cheap romance novel.

I'll take that as proof
my beloved still cares.

But I will wager that his files
do not include this small detail.

Oh, shh. Hush now, Damian.

Do you recognize your brother?

Damian has your father's eyes,
don't you think?

Your adoptive father, that is.

- His files said--
-That I lost our child before birth.

A lie I told Bruce so he would not have
to choose between our two families.

So that he would return to you, Jason.

After he nearly lost you
to my father's dealings in Bosnia,

Bruce made it clear
that our ties were broken.


Clearly, in the aftermath of Bosnia,

you and Damian both
lost a father figure.

Trust me, you dodged a b*llet
losing Bat-Dad.

The son of Batman needs a father figure.

Who better to help raise him
than his brother?

Whoa, lady. Look, I--

-You need a family, Jason...
-Nope. Never again.

The house of al Ghul's interests
run parallel to your own.

Let's agree to disagree.

We can use the League's resources
to find the Joker.

Joker crossed a line
with Barbara, with you, with my father.

And Batman will never do

what must be done
for those transgressions.

We will.

Talia said what she knew
I needed to hear.

I'll take any path to Joker I can get.

But the truth is she had me at Damian.

The son Bat-Dad ran off
and spawned while I was home alone.

Yeah, that stung a little.

So the chance to twist that kid
against Bruce and his mother... use him to burn down
the house of Wayne

and al Ghul from the inside...

I guess I'm destined for family life
after all.

Oh, Damian, my brother.

You're gonna be all right.

I'm going to get you all fixed up.


I'm sorry.

Hold on.



Batman! Bruce!

- Jason.
- Bruce!

I'm so sorry!

Don't... Don't try to talk.

Look, I can call for help.


No time for that...


Promise me you won't k*ll Joker...

for k*lling me.

Protecting Gotham,
helping others healed me.

I want that for you,

because I love you, son.

I know the anger,
the pain you have inside.

k*lling him won't end that pain.

You have to be strong.

Use this pain to be strong, son.

For your family, Barbara and d*ck.

For Joker.

- Bruce...
- Promise you'll be strong.





We save lives every day.


And there's always enough time.

But for Jason...

Thank you.

But you already know

how I failed to save Jason
from this life.

What you don't know

is how I failed to save him
from the next.

In the five years
following Jason's death,

I redoubled my efforts
to protect Gotham City...


To avoid endangering anyone else.

As always, Nightwing had other ideas.

The years d*ck spent at my side
as the first Robin taught him...

a little too much.

Now he has the annoying habit
of showing up at the exact moment

I need an extra hand.

Or fist.

Of course, I could never
admit that to him.

It would only encourage him.

But I appreciate his loyalty.

His sense of family.

It seems fitting that Nightwing
was there the night it all began.

I was tracking an arms shipment
for the crime lord called Black Mask.

Hijackers intercepted his shipment.

We persuaded the driver

lo confess he worked for
a rival of Black Mask's

called "The Red Hood."

A sn*per ended the interrogation.

Could've ended us.

But he laid out the red carpet
to follow him instead.

A trap.

So I followed him,

leaving Nightwing behind,

and safe.

The sn*per made pursuit easy,

but never allowed me
close enough to ID him.

Then, he led me to the factory.

- That place, where the Red Hood died...
- God, please, no!

Stay away! It's a set up!

Where the Joker was born.

My first great failure.

The sn*per, a new Red Hood,

seemed to know all of it.

He was sending me a message.

And it echoed Bosnia.

I cleared my mind
by focusing on the facts.

The Amazo heist
and reports from Nightwing

showed that Red Hood was taking over

the crime syndicates of Gotham
with deadly force.

Some of Gotham's most wanted,

I had to protect the rest.

Had to stop this Red Hood.

The first person to question was
the last person I ever want to see.

I needed Nightwing
to accompany me to Arkham Asylum.

To divide Joker's attention.

Get him to reveal a connection
to the Red Hood.

And help contain...


The effort proved useless.

With no accomplice or
base of operations to investigate,

we turned to Red Hood's known target,

Black Mask.

We staked out his latest drop
of trafficked weapons

hoping for interference.

We weren't disappointed.

The Red Hood's ability
to evade us was irritating,

but educational.

Advanced parkour,

counter-attacking on the run...

and the skill to escape
my grapnel lines.

Nobody cuts my grapnel lines.

Frustration made me stupid and careless.

I dropped right into another trap.

Another inferno...

...another escape.

Because of my choice, my mistake,

d*ck was injured.

I couldn't even look him in the eye.

Going forward, I had to work alone.

I needed to finish this alone.

To avoid repeating mistakes.

And because this was getting personal.

Knowledge of my tactics, my history,

escaping with those damned explosions,

and evidence that he even knew my name.

It all pointed
to an impossible conclusion.

But if I've learned
anything over the years,

it's that the impossible

is just the unthinkable lying in wait.

I needed to find him again,

but I wasn't the only one
hunting the Red Hood.

To flush him out,
Black Mask declared all-out w*r

against Red Hood's organizations.

Gotham City was caught in the crossfire.

When I finally caught up to him,

he was barely surviving an ambush...

...outnumbered four-to-one,
by high-tech assassins.

I balanced the scales.

To protect them,

and to test him.

His maneuvers, his timing,
our coordination,

as familiar as Jason's
when he fought at my side as Robin.


But then, he crossed the line.

Just to make a damn point.

He was cleaning up Gotham
by controlling it with deadly force,

because my way didn't work.

A familiar argument.

That was the moment I knew.

Jason, the son I had lost,

had returned.

He'd been... resurrected.

The body I brought home
from Bosnia five years ago...

was a fake.

How could I not have
looked inside his coffin

before we buried it?

Stupid and careless.

Following his death, I had allowed
myself a moment of weakness.

I allowed myself to be deceived.

There was only one other person
in Bosnia

who could have pulled this off.

Ra's al Ghul.

Ra's is a formidable enemy,
but an honorable one.

He'd even tried to get me
to marry his daughter, Talia.

There was once a twisted sense
of family between us.

But that was before Bosnia...

...before his deal with the Joker.

Bombing the banks of Europe
with Joker's stolen uranium

was only one part of their bargain.

Distracting me from their deal
was another.

I thought k*lling Robin
was the third part.

I was wrong.

Ra's had no idea Robin was in Bosnia.

Robin's intel and backup

tipped the balance
of the mission in our favor,

and teaming up
afforded us the chance

to relieve a growing
disconnect between us.

Then it happened.

It was uncharacteristic
humility for Ra's

to admit that he underestimated Joker.

His body language,
his micro expressions,

the fact that he, too, is a father,

it was clear that Ra's was
deeply grieved by Jason's passing.

As was I

Desperate to rectify
his disservice to me,

he found a way to steal Jason's body
for submersion in his Lazarus Pit.

As it had helped him cheat death,

Ra's used its supernatural properties

to resurrect my son.

But the cost was high.

While the Pit revivifies the body,

its effects on the mind
are less predictable.

The process drove Jason mad.

He escaped the house of al Ghul
despite Ra's' efforts to contain him.

The Lazarus Pit was obvious,

I was prepared
for that part of the story.

It was only after hearing
the rest of it,

that Jason had been lost
to both of us for five years,

did I realize the true reason
I confronted him.

I wanted Ra's to be responsible
for the Red Hood.

I wanted to blame someone else

for what Jason had become.

But I, alone,

was responsible for Jason's path.

The Red Hood was a nightmare
of my own making.

I had to get back to Gotham to stop him.

The w*r in Gotham had escalated.

Red Hood took the battle
directly to Black Mask.

And Black Mask,

never one to get his own hands dirty,

broke the Joker out of Arkham

to hire him to k*ll the Red Hood.

Clearly, he hadn't heard

that hiring the Joker
doesn't work out well.

Black Mask quickly found himself
hoisted with his own petard,

tied up in the back of a trailer,

and soaked in gasoline.

Sure enough, Joker got
Red Hood's attention.

But getting Joker out of Arkham

was Jason's goal all along.

Black Mask was just the pawn
to make it happen.

Jason was playing a long game of revenge

against the entire criminal underworld,

against Joker...

against me.

All building to a final confrontation.

He captured Joker,

and summoned me to meet them.

I knew I couldn't be late.

Never missing a chance to gain
a psychological advantage,

Jason chose Crime Alley
as our meeting place,

where I lost my father
and mother to a m*rder*r.

Where I gained a son.

Jason wanted it all to end that night,

but I was going to save my son,

or die trying.

We could've fought all night.

But no blow would land
as hard as the one I felt

when he finally removed the helmet.

For that moment,
I was just a father again.

I didn't want to fight anymore.

I begged him to stop,

to let me help.

But he wasn't done.

So neither was I.

It was always
a contest with Jason,

him against the world.

Even dying didn't teach him
he was wrong.

There was no more reasoning,

no more holding back.

He wanted pain,
I was ready to unleash it.

Ready to drag that kid through fire,

through hell and back,

to show him once and for all
his contest wasn't with the world,

it was with himself.

And then, he finally got the moment

he'd been planning for five years.

Jason said he'd forgiven me

for not saving him that night in Bosnia.

But that I didn't
avenge his death afterward,

that I didn't k*ll Joker
for k*lling him,

was a betrayal he could not live with.

So he crafted
his final challenge for me.

He wanted to look me in the eye

while forcing me to make a choice

between our ideals.

k*ll Joker

or k*ll Jason to stop him
from k*lling Joker.

But life isn't a game,
and death is never a choice.

To make it so is our undoing,

it would be my undoing.

I think about k*lling Joker every day,

ending the monster
that I let loose on the world.

But I'll never allow myself
that release,

a promise I made
to my father and mother,

an example to a son that
I will never stop fighting

to protect from himself.

No! Don't spoil it! This is better!

I'm the only one who's gonna get
what he wants tonight!

Yes! Bing, bang, boom!

We all go out together!

Don't you just love a happy ending?

/ can never stop fighting
to protect them from themselves.

To protect them from me.

We only come to know
the true power of evil

when we work to suppress it
in ourselves.

You know, when you say
spooky stuff like that,

you justify my contingency plans
to defeat you.

What I'm saying, Bruce,

is that you are
the strongest person I know.

Not because of the monsters
you fight on the outside,

but for the demons
you battle on the inside.

Your willingness
to open up to me about this...

Well, that shows real strength.

And the day you stop
reaching out for this support

is the day I know I need to activate

my contingency plan for you.

We'll find Jason. Together.

Right after I find the check.

Thank you, Clark.

And I paid the tab before you arrived.

But how did--

You order the same thing every time.

Even over dessert
you have to be two moves ahead?


We buried him next to Thomas
and Martha, the Wayne family.

Finally reunited.

Finally at peace.

After the funeral,
I went straight to the cave.

I told d*ck and Barbara
I had to work through our loss

by getting back to the mission,
as Batman would've wanted.

I promised to Alfred the Bat family
would capture Joker together,

as Bruce would've wanted.

I lied.

So, I alone could find him.

And send him off to hell.

Weirdly, Big Blue paid a visit

lo console me with stories

about the world's
finest detective and friend.


I almost went for
Batman's Kryptonite stash.

Then, Wonder Woman.

We shared Bat w*r stories,

and she left feeling
I was on a healing path.

Glad she didn't use
her Lasso of Truth on me.

Big brother d*ck dropped by again.

More Bat stories.

Flash apparently got the Justice League
memo to pep-talk Robin.

More Bat stories.

And holy Batcrap! d*ck again.

Day in and day out,
more heroes followed.

All of them sharing their stories.

Batman was scary, but smart.

Brutal, but just.

Cold, but caring.

The Dark Knight was always there

for anyone facing their darkest day.

It struck me that
all these superpowered heroes

had so much to unload
about a guy with no powers

to me, another guy with no powers.

Like I'm their super friend
or something.

I think Bruce would have liked that.

GCPD's Commissioner, Jim Gordon,

credits the Batman with exposing

a meta-human trafficking network

allegedly tied to Stagg Industries.

Tune in tonight at 11:00

for more updates
on Gotham's caped crusader.

If you'd fought alongside him,
you'd know

that's not Batman.

It's probably Nightwing
filling in for Bats.

And you, uh,
just happen to know Batman, huh?

Mmm. Knew him.

He's gone now.

The old Boy Wonder
knows to keep the Bat legend flying.

Or else Gotham would explode with crime.

Interesting theory.

You said you fought alongside him?

Oh, I'm a new man now.

Got a new life.

Starting over fresh.

At least that's what I write
in my journal.

My therapist says that'll help.


Talking things out helps too, friend.

As it turns out,
I happen to be a good listener.

Yeah, sure thing.

You know, this reminds me
of a joke I told Bats once.

You wanna hear it?

See, there were these two guys
in the lunatic asylum,

and one night, they decide

they don't like living
in an asylum anymore.

They decide they're going to escape.

So, like, they get up onto the roof,

and there, just across this narrow gap,

they see the rooftops of the town,

stretching away in the moonlight,

stretching away to freedom.

Now, the first guy,
he jumps right across

with no problem.

But, his friend didn't dare
make the leap.

You see... You see,
he's afraid of falling.

So then, the first guy has an idea.

He says, "Hey! I have
my flashlight with me.

I'll shine it across the gap
between the buildings.

You can walk along the beam
and join me."

But the second guy just shakes his head.

He says, "What do you think I am? Crazy?

You'd turn it off
when I was halfway across."



It's just not the same joke
without Batman here.

Well, next time I see him,

I'll tell the big man you said hello.

Boy Wonder.

Get on the ground!

-Face down. Do it now!
-Hands behind your head.

Don't do anything stupid.

You're under arrest!

We buried him next to Thomas and Martha.

The Wayne family finally reunited.

Finally at peace.

For me, there's a w*r inside my head,
inside my heart.

On one side, murderous rage.

The other, my promise to Bruce.

As he fought down his anger
for the mission,

I will do the same.

I refused visitors.
Refused their condolences.

I needed the pain to stay sharp,

to stay strong.

To focus on a plan.

k*ll Joker.

To bring the Joker to justice.

The Joker is a hard guy to find.

Adopting his old gimmick
would get his attention.

The Red Hood would take over
Gotham's criminal underworld...

k*ll him. I could mitigate
their damage on Gotham.

The Red Hood would disrupt
their illegal trafficking...

k*ll them all. I could keep them alive,
So they can spread the word.

Gotham City belongs to the Red Hood.

k*ll them all.

And without spilling a drop of blood,

as I promised.

That'll get Joker's attention.

Don't know what that maniac is up to,

but nobody make a move
until I give the order.

I'm a little teapot,
short and stout.

Here is my handle, here is my spout.

Who's that? Get a light on him.

Hey! Look at you. Mr. Hood!

Or do you prefer Red?

You know, I used to wear
an outfit a lot like that.

Mine was more flashy maître d'
than motorcycle fetish.

You kids today.

I'm sorry, could you hold on?

I was just in the middle of
setting fire to your g*ng.

You really think
I'll let you get away with that?

Don't know.
I just wanted your attention.

You've always had my attention.

That's why you're here now.

I'm sorry. That seems to imply

that you organized this little clambake.

Now you're catching on.

And now I'm catching you.

Hey, now, where did you go, Hoodsey?

We were having such a nice... Aah!

That wasn't nice!

Damn it!

All officers, hang clear of that smoke.

Break out the gas masks.

What the...

Ha! Gotchal!

Sorry. Was that rude?

I never did learn those manners.


One... bad... day.

Oh! Kid! You have done your papa proud.

Batman? Doubt he would agree.

Not that papa.

This one.

Look at you.

Gave up the gimmicks he gave you,

and now you're the spitting image of me.

I took your gimmicks to
draw you out and take you down

for what you did to me and to him!

Oh! Losing Batsy got me, too.

Right in the ticker.

Thought about hanging it all up
until you rode into town.

The timing, the irony.

I knew there was a joke under that hood,

but I never saw this punchline coming.

Who knew you were a natural-born k*ller

just like me?

I'm not like you.

I don't k*ll!

Don't be modest.

I admire your work.

Your entrance on the scene
was one for the books, baby.

You co-opted the head
of every crime syndicate in Gotham

by beheading their lieutenants!


A+ material.

And the way you punched holes

in Gotham's illegal trade lines?

By blasting holes through the traders!

Hilarious! Two thumbs up.

Oh! And the piece de resistance.

Black Mask.

Boy, did you find a way to cut him out.

So good! You get all the points.

No. I-I didn't. I couldn't.

I-I promised Batman.


Wait a second.

You actually don't remember.

You've been repressing all of it!

k*ll them all.

k*ll them all.

k*ll them all.

That's the best joke I ever heard!

This isn't Batman.

This isn't your inner demons.

This is you.

The deep down inside you.

That day in Bosnia was your birthday.

I got you your crowbar,
a little song, a little dance,

a little dynamite in your pants,

and you were reborn!


Without your proud papa Joker
there to slap you on the ass,

without the Dark Knight going
nighty night forever,

you wouldn't be the fine, upstanding,

eyes open, g*n-toting
psychopathic survivor you are today!

So, admit it, son...

Who's your daddy?

k*ll the Joker.

Justice was served.
A m*rder. A death sentence.

Execution was in order.

Carried out by me.

I know Bruce is probably
flipping in his grave over it.

But I did the right thing.

And now that Robin is a jailbird serving
a life sentence...

well, now I can serve justice
from the inside.

You're under arrest!

No sudden moves, man.

I know [ failed Batman.

I'm sure he's spinning in his grave...

But with his dying breath,

Joker showed me the truth.

Evil can't be cured.

Only k*lled.

Give me your purse!

You want a knife in your neck?

- No, please!
- Come on!

If I'd just had the right tools
that night in Bosnia...

Whoa! Hey, I give up.

Don't sh**t!

New details are emerging tonight

from a grisly m*rder scene
in downtown Gotham City.

Several notorious crime lords
were gunned down in cold blood.

A witness in the area
reported seeing a masked gunman

with the letter "R" on his chest.

The question
under investigation tonight,

did Batman's former protege,
Robin, strike again?

Moments after the Dark Knight
apprehended Barbara Ann Minerva,

AKA Cheetah,

she was shot and k*lled by
a yet-to-be-identified sn*per.

He's been dubbed the Red Robin

for his blood-soaked rampage
through the criminal underworld.

But many citizens are unnerved
by Batman's murderous former partner.

The Red Robin is considered armed

and extremely dangerous.

Police Commissioner James Gordon has
launched an all-out manhunt

to find the elusive vigilante.

And the GCPD urges all citizens,

should you encounter Red Robin
anywhere in Gotham,

immediately find cover
and keep your head down.

- It's Red Robin!
- What's happening?

We're all gonna die!

Hah! You're fresh out of guys,

Your turn.

Oh, Rob, are you making this personal?

Or are you just getting your rocks off?

Oh, yeah, that's the look.

You're not the first
to come after us for revenge.

So, who did we k*ll?

Girlfriend, sibling, mama, papa?

Daddy issues, huh?

Those will drive you batty.

But you've got other things
to worry about now.

Like, will we leave you to bleed out,

or put the next b*llet in your head?

You might call this--

Say "double jeopardy,"

and I'll shove that coin
down your throat

with my bloody stump.

That's the spirit, kid.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

the vicious, murderous vigilante,
Red Robin, awaits a verdict.

Will he get life,

or will he get death?

As if we'd leave the choice
to you filthy animals.

My little friend will make the call.

Fate wants me to do some good today.

I'll start by saving Gotham City

from the mass m*rder*r, Red Robin.

Your verdict, guilty!

My judgement, death.

Burn in hell, Two-Face.

- No, please!
- Don't look.

Robin, stop!

Please don't k*ll Two-Face.

Evil can't be cured, kid.

Only k*lled.

No, no! It can be caged, rehabilitated.

Robin, this isn't you.

You used to be good
when you worked with Batman.

Now you're the bad guy.

Robin, whatever made you
become Red Robin,

k*lling Two-Face won't change it.

You have to be strong.

I know he shot you,
but use the pain to be strong.

Stronger than Two-Face.

You have to be strong.

Be strong for Batman.

Use this pain
to be strong, son.

...protecting Gotham. For your family.

...helping others, Barbara, d*ck,
healed me.

I want that for you,

because I love you, son.

You're a spooky kid, you know that?

You win.

So, what do we do now?


You got a name?

Tim. Tim Drake.

Evil can't be cured,
only k*lled.

Whoever said that is a jackass.

It took a death sentence from Two-Face
to show me what I had become.

It took a kid holding my own g*n on me
to show me the way back.

To remind me of Bruce's dying words.

Remind me of what Batman stood for,

what he fought to give everyone.
A second chance.

Barbara, d*ck and Alfred are making sure
I don't forget that.

So is Tim.

But these days, we just call him Batkid.

Fate's not on your side today, kid.

Spare me the damn speech
and get it over with.

I'm starting to wonder if fate
was ever on your side, at all.

Look at you.
You used to fly with the Bat.

You used to stand for something.

Now, you're like a coin on its edge.

You're nothing.

Gotham fears you. Batman's chasing you.

And normally, I'd just k*ll you,

but I can't k*ll
what's already dead inside.

The worst I can do is
let you live with what you are.

A perfect failure.

I know I feel bad for him.

that's a fate worse than death.

Live with that
for the rest of your miserable life.

However long that is.

See you in hell, kid.

Promise you'll be strong, son.

For your family, Barbara and d*ck.

Promise you'll be strong.

I promise.


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

I so badly needed
understanding, forgiveness.

Barbara told me to surrender
to her father.

All the king's horses...

d*ck tried to arrest me.

...and all the king's men...

And Bruce...

...couldn't put Robin
together again.


Who... Who are you?

He is certainly not the mannequin
I arranged for you to bury.

He is my beloved.

Your father, he is Batman.


Ra's resurrected him in the Lazarus Pit?

My father wouldn't risk
the Lazarus process

after Batman's death in Bosnia.

I would not stand by and allow him
such a trivial demise.

As my father feared,
the pit drove Bruce to madness.

But I chose my beloved
for his exceptional strength of mind.

With time, with care,

my brilliant detective
and warrior returned to me.


Though his capacity for speech
is limited,

he has spoken with his body
and given himself to me.

You sick, twisted--

When Batman donned the colors
of his former protege,

it was clear he wanted you to join us.

Your recent actions prove your worth
to the League of Assassins.

And to the house of al Ghul.

I have done things
that will haunt me forever.

I know Batman would be
disappointed in me,

because I know Batman.
More than ever before.

And I know Bruce would never allow

what Batman stood for
to be corrupted by you.

Neither will I.

Jason, it is not me
you must convince of that.




Who... Who are you?

He is certainly not the mannequin
I arranged for you to bury.

He is my beloved.

Your father, he is Batman.


Ra's resurrected him in the Lazarus Pit?

My father wouldn't risk
the Lazarus process

after Batman's death in Bosnia.

I would not stand by
and allow him such a trivial demise.

As my father feared,
the pit drove Bruce to madness.

But I chose my beloved
for his exceptional strength of mind.

With time, with care,

my brilliant detective
and warrior returned to me.


Though his capacity for speech
is limited,

he has spoken with his body
and given himself to me.

You sick, twisted--

When Batman donned the colors
of his former protege,

it was clear he wanted you to join us.

Your recent actions prove your worth
to the League of Assassins.

And to the house of al Ghul.

I have done things
that will haunt me forever.

I know Batman would be
disappointed in me,

because I know Batman.

More than ever before.

And I know Bruce would never allow

what Batman stood for
to be corrupted by you.

Neither will I.

Jason, it is not me
you must convince of that.


We spent years training together
and fighting side by side.

I know his moves. He knows mine.

And none of that will help me now.

This isn't Batman.

He died in Bosnia.

That's all that matters.


We spent years training together
and fighting side by side.

I know his moves. He knows mine.

And none of that will help me now.

Bruce never stopped trying
to save my soul.

Now I'm gonna save his.

Or die trying.

Always the defiant one, Jason.

Batman was too soft on you,
but the League will tame you.

Tame this.

It was a long way back
from where I'd gone,

but my family took me back to heal.

So we could all heal.

That's what family does.

To that end,

Barbara returned to duty
as a sort of oracle,

streaming live intel and support to d*ck
while he patrolled Gotham.

Flashbacks, nightmares, PTSD.

I'm still working through stuff.

Not ready for the field yet.

But I am finding the strength
Bruce saw inside me all along.

The strength to just stop and heal.

The strength to be part of a family.

Bruce united us as that family.

Now we're united to heal him.

The effects of the Lazarus Pit
made him a danger to us,

to himself and to his legacy.

A legacy we would protect
as we searched for a cure

with the hope that
we might one day save Bruce Wayne

as he saved me.

Hey, Dad! Imagine if Zorro came

riding through Gotham
on his horse right now!

Well, Bruce,
I'm not so sure a masked vigilante

would be welcomed in Gotham City.

Sadly, they'd probably just
lock someone like Zorro in Arkham.

Zorro in Arkham.
Zorro in Ark...

Zor. En. Arr.

Zor. En. Arr.

Zor. En. Arr.

Zor. En. Arr.
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