Batman: Hush (2019)

Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.

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Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.
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Batman: Hush (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »


- Is that...
- Oh.

-Oh, he's here.

Oh, Bruce, is that you?

I know, soon.

Ah, this is a terrific space
for this.

A moment.
I have to take this.

I'm clear, Alfred. Update.

None as of yet.

Master Bruce, it is acceptable
to take one night off.

Speak to someone about sports.

Selina Kyle is here.

Perhaps Ms.
Kyle is merely enjoying the festivities.

She hasn't been involved
in any illegal activity

for at least a year.

Sixteen months.

Come on, it's Catwoman.

She's probably
casing the joint.

One second.

You were only supposed
to be scouting tonight.

Sounds like it went sideways.


Found out the shipment
was tonight,
so I thought I'd torch it.

Who knew heroin
was so flammable?

I'll be there in five.

Five? Where's the trust?



It's over in two.

Gotham PD is in,
so I'm out.

Sir, do you have an idea

what Ms. Kyle's interest
in the gala would be?

I'll ask.

Well, knock me over
with a feather.

Bruce Wayne mixing
with the swells.

So what do
they owe the honor?

It's mandatory.

I'm a board member.

How have you been, Selina?

Anything new?

You could say
I'm at a crossroads.

I used to love my work

at the gallery.

But now...

Sometimes change is good.

Like you would know.


You're actually here.

You never come
to these things.

It's like seeing a unicorn

in a $5,000 suit.


this is Thomas Elliot,
good friend and world-renowned
brain surgeon.

Thomas, Selina Kyle.

Hello. And I wouldn't say

Maybe the US
and parts of Canada.

Tom and I were inseparable
as kids,

especially after
losing my parents.

You're not getting away
this time.

Come on, let's have a drink.

Tony, line them up.

to interrupt, Master Bruce,

but I'm receiving reports that
Bane has abducted a child.

Ringing your phone now.

This needs my attention.

But it was good seeing you.

I'd like to catch up.


Nice while it lasted.

And here we are.

Seriously, both of them?

Perfect couple.

- The scion of
the Dupree Chemical fortune,

eight-year-old Edward Dupree,
has been kidnapped
by the criminal known as Bane.

He has demanded
an undisclosed ransom,

which the family has agreed
to pay, against police advice.

Commissioner Gordon,
do you have a statement?

Bane, if you're watching,

we have your money.
Don't hurt the boy.

The child was taken from the
playground in broad daylight.

It's not like Bane
to be so public.

Everything will
be fine, Edward.

Where is he?

Where's my damn money?

Stupid old Bat,
my Venom is stronger.

I am stronger!

I need my money.

I'll k*ll you!

Isn't Bane
usually a bit more eloquent?

It must be a side effect
of the new Venom design.

Which means his mind
is under the same strain.

Need my money
for more juice!

Here's your money.

Come get it.

Your parents
are waiting in front.



Apologies for
the interruption.

Lady Shiva.

The League of Assassins
has no business here.

Perhaps we do.

The League has been in flux,

different factions
vying for power.


And in the chaos,
the life-giving power
of a Lazarus Pit

was exploited by
an unknown intruder.

I would ask if you know
anything of this matter.


But I'll look into it.

Down here.

My thanks.

It was a pleasure
to see you work.

Next time, call first.

Is it too much to ask
for one quiet weekend?

-Well, thanks for saving
the day, as usual.

Wait, where's the ransom?


Damn it!

Did you know
she was back in town?


Took you long enough.

Like the view?

It's the only thing
you'll catch tonight.

Don't be so sure.


Hush, Batman.


told you it was him.

Fell out of the sky
like a dead pigeon.

What the hell?

- Only one way to deal
with this freak.

Back off, boys.

He's mine.

How about we cut him in two,
and then you?

After we're done with you,
he means.

Naughty, naughty.
There's a three-strikes law
in this state, boys.

That was one.




Ahh! Ooh!

You know,
some guys pay for that.

Man, screw this.

That was...

uncalled for.

Get away from him.

You're working with Bane
and you're going down.

Calm yourself, little girl.

Come quietly
and you won't get hurt.

Aw, that's adorable.

Take care of your boss.

Ugh! He's not my boss.

Alfred, Batman's hurt.

Really hurt.

Any problems?


What happened?

He couldn't keep up.

You sound disappointed.

Does it matter?

I got the job done.

Don't worry yourself
with anyone or anything,

except pleasing me.

Now bring me my money.

Good Kitty.

How would you say it?


Say it for me, Kitty. Say,




You can go now.

What the...

Not yet, Ivy.

Fifty-fifty, remember?

Since I can't control you,

maybe I'll finish our deal
another way.

Oh, I wouldn't.

If my vitals don't remain,
well, vital,

this herbicide b*mb will make
nasty work of you
and your pets.

But let's not go down
that road.

I have a job that will pay
ten times what you made today.

Think of all the fertilizer
you could buy.

I even brought you a gift.

Your favorite color,
I believe.

Is he gonna be okay?

His head injury
is beyond me, I'm afraid.

He needs a hospital.

Batman can go to the hospital?


But reckless playboy
Bruce Wayne can.

Take the roadster
to Forest Road near
mile marker 82, and wreck it.

d*ck Grayson will take him
to the emergency room.

Forty-five miles an hour
should be adequate.

Remember to tuck and roll.

Pretty screwed up
you guys have a plan for this.

I shall notify Thomas Elliot.

It seems Master Bruce
will be spending time
with his old friend after all.

Well, surgery couldn't
have gone better.

But you'll have to stay out
of the fast lane for a while.

Tom, I owe you so much.

It's the least I can do
for all the times
I left you hanging.

Oh, wait.

I know, I haven't been
a very good friend.

Are you kidding me?

Look at all the publicity
you gave me.

And don't think
you're the most notorious
patient I ever had.

I get around, you know.

You have patients
more infamous than me?

You'd know if you
hung around me more.

Maybe I will.

I'm serious, Tom.

I wanna be a better friend.

Bruce, I will always
be your friend...

no matter how annoying
that can be.

Dr. Elliot recommended
a minimum of two more weeks
bed rest.

Can't be helped, I need to go
to Blackgate Prison.

Yes, I see. I know better
than to try and dissuade you.

By now, I would hope so.

However, might I suggest
this one?

The headpiece
has a bit more padding.

- Hmm.
- -Do try to avoid blows to the head.

I'd prefer not to buttle
for the World's Greatest
Vegetable, sir.

Yes, very thoughtful, Alfred.

Moving Bane
is unnecessary.

Waller, this is one of
the most secure prisons
on the planet.

Security has nothing
to do with it.

You have no paperwork,
no orders.
I'm calling the mayor.

Wondered when you'd get here.

Are you also gonna tell me
I can't take him?

Can't and shouldn't
are different things.

I need to speak with Bane.


I believe he's working
with Poison Ivy and Catwoman.

I need to know why.

-Five minutes is all--

I might have some information
to trade.

I'm on a schedule.

Another mission with your
so-called su1c1de Squad?

- What's going on?
Didn't you sedate him?

Yes, ma'am, enough to tranq
a herd of elephants.

Bane is using a new Venom.
Makes him immune
to your sedatives.

I was going to tell you.

These tranquilizers can be
fired from the 20 millimeter
g*ns on your helicopters.

Stay back and I'll help you
reacquire him.


Stay out of my business
and I might stay out of yours.

Where is my money?

How should I know?

Wrong answer.

Listen, freak,
Ivy was controlling me,
she made me steal your money.


Then you die first.

Catwoman, down.

The package is secure.
Move out.

It appears we're even.

Stay out of trouble.

Wait, God, I know you're not
big on conversation,

but hold on.

You're going after Ivy
and I want in.

I have a code.

Revenge isn't part of it.

How about the address of her
pheromone-controlled minions?

Anyone knows where she went,
it's the zombies
who tended her plants.

Give me the information
and I'll take care of Ivy.


Hmm. Fine,
we work together on this.

What's the address?

Oh, I'm not done
with my demands.

Ticktock. Trail's going cold.

We've done this dance
for so long.

Aren't you just
the least bit...


No more.


Ivy's in Metropolis.


God, you're hot
when you smash stuff.

It's me. Get the jet ready.

Very good, sir.

And pack the jewelry.

Oh, dear.


"Man of Steel
Saves Bloodmobile."

I like it.

Hey, is "Man of Steel"
I can never remember.

-Mmm, no.
-How about "Bloodmobile"?

Lois, I have a deadline.

Just super-type it
like you do when you think
I'm not watching.

How come you're
still hanging around?
Don't you have an interview?

He's coming here.
Quite the get.

- Who?
- That would be me.

Bruce, you're early.

Bruce Wayne,
this is Clark Kent.

I believe we've met.

Yes. I've admired
your work, Clark.

On occasion.

Excuse me, got to check if
the conference room is ready.

Something tells me
a man like you is here
for more than an interview.

I do like to multitask.

Any business you can
tell me about?

Not at the moment. Wouldn't
want any third parties
getting involved.


Shall we?

I thought about buying
a newspaper once.

Wouldn't it be something
if I owned the Planet?

And you and Clark
could work for me.

Just don't forget
my big raise, Mr. Moneybags.


Oh, please.

Don't tell me
you and the Boy Scout
have switched cities.

LexCorp makes
a fortified ethylene compound

engineered to allow
exotic plants

to withstand changes
in locale and temperature.

And, so, why are you here?

I need the delivery list
of that compound
for the last week.

So, of course you come to me
at 3:00 in the morning.

The sooner I have
the information, the sooner
you get back to sleep.

And you couldn't visit
the person who does
the deliveries

and is probably awake
as we speak?

The information was deleted
on her computer.

I assume yours has
a few more safeguards.

One or two.


Would you like a printout,
maybe some hot cocoa
before you leave?

I have what I need.

What you need is to show me
some respect.

I saved all your asses
against Cyborg Superman,

and I'll remind you I'm
a Justice League member now.

Probationary member.
Don't call us, we'll call you.

Well, look who's here.

Wondered when you'd find me.

I've come back to you.

Have you, now?

No one can resist you.

And why would they want to?

That's so true, Kitty.

But no one fakes it with me.

Okay, crazy plant bitch,
it's on.

Nose filters?

What am I going
to do with you, Kitty?

Oh, I know.

Cut it close, why don't you.

You're going back
to Arkham, Ivy.


Is Batman your new boy toy?

I have one, too.

Stay away from her.

You heard my Superman.


k*ll them.

-Tell me you have a plan.


You thoughtless, worthless,
stupid meat.

I don't get my money
if they're still alive.

I won't... k*ll.

Are you trying to resist?

Seems my kryptonite kisses
need a touch-up.


Find them.

k*ll them.


Ugh, help these days.

How is he not on us?

He's as fast as a...
Well, you know.

Lead-lined tunnels,
courtesy of LexCorp.

They'll buy us some time.

But this is Superman.

Yes, and if he wanted,
we'd be dead already.

Deep down, he's a good person.

And deep down...

I'm not.

That's the jewelry?

Normally I'd be disappointed.

You clear on your part?

Standard smash and grab,
not like I haven't
done it before.

That's my cue.

Listen to me, Clark,
I've opened the gas main.

One spark from
your heat vision,
you blow up the entire block.

And you know what building
we're under.


Remember what I said
about the gas main?

I lied.

That hurt.

It was supposed to.

What are you doing?

What... Get your hands off--

Shut up and hope
the Big Blue Boy Scout
snaps out of it.

Get control.
You can save her.

It's your choice, not Ivy's.

Damn it.

Okay, looks like
we do it the hard way.

Superman, help!


How's your day been, honey?

Mine's been... eventful.

I'll explain everything.
I promise.

I, uh, blacked out
for that part.

You better have.


He made me do it.

I wouldn't get
too comfortable if I were you.


Was that really necessary?


You could have gotten
Lois k*lled.

I had faith you'd save her.

- Hmm.
- Batman.


Synthetic kryptonite.

-You know who made it?
-Working on it.


None of this is my fault.

I was forced to use Catwoman
to steal Bane's ransom.

Then he made me
control Superman.

Can't say he put up
much of a fight.

What's his name?

Now that would be telling.

Not the hair!

They may go easy on you,
but I won't.

Name. Now.


It's true,
he calls himself Hush.

I never met him before.

He knew a lot about me.

Too much.

That's enough.

I'll take her.

I think your business here
is done.

You weren't supposed
to throw Lois off the roof.

Is this your code again?

Superman was going
to squish you.

So I improvised.

That's what partners do,

This just gets
better and better.

Look at you, making an effort.

So wait, does this mean
Selina is two-timing
Batman with you,

-or vice versa?
-Don't you have
something to do?


Just thought
of something else.

Maybe she likes you both
because you're both
the same guy,

only she doesn't know it.

Thank you, Alfred.

There he goes.
Bruce Wayne on a genuine date.

Don't do anything
I wouldn't do!

Hello, Damian.


Pennyworth tells me you're
romantically involved
with a criminal now?

And it's only a date.

There are
no ex-criminals, Father,

only ones who aren't breaking
the law at the moment.

She's not like that anymore.

-Damian, I--
-Look, I understand.

This never-ending mission
of ours is a lonely endeavor.

If this trollop provides
some carnal release, so be it.


Your slang skills need work.

But I needn't bring up your
past poor choices in women,

including but not limited to
my mother.

Damian, I'm not--

-Not that I'm ungrateful
being here, mind you...

...however, I must insist
that you use protection.

And another thing,

-cover your drink.
-Goodbye, Damian.

Here's your steak, Larry.

And one for you, Moe.

And, Shemp,

- you get two because
it's your birthday.


I don't know why Mr. J
isn't here.


Oh, he's not coming.

Okay, freak, who are you
and what do you know
about my puddin'?

I know he needs your help.

Hey, I'm the only one who gets
to tie up Mr. J!

Just do me a little favor and
you can have him back again.

Good as new.

It's open. Come in.

Are those for moi?

Yes. You look...


Right back at ya.

-Is there time for a drink?
-Why not?

You know, I had a bet
with Eartha here
that you wouldn't show up.

- I thought for sure I'd get
a phone call with some excuse.

And yet... I am.


I've been rethinking
certain things in my life.

Ooh, confession time.

Do tell.

Nothing specific.

I've just been feeling
the need to...

change some things.

I know the feeling.

I've done some changing myself
since we first met.

I was wilder then.

I thought maybe that's
why you dropped me,

too unrefined
for your social circle.

That wasn't it.

Truth be told,
I like that about you.

I hope you're not
entirely tamed.


But I like
to balance things more.

To balance.

"Wah, wah, wah."
Crying clowns,
who needs them, am I right?

Ladies and jerks,

there's been a slight change
to tonight's program.

Along with the opera
robbing you

for 1,000 bucks a ticket...

...we're gonna rob you too!


I'm also here for my puddin',
who's been clown-napped.

To get him back,
I have to k*ll...

Eh, not you.

Maybe you.

Uh, you!

You I should k*ll
for that stupid beard!

Oh, there you are.

Bruce Wayne.

Nice tux.
Hope it's not a rental.


Tom, get the ladies
to safety.

Okay, but I'm coming back.

What are you gonna do?

- She wants me,
she'll follow me.

Don't get k*lled.


- Hold still,
you wascally wabbit.


Sorry, Rico!



Your jester drag was over
in the '90s,
now it's just sad.

Oh. Oh!


What is it
the theater folks say?

Break a face!

Bats with Cats, now? Ugh.

I just threw up
in my mouth a little.

-Lie still. You've been hurt.

Not that bad.

Get the clown.


Oh, boy. This does not
look good, does it?


You know what the joke
is here? I'm totally innocent.

Ugh, that doesn't even
sound right, does it?

I was in a basement
until five minutes ago.

I'm also looking for Harley.
Have you seen her?

Stop. Stop!

Stop. Stop!

Batman, stop...

Stop me if you've
heard this one before.

Two guys walk into a bar...

I want you to break your code,

but for something
I actually did.

Batman, don't!

I'm warning you, Batman,
let him go!

Do not make me do this,
not over him.

- I won't let you
throw your life away.

Gotham needs Batman.

That sentimental
claptrap worked.

Well, back to the grind.

Who's Robin these days?

Shut your damn mouth.

Strip him.

Double hand and leg cuffs.

Ooh, kinky.

"Do not store up
treasures here on earth,

where moths eat them
and rust destroys them,

and where thieves
break in and steal.

Store your treasures
in heaven,

where moths and rust
cannot destroy,

and thieves do not break in
and steal.

Wherever your treasure is,

there the desires
of your heart will also be.

Your eye is like a lamp,

it provides light
for your body.

When your eye is healthy,

your whole body
is filled with light.

But when your eye
is unhealthy,

your whole body
is filled with darkness.

And if the light you think
you have is actually darkness,

how deep that darkness is."

Knockout gas
from a jack-in-the-box.

-Someone did their homework.
-The knockout gas

only kept him unconscious
for 15 minutes.

After coming to, Joker used
the acid in his boutonniere
to burn through his ropes.

How do you forget
about the boutonniere?

He didn't.
He wanted Joker to escape.

It was all planned
so Joker would wake up
in time to free himself,

as Harley att*cked.

Then he ran to the opera,

arriving just as
Tom was k*lled.

So, the Joker
really is innocent?

This time.

The events of the past months
reach as high as Superman
and as low as the Joker.

All were set into motion
by Hush.

But why k*ll Thomas Elliot?

He's got no connection
to Batman.

But he does...

Did have one
with Bruce Wayne.

Hush knows
Bruce Wayne is Batman.

Hi, Selina. How are you?

- Sorry I haven't returned your calls.
- - It's okay.

I just wanted to thank you
for... At the funeral.

That meant a lot to me.

I thought you could
use a friend.

I'm so sorry about Thomas.

He seemed like
one of the good ones.

He was.

Let's not wait
another ten years before
seeing each other, okay?

I'd like that.

There's just some business
I need to take care of first.

If I were you,
I wouldn't wait too long.

Are you saying
I have competition?

Full disclosure?

I was seeing someone
on and off before you called.

It's complicated.

Ah. A mystery man.

You have no idea.

Well, may the best
mystery man win.

Be careful what you wish for.

Stay safe, Bruce.

I didn't hear a thing.

What now?


That C-lister?

It's like they're all
crawling out from
under the carpets now.

It might be
none of my business,

but I want you to know
I'm for this thing.


You and Selina.


Anyway, I think
she's good for you.

She makes you...

...less intense.

Hold on.

But if you're serious
about her, you're going to
have to tell her everything.

Otherwise it won't work.

-You're right.
-I am?

It's none of your business.

Oh, shit.

Hey, hey, I'm not resisting.

Where is he?

I know not
whom you speak of.

Hush put you up to this.

Can you rephrase that
in the form of a riddle?

There was no riddle.
That's the point.

Maybe I'm trying
something new.

You know, shake things up.

♪ Shake, shake, shake ♪

I'm glad
you're here, Batman.

Who are you?

I'm the man
that will destroy your life
before taking it.

We'll see about that.

We already have.

Or at least Thomas Elliot has.

You'll run in circles
as I k*ll your friends

one by one.

Face me.

No one
you care for is safe.

Soon, Batman.
Very soon.


I'm not stealing anything,
just looking around.

Old habits.

I know this is your home,

I have for a long time.

World's Greatest Detective.

So why are you here?

I want you to leave town.

I don't know what
you think we have,

but you don't get to
tell me what to do.

I wouldn't be here
if it wasn't serious.

Hush told me he's going to
hurt the ones closest to me.

The ones I care for most.

Okay. Unexpected.

Whoever Hush is, he's been
one step ahead of me
the whole time.

He undoubtedly
knows we're involved.

A few days ago,
I suffered a loss.

It's been suggested
that I'm handling it better

because I have you in my life.

In your life?
Isn't that a bit much?

Maybe it's time to find out.


Are you sure?

I am.

Then let me.


Bruce Wayne is Batman?

So, what now?

Oh, I can think of
a few things.

I don't often say
something was worth the wait,

because I hate waiting.

But that? Meow.

I feel the same.

Oh, my God.

Your scars.

So many.

You, uh, remember these?

I'd just gotten
my retractable claws.

Cost a small fortune.

They worked.

I had to upgrade my
Kevlar body armor after that.

Uh, sorry?

That was why you
broke it off with me.

-That's when you
found out I was Catwoman.
-A kleptomaniac.


Sorry, you were beautiful,
brilliant and accomplished.

You could do
anything you wanted.

I assumed you did it because
you couldn't stop, and--

And if you can't
control your actions,
you're not quite sane.


And I was wrong.

You did change.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.
We're in uncharted territory.

Since you're not
leaving town,

maybe we should
go to my place.

Wayne Manor?




You did it.

You actually did it.

Alfred, he did it!

Hi, Selina. d*ck Grayson.


Ms. Kyle, I've taken
the liberty to prepare tea
with assorted biscuits.

So everyone knows who I am?

Just us and Damian,
not Gordon.

-Who's Damian?
-Robin, his... son.

You two
are gonna have so much fun.


Morning, hon.


Pardon me. Ah.

Oh, is that coffee?


We do have unclaimed coffee.

Yours is better.

Look at this.

I'll even pay.

Okay, you pay.

After we catch Hush.

Who's disappeared.

Maybe he heard about your hot,
ferocious new partner,

or died setting a bear trap
for you. Either way...

You go. Take the jet.

I have to be here.

You won't always.
You know that, right?

d*ck will take over one day.
Isn't that what you've been
grooming him for?

He's not ready.

And you were?

I'm not asking you to retire,
Bruce. I'm asking you to spend
some time away from this.

With me.

- If we were to do this,
we'd have--


I do apologize, sir.

It's Commissioner Gordon.

What is it, Jim?

Two minutes ago,
a silent alarm was tripped
at a medical practice.

The office belongs
to that doctor
Hush k*lled at the opera.

Thomas Elliot.

Thought you'd want to know.

Thank you.

There's been a break-in
at Thomas' practice.

Ah. You know, maybe this
is something that Batman
needs to do alone.

This shouldn't take long.

What a mess.

Professional job.

No fingerprints. No DNA
on any of the rifled papers.

Not a robbery.

Look at all this
fencible crap.
What were they after?


Glioblastoma multiforme
brain tumor.

Nearly inoperable.

Well, that doesn't sound good.

It isn't. For him.

But it may be for us.
You up for a trip to Arkham?

Oh, joy.


it's time to pay
our respects.

Going on patrol, Alfred.
Can you man the comms?

Of course, Master d*ck.

Well, I'm not sitting around
doing nothing.

Mind if I tag along?

Hop in.

But I'm driving.

So, you guys used to do this
every night?

Pretty much.

Do you mind if I ask you
a personal question?

You can ask.

How is it dating the man
who is Batman?

It's weird.



The only drawback
is he just won't shut up
about his feelings.

Good one.

71 Charlie.

Report of a person
breaking the lock
on the Gotham Cemetery gate.

Suspect believed to be
inside the grounds.

It's like Halloween.

Everything but
the Great Pumpkin.

Catwoman, over here.

Wait, I've been here before.

So have you.

-But why would someone--

Have a face full of fear!

No! Get away!

Hold still.

This will sting a bit.

Scaredy-cat wants to play.

-Nose plugs.

Have you smelled
yourself lately?

No, he'll k*ll me!
I cannot fail.

Sure you can. Ass.

Stay back!

Nightwing, it's Selina!
Stop fighting me!

Get me to the car.

Alfred, are you listening?

I am.

I shall remote pilot
the Batmobile to the Batcave

whilst you secure Scarecrow.

Now, now.

Wouldn't wanna make it
too easy.

So you finally
figured it out?

I was getting bored.

This is nuts.
How's the Riddler involved?

He's been locked in here.

When I saw the name
Arthur Wynne in
Thomas Elliot's files,

I knew he was more
than a bit player.

Okay, I'll bite,
who's Arthur Wynne?

Inventor of
the crossword puzzle?


It was the name you used when
visiting Dr. Thomas Elliot
for your brain tumor.

That useless incompetent!

Supposed to be so brilliant.

He was the only doctor
who'd operate on me.

After the surgery failed,
he told me to get
my affairs in order.

But I refused to let that
be the end of me.

No, no, no,
I found another way.

A Lazarus Pit.

All it took
was a few bribes

and I was able to dip myself
in its healing waters.

In that moment,
I saw everything,

knew everything,

including the answer to my
most frustrating riddle...

who is the Batman?

It was so obvious, right
in front of me the whole time.

In a flash of inspiration,
I saw a way to destroy you

and get revenge on
the criminal swine who
disrespected me in the past.

I needed a new persona.

My true identity
had to be kept hush, hush.

One by one,
I convinced, cajoled,

and compelled the others
to play their part...

and do my bidding.

You see, Batman,
this is my game

and everyone follows my rules.

Even you.

That's some fancy monologuing
for a guy in cuffs.

Batman caught you.

Oh, woe is me. Foiled again.

Time for a riddle, I suppose.

Riddle me this,
Commissioner Gordon...

who is Batman?


Oh, you shouldn't
have done that.

I was using it to control him.

Shit, Clayface!

Finally, I'm free.

All right, get him!

Yeah, k*ll him!

Ooh, dinner and a show.

This place isn't all bad.


- You're seeing
another villain already?

I thought we had
something special.

Shut up, freak!

"Freak"? Batsy,
are you going to let him
talk to me that way?

Get him, Clayface!

Oh, it is so like you
not to defend me.

How many others
were there? No, don't tell me!

I guess the joke's on me.

And scene.

Way not to die, Batsy.

Gordon! As usual,
you're laying there
with your thumb up your ass.

Do something, man!



Now you're just
raining on my parade.

Oh, no!


Anyone got a mint?

Seems you're still playing
catch-up, Batman.

Let's end this, Hush.

Agreed, but you come to me.

You see, I went
to the graveyard
to catch a bat

but was off by a letter.


What did that mean?

Ah, admiring my beauty mark?

The damage to you
may be more severe.

Batman will find you.

Of course he will.

Within seconds, he'll have
dissembled the device

I used to turn Clayface
into my doppelganger.

He'll then know the effective
range is ten miles,

and search that radius.

Which means...

we better get started.

Batman will then
contact Alfred to confirm
you're missing.

Batman will come alone.

He'll deduce I've prepared
a place for our showdown.

He'll compile a list of every
factory and warehouse
within the ten-mile radius,

of which there are 62.

He'll winnow that list to 14,

too many to search one-by-one.

Shut up! Shut up!

Since I've left
no other tools,

Batman will revisit
the name, Arthur Wynne,

and check the names
of the 14 places
to find that only one

is an anagram
for "Arthur Wynne."

"New Thurnary."

Even allowing for traffic,
he should be here any minute.

Screw you!

No time.

Riddle me this.

"The less of me you have,
the more I am worth.

What am I?"


A friend.

I'm going to k*ll you.

You're not going anywhere
except down.

What's a bat to do?

The briefest of reprieves,
I assure you.



Tonight, I'll show them all

by doing
what none of them could,

k*lling the Batman!

Can you feel it, Bruce?

Can you feel it all
slipping away?

What do you think of me now?

You talk too much.

I repeat,
what do you think of me now?

That you're the same
insecure C-lister you were

before you went
into the Lazarus Pit.

Big talk from a dead man!

- You tell riddles
a fifth grader could solve

- and you call yourself
the Riddler.

The sheer lack of imagination
is staggering.

You take that back!

A one-gimmick hack.

The joke of the underworld.

Damn you. Shut up!

You think you got the best
of Ivy, Joker, and Bane?

Once they find out
Hush was The Riddler...

- ...they'll hunt you down
like a dog.

It won't be pretty.

I'm not
scared of them anymore!

I'll k*ll them just like
I'm going to k*ll you.

- The effects of the Pit
don't last forever.

I'm betting even now
you can feel it.

All that strength
and genius slipping away

just when you need it most.

No, no!

Riddle me this,
who's his own worst enemy?

I have you now!

I win! I win!

I win!

Nine lives, remember?

Now let's beat the crap
out of this assh*le.

Ahh! Oh...

Don't let me die! Please!

Pull me up.
Pull me up!


Leave him!



You're Batman,
you can't let me die!

Screw this shit.

He didn't have to die.


He didn't have to die.

You're crazy.

You're absolutely insane.

He k*lled your friend.

Tried to m*rder Nightwing.
Hell, he almost k*lled me
and you're sorry he's dead?

I had to try.

If someone can be saved,

I have to try.

You do, don't you?

It's a compulsion.

You and your g*dd*mn code.

And you'll die because of it,
you know this, right?

Will that make it all better?

Without a code,

I'm no better than them.

I'm such a stupid fool.

I can't believe I let myself
get caught up in this again.

No, I changed!

I would have changed more,
a lot more, for you!

For us!

Selina, I...

But you won't.

Or can't.

Maybe someday.

But not today.

Goodbye, Bruce.

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