04x23 - Confronting the Attacker

Episode transcripts for TV show, "Everybody Loves Raymond". Aired: September 13, 1996 – May 16, 2005.*
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Ray is a successful sports writer and family man who deals with a brother and parents -- who happen to live across the street from him.
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04x23 - Confronting the Attacker

Post by bunniefuu »

-Hi, Daddy.
- Hey. Hi. Morning.

- Hey.
- Hey.

You know, I had a dream
that you made me pancakes

and bacon and eggs
for breakfast.

Wake up.

Hello, family.

Ooh, hello,
Officer Barone.

Don't you look handsome?

Why, thank you.
I just thought I'd stop by

to invite you both
to be my guests for dinner tonight,

help me celebrate
my first day back on the job.

Oh, that's great.
We would love that.

And Amy will be
joining us.

- What?
- Amy? How did that happen?

She called me.


for her pink sweater back.

You can't give that back. What are you
gonna wear with your blue skirt?


So this is very
exciting, huh?

Yep, back with Amy.

Going back to work.
Living in my own place again.

I'll tell ya, things are really
moving forward.

- To where they were four months ago.
- Oh!

Very happy for you,

Thank you.

Yeah, forget it.
I'm not kissing you.

What's the matter,

- Come on. Give me a little sugar.
- Get lost.

- Come on.
- Get out of here. Get out.

Hey, no, Rob--

You love it.

- You know you love it.
- What's wrong with you?

It's good for you.
It's good for you.


He thinks because he buys me dinner,
he gets to kiss me?

This is great cake.
You guys didn't have to do this.

Well, partner, we wanted
to welcome you back right.

Besides, I like cake.

Best bunch of guys
in the world.

Everybody missed you.
Give me some frosting.

- Mmm, mmm.
- Mmm.

It's unbelievable.

It's so good to see somebody enjoying
their food for a change.

- Four months with Officer Doyle.
- What? He's a good cop.

All he ate
was protein bars.

I tried a peanut butter
one once, tasted like feet.

Hey, if you see a flower
shop, let's pull in.

Oh, you didn't
have to do that.

No no, I'm taking Amy
out to celebrate tonight.

Amy? After all the times
you bounced her around,

she's still coming back
for more?

It's very hard
for a woman

to resist the charms
of Officer Love.

2-3 Sergeant.

2-3 Sergeant.

Investigate 10-10,

disorderly youths
at Wazir's Candy Store,

22 South McDonald Drive.
See the complainant.

We copy, 10-4.

Wazir's Candy Store.

Disorderly youths,
that's all?

I was hoping your first day
back we'd have a homicide.

Oh, that's sweet.

Hey, it's still
early yet, right?


- Thank goodness you've come.
- I'm Officer Rosemond

and this is Sergeant Barone.
What seems to be the trouble?

See those kids over there?
One of them stole something.

- Well, did you see it?
- Yes.

They were fooling around
and that one in the green coat,

he took something
and put it in his posh-posh.

In his posh-posh?

I think that's
his pocket.

Yes, in his posh-posh.

Okay, look, why don't you take
a statement? I'll go talk to the kid.

Sure, Sarge.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Hey, I was playing that.

I gotta ask you
a couple of questions,

and I would appreciate
your full attention.

- What'd I do?
- Well, I don't know yet.

Nice jacket. Kind of warm
for today, though.

What are you,
the fashion police?

Hey, what's your problem?

All right, take it easy.
Just back off.

You back off, man.

- Judy.
- Why are you hassling me?

Judy, could you get
over here?

- In a second, Sarge.
- Get over here now.

What's wrong?

I don't know.
I don't know.

- He's a freak.
- Was I talking to you?

Here, sit.
Now rest your mouth!

I can take care of this.
You gonna be okay?

I don't know.
I guess so.

Well, why don't you
go wait in the car?

I'll bring you
some Goobers.

Marie, if the kids
come down,

don't give 'em any candy now
'cause they didn't eat their dinner.

I saw the meatloaf pan
in the sink.

I'm sure they did
the best they could.

What the hell was that?


You always had that?

- Amy!
- Hi!

- Hi, Amy.
- Hi, Marie.

- Hello.
- Hi.


- Is Robert here yet?
- No, he's not here yet.

You look fantastic!

Look at those shoes.
That's very sexy.

They're k*lling me.

But see how tiny
my feet look?

Where you been?
Let's go.

Hi, Robert.
Ow ow ow ow.

How was your
first day back?

It was okay.

Is that what you're wearing
to dinner, Robert?

What the hell, man?

I don't feel like
going out tonight.

- Why, what's wrong?
- Nothing.

Person doesn't want to eat,
he doesn't have to eat.

That's not true.

I thought we were
gonna celebrate tonight.

I bought very
uncomfortable shoes.

You know, I really don't
need this kind of pressure right now.

what's the matter?

Nothing nothing.
Just leave me alone!

Don't wanna go out?

I understand.

What I can't understand
is how I can be such an idiot!


I'll tell you one thing.

I'm returning
these damn shoes!


What's with
all the screaming?

You guys aren't
even married yet.

I didn't scream at her,
all right?

- Well, you weren't nice.
- Just shut up, Raymond.

- We don't say "shut up," Robert.
- Well, then be quiet, Ma.

Oh, now just one minute,

- You do not come into my house--
- Our house.

Fine. Our house.

What happened?
Did you have a bad day at work today?

You could say that.

I hope it goes better tomorrow,
but this is no excuse--

It's gonna go better,
Ma, because I quit the force.

I guess we're
not going out.


What the hell
do you mean you quit?

I quit. I'm not
a police officer anymore.

Come on,
you didn't quit.

I told my squad
this afternoon.

Robert, you were so excited
about going back.

I changed my mind.

What happened?
Did you skip lunch?

You know how cranky
you get?

That wasn't it, Ma.

Judy and I went
into this candy store.

Candy is not a meal.


What happened, Robert?

I had a confrontation
with some punk

in the candy store,
and I don't know.

I just--
I got scared.

I-l-I was thinking, "What
if his friends jump me?

What if he has a g*n?"

I froze.

It's never happened

Is this gonna be
in the papers?

'Cause I'm just starting
to live down

the bull-in-the-ass

No, Dad,
but thanks for understanding.

You know, Robert,
that was your first day back.

You have to give yourself
a chance to adjust.

You can't adjust
to terror.

You never know
what's out there.

I didn't know a bull was gonna
come around the corner at me.


I didn't know what the kid
had in his posh-posh.

I'm not going back.


I know what will
make you feel better, Robbie.

Come over.
I have some lambchops.

Oh, yum.
Bet that comes

with the big side
of room and board.

- What are you saying?
- You got no job, can't pay your rent.

Here's Robbie.

I'll get another job, okay?
There's lots of things I can do.

Yeah, right.

- Frank.
- Don't "Frank" me.

I'm the one who's gonna be
shelling out for his feed

for the next 20 years.

Or however long
giants live nowadays.

Robbie, I'll help
you, dear.

Have you been thinking
of anything else you'd like to do, dear?

I was thinking about getting into

Oh God, no.

A friend of mine does
very well selling

extended appliance
warranties over the phone.


You think people
hate cops...

Robert, listen,
you don't wanna do that.

You've always told me how much
you love protecting the public.

I'll still be protecting
the public from faulty appliances.

Listen, look, I've thought
about this, okay?

On a good week, I can make the same pay
as I would on the force.

And as a telemarketer,
I don't even have to leave my apartment.

Or bathe.

All right,
forget it.

Okay, why do I even bother
talking to you people?

Robert, come on.
You really wanna leave your friends

and your partner and the job
you've had your whole life?

Don't you get it?
I froze out there, man!

- Robert, listen--
- No, you listen, okay? You all listen.

I'm done being a cop.

A door closes,
another one opens.

And I'm going through
that door.

And I'm shutting it
behind me.

The end.

This is awful, Ray.
You gotta do something.

I know telemarketing.

The first people those guys call
are their family members.

You know, he needs to talk
to somebody about this.

Like who?
A shrink?

Well, what's wrong
with that?

Excuse me,
but they don't help.

They just blame the mother.

Yeah, that can't be it.

No, they don't
blame anybody.

They just help you
sort things out.

- How do you know?
- Well, because I've been to one.


Why would you
tell her that?

What? When I was
in college.

Did you know this
before you got married?

Hey, a girl goes out with me,
I don't ask questions.

Look, Robert's scared,
you know?

He needs to get some help.
He's gotta face his fears.

If he doesn't, he's not gonna
get any better.

All right, enough.
Face his fears.

So he got a little scared,
so what?

You think I wasn't scared
in Korea?

Oh, God.

We were all scared.
We didn't have shrinks.

You know what snapped
us out of it?

50,000 screaming Chinamen.

But, Dad, where's Robert
gonna get his hands

on 50,000
screaming Chinamen?

What are you doing?
I thought we were going to lunch.

We're going for lunch.
I just thought we'd take a walk.

- Walk.
- What?

It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Two brothers can't go for a walk
on a beautiful Sunday afternoon?

Oh, so this is
a regular thing now?

- We're gonna do this every 40 years?
- If you want, yeah.

Come on.

- How's it going?
- Good. Let me ask you, Raymond,

is your lettuce wilting
before it should?

- What?
- How about your dairy products?

Do you find yourself throwing away
the milk before the expiration date?

Yeah, our refrigerator's
fine, Robert, okay?

We don't need any of your damn
appliance insurance.

All right, then perhaps I should
talk to the missus.

- Do you know how stupid you sound?
- Let me tell you something.

If this was over the phone,
you'd be begging me for this.

- Yeah.
- By the way, how is your phone?

- You guys cover that?
- Ah.

All right, I don't care
about that.

Come on, look, I brought you
out here for a reason.

We were talking
about you after you left.

Yeah, you mean
laughing about me.

No, not as much
as you think.

Debra said something
that kinda makes sense.

You're never gonna
get better until you face your fears.

Who says I gotta
get better?

Well, I do and Mom
and Dad and Debra

and anyone else who gets one of your
phone calls about their humidifier.

Humidifiers, left unattended,
a virtual breeding ground--

All right!
All right, enough.

- We're here.
- What do you mean we're here?

What's that smell?

"Fuzzy Acres
Petting Zoo."

You're gonna face
your fears.

I don't have a fear
of manure.

- Oh my God, that's him.
- No no no, wait wait wait!

- What is he doing here?
- Judy and I did some research.

After you busted up
that rodeo,

your bull got sentenced
to community service here.

Wanna go see him?

No, I don't
wanna go see him.

What, are you crazy?
You saw what he did to me.

I understand.
You're a little nervous.

Wanna work your way up?

Start with a duck.

There is absolutely nothing funny
about this, Raymond.

Listen to me. I wouldn't do this
if I didn't think it was good for you.

I just want you
to see that

he's not a monster,
you know?

The day
you two guys met,

he was probably
all freaked out.

He was probably more scared
than you were. Now look at him.

He's just Nestor,

the happy bull.

Well, I'm glad he's happy.
How is this supposed to help me?

Come on.
Just go look at him.

You were a cop. You told me once
about that victim therapy stuff.

So go ahead.

Confront your attacker.

I don't know, Raymond.
This fence doesn't look too sturdy.

He seems pretty mellow.

Turn around.
See if he recognizes you.

Go ahead. Show him
your fuzzy acres.

You gonna make jokes?
That what you're gonna do?

I'm sorry. Sorry. Go ahead.
I'll be upwind.

Funny man.


Remember me?

You ran into me
a few months ago.

Actually, it was
more than that.

You gored me.

You ran after me,
you caught up with me,

and you gored me

right in the ass!

That's right.
Why'd you do it, huh? You damn bull.

Robert, Robert, I know--
I know we're outside,

but inside voice.

All right.

Look, you were probably
just going on instinct.

But you really screwed
things up for me.

I got famous
'cause of you.

Not the good kind
of famous.

The kind of famous where people
point at your butt and laugh.

I was in the hospital.
That's right.

I had to sit
on a special pillow.

I don't know where your
parents are right now,

but how would you like
to have to go

and live with them
for awhile?

My father has always been
a very insensitive man.

And my mother, well, there's really
not enough time--

- Hey, Robert, you should probably--
- I want him to know.

Hi, bull.

This was the one.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

It felt even bigger.

Hey, you hungry?

I know if I don't eat,
I get all cranky.

You like that, huh?

Good bull.


So you're Spanish.

So I went to see
Nestor the bull,

you know to face my fears,
and that went pretty well.

In fact, I'm back
on the force again

and I'm feeling
pretty good.

So I thought I'd come
here to face you.

Not-- not that
I'm afraid of you,

but I would really feel
better if you blinked.

See, I was afraid of us.

You know, commitment.

And, well, if you feel like giving
me a second chance,

or actually a fifth chance,


that would really
make me happy.


You hungry?

And now a message
from your local Safety Council.

Hello, I'm Sergeant
Robert Barone

of the New York City
Police Department.

Now you may remember me
and my friend Nestor here

from this little video.

That's me,
and that's Nestor.

Not a fun day.

Remember, always be alert
when crossing the street.

Use crosswalks and always
look in both directions

for oncoming traffic
before stepping off the curb.

Take it from me
and Nestor,

when you're out
on the street,

anything can happen.

Andthat's no bull.
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