03x09 - The Young One

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Alfred Hitchcock Presents". Aired: October 2, 1955 – June 26, 1965.*
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American anthology series featuring dramas, thrillers and mysteries.
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03x09 - The Young One

Post by bunniefuu »

Good evening,
and thank you for being so prompt.

I detest being kept waiting.

I thought you might be interested
in this collection of gift selections.

They range from conventional to rare.

Here is the ever popular revolver.

It is an excellent means
of establishing credit in a strange city.

It is equally useful

in the removal of unwanted
or unsightly persons.

Here is a jar of poison mushrooms

for those smart alecks
who know toadstools when they see them.

Here we have a w*apon
that is primitive but effective.

It is guaranteed to be % painless.

You, see, it takes two men to operate it

and the one at this end
doesn't feel a thing.

And for the Hausfrau
whose aim with the family china

is not what it use to be,

here is a very handsome item,

an exploding cream pitcher.

Says on it, "God bless our happy home."

As for tonight's story

I won't tell you whether or not
any of these weapons are used.

You'll have to watch and see.

I did think I had an example
of a blunt instrument to show you.

Ah, yes, what could be more blunt
than the following?

Honey, we've been through this before.

Why not? Look,
are you going to do it or not?

I can't do it, Janice. I can't.

Why not, Stan?
Why can't you?

It's just not right, that's all.

Please, Stan.

You said you'd do anything
for me. You promised.

Two lemonades, fifty cents.

Well, it just so happens
I didn't order lemonade.
Take them away, please.

The lemonade's all you're getting.

No alcoholic beverage under .
It's legal. See.

Oh, that.

Well, it just so happens
I'm over .


This place makes me sick.

Come on.

Come on, I'll take you home.
We don't belong here.

Where do we belong,
in kindergarten?

Too young for this,
too young for that.

Stan, take me away

from this town, Aunt Mae,
that awful house.

I can't stand it anymore.

I'll just die, that's all.

What's the use of harping
on all that, Jannie?

lt'll just make it tougher now.

Your Aunt Mae is not so bad.

Maybe her house is a little
old fashioned, but you don't
have to live there forever.

If you'd just give me
a chance to get set
in a job I can...

I told you I can't wait.

Besides it wouldn't be
any different with you.

You don't want to live.

You just want to wait.

For Pete's sake, Jannie,
I'm only .

That's true.

You know, come to think
of it you're really
much too young for me.

Dance with me, Stan.
I'm too young for you.

Then I'll just find
somebody else who isn't.

Honey, let's go.


Janice, come on.

Come on, everybody let's give
the little girl a big hand.

Please, let's go.


You know something? You're good.

I've been around a lot.
I know when something's good.

So do I.

I'm not kidding.
You're going home before
you get into trouble!

Don't paw me!
I don't like it!
I don't like a lot of things!

He makes me sick.

What's your name?
Mine's Janice.


Thanks, I think I will.

I'm not allowed
to smoke at home.
I don't get much practice.

You're pretty
and you're honest too.

It's a combination
you can't find too often.

It's easy to be honest
with strangers.

Look, maybe you
shouldn't hang around here.

You know, like your boyfriend said
you could get in trouble.

Not unless I wanted to.

You're not from around here,
are you, Tex?

No, I'm not from anywhere
in particular.

I just sort of move along
from there to here

and do whatever suits me,
like now.

Sounds lovely.

Take me with you.


Now wait a minute, sister.
You got the wrong guy.

You see, I live with this
perfectly awful aunt and I
can't stand it any more.

You wouldn't have to care about me,
or anything like that.

I just need an escort
so I can learn how to find
my way around.

Looks to me like you
already know how to do that.

I'm gonna check out of here
before I get into trouble.

You're afraid of me.

Well, like you said,
strangers can be honest.

I sure am, doll baby, so long.

You don't have to run.
I'll go.

Anyway, Stan's waiting outside for me.

How do you know?
He always waits.

Is that what you like,
somebody to wait for you?

I would, if it were you.


so long, stranger.

It still smells of dinner.


I'm sorry
it turned out to be such
a rotten evening.

Well, anyhow. I'm sorry.

Good night, Jan.

Don't you want to kiss me?

You'll wake Aunt Mae.

Did you really mean it
about letting me kiss you?

Why not? I like being kissed.

Oh, Janice,
I don't understand you
but I love you so.

Take me away.
Please take me away.

If you don't I swear
I'll get somebody who will.

I can't stand it.

Darling, don't.
It'll be all right.

Everything will be all right.

Janice? Is that you?

You've got to go.

Aunt Mae is a terror
about things like this.

And don't you dare tell her
where we were tonight, either.

She doesn't mind
when you're with me, darling.

She trusts me.

She's not so bad.

I guess I know her
better than you do.


Coming, Aunt Mae.

Take it easy, honey.

Everything's gonna be okay.

I thought you'd be asleep.

You haven't even been to bed.

I'm sort of glad.

Oh, I had such a dreamy evening.

I feel like talking.

Where were you tonight?
You know.

I was with Stan.
You like Stan.

We ran into a bunch of kids
and we all drove out
to the lake for a while.

Oh, it was just dreamy out there.

And then we all drove back
to Mr. Pierson's and had sodas.

I was a pig. I had two.

Thank goodness
it doesn't show.

You're lying!

You were at the Wooly Bear,
that cheap road house.

Whatever you were drinking,
it wasn't soda.

Who told you?

Mr. Pierson phoned.

He had something for me.
He was closing up.

He hadn't seen you all evening.

That doesn't prove
I was at the Wooly Bear either.


I called there myself.

Why do you do these things?

Why do you lie?

Sometimes it's easier,
I guess.

What an awful thing to say.
You ought to be ashamed
of yourself.

You see
I just told you the truth

and you don't like that either.

What do you want from me?

I want you to be nice.

How corny can you get!

Janice, don't be fresh!

I'm just being honest again.

Besides, I don't see what
you're so upset about anyway.

I didn't do anything really bad.

I just wanted a little fun.

And I was with Stan.

Why don't you get angry at him?

Stan loves you.

It's easy to do the wrong thing
when you love someone.

You've wrapped him around
your finger the way you try
with everybody, even me.

But it won't work.

You're my sister's child
and I've got my responsibilities.

I know. I know.

I just don't understand you.
I've tried.

Lord knows I've tried

but you always want
whatever you haven't got.

I had everything I wanted once.

Everything shiny
and beautiful and grand.

Not like this smelly house.
Not like you.

I want to go back
where I belong!

Janice, Janice,
this is where you belong.

That other house, it wasn't yours.

Your mother and father
were only servants there.

They lived in the gardener's cottage.
That's where you were born.

That lady in the chiffon
was not your mother.
She was the lady of the house.

You know all this.

Why do you make up these stories?

I remember
such a beautiful party once.

With flowers and silver dishes
and candles.

They invited me. They wanted me.

What happened?

Why did everything
have to change?

They still wanted me!
I know they did!

It's your fault, you took me away!
It's your fault, don't you see?


You're acting like a baby!

I never heard
of such nonsense.

Get up off that floor!

You make me sick!


Janice, come back here!
This minute! Do you hear?

Just where were you going,
may I ask?

I want the truth.

Back to the Wooly Bear
if you must know.

Well, you're not.
Not tonight. Not ever.

I tried to love you.
Maybe I didn't find the right way.

But it's still my job
to see that you grow up properly.

Whether you like it or not!

Don't try anymore.

Let me go somewhere,
anywhere, away from here.


Someday you can go
anywhere you like.

But right now you're going to bed!

No. Don't.

Why can't you leave me alone?

Just leave me alone!

You waited for me this time.


I'm glad.

I'm very glad.

I am too. I guess.

Pretty late for you to be out,
isn't it Janice?

Hi, Matt.

Not necessarily.

I just felt like a lemonade,
that's all.

I'll bet there's one
sitting in your Aunt Mae's
icebox right now.

So, why don't you run along home
where you belong?

Go on. Shoo!

And don't think
I won't check up on you later.

Mighty pretty girl.

Mighty young too.

You just passing through?

Maybe you better keep
right on going.

I waited for you this time.

Well, you shouldn't have.

Don't you like me?

Yeah. I like you.

Well, here we are.

Tex, take me with you,
just as far as the next town.

Now, look...
I won't be any trouble, honest.

Are you kidding?
Come on give ol' Tex
a good-bye kiss.

It's really been awfully sweet
of you to walk me home

and I do appreciate it

and I had a wonderful time.

I'm sorry I can't invite you in
but Aunt Mae would be furious.

She's asleep upstairs.

You understand, don't you?

Well, couldn't I come in
for just a minute?

Well, gee,
honest I'd love to
but I can't.

Your Aunt Mae won't mind.
Come on, we'll be real quiet.


if you promise
not to make any noise.

She's probably asleep.
Don't make a sound.

Can't see a thing.

Follow me and be quiet.

In here.

I like it in the dark better, baby.

You don't have to whisper in here.
Aunt Mae can't hear us.

Besides she wouldn't do
anything to you.

She sure must be a dilly,
your Aunt.

You know what's the matter with her?
She's good.

She's so good
she makes you sick.

I know about people like that.

They just k*ll you with kindness.

And when your back's turned,
they stick knives in it.

I'm not like that.

You know something?
I don't know what you're like.

You're funny.
You're funny, too.

Maybe that's why I like you.


It's a pretty nice place you got here.

Why're you so set on leaving?

Would you like
to live here permanently?

No. Not any place.

I like visiting.
It's a lot safer.

Did you have a nice,
kind family who stuck knives
in your back?

Yeah. They weren't very kind about it.

You don't look scared anymore,
so I think I'll blow.

Come here, Tex!
This minute! This very minute!

Who do you think you're talking to?

Kneel down
so I can look at you.

Is that what
you make Stan do?

Who cares about Stan?

I like you better.

Now, look, baby.
Don't fool with me.

I'm not, Tex. I like you.

Besides I'll get you a drink.

You stay here.

I thought I told you
to stay out of here.

I just wanted to help you.
Say, what's eating you anyway?

You were going to leave!
I know you were!

You can't leave yet,
don't you see?

Look, it's still a free country.

But that policeman,
he said he was coming by here
to check on me.

What if he caught you leaving?

Well, so what?
We're very well chaperoned.

There's always
your Aunt Mae upstairs.

Yes, of course.


you haven't had your drink yet.

You know something,
you really are a kid.

Help! Help!

Oh, thank goodness.
Oh, it's horrible.

What happened?
Who did this?

He's inside.

He would have k*lled me.
He tried to.

You wait here.

Now, look.
Now, look, wait a minute.

Get in there.

What happened?

How'd this happen?
Stay there.

What happened?

He followed me home.

Oh, I should have listened
to Aunt Mae.
That's a lie.

He wouldn't go away.

I was afraid he'd wake Aunt Mae.

Oh, no.

So, I gave him some milk
but then...

But then he tried to kiss me
and everything.

No, that's not...
Oh, it was horrible.
I fought him.

And then I screamed.

And Aunt Mae came down.

Officer, that's not true.
Shut up. Go on, Janice.

He k*lled her.

I didn't do it, I swear it!
Look, you've got to listen to me!

You've got to listen to me!
She must have planned it this way.
This kid's crazy.

This is Matt.
I'm gonna need some help.

I got a m*rder on my hands.

Why, you little...
Look, you can't do this!


Oh, darling, where were you?
I needed you so.

I've been walking around.

I didn't know what to do.

You see, I came back.

I wanted to tell you
that I changed my mind.

I wanted to take you away.

But you were gone

back to...

To get him, I guess.

She was lying there.
Where you left her.

I didn't want to k*ll her.

It's just that...

She wouldn't leave me alone.

Well, she had me fooled.

After all anyone who would
bludgeon her elderly aunt
can't be all bad.

And now while I'm briefly away

I'd like to show you
still another lethal w*apon

if used in large quantities

one of these can bore a person to death.

When the dosage is as limited
as that there's no danger.

After all a one minute commercial
never hurt anyone.

We have another play
prepared to show you next week.

I hope you'll join us then. Good night.
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