01x11 - Books and Covers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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01x11 - Books and Covers

Post by bunniefuu »

Carry the one, decimal point moves over by two places,

divided by . , X is equal to , times ,

add five

to the power of nine,

carry the one, decimal point moves over two places...

What's Blythe muttering about, Russell?

She's got a mathletes' meet, today,

and must've been up all night studying.

( groaning )

Blythe, you put Zoe's Moist Mignon Kibblettes in my bowl.

If I eat that, my scales'll fall off!

And you've poured Vinnie's dried flies into my bowl, darling.

You know I'm insect intolerant.


Ooh, Blythe,

have you read this article about how

the government is using animals as undercover operatives?

ALL: Huh? Sounds great. Haven't read it.

I'm late. Gotta run.

( gasps )

Animals as undercover spies?


♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

Hey, did I just hear Mrs. Twombly say

that animals are being used as spies?

They say spies are always the ones you'd least expect.

Tsk. Who are they, anyway?

Are you a spy?

Are you a spy? Are you a spy?

Are you a spy? ALL: Well, are you?!


Now leave me alone!

( man whispering indistinctly )

Good news, everyone, we have a new day camper.

Meet Scout Kerry. Have fun.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( Scout growls ) ( animals gasp )

( screeches ) ( all scream )

Well, this day just got a touch more interesting.

BLYTHE: Arc, sine, cosine, tangent.

( all muttering )

Ooh! Biskits? ( grunts )

What are you doing in the mathletes' practice room?

Ugh, wasting our lives away.

They're serving their first day of a week of morning detention.

I caught them texting during my math class.

But don't worry, they won't bother us.

Will you, girls?

BOTH: Whatevs.

MONDT: Okay, mathletes, take your seats.

We'll start with something easy.

And go!

Sweaters and bracelets,

holiday discount, closeout.

Uh-huh. Like, .

What the huh?

It is !

Okay, next problem.

WHITTANY: Scarves and neon scrunchies,

going out of business,

third day of four day sale.

Got it. Twenty-three.


The Biskits are right, again!

Youngmee, the Biskits just blazed

through the last two equations.

Who knew they were so good at math?

Gack! Nine!

Seven, six, one, three, six.

Seven! Uh, four.

Uh-oh! Looks like Sherman's had a brain-sprain.

I've seen this happen to mathletes before.

It's not serious, but he's done for the day.

Sherman, hit the nurse's office.

Five, five, five!

It looks like we'll have to forfeit today's match.

I don't know where we'll find a replacement

for Sherman on such short notice.

Mrs. Mondt, I do.

The Biskits!

Whittany and Brittany?!

Blythe, they don't have the math skills to be mathletes.

And I've got the test scores to prove it.

Ha-ha, but I'm glad you're keeping your sense of humor.

Youngmee, I know what I heard.

They talk in some sort of secret "twin code"

to figure out these math problems.

We've got to get them on our team.

( ominous theme playing )

Why is Scout staring at Mrs. T.?

Yeah, why?

We could just, you know, ask Scout what she's doing.

Or we could just let our imaginations run wild.

( suspenseful theme playing )

I don't believe we've met.

I'm Velvetpaw, Fluffy Velvetpaw.

Are you waiting for someone?

Perhaps a code word? Best in show.

Glossy coat.


Velvetpaw to Spymaster General,

The target isn't responsive.

Understood. Swinger, you're up.

( suspenseful theme playing )

Hi! Hi! Just wanted to say hi!

Not trying to be sneaky or anything.

Just stopping by to say hi.

( groans )

( yelling )

The Swinger is down.

The Swinger is down!

The Swinger is down?

Ohh... Let's go help.

What is that kitty cat up to?

( Twombly humming )

Huh! I've got it!

Scout is planning to attack and frighten Mrs. T

so badly that animals will freak her out,

and she'll close Littlest Pet Shop.

That can only mean one thing.

Scout is an undercover agent working for--

Largest-Ever Pet Shop!

( mellow theme playing )

( purring )

Scout's still watching Mrs. Twombly.

Do you hear that sound?

It's like a tiny motor.

Scout must have some kind of secret spy gadget

to use against Mrs. Twombly.

Yeah, like a m*ssile launcher.

Or a Single Paw Sonic Agitator Ring that emits

glass-shattering electromagnetic pulses and has a grappling hook

with a laser attachment that can fire a tensile wire

up to feet, able to support the weight of an average pet.

Or a m*ssile launcher.

Well, whatever it is, we've gotta get it.

( clears throat )

( in English accent ): Are you ready for your mission, Agent ?

You could not be in better paws, R.

Oh, I adore these fantasies!

They have the best fashions.


Agent and / ths?

That's not just my secret agent number,

it's also my hat size.


Now, while Agent keeps Scout busy,

Agent and / ths will locate

and seize Scout's spy device.

Is that clear?

Sorry, did you say something?


( Scout purring )


Hello, again.

Just had to show you my new outfit.

Isn't it the most?

( upbeat theme playing )

Ha! It's rather snug,

but still affords me a complete range of motion.

I mean, have you ever seen anything so divine?

And the booties, they are custom made,

as of course is everything.

But I think my favorite part has to be the necklace,

the way it just frames my neck and makes my fur

just seem oh-so bright and sparkly and perky.

( screeches ) ( laughs nervously )

Has anyone ever told you that you're super pretty

when you're getting ready to claw someone?

So much fun chatting with you.

We must do it again sometime.

I have sweaters that are more talkative than that furball.

Well, Russell, what shall we do now?

( in normal voice ): Now things may get a little more dangerous.

BLYTHE: Uh, Whittany and Brittany,

we really need you to join the Mathlete Club.

Well, what's in it for us?

Yeah, what do we get out of it?

Uh, the thrill of knowing

you've done something for the glory of your school?

( both laugh )

BOTH: 'Ziff!

I never thought I'd say this,

but you're both really


Sma-ah-- Sma-mahah.

Really bright.

We heard you solving those math problems, even before we did.

You mean those number thingies on the chalkboard?

Yes. You were speaking in some weird language.

That's just the way we talk to each other

when we want to keep our conversation,

like, private.

Well, you came up with the right answer every time.

You're math geniuses.

Ah! Take that back!

Isn't there anything we can do to get you to join our team?

There are two things:

One, stop calling us geniuses.

Someone might hear you.

Easy enough. What's the other thing?

Get Mrs. Mondt to cancel our detention.

How are we supposed to do that?

You're mathletes. Like, figure it out.

All right, it's a deal.

BOTH: Yay.

Nice promise, Blythe.

How do you plan on keeping it?

I don't know, Youngmee.

I don't know.

( funky action theme playing )

( gasps )

Good news, day campers.

It's afternoon snack time.

Minka, go, go, go!

( gasps )

( funky action theme playing )

( ominous theme playing )

( funky action theme playing )

And fail.

( ominous theme playing )

( phone ringing )

Oop, I'll get it!

( giggles )

( sighs )


Hello? Hello?

TWOMBLY ( over phone ): Is anybody there?

Unh! Oh, let me out!

( Vinnie groaning )

...and that is why, under state and federal law,

detention can be considered cruel and unusual punishment,

and therefore you should let the Biskits out of detention

and allow them to join the mathletes.

I rest my case.

First, I'm recommending you for the Debate Team.

Second, can't you tell Whittany and Brittany are fooling you

into thinking they're good at math,

so that I'll let them out of detention?

And third, forget it.

Mrs. Mondt, I am so sure

that the Biskits are math geniuses,

that if I'm wrong...

( suspenseful theme playing )

...I will serve their detention for them.

You're really serious about this, aren't you, Blythe?

Yes, yes, I am.

Well, they each still have four days of detention left.

That's eight days!

Thanks, fellow mathlete.

( gulps )


All right, the twins are free to join

the mathletes for today's meet.

Ah! Thanks, Mrs. Mondt!

You won't regret this.

I just hope that you don't.

( cell phone buzzes )

Whittany, you are a crack up.

( cell phone buzzes )

Brittany, I am so, like, laughing on the inside.

BLYTHE: Good news, girls.

You're out of detention!

You can join the mathletes.

Here are your team shirts,


Is there a way we can get out of detention

and, like, not join the whatevers?

No! We made a deal.

It was worth a try, Whittany.

No doubt, Brittany.

Oh! But if the two goes here,

that means this three and this seven can't be here.

Oh, Sudoku, I hate-slash-love you.

Scout's on the move again.

Special distraction agents, go!

( thunder crashes )

( high-pitched grunting )

Oh, you cannot defeat

the martial arts skills of Agent Magic.

( grunts )

Or maybe you can.

Ah! Two can tangle with tails, toots!

You've met your match with Agent Laughs!

( laughs )

( suspenseful theme playing )

Uh. Stand still, you jumping bean!

Come back here, you!

Ha! Got you right where I want you!

Say good night.

( grunts )

Well, this is awkward.

( yowls )

You've done well against the amateurs,

but nothing can prepare you for...

...the Diva!

And pose!

Strike another! Close up!


My face!

Me! Moi!

Love it!

Hey, where'd she go?

( thunder crashes )

( all grunting )

( crash )

Hopefully, that'll keep Scout busy for a while.

Blythe, we need at least three team members to compete.

With only two, we'll have to forfeit.


Thank goodness. Where's Brittany?

The shirt made her itch because it's got

something called polyester in it,

and now she has, like, a rash.

It's embarrassing.

So where is she?

She's hiding in the bathroom. Duh.

I need to get her some cream for problem skin

and thought you'd, like, have some.

I do not!

And anyway, we have a mathlete meet

happening right now, remember?

Oh, yeah.

Well, see you. Oh, no, no, no, no!

We only need one of you, and we won't have to forfeit.

Come on. No way!

I can't do this without my sister!

Just pretend that you and I are sisters.

Okay, gross. Barf.

( all chattering )

What's our next plan? This is fun!

Sooner or later, Scout is going to try and scare Mrs. Twombly.

Yeah, but I'm out of ideas.

Oh! I better go pack. ZOE: Look!

( ominous theme playing )

( screeches )

( tense theme playing )

( all yell )

All right, that's enough!

Why have you been getting in my way all day?

We've been trying to save Mrs. Twombly

from your vicious attack!

We're not gonna let you make her close Littlest Pet Shop.

Yeah, so you can report back to your bosses

at the Largest-Ever Pet Shop

and tell them to forget about it!

I don't want to attack Mrs. Twombly.

I just wanted her newspaper.

Are you serious? What do you want with that?

I love shredding paper.

It's like meditation for me.

Very relaxing.

Now that you mention it,

I did notice you doing that a few times today.

Yeah, but-- But you looked so suspicious,

being all quiet and stare-y.

And suspicious-y!

I am a Siamese cat.

Looking suspicious is what we do.

( all laugh nervously ) RUSSELL: Oops.

Okay, we're down to our last problem.

( all whispering indistinctly )

Uh, I'm exhausted.

Blythe, I can feel my brain locking up.

Oh, no, I'm getting brain-sprain!

Uh, better. Thanks.

Whittany, we can't calculate anymore.

You haven't figured out one equation.

You've gotta step up!

I told you I couldn't do this stuff without Brittany.

But why?

I don't know. I take the math problem,

put in clothes where there are X's and Y's,

so Brittany can understand the problem,

and she figures it out.

Ugh! So that's why you both wipe out on tests.

You have to work together.


Ten seconds, mathletes. ( stopwatch ticking )

Please, Whittany, you're our only hope.

Uh. Okay.

Three little black dresses,

discontinued but for sale in that vintage place on Claremont.

And two pairs of wedge platforms with the glittery straps

in a "buy one, get the next half-off" promotion.

Time's up! What is your answer?

Is it: a down ski parka with faux fur trim?

( both groan )

Not even close.

Do you have an answer?

X plus Y squared.

That is correct!

Congratulations, you have won today's mathletic competition!

Yes! Good work, team!

Ugh! I'm glad this is over.

I need to go shopping and chill myself out.

I'm never going to try anything smart again!

Well, Mrs. Mondt,

it looks like I was way wrong to rely on the Biskits.

I'll see you in the morning for detention.

I'll be there too, Mrs. Mondt.

This was a team effort, after all.

Thanks, Youngmee, but I made the deal, not you.

Besides, I can use the extra time to practice my math.

( paper shredding )

Um, I'm almost afraid to ask.

Oh! Blythe, this is Scout.

We've had quite a day.

Long story short, we thought she was one thing,

but we were absolutely wrong.

Yeah, been there, done that.

TWOMBLY: Oh, Blythe!

I'm finished with the newspaper

if you want to give it to the pets.

They seem to really enjoy shredding paper.

Mrs. T, I didn't know you read The Dilly.

Isn't it funny?


It's a comedy newspaper,

filled with made-up news stories.

Like this one:

"Governments using animals as spies."

Ha-ha! That's hilarious!

Oh, yes, ha-ha, hilarious.

Ho, ho, ho. Yeah, I thought so, too.

Heh-heh, hilarious. Right, guys?

( all chuckle )

So funny. Very.

So you thought I was a spy?

That is ridiculous.

Then again, perhaps you were right, all along.

Ciao, for now.

( suspenseful theme playing )


Whittany, I'm still, like, itchy!

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪
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