01x15 - Topped With Buttercream

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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01x15 - Topped With Buttercream

Post by bunniefuu »

( grunts )

( groans )

ZOE: Oh, Digby!

Isn't Dibgy the most handsome pooch ever

to visit Littlest Pet Shop?

Digby? ZOE: Yes.

He was here two months, three weeks, four days

and minutes ago.

For about an hour and a half.

He smelled of rawhide and wet leaves.

That Digby's got it going on.

Yeah, must be a dog thing.

Trust me, girlfriend,

he's in a canine class by himself.

Does he know how much you like him?

I would tell him, but we keep missing each other.

Take tomorrow, for instance.

I would normally be here when he comes to visit,

but I've got to get this unsightly freckle covered up,

and I'll miss him once again.

Otherwise, I would tell Digby how lucky he is

that I have a major crush on him.

Uh, Zoe?

FYI, that's no freckle on your nose.

It's a throbbing, festering blemish.

Take a look.

( screaming )

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

Oh, it's ginormous, isn't it?

I barely noticed it.

Well, I am sorry I missed Digby yesterday.

Did he ask about me?

No. No?

He didn't ask about you because he wasn't here.

He's coming in today.


Hello, Penny Ling.

( gasps )

Oh, hi, Digby.

Girl, we have to talk. ( gasps )

BLYTHE: Hey, everybody. Check it out.

Ta-da! My new backpack.

( all chattering )

It's brills. There's room in here

for everything I'll ever need for school.

BLYTHE ( voice echoing ): School, school, school...

RUSSELL: Oh, school, what a wonderful establishment.

( funky theme playing )

( all chattering )

Hey, Russell, what's up?

CROWD ( chanting ): Russell! Russell! Russell!

( dramatic theme playing )

( worried murmuring )

( whistle blowing )

CROWD ( chanting ): Russell! Russell!


PRINCIPAL: Winner of this year's prestigous

Best Student Hedgehog Ever,


CROWD ( chanting ): Russell! Russell! Russell!

( horn honking ) Huh?

( horn honking )

Oops, that's my dad.

Gotta go! TTFN.

PETS: Huh? Ta-ta for now.

PETS: Ohh!

( upbeat theme playing )

Oh, Russell's gonna be in real trouble

when Blythe finds him in her new backpack.

Mrs. Twombly's not going to be real happy either

when she finds out he's gone AWOL.

Ya'll will just have to cover for the little guy.

What are we, magicians?

I thought that I would ask that question.

( snoring )

Hiding from Digby all day doesn't make sense, Zoe.

I'll tell you what doesn't make sense.

This ostrich egg on my face!

Don't be silly, Zoe.

Digby won't care about some silly little bandage.

Or giant, honking bandage.

I'm sure he's the sensitive, caring type.

Is he? Maybe he's the totally superfical type.

How will I know?

I can't talk to him!

( gasps )

But you can.



( upbeat rock theme playing )

You know what would be cool, Dad?

If I designed a backpack that could hold a pet.

Great idea.

Then you could bring a new animal to school with you.

Heh. Every day.

Except school's an animal-free zone, Dad.


( Blythe screams )

Uh, what's wrong?

We've gotta go home.

I forgot something. What?

Uh, facial tissue.

I mean-- I meant-- I mean, cotton balls.

What I really meant was my favorite hair brush.

Boar bristle or plastic?

( upbeat theme playing )

( chuckles )

Russell, I can't believe you stowed away in my new backpack.

You realize you'll have to keep out of sight all day.

Eh, just get me an apple and some water,

and I can hang out in your locker.

What could possibly go wrong?

( alarm ringing )

What the-- ( rumbling )

Oh, no!

( students chattering )

Hut! Hut! Hut!

( playing marching music )

PRINCIPAL ( over PA): Attention, students, attention.

We are experiencing a fire alarm malfunction.

Please disregard and proceed to class.

Like I'm not trying.

( students groaning )

Hut! Hut! Hut!

( playing marching music )

Huh? Wha--?

What? Where's my backpack?

( suspenseful theme playing )

My backpack!

( gasps )

It's empty!

"This backpack belongs to Brittany Biskit"?

But if I have her backpack, she must have--

( Brittany screaming )


( dramatic theme playing )

( Russell chittering )


( both scream ) Here you go, Brit.

Our backpacks got mixed up during the alarm. Crazy, huh?

( bell rings )

Now which way did that little hedgehog go?

( gasps )

Well, that bell means get to class, Miss Baxter.

But I-- Now!

( groans )

I'll have to look for Russell after class.

How much trouble could a little hedgehog get into, anyway?

( phone ringing )

SAWDUST: Sawdust. If you got slop, I got a mop.

You don't say.

Ran right out of a girl's backpack, huh?

The horror. The horror.

Well, don't worry.

I've got that prickly rat right in my sights.

Leapin' head lice! There he goes now.

You'll not outrun me, prickly rat!

( mellow theme playing )

Penny Ling, you can do this.

Yes, but you should, really.

I don't think so.

Digby needs to hear it from someone close to me.

Someone without a blimp on her face.

All right, Zoe. I'll do it for you.

That's my furry little Cyrano.

Am I really Cyrano?

Because I thought he was the one with the nose issue.

That hurts. ( giggling )

Now, all you have to do

is memorize a few select talking points.

SAWDUST: Come back here!

There'll be no prickly rat on my performance review.

( dramatic theme playing )

( mellow theme playing )

You're on.

Okay, okay.

Oh, uh, Digby?


Uh, I have to tell you how Zoe feels about you.

You have to tell me?

Heh-heh. I mean,

I have to tell you that you really stand out to her,

when you visit us.

I stand out? Uh...

Yes. Yes, you do.

Not only that, but you smell.

I do?

I mean, uh, you have canine charisma to spare.

Oh, she said that.

This may turn out okay after all.


Brittany, the medicine lady said you need to, like, chill.

I was almost att*cked by that thing.

Uh, yeah.

I don't know what's worse:

coming face to face with that creature

or finding out you have the same backpack as Blythe.

Barf. Ew.

Only Blythe Baxter would carry

something that gross around with her.

And I'm not talking about the backpack.

( both laugh )

You can bet Blythe will be exchanging that packpack,

and I am not gross!


( all screaming )

( gasps )

( ominous theme playing )


( grunts )

Hm. A tad too much wax today.

The prickly rat has not yet been prickled that can escape me!


Russell. Where are you?







Oh, Russell, where are you?

Excuse me, have any of you seen a hedgehog?

I mean, not on the menu, just scampering around.

Russell is here among us.

I can feel him.

Ah, it's Russell!

You mean that brown scrub brush?

Well, I--

Ah! Look over there!

JASPER: Uh, Blythe, it's just the school mascot.

( groans )

Oh, weird.

It looks just like Russell.

Yeah, over-imagine much?

Yeah, ha, ha, kind of silly, huh?


Suddenly I'm not very hungry.

Oh, and Zoe has the most, uh,

incredible eyes!

Uh, I get that Zoe's amazing, Penny Ling.

Just one question:

Why can't she speak for herself?

Oh, well, it's, uh...

( laughs nervously )

Her nose.

What do you mean, "her nose?"

( grunts )

Wow, she really lost it.

Whoa, Zoe lost her nose?

Not exactly.

Uh, but she, um, hasn't been herself lately.

Well, that's too bad.

But Zoe's not here and since you are,

I'd rather get to know you.

( giggling )

Well, uh, what do you want to know about me, Digby?

Oh, every little thing.

You must be a deeply caring panda

to be so concerned about your noseless friend.

( growling ): Noseless...

( mellow theme playing )

Snack time, everyone!

I'll be with you in two shakes of a lamb's tail

or a fish's tail or whatever kind of tail you have.

Uh, you know,

our fake Russell here ain't too bad,

but he'll never fool Mrs. T up close.

Oh, no! Mrs. Twombly will be back here any minute.

What do we do? What do we do?!

Minka, go stall Mrs. T while the rest of us come up

with a more convincing Russell stand-in.

( gibbering )

Oh, my, my, Minka,

you really want your snack today.

Here you go, one Salivating Simian Crunch Energy Nugget.

Oh, now you want your tummy scratched?

( gibbering )

Goodness, Minka, you're really itchy.

Now, I can't spend all day scratching you,

you silly monkey.

The other sweeties are waiting for their treats.


( gasps )

Minka, you've been into my collection.

Naughty monkey.

Put that doorknob back.

You don't know where it's been.

( gibbering )

( dramatic theme playing )



Who knew monkeys and doorknobs would make

for such a delightful diversion.

( laughs )

( suspenseful theme playing )

Oh, sorry.

Hey, beat it, hedgehog. I was here first.

Wow, that rat is rather prickly.

Russell? Russell.

( screams )

( both laughing )

( growling )


Oh, Russell, where are you?

( screams )

( both screaming)

( groaning )

( both laughing )

( whimpering )


( Zoe groans )

Oh, hi, Russell.

BOTH: Russell?

Aw, it's only Zoe.

It is. Zoe, you're a genius.


Here's what we're gonna do.

( ringing )

Russell, where can you be?

( gasps )

I don't believe it!

Russell, I found you!

Oh, thank goodness too,

because I'm officially dropping out of school.

Besides, I should really get back before snack time.

Not only that, but your owner will be by

to pick you up from day camp. We gotta move!

( dramatic theme playing )

( both grunt )

( screams )

( dramatic theme playing )

Ha! Got you now, you prickly rat.

Thanks for the assist.

Now the school is completely rid of vermin.


( sarcastically ): I mean, yay!

♪ Oh, you net the high rat

♪ And I'll the net the low rat

♪ And I'll be in Glasgow Before ye ♪

Hey, keep things warm till I get out.

( rats squeaking )

Hm. Been at the vermin game too long, Sawdust.

( whistles )

Littlest Pet Shop, stat!

( upbeat pop theme playing )

This ride is a hazard to proper nutrition.

Can this day get any more humiliating?

What in the world is going on up there?

Sorry to be so late with the treats today, sweeties,

but Minka led me on a merry doorknob chase.

( horns honking )

I'll get out here.

TWOMBLY: Now, who's next?

Oh, of course. Russell.

Uh, hope you don't mind.

I'm going to Littlest Pet Shop.

Really? Well, I'm going right...


We are not done yet!

Oh, now, where is Russell's treat?

( saw buzzing )

Amazing what you can build with absolutely no time.

( upbeat pop theme playing )

( both screaming )

( upbeat pop theme playing )


Oh, here it is.

( suspenseful theme playing )

Here you go.

( dramatic theme playing )

Nice catch, Russell.

Zoe, where have you been?

Penny Ling's been telling me about you

and your poor nose all day long.

You're lucky to have such a good friend.

Yes, I am.

I wish we could've spent more time together,

but my owner is here, so I must say adieu.

Did you see that? He kissed my nose,

and he speaks French!

Maybe I should keep this bandage.

What do you think, girls?

ALL: Yeah!

( all laughing )

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪
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