01x20 - Bakers and Fakers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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01x20 - Bakers and Fakers

Post by bunniefuu »

( groans ) For the last time, Whittany and Brittany,

binomials don't have anything to do with buying things.

Then they shouldn't have "buy" in the name.

It's a total fakeout. Mega-unfair.

We can talk about the fairness of math another day.

( laughter )

Beauty before age.

Ms. Amster, Mr. Barish, what can we do for you?

BOTH: Well, we're here-- Oh...

( both laughing )

Barish and Amster, sittin' in a tree...

By all means, Ms. Amster.

( laughs ): Oh, all right.

We're here to promote a joint effort between

the Home Ec. Department and the History Department.

The Ultimate Outrageous Cake Competition!

Oh, my! Ha, ha, ha!

A cake competition?

Student teams will battle to build the best historical cake.

How about two teachers being all super-wack and mega-goofy?

That's pretty hysterical.

Um, he said "historical."

I thought you were hysterical. Thanks, Whittany.

Mr. Barish, Ms. Amster, is there a prize?

There most definitely is.

The winning team will get an extra credit

in both our classes,

which will lift themselves up by half a grade.

BOTH (gasping): Half a grade?

Brittany, that would for sure give us, like one whole grade.

Yeah. No way is that hysterical.


♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

( upbeat theme playing )

You guys have to be on my team

for the Ultimate Outrageous Cake Competition.

You know I love to bake,

and with all the stuff at my Aunt Christie's shop,

there's no way we can lose.

You had me at, "be on my team."

Uh, I don't know, Youngmee.

That'd mean time away from

mixed-martial-arts-slash badminton practice for me.

And time away from playing video games for me.

Besides, I'm doing pretty well in History and Home Ec.

Pretty well? Don't you want to be doing great?

You've got to grab your chance to be great when you get it!

Just like Albert Einstein became great when he discovered

that theory about his relatives.

Just like Christopher Columbus became great

when he discovered Columbus, Ohio.

We could be that great if we win this cake competition.

Cake, cake, cake!

ALL: Cake, cake, cake!

Cake, cake, cake!

Cake, cake, cake!

Cake, cake, cake!

Should we even do this cake thing, Whittany?

I can't, like, decide.

Me, either.

Hey, let's make two lists, one for the reasons we should do it,

which we'll call the major list,

and one for why we shouldn't, which we'll call the meh list.

Then we can compare them. Okay. Major.

If we win, our grades go up and Daddy buys us stuff.

That's major with a capital whatever.

So, okay, meh: We have to make the cake.

Ugh. That seems like work.

Ew. Major meh.

So that's one major and one meh.

How do we, like, break the tie?

ALL: Cake! Cake! Cake!

Cake! Cake! Cake!

Our next class is actually this way.

Cake! Cake!

Major: We can't let those meh faces win.

You're so right, Brittany.

And I've just thought of a way

we can win without doing any work.

Ooh...sounds major.

( upbeat theme playing )

'Scuse us, Buttercream.

Did you guys hear

the Biskits have entered the cake competition?

What? Next thing you know,

they'll be attending pep rallies.

( giggles ): Yeah.

Go! Fight! Win!

Or, like, whatever.

( all laugh )

Let's focus, guys.

We need to come up with a great cake design

that's also historical...

Oh, I know. How about a cake

celebrating Gertrude Ederle. In ,

she became the first woman to swim the English Channel.

Sue, we're making cake, not soup.

Hey, how's this for an idea?

The Battle of Gettysburg.

One of the saddest days in American history.

Sure, Jasper, because when you think of the Civil w*r,

you think of cake.

We need to honor the spirit of the contest more literally.

Since we're building a cake,

maybe the cake should be a building,

one that's historically important.

How about one of the seven wonders of the world?

BOTH: The Taj Mahal! Jinx!

The Taj Mahal! Score!

All right, then. Sue,

you're in charge of the report on the building

and why it's historically important.

Jasper, you'll be picking up the ingredients.

Blythe, can you get some good pictures of the Taj Mahal?

Pictures are a can-do, Chef Youngmee!

Let's get to it, everyone.

YOUNGMEE: Cake! Cake! Cake!

ALL: Cake! Cake! Cake!

Cake! Cake! Cake! Four, eleven, potatoes,

and that makes seventy kershmillion points!

New high score! Yay, me!

Hey, where did everybody skedaddle to?

Someone has to try and beat my high score.

Hi-dee-ho, game-players, anyone wanna play a game?

I'll give it a go. What are we playing?

A little diddly-do that I call "Butterscotch."

Oh, yeah, Butterscotch, sure. What the heck is that?

It's like Hopscotch, but also completely not like it at all.

Am I doing it right?

Yes! No. That was a double-fleagle.

Hopsy-hop leggedy-like back four steps, Vinnie.

And...Zoe wins!

BOTH: Huh? Of course I do.

I have no idea what just happened.

Buttercream, are you making these rules up as you go along?

Wowsie-woo, Russell, I should call you

Mr. Smarty, Smarty, Let's Have a Party!

What? What?

( sighs )


Yes, it's all right here in my doodle-noodle.

Right. Um...

By any chance, Buttercream, have you seen Blythe lately?

Certainly so, Rusty-Jo, she was just in Sweet Delights

with her pals having a chattery chat and cookin' up a plan.

A plan about what?

Ooh, it was fantastabulous!

Something about how hysterical cake would fill the halls.

Oh, and people in seven worlds will wonder what's going on.

Did she just say cake fillin' the halls?

Taking over the world?

( ominous theme playing ) ( laughter )

( screaming )


( cake roars )

( cake laughing )

( gasps )


( roars )


( cakes laughing )

( Vinnie screams )


I'm not gonna let cake take over the world.

Good on ya, Veni Vici Vinnie.

'Course I could've gotten everything discombobuloopy.

I was butterscotching at the exact same time-ishness.

Sunil, Look out! What?

Don't take another step or you'll sneagle the beagle.

Oh, no. Cake, cake, cake.

Cake. Cake. Cake. Cake. Cake. Cake. Cake. Cake.

Blythe, what are you doing?

Big cake. Pictures. Build. Huge.

Cake, cake, cake. It's happening!

WHITTANY: Brittany, if we're going to win

the Ultimate Outrageous Cake Competition,

our cake should be chocolate.

And like, vanilla,


French vanilla.

Unless Spanish vanilla is fancier and more expensive,

in which case, get Spanish.

And it's got to have red borscht-berry filling.

We'll let you get to work and see you when the cake's done,

Monsieur LeGrande.

Girls. BOTH: Daddy!

I've been listening to your little plan.

You're not going to win any prize by taking the easy way out

and having our chef win it for you.

BOTH: Daddy!

Don't "Daddy" me.

If you want to win, you're going to have to do it yourselves.



Wait, Brittany, something is happening in my brain.

I think it must be an idea.

It is, and it's plan-tastic.

Like, we can't make a cake

good enough to win a competition, right?

'S if! But we can make sure

the other teams, especially Blythe's,

can't make a cake any better than ours.

( scoffs ): Yeah.

YOUNGMEE: Okay, team, do we have everything?

And I mean everything?

Everything but the kitchen sink, Youngmee.

Think we'll need a kitchen sink?

Oh, boy.

Hello. We're reporters from the city paper.

Are you kidding me?

We understand you're participating

in an Ultimate Outrageous Cake Competition.

Yeah, and we, like wanna report on it.

ALL: Uh-huh.

We have reporter questions. We do?

( coughs ): I mean...we do.

First question: What ingredients are you planning to use?

Yeah, and exactly how much of each one?

How long are you going to bake your cake?

And what do you use to bake it?

Your readers sure want to know the basics about cake-baking.

Yeah, they do.

We're a little rushed right now, but come to the competition.

We'll answer all your questions after the prizes are awarded.

But that'll be too-- Uh...

I mean, that'll be after our, like, due time.


That's not

what we newspapererists--


--call it, but...

Oh, whatevs.

OMG, Brittany, their recipe!

And their cake design!

Thanks for everything.

And we do mean, everything.

Takers, takers, fakers, not bakers!

Blibbity Blythe! This is superty-super important.

Hello? Bunnygram! Yodel-ay-hee-hoo!

BLYTHE: Come on. Okay, team, that's everything.

To the competition!

ALL: Cake, cake, cake!

Cake, cake, cake!


Woop-woop! Emergency-urgency!

A major disaster's about to happster!

In my Buttercream to Russell dictionary,

I think that means there's a problem.

It's happening! It's happening!

What's the emergency, Buttercream?

Twinsie girls who were twinsie boys

swiped Blythe's cake papers, but Blythe and her pals skedaddled

before I could tell 'em about the hubbub.

Uh-huh. Or maybe you thought that's what you saw?

No-e, Zoe. These eyes saw it in crystal-clear Buttercreamvision.

Cake, cake, cake! Well, Mrs. Twombly,

I'm off to Blythe's school for her cake competition.

Cake, cake, cake! Cake, cake, cake!

Well, it couldn't hurt to go to the competition

to make sure that what Buttercream says she saw

isn't what she saw.

We better hurry if we want to hitch a ride

in Mr. Baxter's car.

Hey, wait for me!

I'm comin' to make sure that cake doesn't get outta line,

know what I'm sayin'?

ALL: Not really.

But we don't have time to figure it out. Let's go!

( upbeat theme playing )

WOMAN: Thank you, everyone, for coming.

The Ultimate Outrageous Cake Competition will begin shortly.

Okay, Blythe, can I have the recipe and design cards?

Jasper's got 'em. Not me. Sue has them.

Youngmee, I thought you--

ALL: Oh, no!

We've gotta find them!

Cake, cake, cake!

Cake, cake, cake! Hey, Blythe, what's cooking?

Ha, ha, ha! Huh, huh? I guess she is.

Cooking. Aha.

Those are the girl-boys! They swippity-swiped the cards!

The Biskit twins? Should've figured. Come on.

All right, cake, I'm on to you.

Let's do this thing.

( both laughing )

Ms. Amster, Mr. Barish, we were wondering

if we could maybe have a little more time before we start.

Sorry, Blythe, the rules are very specific about start time.

Let the competition begin!

Oh, my, Mr. Barish,

that was so decisive.


Time to put the "pet" into this competition.

Buttercream, no!

If you see any suspicious looking cake, give me a yell!

( dramatic theme playing )

Excuse me, guys,

have you seen our recipe cards?

No. No.

Excuse me, have you seen our recipe cards?

Uh, nevermind...

Whittany, Brittany, have you seen--

Sorry, we're a little rushed right now.

But we'll be happy to answer your questions

after the competition's over

and the prizes have been handed out.

( moans )

We've got to do something

to distract everyone from spotting Buttercream.

Russell, I've got an idea for how we can help Buttercream.

What kind of an idea?

A brilliant one.

Of course.

Ugh. Brittany, do we have anything called flour?

BRITTANY: Ugh. I think there's some, like, under the table.

Ugh! Gross!

Did any get on me?

Did any get on me?!

Tastes like that stuff they put in cinnamon flavored lip gloss.


( screams )

Well, that's a unique way to bake a cake.

( all chuckle )

Like, OMG, who let the egg-dropping birds in here?

Shake your head over the bowl, Whit.

We need some cinnamon.

Stand back, Robinnia-- I mean, Ms. Amster!

I won't let any dive bombing chickens hurt you!

Ooh, Bob... I mean, Mr. Barish.

Ha, ha! We really shouldn't be having so much fun.

Yeah, this is all about helping Blythe.

This is too weird.

Blythe, less ceiling watching,

more searching for our recipe cards.

Uh-oh. Company's coming.

I'd say our work here is done, anyway.


Mr. Barish, do you see anything?

Nothing up here, but if I look down,

I can see the top of your head. Your hair looks spectacular.

( laughing )

( grunts )

Ugh. Is this flour stuff supposed to be all, like...

clumpy? I don't know.

Get the electric mixer thingie and mix out all the lumps.

( exclaiming )

( both grunting )

Buttercream, what are you doing here?

( gasps )

You guys! Our Taj Mahal sketch!

Awesome! Did you find our recipe, too?

Unfortunately, no.

Well, hope my memory's good.

Come on, let's get to it. Blythe, we're out of milk.

Can you get some from the extra supplies?

I'm on it.

Buttercream, you beautiful bunny.

Where did you come from?

Well, I was born in box and then I moved--

VINNIE: Psst! Blythe!

I should've known.

Let me guess: You snuck a ride here with my Dad?

Buttercream told us about those terrible Biskit girls

stealing your cards and we just had to help.

The Biskits did that, huh?

Look, I've gotta get back.

I'll come get you after the competition,

but for now just stay here.

( groans )

Brittany, tell me you've found Blythe's recipe card.

Like, okay.

I found Blythe's recipe card. You did?

No, but you told me to tell you that.

What are we going to do? Run away?

Everyone would, like, see us.

Besides, I think we really need that extra half-grade.

That means there's only one thing we can do.

BOTH: Ugh. Our best.

Ew... Ew...

Oh, cake Alamo!

Mmm, mmm.

Mmm. The Eiffel Tower was c'est magnifique.

But we'll always remember the Alamo...cake.

( giggles )

BOTH: Hold on, you've got some--

( both giggle )

Judges, we present to you...

The Taj Mahal!

( both gasp )

Why ain't these cakes tryin' to take over the world?

It's almost criminal to take a bite

of this magnificent creation.

Well, arrest me then, because we must.

Ooh, Mr. Barish. Ha, ha, ha, ha!


A triumph!

Mmm, delectable!

( all cheer )

Sure, it tastes good,

but maybe that's what it wants you to think.

Team Youngmee, you've set the bar high,

but there's still one team left.

Oh, our cake is way superior to theirs, right, Brittany?

Oh, way totes mega superior, Whittany.

Be, like, hold our superior awesome historical cakeness.

( both gasp )

What the yikes? ( both gasp )

( all gasp ) We know, right?

There's never been anyone like us,

so it's so, like, historical.

The hair is flavored frosting,

the clothes are gourmet chocolate,

and the teeth are lime jelly beans.

( audience shrieks )

( both scream )

( all screaming )

Oh, and BT-dub, the filling is red borscht-berry.

No cake's gonna take over the world on my watch!

( western theme playing )

( both scream )

Come back with my head, you rodent!

The judges haven't tasted it yet!

That's okay, Brit,

They know a winning cake when they, like, see it.

That's true, Whittany. The winner is...

Team Youngmee.

( cheering )

Look-see doodle, doodle-lookers! They're playing Butterscotch!

And they're Aces McAces at it to boot.

ALL: Cake, cake, cake!

Cake, cake, cake!

Cake, cake, cake!

Cake, cake, cake!

Good job, girls.

Uh, Dad, didn't you see them just win?

Meaning we, like, didn't.

That's true, but at least you gave it your best.

Barf! Ew!

Here you go, everyone. Thanks for helping me out today.

You're welcome, darling.

Vinnie? Don't you want some cake?

Uh, no thanks. I already have some.

If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em. Ha, ha!

( upbeat theme playing )

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪
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