04x12 - Trouble The Water

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ozark". Aired: July 21, 2017 - April 29, 2022.*
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Marty, a financial planner moves his wife and two kids to the Ozarks as they struggle to launder money for a drug cartel.
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04x12 - Trouble The Water

Post by bunniefuu »


Thanks for doing this.

[JONAH] You okay?

Yeah, I'm just a little, uh, hungover.

There's no one at work to hang out with,
so last night I just

drank a half a bottle of wine by myself

and fell asleep watching crap TV.

You look tired too.

Yeah, I, uh,
had to reconcile the profit and loss

for Panamanian accounts
before business opened today.

And then I had to do
my humanities homework.

♪ Only you can see ♪

♪ Changes that I've been through ♪

♪ Have left their mark on me ♪


Thank you.



You can't stay silent forever.

I just don't understand it.

If we keep Camilla close,
if we keep her engaged,

it... it makes it harder
for her to make another move.

How am I supposed to funnel shipments
to the FBI right from under her nose?

You did it with Javi.

Yes, I did. Barely.
It is not sustainable.

We tell Navarro what she did,
she goes away.

Uh, when the time is right.


Jesus Christ.

Look, why don't you go...
Go clean up that hand, take a shower?

- And I'll... I'll call Jim.

I'll get him to start working
on dropping today's charges.


I-I don't know what that was.

I'm pretty sure what it was.


I know I'm not easy to love.

That's not true.

[SIGHS] We are so close.

And when this is over,

when we get outta here…

if you wanted to leave, I'd understand.


- Is that what you want?
- No.

But I would understand if you did.


[MEL] I told you
when we first started this

that I might find some stuff
you don't wanna know.

Well, I hate to tell you this,

but I don't think
we're ever gonna find your son.

What do you mean?

The day your daughter left Ben
at the diner in Barlow,

this man showed up.

He's a triggerman
for a Mexican drug cartel.

I don't understand.

[SIGHS] I believe that...
That he was there for Ben.


Why would Ben be mixed up
with a Mexican drug cartel?


Okay, your daughter and her husband,
they were investigated by the FBI

for money laundering.

Of course.

It was her.

Well, I mean,
no charges were ever brought.

Dear God.

If you like,
I can bring this information over

to the local authorities.

I'll... I'll need some time to think.

Of course.

I'm really sorry.

They f*cked up your shit,
her shit, and my whole family.

They don't deserve to get away with it.

[CHARLES] Oh, please.

Well, you had me at
"pay back Wendy Byrde."

I will do whatever I
can to help you guys.

Including selling you
my share of the Belle.

Oh, with your stake and Darlene's,
we can take control of the whole thing.

[CHARLES] Please.

- Mmm! Holy shit.
- Yeah, that's good, right?


[CHARLES] All right.


…two ways to go about this.

Easy way is to just put everything
in Ms. Garrison's name,

sell the Missouri Belle to her
and help her run it.

Oh, um, ahem, what's the hard way?

Exactly how bad is your record?

Uh, three felonies, four misdemeanors.

[CHARLES] Predominantly juvenile?

You know, that's doable.

- What?
- Expunging your record.

I think I know a judge
who might be amenable.

W-what's that gonna cost?

[CHARLES] No, no, won't work like that.
I can get you the meeting.

I'll put in a persuasive word.

You can donate to certain causes,
if you choose,

but it'll still be up
to the judge to decide.

- Why... why can't I just pay them off?
- [CHARLES LAUGHS] Oh, come on, Ruth.

You just inherited a fortune,
and now you're spearheading

a hostile takeover
of Missouri's newest casino.

That's a... that's a scale of visibility

even the most well-paid judge isn't
gonna be entirely comfortable with.

Well, neither am I.

Hang on a second. Hang on a second.

You saying she's got
a shot at getting clean?

With the right attitude,
a little bit of luck.

You have to do it.

What, you're afraid
to be my partner or something?

No. I mean... no.

Look, this is life-changing.

A clean record?
People like us don't get that ever.

You gotta try.

I don't know.

I've been in the system somewhere
since I was three years old

crawling around through cat flaps
for my daddy.


The judge is gonna take one look at me
and know exactly what I am.

you own half the land in the county.

You operate an almost successful motel.
You are a g*dd*mn redneck success story.

At least try.

The first clean Langmore
in five generations.

[RACHEL] Mm-hmm.


What the f*ck?

- Yes.

Let's do it.

All right.
Good, I'll set up the meeting.

But here's the thing, okay?

- It's important.
- Mm-hmm.

When you meet Judge Mayhew,

it's "Yes, ma'am. No, ma'am."
You got it, okay?

- You f*cking got it, Charlie.
- [LAUGHS] Okay.


[ANNALISE] Thank y'all so much
for coming. It was wonderful.


So, how'd you like the study?

Yeah, yeah, I liked it a lot.
It reminded me of Sunday school.

In fact, I can't remember
why I stopped going.

A lot of people say that. [CHUCKLES]

You know what else they say?

What I said when I'd messed up my life?
That I felt lonely and alone.

But I wasn't really.

Excuse me for a minute.

I just made a muck of my life, you know?

I gambled my inheritance, lost my girl.

Shh! Be grateful for it.

I-I fought with my mom, and I-I sent
her running out in front of that truck.

Now I don't even have
the diamond I made from her.

Are you talking about
compression services?

Like with your Mom's ashes?


That is the most beautiful thing
I have ever heard.


Sam, have you ever been baptized?

[NATHAN] Hey, there, children.


I got a proposition for you.
I'd like you to hear me out.

We're gonna be pulling up stakes here
in a few days,

and I'd like you to come back with us.

And move in with me.

Now, don't both of you
go answering all at once. [CHUCKLES]

Why you leaving?

To be honest, we're giving
up the search for your uncle.

I don't think we're ever gonna find him.

That surprise you?


I know I haven't been a big part
of your lives for these last years,

but that wasn't my choice.

Being here, getting to spend time with
you, it's felt like a second chance.

And I'm not gonna lie to you.

I think you might be in danger here,
and I think you might think it too.

Now, big decision.
Take some time with it.

[MAYHEW] Just because
Charles and I are friends

doesn't mean I'm
gonna rubber-stamp this.

I-I understand.

Uh, ma'am.

Your family's been raising hell
in Missouri for a long time.

Uh, yes, ma'am.

That kind of history,
sometimes it's hard to change.

Have you changed?

Yes, ma'am.

[INHALES] I-I gave up crime
when my daddy died.

I've already made something of myself
I couldn't ever expected.

I managed a casino.

[CHUCKLES] I even own a motel.

So I see.

And you've come into some money lately.
I mean, you're a lucky girl.

Yeah, not so lucky. I-I got that
money 'cause my cousin died.

I'm sorry.

All the same, if I clean your record,
we're tied forever.

You mess up again, it comes back on me.

I-I don't plan to f*ck up.




Uh, judge.

This is everything to me.


Here's what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna comb through every
arrest warrant, every police report,

and every scrap of information
I can get on you.

I may even find something
that the authorities missed.

- Are you prepared for that?
- Mm-hmm.

- You sure?
- Yes, ma'am.

And provided that doesn't
turn up any surprises,

I'll likely do a drop-in visit.

Right. O-okay.

Is that gonna be a problem for you,

N-no, no, not at all, ma'am.


What's that?

A petition for Jonah and Charlotte
to come live with me.


I think you oughta read it,
and I think you oughta sign it.

That's never gonna happen.

They wanna come, Wendy.
They are not safe with you.

I'm not signing anything.

Then I'll see you at family court
in three days for a hearing.

- You don't wanna do that.
- Neither do you.

I got my investigator ready to testify,

and you know very well
what he's got on you. Sign it.

- They wanna be with me.
- Get the f*ck out of my house!

- Did you know he was taking us to court?
- No.

Did he ask you to go with him?

- Both of you?
- Yeah.

And what did you say?

That we would.

We are so close.

So close to being out of this.
Do you realize that?

It's not forever.

Do you want to go with him?

[SIGHS] It's just…

[EXHALES] Grandpa's
not just gonna go away.

I mean, he knows things, and...

You know, how are we supposed
to protect you if we don't go with him?

Let me worry about Grandpa.



I'm not f*cking letting them go.

I know.

Not to that house, with that man.

What are we supposed to do though?

I mean, he's... he's playing
a... a game of chicken, you know?

He's... he knows we
can't let Mel testify.

That's exactly right.

We just need to make sure
that Mel never makes it to court.




There a problem?

I wanted to come tell you myself.

We arrested somebody for Wyatt's m*rder.

Uh, who?

Uh, Timothy Wheeling.
Comes out of Hastain.

Worked in the fields off and on
for Darlene. You know him?

Well, how... how do you...
How do you know it was him?

Let me show you something.

Can you confirm this belonged to Wyatt?

I wondered where it got to.

Wheeling pawned it
two days before the m*rder,

along with three pieces
of Darlene's jewelry.

We think she found it missing
and accused him.

Guy's got a long rap sheet.

Armed robbery, felony breaking
and entering, weapons charges.

Can I have it back?

It's evidence.

But I will get it back to you
as soon as I can.

Why are you being
so nice to me all of a sudden?

Coming all this way.

I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot.

Me and this new job.

You sorry?

Or did you hear I
inherited Wyatt's money?

this brings you some peace.


[WENDY] We want him reinstated
to the Chicago PD as soon as possible.

[MARTY] He's all cleaned up,
no more dr*gs.

His, uh, PI work is impeccable.

So, uh, when do you need this favor?

W-we'd like an official offer
by the end of the day.

Mm-hmm. [CHUCKLES]

You know, when somebody comes to me
and asks me to help out a detective,

my guess is somebody's in trouble.

Now, should I be worried?

- Not at all.

Well, I've already pulled
every string I can over at OFAC,

but your money only spreads so thin.

What do you need?

Hmm, well,
I do have one pressing matter.

- My grandson's voting machines.
- No.

Your boys in Wisconsin and Michigan
could really help us out there,

get 'em in place before the next cycle.

We can't do that.

We won't.

Okay, then.
Well, you have a choice to make.

I'm not your dancing monkey, Wendy.

Either one or the other.

Now, Navarro off the SDN list

or Mel Sattem rejoins Chicago PD.

You go ahead,
and you let me know what you decide.

Jesus. Even I stopped short
of massive f*cking election fraud.

He truly asked you that?

He did.

I-I can't do this, Jim.

I know.

So if we use Schafer
to help Mel get his job back,

then we have to find someone else
to get Navarro off the SDN list.

Yeah, won't be easy.

Yeah, but it's possible, right?

[SIGHS] Yeah, well, you're gonna
need four, maybe five new faces

to pull Schafer's weight.

Plus you're gonna
have to fill his board seat.

Ideally someone well-placed
to run damage control

in case he,
I don't know, takes this personally.

I can put together a few names, make
a list, but it's gonna take some time

for them all to get on board.

How's Mr. Navarro's patience these days?

- Wearing thin.
- He'll hold.

Get me those names.

And thank you, Jim. We'll... we'll let
you know when to pull the trigger, okay?

- Yeah.
- All right.

- Thanks. Bye.

We can't let them go
to North Carolina with my father.

Hi, Senator Schafer's office, please.
It's Wendy Byrde calling.

[DICICCO] So I looked up your boy.

Sounds like he was
a pretty good cop before he stole coke.

[MARTY] Yeah, that's what we're saying.

Right, but then,
you know, he stole coke.

[MARTY] Mm-hmm.

- How'd you like your breaded steak?
- Oh, it's terrific.

Look, here's the deal.

You like the cokehead.
I like Schafer. Schafer likes you.

Hence this conversation.

We know the Chicago Police Department
has had a... a tough PR hit lately,

and we were wondering,
m-maybe a donation…

to the police union
might go a very long way

in showing just how much
confidence we have.

It'd be much appreciated.

How soon you wanna get this done?



- Not today, huh?
- Ah, nah, nothing. I'm sorry.

Something that I've always wanted to do
since I was a kid is

cross Lake Michigan
to Wisconsin on a boat.

Well, that sounds nice.

Problem is I don't got a boat.

What the f*ck are you doing?


You mind maybe doing it
when I'm not around?


What's going on?

They arrested someone
for Wyatt's m*rder.

Oh, shit.

What are you gonna do?


It's a little tough to explain
how I know he didn't do it,

at least without spending
the rest of my life in prison.

And... and now I don't think
any judge is gonna figure out

how to clean that off my record.


What do you know about the guy?

Not much.
Worked a few odd jobs for Darlene.

Didn't k*ll her.

What the f*ck should I do?

Oh, no. [CHUCKLES]

Don't... don't look at me. I, uh…

Nah, I f*cked up about every...

Yeah, every major decision
I ever made, so…

You want my advice?

Don't take my advice.

- You want a turn?
- Does it feel good?

Felt real f*cking good.

[g*n COCKS]




Well, I see you're seizing the day.

I-I was going over receipts
at the motel until two a.m.

Pretty spot, isn't it?

Except for all our shit f*cking it up.

What happened over there?

Oh, oh, that... that was my daddy's.


I looked over your record.

Seems like you were with your father
or some other family member

every time you got arrested.

Pretty much.

Led you astray, huh?


No, I-I did that all by myself.

They're all dead now.

I saw.

Why do you think
Charlie Wilkes called me about you?

I don't know. I...

I asked for his advice when
I found out about the Snell money,

and I guess he took a shine to me
when I was working at the casino.



I don't, uh,

I don't blame you for doubting me,

I get it. I do.

But I promise you,

you clean me up,

and I will do
whatever it takes to stay that way.


that... that reinstates you
to the Chicago PD,

contingent that you start immediately.

- [MEL] I-I know what it is.
- Okay.

Needless to say,
we went on a serious limb for you.

[MEL] Just don't.

And the fact that
I'm due in court tomorrow?

Oh, I'm afraid, well, they would
need you in Chicago immediately.



You people are good.

Jesus Christ.

[SCOFFS] Dicicco.

Fat bastard.
What'd you, uh, promise him?

[INHALES] A car, boat?


Look, uh, I... you can do
some real good as a cop again.

Don't talk to me about that, okay?

All I wanted for the last four years
is a chance to be a cop again.

- Well, now you got it.
- f*ck you.

Look, I... I know you... you think
you've uncovered something about us,

some deep, dark secret,
but the... the truth is you're wrong.

And I can... I can promise you,
you've reached the absolute end

of what you can learn about my brother.

I think you should take the gig
and go do some good

'cause the only thing
you're gonna do here

is you're gonna...
You're gonna break up a family.

[MEL] I mean, they saw me do what I do.

They know I'm good at it.

You know, maybe a small part of 'em
thinks I'm more valuable with a badge.

[MAN] More valuable to who?

- Just how bad are these people?

[CHUCKLES] I don't know.


Scale of one to ten,
ten being pure evil, uh,

nine, nine point five.

We're talking about
getting my old life back.

I know.
This is... this is difficult shit.


The high-road move is telling them
to shove it up their ass.

Then again, four years
you've been tearing my ear off

about wanting your old job back,
and I always tell you the same thing.

"More will be revealed."

Well, maybe it just was.

I don't know. God's will
comes in all shapes and sizes.

So what are you telling me?

To get real quiet
and hear your HP's voice.

Or maybe you already did.

Samuel Eugene Dermody,

you have strayed from God's path,
and, in so doing, have suffered.

Are you ready to accept the Lord
Jesus Christ as your personal savior?

Yes, I am.


then let him look
into those beautiful eyes.



I baptize you in the name of the Father…


- …the Son…

…and the Holy Ghost.


Brother Sam!

So proud, Sam.

[WOMAN] Well done!

[MAN] Hard to believe it.

- [ANNALISE] Congratulations, Sam.

May the Lord's light
always shine upon you.


Really ought to charge more
for poolside revivals.


I, uh, I figured you

might wanna take this with you
since you're headed out of state.


You don't want to,
um, keep some for yourself?

Not sure how he'd feel about us
divvying him up like a bag of sugar.


Hey, are you...
Are you coming to court tomorrow?

Of course.

[EXHALES] You wanna
hear something crazy?

[CLICKS TONGUE] I ain't got
a criminal record no more.

- Really?
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.


Email came in from Board of Corrections
ten minutes ago.

- How did you swing that?

I know a guy who owns a judge.


…Wilkes put in a good word for me.

That's amazing.

[CHUCKLES] How does it feel?


I don't know.
It's, uh, it's just words, right?


[MARTY] What are we supposed
to tell him about the SDN list?

It's in motion.

- [MARTY] Well, except it's not.
- Well, it is. It's just delayed.

Wendy, if we take too long
to find a replacement for Schafer,

it's gonna give Camila
more time to make a move.

[SIGHS] I'll tell Jim to work faster,
but hopefully Camila will be

too bogged down
in the day-to-day to be making moves.

I didn't realize
that you would be here, Camila.

Omar thought it was important.

Is there an issue?

Where do we stand on the SDN list?

- It's in motion.
- [OMAR] That's not what I hear, Wendy.

I asked my lawyer
to look into the status quietly.

She said no petition has been filed.

- Mm-hmm. We're still back-channeling.
- And I'm still in this pinche prison.

We need to be laundering more.

We're laundering the same pace
we've always been.

Yeah, that's my point.

We need to spread
more money around in Mexico.

We also need clean money for the
officials that would allow my brother

to make a quick exit from whatever
prison he's been transferred to.

Yeah, we... we can cover that
with the current amounts.

We also have a chance to expand.

With the pharmaceutical deal,

we're gonna need more product,
and that means more land.

[INHALES] I also need money
to spread across our lieutenants.

I need them calm and happy.

Yeah, um,

I'll launder more.


when can you get me off this list?

- Realistically, in a few months.
- [OMAR] No.

Not months.

Not weeks.

Days. Yeah?

- Hmm?
- We'll get back to work.

- I'll call Jim.
- [MARTY] Yeah, and tell him what?

His four-month window now needs
to be accomplished in four days?

You know... you know,
she's spreading that money around

to buy loyalty with the lieutenants.

Yeah, I know.

Do you? Yeah, because, you know, we
need to get him off the list right now

so that we can tell him what's going on,
and he can take care of her.

[INHALES] f*ck!


Hi. It's Wendy Byrde
for Senator Schafer's office, please.

Thank you.

[RANDALL] Wendy Byrde.

Tell me you got good news.

We can give you what you need
in Michigan and Wisconsin.

Who the f*ck are you?

Did Pam send you?

No, I don't... I don't know Pam.

So, you from the lawyer?

It was my cousin's guitar you stole.

I've seen you before
over at the Snell place.

I used to work over there.

The f*ck you do for Darlene Snell?

You two dykes or something?

I just wanna know
why you stole that guitar.

If it was your cousin's guitar
that I stole,

that means it was
your cousin that got m*rder*d.

So, why haven't you asked me about that?

I didn't do it, by the way.

Just tell me
why you stole that f*cking guitar.

[CHUCKLES] For dr*gs, b*tch.


Why does anyone steal anything?

Where are you from?


Where are you from?


What's your name?

Ruth Langmore.

I know your people.

Russ Langmore, he was your daddy?

He was a real piece of shit.

[HUFFS] He was my uncle.

Dead, huh?


I lost both my brothers
the last two years.

f*cking assholes.

Both of 'em.

[INHALES] Uh, thanks...
Thanks for your... for your time.


Why the f*ck you really come here?

I just wanted to lay eyes on you.

Yo, I know you heard me before…
when I said I didn't do it.

Well, you sure as shit did something.

[MEL] I mean,
my sponsor says it's God's will.

[MAYA] Then what are
you talking to me for?


I was a really good cop.

- You still are.
- Yeah.

I do a bang-up job of helping the
highest bidder weasel out of alimony.


Whenever I'm twisting myself in
a pretzel like you are right now,

it's because I know
exactly what I should be doing,

and I want someone to come along
and tell me I don't have to.

I'm not gonna be that someone for you.

You'll hate yourself.

- You don't know that.
- I do.

I've been there.

And if I'm not like you?

Then I don't wanna see you again.

And I'm really hoping I do.


[MARTY] Hello, Maya.

[MAYA] What is it with you people?

You see someone doing good,
and you think,

"Hey, how can I f*ck up their life?"

Not sure what we're talking about here.

I just had coffee with Mel Sattem.

Listen, he's a grown man
with a chance to do the work he loves.

Oh, so the whole
brain trust is here. Good.

Let me just say,
from the depth of my soul,

if you succeed, God'll still know.

There's no escape.

So, Mel's going back to Chicago?

No, he's weighing his humanity.

I'd explain but, you know, why?

Marty, are you still there?


You had a choice.




[JUDGE] I assume we're still
waiting on Mr. Sattem.

[NATHAN] Yes, ma'am.

And when exactly can we expect him?

Any minute now. I just called,
and, uh, he didn't answer.

I imagine 'cause he's on his way.

Well, you'd best call him again,
Mr. Davis.

I'm giving him
exactly ten minutes to show.

- My docket is full.
- Yes, ma'am.




[MEL] I always loved it
when they played that one in church.

I accepted Jesus Christ as
my Lord and personal savior yesterday.

- Yeah. No, I saw that.
- Yeah.

- Good for you.
- Thanks.

- Just checking out.

Will you be joining us
again anytime soon?

[EXHALES] Nah, probably not.

[SAM] Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Don't be.
It's got nothing to do with you.

Hey, um,

I've been meaning to ask, uh, about AA.

You know, if...
If you found it helpful 'cause…

Yeah, I was considering
giving Gamblers Anonymous a go.

Everything I have today is 'cause of AA.

- You have a good one.
- Yeah, you too.

Mr. Davis, would you like to proceed
with the hearing without your witness?

It's just that any
factual information I...

[JUDGE] It's a simple question,
Mr. Davis.

I don't believe my grandchildren
are safe in that house.

Mr. Davis.

No, Your Honor.

[JUDGE] In that case,
the Court is prepared to rule.

What do you mean "rule"?
There was no hearing.

But there is a petition on my desk,
and I am fully aware

of the unstable home life
these children have had to endure.

That Jonah Byrde
has been living in a motel,

and that both his parents
were recently arrested.

But, Your Honor,
there were no charges filed.

[JUDGE] Considering that Charlotte
is months away from her th birthday,

it is the opinion of this court
that she should be free

to make a decision
about her own welfare.

Jonah's only .

It is the further opinion of this court
that if Jonah can live in a motel,

there can be no reasonable argument as
to why he cannot move to North Carolina…


…in custody of a family member.


Jonah, Charlotte, you're old enough
to decide for yourselves.


You know,
I thought that was a little, um,

hasty. I think she… [MUTTERS]

Take all the time you need.

What is going on?


We're going with Grandpa.

- Come on.
- You're not... you're not serious.

- Both of you? Really?
- [CHARLOTTE] I'm sorry.

- What did he say to you?
- Nothing.

He must've said something to you.
You said you didn't wanna go.

- I never said that.
- Yes, you did. You said to me...

You just heard what you wanted.

Why don't we talk
about this at home, okay?

- We'll talk in the morning?

- What is there to talk about?
- Everything.

All you do is talk.

Nothing changes.

If there was something to say,
do you think she would actually hear us?

Charlotte, you don't understand
what you're getting into, okay?

Your grandfather is not a good man.

You think that because Mom told you to.

- [MARTY] That's not true.
- You just do everything she says.

- [MARTY] No, I do not.
- Dad, you said so yourself.

- What?
- She only does what she wants.

The whole thing's rigged.

Okay. That had nothing to do
with your grandfather.

He doesn't have
your best interests in mind, okay?

You're not yet,
and you're far from it.

You need to think about the house
you're moving into, okay?

And who runs it…



Daddy, please.

Don't... don't take them.

Don't... don't take them away from me.

I will do whatever you want.
I-I-I will do anything.

Just tell me.
Just tell me. Tell me what it is.

What can I give you?
What do... just... just tell me.

Just tell me what it is you want.
I'll give you anything.

Stop it, Wendy.

Daddy, please, please, please.

Don't... don't take them away from me.
I will do whatever you want. Please.

I'm sorry.

I am. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that I'm so hard to love.
I don't... I don't mean to be.

I'm sorry I embarrassed you.
I'm sorry that I left home.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, but please
do not take my children! Do–

I am not doing this to hurt you.

I am just trying
to keep my grandchildren safe.

Let them... let me keep them.

Just... just don't
take them away from me, please.

I will be... I will be so good.

I will.
I'll do whatever you want. Just tell me.

Tell me. Tell me what to do! Please!

I want you to get up and stop
making a fool of yourself, Wendy Marie.

Nobody's falling for this anymore.

When I am done, they are
gonna know exactly what you are,

and they are never coming back to you.




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