03x02 - The Roof

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x02 - The Roof

Post by bunniefuu »


Is there anything new?

No, sir.

Who's on the phones?

Costello and Haskins.


The kitchen.

I hear they're eating
pretty good in there too.

Mr. Carrington?

I'm Captain Lockwood.

I'm handling the case now.

Orders from my boss. A
friend of yours I understand.

Yes. Yes, that's right.

Listen, about Farouk
Ahmed, Mr. Carrington...

Uh, excuse me.


Yes, this is Blake Carrington.


Well, damn it, didn't you
hear what I just said on TV?

Well, then you and everybody
else over at The Chronicle

know the facts. I can't
tell you any more than that.

Now, listen, I gotta
keep these phones open.

Okay, captain, now,
uh, about Farouk Ahmed,

were you able to locate him?


But we're still looking for him.

I'm sure we're gonna nail him.

He could be halfway to
the Middle East by now

with my grandson.

Listen, we have no
proof, no proof whatsoever,

that Farouk Ahmed
had anything to do

with the infant's disappearance.

The kidnapping.

He has not checked
out of his hotel.

Now, apparently
he's still in town.

You people, you're terrific.

Can't find Ahmed, you
can't find Nick Toscanni.

I'll check with my
men in the kitchen.

Think you can find that?

I brought you some coffee.

Thank you.

Darling, you look tired.

Do I? Yes.

Why don't you go upstairs
and lie down and get some rest?

I'll... Krystle, will you please

leave me alone?

No. Don't leave.

I'm sorry.

I guess this thing
is just getting to me.

But don't go.

I want you with me.
I need you with me.

I'll get you some coffee.



Why didn't you ever tell
me about your first son?

The baby that was kidnapped?

It was a long time
ago. I tried to forget it.

Did Steven and Fallon know?

No, no, we never
told them about Adam.

Is that why you were so hard
on Steven all these years?

Refusing to understand
him and his...

His h*m*?

Is that why?

Because you were sure that...

That the son you lost
would have been different?

Krystle, Steven is
Steven. His problem is...

Well, it's his own.

And he was Steven.
Adam was someone else.


When I had to finally face the
reality that we had lost Adam,

I just slammed the door
on that part of my life.

It wasn't easy.

But it was necessary if
I was going to survive.

And I did survive.

We were still struggling
financially then,

and I poured all my
energy into positive things.

I built an empire
on that energy.

And Denver-Carrington
is, in its way,

a tribute to my first child.

Does that make any sense to you?


If Steven comes
back, and he may,

the problems that I had
with him before will still exist.

If I'm anything, I'm realistic.

I try to be honest.

Just as one day I had
to tell myself honestly:

You will never see
your first son again.

You never will.

So let it be. Just...

Just let it be.

Gram. What did Doc Edwards
give you, some kind of elixir?

You look so good this afternoon.

I'm dying, Michael.


Well, sure you are.

We all are someday.
But you? Come on.

You're gonna live to be a
good... I'm going to die, Michael.

And I have to make
peace with myself.

And him.

I've always loved the good Lord.

And I will always love you.

And I've sinned
against you both.

Oh, I know.

By going to church every Sunday,

by taking care of me
after my folks were k*lled.

Oh, you're a real
prime sinner, Gram.

I sinned.

I sinned when I

stole you from that
baby carriage in Denver

and brought you
here to Billings.


the Carrington baby.

Gram, please.

Don't upset yourself
with this kind of talk.

And please, don't upset me.

I'm leaving you, Michael,

I am.

And right after I go,

I want you to go and
collect what's yours.

Collect your birthright.

It's yours again.


Go. Go.

Go... Go to my... My bureau. Go.

Open the bottom drawer.

Look under what's in there.

Way under.

Take it out.

Adam Alexander Carrington.

It was in your tiny hand.

The beautiful baby boy
that I've always wanted.

Repeat it after me, Michael.

"I am Adam Carrington."

Say it for me so I
can make peace.


I am...

Adam Carrington.

Promise me you'll go
to your real parents.


I promise.

I'm so sorry. I didn't know
you were in here, Mrs. Colby.

What do you want?

Just to put these away.

Well, put them down
and then please go.

Let's go, Fallon.

Go where? For a walk?

Maybe that's not
such a bad idea.

For a little while
before it gets dark.

You know what I'm doing, Jeff?

I'm taking stock
of our son's room.

Our rich, very rich son's room.

It's funny, I never thought
about it that way before.

This was just a
lovely little nursery.

Just like mine was
when I was a little girl.

My father worked
very hard for all of this.

I mean, he had
genius and he had guts

and he got it all. For us.

And until now it
never occurred to me

that people might
hate him for that.

Might hate us.

Might even hate our baby,

enough to take him from us.

This is the way it really
is for people like us, Jeff.

Look, Fallon, I don't think it
has anything to do with you

or your father or anybody.

It's just that there are some
sick people out there who...

Who sometimes steal
rich people's babies,

like they were a
necklace or a brooch.

Sometimes I wonder...


If Daddy had told me
about my first brother

if I'd have kept our child

or if I'd have gone
through with the abortion.


I think I might have.

No, I'm sure I would have.

Because there are lots
of kinds of pain in life

but this is one kind of pain
that I just can't deal with.

No, there's still no
change in Cecil's condition.

So I've taken a
room at the hospital

so I can be near him.

I'm on my way there now.

So you can reach me
there if you hear anything.

Well, if I hear anything,

I'm sure that it's
gonna be good news.

Uh, look, Alexis.

Tell Cecil that I'm
sorry that he's ill

and that I wish him well.

And I'm sorry for you about
your wedding being postponed.

I know that's upsetting you
along with what's happened here.

Oh, Blake.

The only thing that's
upsetting me now is the baby.

Do you know that Cecil
insists on marrying me

as soon as possible,

even if it's from
his hospital bed?


Darling, you look so
pale. Why don't you...?

My mother and my father

have deceived me.

Why didn't you ever tell
me about the other child?

He was my own flesh
and blood. I had...

You had the right to know.

Yes, Fallon, you did.

I wanted to tell you,

but you were so young
and I had to leave.

It was your father's
decision not to tell you.

Fallon, I made that
decision for good reasons.

For you and Steven.

Meaning what?

Meaning I didn't
want you to grow up

fearful about your own safety.

You can understand
that, can't you?

Well, maybe if you had told me,

I could have
protected my own son.

Who is it?


Come in.

Mrs. Carrington, do you
know where Mrs. Blaisdel is?

No, I don't.

Well, I have a message for her

and I've looked
all over for her.

She's usually in her room.

I knocked.

There's no answer.

Maybe she's in there and, uh,

refuses to answer.

It's not my place to just go in.

Well, I'll try.

What's the message?

The sanitarium
where Dr. Toscanni

arranged for Mrs.
Blaisdel to be sent,

they'll be ready to
take her in tomorrow.

All right.



Did you find Mrs. Blaisdel?

No. Have you checked
with the servants?

I have.

None of them has seen her.

Do you know where my husband is?

Yes. He left while
you were upstairs.

Oh, Captain Lockwood phoned.
The police have a suspect.

No one.

No one treats me like this.

I am a guest in your country,
not a common criminal.

Shut up, Ahmed. Just
answer the questions.

What were you doing near
Mr. Carrington's house yesterday?

I wasn't there.

You and Mr. Carrington
had a meeting the other day.

Yes, a business meeting.

I offered him a deal
for me and my brother.

Mr. Carrington
wasn't interested.

Didn't that meeting end

with you threatening
the Carrington family?

Mr. Carrington's grandson
was kidnapped yesterday.

What has that to do with me?

My daughter's baby
has been kidnapped.

And you're going to tell
me what you know about it

or God help me, I'll k*ll you.

I know nothing about it.

I'll k*ll you!

Easy, Mr. Carrington.

- Get him away!
- Easy. Come on.

I know nothing
about your grandson.

Were you at my house yesterday?

No. Mr. Ahmed,

we have a witness that
can disprove that statement.

I was there briefly.

I came in a final effort
to talk to you, Carrington.

To try to get you to change
your mind about that deal.

But I left when I'd
heard you left town.

And you never
went into my house?

No. You never saw my grandson?

I did not.

I don't believe you.

Believe what you like.

I speak the truth.

So now you know how I felt
when you turned down my offer.

My beloved brother's offer.

Well, your daughter
appears to be fertile.

Perhaps one day there
will be another child.

Miserable scum.

Easy, easy, easy.

Get him out of here.

Get him out of here.
Come on. Come on.

Come on, now.

Come on, let's go. Move it.

We'll keep him
under surveillance.

Mr. Carrington,
it's my gut feeling

that he had nothing
to do with this.

Someone's taken my grandson.


No, they still don't
know who or why.

Jeffrey, your uncle is
still on the critical list.

Now, he's asked to see you,

and of course I said
yes immediately,

but you must do me one
favor: whatever you do,

don't say anything about
what's happened to the baby.

It could cause a serious
setback in his condition

and we don't want that.

Hello, darling.

I brought Jeff to see you.


Hello, Jeff.

How are you?

For a very intelligent young man

I put through
Princeton, that's a...

Pretty stupid question, right?



Oh, don't be.

I've done the same
thing with friends of mine

in the hospital.

The few friends
I've had in this life.

I'm sorry you weren't
one of them, Jeff.

Look, Uncle Cecil,

I know that you and I
have had our differences,

but that doesn't
mean that I... I didn't...

I don't love you deep down.

You were very good to me.


Tell me about your son, Jeff.

He's very handsome.

Very handsome baby.

Who's he favor, you or Fallon?

I see some of Fallon in him.

Bit of Blake too?

A bit.

That must please Blake.

Tell me more.

Well, he's getting bigger.

Bigger by the day, it seems.


Oh, yes.

Kiss him for me when
you get home, will you?

Tell him I'm happy his father
agrees that family is special.

Blood does count.
Will you do that?

Yes, I'll kiss him.

When I see him.

Dad, I need you so much.

And I never needed
anybody this much in my life.

Somebody to help me handle

whatever it is I have to
handle at this point in my life.

Your grandson.

My... My son, I...

I have to find him.

But I... I... I...
I don't know...

Mr. Colby.


I hope you don't mind,
but I gotta tell you,

I'm... I'm sorry about
your kid, too bad.


Thanks a lot.

Boy, oh, boy.

I mean, Dr. Toscanni was right.

You rich are all
alike, ain't you?

You put the cops on me. Me.

A guy who can barely eke by.

People like me can't even
make a... A remark about the rich

without them getting
their hackles up

or without them sending
the cops to question us.

Well, by God,

old Alfred Grimes is gonna
tell them all to go to hell.

Maybe I ain't a
Colby or a Carrington,

but I've got my feelings too.

I was looking for Joseph.


From your daddy's wine cellar.

Very French.

Excellent vintage.

I hope you don't mind.

But since the police have
asked me not to leave,

I thought I'd investigate
the much-touted wine cellar.

You hate me, don't you?

Do I?

You've hated me ever
since that day in the nursery

when I asked you to
do something for me.

You said you weren't
an indentured servant.

Bonded sl*ve.

Go on.

I'm aware that you
and Nick Toscanni

had a thing together in New York

before he came here.

I also had a brief
thing with him.

You probably found
that out from Nick.

So you probably
hate me for that.

Go on.

I've lost my child, Susan,

so I'm just trying to put
some pieces together.

About Susan and Nick
and Nick and Susan?

Yes. I wanna know if you and
he arranged to steal my child.

What do you think?

I wanna know that the two of
you hate the Carringtons enough

to steal an innocent baby.

I stole no one.

Swear it to me.

I'll swear to nothing.

I owe nothing to
you or anybody else.


I'm not asking you or Nick

or anybody else to
love us Carringtons,

I'm asking you

to tell me how much
do you want for my son.

Your money.

It's always your
lousy money, isn't it?

Well, it's not gonna buy
a confession from me.

There isn't enough money

or decent wine in
the world for that.


I know. Joseph told me.

The sanitarium called

and apparently Claudia's
wandered off somewhere.

Not "apparently," she's gone.
Most of her things are gone.

Blake, this frightens me.

Maybe Claudia's leaving had
something to do with the baby.

Claudia and the ba...?

She was driving around the
grounds when he was taken.

She told... She told Jeff
that she saw Farouk Ahmed

when she got back to the
house. She was right about that.

No. No, it couldn't be.

I think if she left,

it's because she
was scheduled to go

to the sanitarium
tomorrow and she knew it

and she didn't want
to be sent back there.

Come on.

Who's there?

Mrs. Birch, the manager.

Hello, again, Mrs. Craig.

Hello. Hope you're comfortable.

Yes, I'm fine, we're fine.

If you need anything,
you know where I'm at.

My front door is
always open, honey.

I know what it's like when
your man's off in the slammer.

Huh! Do I know.

Thank you, Mrs. Birch.

You're welcome.


We both have everything
we'll ever need, don't we?

It's been hours

since my baby was taken.

Not one phone call, one letter.

God, why doesn't
somebody just say it?

We're losing a baby from
this family all over again,

aren't we? We are not.

Then where is my son?

Fallon, whoever has him

is making us sweat it out.

He knows that the longer
he keeps us waiting,

the more willing we'll be to
pay him anything he wants.

Like they did before?

How long did you wait?
The situation was different.


Your baby was gone like mine.

How is it different?

We didn't have any money,

we didn't have any contacts.

Like what? The police?

It's the same police and they're
coming up with the same nothing.

So how is it different?

Claire Maynard from
The Chronicle
is here

waiting to see you.

She says she has an appointment.

Thank you.

Look, Daddy, please.

Don't leave me
without any answers.

Fallon, darling.

That's what we're
waiting for. The answers.

And who knows, maybe this
newspaper woman can help us.


Mr. Carrington.

My sympathies, of course,

and my thanks for
letting me see you.

Well, I wanted to see you
very much, Miss Maynard,

for two reasons.

Please sit down.
Well, thank you.

First, I respect your work.

I like the way you
handle your column.

Thank you. I try.

And as I told you,

I was hoping that
a feature story

syndicated about my grandson

might move the kidnapper
in some way to respond.

Mm-hm. There have
been many feature stories

printed all over the country

and they haven't seemed
to help, Mr. Carrington.


Then why are you here?


I wanna write a
more important story.

More important than my grandson?

Yes. As important.

I want a new angle on the
Adam Carrington kidnapping.

That's a dead story.

And if you would have
informed me, Miss Maynard,

that that's what you
came here to ask,

you'd never have gotten
through the front door.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

Mr. Carrington.

That might not be a dead story.

All right, Miss Maynard.
What's the kicker?

The kicker is this:

I wouldn't waste my
good time on a dead story.

And I didn't win the Pulitzer
Prize with a dead story.

And this one might
be very much alive.

Last night, before I called you,

a man phoned me.

He tried to, uh, pump me
for anything, everything I knew

about the old kidnapping.

It was a long-distance
call. Collect?

Is that what brings you here?

The Chronicle wants its $ back?

It was a long-distance call

from Billings, Montana.

From a phone booth.

I had the operator check.

Do you know anyone there?

No. No, I don't.

Uh, the caller, he sounded
like a... A young man

and very articulate and urgent.

Then it must have
been morbid curiosity

from an articulate,
urgent young crank.

Now, right now, all I want

is to get my daughter's
child back safely.

Yes, and I want
you to do that too.

But in the meantime,

I think that a story about
the past could be very topical.

Do you realize that even today,

two men claim to be
the Lindbergh baby?

I mean, how can
you be absolutely sure

that your son isn't
alive somewhere?

This ranch with its
eternal mortgage

always bothered Kate.

She want to leave her
grandson so much and...

and she did.

A largesse of human
values, of character,

and a law degree.

That cost her a pretty
penny, Michael, as you know.

I want to talk to you.

Of course.

Do you know what I
think you are, doctor?

What I've always really
thought about you?

That you're a
sanctimonious hypocrite.

You're upset, boy.

You have been ever since
just before she passed away.

Now, if you've been drinking...

No, I haven't been drinking.

I've been remembering.


And all those trips you
made out here over the years.

Giving her sugar pills and
charging her $ a visit.

Michael, I know you can be mean,

but this is not... Not what?

Not proper?

In front of all those
proper Montana folk?

In front of a proper quack?

Listen, don't you hand me that.

I watched Kate indulge
you all these years.

But I saw you clear, boy.

I saw the mean streak in you.

It's probably gonna
make you the state senator

she always wanted you to be.

But what you can use
right now is a little piety

for a woman who gave
her whole life for you

and all of her love.


Out of what, her guilt?

What are you talking about?

I want to ask you
some questions.

And I want your answers.

How old was I when she
brought me to this place?

Six months, maybe seven. Why?

What did you do when
she brought me here?

I examined you.

Examined me.

Tell me, did she ever talk
much about my parents?

Of course.

Same as what she told you.

Tell me again.

Tell me again, good doctor.

Your father was her only child.

Lived over in Butte with your
mom till they moved to Denver.

Where they were k*lled in a
car accident, wasn't that it?


And I was in that accident?


And I wasn't hurt.

No. Uh, Kate said it at
the time, "This is a miracle."

And it was.

She was God-fearing.

As she wanted you to be.

And I suppose she's up
there in heaven right now.

Michael, you're not well today.

I am very well today, thank you.


Is that where they
send thieves these days?

Is that where they send an old
lady who gave me all she could

to make up for everything
she robbed me of?

Tell me, good doctor,
were you in on it too?

What the devil are
you talking about?

What did she rob you of?

I don't know exactly.

Not yet.

But I'm gonna find out.

Where are you going? To pack.

All right.

Yes. Yes, captain.

Well, Lockwood just
heard from New York,

Nick Toscanni has
left for the Middle East.

He flew out of
Kennedy this morning.

Alone? Alone.

What about the nurse?

Well, he hasn't ruled her out.

But I think your
instinct was correct.

I'm suddenly concerned
about Claudia.

Where is she? Where did she go?

When she disappeared yesterday,

I didn't think it was possible
that she could be involved,

but we have to face it.

Baby could be in the
hands of a deranged woman.

I think that we need
some more towels.


So we'll go ask
Mrs. Birch for some.

And then we can talk about
what we're going to do today.

I think that it would be real
nice to go down to the lake

and look at the boats, hm?

What do you think?

I think you'd enjoy that.

Claudia? Is she the one?

Maybe. In any case,
I've notified the police.

Oh, my God.

Then what I said this
morning could be coming true,

couldn't it? Couldn't it?

Easy now. Take it easy.

But if Claudia has my baby,

she didn't take him
for the money. No.

I mean, she's sick.
Everybody knows that.

She has my son. She's never
gonna give him back to me.

She could just disappear and
I'm never gonna see him again.

Now, Fallon.

Come on, now.

Everything's going to
be all right. I promise.

Mrs. Birch. WOMAN:
Operator, operator.

Captain Lockwood of Denver P.D.

has announced that
police are now looking

for a family friend
of the Colbys',

the missing infant's parents,

in connection with
their son's kidnapping.

Her name is Mrs.
Claudia Blaisdel

and she was last seen
leaving the Carrington mansion

earlier today.

Mrs. Blaisdel, shown here,

is feet ",

weight about pounds,

has brown hair and green eyes.

Operator, operator.

Claudia Blaisdel is
here with the baby.

I want the police.

Nobody's gonna
take my baby. Nobody.

No one will find us.

Not ever.

Not up here on the mountain.

Such a lovely
mountain, isn't it?

Such a lovely
pure breeze, isn't it?

My darling girl.

My beautiful,
beautiful little girl.

And in the summertime,

we can come up here for picnics.

And in the winter,
when the snow falls...

She doesn't know where she is

and she thinks
the baby's a girl.

She's very, very
close to the railing.

She's got the baby in her arms

and she could go
over any minute.

And those snowflakes
gonna fall just for us.


Stay away!

You don't belong here.

Nobody's gonna get my baby.

Hi, again.

Hi. I'm just stretching my legs.

Last cup of coffee
before we close shop?

No, thank you.

It's been a nice flight.

And you've helped
make it that way.

All I did was pour
you a Bloody Mary,

plunk down a so-so snack...

Correction, a great snack.

And you smiled so nicely
every time you passed me.

Did I? Yeah.

Maybe I was just
returning yours.

Nice smile, I mean.

Is Denver home for you?

I was born there, yeah.

Been moved?

Well, you could say that I was
spirited away at an early age.

By gypsies.

A kindly band, yeah.

Are you going back on business?

In a way.

If I get the right offer,

I might settle down
there for good.

You layover in
Denver, don't you?


Where do they put you guys up?

La Mirada.

It's a hotel full of old fogeys
on the edge of town, but nice.

Quiet, out of the way.

Out of the way.

That's interesting.

Would you reserve a
room there for me tonight?

What? Well,

I'm gonna be detained a
bit. Phone calls and things.

But if you check me in,
I'll call you when I get there

and if you like, we
could have dinner.




Oh, that's it.

In a minute, our captain
will inform one and all

our descent has begun, so...

So I'll go and buckle up.

Denver by night.

It's been too long.

I'll see you later.

How many times do I have to
tell you people, just stand back.

Stand back. Hey. Stand back.

Come on. Where do...?
Where are you going?

Just stand over there.
Get out of the way.

Stand back. Okay, okay,
people. Please stand back.

Bring the police
barricades up here.

We'll set them up at
the end of the alley.

My son? Still up there.

Just stand back.



Hi, I'm Officer Hull.

I, uh... I know you're upset.

I... I... I... I know.

But I... I wanna
try and help you.

Okay, so there's a problem.

You know what the best
thing to do about them is?

I mean, you just...
Just take it easy.

And talk them out with somebody.

Like, uh, over a cup of coffee
or something, you know?

Just sit down and... And...
And talk to somebody.

I'd like to talk
to you about it.

Just you and me.

Sit down and we'll calmly

just talk about
what's bothering you.

What do you say?


This is getting nowhere.

Why don't you try, Blake?

She's always trusted
you, Blake. Please try.

All right, all right, I will.

No. It's my baby.
I'll talk to her.



It's me. Fallon.

What do you want?

To see my baby. To be near.

It's not your baby.

It's Lindsay.

Then I'd just
like to talk to you.

Just talk to you.

What about?

The baby.

You told me once how much
you loved it. Remember?

I believed you then.

I believe you now.

So I know you wouldn't wanna
do anything to hurt the baby.


It's my baby.

You're saying I
would hurt my baby?

It isn't your baby, Claudia.

It isn't Lindsay.

You have my son.

You can have a child of
your own again someday.

You're young and pretty.

You could have a beautiful baby.

So please, give
my son back to me.




It's Blake.

It's your friend, Blake.

What do you want?

I wanna talk to you.

Why? I don't wanna
listen anymore.


I've known you for a
long time now. I know...

I know how much love there
is inside of you. So much.

So much.

It's for Lindsay.

It's for my Lindsay.

Claudia, listen to
me. Understand me.

Lindsay isn't here.

She is.

She is.


Lindsay is sleeping somewhere.

Lindsay is sleeping peacefully.

Now, she was your daughter.

You loved her and she loved you.

But now she's at rest.



Please, let it be
a peaceful rest.

Please, Claudia.

Where? Where is she resting?

At a lovely place somewhere.

But where? Is she alone?

Is she all alone?

Oh, no. No.

Her father is with her.


Yes, Matthew.

Why did he take her away?

I don't know, dear, I...


No. Stay away!



Captain. What was that?

Say it again.

Hey, captain.

It wasn't a baby.

It was a doll she had.

You understand? It wasn't...

It wasn't the
baby. It was a doll.

It wasn't the baby.

It wasn't the baby.

Where...? Where is he?

Where's my...?
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