03x05 - The Siblings

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x05 - The Siblings

Post by bunniefuu »

Thank you, Mr. Jensen.

The Denver-Carrington
building, Bennett.

Yes, Marcia?

Mrs. Colby is here to see you.

Oh, fine. Ask her
to come in, please.

Come in, Fallon, I'll be
with you in a moment.

It's not your darling
daughter, Blake.

There are two Mrs.
Colbys now, you know.

Yes, yes, you
managed that very well.

I've heard of shotgun weddings,
but deathbed weddings...

That's not fair, Blake.

Alexis, you really
have got a lot of nerve

to come barging in here after
what happened at Colby's office.

Correction, Blake.

It's my office now,
and I didn't come here

to discuss the
contents of Cecil's will.

I came to talk about our son.

Son? What son?

Now, look, I've got
a lot of work to do.

I refuse to stand here
and waste my time

talking about some... Some
fake who calls himself my son.

Fake? Is this rattle a fake?

Is it?

Where did this come from?

He gave it to me.

Michael Torrance.

Our son, Adam.

Adam Alexander Carrington.

You may be a lot
of things, Alexis,

but one thing you
are not is stupid.

Are you implying that
I should know better?

That this is as fake as he is?

That he had it specially
made for the occasion?

I'm not implying. I know it.

Then you're wrong, Blake.

Because years ago,

I had Jensen's
engrave this rattle

with Adam's initials.

Now, a little while ago,
I went back to Jensen's,

and Mr. Jensen told me

that they hadn't made
this particular design

with this serial number

since the year after
Adam was born.



Don't you remember how
he used to lie in his crib,

playing with this rattle

a few short weeks before
he was stolen from us?

Don't you?


what's happened to you?

I'm talking about our baby.

Our first child.

Look at me and tell
me that you don't believe

that Michael Torrance
is our son Adam.

I can't believe it. I won't.

Well, I believe
what I feel inside me.

My instincts.

A mother knows her own child.

Alexis, you were hurt once,

when our son was
kidnapped from us.

I wouldn't want you to
be hurt all over again.

You think I'm a fool

to have accepted him
this fast, don't you?

Yes, I do.


we'll see who's the fool.

We'll see.

It looks wonderful on
you, Mrs. Carrington.

Absolutely wonderful.

It is beautiful.

I don't think I've ever
seen anything quite like it.

The clasp is a little loose.

Oh, I'll have that
taken care of for you,

and we'll be happy to
deliver it to your home.

Ah, Mrs. Colby.

Mr. Jensen.

Krystle, what a nice surprise.


I just dropped by to pick
something up for my son.

I see you've picked out

a little something
for yourself too.

That's right.

It looks exquisite on you.

Thank you.

Must have been
terribly expensive.

It was.

I'd love to see Blake's
face when he gets the bill.

But I can just
imagine what he'll say.

"For you, my dear Krystle,
nothing is too good."

As a matter of fact,
what he said was,

that he'd like me to
stop in at Jensen's

to see the present
he'd selected for me

for our second
wedding anniversary.

Second wedding anniversary.


How generous of him.

But then, he is generous,
as generous as you are...

What's the word?


Yes, that's what
you are, Krystle.

Sweet and vicious.

Unusual combination of talents.

And doesn't it get tiring?

You tire me, Alexis.

Don't walk away from me.

I've got something
to say to you.

The fact is, Krystle,

that I may have resented you
at one time for what you had.

Namely, Blake, but
not anymore. Not now.

Because I've found
my child. I've got Adam.

And nothing can ever hurt
me or make me unhappy again,

not even you.

Are you happy,
Alexis? Really happy?

Then I'm happy for you.

Because maybe now
with something of your own

to fill that empty
life of yours,

you'll finally get out of ours.


Good. Send him up.

Ah, Mr. Hess, you're right
on time, as usual. Come in.

This is a great
apartment, Mrs. Colby.

Yes, it is nice, isn't it?

Oh, uh, I was, uh, sorry to
hear about your husband.

You read his obituary
in the New York papers?

Oh, yeah, it made the front page

of The Times, Daily
and The Post.

Oh, well, Cecil would
have been pleased.

Now, tell me about
Mark Jennings.

Well, I only saw
him from a distance.

And, as you instructed, I,
uh... I didn't approach him.

Well, what did you
find out about him?

Well, uh,

he was definitely
married, in Ohio,

to the, uh, present
Mrs. Carrington.

Well, that, I know.

He played the professional
tennis circuit all over.

Mexico, Europe, here.

He just wasn't good
enough to make it.

Now he's a pro at a
country club on Long Island,

living on lessons
to juicy young things

and rich divorcees.

So he's not averse to money?

Well, who of us is, Mrs. Colby?

I hired you for information,
Mr. Hess, not humor.

Now I want proof that that
Mexican divorce never happened.

There are no records in
Acapulco or Guadalajara.

I mean, that's
where Jennings went

when he and Krystle split up.

I need something
more tangible than that.

Well, the only
way I can give you

something more tangible
is to confront Jennings.

You told me not to do that
when I was in New York.

Now, if you'd like me
to go back to New York...

No, that won't be necessary.

I'll handle it from now on.

Here's your check, Mr. Hess.

Double fee, as promised.

Thank you.

You can see yourself
out, can't you?

Goodbye, Mrs. Colby.


Look, Billy, I'm not
a lighting expert.

But I know the kind
of feeling that I want.

Billy Dawson says
you're a genius.

So maybe you can help me
give this dead corner over here

the kind of feeling that I
want. Kind of a cozy, dim.

Like in, uh, sexy dim?

Yeah, like that. Okay.


I wanna talk to you.

I'm really very busy, Jeff.

Look, I said I
wanna talk to you.


What is it, Jeff?

You haven't been home
the last couple of nights.

That's right. Things
happen in hotels at night.

If you're thinking of
another guy, forget it.

I don't have the time, the
energy, or the inclination.

You haven't forgotten
our son, have you?

Of course I haven't.

I was with him this morning.

I was with him
yesterday morning.

Oh, then you
breezed by the house

for a couple of minutes, huh?

A couple of hours.

When I wasn't there.

When you weren't there.

When you are there,

in case nobody's
bothered to tell you,

I call every hour, on the
hour, to check up on his feeding

and see how he is,
and how he's doing.

Oh, I see. The
sometimes-home mother.

The other-times-electronic

Well, I'll tell you,
that's really terrific.

Jeff, what are you doing here?

I mean, what did you
really come here for,

aside from sarcasms?

I don't know.

Maybe I'm too stubborn
to give up on you.

Maybe there's something
in me that makes me think

that you and I will eventually
make some contact.

Is that honest enough for you?

That's very honest.

I should be honest with you too.


Maybe what?

Well, maybe I purposely
picked a business

that would keep me away
from the house at night

so I wouldn't have
to deal with us.

Oh, Jeff, you do
it to me, don't you?

You always push
me into a situation

where I have to hurt you.

I don't want to.

Well, you do want a divorce.

Well, I don't want it
for the baby's sake.

But I need it for mine.

Why can't you ever think
about anybody else's needs?

Why does our son have to
grow up in a divorced family?

Well, that's not
so unusual, is it?

I mean, we both
came from parents

who weren't exactly
crazy about each other.

Well, look at us. Look at you.

Look at you in this
office suite of yours.

This escape hatch of yours.

Who are you escaping from?

You're not escaping from me,

and you're never going
to escape from yourself.


Tense, aren't you?

It's the sudden
sight of me, right?

Wrong. It has
nothing to do with you.

Right, I am tense.

You're also frightened.

Well, that's not me, is it?

I don't know.

I knew a girl once,
back in Montana,

who screamed every
time she saw a tadpole.

Who adored Michael
Torrance, I bet.

Well, let's say it was a
different kind of scream

when we were together.

Sort of, heh, hayloft Gothic.

So, what do you do at the hotel?


Assistant Manager? What?


a little of both.

Everything, in fact.

I'm climbing my way
up the ladder to success.

Oh, I get it.

And, uh,

kissing clients is one way
to really make it to the top,


If you're referring
to that little peck

you gave me in the
bar the other night...

That little peck you seemed
to return for a moment?

You wanna try it again?


Well, let's just say that
once was pleasantly enough.

We're not through
with each other, are we?

Aren't we?

I don't think so.

I have work to do, Michael.

Ah, that's now.

What about later?


It should be somewhere
in here, I believe.

Here it is.

Right here.

Well, there's no
baby grave here.


Does this prove
that you're wrong?

I don't know. We'll
have to find out.

We should be landing in Billings

in about minutes,
Mr. Carrington.

There's a telephone call
coming through for you.



Jonas Edwards?

Fine. Thank you very much.

Who's Jonas Edwards?

He's the doctor in Billings
I've been trying to track down.

The one who signed Kate
Torrance's death certificate.

He's been contacted
and he'll be expecting us.

Michael? Possibly your child?

Not David Torrance's son?

I find that very
hard to believe.

Uh, in fact,
impossible to believe.

Now, just a minute, Dr. Edwards.

I didn't fly up here for your
approval or disapproval.

I came up here to
talk about some facts.

I understand you're a very
powerful man down in Colorado.

Practically own a
quarter of the state.

Is that true, Mr. Carrington?

No, no, it isn't.
And if it were true,

what's it got to do with this?

Namely, that you're
in Montana now,

where most people know better
than to use that tone of voice.

Don't you understand, damn it?

There are things
I've got to know.


Now, please,
Krystle. Stay out of it.

What is it exactly
you do want to know?

Were you Kate Torrance's doctor

when she came
back here from Denver

after her son and her
daughter-in-law's funeral?

That was in ' . I was
her doctor long before that.

Yes, but when she came
back here from Denver,

you saw the baby that
she brought with her.

That's right, an infant
boy. Her grandson, Michael.

Did she ever use the name Adam?

No, she didn't. Why would she?


do you remember what
season of the year it was

when she brought
the baby back here?

Autumn, near the
end of September.

It was a long time ago.

You remember that
part clearly, don't you?

Because that was when she
would celebrate his birthday.

The night he started his
true life here, she'd say.

The th of September.

When was your son kidnapped?

On the morning of
the th of September.

And the baby, what
was his condition?

Was he, uh...? Was he
hurt or bruised in any way?

No, he wasn't.

As a doctor, you
didn't find that odd?

He was in an
automobile accident.

The same accident in which
his parents had been k*lled

and he arrives here
without a scratch?

No, I didn't find it odd.

As a doctor, I know that
infants have been known

to survive a lot
worse than that.

And let me add, sir,

I was not looking for
an alleged kidnap victim.

So far as I knew, the
child was Kate's grandson.

Not your son.

Now don't make any
assumptions, doctor.

I came here to ask
about Michael Torrance.

You are very hostile,
Mr. Carrington.

Do you know that?

I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry, I...

Please forgive
me. I've been upset.

But you want to know more.

You're doubtful
about all of this.

Oh, yes, of course.

I... I'm sorry too.

It's interesting.

You used the word
"odd" a little while ago.

I sometimes found one
thing about the boy very odd.

That he bore no
resemblance at all

to either of his parents.

I mentioned that once to Kate.

What did she say?

Oh, she said,

"That's because we're just
plain old country folk, Jonas.

"But my grandson is of
another mold, a young prince.

"Not of this time
and place, really.

Not of us, really."

Of course I chalked it up
then to her poetic nature.

And now?

Now that we've
talked about this?

I don't really know,
Mr. Carrington.

Do you?

You're going through
hell, aren't you?

It's so hard. It's so difficult.

Blake, you told me
how arrogant Adam was

that day he came to your office.

He was more than
arrogant. He was a liar.

He was an
opportunistic young liar.

Maybe it was all
just a cover-up.

Maybe he was afraid
of being rejected by you.

I don't know.

The only thing I do know
is that I didn't trust him then,

and I still don't.

I don't know.

It would be easier
if you were sure

he wasn't your son, wouldn't it?


Now, this is real.

Not like that phony paradise

they're trying to
redo back there.

I don't think it's
phony. I think it's fun.

Real loyal to
management, aren't you?

Well, why not?

I mean, they do
sign your paycheck.

Weren't you even curious?

About what?

Seeing my hotel
room after our swim?

Oh, that. Not really.

Well, seen one, seen them all.

I... I'm talking about
unoccupied rooms.

Yes, unoccupied
rooms. Definitely.


All right, uh,

indulgent rich have
got to be indulged

with extra towels
and fresh flowers

and a little tiny
mint on their pillows.

You don't like the rich.

I can take them or leave them.

Is that why you
checked into a hotel

that's filthy with them?

The filthy rich, that is?

Well, call it curiosity
that brought me here.

I'll bet.

You're probably looking for
some wealthy heiress-type

to latch on to.


Any heiress I
get, if I want one,

is gonna latch on to me.

Oh. Mm-hm.

And maybe I'll say,
"Yes," when she proposes.

And maybe I'll say,
"Sorry, ma'am, no sale."

Because... Because
I say what I feel

and I take what I want.

You see, there's one thing

I did learn in Montana:

How to handle horses and women.

I thought the song went,

"There never was a
horse that couldn't be rode.

There never was a cowboy
who couldn't be throwed."

Kind of turns around what
you just said, doesn't it?

Not in my case.

Not when it comes
to getting what I want.

Do you know what
I want right now?

I mean, very badly?


You don't know
anything about me,

not even my name.

You'll tell me
later, very softly.

And whatever it is, I'll
say, " That's beautiful.

"Oh, that's a beautiful name.

"Just like you are.

Exciting and beautiful."

When can I see you again?


Seven o'clock.

Meet me outside the bar.

We should try... I think the...

I'll talk to you in the morning.

Hello, did I make it?

Oh, uh, on the dot.

And they shall sip
cocktails together

and they shall plow
into a steak together

and they shall
quaff wine together,

and with any luck,

they'll get to make
merry together.

Fallon, Adam.

Well, isn't this wonderful.

I'm so happy that you
two have finally met.

Well, well what do you think
of your good-looking brother?



Didn't you know that
Fallon was your sister?


We just met a little while ago.

Well, I'm sure that you've
both got a lot to talk about,

so I'll leave you alone.

And, Fallon, the news that
I've got from New York can wait.

I'll see you later.

My brother?

Oh, my God.


It is a beautiful name.

Oh, my God, no.

He's not my brother.

I've met him. He can't be.

Why not, Fallon?
What makes you so...?

I'm not talking to you.
I'm talking to my father.

Fallon, take it... I'm
not talking to you, either.

That man is not
my flesh and blood.

He's not yours.

Now, Krystle began
to ask you a question

before you were so rude to her.

I'll ask it for her.

Now, what makes
you so sure about him?

Do you really believe
he could be your son?

Well, I've had my doubts, but,


Yes, I am beginning
to believe it.

But he can't be.

Why can't anybody
here understand that?

Now, just a minute, young lady.

Why are you so angry?

What do you know about him?

I just know.

If you don't want to believe
it, then I'm getting out of here.

Now, hold on a minute. I
want you to listen to me.

I owe it to myself,
and to his mother

to at least try to
get to know the boy.

Now, if I have fences to
mend with him, I'll mend them.

Then we'll take it
from there, all right?

You'll go on from there.

I never wanna see him again.


Hello, Fallon.

Goodbye, Michael.

You're gonna have to
get used to it, you know.

It is Adam from now on.

Let go of me.

Hey, what are you
so riled up about?

Another couple
of hours last night,

I could have ended
up in bed with my sister.

In some parts of the world,
they k*ll people for that.

Look, let's get
one thing straight.

We were both
caught in a situation

we didn't know anything about.

Neither one of us
knew who the other was.

I'm not so sure about that.

How do I know that all the time

the would-be Adam
Carrington was here

he never even heard my name?

I didn't.

You got to my father,
and you got to my mother,

but somehow, just somehow,

you never even
tried to get to me.

Except for...

Except what?


Oh, come on, Fallon.

You can't believe that
I knew who you were

and still made a play for you.

That's right.

Because I can't
believe any of this.

I mean, it's all academic
really, anyway, isn't it?

Because you're not my brother.
You just claim to be my brother.

I really am Adam Carrington.

Now, be honest
and admit to yourself

you don't wanna
know the truth about me

because you have
certain feelings for me.

Feelings you don't understand.

Feelings for you. What the
hell are you talking about?

What makes you think
you were anything more

than a diversion for me?

Do you really think I would
have gone to bed with you?

Yes, I do.

Look, as far as I'm concerned,

I only have one brother,
and his name is Steven,

and I love him because he's
straightforward and honest.

He doesn't go around
doing numbers on people.

He's good and he's decent.


I've heard about Steven.

What do you think of it?

Mother, it is sumptuous.

Just a little bigger than
my room in Montana,

by about a thousand square feet.

Well, of course, there's
room service here.

In fact, anything you
want, whenever you want.

But first, I... I want
you to have that.

Go on. Open it.

It's a welcome-home
gift, darling.

I planned on giving them to
you when you were a baby

and I thought it would
be a really good way

to celebrate your new life here.

Our new life, together.

Thank you.

Right now I'd like you to
send for some of your things

from, uh, Billings, is it?


I'm sure you've got some
books and tapes and records,

and things that you'd like
to have here, haven't you?

And then tomorrow...

Tomorrow, we'll go shopping

for a whole new
wardrobe for you.

We'll buy shirts and sweaters
and trousers, anything you want.

Mother, I haven't unpacked yet.

Well, there's plenty
of time for that.

I'm not sure that
I'm going to unpack,

and stay here.

You mean in this apartment?

I mean in Denver.

I'm thinking about
going back home.


Why, Adam?

I have a good life there,

a good law practice,
good friends.

Besides, what do you
really care about me?

What do I care about you?

You're my son.

I love you.

That doesn't answer
certain questions.

What questions?

Why did you stop looking for me?

We tried.

We tried so hard.

Blake and I and a
team of detectives

tried all the time to find you.

But you gave up.

Eventually, we had to.


Because somebody said,

"The kid must be
dead, so forget it"?

Tell me, who was it

who gave the final
edict to forget it?

Blake? No.

Blake was as shattered
and heartbroken as I was.

Your loss changed
everything between us.

Our lives were
never the same again.

And that's the truth.

The honest truth?


It's the truth.

Sometimes I wonder if anybody
in this noble family of mine

can ever be honest.

I am, Adam.

I am.

Oh, please stay.

You're my son.

We... We can have the
most wonderful life together.

I need you.

My husband's dead.

Fallon doesn't need me,

and Blake certainly
doesn't need me.


Well, God knows where he is,

but he's proven how
little he cares about me.

You're all I have now.

I don't know.


what's there to go back to?

Your friends?

You can find all the friends
you want here in Denver.

You only have one mother.

A very powerful mother

who needs you.

And you need her.



Yes, I'll tell him.

That was Blake's secretary.

He'd like to see
you at his office.

Yes, Marcia, I'm expecting Adam.

Please send him in.

I'm glad you could come.

It's important to
me that you called.

Come in.

I guess Fallon's told you that
she and I have already met.

Yes, yes, she did.

Nice girl, very bright.

Very pretty.

Uh, won't you sit down?

Thank you.

Can I get you
something to drink?

Yes, it occurs to me

that I've asked you
that question before.

Yes, the other day.

That was a very
uncomfortable time for me.

Well, it wasn't for me.

Oh, wasn't it?


I walked in here, I
didn't have one problem.

I knew you were my father.

You were the one
with the problem.

Well, that's very frank.

I'll be equally frank.

I'm still a little

I've, um...

I've asked you to come here
to talk about you, your future.

How if you'd like
to join my company,

there's room, good room,

for an enterprising
young lawyer.

Who'd start at the bottom.

Well, that's the only
way to learn the business,

any business.

And, who'll then work his
way up in that business.


What do you think?

Well, I have to say,
thank you, of course.

Is that a yes?

I'm afraid it's a no.

I also have to say that
I just got a better offer.

You have? Where?

A company you may
have heard about.


I'd like to have a lot
more flowers down there.

Maybe get some, um,
terra-cotta and white pots, large,

and put them all the way
down on that railing there,

and... And between
the tennis courts there...

No, don't put them
between the courts,

that wouldn't be a good idea.

I'm glad that you're really
enjoying your work, Fallon.

Thank you, George.

Yeah, I am.

I haven't seen you
since you met Adam.

How did you two hit it off?

He didn't tell you?

No. He just said that
you were very lovely.

I'm very busy, Mother.

You've done a wonderful job
on the tennis courts, darling.

Have you hired a pro yet?

No, I'm still looking.

Well, let me know
when you find one

and I'll be a regular customer.

Since when are you so interested
in outdoor sports, Mother?

Ever since I was .

When I won the British
National Potato Sack Race.


I want to ask you
something about Adam.

I'd rather not talk about him.

Because you're too busy?

Yes, okay?


No, it's not okay.

I think there's something more.

It's not because he's stupid,

or ill-mannered or
anything like that.

It's something
sibling, isn't it?

Do you feel that
he's going to usurp

your very special
place with Blake?

Because you shouldn't
worry about that.

He's his mother's son.

Oh, you won't hear any
argument about that from me.

Fallon, what is it that you're
not telling me about him?

Mother, will you please
go run your new empire

and leave me to run my hotel?

All right, I'm off
to the airport now.

Well, aren't you curious
about where I'm going?

Not really.


Well, you should be.

Darling, I'm leaving.

I'll phone you
from the office later.

All right.

Blake. Yes?

You know, you still haven't
invited the boy to our home.

Yes, I know.

Are you trying to tell me

that I'm dragging
my feet on this one?

Yes, and that's not like you.

What is it?

Is it because he's
working for Alexis now?

Yes, partly.

What's the other part?

Is it Adam himself?


You can say that name so easily.

And you can't.

What are you thinking, Blake?

What do you feel in your
heart for him right now,

at this very moment?

I feel I still have some doubts.

I don't know, maybe...

Maybe Fallon's instincts
are right about him.

Forget about Fallon.
What do you think?

Why don't you invite him
over for dinner? Tonight.

Get to know him.

We've had hundreds of
strangers in this house.

This one could be your son.

Am I wrong about that?


No, you're right.

And I'll admit that.

How did I ever manage
to get along without you?

You must be... Adam.

Jeff Colby, Fallon's husband.

Pleasure to meet you, Jeff.

Uh, where's Alexis?

In New York. Why?

Well, I was in
Louisiana on business

and I got a call from her.

She said she wanted to
meet with me when I got back.

Some red tape about
my uncle's estate.

And you just flew in.

You've got to be
ready for a drink.

Anything special?

Yeah, let me have a
bourbon with a splash of water.

I phoned the house
when I got into the airport.

I guess we're all
having dinner tonight.

That's right.

Well, I'm looking forward to it.

You sound as if
you really mean that.

Well, I do.

Then unlike your wife,

you're not in the enemy camp.

Fallon's Fallon.
She'll come around.

I hope so. Cheers.


You know, I see a lot
of your mother in you.

Now, is that good or bad, Jeff?

I mean, I understand
there are people

who really don't
like her, and yet

you were very supportive
of her when your uncle died.

I try to be.


You were in Louisiana.

What's happening down there?

Well, I was looking over
some offshore oil leases.

I guess you don't know this yet,

but I'm working for
Colbyco now with my mother.

No, I didn't know that.

Good luck. Thank you.

Yeah, I think we're negotiating
for leases down there too,

near the Lafitte sector.

Is that where you were scouting?

Around there.

Well, then, maybe you could
help out a novice such as myself

and give me your
evaluation of the general area.

Oh, you gotta be joking.

No, I love a good joke,
Jeff. But, no, I'm not joking.

Those reports
happen to be property

of Blake Carrington.

And I don't know
whether you know it or not,

but I happen to work
for Denver-Carrington.

Oh, sure.

And I also know that
you own half of Colbyco,

so, what's the harm?

We're just keeping
it in the family.

I have to be going.

Thanks for the drink.

My pleasure.

And I'll see you
tonight at dinner?

Uh, if I can make it.

I have some things to look over.

Sure. Well, try to make it.

I'm gonna need somebody
there from the friendly camp.

Do you like the duck, Adam?

Yes, it's good. Very
good. Thank you.

Too bad Fallon couldn't be here.

Yes, she' s, uh, busy at work.

And Jeff.

I guess something came up.

Something sudden.

He called. He, uh, said
he was sorry to miss dinner.

Would you like some more wine?

No, thank you, Krystle.

I'm not used to it.

You see, Montana...

Well, Montana is
more beer country.

Tell us about Montana.

Well, why don't
you tell me about it?

I mean, you were up there
checking me out, weren't you?


Yes, as a matter
of fact, we were.

Did Dr. Edwards
phone you about us?


A friend of mine did.

It's a small town. People
hear about everything.

And she thought it
was kind of strange.

I mean, why I wasn't
being taken into the family

on what proof I had.

It's not quite that simple.

Oh, I know, I know.

How did Oscar Wilde put it?

"I can't believe anything
unless it's incredible."

Something like that.

He was gay, wasn't he?

I wouldn't know.

We don't have too
many of them in Montana.

But I guess you
saw that for yourself.

No, I didn't. I wasn't looking.

Would you have to?

You should be able
to spot them easily.

What, with my bother, Steven.

I'd, uh...

I'd rather not talk about that
right now, if you don't mind.

Why not?

You want to know about
me and my background.

Now, I wanna know
more about this family.

That is why we're all
gathered here tonight, isn't it?

For each of us to learn
more about the other?

We weren't spying on
you in Billings, Adam.

What were you doing then?

Well, you said it
yourself a minute ago.

I was checking you out.

Now, if you resent that...

I do resent that.

Then why the hell did
you come here tonight?

To tell you how
much I resent it.

Invading my name.

My names.

Michael Torrance who was.

Adam Carrington who is.

Thank you for the dinner.

And don't worry about dessert.

I'll eat that at home.


You've no idea how
anxious I've been to meet you,

my dear friend
Krystle's first husband.

She's in trouble

and she needs
you, Mark Jennings.
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