03x08 - La Mirage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x08 - La Mirage

Post by bunniefuu »

Good evening,
Joseph, quiet night?

Very. Even your grandson
is sleeping straight through.

Good. Good night.

Good night.

You're tired,
aren't you, darling?

Yes, I am.

Well, it's not unknown.

Getting tired or bored
at a business dinner.

But I certainly could've
used your help tonight,

even a weary little
smile every now and then.

I'm sorry, I just
didn't feel like smiling.

Come on, let's go
have a brandy and talk.

I am tired, Blake.

I just need to get some sleep.

Hello, Jeff.


Oh, uh, how did it go at dinner?

You ever had dinner
with a pack of sharks

and barracudas
anticipating to k*ll?

They know that
we face bankruptcy

if the government
holds back on our loan.

Oh, by the way, will you
able to reach McVane?

No, no, I've been
trying all night.

His staff here in Denver
thinks that he's in Washington,

and Washington thinks
that he's here in Denver.

Meanwhile with every hour,

we get closer to the
deadline on that loan.

Can't they see it?

Getting oil out of shale may
cost more to produce right now,

but it's a hell of a lot better

than being gouged
by those foreigners.

You know, I've been
thinking, Blake, um,

maybe we should go higher up.

After all, McVane is
only a congressman.

Yeah, but he's a congressman

who happens to have
powerful connections.

He also happens to owe me a lot.

He'll come through.

He better come through.

Well, I'll get on it again
first thing in the morning.

Thank you, Jeff.
I appreciate that.

Darling, what is it?

What's troubling?
What's on your mind?

Look, Krystle, I've got problems
of my own at the moment.

You're not in the mood
to play games, right?

That's right.

How about tennis, Blake?

What are you talking about?

I was at La Mirage.

I, uh... I met Fallon's new pro.

And I hear you did too.

Yes, I did.

Oh, that's funny.

You didn't bother to mention it.

What's there to mention
about a man I just said hello to?

Well, for openers,
maybe his name.

Well, I think he said
his name was Mark.

Yes, Mark.

Mark Jennings, I was
married to him once.

He didn't tell you?


No, I didn't know that.

I thought you knew.

I thought you and
Fallon hired him.


I love you so much.

I don't want anything
to come between us.

Now, why should it?

Mark Jennings is...
He's a part of your past,

just like Alexis
is a part of mine.

Neither one of them is
gonna do anything to us now

or our future.

Yeah, well, tell Fallon that.

She set it up.

Set what up?

My meeting with him.

Well, Joseph gave me a
message that somebody called

and told me to meet
you at La Mirage.

But instead, I met him.

Well, what makes you think
it was Fallon that set it up?

It's her hotel, isn't it? Mm.

It's my money behind the hotel

so I'll just have to
see to it that he's fired.

Is that all right?

That's not necessary.

I just needed to know that
you weren't a part of this.

I'm glad we talked.

Come on.

Let's go back to bed.

Been at the hotel all night?

Oh, last-minute details.

Party's tonight, remember?




I heard you were coming.

Look at you.

What happened?

Three years ago on Paris,
you were this scrawny kid,

and now, you're competition.


I only wish Steven
could see you now.

Papa wrote me about his
leaving. Where did he go?

I don't know, spin the globe.

Your guess is as
good as anybody's.

Well, the way he loved
you, he'll come back.

Look at you, a mother now
with the most adorable baby.

Heh. Oh, I thank
you. He thanks you.

He's gorgeous.

He's as handsome as
Jeff and as beautiful as you.

Oh, an adorable,
gorgeous, handsome,

beautiful baby boy. Beautiful.

Who needs his bath right now,

which I'm going to give
him before our breakfast

and take a little nap.

Can I help? I'd love to.

You know about babies?

Do I know about babies?

Sure, come on.

I spent last August

sailing the Greek
Islands on a private yacht.

It was me and this other
couple and their -month-old son.

And while the rich, super
rich mommy and daddy

pooped out on the poop
deck, I took care of little Poop.

That's what I
called him, the baby.

So I blew a kiss to the
Eiffel Tower and flew home.

There, I told you everything.

And you've told me
everything, except about Jeff.

Oh, there's not
much to tell really.

We're both here
in the same house.

But we're separated.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Mm. Well, how could you?

Besides, it's just
the end of a mistake.

We're both on
different wavelengths.

Well, at least you
have your son.

I love babies.

It's so much fun
looking after them.

Kirby, you wouldn't
be interested in...?

No, forget it.

You're overqualified,
it wouldn't work.

What wouldn't?

Well, I've been
looking for somebody

to take care of little Blake
when I'm at the hotel.

A nanny.

You'd be perfect for the job.

You'd be doing me
a big favor, honest.

I know you graduated
from the Sorbonne.

What kind of degree anyway?

Oh, you know, humanities.

Well, it'll only be temporary.

And diapering on dry land's
gotta beat doing it on a yacht.

Well, okay, why not?

Oh, great. Oh, that's great.

Now, uh, about your salary...

Oh, we could talk
about that later.

For now, I think
this will be great.

Morning, Daddy.

Good morning, darling.

I passed Jeff in the hall.

He's leaving kind
of early these days.

Well, he's trying to track down
Congressman McVane for me.


She's having a tray in her room.


Krystle told me last night
that your new tennis pro

is her ex-husband.

Did you know that
before you hired him?

No, not then.

I saw him playing
tennis out on the court

and I was very impressed.

So when he asked me
for the job, I gave it to him.

When did you find out?

Well, I couldn't miss it

when Krystle barged in
and made this big scene

accusing me of
luring her out there.

I gathered from your look,

she gave you a special evening
performance in histrionics.

Then you weren't the
one that left that message?

No, I wasn't.

Fallon, this special delivery
letter just arrived for you.

Oh, my God, the handwriting.

It's from Steven.

He's in Hong Kong.

You're paying me for a
lesson so let's get out there

and play, okay, Mrs. Colby?

It's my hour, and I'd
much rather sit and talk.

Anyway, I'm not in a sporty
mood today. Never am, in fact.

I much prefer games where
the ball just falls into my lap

rather than having to chase it.

Thank you.

Two iced coffees, please.

All right, so you've
come to talk again.

What about this time?

What else?

You and Krystle.

Now you're not really
serious about leaving Denver

and forgetting
about her, are you?

Maybe if you saw her.

I did.

Oh, really. Where?


She said she'd got the
message to meet her husband.

Oh, Blake was here?

No, but I was.

Well, now that you've
seen each other,

have you decided anything?

You know, you always played
your best games in the old days

when you have to
come from behind.

How do you know that?

I've read your tennis reviews.

Look, Mark, there's
nothing to be ashamed of

in a man still being in
love with his own wife.

Fight Blake, hard.

He's in a very vulnerable
position right now,

or he will be quite soon.

Yes, I know there are millions
of people in Hong Kong, Ralph,

but use your contacts.

Check with the oil
companies in the area.

Yes, all of them.

And see if anyone's ever
heard of a Steven Carrington

or a... Or a Ben Reynolds.


Get back to me, will you?

Blake, according to this,
Steven's not in Hong Kong.

He gave it to a
friend to mail for him.

Yes, but it is a lead and
it's the only one I have.

So I have to follow
through with it.

Or, as he puts it in
the letter, he'll stay lost.

Well, that's what he
seems to want for now.

"I work with a lucky guy
named Ben Reynolds.

"He's a real loner, no family.

"He doesn't have to live up
to anyone else's image of him.

Just his own."

Obviously, my son
still hasn't forgiven me.

Well, at least he wrote.

Mm-hm, to Fallon.

Give him some time, Blake.

He'll get in touch with you.

How about some lunch? My treat.

And I promise not
to keep you long.

I have a fitting at the
costumers for the party tonight.

I'd love to, darling,

but Jeff is still trying to
contact Neal McVane.

And I have to stick
around for that.


You know, we don't
have to go to Fallon's party

if you don't want to.

I mean, there's
gonna be a big crowd

and nobody will even miss us.

You'd be missed by Fallon.

And don't worry that I'll
be uncomfortable there

this evening with her
or with my ex-husband.

I mean, who knows,
maybe he'll meet your ex-wife

and they'll hit it off
and go away together.

Or is that just a pipe dream?

Devoutly to be smoked.

I'll be home as soon as I can.

Almost finished?

Well, this panel and
that's it, Mr. Carrington.

This is top of
the line paneling,

how come you're
painting over it?

Because I like top
of the line paint.

Not too many offices
use such a bright color.

You sure you wanted it?

Yeah, I'm sure. I had it
custom-blended. Do you mind?

Tell you what I mind:

The smell, it's making
me a little dizzy.

Well, then why don't you get
on with it and finish the job.


I was told that this office
is being redecorated. Why?

Mother, I was told by you
to shake hands with Jeff.

I did, I meant it,
and we're friends.

This is a gesture to
welcome to his new office.


Well, I'm surprised that
you responded so quickly,

but happy.

Well, I'm off to get flappered
or flapped or whatever it is.

I'll see you later.


I'm glad that you took my
advice about Jeff to heart.

We've got enough
enemies in the world, darling,

without inventing new ones.

There's your dress.

If you need anything else,
just call me, Mrs. Colby.

Thank you.

Krystle, what a surprise.

Hello, Alexis.

I suppose you're
here getting a costume

for Fallon's party.

Yes, I am.

Clever of her to choose the
' s as a theme, don't you agree?

Oh, those must have been the
most wonderful, carefree days.

People innocently pursuing
their pleasure-filled lives,

unaware of what lay in store
for them when the crash hits.

Don't you agree?


You haven't been
listening to me, have you?

No, I guess I haven't.

Look, Krystle, since we're
both going to be stuck here

for fitting and since we're both
going to be at the same party,

I think we might at least try
being civilized to each other,

for a change.

You may call this
conversation civilized

but I call it
hypocritical and boring.

Boring? Me?

Temper, temper.

As my dear old
auntie used to say:

"When you're
angry, count to four.

When you're really
angry, swear."

Go on, Krystle, swear.

I'd adore to hear you say
something colorful and foul.

Well, I knew I should
have called my old couturier

but I figured it was only
for one night. Oh, damn.

So what?

Are you really secure enough

to be seen in the
same costume as me?

Why don't I call the manager?

I'll have her find
you something else.

I'm not worried
about the competition.

If you are, change.

I've got an idea.

Why should we
detract from each other?

Let's flip a coin.

Heads or tails?

I'll toss.


Tails, you lose.

For now. Heh.

But the party's not over yet.


How did you know I'd be here?

I found out.

What do you want, Mark?

We need to talk.

No, we don't.


Look, let's go some
place for coffee.

Try Brazil.

Krystle, this is important.

The way you took
off from the hotel,

there was no time
to say anything.

We said it all, Mark,
a long time ago.

All right, for the sake of what
we meant to each other once.

Once was a lifetime ago.

The day you walked out on me

was the day you gave up
your right to say anything to me.


Oh, that's fine.
Thank you, Ellen.

My God, you look beautiful.

You look very handsome
with your red carnation.

You mean, I don't look like
a bootlegger out of the ' s?

More like a very worried
captain of industry.

Darling, that loan
and that whole mess,

forget Neal McVane.

Just for tonight.

Well, I just don't see
why I can't reach him.

You know, ordinarily, I'd
have no problem... Shh.


All right.

All right, we'll just
have fun tonight.

If you're game, heh,

I'm game.

Excuse me.

Hi. Hello, darling.

Any news about Steven?

No, no, not yet.

Looks like you're off
to a fine start here.

Better than I hoped for.

Wonderful. Just wonderful.

Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Hi, Krystle. Well,
now that you're here,

I can make my little speech
and get that over with.

No, thank you. No, thanks.

Oh, yes. I will try
some of that, thanks.

Yes, thanks.

Excuse me, everybody.

Can I have your attention,
please, just for a minute?

I'll make this brief
for all of your sakes.

First of all, I wanna thank
my father, Blake Carrington,

for his support in this venture.

I love you, Daddy,
as if you didn't know.

As it said on your invitations,

the only condition for being
here is that you get happy

because that's what
La Mirage is all about.

Just remember the name
of the game is pleasure

so skidoo and grab it.


Neal, darling.

Well, you look
absolutely ravishing.

Oh, now that is a
dangerous word, Neal.

But allowed.

How about a little
champagne before the party?

I would love some. Hm.

You're looking very well, Neal.

Thank you.

Been a long time since you
were on that junket to Spain

and we used to do
the flamenco all night.

Yes, but what I
remember most fondly

were those siestas.

The night is young, congressman.

I seem to remember you
with long hair back then.

Oh, yes, well, that was...

That was back then.

I'm a Gemini. I'm
many different women.

So tell me about your
trip to Washington.

Was it successful?

Well, I... I got
what I went for.

You don't seem
too happy about it.

Alexis, I'm going
to owe a lot of favors

that I would rather
not have to pay.


Well, who knows?

Things could change.

Why is it that however
dashing a man looks,

he never knows what
to do with a black tie?


We're gonna be
late for the party.

Now, there's a fabulous idea.

A bathtub full of gin.

A cup of martini.

Ah! No vermouth!

Daddy, this is Count
Pierre de Chalon.

My father, Blake Carrington.

Pleasure, Mr. Carrington.


And his wife, Krystle.


A very beautiful name

for a very beautiful woman.

Thank you.

Pierre's family own a
couple of French Alps

and I met him when I was skiing
down one of them in Chamonix.

Now he's going
to try skiing Aspen.

Well, I hope you enjoy
our slopes here in Colorado.

I'm sure I will.

Oh, Daddy, there's Dave Martin,

He's one of our best pros.

Would you introduce
him to the count?

Yes. Yes, of course.

Cute, isn't he?


His eyes never left you.

He knows your Blake's
wife so not to worry.

Hi, darling. Hi.

You've done absolute wonders
with this place. I adore it.

Thank you.

You know Congressman McVane?

No, but I do now.

Hello. It's wonderful.
Everything is just wonderful.

Oh, Alexis, would you
excuse me a moment?

It was a pleasure meeting you.

Did Blake show up yet?

He's around here somewhere.

Well, I'll probably
bump into him.

I'll see you later, darling.

Excuse me. Please
tell the other waiters

I have a thing
about hot canapés.

So if these start to cool,
circle around the kitchen

for fresh ones.

I don't care if the
tray is half-full still.

I'd settle for the
kind of attention

you're giving the help.
Are you trying to avoid me?

Ask an intelligent question,
you may just get an answer.

I'm very busy, Adam.

I just wanna tell you
how great the place looks.

Big change since
that day you and I

first ran into one
another, baby sister.

Big "I still don't
buy it" brother.

A lot of things have changed.


Your hard work is
really showing tonight.

Do you mean that?

Yes, I mean that.

Well, thank you, Jeff.

I agree. Fallon's
done a wonderful job.

Adam, I wanna
know something. Um,

about my office,

why did you have it painted?

Just a gesture of
welcome, Jeff, that's all.

Well done.

Be careful with him, Jeff.

No, I mean it.

Don't ever turn
your back on him.

That's not exactly party talk.

I'm serious. Be careful.

Getting little chilly out here,
do you wanna go inside?

No, I'm...

I'm gonna have to deal
with this sooner or later.

Hello, Mark.

I understand you've already
met my husband informally.

I-I'd like to make it official.
Blake, this is Mark Jennings.

Mr. Carrington.

I'd still like to come up
and play some tennis.


And I'd like to
continue our dance.

Excuse us, please.

Oh, this is absolutely lovely.

You know, my daughter really
does have very good taste.

She's a beautiful girl. Mm.

Somehow, I'm more
interested in her mother.

Oh, tell me about
it, congressman.

On second thought,
tell me about it later.


Key to your heart?

Hm-hm-hm. Oh, no.

It's a key to a little
hideaway that I found.

I stole it from
behind the front desk.

Heh-heh-heh. Beautiful thief.

Beautiful woman.


I'll drink to that.

Oh, I know this girl.

I've met her in France.


I'm so glad I
spotted you at last.

I was hoping to run
into a friendly face.

Oh, faces, that's us.

May I introduce you to
Count Pierre de Chalon.

He took one look at you and
he said he thinks he knows you.

Did we not meet last year
at a party in Monte Carlo?

No, we didn't.

Yes, you were wearing
a lovely purple gown.

Very Balenciaga.

No, it wasn't me. You
must have the wrong girl.

No, no, no.

Um, the next day, you
wore something suede

and that evening, you
were dancing barefoot

on the table in the casino bar.

Oh, now you really
must have the wrong girl.

But it was nice to
meet you anyway.

Excuse me.

Well, I guess she didn't go
for your smooth line, Pierre.

It was no line.

I've seen that girl several
times, in Monte Carlo,

in Deauville, and Nice.

Always with the same man.

Pierre, she works for us.

She's our majordomo's daughter.

I doubt she could afford
your kind of dolce vita.

Well, whoever she is,
Fallon, she gets around.

We haven't met. Um,
I'm Adam Carrington.

Hello, I'm Kirby Anders.

Anders? Joseph's daughter.

Well, I've met your father

so I guess that makes
us instant friends.

I guess so. Excuse me.

Hey, don't rush off.

Well, I'd like to look
around. Excuse me.

Enjoying yourself, Kirby?

Yes, she is and she's with me.

Well, why don't
we let her decide?

How about it? Wanna dance?



You haven't misplaced
that key, have you?


I haven't.

Fallon asked me to be sure
to take a look at the new bar.

Let's go inside and see
what's happening in there.

All right.

What are you doing, Fallon?

Just taking a break
from playing hostess.

Thinking about how
everything's turning out tonight.

Big success.

Hope so.

No, I guess I know so.

Good. Then let's have us
another little drink to celebrate, hm?

Okay. I've already used up
my quota but just one more.



What's wrong?

You look as though
you've just seen a ghost.

Not a ghost, something
more dangerous.

Damn sight more dangerous.

Come on. What's the
matter? Are you chicken?

Oh! Oh!


I'm okay.

To the hostess with the mostest.

What are you doing?

It's her big night, Jeff.

She's just a little drunk.

She's allowed.


Come on.

Where do we go from here?

I don't know about you,
but I'm going to get dry.

It's been fun.

Can I trust you not to
break into a Charleston

while I powder my nose?

You can indeed, but if
they start up with a tango,

watch out.

Why the grin?

Because the Alexis I
once knew intimately

is the same Alexis.

Oh. Only the same?

Heh. More so, better.

Much better.

Well, why else are you grinning?

Is it because I promised to
support you so generously

in your campaign for reelection?

Oh, that never hurts.

Well, I can afford it.

Or rather, Colbyco can.

My late husband never
put himself out on a limb

without making sure that
there was enough ready cash

to buy himself back to safety,

unlike my ex-husband.


Hello, Blake.

Neal, I wanna talk to you.

Now? Now.

Why don't we all
go into the bar?

No, you go, Alexis.

We have some
business to talk over.

All right, where the
hell have you been?

Why haven't I been
able to reach you?

Well, I... I have to get
around, Blake, you know that.

Election year,
visiting constituents.

My time is running
out on my loan.

What have you done about that?

I'm sorry.

I should've contacted
you, told you.

Told me what?

I can't help you.

I've tried every contact I had.

All I got was doors
slammed in my face.


My sources in Washington tell
me that everyone you approached

was willing, at least,
to reconsider the loan.

Your sources were
wrong. Were they?

I have other sources too, Neal.

Gossips, rumormongers.

I mostly ignore them because
they mostly disgust me,

but sometimes what they say

has an interesting
ring of truth to it.

They said several
things about you lately.

About some of your private
carryings-on in Washington.

Maybe as a good citizen,

I should have those
rumors checked out.

And blackmail me?

Oh, no, no. Blackmail?

I don't operate that way.

Let's call it survival.

My survival, my
company's, my country's.

All right, Neal,

you and I are going
to talk right now.

What time is it?

It's quarter of .

Oh, no, I have to get going.

I-I really... I really do.

I'm sorry.

What's the rush?

Allow me.

Adam. Adam, please. Lovely.

So lovely. It's just like silk.

Sorry about that.

Are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine.

Now, be careful driving home.

After all, you are
my favorite little girl.

I'm not a little girl
anymore. Truly, I'm not.

That's for helping me
out when I needed help.

My pleasure.

And believe me,
America will be grateful.

I know that and you know that.


And what are you two
titans talking about?

Me? Comparing notes?

As a matter of fact, we just
finished talking about you,

Alexis, among other things.


And, um, did I come
out on top, as it were?

Why don't you tell her, Neal?

Yes, why don't
you tell her, Neal?


I won't be able to
accept your offer after all.

Say that again?

Well, uh, Blake and I,

we already had an agreement.

I see.

So is that it?

I'm afraid so.

Oh, Neal, you scum.

You double-crossing scum.

You'll be hearing
from me, congressman.

Enjoy the title while you can.

Don't look so smug, Blake.

There's nothing I can't handle.

I wouldn't be too sure.

This time, your boudoir
charms may have failed you.

Oh, well, there's always
a first time for everything.

I wouldn't argue that.

But from now on,

you stay out of my
life, do you hear?

You keep out of my
business or so help me,

you'll wish you had.


There's something you have
to know, we've got to talk.

Whatever it is, just say it.

My husband's waiting for me.

Come here.

Look, Krystle,

you're with your husband.

You're not married
to Blake Carrington,

you're married to me.

You are drunk.

I've had a few.

But you've known
me to have more.

Yes, and I've known you to
say more ridiculous things,

to lie...

It's no lie. Krystle,

our divorce papers were
never filed in Mexico.

You gotta believe me, this
is important to both of us.

We were never divorced.

You're lying.

If you think I'm lying, check.

You're not married
to Blake Carrington,

you're married to me.

We were never divorced.

Oh, my God.

It can't be true.

It can't be.
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