03x12 - Samantha

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x12 - Samantha

Post by bunniefuu »


Mr. Dehner.

Is my husband still in there?

Yes, he is, Mrs. Carrington.

The two of you have been
together for hours again.

Now, when we were in
California, you told me that...

That my gift doesn't
always work?

Why don't you say
it, Mrs. Carrington?

I know what you're thinking.

Isn't it time that I give
your husband his bill,

and pack up and go?



May I speak to you, please?

I need you to
understand this, please.

If you don't believe in
the effort that I'm making

to try to find my son,
that's fine, that's all right,

that's your
business. Blake, I'm...

But I do believe in it.

I intend to keep on doing
it despite your feelings

and everybody else's
feelings in this house,

the completely
negative feelings.

We keep talking about believing.

That's not what's troubling me.

I know. I know. You're
concerned about me,

what all this is doing to me.

Is that it? Am I right?

Yes, damn it. Yes.
Well, go on, say it.

Say what you've not
been saying. Go on.

At night you barely sleep
more than a few hours.

And during the day you barely
set foot outside the house.

What you're trying to say is

that all these days and nights
I've lost touch with reality.

That's what you mean, isn't it?

Well, you're wrong.
Because I do sleep.

I sleep enough to suit me.

So I can function all day.

Well, you may
call it functioning...

Haven't I been running my
business from this house?

Hasn't Marcia been coming
over from the office twice a day,

bringing me reports
to read, papers to sign?

Haven't I been in constant
telephone contact with Bali,

to check on the
search for my son?

Yes, Blake, but...

What more do you want me to do?

I'm not gonna do another
thing, you understand,

until I find my son.


I've just come from
St. Margaret's Church.

I cannot and I will not wait any
longer for a memorial service

to be held for Steven.

Now, the reverend, Mr. Carlton,

has agreed to conduct
it this afternoon at .

Privately, just for the family.

And you want me
to pass on the word?


To Daddy.

He's part of the
family, isn't he?

Its all-American czar.

What's the matter?

You promised me you
wouldn't go ahead with this

until he decided to go.

You know he won't come.

All I know is that
Blake or no Blake,

I am going to go
through with it.

I am tired, Fallon.

I am tired of his
unwillingness to face the fact

that until Steven's
spirit is laid to rest,

none of us can go on.

Well, he could be right.

He is not right.

Well, he still has people
searching all those islands.

He's trying everything.

Everything but facing reality.

And you and I both
know what that means.

Look what he's doing to us.

Look what he's doing to himself.

Well, he's not
doing it on purpose.

In Bali they gave me a jacket

that they'd found floating in
the ocean after the accident.

It had Steven's name on it.

It had been ripped from
his body by the expl*si*n.

The moment that
I saw that jacket,

my heart cried out, "My
son is gone, he's dead."

At the same moment I
looked into your father's eyes

and I saw there that obsession
that Steven was still alive.

And why?

Because he is a guilty man

who is responsible
for that death

and that's why he
cannot accept it.


He's not the only one
who drove Steven away.


I'm not talking about blame now.

That's all academic.

You just want me to get
him to go to the service.



you are the only one
who can persuade him.

But whether Blake
is there or not,

that service is going
to be held for Steven.

Oh, my God.

For my son

and for your brother.


Hello, darling.

I, um... I just...

It breaks my heart to
see you like this, Daddy.

You know, ever
since I can remember,

if there was something
wrong with our lives,

mine or Steven's,

you could somehow make it right.

My father could lick
the world if he had to.


But you feel differently now.

I feel somehow now that...

Well, you're just not
fighting the real world.

You're trying to wrestle with...

With what?


You can't understand
me now, can you?

I want to, but... No.

None of you can understand me.

That's because none
of you were responsible

for driving Steven away.

I'm responsible.

And I know what I'm doing.

There's a service today.

A memorial service for
Steven this afternoon.

Yes, it's well-intentioned.

But it's wrong.

Then you won't come?

Don't you see?

It's wrong.

It's wrong.

It's just wrong.

Yes, I know it's
after midnight in Bali.

But I haven't heard a report
from you people in hours now.


Well, did you hire those
fishing trawlers that I ordered?


No... No sign of life at all?

Well, have they checked
all the uninhabited islands?


No, no, no. I'm not giving up.

I'm his father.

I know that.

Did Nelson Rockefeller give up

when his son was
lost in New Guinea?

Yes. Yes, I know.

Well, this search
could take years too,

but it's going to have
a happier ending.

Now, you...

You keep on it, do you hear?

Or I'll get somebody else.

I see, you're going
to that service, huh?


And you're not. No, no.

I thought I made that clear
to everybody concerned.

You may regret it.

I am not going.

Just a moment, please.

Would you mind
telling me what this is?

Just what it is. A check
for a thousand dollars.

It's made out to Mark
Jennings. May I ask why?

Mark paid Frank Dean off.

Frank Dean? Frank...?

My ex-brother-in-law,

Sammy Jo's father.

Mark paid him to...
To leave me alone.

And I paid Mark back.

Without telling me?

Blake, I couldn't.

It all happened
while you were in Bali.

And you've had more
than enough on your mind

since you've been
back. Is that all?

Yes. I mean, is that all of it?


Apparently, lots of
things happened here

while I was in Bali.

Lots of things.

Including the return of
your grandmother's locket,

which you're wearing
often these days.

Tell me, Krystle.

Is that a sentiment for an old
woman who took care of you,

or for an ex-husband
who allegedly didn't?

The sentiment is for
a wonderful woman.

And as for my ex-husband,
he's exactly that.

And that's the way it is, Blake.

If you don't believe
me, look at this.

And so Steven
Carrington has left us.

"A young man who
was too young to die,"

we are all thinking right now.

But a higher power
than any of us,

the Lord, Jesus Christ,

who loved Steven
as much as we all did,

has seen fit to welcome
him to a higher kingdom.

So let us try to find solace

in the knowledge that Steven,

whose short life was
not a very happy one,

has now finally found
eternal rest with his savior.

We pray for the sweet
soul of Steven Carrington.

Jeff, what's wrong?


I mean, it just got to
me in there, that's all.

It got to all of us.

Look, Fallon, I'm...
I'm gonna be all right.

You haven't been all
right for weeks now.

You've been putting in too
much time working at the office.

Away from you.

That's the way
you want it, isn't it?

Please, Jeff, don't start.

We've lost Steven.

I... I can't deal with
more than that right now.

I just can't.

That's typical of you, isn't it?

What do you care what
anyone else is feeling?

You just can't let up, can you?

No matter what's happened.

I have been concerned
about you. Genuinely.

I'm not gonna let you drive
me into thinking I'm to blame

for your misery.

This time, it's not gonna
bring us back together again.

I mean, it's been
settled once and for all.


Please, Jeff, I wanna go.

Fallon, please.


Jeff, whatever you and
Fallon are upset about,

it's been a terrible
day for all of us.

I know that, Kirby.

I see.

Kirby has a thing for Jeff,

and so Adam has
to come in second.

Wrong on both counts.

Oh, come on, Kirby, admit it.

To yourself and then to me.

But you're putting your
hard-earned nanny's salary

on the wrong horse.

You see, very simply,

Jeff Colby's a
loser and I'm not.

Now, you'll realize
that one day.

And when you do,
knock on my door.


I'll be waiting.

Kirby, what was that all about?

Uh, nothing.

Now I've warned
you not to get involved

with the Carrington family.

And I meant all of
them. You could be hurt.



What are you doing here?

Well, you've become a stranger.

I finally called the house
to see how you were.

They told me you'd
come out here alone.

And I wanted to find out why
we hadn't seen one another.

Krystle, you haven't forgotten

what you said about us
being friends. Are we?

You came here to tell me that?

I'd fly to Pittsburgh
to tell you that

if they said you'd
gone to Pittsburgh.

Look, I know it's a...
It's a rough day for you

but I had to see you, okay?


we are friends.

And I appreciate your
cooperation with the divorce

and your help with Frank,

but I have another life
now. My... My husband...

He's not your husband.

We're not divorced yet.

He is my husband.

And he's going through
a private hell right now.

And I don't think he exactly
approves or... Or understands

my spending time with you.

You're still my wife.

You're still Krystle Jennings.

And that in itself doesn't
give Blake Carrington a right,

any right, to tell you
what or what not to do.

He has the most important right.

I love him.

You weren't invited
to this service.

I know. But I'm here, lady.

I'm here to thank you.

For what?

You don't know?

No. No, I don't.

Well, let me tell you.
You really did it, lady.

You brought me here
for all the wrong reasons.

You know, it may
have looked to you

like I didn't have much
going for me in New York.

But I was getting by
just fine. I was happy.

I wanna thank you, Mrs.
Colby, for screwing up my life.

Hello, Adam.

Evening, Father.

Do you mind if I
pour myself a drink?

No, no, not at all.
Go right ahead.

Would you like one?

No. No, thank you.

Father, I came here tonight

because I want you to know
that I believe in what you're doing.

You mean, my bringing
a psychic into the house?

Yes. I know they can work,
well, wonders in certain cases.

I saw it happen once in Montana.

And I know how you
feel about Steven.

Just as I do.


you seem to have changed
your opinion about your brother.

I remember

you said some very rough
things about him one night

here at dinner.

Well, that was before
I knew a lot about him.

And I was busy dealing
with my own thing at the time.

I just want you to know this:

I admire your strength.

It takes a lot of courage
to do what you're doing.

Mother doesn't believe in you.

I do.

I'm happy for your visit.

And appreciate it, I really do.

Please, phone anytime.

Even if you just want to talk.

All right?

Thank you.

Eavesdropping, Kirby?

I thought only servants
played that little sport

in a house like this.

But then again, I guess that's
what you really are, aren't you?

The major-domo's daughter

and just one of
the servants here.

You're so tight, your
muscles are nearly in spasm.

Have you nearly
finished, Lorraine?

Relax, Mrs. Colby.

Let me try and loosen you up.

I've only been working on
you for ten or minutes.

That's enough.

I have a very important
phone call to make, Lorraine.

Um, I'll see you next
Wednesday, okay?

Bye, Lorraine.

Goodbye, Mrs. Colby.

Who is it?

It's Alexis.

Alexis Colby.

What do you want, Mrs. Colby?

I... I don't honestly know what
I want or... Or why I'm here.

I just know that I had
to speak to you, Mark.

Well, as far as I'm concerned,
lady, we're all talked out.

Couldn't I just come
in? Just for a minute?

Sure, why not?

Have a seat.

Can I fix you a drink?

Sorry, but I'm all
out of champagne.

No, nothing.

You don't mind if I have one.

Where are you going?

Wherever the four winds take me.

I'm very well-known for my
originality in turning a phrase.

Well, if you're going away,
then I'm really glad I came.

I debated it.

Now let's find out
why you're here.

Why, Mrs. Colby?

Yesterday, at the church,
you made an accusation.


I thought I thanked you.

For screwing up
your life, you said.

Yes, that's right.

That's what I said. Am I
supposed to take it back?

Oh, no. No.

No, you meant it.

But it's been haunting
me ever since.

Oh, I'm sure you've heard worse,

a lot worse from other men.

Yes, that's true, I have.

But it's been
haunting me because

ever since my son died,

I've been taking so
many terrible blows.

That just seemed to be the
last one that I could endure.

I never meant to hurt you, Mark.

If I've wrecked your life,
or a part of it, in any way,

I am truly, truly sorry.

I want you to believe it.

I believed you in New York when
you told me Krystle needed me.

I don't believe you now.

Look, Mrs. Colby, I'm busy.

Look, I did intend
to hurt Blake.

I wanted to get back at him

for some of the unforgivable
pain that he'd caused me.

Exiling me from my son
when he was just a little boy

and driving Steven away

so that I never had
a chance to make up

for all the years that I'd lost.

But I never intended
to hurt you. I swear it.

I'm not an evil person,
in spite of what you think

or what other
people strive to think.

If I were, I wouldn't
be in so much pain.

What's the point
of this, Mrs. Colby?

You didn't just come here
to give me the sad history

of your life.

There is a point.

I want to repay you.

For what?

For hurting you.

And if there's
any way that I can,

please tell me how.

Thank you.

When a woman cries
and begins to tremble,

that's what a man does.

Especially when he realizes
that the woman's in trouble.

And you are. I can see that now.

You're the one that's
hurting, really hurting.

Oh, I am.

So much.

Well, you're alone.

Your son's dead.

He had a brother
who never knew him.

And he can't comfort you now.

So in a way, I guess that's why

you're here with
me now, isn't it?

I mean,

we're both of us strangers
in this strange land.

Look, I understand.

People, in moments of
grief we need to be held.

Held close

and comforted.

That old horse must be
almost as weary as I am.

I spent more than a few
hours with it, touching it.

I felt nothing.

There are other things of
Steven's that I can bring you.

No, Mr. Carrington.

I'm giving up on this.

The whole thing's
been a failure.

Even the feeling I got
from that fender yesterday

didn't prove anything
tangible, did it?

I want you to know that I'll be
going home first thing tomorrow.

Now, please.

If it's more money that
you want, please, I'll...

You'll pay me. Yes.

I didn't come here for
money, you know that.

You've already been
more than generous.


I'd like to finish
what I was saying.

It's just that I've...

I've run out of hope

that this house,

these surroundings

instead of bringing
me closer to your son,

seem to have isolated me.

You see, I knew that, uh,
Steven was unhappy here.

What I think I know now

is that he has no
desire to return.

No. I won't believe that.

I'm sorry, Mr. Carrington.

But maybe there's someplace

around here where
he stayed or worked

with people whom he loved,
where he was happy once.

Blake, where are you going?

I'll be back soon.


Steven, I know that

you were never
happy working for me.

And I know

that you were working in this
field with Matthew Blaisdel.

And that's...

That's why I'm here.

Because I couldn't reach you

any other way. I
tried, but I couldn't.

And I... I was hoping
that you would hear me

and that you would
try to understand.

Steven, I'm sorry about
what happened with us.

I want you to know that.

And that I want you
to come back with us.

Can you hear me, Steven?

I want you to come back with us.

I know that...

That you're alive somewhere.

I know maybe you're
hurt, maybe you're lost.

But I'm going to find you.

I'll never stop searching

for the rest of my
life until I find you.

I want you to come back with us.

Back where you belong.

Steven, do you hear me?

Let me know if you
hear me, please.


Krystle, what are
you doing here?

Oh, Blake,

do you know what you're
doing here? Do you know?

Yes, I know.

This is where Steven was
happiest, where he was working.

Right here.

And I came here
to try to reach him,

to make some kind
of a contact with him.

He must be
somewhere. He must be.

She took it.

She took it with her.



She took it with her.

Why all the urgency today,
Blake, instead of yesterday

when a memorial service
was held for your son

without his father being there?

Alexis, I want Steven's jacket.

You want what?

The jacket that
Cassidy gave us in Bali.

The one they found in the water.

Now, you took it
and I want it. I need it.

Why? I need it.

No, you don't, Blake.

I'm the one who
wants it and needs it.

That jacket is the last

of Steven's belongings,
and I am not...

Look, I'm going to ransack
this apartment if I have to,

to find it, now...

Blake. I want the jacket.

All right. I'll get it.

God, you look terrible.

Don't bother with the windows.

They could use a little washing.

I said don't bother. Now,
how much do I owe you?

For you? That's, uh, $ . .

That's out of .


That your name?

No, no.

You. I, uh, saw you in
a magazine last week.

One of those girlie-girlie jobs.

You were laying on the
beach after being shipwrecked.

All your clothes lost at sea.

How about that?

That was you, huh?


Look, my change, please.

Fast. I wanna get to Denver.

Boy, you're in a big hurry.

What's waiting for you there
that, uh, you can't get here?

Maybe even better?

Would you be surprised
if I said a million dollars?

Krystle, what happened?

I'd like to be alone, Fallon.

Something happened
to Daddy. What is it?

He's so confused.

I've lost him.

What do you mean, "lost him"?

I went to him.


The oil rig.

Matthew's old oil rig.

He was there.

Calling Steven, begging
him to come back.

It's as if

he's convinced he's still alive.

He won't allow him to die.

I don't know what to do.

I just don't know
what to do anymore.

I love him so much.

I know.

I love him too, Krystle.

And I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry because I
tried to invade your love for him.

To keep him for myself and not
wanna share him with anybody.

I've been fighting you
all the way, all this time,

for his love.

I'm so sorry.

Don't be nice to me, Fallon.

You'll just turn on me again.

No, I won't, I promise.

Just leave me alone, all right?

It's not all right.

You shouldn't be
alone right now.

I'd like to be here with you.

Well, I don't wanna be with you.


It's gonna be all right.

It's gonna be all
right, I promise.

For all of us.


Anything at all?

For the first time,

I have a sense of your son.

A sense of the present.

Nothing from the past.

Sense of the present?
What is...? What is that?



Steven? Breathing? Where?

It isn't clear.

I don't see a place or
surroundings. Only...

Only what?



Bandages, maybe.


An injury? Someone
who's been hurt?

I don't know.

I feel someone who can't speak.

Someone who can't speak.


My God, what does that mean?

Your aunt told us that
you had phoned earlier

from somewhere on the road.

She's up in her room.

I don't wanna see my aunt.

I wanna see Mr. Carrington,
and nobody else.

Where is he, Joseph?

He's in the library.

Sammy Jo.

Hello, Mr. Carrington.

I heard about Steven
and the terrible accident.

I couldn't come right
away but as soon as I could,

I drove all the way
over the mountains.

Because I wanted to be with you,

even for just a little while.

You don't mind, do you?

No. No, of course not.

I appreciate it. I really do.

Sit down, won't you?

He was your son
and... And my husband.

I'm sorry now, about
so many things.

I guess you know that Steven
came to me in Hollywood once,

and that he wanted me
to come back with him.

Yes, I heard about that.

He begged me.

He really begged me.

But I couldn't see my way clear.

I couldn't see much
of anything at the time.

If I'd known then...

I'm sorry, Mr. Carrington.

I mean, I... I guess I was a
terrible disappointment to you

in my way,

just the way Steven was in his.

No, no, you were
both very young,

and things happen in life.

And you were never a
disappointment to me.

As a matter of fact,

I couldn't see things very
clearly at the time either.

Mr. Carrington, like I said,

I traveled all this
way to be with you.

And to let you know that...

Let me know what?

Just a minute.

Thank you, Joseph.

This is why I
couldn't come earlier.

I don't understand.

This is Steven
Daniel Carrington Jr.

"Someone who can't speak."

Would any of you
care to explain to me

what this command
performance is all about?

I thought I'd been
banished from this house.

Would someone please answer me?

Sammy Jo, what
are you doing here?

It's Samantha.

And I'm doing very
well, thank you.

So is my son.

Your son?

This beautiful child
is Steven's son.

As we all know, his mother
left this house in great anger.

But she's returned
in great compassion.

When she learned
about Steven's death,

which, uh, I now accept,

she couldn't find it in her
heart to deny me my grandson.

So I've asked you all
here to witness this child,

this miracle.

Because in a way,
in a very real way,

my conviction that
Steven is still alive

has been proven to be true.

Because he lives on
in this beautiful child,

his beautiful son.

Oh, hush. Hush, you're home.


In your daddy's room.

In your daddy's crib.

The one he used to sleep
in when he was a baby.

Come on.


Oh, you are a beautiful baby.

Just as your grandfather
said you were.

And you're a miracle.

Because you're gonna help make
this house a happy house again.

Aunt Krystle.

Oh, Sammy Jo.

Can't anybody say my name?


That's better.

Strange, isn't it?

I mean, I came here to
live and I got kicked out.

And now I bring my baby

and really set this
house on its ear.

Aunt Krystle?

For one thing, I call him
Danny, not little Steven.

And for another,

what makes you think
Danny and I are gonna stay?


You heard me.
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