03x14 - Madness

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x14 - Madness

Post by bunniefuu »

It'll feel better. It'll
take the pain away.

For God's sakes, can't
you keep him quiet?

Oh, good morning,
Jeff. Two a.m. is morning.

Sure as hell is. What's
the matter with him?

His gums.

Your son is growing up
by the hour and teething.

And it's your job in
this house to make sure

that he's comfortable,
and shut him up.

Jeff, come on, he's only a...

A baby. I know.

Oh, God, Kirby, I don't know
what's the matter with me.


It's all right. It's
okay. It's okay.



Yeah. Feel better?

Come on.

And this vase is a Ming,

which doesn't mean
much to you, does it?

Well, it didn't to me either
when I first lived here,

but it's supposed
to be very precious.

But not as precious as you,

because nothing in
this big, big house is.

Except his
grandfather, of course.

Oh, I'd say they're just
about even on that score.

I happen to love you both a lot.

Tell me something,
aren't you tired?

I mean you haven't put
this little fellow down yet.

Well, we have a
lot to talk about.

Look, he's gonna
be your new daddy.

Good morning.

Morning darling,
you're off early today.

Well, the Wendell-Smythes
checked in last night.

The who?

An Australian
tycoon and his wife.

With clients like that, one
drops everything and runs.

After kissing one's poor
little crying son goodbye.

This house is getting

kind of beautifully
loaded with sons, isn't it?

I have mine, and now
you have Steven's.

I'm sure Steven would
be very happy to know

you're taking care of his son.

Thank you, Fallon.

No, thank you, Krystle,

for bringing us
all back together,

making us a family again.

Well, I gotta go.

We are a family, aren't we?

Except for Fallon and Jeff.

But that'll work out for
both of them somehow.

Bye, darling.

That mean old tooth just
trying to come in there.

Come on. Is he still at it?

Obviously, yes.

But as I told you last night...

I think he's sick.

Teething isn't sick.

You keep saying that. It
could be something serious.

Will you look?

Fallon took him to
the doctor yesterday.

He said he was fine, perfect.

You call this racket he's
making perfect? I don't.

Jeff, he's only going through
what all babies do at that age.

He's teething.

Look, Krystle,
do me a big favor.

Take care of your own kid, okay?

Yeah, come on.

Come on.

Thank you.

Here you go.

There you go.

You mustn't be angry with Jeff.

He-he's upset and he's tired.

He was up half the
night with the baby crying.

He's a wonderful person.

He'd never be
purposely rude to you.

Kirby, we all love Jeff.

You don't have to
apologize for him.

But I do because, you
see, it was my fault.

I mean, little Blake was
crying practically all night.

I should have been able
to do something to stop him.

Come on, that's ridiculous.

What were you supposed to do?

Tell the little guy he wasn't
suppose to grow teeth?

No, what I meant was...

What you meant

was that Jeff is a very dear

and special young man,

and you're
tremendously fond of him.


I said that you were
very fond of him.

Am I embarrassing you? Oh, no.

It's just that I know
about that from Fallon.

About what?

Well, when you were little,
you had a crush on Jeff.

What did she tell you?

You used to like
to write short stories

about knights on white horses

and dedicate it to Jeff.

And the first time you
ever wore makeup,

I think you were ,

and Jeff's Little League
game was rained out

so he finally came to one
of Steven's birthday parties.

I was and it
was only lipstick.

But it was the most grotesque
shade you've ever seen,

sort of this primitive fuchsia.


Krystle, about Jeff.

My old crush has nothing
to do with what I feel

with what I said before
about his behavior.

I know that, Kirby.

I'm really worried about him.

I am too.

Good morning, Mr. Colby.
No breakfast, just coffee.

Are you sure? Yes,
I'm sure. Just coffee.

I'll have some coffee, Jane.

Thank you.

I'm worried about you.


Because you're not the
same Jeff I used to know.

And love?

The love's still
there, you know that.

But the old Jeff isn't, hm?

No, you haven't been.

Not since you collapsed

from overwork or whatever,

when Blake was away
looking for Steven.

Well, you just said it, Krystle.
I collapsed from overwork.

Burnout, isn't that
what it's called?

Have you been back to see
Dr. Winfield since that night?

Have you?

My God, what is
it with you women?

My son is sick and you tell
me he doesn't need a doctor.

I'm not sick and
you tell me I do.

Doesn't anybody in this
house think straight anymore?

Advantage, Wendell-Smythe.

Game, set, match.
Mr. Wendell-Smythe.

You've a wonderful
serve though, you know.

Oh, you're just a
little tough today.


Hi, Fallon.

Can I talk to you a minute?

Be right with you.

That was a great match,
Mr. Wendell-Smythe.

I guess I lost my
touch this morning.

I guess you did.

But call me Chester,
please, huh?

Okay. I want my
revenge, Chester.

Anytime, I enjoyed
it, Mark, immensely.

Same here.

And I'll catch up with
you ladies a little later.

Thanks very much
for watching my stuff.

I'm flying to Aspen
to have lunch

with Chester and his Marcella.

She has a couple of friends
there she wants me to persuade

into playing in the charity
tournament next week.

So I'd like you to make

a few more spaces
available for players.

No problem.

Is that the only thing
you wanted to talk about?

Well, that and to
congratulate you

on your skills as an actor.


I just watched you
throw that last game.

Well, the one thing
I happen to know

about Australian billionaires,

they don't enjoy losing.

Yes, and I also happen to
know that Marcella is not adverse

to paying his opponents
to let her husband win.

In turn, it buys
her a couple days

of peace and tranquility.

Well, now that
you've figured it out,

where does your pro
spend his ill-gotten gains

on a piece of jewelry?

Try Jensen's.

Thanks. I will.

I like it. What?

Oh, I've been
admiring your watch,

ever since that day your
phone was off the hook.

Yeah, it's pretty
nice, isn't it?

Yeah, I guess
you're gonna buy her

something pretty nice in return.

That mysterious lady
you've been so occupied with.

Maybe you're wrong.

You see, pretty soon
I'm gonna be single again.

And from what I hear, Fallon,

you're heading in
the same direction.

So what would
you say if I told you

that I really wanted to
buy something for you?

Oh, I'd say, the
sentiment was sweet but...

But what?

It'd be a real waste.

I already have more jewelry
than I could ever wear.


Okay, if that's the
way you want it.

That's the way it is.

Caught you just
in time, didn't I?

Just in time for what?
What are you doing here?

Does it bother you I'm here?

No, I just wanna know.

No, I'm the one who
wants to know, Fallon,

I'm the one.

Come in.

Okay, what's so important?
What is it you wanna know?

Did you sleep well last night?

Is that what you
came here to ask me?

You didn't answer me. Did
you sleep well last night?

Yeah, I slept okay.
Yeah, I'll bet you did,

because I didn't
see you last night.

Maybe that's because we
sleep in separate bedrooms, Jeff.

I didn't see you in the nursery.

Our son was sick. He
was up all night crying.

I must have checked
on him six or seven times,

but I never saw you.

He's been teething, Jeff.

Oh, so you saw no
reason to look in on him.

You slept instead.

Tell me something, Fallon,
were you having pleasant dreams

about this other
guy, whoever he is?

What are you talking about?

Who was it?

Wasn't me, obviously.

It's none of your business.

I wasn't dreaming.

And you're right, if I
had been dreaming,

it certainly wouldn't
have been about you.

I have errands to run.

You're not gonna
get away that easy.

We're gonna get to the
bottom of it, right now.

But God knows you're
not the kind of woman

who can get along without a man.

So tell me.

Who's the guy you see

when you're not at
home, which is never?

Fallon? Excuse me.
Didn't know you were busy.

She's not busy.

At least, not with me.

What was that all about?

Oh, with the way
he's been acting,

I never know what
anything's about with him.

These are from Legal.

Details of the
adoption arrangements

that have to be changed.


Get my wife on the phone
for me will you please, Marcia?


Mr. Carrington is on Line .

Thank you.

Well, good morning
again, Mr. Carrington.

I was just wondering whether
Mrs. Carrington was free

to meet me for lunch today.

La Mirage, : .

Unless, she's planning
to share some Pablum

with a certain young
gentlemen we both know.

Well, I was going to warm
up a couple of bottles of milk

for the two of us but, uh...

Blake? Yes?

Is anything wrong?

No, no. There is something
that I wanna talk to you about.

But mostly, I just
wanted to see you.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing, I guess.

All right, La Mirage, : .

Good morning, Father. Morning.

You don't mind my dropping
in on you like this, do you?

Not at all. Come on in.

I was in the building,

and I was hoping that
I could meet you later

to break some French bread

at that new bistro
over on Fifth.

Oh, I'm sorry, son.
I've got a lunch date.

Oh, well, next time, then.

I'll go it alone today,

and give a full
report on the place.

I'll be very anxious to hear it.

Oh, while I'm here.

I've just remembered something

that has me a little
bit confused about Jeff.

Oh, what about him?

Well, I walked into his
office first thing this morning,

and he was playing a tape.

A videotape of you.

Don't tell me it was

that terribly incisive
lecture I gave

at the university a
couple weeks ago.

I've been known to do better.

No, Father. It was
you in Las Vegas.

Lecturing, if that's the
word that you want to use,

at Logan Rhinewood.

Shouting him down.

Oh, really? Yes.

Mother's filled me in on
the whole Rhinewood story.

How it was a... What's
the word, bizarre?

A very bizarre trick that
Cecil Colby played on you.

There's something I
can't help wondering.

What's that?

Why didn't Jeff,
who was, after all,

working for you and

while all this was happening...

Why didn't Jeff warn you
about what was going on?

He couldn't.


He didn't know
anything about it.

You're sure about that.

Yes, I am.

Well, I'm glad.

I'm sorry I brought it all up.

It's just that Colby
was Jeff's uncle.

It seemed a little odd to me

that Jeff didn't know
anything about it.

But you're right of course.

How could he have known?

You were the one he
was closer to at the end.

See you, Father.


Jeff, do you mind if
I use your machine?

No, go ahead.

Thank you.

I really appreciate this.

I've had enough of
this farce, Rhinewood.

If you think I'm gonna sit still

while you try to take
over Denver-Carrington

then you really are a maniac.

I've run this company,
and I've run it well.

I'm not gonna let it
go. Do you understand?

I'm going to find
out who you are.

And when I do, I'm
gonna destroy you.

What are you doing with this?

I found it. Found it where?

I should say I was with
Mother about a month ago

when she was cleaning out

some of your uncle's
personal things,

including that tape.

She told me the whole story.

And a month later you
decide to see the tape.

That's right.

I was with Blake
a little while ago.

He happened to mention it.



What did he say?

It's not all that
important, Jeff.

I asked you a question.

Look, what's important to me

is that I can finally understand

why you're sticking
it out at the house

under his roof.

It's your love for your son.

But it can't be
easy for you, can it?

What did Blake say?

That you were involved in it.

Involved in what?

The whole Rhinewood affair.

Blake didn't say that.

What are you up to, Adam?

I'm up to nothing
except curiosity

about that cassette.

As for Blake, he didn't
say it in so many words.

It was more in the
way he reacted.

With the implication that
maybe your blood loyalties

were in direct conflict
with your loyalty to him.

I'll say this for him.

Your father-in-law, my father,

his trust isn't even skin-deep.

In fact, I think it starts
and stops with himself.


I'd think twice about
Blake's trust in you.

To take it one step
further, if I were you

I'd take your son's stock
in Denver-Carrington

add it to what
Colbyco already owns...

and then run both
companies our way.

Just something
to think about, Jeff.

Mrs. Colby.

What is it, Joseph?

May I relieve you
of those packages?

No, thank you, Joseph.

I am perfectly capable
of carrying these gifts

for the children myself.

And I know my
way to the nursery.

I raised Fallon and
Steven there, remember?

Well, you will
find only one child

in that room right now.

Mrs. Carrington's in
the solarium with Danny.

Oh, in that case,
take this, Joseph,

and I'll be up in the
nursery in a minute.

Hello, Krystle.

Hello, Alexis.

I brought a little
present for Steven's son.

But you can open it if you like.

Why don't you open it?

Oh, I might break
my fingernails.

Besides, I thought
I wasn't welcome

in this house by you.

Well, it doesn't take all that
long to unwrap a package.


I see you're growing
quite attached to him.

Yes, I am. Very attached.

Well, I wouldn't tie

too many emotional
cords to him if I were you.

That niece of yours,
that dreadful girl,

will undoubtedly decide
to come back one day,

probably soon, and
take him with her.

You haven't heard?

Haven't heard what?

Sammy Jo has decided

to leave him here for good.

She's giving him
up to us for adoption.


How did you get in here?

Nobody could stop me.

Now, look, Alexis,
I am busy. If...

How dare you?

How dare you buy
Steven's son for Krystle?

Oh, I should have known

when I talked to that
garbage niece of hers

that you'd already paid her off.

We did not pay her off.
We did not buy the child.

Now, Sammy Jo didn't
wanna be burdened with him,

and she offered Danny to us

because she thought
he'd be better off with us.

Oh, really? And where
does that leave me?

That baby is my
flesh and blood too.

That is Steven's child,
and I will not stand by

and see Krystle
become his mother.

I will fight you, Blake.

I will take you to court
and I will fight you.

You will, huh? Yes.

You with your delicious
maternal history?

You made me abandon
Steven and Fallon.

You left, Alexis.

You left and you
never contacted them.

Not until the trial
years later.

Remember that?

On second thought, don't bother.

I'll remind the court myself.

You forced me to
stay away from them.

You blackmailed me into it.

Blackmail, all right, if
that's what you wanna call it.

But I had good reasons.
Damn good reasons.

You think you're holding
all the cards, now?

I hope so. You know something?

You are pathetic.

It's pitiful to
see you like this.

A man who wants to turn his
own grandchild into his son.

A whole pathetic
and pitiful attempt

to regain your second youth.

I won't even waste my
breath trying to explain this.

Well, do explain it. Will
you explain it to me?

All right, I will.

Steven grew up with a mother
who was no better than a tramp.

His son is going to grow up

with a decent
woman as his mother.

It's just as simple as that.

Now, get out of here.

The attorneys have made it clear

that our original
plans to adopt the baby

just have to be changed.

Changed? Why?

Well, if we pursue
the normal course,

then Danny comes
under the jurisdiction

of the County Adoption Court,

which means that Sammy Jo

cannot specify
us as the parents.

Instead, the first couple
on the county's adoption list

is going to get Danny.

So what are we going to do?

We're gonna go
the private route.

At the right time,
I'm gonna send

one of my lawyers into New York

with the proper papers

stating that Sammy Jo wants
to sign the baby over to us.

Well, then I don't
see any problem.

Sammy Jo will
phone us in a few days

and let us know where
she's going to be staying

and then we'll just go
forward with what you just said.


She can't sign
the baby over to us

because you're still
legally married to Mark.

Just have to wait until
the divorce goes through,

until we remarry.

Oh, Blake.

But what if she decides

to give little Danny
to someone else?

She won't.

Besides, in your heart

you're really Danny's mother.

That's the important thing.

This frightens me,
Blake. I-I can't help it.

Now, darling, don't be afraid.

Steven's son

is going to be our son.

I swear to you that.

Good evening, Sister.

Well, how's our patient doing?

Much better, doctor.

He's finding it less
painful to speak.

Mm-hm. Is that right, young man?

Yes, that's true, Dr. Chen.

Oh, that's fine.

I want to be frank with you.

As you know, in your case,
we had no photographs.

Nothing to go by.

Nor could I ask you for guidance

because you were unconscious

from the time you were
picked up from the waters

until we brought you
here to Singapore.

But immediate
surgery was necessary.

You do understand that.

Yes, I do.

I think you will be satisfied.

Now, I hope you
are strong enough

to answer a few vital questions.

First, whom should we contact

to tell that you're
alive and recovering?

It doesn't matter.


I'm very tired.

I'd rather not talk anymore.


I understand, of course.

But, uh, could you tell
us your name at least?

The rest can wait.

My name is Reynolds.


Benjamin Reynolds.


Well, then Mr. Reynolds,
uh, there's another question I...



At least we know
his name, doctor.

Do we, Sister?

You know, he was wearing this

when they fished
him from the ocean.

He says his name is Reynolds.
His belt says otherwise.

The desk informed
me that you told them

that you were expected
and to let you in.

That's the first that I've heard

of those instructions, Mark.

You're sore at me
for barging in here.

Oh, yeah, I'm sore,
but it isn't at you.

Oh, okay.

Then I guess I'm stuck
for the champagne.

And you're stuck with this.

It might help to cheer you
up. Go ahead, Alexis, open it.

You have one already
and you hate the design.

It's too small?

No, it's too big?

Oh, Mark, it's so beautiful.

That is really sweet of you.

But it's much too extravagant.

I mean, you don't
make enough money

to buy things like this.

Well, tell that to
your daughter.

As far as I'm concerned,

I wanted to give a
very special woman

something more
than just my company.

Well, I think that you're
a very special man.

Would you pin it on me?


Why do you wanna give me
something as lovely as this?

Maybe it's because I
think you're fantastic.

Or maybe it's because
I have designs on you.

And I wanna sweep
you off your feet.

You're a gambler,
Alexis, aren't you?

Oh, yes. The story of my life.

Win some, lose some.

Well, consider this
and me a gamble

to find out what my motives are.

Mark Jennings,

smiling his enigmatic smile.

But his eyes aren't smiling.

They're very serious.


If you're talking about

an arrangement more permanent

than the one we have,

I'm afraid that
that's impossible.

Why? Because I'm broke.

Oh, no.

No, it has nothing
to do with money.

It's... It's just that I...


Well, I can only handle

one passion at a time.

You're in love, but not with me.

There's that infamous other man.

Yes, there is another man.

But it isn't love that I
feel for him. It's hate.

You see, Mark,

hate is as strong
a passion as love.

And right now I have
to make a choice

and dedicate that
passion elsewhere.


if your motives
are anything more

than just love in the afternoon,

I think you'd
better take this off.

Do I open the champagne
here or upstairs?


Has Dr. Melton
arrived yet? He has.

I told him I had phoned you
about the baby's slight fever,

that you asked he
come immediately.


Well, as I tried to assure you,

your son is perfectly all
right. I'll check on him myself.

Yeah. You gonna get
some sleep for me?


Is he still running
a fever? Yes.

I told you this morning,
the doctor says

with teething it's
normal. Normal?

I don't know what's normal
in this house anymore.

Jeff, calm down, please.

Was Fallon satisfied
with the diagnosis?

She doesn't know.

And what exactly does that mean?

I thought you knew.

She had to fly to
Aspen for a few hours.

She's called here twice.

But that was before
Dr. Melton's visit...

She's really the perfect
mother, isn't she?

Taking off and to
hell with the sick kid.

Jeff, where are you going? Je...

Well, let's put it this
way, it was an okay trip,

I'm glad I'm back but I'm ready
to head on home right now.

So, Pete, before I do,
I wanna talk to Mark

and fill him in on the
tennis tournament.

You know where I can find him?

He's not around.

Okay, well, will
you tell him...?

Oh, never mind,
I'll do it myself.

Thanks. Bye.




You heard about our son?

Yes, Jeff, I checked with Kirby

when we landed at the airport.

He's just fine. And just
to make double sure,

you rushed back here
to be with him, right?

I'm on my way.

But you had to
stop by here first.

Our son is burning
up with a fever.

Jeff, it was j... Our
son is burning up

with a fever but you
had to fly off for lunch

with a couple of your customers

and then stop by
your lover's room.

My what? Well,
isn't that what he is?

The guy you spend
half your time with?

The tennis bum who
kisses you in swimming pools

in front of a couple
hundred people.

Mark works for
me. I'll bet he does.

He's an employee here.

And there's nothing going
on between the two of you?

No, there isn't.

How many times
have you been in bed

with him including just now?

What's the matter with you?

What's been the matter with you?

What's the matter with me?

You're in this room lying to me,

and you ask me
something like that?

Let go of me. Say it.

"I'm Fallon Carrington
Colby and I'm no good."

Let go of me. Say it.

"My brother Steven was right

"when he called me a
tramp because I am one.

"I'm rotten as a person,

and I'm worse as a
wife and a mother."

Say it. Stop it.

Say it. I wanna hear it.

Stop it. Say it,

"I have a husband I hate,

a baby I don't give
a damn about."

Let go of me. "I'm
worthless as a mother

and I'm... "You're hurting me.

Say it!

Oh, God. Say it!

Say it! MARK: What the hell?

Say it, say it, say it.

No, don't!


Stop it.

Mark, don't hit him,
I'm okay. Oh, God.

Stop it, both of you.

Mark, don't. God.

Ah, this is my apartment, Colby.

Why don't you get out of
here while you still can?

Oh, no.

It's okay.

Oh, God, what is happening?

Make sure that Harrison

gets these papers right
away, will you, Marcia?

I will, Mr. Carrington.


Fallon, what is it,
darling? What's wrong?

Is there anything I can do?

Come on. No,
thank you very much.

What is it? Is it the baby?


It's Jeff. Jeff?

You have to let me out of
the marriage, you have to.

Oh, come on now. Sit
down and tell me all about it.

Come on.

I've tried to live
up to the promise

of staying together,
but I can't do it anymore.

Now, tell me exactly
what happened with...

What is that?

How did that happen?

He tried to strangle me.

He what?

He tried to k*ll me.

What are you doing?

Gonna find him,
get him over here.

No, don't call him.

I don't wanna see
him or talk to him.

We can't talk it out
anymore. Darling, I...

I want a divorce
because it's over.

No, Daddy, I'm afraid! Now...

No. Stop it, will you? Stop it.

Now, there's nothing
to be afraid of.

Believe me, there isn't.

I can't. It's over.

I've got to talk to him.

I've got to see him.

Nobody's gonna hurt my daughter.

Not while I'm still alive.

"Meeting tomorrow. You,
my mother and myself.

Imperative you attend."
We'll see about that.

Jeff, come in.

This is an unexpected pleasure.

To coin a phrase.

Well, in this case, it's true.

It's always good to see you.

Well, now.

Martini? All right.

I tried calling you at
the office this afternoon.

I was out.

Ah, were you being naughty?

I was taking care of
personal business.

Well, sometimes
that can be naughty.

Jeff, is anything the matter?

You seem terribly upset.

Only this memo to
me from your son.

What is this nonsense

about me being summoned
to a summit conference?

Oh, that.

Well, it was, uh... It
was written by Adam,

but it's actually from me.

Your equal partner in Colbyco.

And this is one equal
who wants to be put equally

in the picture with
the other equal.


Now, that's a laugh.

You, who don't know a damn
thing about the oil business

wanting to talk
business with me?

Well, I think it's
about time I found out.

Sorry, but I have too much
to think about right now

without having to teach you.

You understand that?


You're perspiring. Are you ill?

I am. I'm sick.

I'm sick and tired
of you and Adam

trying to tell me how to run
the company I grew up with.

The company that made you among
the richest women in the country

by an accident of marriage.

Accident? I married
your uncle because...

Because you adored him.

Yes. He was dying
and you knew it.

I did not know it. I thought...

Save it, Alexis.

I've got a lot better
things to do with my time.

How long have you been there?

Long enough.

There's something terribly
wrong with him, Adam.

I think he's been
working too hard,

and then all the pressures
with Fallon on top of it,

he really should
take some time off.

He won't, Mother.

You heard him.

Doesn't trust me...

or you.

We're incompetents in his book.

Well, I'm going to
see that he gets away.

I'll send him off
on a long holiday.

Or better still,

I'll arrange for him to visit

some of our overseas offices.

Meanwhile, I am
Cecil Colby's widow.

And he wanted me
with him or by his side.

So the minute Jeff leaves,
I'm gonna move into his office

and run Colbyco the
way it should be run.


You can't do that.

I can't do that?

Oh, Adam, I can and I will

do anything I wish.

I said you can't.

What's wrong with you?

You're suddenly
frightened of offending him?

I thought you disliked him.

It has nothing to do
with like or dislike.

Well, why are you so adamant
about this? It's my office too.

And you can't go in there.

Why not? It's dangerous.

Dangerous. What do
you mean, dangerous?

When I had the
paneling painted...

I had an idea.

What idea?

To mix a compound
with the paint.


What kind of compound?

Something to make Jeff

more malleable to us.

There are vapors in the paint,

now in the paneling,

that breathed, over
time, disorient the mind,

the thinking processes.

In this case,

Jeff's case,

they're working to keep him

from being a stumbling
block to both of us.

Our plans,

that we've talked about
endlessly together.

And worked on so hard together.

My God. You're k*lling him.

No, Mother, I'm not k*lling him.

There's no danger of that.

You're k*lling him.

Now, Mother, do I
look like a m*rder*r?

Oh, I don't know what
you are sometimes.

Well, thank you for that.

You have got to have
that poison removed.

Do you hear me?

Do you hear me, Adam?

Mother, I've just learned
something I must share with you.

Little Blake Colby,
your princely grandson,

owns thousands of shares

of Denver-Carrington stock.

Combine those with what
Cecil owned before he died,

and Colbyco controls
Blake's company.


If Jeff is disoriented enough

to sign control of
all those shares

plus what he controls
of Colbyco over to you.

Leaving Blake
Carrington out in the cold.

On his knees,


On his knees.


So until that time comes

we leave the
office, Jeff's office,

with Jeff in it as is.

Status quo. All right?


You won't go along with this?

I will not take a chance
on Jeff's life or his sanity.

I think you will or...


I'll have to tell
everyone concerned

that I was simply
following your instructions.

How the whole thing was
your idea in the first place.

Think of it, Mother.

How would it feel to
run the Colby empire

from a prison cell?

Oh, God, I don't
believe what I'm hearing.

What kind of a monster, are you?


I am Adam Carrington, son
of Alexis Carrington Colby.

Consider the options, Mother.

You don't have any.
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