03x16 - The Mirror

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x16 - The Mirror

Post by bunniefuu »

Joseph, would you
please ask Alfred

to bring the car around?

I'm going to the hospital
to get my husband.

You will have
some breakfast first.

Coffee at least?

No. Uh,

he's been there
with Jeff all night

without any rest.
I'd like to go now.

Thank you.

Would you have my
chauffeur standing by

to take me to Denver Memorial?


Good morning.

And may I give you some advice?

I've had just about enough

of your good advice,
thank you, Adam.

Instead of rushing
off to the hospital,

you should be spending
your time preparing

for your visit later this
morning to Denver-Carrington

where you are going to
deliver Blake his head.

Or have you
forgotten our itinerary?

I'm not going.

Not today.

You've got to.

How does that plain
but pithy old adage go?

Oh, shut up, Adam, just shut up!

Those tests,

they're still bothering
you, aren't they?

Of course they are.

What if they show
that Jeff was poisoned?

And then what if
the doctors and...

And the police start
asking questions?

You forget one "what if."

What if no one finds a
trace of that compound?

They will. You know they will.

What I know is, one,

I'll take care of remodeling
Jeff's office today.

And, two, if you leave here now,

if you go anywhere
near that hospital

in your present state,

a state bordering
on hysteria, Mother,

they won't have to
ask any questions

because you have the
word "guilty" written across

your beautiful face,

and in your very
fathomable eyes.

So I'm sorry, but I
can't allow you to go.

Allow me?

Are you ordering
me around, Adam?

Look at yourself.

Look at what's happening to you.

Let me get you a sedative.

I don't take sedatives.

Then let me go to the
hospital in your place.

It's for your sake, you know.

And yours? And mine, yes.

Do I have to remind you
that we're in this together?

Jeff, it's all right.

I'm here with you.

Ugh. Where?

You're in the hospital.
Denver Memorial.


Well you, uh...

You collapsed at La Mirage
yesterday on the tennis court.

And I came here in
the ambulance with you

and I've been sitting
here with you since then.


I... I remember falling.

Why didn't they take me home?
Why did they drag me here?

Well, because obviously
there's a problem.

And the doctors don't
know what the answer is yet.

But they'll find
it. I'm sure of that.

I've insisted that they
keep the lab open all night

to work on this.

You insisted. Take it easy.

You're full of concern.

Yes, of course, I'm concerned.

Just like you said
yesterday, full of concern.

I had to come down
on you yesterday, Jeff.

Because you att*cked Fallon.

Now, she is your wife but
she's also my daughter. You...

Look, we'll get this all sorted
out when you're feeling better.

Sometimes I, um...

I can't tell them apart.

My dreams from...


You and Fallon came
into my office yesterday.

Did I sign some kind of a paper?

Yes. You, uh...

You signed a consent to divorce.

And right now Fallon is in Haiti

to get the divorce.

Which makes you very sad.

Yes, it makes me sad.

I'd like to believe that.

I really would.

But that's not
the way it is, is it?

With either of us, is it?

You'll be rid of me
soon and I'll be rid of you.

All of you damned Carringtons.

Joseph. How is Mr. Jeffrey?

Uh, he's resting
quietly at the moment.

Fallon's on the
phone from Haiti.

That's twice this morning.

I assured her that
her son was fine,

but she's very anxious to
know about Mr. Jeffrey also.

All right. I'll take
it in the library.

Well, no, the way he
feels about all of us

there's just no
reaching him, Fallon.


No, the doctors don't
know what's wrong with him,

at least not yet. But
they're working on it.

Well, you'll let me know
as soon as they find out.

Please, Daddy.

All right, darling. Bye.


That's right. There's
paneling under this paint.

I'd like it removed, the
walls replastered and painted.

I'll let you know
about the color.

Sure thing, Mr. Carrington.

I'll, uh, take the panels
down real careful,

then maybe you can save
them to use for another office.

They're, uh... I don't
want them saved.

I want them removed,
cut up and burned.


The way those things
cost? You're kidding.

Do I look as if I'm kidding?

I'll get on it right away.

Mother's taking
over that office,

in case you're
wondering, Gerald.

Jeff's offices?

Jeff's former office.

Barbara, would you mind
clearing out Mr. Colby's desk?

And she wants it
redecorated again?

I thought it was done
over just a few months ago.

And definitely not to her taste.

Adam, come on.

Cecil had it done over
just before he passed away.

Then Jeff.

Three times in six months?

Tell me something, counselor,

are you involved in
budgetary matters now?

Look, the color did not suit
my mother, your employer.

This change in décor was
a personal request from her.

And now that your
protector at Colbyco

is temporarily
out of commission,

lying in a hospital bed,

you'd be wise not to make a
case against anything the lady,

my mother and your
employer, wants done.

Oh Joseph, you
don't have to wait.

I'll stay here with Danny

until Kirby gets
back with Little Blake.

Mr. Carrington.


I believe you know that as
manager of the household,

I've always made it a point

to see that the house
is properly staffed.

Yes, of course I know that.

Yes. Well, it's my opinion now

that the house is understaffed.

We have two infants
under the same roof

and one nursemaid.


Kirby. Yes, Kirby.

Well, I should like
your permission

to start interviewing
some nannies.

Now, I... I mean two, not one.

Don't tell me you're planning

to do your own
daughter out of a job.

I think it's about time.

After all, I didn't send
her off to the Sorbonne

to study classical
French and the humanities

for this.

All right, Joseph.

You get on the
phone and you, uh,

you ask them to send
over some women

with the best references.

But I want you to
know this, old friend.

That if Kirby wants that job,
and Fallon wants her in it,

that you're gonna be up against

two very strong, very
independent young women.

And the final decision
is gonna be theirs.


I'll start the
interviews anyway.

So this is where you are

when you should be taking a nap.

Well, darling, I'm tired,
but I'm not that tired.

You are going to take a nap.

All right, all right.

Something for
me? Well, in a way.

It's from Sammy Jo.

She sent us her
address in New York.

Oh, good. Good. We need
that for the adoption papers.

"I'm having fun,
meeting a lot of people

"who say I should have no
problem becoming a model.

"And my only sadness is this:

"that I'm sure now that being
a mother just isn't for me.

"But I know how much you
and Mr. Carrington want Danny,

"and I'm ready to sign
the adoption papers

"as soon as you send them to me.

Love, your niece."

You're happy about that but
you're sad for her, aren't you?



Darling, I know
what you're feeling,

your concern about
finalizing the adoption papers.

But you feel something's
gonna go wrong.

But nothing will, I assure you.

It's not that, Blake.

I was thinking about Steven.

And how he never lived
to see his beautiful son.

We both would have loved for
him to have seen his beautiful son.

Good evening, Ben.

You are trying to visualize
what you will look like?

Can you blame me?

Every damned time
you've changed bandages,

you've refused to
let me look at myself.

Well, I want the
first impression

to be the very
best possible one.

Is that so difficult
to understand?

Being me, like this,
is difficult, doctor.

The waiting. The waiting.

Well, sit down,
let me have a look.


Well, I have good news for you.

The swelling has gone down

and the bandages will
come off tomorrow morning.

Ben, uh, where will you be going

once you're released
from the hospital?

Listen, if your accident
happened at work,

I can notify your
company for possible

insurance coverage
of all your medical bills.

The accident did involve work.

I was blown off an oil rig.

But I'm not going
back to that company.

And you don't have to worry
about the money, doctor.

I'll get myself another job,

and you'll all be paid in time.

Well, we'll talk about
that some other time.

Ben, uh, there is one more
question I'd like to ask you.

You said your
surname is Reynolds.

Yet when they brought you here,

you were wearing a
belt with the initial C on it.

May I ask you why?

The day before the accident,

I borrowed the
belt from a friend,

Charlie Cunningham. Two C's.

Is that enough for you, doctor?

I'll see you tomorrow
morning, Ben.

Good night.

Bonjour, boss.

Good morning.

I'll just have coffee
and a croissant, please.

The maid told me you moved
in next door this morning.

That's right.

Mine was uncomfortable and
the room next to you was available.

You see, the redhead who had it

picked up her
decree this morning,

so she took off to find
some poor guy to marry,

and hate, and blame
her miseries on.

You seem to know a
lot about the redhead.

Well, it gets lonely
around here at night.

So I went down to
the bar after I left you

for a bit of company
and, uh, I found her.

I'll bet she hated that.

I guess I was the exception.

But there is a limit
to what I can take.

So we talked and drank
and drank and talked.

And then I went to bed. Alone.

In case you're interested.

I'm sorry about

our misunderstanding
last night, Mark.

Look, I can understand why
you would think what you did.

Wanna share a papaya?

No, thanks.

You see Fallon, a guy like me

grows up looking a certain way.

Learn to play good
tennis, look good in shorts.

Good legs.

There was a girl, a teenager,

who actually wrote a
poem about my legs once.

I was...

I was embarrassed,
by the truth of it.

Which was?

That lots of ladies are
ready to judge a book

by its deep-tanned cover,

fighting to offer
you their favors.

Which you accept
because it's fun. And easy.

Easy as pie and tennis.

How are things back home
at La Mirage with the tennis?

Oh, no problem.

And no lessons
for a couple of days.

Word's out that the
pro has a pulled muscle.

Boy, I must have really
bored you just now, didn't I?

No, you didn't.

Then I'd like to show
you the decent guy in me.

Because it is there too.

Even though, uh, it
doesn't show that often.

I can't, Mark.

I have an appointment with
my lawyer this afternoon.

I don't know
how long it'll take.

Besides, I'm not really
here for the local color.

Fallon Colby came
here for one reason:

to become Fallon
Carrington again, right?

Right. I wanna get it over with

and get back and
see my son again.

Thanks anyway. I appreciate it.

And that girl was right.

You do have kind of poetic legs.

Darling, time to get up.


You told me.

Heh. I know. I know.

One hour's nap. No more.

Gotta go to work.

Since when do you do
everything that I tell you to do?

Ooh, on and off these
past couple of years.

You know something?

I welcome the chance to get
back to the problems on my desk.

At least I can solve those,
unlike the one with Jeff.


In a matter of months I
seem to have lost two sons.

First Steven and now...


once the doctors find
out what's wrong with Jeff,

he'll go back to being the same
loving person he's always been.

I called the hospital
again a little while ago.

They're no closer to
diagnosing what's wrong with him

than when I
brought him in there.

What did they
say? They're baffled.

They feel it's got to be
something neurological,

but what and why
nobody seems to know.

Dr. Staunch to Emergency Room .


I happened to be
in the neighborhood

and thought I'd stop
by. Okay with you?


So how are they treating you?

Pretty nurses and those ever-
preoccupied-looking doctors?

Oh, they're all right.

They keep taking blood
samples, that's about it.

Still nothing, I assume?

No results?

They don't know what it is yet?


Jeff, the real reason
I'm here is to say that

if I'd only suspected
something was wrong,

I could've taken part of
the workload away from you.

Why didn't you say something?

Did I sign a paper?

Paper? Where?

In my office.

What kind of paper?

Oh, Fallon...

Who needs her? She wanted
to get rid of me anyway.

Yes. You signed a
divorce consent agreement.

It was just like
Blake, wasn't it?

To come in on you
when you're feeling lousy

and twist your arm.

Take advantage of the
fact that you weren't yourself.

Did...? Did I sign
another paper?

With you?

Jeff, you sign a hundred
papers a day with me.

Any particular one
you had in mind?

No, no, I guess not, um...

It's so mixed-up in my head.



Blake's not all of
what you said just now.

He's got the lab.

The lab.

What about the lab?

He's kept the lab open all night

so they could find out
what's wrong with me.

I should think so.

It's the least he
can do for you.

Dr. E. Ling, please
call the operator.

So you see, we really don't know

what it is with
your brother-in-law.

We've eliminated a
dozen things that it can't be,

which leaves us with a
few hundred that it might.

Are you saying that even
the experts in this place

can't always come
up with a diagnosis?

I'm sorry, but yes.

I don't want it set
up for tomorrow,

I want it today.

I don't care how sorry you...

Oh, I see.

Then there's nothing I
can do about it, is there?


I've just come from
the hospital, Mother.

I've got some
information for you.


What kind of information?

Well, it's important.

It's very important.

I'll be there as soon
as I can, so don't leave.


May I come in?

You are in.

And who the hell let you in?

Your secretary.

When I told her who I was,

and I had only a few
minutes to visit with you...

May I sit down for
those few minutes?

I'd rather you didn't,
Dr. Edwards, I'm in a hurry.

Busy with your new
life here in Denver?

Very busy.

Well, you used to keep things

hopping up in
Montana too, didn't you?

Always on the move,

our brilliant young attorney.

Why exactly are you here?

I was on my way to see
my sister in St. Louis.

The plane lays over
for about an hour,

so I thought you
might be happy to see

your grandmother's old doctor.

My grandmother who never
was my grandmother is dead.

I have a father
now and a mother.

And I'm on my way to see
her, so you'll have to excuse me.


maybe Kate wasn't
your grandmother,

but she loved you.

Well, let's just say that out
of respect for her memory,

I wanted to see
that you were still...

Still in good shape.

Well, look around you, doctor.

Look around this
office, at my desk,

the rest of the furniture here.

Do you think I'm
doing all right?

Does all this satisfy your sense
of respect for Kate Torrance?


It's Adam!

What's wrong?

Your being here is wrong.
That should be obvious.

You're not well, boy, are you?

I'm very well.

Those eyes are just
a little too bright again.

And there's that
tautness in you.

Do your parents know
what happened to you?

That a high-school kid

wanted to experiment once
with a few assorted dr*gs?

There's nothing to know.

I saw the promised visions.

It all passed and I got over it.

So you haven't told them.

There was nothing to tell.

Son, I nursed you for months.

I went through the whole
breakdown with you.

I never want to
hear that word again.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

But it's nothing
to forget either.

We don't know what those
dr*gs might have done.

Dr. Edwards, I believe
you have a plane to catch.

Will you please
stop that pacing?

I just want to know what
it takes to convince you

everything is under control
where Jeff is concerned.

Is it? Yes!

I've been to the
hospital, I've seen him,

I can verify the fact
that he suspects nothing.

I've talked to doctors
and lab technicians

and I know they haven't a clue

as to the cause
of his condition.

You know, you know.

Supposing someone starts
to know what you've done?

We've done and are fast undoing.

Tell me, Mother,
why do you insist

on going to the hospital
instead of straight to see Blake?

Because there's
more to this situation

than who wins or loses.

I know that to you,
Jeff is just a pawn.

But to me he's a
fine human being

who was there when I
needed him. When Cecil died,

he was the only one who was...

And now he's in a
great deal of pain.

If he's in pain,
they'll give him a pill.

I am talking about anguish.

The kind of
anguish that you feel

when someone that you
love turns against you.

You mean Fallon.

Yes, Fallon.

She's just like her father.

And he turned against me.

I would have thought,
Adam, that you of all people

would have understood that.

Maybe you've got more
of your father's blood

running through your
veins than I suspected.

Then perhaps I should
go to the hospital with you.

We can arrange a transfusion.

That won't be
necessary, thank you.

I shall go alone.
And don't worry.

I won't let them find out
what's wrong with Jeff,

and I won't leave it
to you, or to chance.

You will make everything right.

Don't I always?

Didn't I, with you,

the once Michael Torrance
and now Adam Carrington?

I didn't know if they'd
let you have visitors,

so I didn't bother to ask. Heh.

Hello, Kirby. How are you?

How am I?

My God, Jeff, how are you?

You're the one we've
all been so worried about.

I'm still here. And I'm
gonna stick around.

Even if they never find out
what's the matter with me.

Well, you know, maybe, just...

Just maybe,

I know what's the
matter with you.

Ah, the good Dr. Anders.

Well, maybe I just
understand it better

than all these doctors here.

Oh. If you wanna about Fallon,

I don't wanna talk about Fallon.

Well, you have to.

Jeff, I know that...

I know you did what you did.

att*cked her.

And I know she's
gone for a divorce.

But I want you to listen to me,

to hear me say what I'd
never have said about her

if I didn't think there
was any chance

of you getting back together.

There is no chance, Kirby,
so don't waste your breath.

It isn't a waste.
It's important.

I like Fallon. I always have.

Ever since we were kids.

I know you loved her. But...

I honestly think that, for you,

she was always a sickness.

She drove you to
do what you did.

Not because she meant to,

but because she just wasn't
the kind of woman who...

Who believed in you

and trusted you
so much that it hurt.

You know that beautiful
hurt when you think:

"My God, I love
this person so much,

"I don't know
what I'd do if he...

If he left me even for a day."

I mean, I...

I know that hurt, Jeff.

I lived it. In Paris.

It almost drove me to su1c1de.


that hurt's finally healed.

And now you need healing.

You need to be with a
woman who loves you.

Really loves you.

Really loves you
with all of her soul.

With everything inside of her.

Someone who's loved you
from the first minute she saw you.

That love growing,

growing more and more.

My love for you.

So if you want me to,

let me be with you
because I want to so much.

So very much.


So much for pouring
out your heart, Kirby.

Joseph, when you see
Kirby, would you tell her

that although it was good to
see Jeannette in the nursery,

I'm sorry I missed her?

And that you enjoyed the visit
with the children nonetheless?

That's right, I did.

Let's talk, shall we?

What do you wanna
talk about, Adam?

I meant what I said
at dinner last night.

You can help Jeff, of whom
you've always been so fond.

By coming to work for Colbyco.

As a translator. I
remember, Adam.

I know how loyal
you are to Fallon.

Oh, you do?

I also know that you can't
be happy as a nursemaid.

Now, she gets back
in a couple of days.

You can talk it over with
her and then you can give me

a oui or a non.

Which is the
extent of my French.

Well, not mine.

I can say anything I choose,

I can be as strong as I want.

Would you like an
answer? I'll give you one.


As in oui?

As in yes.

Without telling Fallon?

I'll tell Fallon the
minute she gets back.

I'll tell her to find
a replacement.

It's time people stopped
pirouetting to her tune,

her selfish Carrington tune.

Oh, Jeff.

Hello, Alexis.

Oh, darling.


How are you?

Oh, um, will you
put those there?

And roses on the nightstand.

There you go.

Thank you, Mrs. Colby.

Thank you.

And this is for you.

It's a gardenia,

like the one that you
brought me all those years ago

the day that I left Denver.

I'll never forget it.


Jeff, I just want you to
know that Fallon's divorce

is not going to change
anything between us.

As far as I'm concerned,

you and I are family,
and we always will be.

As for Adam,

well, I know that you and
he have had your differences.

But you have my assurance

that it's all going
to be behind you.

From now on,

it's going to be you and
I at the helm of Colbyco.

We'll make Cecil's
empire bigger than ever.

And no one is going
to come between us.

Right now, my main concern

is that you get well
and strong again.

Not in this dreadful hospital
where poor Cecil died,

but in one of the most
wonderful spas in the world.

In Switzerland.


You'll be flown there by
private air ambulance tomorrow.

You're so weak.

It'll be so good for you.

Now, I want you to close
your eyes and get some rest.

And think of a wonderful
and beautiful place

far away from here.

And about how much
Alexis loves the man

who was once a little boy,

who brought her a
beautiful gardenia.

Good morning, Ben.

Uh, will you sit over here?

You must be very
anxious about today.

Tell me something, doctor.

If I don't like the
results of what I see,

is the next surgery
on the house?

"On the house."

I'm not quite familiar
with that expression.

Uh, are you, Sister?

He means with no charge.


Well, the answer is no, Ben.

Some ointment, please, ah?

Now, are you ready for a look?

Are you pleased?

My eyes are the
same color anyway.

I just wonder if my loving wife

would be able to
pick me out in a crowd.

Thank you, Dr. Chen,

for giving me a face
I'll be able to live with.

I owe you a lot more
than just money.

Don't be concerned
about that little scar

near your right temple.

It'll fade in no time.

We'll leave you now.

Hello, Hilda.

Oh. Hello, Mrs., ahem, Colby.

I was just visiting the babies
and I realized I was thirsty.

I wondered if you had
any cold champagne.

Well, nothing opened.

Well, that's one of life's
easier problems to remedy,

isn't it, Hilda?

Uh, Rita,

would you, uh, open a bottle
of champagne for Mrs. Colby?

So how have you been, Hilda?

Oh, fine, just fine.


That roast smells divine.

What are you serving with it?

Oh, potatoes, of
course, and, uh, broccoli.

How nostalgic.

And how delicious
I know it will be.

Thank you. Rita, isn't it?

Quiet little thing.
Like a mouse.

I was just passing by
and I heard your voice.

I didn't know I
was giving a party.

I was just telling Hilda, I
came to see the babies.

Have you visited with
Jeff today, Krystle?

Yes, Blake and I
went this morning.

He doesn't look well.

Well, uh, don't worry.

I'm sure he'll be
himself again soon.

I'm going to see to that.

Is something the matter?

Just that you're an incredible
contrast in moods, Alexis.

That sounds almost
profound coming from you.

Last night you were in a
state of hysteria over Jeff.

Now it's party time.

Well, of course, I was upset
last night, and rightly so.

But I was certainly
not hysterical.

Well, it seemed to me
you were out of control.

"Out of control"?

Is that what it means

when I care about a man
who means so much to me?

Who really counted in my life?

Who was there when
I really needed him?

How you do protest.

What did I do, Alexis?

Touch a nerve?

Blake, tell me, why'd
you ask me here?

I wanted to talk about Alexis.

You mean my new and
rather formidable boss.

Of course, you know
the climate between us.

You were in Cecil's
office that day.

You read the will.

Cecil's act of
vengeance against me.

The Logan Rhinewood thing.

"Thing." You could
put it that way.

Let me put it this way:

I am sure that Cecil cooked
up that thing with Alexis.

Well, she says not.

Ah, she could swear that
on a stack of a hundred Bibles

and I wouldn't believe her.

Just as right now, I
don't trust her with Jeff.

Meaning exactly what, Blake?

Well, he's sick. Nobody
knows what's wrong with him.

But in this present
condition, and knowing Alexis,

I can see her plotting to make
whatever's wrong with him

work to her advantage.

Now, this is a warning, Gerald.

A friendly warning to someone
closely connected with Colbyco.

Now I'm not going to
ask you to spy on her

and report back to me.

Obviously I can't do that.
You work for the woman.

But I am suggesting...

In a "friendly fashion."

In a very friendly fashion.

As two old friends,
both of whom love Jeff,

I'm suggesting that if you see
anything like that developing,

that you step in and
you warn my ex-wife.

You tell her, "Hands off."

And remind her that

is a big company, and powerful.

And if she...

If she does anything
to hurt Jeff, anything,

that there's going to be
w*r between her and me.

All-out w*r. No holds barred.

I'll see to it that Colbyco
goes down the drain if I have to,

if she even thinks
of hurting that boy.

There's the evening star.

Make a wish and tell it.

Uh-uh. That isn't fair.

I'll tell you mine.

I wish there were other
women in the world like you,

who could spend the day with
me, just talking and listening.

Nobody'd believe we
didn't go to bed together.

You bet they wouldn't.


What is?

My mother.

What do you mean?

Oh, I was just thinking about
how she brought us together.

I mean, when she
went to New York,

it was to bring you back to
Denver to lure Krystle away.

That didn't work.

But still, somehow
she got us to meet,

to know one another,
like one another.

Fallon, I'd like to kiss you.

Mark, don't spoil it.


Shh. I'm gonna make my wish.

Why don't we go for
a walk on the beach?

And then I'll see
you to your door.

Ha-ha. All right.

Alexis, I've had a
very long, hard day,

and I've just come
from a tough meeting.

Now, whatever it is, I
am not in the mood for it.

I couldn't care less
about your mood, Blake.

I'm here on business.

My business.

Here's a photocopy of a
document that I've got in my safe.

What the devil
is this all about?

Exactly what it reads.

Jeff has assigned voting
control of his shares in Colbyco,

plus his son's shares in
Denver-Carrington to me.

And this was signed yesterday.

That's right.

And yesterday Jeff was
a very sick young man,

not in his right
mind. He still isn't.

Oh, really?

Because anyone who turns against
Blake Carrington must be insane.

Oh, I'm sorry, darling,

but some good things
do come to pass.

A chunk of this,
a chunk of that,

a chunk of one's good fortune.

Plus power.

Now, I don't know how you
maneuvered this, Alexis, but...

Maneuvered? Me?

If you think I'm
going to hold still

while Jeff turns his son's
birthright over to you,

then you're the
one who's insane.

Be careful, Blake.

And begin to talk to
me a little more civilly.

You see, your grandson's
share of Denver-Carrington,

plus the shares that Cecil
worked so hard to amass,

are now worth more than
percent of your company.

Which means that you
are now working for me.

I'll see you in hell
before that happens.

Oh, well, that's the future.

Let's continue talking
about the present.

In a few days I intend
to call a meeting

of both Colbyco and

for SEC notification...


For SEC notification of a
merger of the two companies.

With guess who at the helm.

I'll give you a clue.

She's female. Very.

She's, uh, quite beautiful,

or so she's been told.

Even by you.

And she's smart.

Perhaps even brilliant.


Oh, yes, doctor.

And what do they show?

Evidence of what?

I see.


Thank you very much.

What was all that about?

The laboratory people have found

evidence of a neurotoxin
in Jeff's system.


My God.

How could he have
ever come in contact

with a poisonous chemical?

And where?
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