03x17 - Battle Lines

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x17 - Battle Lines

Post by bunniefuu »


Andrew. Where the devil are you?

I'm here in Denver
at the airport.

I just got off the
redeye from New York.

Now, look, Blake,

you were so upset last
night when you called me.

All I got was that Alexis

is trying to take over

What she really wants
to do is destroy me,

and she's got enough amm*nit*on
to make a damn good try.

What kind of amm*nit*on?

What exactly is going on?

Well, I'll tell you all
about it when I see you.

Uh, get down to the office
just as soon as you can,

will you, Andrew?

Good to have you
back, old friend.

Good morning, Danny.

Well, I was hoping
to have a chance

to kiss a certain blond lady
and a little fellow goodbye

before I go down to do battle.

With Alexis?

Yes, with Alexis.

It infuriates me every time

I think of what she's
trying to do to you.

Don't worry about it,
darling, I'll handle her.

Blake, I keep
getting this feeling

that there's a lot more
behind all this than we know.

Is it just a feeling,

or something specific?

Well, it's just that Alexis

has had this total
mood turnaround.

I mean, when she first heard
about Jeff at the hospital,

she was practically hysterical.

And then I found her the
next day in the kitchen,

drinking champagne as
though she were celebrating.

Yeah, celebrating in advance.

That was just before
she barged into my office

and sprang that surprise about
her plans for Denver-Carrington.

I guess what I'm really feeling

is that she somehow took
advantage of Jeff being so sick

to get him to sign those papers.

Go on, darling, go on. Say it.

She's a cobra.

But there's more than
one way to defang a cobra.

Isn't that right, Danny?


And then she had the gall

to tell me to watch
my tone of voice,

because now that she
controlled Jeff's voting rights,

I was her employee.
I work for her.

I keep wondering what she wants

with control of

now that she's got it.

Oh, come on, you
know what she wants.

What she's always wanted.

My head on a silver
tray for openers.

I can see her making you squirm,

jump through the
hoops for a while,

but to actually boot you
out and run things herself,

heh-heh-heh, that's
not Alexis' style.

It's too much like work.

Well, meet the new Alexis.

In a few days she's going
to call a board meeting

of both Colbyco and

to lay out a plan for merger,

and to announce that she's
going to take over both companies

and run them herself.

Do you know that's
what she's planning?

How did you find that out?

Because she told me, as
both a threat and a promise.

We've got to figure out
some way to stop her.

That is not gonna be easy.

Since when is
anything in life easy?

To start with, I want
you to get a judge

to issue an injunction
preventing the takeover.

Any particular grounds?


When Jeff signed over
his son's shares to Alexis,

he wasn't in total
control mentally.

Blake, I don't
think that's feasible.

A judge, any judge, is
going to demand proof.

He'll want psychiatric


Jeff's doctor told me it was
some kind of chemical poisoning.

It was something that
att*cked his nervous system

and affected his judgment.

It's just not enough.
It's too intangible.


They haven't been able to
nail down exactly what it was.

Not yet, anyway.

Then there's no proof, Blake,

and I don't think a
judge is gonna buy it.

Damn it, I don't
want to hear that.

I don't want arguments
from you, Andrew.

That's not what I'm pay you for.

I want action.

And I want it fast.

And I expect your pilot
to be ready to take off

the minute that Mr. Colby
and I get to the airport,

which should be
a little before : .

Yes, that's right.

I shall be
accompanying Mr. Colby

to Switzerland tonight.

No. No, I'll be
returning to Denver later

on a regular flight. Thank you.


What is it, Adam?

I thought that your plan

was to ship Jeff off
to some spa in Europe

so that we wouldn't have to
worry about an investigation.

What's all this about
you going with him?

Of course I'm going with him.

You don't expect me
to let him travel alone

after what you
did to him, do you?

Why not?

That was an ambulance
plane you chartered.

There's going to be a nurse
onboard to hold his hand.

And you happen to have much
more pressing business right here.

Something about our taking
over Denver-Carrington, if I recall.

You know, I really don't care
to be criticized by you, Adam.

Everything's under control here.

The minute I start
home from Switzerland,

the Denver-Carrington
board members and Blake

are going to be called for an
emergency meeting the next day.

And just when were you
thinking of coming back?

Soon. A few days.

Definitely within a week.

That is all so ridiculous
and unnecessary.

You're giving Blake
a week's reprieve.

Time, Mother, to regroup,
marshal his forces,

maybe even mount
a counterattack.

Adam, I am going with Jeff.

It's the least I can do

in the light of what
you've done to him.

And would you please spare
me the military metaphors.

Wasn't it enough for you
to play Cesare Borgia?

Must you play Napoleon too?

Whatever I did,
Mother, I did for you.

And frankly, I can't
help wondering

if you're really going out of
selfless concern for poor Jeff.

And what exactly does that mean?

I've seen the way
you look at him.

Could it be there's
a bit of a yen there?

A permissible yen, now
that Fallon's divorcing him.

Let's get one thing
totally straight, Adam.

What you did, you
did on your own.

And I will try to protect you
because you are my son.

But you are never
again to do anything

without my express
permission. Is that understood?

And now I'm ready
to hear an apology

for that filthy remark
that you made

about my feelings toward Jeff.

I don't know what got into me.

Of course I apologize, Mother.

It was an unforgivable
thing to say.

Yes, it was.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to throw a few
cosmetics into a bag.

Mrs. Colby, is there
something I can do for you?

Yes. You can get Mr. Colby
ready for travel soon as possible.

Travel? But I don't have
any orders to release him.

Well, you have now.

Shall we get on with it?

Is Dr. Robinson still
with Mr. Carrington?

Well, let me speak
to him. This is urgent.

You're going to love
it in the Alps, Jeff.

The air is so marvelously pure.

And the spa itself is
absolutely wonderful.

I spent a week
there once, myself.

The food is sinfully good,

and the service is flawless.

Just like their
clocks: Perfection.

Switzerland, huh?

Yes, Switzerland.

And you don't even
have to get dressed.

All you have to do is put on
your robe and your slippers,

and we'll be off.

All right, Alexis,
what is this nonsense

about taking Jeff
to the airport?

Nothing to concern
yourself with, Blake.

I'm taking care of Jeff now.

I can't believe this.
That boy collapsed.

He's been exposed
to a toxic chemical

that still isn't out
of his system,

and you want to haul him
off to God only knows where.

To a wonderful spa near Gstaad

with a superb medical staff,

and he'll get better
there a lot faster

than in this dreary hole.

Mrs. Colby, your
son-in-law is my patient

and I won't allow him to leave,
especially not to fly to Europe.

Doctor, you don't understand.

I've gone to the great expense

of chartering a
private plane so...

I'm sorry. I know you mean
well, but it's very ill-advised.

It's absolutely out
of the question.

Well, I'm sorry, doctor,
but I think I know best

for my so... What do
you think you're doing?

Will you leave me alone?

Take your hands off me,
Blake. I said, take them off!

Listen to me. I brought
him into this hospital.

I will not allow you to
move him out of here.

Do you understand that?

Oh, God, how I ache
to see you strangle

on your own bloody arrogance.

But it's coming, Blake.

That glorious day is coming
when I finally bring you down.

That's fine. But for now,

I'm gonna have a guard
posted on that door

with instructions that
he's not to be bothered,

or not to be
moved. Is that clear?

No, thank you.

What is it, Blake?

Is it that phone call
from Dr. Robinson?

Is that what's bothering you?

Frankly, yes, it is.

Here we have Jeff coming home
from the hospital this morning

and we still don't know exactly
what caused the problem.

It could happen again.

Blake, good morning.

Andrew, good to see you. Ha-ha.

Always good to see you, Krystle.

Oh, we thought we'd
lost you to New York.

Ha-ha. I thought so too.

Would you like some coffee?

I'd love it, thanks.
Okay, sit down.

Well, how'd we make out?


getting a civil suit
on a court calendar

can take more than a year.

It felt that long
to me last night

just trying to get a judge
who would even listen to me.


I tried, Blake.

Every source I have.

I'm sorry.

I don't think there's a
judge in all of Colorado

would grant an injunction
against Alexis and Colbyco,

not without specific proof

that Jeff Colby wasn't
in total control mentally

when he signed over his proxies.

Or unless Jeff sues to
revoke what he signed,

thereby admitting he
wasn't in total control.

No, no, no, no. I can't
put Jeff through that.

No, I stopped Alexis from
taking Jeff out of the country.

I'll find a way
to deal with her.


I think the answer
is to stall her,

to play for time.

To keep her from
using her new power

until we can get back our own.

I want you to contact every
member of our board of directors

and convince, eh, at least
six of them to get out of town

so she can't go ahead
with that board meeting.

How about that?

All right.

All right, my friend.

You've got your
work cut out for you.

Welcome home, Mr. Jeffrey.

Thank you, Joseph.
It's good to be here.

Oh, Jeff, it's wonderful
to have you home again.

Mm. Thank you.

It is home, Jeff,

for as long as
you want it to be.

Thank you, Blake,
I appreciate that.

It's just that I'm seeing this
place and all of you clearly

for the first time in months.

Well, so much for
my patient's return.

Now I want you upstairs
and into your bed.

And I want you to stay there

for at least the
next couple of days.

Come on, doctor, I've been
lying flat on my back in a hospital

for what seems like
forever. Give me a break.

No breaks.

You still need a lot of rest
for a complete recovery.

Now, you do what
the doctor tells you.

Joseph, would help me
take Jeff upstairs, please?

Dr. Robinson, have you
got a few minutes for me?

Of course.

I still can't believe what
you told me on the telephone.

Sit down, won't you, doctor?

Thank you.

Do you mean that the
hospital lab is giving up

on identifying whatever
it was that poisoned Jeff?

Are you aware that
the government lists

over different
neurotoxic chemicals

used in various industries?

If it's a question of money...

The important question
is Jeff's recovery.

That's being accomplished.

As to isolating the chemical,

I'm sorry, we've
tried and we've failed.

Well, damn it, I
can't accept that.

I don't want the same
thing to happen to that boy

all over again.

And there's something else.
The future of my corporation.

It could depend on
getting that information.

Look, there's no way
that I can let the lab

do what amounts
to detective work.

All right then, I'll
hire a private lab.

Look, Mr. Carrington,

Jeff could have contacted
this stuff in an oil field,

in a refinery, in a mine.

More than that, he could have
been exposed months ago,


How much longer?

Take your pick.

This ought to
brighten your room.

Aw, thanks, Krystle.
Thanks for everything.

You have been sensational.


terrific maybe,
but not sensational.


I regret not getting
you back to Dr. Winfield

before you collapsed.

But at least Blake was
there when it happened

and got you to the hospital.

He was there, wasn't he?

I barely remember.

Well, he's been very
worried about you.

We all have,

but especially Blake.

I know you two
had words together,

but... Well, he
loves you very much.

That's good to hear.

You know what bothers me?

It's that I did so
many terrible things

to so many people

and I can't ev...

Can't even remember a
lot of the things I've done.

Well, why should you remember?

It wasn't really you
doing those things.


Was I that crazy?

Did I turn on you too, Krystle?

No, you didn't.


You may have been
the only one I didn't.

Have you heard from Fallon?
When she's getting back from Haiti?

Uh, not for sure.
I think tomorrow.


Well, I'd better look
for another place to live.

I'm... I'm not really a
part of the family now.

The hell you're not.

Don't you remember
what I said to you before?

You're home, for as long as
you want this to be your home.

Now, your son is in the
nursery down the hall,

and his father is always
going to be a part of this family.

I want you to know that.

But after tomorrow I'm not going
to be married to Fallon anymore.

And she's not going to
feel right having me around.

You know she won't, Blake.

Well, we'll talk
about you moving out

when you're completely well.

Your health comes first,

the discussion is ended.

Well, I'll both let
you in on something.

I really wasn't that anxious
to go apartment hunting

this afternoon.

Jeff, if you're feeling
strong enough,

there is something
that I must know.

Well, I'm fine.

My memory's a little screwed up,

especially the last few days

before I wound
up in the hospital.

Now, did Alexis pressure
you, coerce you in any way

to sign anything, like a...?

Like a legal document?


No, I don't think so.

I remember I went
back to my office

after you and I had that
argument over Fallon,

and Adam was there,

and he had me sign
some kind of paper.

And then Alexis came in and
she and Adam left together.

That paper I signed.

It was something to do

with little Blake's shares
in Denver-Carrington.

Blake, What did I do?

Now, it's nothing
that can't be undone.

Nothing for you to be
concerned about, Jeff.

But if I gave Alexis the
rights to those shares...

Is that what I did?
Now, listen, i-it's all right.

It's nothing. No, but if...

Jeff. Forget it. I'll take
care of everything.

I promise you that.

Just get some rest.

We'll see you in a little while.

Would you like another one? Hm?

Look at that.

There you go. Yeah.

How about this, Little Blake?

Thank you, thank you very much.

Would you like to go
visit your father? Hm?

Oh, well, look who's here.


I thought you were
supposed to be in bed.

Ah, I thought I'd get
a look at this little guy.

It's been a while. Yeah.


Can I at least give him a kiss?

Of course. Hi.

He looks great.

So do you.

Well, I'm not so
sure about that.

But you know, the way you
look, holding my little boy,

someday you're gonna make
some man a wonderful wife.


Yes? Come in.

Andrew. I don't
have to tell you,

I've been climbing the walls
waiting to hear from you.

I'm sorry to have hung you
up all day like this, Blake,

but I was waiting
for the last answer.

It's been a rough day.

What happened?

Well, the first few
members of the board

couldn't help us at all.

They all have
commitments here in Denver,

and it's just impossible
for them at this time.

Then five members of the
board went along with us.

I needed one more.

So I went to Sam Dexter.

And you know, he is not
the easiest man to deal with.

But I reminded him.

I said, "Sam, you owe Blake one.

In fact, quite a few."

He just looked at me.
Then he walked away.

I said "Sam!"

Then what did he do?

He gave me a lot of flak.

But he finally came around
and swung the balance.

Very good.

All right, we've got
what we wanted.

Exactly what we need.

Yes, but we can only
stall Alexis for one week,

starting tomorrow.

All right.

Well done, Andrew.
Very well done.

I think you deserve a drink.

I think so too.

Tomorrow, huh? I can't wait.

Why? What's tomorrow?

That's when Alexis finds
out what it's really like

to play in the big leagues.

Jeff, are you awake?

Why did you have to fall
asleep that day in the hospital

before I got the courage
to tell you how I felt?

And what you said today

about how I looked,
holding your son,

I almost died.

I don't want to make
somebody a wonderful wife,

not if it can't be you.

I love you

and I want you.

I always have,

ever since I can remember.

Don't leave.


It looks like nobody's up yet.

I forgot to set my watch
back to Colorado time.

It's just a.m.

Oh. Well, thank you very much

for the lift back
from the airport.

In fact, I guess I have a
lot more to thank you for.

Don't mention it.

I mean, following you to
Haiti, lying around in the sun,

sipping exotic drinks
with a beautiful woman,

that's really sacrificing
a lot for friendship.

Don't kid around about it, Mark.

You saw me through a bad time.

The first time in my life,

I met a man who's a real friend.

What you did was
very important to me.

Three days and nights alone
with you in a tropical paradise

and I never made a pass.

I must be sick.

Just so you understand
that it was only temporary.

I mean, I admire
your beautiful mind,

but that doesn't mean I have
no designs on your beautiful


Because I do.

Well, I have to admit

I'm not exactly turned
off by you, either.

I'll see you at
the hotel, later.

Ugh. Come on. Come on, baby.


Oh, hi, Fallon. Hi, Kirby.

I thought it was Krystle, you
know, bringing back Danny.

How are you?

I didn't expect
you till much later.

Well, I took my
earliest flight back.

I wanted to be
with my little fellow.

Oh. I think I'm being told off
for going away and leaving him.

Huh? Oh, no, he's
just, you know...

He's been teething
and everything.

He hasn't forgotten you.

I-I-I reminded him of you
over and over, I really did.

His temporarily forgetting
me is no big deal.

Is something wrong?

No, I just think you, you know,

should spend some
time with him alone.

I'll leave so I
don't distract him.

Here. Hey.

You look tired.

Didn't you sleep
well last night?

Oh, I-I slept very well, Papa.

I was coming up to tell
you Adam Carrington

is waiting to see
you in the solarium.


All right, thank you.

I know your French is fluent,

but this is a
French-English dictionary

that specializes in
the technical terms

used in the oil business.

Oh, yes.

A lot of this is new to me,
but I won't be needing it.

Joseph said that Fallon's back.

She didn't try to talk you
out of giving notice, did she?

No, no. She didn't try
and talk me out of anything,

because I didn't give it.

I've changed my mind
about leaving here.

About leaving here or
about working with me?

Why the change of heart?

It's my heart, Adam, all right?



I have to be in Colorado
Springs the day after tomorrow

to discuss the oil
leases in the China Sea.

Now, I promised I'd
bring my translator along,

because I'm not real good in
either Vietnamese or French.

Adam, can't you hire someone
else who speaks French?

Sure I can, but I can't trust a
stranger hired from an agency.

And it won't take that
much of your time.

We can drive to the Springs
and back the same night.

If you help me out this
once, I'll have time later on

to find the right
person for the job.

I feel badly about backing
out on such short notice...

Then don't.


All right. I'll go.

I'll do my homework
before we leave.

Thank you.

You can't know how
important this is for me.

Blake, how did
Fallon take the news

about Jeff signing over
the baby's stock to Alexis?

I haven't told her yet.

You don't think she
has the right to know?

Yes, but Jeff was the
trustee for those shares,

so there's really nothing
she can do about it.

But I'm handling the situation,

so don't you worry your
pretty head about it, eh?

Well, I'll try, but you don't
have exclusive worrying rights

in this family.

Bye. Bye.

Welcome back, Fallon.

Thank you.

I'll have some tea, Elizabeth.

Well, you must be tired. Did
you get any rest on the plane?

I'm not really very tired.

I didn't sleep, but I've been
going on adrenaline mostly,

I guess.

Yeah, well, I
remember how I felt

when I got what I thought
was my divorce from Mark.

I was ready to
take on the world.

A little sadder,
but a lot wiser.

Boy, was I kidding myself.

Not so much the
wiser after all, huh?

Well, I... I shied away
from any involvements

until I met Matthew Blaisdel.

But it was still too soon.

Are you trying to tell
me something, Krystle?

Only that I want you
to be happy, Fallon.

You've got to
give yourself time.

Don't rush blindly
into a new relationship.

Well, there, I've said it.

That's what stepmothers
are around for, right?

Bye-bye. Mark.

Hello, Alexis.

Well, I just came by to see
if Fallon was back from Haiti.

How have you been?

Fine. Sitting up and
taking nourishment,

as they say.

Oh. Good.

You know, I have a feeling
that I have a few fences to mend.

Shall we have a drink?

No, thanks, not right now.

You know, I'm, uh, really sorry

that I haven't been in
touch in the past few days,

but I have had the weight
of the world on my shoulders.

Will you forgive me
for neglecting you?

Oh, no forgiveness necessary.

I can understand you
have more important things

on your schedule.

Oh, Mark, you're a very
important item on my schedule.

And now that things
are finally back to normal,

I can make up for
recent omissions.

So when can we have dinner?

Excuse me, Mrs. Colby. Mark,
Mrs. Henderson rang down

and asked when she can get
back to her lesson schedule

now that you're back.

Thanks I'll call her.

Back from where?

Just back.


Well, you've certainly got
yourself quite a good suntan

from wherever it was.

The weather's
been dreadful here.

Alexis, I'm a tennis
pro. I was born tan.

Listen, you'll have
to excuse me.

I'm late for a lesson.
I'll talk to you later.

Well, aren't we
suddenly circumspect.


I trust he'll study these
proposals carefully

and get back to me
no later than Friday.

Yours truly, Adam Carrington.

Oh, and make me
some reservations

for the conference day after
tomorrow in Colorado Springs.

The China Sea oil lease talks?

Mm-hm. There'll be two of us.

Myself and...

What's the matter, Adam?

Don't you have your
own secretary and office?

Well, since your
office was repainted,

I've decided I like
the air in here better.

Alice had to leave
early tonight, Mother.

David was available.
Thank you, David. That's it.

Here, you may want
to have these bronzed.

What are they?

Copies of the telegrams
Gerald Wilson sent this morning,

summoning all the
Denver-Carrington board members,

including Father, to a
meeting here tomorrow.

Twenty-four hours
from now, Mother,

you'll have replaced Blake
as chairman of the board

and chief operating officer
of Denver-Carrington,

and there's nothing
he can do to stop it.

I thought you'd be
exhilarated by this.

What's the matter?

Nothing. It's, um...

It's something personal.


And monumentally unimportant.

You're right.

It is exhilarating to
finally have Blake

just where we want him.

Excuse me, Mrs. Colby.

Gerald Wilson left this
for you on his way out.

Oh, thank you,
David. That'll be all.

I won't need you
anymore tonight.

Good night.

What is it, Mother?

"No Denver-Carrington
board meeting tomorrow.

"Telegrams undeliverable
to six members,

"all out of city and

"for an indeterminate period,

thus unable to make a quorum."

Damn it!

Six unavailable?

That's incredible.

Whatever it is,
it's no coincidence.

It's manipulation.

And I will not be
out-manipulated by anybody,

especially not by him.


Of course. Those
men are all his friends.

Well, let him scheme and squirm.

It won't do him one bit of good.

I want all those
men found, Adam.

All of them.

By tomorrow.

All right.


Bye. Bye-bye.




Yes. What's the matter?

Sammy Jo on the
phone from New York.

She signed the adoption
papers this morning.

She put them in the mail.

We'll... We'll get them
in a couple of days.

Oh, is that all?

I thought it was
something really important.

Oh. Just think,

it's only a matter of weeks
now, instead of months.

My divorce will be final

and we can quietly
get remarried and...

And the adoption
will be official.

And Steven's son
will be our son.

Oh, I... I think we
ought to celebrate.

Oh, I agree.

Do you want me to
finish shaving first?

You silly.

Not for what I have in mind.



Should you be down here?

It's a solarium.

Sounds health-inducing.

Besides, I was getting
cabin fever in my room.

I kept waiting all day
yesterday for the door to open

and Kirby be there.

Why have you stayed away?

No reason really.

Just being a good nurse
and helping a sick man heal?

Of course not.

I meant everything I said.

I love you, I want
to be with you, but...

But what?

Well, that doesn't obligate you

to feel and say the same things.

I needed you

and you were there.

Will you be going back
to where you came from

after you leave us?

I haven't made up my mind yet.

Probably not, though.

Why not?

Because of your new face?


I'm getting used to it, I
guess other people could too.

Ben, if there's something
in your former life

you don't want to confront,

perhaps you should use
your remaining time here

to think things over.

I don't get what you're
saying to me, doctor.

Nothing. Nothing specific.

We Asians are philosophers.

We love to examine
life over and over again.

I get the feeling

that it's my life you
want to examine.

Well, then I was
rude and I apologize.

I must make my rounds again.

Well, don't you have
time to finish this game?

It's finished.


and mate.

This is Dr. Chen.
Oh thank you, Sister.

Dr. Chen, I'm Dan Cassidy.

Oh, how do you do, Mr. Cassidy?

You've had a
long trip from Bali.

I hope it will not be useless.


The man you phoned me
about hasn't left, has he?

Oh, no, he's here.

Asleep now.

I gave him a mild sedative.

But, uh, why do you think
my trip might be useless?

He gave you the name
Ben Reynolds, right?

Well, I had a Ben Reynolds
on that oil rig when it blew.

He says that's his
name, but I'm doubtful.

L... Doctor, look,
the rest of it fits.

He was picked up on wreckage
by a freighter in the Java Sea

and his injuries are
the kind you'd expect

from a survivor
of a big expl*si*n.

I know. Isn't that true?

But when he was
brought here to us,

he was wearing a belt
buckle with the initial C on it.

Well, uh...


I want to take a look at him.

You must understand.

I had to do extensive
repairs on his face

without photographs.

You may not be able
to recognize him now.


Well, Mr. Cassidy?


Good afternoon.


Oh, Mr. Carrington. Mrs.
Colby is here to see you.

I'm sorry, but she just
wouldn't take no for an answer.

Did she say what she wants?


I think I can make
a pretty good guess.

Did you receive a
telegram summoning you

to a Denver-Carrington
board meeting this afternoon?

Uh, come to think
of it, yes, I did.

And are you aware that
six members of that board

have mysteriously
vanished from the city

so that we can't make a quorum?

Are you?

I've heard rumors
to that effect, yes.

You arranged this, didn't you?

You're in collusion with
your allies on the board

to thwart me, to prevent
me from merging Colbyco

with your company.

Will you answer me, Blake?

You're in a high-stakes
game, Alexis.

A game that's played for
only one reason: To win.

I have no intention
of losing to you.

Well, I'm going to find them.

So help me, I'm
going to find those men

and I'm going to
bring them back here

under armed guard if necessary.

Don't try.

I've got weapons
to use against you

that I haven't even
unwrapped yet.

Excuse me, Mr. Carrington.

There's a call from
Singapore. It's Dan Cassidy.



Yes, Dan?

A survivor's been
located, Mr. Carrington.

Uh, the man insists
he's Ben Reynolds

but, uh, something
keeps nagging at me.

T-there's something wrong.

Wrong? What do you mean?

Well, I have reason to think
the man could be your son.



Oh, God.

Please, let it be true.
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