02x04 - Fallon's Father

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x04 - Fallon's Father

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)


I was hoping that you wouldn't
catch me with the flowers.

I was just watching you swim.

You've certainly kept
yourself in terrific shape.

Thank you.


There's a chill in
the air this morning.

Don't you feel it?

No, no, no. I feel fine.

I... I, had, uh, Tony cut
these for me for a still life

that I'm planning to paint.

No need to apologize.

No need to lie either, Alexis.

Lie? Tony has the day off.

Paul is handling the gardens.

Oh, Blake.

In the good times,

and there were a
lot of good times,

you used to forgive me my fibs.

I mean, my little fibs.

Do you remember our
honeymoon in Corfu?


Oh, Blake, of course, you do.

Okay. You won a big round.

But knowing you, Alexis,

you want the whole
winner's purse.

Now what is it?

It's Steven.

I want you to make
up with him, Blake.


Well, for one thing,
he's your only child.

And for another...

All right, now
stop it right here.

I'm not gonna
stand here and listen

to that damned lie about Fallon.

She's not your daughter, Blake.

She is my daughter.

You still choose
to believe that.

To deny yourself the truth.

But if you remembered Corfu,

then you must
remember that night,

in the studio,
when I told you...

When you thought you
had a w*apon to hit me with,

because I told you to
get out, and stay out.

And what better w*apon
than the daughter that I love

more than my own life?

And you think I'm
out of weapons now.

I know it. And you know it.

Do I?


So why don't you take
my offer for that studio,

and pack up again
and get out and stay out.

( upbeat theme playing)

You. Come on. It's Saturday.

Up and let's go.

Go? Where?


What house?

Well, the one you
promised we'd look for today.

Our house.

How can you look so
bright-eyed with a hangover?

Well, maybe because
I don't have one.

You obviously do.

And should. You
drank that whole bottle.

Vintage ' .

Oh, I feel .

Well you still only look .

Come on, let's go.

Jeff, I didn't promise anything.

You must be talking
about some other wife.


Well, I only have one.

She's the one I want.

Sorry I can't be more
poetic the morning after.

You mean the
dawn's early light after.


You know, we've got
quite a few places to look at.

There's that, uh, English
whatever, in Brisas.


Do you know how hot
that place gets in summer?

Who needs hell?

Well, then, uh, how about
that townhouse on East th?

Oh, I hate that neighborhood.

Jeff, it's so dreary.

You'll brighten it.

You know what goes with dreary?

Roaches. Big ones.

All right.

We've got a list
of eight others.

( sentimental theme playing)

We're gonna start a family.

A family needs its
own house. It needs a...

(phone rings)


Yeah, yeah, hi. Sure.



STEVEN: Morning, Fallon.

Did I wake you?

No. No. It's okay.

Listen, I was out
jogging this morning,

and, uh, I just kept
thinking about you.

I wonder if you could stop by
the apartment sometime today.

I'd really like to talk.

Of course I would. I want to.

I'll be home all day. I
mean, there's no rush.




What's up?

Steven wants to
talk to me, right away.

FALLON: I don't get it.

The last time I
saw you in court,

you practically
tore my head off.

Where did this great
change of heart come from?

Let's just say I
thought about it,

and I've got no
right to tell you

how to feel about our mother.

You were pretty
heavy on her side.

What happened?

You're my sister,
that's what happened.

And I don't like how it
is between you and me.

So, what do you
say we call a truce?


Well, don't just stand there,
do something. Brotherly.

(giggles) How's that?


Oh, Steven, I've missed you.

Daddy misses you too.

Why don't you make
up with him too?

Look, just one time
put yourself in his place.

You're a father.

You walk into your son's room,

you see him standing there
practically kissing another man.

That's not what was happening.

Okay, okay.

But how did you expect
him to react to what he saw?

Be honest.

How would you react
if it was your son?

You know he loves
you, give him a chance.

Fallon, I-I don't know if I can.

You've got to.


Maybe we were
short-changed with our mother,

but we struck it
rich with Blake.

And I don't mean the money.

We've got the most
wonderful father, Steven,

won't you please try for me.

Let's talk about you
and me for a minute.

No matter what anyone
ever says, Fallon,

or what you may hear,

Fallon, I am your brother.

And we still have each
other and we always will.

All right?

Are you trying to
tell me something?

Just about what I said.

About us.

You didn't call me over
here just to make up.

There's something else.

What are you hiding?

Is there something
I should know?

Is it about Blake?

No, it's not about Blake.

Look, I just want you
to know I love you.

And that you've always got me.

That's all.



Morning. Morning.



Are you all right?

No, not totally.

So move over.

What's your problem?

Earth-shattering. What's yours?

Well, trying to find a
house that'll please my wife.

Find a house?

Would you like some
coffee, Mrs. Carrington?

Uh, no, thank you, Jeanette.

I would like a glass
of milk, though.

Of course.


I hope that you
and Fallon aren't

feeling pressured about
buying a house because of me.

Why you, Krystle?

Well, I mean the baby. I mean,

there's certainly plenty
of time before it happens,

and Lord knows, we have
many rooms in this house.

I didn't know you were pregnant.

Well, we haven't made
a formal announcement,

but I told Fallon days ago.
I assumed she told you.

No, no. She didn't.

Good morning, darling.

Congratulations, Blake.

Krystle just told
me about the baby.

I think it's wonderful.

Oh, thank you. It is wonderful.

I'd have done this sooner,
but you know how it is.

Sons-in-laws are
always the last to know.

Well, I've got
some things to do.

See you both later. Right.

Good morning, Mr. Carrington.

Good morning, Jeanette.

Thank you, Jeanette.



Something the matter?

Well, as long as you asked.

I wanted to take some flowers

up to Claudia's room.

So I went down to
the garden to ask Paul

to cut some roses for me.

Only Alexis had
gotten there first

and taken them.

That's what's the matter.

Well, don't let her get to you.

She'll be out of
both our ways. Soon.

I hope so.

Good morning, Mr. Carrington.

Joseph. Los Angeles calling.

Oh, thank you.

Hello? Oh, yes, Tom.

Now wait a minute.
Say that again.

No, no, no, don't do anything

until you hear from me.



Get the car.

I'm going to be
driving to the airport.

I'll tell Alfred. Bad news?

A little business thing
that I have to attend to.

Look, order a dozen...

No, order a couple of
dozen roses from Jurgen's.

And forget about Alexis.

She's not important.


Yes, Mrs. Carrington?

Who is mistress of this house?

Why, you are, ma'am.

Thank you, Jeanette.

Cecil Colby, please.

Oh, I see, um...

When is he expected?

No, no, no, that's all right.

Um, no message.
I'll call back later.

(knock on door)

It's open.

Krystle, what an
unexpected pleasure.

I have a guest in
my house who's ill.

So I thought I'd put
some roses in her room.

Only I found out that
you ordered my gardener

to cut the last of them for you.

Well, the... The petals
are so delicate. I...

I thought they'd make
rather a good painting,

don't you think?

What I think, is that you're
never to do that again.

It's not just the roses.

The point is you're
not a house guest

or any other kind
of a guest here.

Oh, I know, you hold
the deed to this studio.

But that's the limit
of your premises.

If you need flowers
to paint, buy them.

You're right,
Krystle, of course.

They're yours.

And suddenly I feel
absolutely ridiculous.

Here I am looking for
something beautiful to paint

and there you are,
my next door neighbor,

more lovely than any flower.

I'm not looking for phony
compliments, Alexis.

Krystle, I'd love to
do a portrait of you.

It would only take
a couple of hours.

Would you sit for me?

No, I wouldn't.

We could give it to Blake as
a joint present for his birthday.

Can't you imagine his
face when he unwraps it?

I don't think I've ever met
anyone with your nerve.

You're incredible.

( ominous theme playing)


Can I give you a lift, Cecil?

Thanks very much,
but my car is here.

How was Los Angeles?

Exceptionally pleasant
for this time of year.

Good. It was a little less
than pleasant here at my trial.

But with certain old
friends, who needs enemies?

Alexis. I read her
testimony in the papers.

I also saw her photograph.

She's still very
beautiful, isn't she?


And obviously still
just as headstrong.

Well, the trial is over.

I can live with her duplicity.

It's the duplicity
of a good friend

that has me really worried.

You, Cecil.

What's your point?

The day that you left
here for Los Angeles,

you and I had a locked-in
agreement to be partners

in that off-shore venture.

Except this morning
I got a phone call

from Los Angeles saying
that you had set the deal,

and that I was out.

I want an explanation.

I tried my best, Blake.

I fought for you all the way.

But unfortunately for you,

they follow the stock market
on the West Coast too.

Stocks that go down
can go back up, you know.

Only in your case,
they didn't believe it.

Ever since that verdict...
Come on now, Cecil.

You're powerfully convincing
when it's in your own interest.

Now couldn't you have used
a little of that talent for me?

I tried. Believe me.

But how do I convince
people that a verdict of guilty,

is anything but that?

The same way you get everything
else you want from people.

By convincing them
that your point of view

is more profitable than theirs.

I did my best for my friend.

You did your best for yourself.

( upbeat theme playing)

These are really so lovely.

Yes, they are.

(doorbell rings)

I think that's fine.
Thank you, Jeanette.

Oh, roses. You shouldn't have.

I didn't.

How are you today,
Mrs. Carrington?

Fine, how are you?

Fine. Mrs. Blaisdel among you?


That console back there.

Venetian, seventeenth century.


Mm-hm. Probably designed
by Alfredo Salviano del Pesto.

I'm impressed.
Well, you should be.

If you're wondering about
my clothes, it's my day off.

Except for my visit
with Mrs. Blaisdel.

You are wondering.

Um, no, it's just
that I would like

your professional
opinion about something.

That's nice. I'm
very opinionated.

It's about Claudia.

Oh? What about her?

Well, I've checked
up on her a few times

but she's been asleep.

Now she's awake.

Would it be all right
if I visit with her?

Well, that depends on
what the visit's about.

Well, I'd just like to make
her feel welcome in our home

and to let her know she can
stay as long as she wants.

Well, as my
grandfather once put it:

(speaking in Italian)


Excuse me.

The only feeling warmer
than friendship is an old love.

( sentimental theme playing)

(knock on door)

Hello, Claudia.

Toscanni here.

All right,

ignore me.

I happen to be a
sensitive person too,

but what the hell do you care?

Look, don't make me the enemy.

If you're determined to
k*ll yourself, you'll do it.

I could post a -hour guard,

you'd probably fake him out too.

Now that we've got that settled,

how are you feeling?

I've been doing what you said.

Trying to sort things out.

Trying to see how I feel.

I've been... putting
it in perspective.

It doesn't help much.

Maybe yes, maybe no.

It's gonna take a lot of time.

Try to believe... you've
got me as a friend now.

And I'm also great
at cuts and bruises.

I never throw in
the towel for anyone.

That's wonderful.

Oh, that's absolutely wonderful.

I've got a shrink
to cheer me on.


Where am I going?

How is that going to help
me get my daughter back?

How is that going to help me

to get my husband
to love me again?

Do you have any good
answers for me, doctor?

The answers are gonna have
to come from you, Claudia.

All I have are questions.

Like am I ever going
to see Lindsay again?

Or Matthew?

Not that I should.

Not after the way I
hurt him with Steven.

You love your husband?

Yes. Of course.

And, uh, what about
your feelings for Steven?

During our time together?

Come on, let it out. Say it.

Say what?

What you're thinking, what
you're feeling right now.

I loved him.

Do you still love him?

A part of me always will.

You find that strange?

Yes, I do.

It's not strange. It's human.

It's very human.

I mean, society may not be
able to accept it right now, openly.

But what the
hell is so terrible?

In a world filled with people
who are hungry for love,

what's so terrible

that a woman could love two men?

( ominous theme playing)

Well. Cecil Colby.

You are as handsome as ever.

And you, my dear, are
as ravishing as ever.

Thank you.

No kiss for an old friend?

Would you like some wine?

No, thank you.

Why the urgent call
to see you again?

Well, I just had a strong
desire for us to get together.

Alexis, it's, uh...

It's years since we last met.

Longer than that since you and I

felt anything strong
for each other.

Don't you believe
in burning embers?

Don't con a con artist, darling.

Now, why did you
want this meeting?

I'm very concerned
about the breach

between Blake and Steven.

Did you know that Blake
has cut Steven out of his will?

No, I didn't.

What can I do about it?

Make him change his mind.

Blake Carrington is his own man.

I'm sorry.

I need your help, Cecil.

I said, I'm sorry.

When Blake makes up
his mind, nobody changes it.


I think that
you're going to try.

I am? Why?

Because I don't think
that you would want me

to tell Blake about our affair.

Particularly since I was
married to him at the time.

Come on, Alexis!

That affair was practically
a one-night stand.

Oh, how gallant!

Well, maybe to you.

But to me it made a
more lasting impression.

Namely, nine
months of pregnancy.

What the hell are
you talking about?


Don't force me to tell Blake

that you're his darling
daughter's real father.


One night she and I
nearly went to bed together.


How deliciously May-December.

I can't believe this.

Believe it.

As I recall, there were other
members of our little group

that you were in the
habit of dallying with.

I wasn't the only one.

Well, you... You made
such an impression,

that it's blurred
all the others.


If you're not going to help
me, I see I have no alternative.

You're going to
Blake and tell him this?

Come with me if you like.

It's one of your
better ones, Alexis.

You haven't lost your touch.

But sorry, no cigar.

Now you listen to
me, try to understand.

The relationship
between Blake and me

has been based
mainly on business.


And if I ever
intend to hurt him,

it won't be on a private basis.

So let's keep our
private lives out of this.

Do you understand?

Maybe I understand.
Maybe I don't.

My main concern now is my son.

All right, I like Steven.

I always have.

I'll talk to him.

As an old friend of the family?

As that.

Thank you, Cecil.

You are an old friend,
a very special old friend.

( sentimental theme playing)

Come in.

Am I intruding?

I, uh, would have
visited sooner,

but I felt a little
awkward about it.

That day

at the art gallery.

Maybe if I had been more honest

about Matthew and myself,

things might have
turned out differently.


In spite of everything, I...

hope you believe I
never meant to hurt you.

I'm deeply sorry
for what happened.

And if you could find
it in your heart to...

To forgive me,

I'd like very much
to be your friend.


Is it so impossible?

Would you like to have
lunch with me tomorrow?

We could go into town.

French, Italian, Mexican,
anything you like.

All right?

You've heard from
him, haven't you?

You'd be the first one
Matthew would call.

No, I haven't.

Oh, please.

Please, just tell me
where he's taken Lindsay.

Just tell me that.

Claudia, I have no
idea where they are.

And if I did, I wouldn't
keep it from you. Believe me.

Believe you?

Look, you and me, we
did the same thing, right?

We did the same
thing. We had an affair.

You've still got everything.

I've got nothing. Nothing.

I don't have my husband,

I don't have my
daughter, I've got me.

Look at me.

It isn't very much, is it?

Is it?

(glass smashes)

(light piano music playing)

Your father's a very
proud man, Steven.

I'm not surprised.
You shouldn't be.

Alexis and I had a lengthy talk.

She's concerned about you.

I am too.

Something's got to be done

to mend this split
between you and Blake.

Really, Cecil?

Why? Come on, tell me why.

Let's talk
practically, shall we?

With you disinherited by
Blake, everything goes to whom?

To your sister.

That's right.

And my father's money
goes to my sister, Fallon.

Blake's daughter, Fallon.

And to Jeff,

who will then help me to merge
Denver-Carrington with Colbyco.

And I end up even
richer than I already am.

Cecil, why is maybe the
richest man in the country

telling me all this?

Because, and only because,

I'm Blake's good friend

and I'm concerned about what
happens to him, and his family.

As I said, he's a
proud man, Steven.

Much too proud
to let you see how

wracked with guilt he is over
what happened to Ted Dinard,

and what might happen to
you if you're left without a cent.

You know something, Cecil?

You may care, my
mother may care.

But Blake Carrington,
he doesn't care.

Not about me.

You see, I'm his
big disappointment.

You're wrong, Steven.

No matter what the differences
are between you now,

you're still Blake's blood.

That can never change. Ever.

Mr. Colby? Yeah.

Your chauffeur asked
me to remind you

that you have an
appointment at the Randolphs'.

Oh, yes, Edward, thanks.

(clicks tongue)


I'm glad we talked, Steven.

( tense theme playing)

(sighs): Fallon. What if...?

What's gonna happen if
she ever finds out? Damn it.

Hey, loosen up.

The idea is to meet
the ball, not behead it.

Why didn't you tell
me Krystle's pregnant?


Who did tell you?


You know, it's funny
how the same idea

just hopped into your head.


Was it to get closer to Blake
by giving him a grandchild?

Maybe you can arrange
to have it premature

and beat Krystle to the punch.

Jeff, if that's what you think,
I mean, that's ridiculous.

If that's what you really think,

maybe having a baby
with me is a mistake.

Maybe it is.

On the other hand,

think what a beautiful
kid we'd make.

That face.

( tranquil theme playing)

(phone ringing)


Dr. Toscanni. It's
Krystle Carrington.


I wanted to talk to you about...

Are you busy?

Uh, very busy. I'm
working on my car.

Then I won't bother
you. I'll call you later.

Later may be
worse. Uh, what is it?

I talked to Claudia a while ago

and she got upset, very upset.

I'm worried about
what she might do.

Just a moment.

I can't talk right now.

Uh, do you think you
could come by here,

maybe later on this afternoon?

(scoffs): Mrs. Carrington,

my car's got no
oil, no spark plugs.

I'm not going
anywhere right now.

Why can't we talk
about this on the phone?

I don't want anyone to hear.

Well, uh,

then you're gonna have
to come on out here.

The address is
Evergreen Lane. You got it?

Yes, but...

I'll see you then.

( melancholy theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

I'm, uh, worried about
what Claudia might do.

This thing with her husband...



What do you think?

About Claudia Blaisdel?

That's privileged
information, Krystle.

Hippocratic oath. Doctors
don't discuss patients.

But tell me what you can about
Claudia's husband, Matthew.

You knew him.


Well, what can you
tell me about him?

Well, he's a decent
guy, basically.

How so?

Well he's, um,

a loving husband, uh, father.

Hard-working, generous.

When Claudia was
in the sanitarium,

he worked his heart
out to pay for her.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, no thank you. I'm not
drinking anything these days.

Oh, try one of these.

It's where the vino begins

and it's great
for the digestion.


you were telling
me about Matthew.

I think I've already said it.


I know... I thought you
knew him better than that.


Just what I said.

Matthew had an
affair with a woman

while, uh, Claudia
was in the sanitarium.

She knows who it is.


Do you know who?

( melancholy theme playing)



It was me.

Or is it I? I.


Well, that fit in with what
you've been thinking?

Well, I...

I sensed it this morning.

I saw you trying to avoid
walking on eggshells.

What did you expect,

for me to blurt it
out at the front door?

Look. It... It happened.
It's nothing I'm ashamed of.

Krystle, ashamed
of, not ashamed of.

I'm not sitting
here to judge you,

professionally or personally.

The guy was human

and you're very, very beautiful.

There's something about
you that makes me feel...




I've been known
to have that effect

on certain women
at certain times.

Who are you really?

What do you want me to do?
Give you a whole background

about the Italian from
the Lower East Side

who made it through med
school, to the total amazement

of a lot of Lower
East Side residents,

and including a couple of
cops in the neighborhood?

I'm me, Krystle.

Or is it I?

Oh, it's late. I didn't
realize the time.


Hey, easy. You okay?

It's all right, I'm just dizzy.

I'm driving you
home. No, I'm fine.

Forget it. We'll take your
car. I'm driving you home.

( upbeat theme playing)

I'd offer you one, Steven,

but I get the
distinct impression

that you've had enough.

(slurring): No chip
off the old block, am I?


As I remember,

you're not particularly
fond of this old block.

Wasn't it you who said,

"With a father like you,
I'd rather be an orphan"?

I said that?


Oh, yeah.

I think that does have

a familiar ring to it.

Well, then, what
brings you back here?



Blood is thicker than water.

I guess. Mine,



Anyway, you forgave
me. So I forgive you.

And what has brought
about this change?

Well there's a
couple of reasons.

Mostly, um...


I was talking to
Fallon this morning.

And then later to Cecil.

You talked to Cecil about
us, about you and me?

Yes. I did.

Why the hell is he involving
himself in my personal affairs?

I don't know.

When I call him
and we... We met,

he told me that it
was a favor to Alexis.

Why? Does that bother you?

Yes, it does bother
me. Very much.


Because she has no right
to meddle in this either.

Come on. She's my
mother. Give her a break.

Like the one that
she gave me in court?

You're lucky she didn't
spill out all the truth.

What are you talking about?

Your blackmail. Come on.

She told me how you threatened

to pin the Roger
Grimes attack on her.

Even then, you were
using people, weren't you?

Lying, and cheating,

and crushing anybody
who stood up against you.

Now, Steven...

Forget it. Forget this
whole dumb thing, okay?

I hate this room,
this miserable house.

The only person I care
about in it is your daught...

My sister, Fallon.

(suspenseful theme playing)

By the way, how does Blake feel
about becoming a father again?

How do you know I'm pregnant?

(scoffs): Psychiatrists
are M.D.s,

we spot the symptoms.

And you've got them
all, Mrs. Carrington.

(dogs barking)

(dogs barking)

I'd better see what's wrong.

No. You stay here.

Oh, my God, it's Steven.

Support his head.

Call the paramedics.





(siren blaring)

(heart monitor beeping)

I should have stopped him.

He'd been drinking,
and I just let him go.


Steven, it's Mummy.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry...

ALEXIS: I know you can hear me.

Open your eyes, Steven, please.

You'll have to wait outside.
Open your eyes, Steven.

I just got here. I've
got to stay with him.

I'm sorry, you'll have to wait.

Doctor, how serious is it?

Could there be any brain damage?

There's always that possibility.

How real a possibility?

Very real. Outside. Please.


( somber theme playing)


Oh, God, Blake.

What have we done to our son?


( melodramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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