02x07 - The Miscarriage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x07 - The Miscarriage

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

(ambulance siren blaring)

( dramatic theme playing)



It hurts so much.

We're going to
be at the hospital

in just a minute, darling.

You're going to be all right.
They'll take care of you.


Easy, now.

You're going to be all right.

Oh, Blake.

I can't lose our child.

I can't.


(crickets chirping)

( sedate theme playing)

This is you.

I didn't know you
were in the Army.

Shrink for a few of the
Pentagon brass, hm?

Heh-heh. I should
have been so lucky.

And I was after the w*r.

I was a neurosurgeon.

Caught a little shrapnel
in my right hand.

(snaps) That was that.

Who's in the picture with you?

He's beautiful. My
brother. Kid brother.

With blond hair?

He looks more
Scandinavian than Italian.

Well, we had different fathers.

Shouldn't you be
getting dressed?

I'm in no hurry.

You know what time it is?

I don't care. (sighs)

Maybe your husband does.


But I come when I want...

and I go when I want.

Seems to be a
regular Carrington trait.

Don't give a damn about anybody.

You know, you're
much sweeter in bed.

Anybody ever tell you that?



"Carrington trait."

Meaning Blake
Carrington, I suppose.

You work for him, but you
don't like him much, right?

Let's put it this way.
I work for myself.

Whether or not I like your
father's beside the point.

He's just another client. Now...

it is getting late.

Yes, I know.

And I am going.

But not until you tell me why
you're such a mystery man.

What does that mean?

What it sounds like. You are.

But I love mystery men.

Up one minute...

brooding inside
themselves the next.

Why'd you leave New York?

I got tired of the pace.


Did the Big Apple give
you a tummy ache?

That's a good way of putting it.

But you had a
terrific practice there.

Probably a lot of
people miss you...

still need you.

Want you.

Well, they've all been referred
to a better doctor than I am.


Modesty is not your forte, Nick.

I don't buy it.
Not for a minute.

But then, that adds
to the mystery...

which is okay.

Gives me more time
to get to know you...

to find out what you're hiding.

What, Nick?

I'm a fugitive from a
Rikers Island chain g*ng.

Do better than that.

Uh, I'm the illegitimate son
of Ma Barker and Dillinger.

Better than that.

Would you b... Just...?

( delicate theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

(indistinct PA announcement)


Oh, Jeff.

How's Krystle?

The baby?

I'm waiting for word.

But it'll be good. I
know it'll be good.

Where's Fallon?

I... I don't know. Uh...

She was out when I got home.

I talked to her this afternoon.

She told me, uh...

she went to Vegas with you?


You know Fallon. I assumed
that she'd phone you from there.

She's just gonna have
to take a little more time

to settle down, Jeff.

She will. I'm sure.

Blake, I think it's terrible

about my... uncle
calling in your loan.

Uh, if I had known
about it earlier,

I at least could
have warned you.

No problem. That's what
that trip to Vegas was about.

Well, I raised the
money. Cecil's paid off.

Well, I paid him
off in a way too.

I quit Colbyco.

You did?


That must have made him happy.

Well, he said he wasn't.

Well, I am.

That's if you'd
come to work for me.


Blake, uh...

I... I've never been very good
at showing gratitude, but...

Listen, I've got two children.

Neither one of them
is here with me now...

but... you are.

I'm very grateful for that.

Well, I'm sure if
Fallon knew, uh...

it'd be the only place
she'd wanna be.

Let me call the house
and see if she's back.


( slow, dramatic theme playing)

I love you, Blake.

And I need you.

It's that simple.

There's something that I want

from you too, just as seriously.

I want a child by you.

And soon.

I'd have had it gift-wrapped,

except that the dealer
ran out of ribbon.

Pink and blue.

Blake, it's too much.

No, it isn't. No.

Not for what you're giving me.

A child, new hopes,

new beginnings.

Oh, Blake.

For me?

No, it's not for you, silly.

I figured if our baby's
going to be born

with that silver
spoon in his mouth,

we may as well have one ready.


Was the doctor pleased with you?

Well, he said it's gonna
be a very happy pregnancy.

And I am very happy.


Fallon's not back yet.

ALEXIS: I'm calling
about the condition

of Mrs. Blake Carrington.

NURSE (over phone):
Sorry, I've no information.

What do you mean you
don't have information?

She was brought into
your hospital tonight,

and I'm very anxious
to know how she's doing.

Are you a member of the family?

No. No, I am not a
member of the family.

But I do happen to be
the first Mrs. Carrington,

and I think I'm entitled to know

how my former
husband's wife is doing.

Sorry, we have another call.

Look, I don't care whether
you have another call.

I insist... (dial tone buzzes)


(funky music playing over radio)

Hi, Sammy Jo.

Hi. Uh, this is Steven.

Isn't he a big one?

Yeah. (all laugh)

Looks like Sammy Jo

copped herself a real trophy.

You must be pretty good.

Come on, Steven, let's go dance.

Now, wait a minute, I, uh...

I haven't seen you
around there, Stevie.

Where you been driving?

If you mean
racing, I don't race.

Come on, Buddy, let's dance.

You don't race?

You can't be getting very far

with Miss Hotrod here then.

But we can fix that
up, right, Jud, Andy?

Yeah. Sure, if you
say so, man. How?

Well, we'll just, uh,
set up a little race.

First thing in the
morning. You game?

Thanks, but I don't think so.

I have a pickup truck.

Oh, hey, hey, no sweat, man.

I'll lend you my car.

I don't know what condition
I'll be in come crack of dawn.

(all laugh)


BUDDY: You game?

Just for fun.

I don't think so.

No guts, huh? Turkey.

Now can we dance?

You got it.


Come on, Steven...

we're gonna
boogie all night long.

( dramatic theme playing)

More coffee, Blake?

Oh. Yeah. Yeah, thank you.

( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

How is she, Victor?

I'm sorry, Blake. We
did everything we could.

Krystle's gonna be fine.

But she lost the baby.


Can I see her now?

She's under heavy
sedation. Um...

She... She doesn't
know about this yet.



The child meant so much to her.

Well... perhaps
next time, well...


there have been a
few other occasions.


Maybe more than a few...

when I've had to say this.

There probably
shouldn't be a next time.

We had to do a D and C...

and we've detected, uh,

an abnormality of the uterus.

Well, you should have
found out about that.

Damn it, Victor,
this is your fault!

It could have spared her

all she's been through.

The hell she's
been through and...

will have to go through.

Blake... there is no
way of detecting it

in a normal examination.

Isn't there?


I'm sorry, Victor.

When will you tell her?

When she's stronger.

( dramatic theme playing)

(tires screech)

Isn't it a bit late to be
getting home, Fallon?

I couldn't sleep, I
went for a long drive.



why don't you come
over to my studio,

and I'll give you
a cup of coffee?

You look like you could use one.

Even my ghastly coffee.

You're right, it is ghastly.

Oh, well, I can put a little
brandy in it, if you prefer.

No, thank you, I have to go.

Uh, Fallon...

where were you all night?

I already told you.

Oh. Yes, you... You told me,

but I don't believe you.

Is there a point to all this?

Well, yes. See, the
way you're dressed

is hardly the way one dresses

to go for a drive.

Really? Where do
you think I've been?

In somebody's bed.

You know something?

Your coffee is worse
than ghastly. It's poison.



why don't you just
stay out of my life?

You should be good at that.
You've had years of practice.

Look, I'm not trying
to criticize you.

I'm simply trying to advise you.

Of all people, I don't
need your advice.

Oh, but you do.

You especially
need mine, Fallon,

because I've been there.

I've traveled the same
road home from similar beds.

Have you really?

Yes. (scoffs)

Well, that doesn't appear
to be any secret in Denver.

Or in any other
parts of the world.

All I'm asking is that
you be very, very sure.

That it's worth what
it may cost me?


Tell me something, Mother.

Is this your way
of finally saying

you regret having
cheated on my father?

Oh. Maybe.

That's not an answer.


let's just say that...

maybe some women
don't appreciate

what they have
until they lose it.

On the other hand,

some women don't appreciate
what they don't have...

until they get it.

Be careful, Fallon.

I'll try not to trip
over a rhododendron

on the way back to the house.

Blake's house.


( suspenseful theme playing)


Stop her!

(sobbing): Please.
Somebody stop her.

What is it?

Oh, Blake.

Blake, I lost the baby.

I lost our baby. Shh.

Now, easy.


(sobbing): I wanted it so badly.

I know.

Both of us, we
wanted this badly.


Oh, Blake...

I promise.

I promise.

Next time... I'll be so careful.

I promise.

I'll be careful.

I promise.

( melodramatic theme playing)

(weakly): I'll be careful...

(door opens)


Did I wake you?

Not really.

It was a fitful night.

Your car engine's still warm.

Where the hell were you?

I went up to the
lake for a while.

To be alone.


Yes, alone.

Now, would you get
off my case? I'm tired.

Yeah, well, so am
I. And so is Blake.

He was wondering why you weren't

at the hospital last night.

Krystle lost the baby.

I'm sorry for her.

Are you?


Now, Jeff, I'm
really very tired.

I'd like to get some sleep.

I'll go to the hospital
and visit her tomorrow,

and tell her how sorry I
am she lost the baby, okay?

And what did you
lose last night, Fallon?

Your amateur standing?

( dramatic theme playing)

(door opens)

(door slams)



Claudia. You're up very early.

I couldn't sleep.

No. Neither could I.

Must have been all that
commotion last night.

Did you hear that
car speeding away?

It was an ambulance.

An ambulance?

They took Krystle
to the hospital.


She lost the baby.

Are you sure?

Jeff just telephoned
a little while ago.

Krystle lost the baby.


How dreadful.

What a terrible, terrible blow.

But then, you must know
what it's like, don't you?

Losing a child?

I mean, your husband taking
your daughter away from you.

At least I had Lindsay
for beautiful years.

Of course.

I'm sure that she'll be
back again with you soon.

I hope so.


I want you to know that...

I cried for you

when I heard about
your testimony in court.

About your affair with my son.

It must have been so difficult

having to admit
that to all the world...

especially with your
husband there listening to it.

I'm not upsetting you, am I?


Oh, well...

I didn't mean to.

What do you mean?

I'm nothing to you.

You're Steven's mother.
I'm just a lodger here.

Oh, well, so am I.

Well, at least that's
what I'm taken for.

Just a lodger.

But that's for me
to contend with.

What I want to
say to you, Claudia,

is that...

if you brought Steven
some happiness...

And I know that you did,

even at a great
sacrifice to yourself

then I'm very grateful to you.

As for...

Krystle and...

what you feel about her now...


She too has suffered a loss.

Paid her dues, as it were.

But no greater
than yours, Claudia.

And she's not a lodger here.

She is mistress here.

She still has everything.


( slow, dramatic theme playing)

You wanted to see
me, Mr. Carrington?

Oh, yes, Joseph.

Would you tell Alfred
to go out to the airport,

pick up Mr. Laird.

He'll be in on flight
from Washington.

Bring him directly back here.

Right. Thank you.

Good morning, Daddy.

I, uh...

I want you to know how
sorry I am about Krystle

and about not being
at the hospital last night.

Where were you?

Well, I was at the
movies really late.

I could wring Joseph's neck
for not leaving a message.

So I'll have something to
eat, and I'll go over to Jurgen's,

order some flowers,
and go by and visit her.

She may not be in
the best of shape.

Well, I'll try and cheer her
up. I'll think of something.

Now, please...

be careful with her.

You see...

She hasn't been told yet, but...

she can't have
any more children.

(men shouting indistinctly)

(tires screeching)

SAMMY JO: Come on, Steven!

(tires screeching)

(excited screams, cheers)

Here they come!

(tires screeching)

Yeah! Whoo!

(shouting indistinctly)

Come on, turkey, run your race!

(all yelling)

Steven! Watch out!

(crashing thumps)

Watch out! (all cheering)

(tires screeching)

SAMMY JO: Steven!


Steven. I almost made it.

You gave that creep a
run, and that's what matters.

But there's more, Sammy Jo.

There's the fact that
I did it, and I loved it.

And I-I love this track,

and I love your home away
from home and I... And I love you.

He spun out. What's
all the kissing about?

Can we go somewhere, Steven?

Just the two of us? Alone?

( dramatic theme playing)


(door opens)

( tender theme playing)


What's the matter?

I shouldn't have
brought you here.

But you said you loved me.

But I'm not in love
with you, Sammy Jo.

Look, I don't wanna hurt you.

How do you think I should feel?

I'm sorry, Sammy Jo.


You're Krystle's niece.

What's that got to
do with it? With us?

She's a friend.

She's been a
friend through a lot.

And I would never
want her to think

that I was taking an advantage

that I shouldn't.

I guess it's that simple.

There's more,
isn't there, Steven?

There isn't any more.

We ought to get back
to the house. Okay?


( dramatic theme playing)

(knock at door)

May I come in, Blake?

Oh, yes, of course.

Blake, I...

want you to know how sad I feel

for you and Krystle.

I am really sorry.

Well, thank you,
Alexis. I appreciate that.

I'm happy to tell you she's
doing much better today.

Look, I, uh...

I know this is a
bad time for you,

and I hate to burden
you with another problem,

but it's Steven.

Something happened
while you were in Vegas.

Oh? What did happen?

I saw him in bed
with Krystle's niece.

You what?


I can't believe that.

Oh, Blake. I saw
them in bed together.

Well, did you talk
to Steven about that?

Oh, yes, of course.

He told me that
nothing happened.

Well, then,

there's nothing more
to talk about, is there?

Blake, I'm talking about our son

being mixed up with
that particular girl.

You mean my wife's niece?

Oh. Well...

Krystle didn't
have anything to do

with the girl's upbringing.

It's the girl herself
who bothers me.

Her uncouth ways.

Her... Her genius
for the bizarre.

Well, she'd make no
kind of wife for Steven.

No kind of mother
for his children.

Now, Alexis, they have just met.

Nothing has happened
between them.

Aren't you marrying them
off a little prematurely?

We both know about Steven...

and his past.

Yes, we both do.

Now, what has it got to
do with Krystle's niece?

Look, I've known young men...

who decide that
maybe h*m*

is not their
lifestyle after all...

so they decide to
settle down and marry.

Except that they
marry too fast...

and they marry the wrong woman.

Maybe even some...

tart that they pick up in a bar.


All right. All right,
I'll... I'll deal with it.

Oh. Thank you.


Heh. Yesterday, when I...

I heard that Krystle
was pregnant, I...

I went into town and bought
a little present for the baby.

Would you mind if I went up

to her room and took it out?

I wouldn't want her to see it

when she came
home from the hospital.

No, of course not. Please do.

(door opens)

(door closes)


( dramatic theme playing)


I didn't do it for the
applause or the approval.

I did it for myself.

That's why you got the applause.

Listen, didn't we
have an appointment

up at the house today?

I wanted to take a swim.

By myself.

Yeah, well, it's
a beautiful day.

Nobody wants to
work today, I guess.

Are you still thinking of taking

that job with Carrington's firm?


You know, I think I've
got some of it figured out.


you wanna keep
on top of the search

for your husband
and daughter, right?

What's wrong with that? Nothing.

There's more to it
than that, though,

isn't there?

Hm? (sniffs)

Come on. What the hell
do you keep running from?

We're here to find answers.

I know what we're
here to do. Heh.

I've spent a lot of
time with psychiatrists.

Matthew hired them,
Matthew paid for them.

Matthew's gone now.

You're here.

Except I didn't hire you,

and I'm not the
one that pays you.

Got that out of your system? Hm?


No applause?

Ah. Touché.

Look, Claudia.

I'm not quarreling
with your motives.

It's just, why keep
it a dark secret?

We neurotics always
cover ourselves with quilts

that are sewn together
with dark secrets.

Hadn't you noticed?

You love your husband still? Hm?

Tsk. Let it out.

What, are you afraid
of it? You afraid of me?

You afraid I'm gonna
sh**t down your hopes,

tell you they're unrealistic?

Let what out?

That he hates me and that he
doesn't want me back with him?

Something like that.

Boy, Dr. Toscanni,
you're bright,

but you're not that bright.

In fact, in this case,
you've got it all wrong.

I hate my husband
for what he did to me.

I hate him for
walking out on me.

I hate him for
taking my daughter.

I only wanna find him so that I
can fight him for my daughter.

Does the truth always
make you smile like that?

As a matter of fact, yes.

Oh, God.

( slow, dramatic theme playing)

I asked the nurse a while ago

how soon before I
could have another baby.


She said to ask you.

I haven't completed
all my tests yet, Krystle.

Well, when will you?

Why don't we just...

take it one day at a time.

All right?

No. I...

I wanna know now.

What's the matter?

If there's something that
you're keeping from me,

I wanna know what it is.

I wanna know now.

( melodramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)


(door opens)

May I ask what
you're doing in here?

Oh. Still playing the
house spy, Joseph?

Really. I would have
thought you had better things

to do with your time.

I asked you something.

You asked Mrs.
Carrington something.

May I remind you
that I do have a name...

and that that is my name.

Yes, it is. But this room
is no longer your room.


However, I just came
to take back a present

that I bought for
your new mistress.

It was a present for the baby.

I didn't really think
she'd appreciate seeing it

when she came
back from the hospital.

Pity about what
happened, isn't it?


You really feel that?

Oh. Yes, I...

I feel that very strongly.

After all, I'm... I'm a mother.

I gave birth to two
healthy children.

And... luckily, there
were no complications.

But then...

I'm a very strong woman.

Mrs. Carrington's health
had nothing to do with this.

She fell from her horse.

Oh, yes, I know that.

But... what I'm saying is that

if she'd have been stronger,

then she could have held on,
and she needn't have fallen.

But then, she wasn't
to the saddle born,

was she, Joseph? No, she wasn't.


As you weren't.

I beg your pardon?

I once did some research
on your grand family tree.

From what I gather,

your father...

was a hatter?

Yes. Actually, he was.

Uh, but you should have
researched it further, Joseph.

My father was a hatter...

by appointment to
His Majesty, the king.

Very special hats, Joseph.

So put that on your
tedious head and wear it.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(knock at door)

Yes. Come in.



How are you?

Listen, I was very sorry

to hear the news about Krystle.

Well, thank you.

What, uh...

I have brought back
from Washington...

isn't very good either.

From those people
we pay so handsomely

to give us good news, huh?

Would you like some coffee?


You can, uh, forget
about any help

from the State
Department either.

There's no change
in their thinking

about getting that,
uh, oil released.

They're sure that
maniac over there

will not release the tankers.


I can see what
they think of him.

Who is this... Ahmed, uh,

that's mentioned here
and on the second page?

Rashid Ahmed.

The rumor is he's the man
behind the military coup.

And not the first one
he's been involved in.

B, he got his start
as a kind of, uh...

Mideastern Gulbenkian.

Munitions broker.

A Mr. Five Percent.
International playboy type.

At least, in his greener years.

Well, shall I
continue to read this,

or just get a
headache without it?

There is one ray of hope:

The tankers are sitting there,

and the oil...

still belongs to you.

Yes, but meanwhile,

is paying out a fortune

for the lease of those tankers.


Andrew, do you
realize we go bankrupt

unless something breaks...


BLAKE: I'm fed up with dealing

with middlemen who
can't force decisions.

Now, if this Rashid, um...

LAIRD: Ahmed. BLAKE: Ahmed.

If he's got control of that oil,

then we have to find
a way to get to him.

Do you understand that?

LAIRD: Understanding
is one thing.

But doing something
about it is quite another.

I don't even know
where he is right now.

Nobody does.

( calm theme playing)

We've driven for minutes,

and you haven't said a word.

I'm beat.

We didn't sleep all
night. Then the race.

Is it me?

I mean, why you didn't
wanna sleep with me?

Was it because I
had told you once

I'd been with other boys?

Sammy Jo, listen to me.

In this life, whatever we do...

whether we're
sorry for it or not,

we've done it.

And there's no
need to be ashamed.

Because what we
were yesterday...

it doesn't matter.

What matters is
today, right now.

And today, you're
a young, sweet girl.

And the guy who gets
you is gonna be a very,

very lucky person, Sammy Jo.

I want you to know that.

And I want you to believe it.


LAIRD: Well, what
about, uh, Harrison?

Maybe Harrison can give
us a... A line on this Ahmed.

He used to live
in the Middle East,

maybe eight or nine years.

Uh, he knew everybody.

Yes, but Harrison just
went up to Canada yesterday

for a two-week hunting
trip. That's great.

Tell you what. Why
don't you call me...

and we'll try to
think of something?

All right. Blake...

when you talk to Krystle...

please give her my regrets.

Thank you.

Steven. Hi.

Mr. C... Hello, Dad.

Andrew. Mr. Carrington.

Excuse me.

(clears throat)

Is that, uh...

Krystle's niece?


She's very pretty.

Uh, my son seems to think so.

They don't know anything about,
uh, what happened yet, huh?

I doubt it.

Obviously, they're...

just getting back
from a night out.


Yeah, well, uh...

I'll phone you.


( dramatic theme playing)

ALEXIS: What do you mean,
we haven't been in touch?

Darling, I've been reading
your column all over the world.

(chuckles): No.

No, I don't have any gossip

of my own for you...


But I do need a favor from you.

Now, you know where everybody
is and what everybody's doing,

and who they're doing it with.

I just may be in the mood to...

pick up with an old friend.

Uh, Liz...

how do I get in touch with...

Rashid Ahmed?

( dramatic theme playing)

(knock at door)

Who is it?

STEVEN: Steven.

Come in.

I'd like to talk to you.

About what?

I was with a girl last
night and this morning.

I wanted to make
love to her, but I didn't.

I was thinking of you.

I was wishing it
were you with me.

Is that it?

"Is that it"?

Is that all you can ask,
after what I just said?

Claudia, look, I want you to
get a divorce from Matthew.

I wanna marry you.

That's crazy.

Why is that so crazy?

I love you.

You should be looking
for someone young

and fresh and healthy
to build a life with.

That's you. No, it's not.


( light theme playing)

I don't love you, Steven.

I still love Matthew.

I can't believe that.

Believe it.

I love Matthew.

I always will.


(door opens)

(door closes)


Well, I kind of expected you.

You were out all night
last night, weren't you?

Look, Dad, if...
If you don't mind,


I'd... I'd rather not
talk about it now.

Who were you with? Sammy Jo?

Well, don't you
approve of her either?

Of course I do.
She's a nice girl.

She's a very pretty...

very nice girl.

She's my wife's flesh
and blood. Of course I do.


Well, you're over , son.

So where you spent the night

and with whom is
your own business.


Well, it's not the "but,"

it's the "why" of
this that bothers me.

I have a feeling that...

it could possibly be my fault.

Dad, what are you trying to say?


Well, your relationship
with Ted Dinard...



I came on so strongly
about that, Steven.


I'm gonna pay for
it the rest of my life.

But maybe when you have a son

of your own...
you'll understand.

Hm. What I'm trying to say is...

that what I'm thinking
about is the future.

Your future.


I know. Um...

I'm the one who told you to...

go out and start
looking for a girl

that you'd happy with.

Yes, you did. But I
didn't mean for you

to plunge into the first
relationship that came along.

You said it earlier, Dad.

I'm over , which is a little
too old to come running to you

or... Or to my mother
for approval, for guidance.

Please, would you just...?
Just stay off my back?

But, Steven... Look, I don't
wanna hear it anymore.

Besides, you can save
your fatherly concern...

for your new son.

( melancholy theme playing)

I'm sorry, I can't do that.

Krystle is in the
hospital right now.

You're the only son
I'm ever going to have.

( dramatic theme playing)

You're gonna be all right.

That's what's important now.

The baby was important.


don't you care about yourself?


Well, that's beautiful.

That really beautiful.

You mean you're giving
up on everything? Why?

Leave me alone, Nick.

I'm asking you
something, Krystle. Why?

Because I can't give
my husband a child.


You can't give Blake Carrington
a child, so you're crushed.

Am I hearing you right?

Don't lecture me.

No, you listen to me, please.

Understand, we're
talking about identity.

You can't buy it with his money.

You can't measure it whether
you can give him a child or not.


nobody's guaranteed
against suffering,

not even that man.

He's not that man.
He's my husband.

And who are you?

What about Krystle?
What happened to her?

You gonna sell yourself
short? Aren't you worth more?

I don't wanna hear this.
Just leave me alone!

Oh, is that the new
depression tactic, huh?

Oh, please, everybody,

just, uh, leave
the sad lady alone.


That's right, Krystle, cry.

But cry for yourself
if you want to,

cry for the child you lost.


dear God, don't cry for him.

( melancholy theme playing)

Nick. I didn't expect
to see you here.

I'm glad though.

Wait for me, okay?


Last night.

It was just what I said it
was, an unexpected pleasure.


We'll get together again.



I see.

When you decide.

Because you call
the sh*ts, correct?

I suddenly feel
very shabby, doctor.

Like a page in your
appointment book.

Tell me something, is
my father's wife another?

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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