02x12 - Blake's Blindness

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x12 - Blake's Blindness

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)


(knocking on door)
JOSEPH: Mr. Carrington.

Who is it?



Damned slipper.

Can you see it?

Yes, it's right here.
One second, now.

I'll help.

Let me put it on for
you. No, no, no, no.

No. No, I'll do it myself.

Thank you.

Well, it seems to be a...

pleasant Saturday
outside, for a change.

Oh. I have a...

I have something here for you.

Seems to be a gift.

It was left outside
the front door,

probably early this morning.


What, uh...?


Ah, um...


It... It's a cane,
Mr. Carrington.

A cane?

Give it to me.

( dramatic theme playing)

Why didn't you say
what it was, Joseph?

It's a blind man's cane.

Who's it from? Is there a card?


What's it say? Yes, yes.

What's it say?!

Well, it... It says:

"With my condolences, L.R."




Logan Rhinewood.

Why is he doing this to me?

(angrily): Why is he doing it?!


Mr. Carrington, please.

Mr. Carrington, please.

Rhinewood, who blinded me,

or at least his g*ons did it.

Mr. Carrington, I
know you're upset,

but... But... (muttering)

They couldn't
cr*pple me or k*ll me.

They couldn't do that to me.

At least he couldn't
do that to me.


Couldn't do that to me.

Mr. Carrington, please.

(panting): What else...?

What else do they
wanna do to me?

KRYSTLE: What happened?

JOSEPH: There was a package
at the front door, a-a cane,

I should have opened it outside.

BLAKE: What else do they want?

Take it easy, Blake. Come on.

BLAKE: Take it easy?

I've been this way
for three weeks now.

Nothing is being done about it.

Where's that Dr. Eggleston?

Toscanni said he'd
be here yesterday.

He's been delayed, Daddy.


He didn't delay
in sending us a bill

for that... That -minute visit

he paid me in the hospital.

We didn't delay sending
him a check, did we? D...

He's delayed where?
Delayed by what?

Why don't we send our
plane to pick him up?

There is someone in the library

from the police,
Lieutenant Dawson.

(inhales) What does he want?

Don't tell me he's found out

who it was that
threw that dynamite.

Don't tell me he's
found the scum.

He didn't say.

Well, tell him I don't
want to see him.

(laughing bitterly)

That's funny, isn't it?


See him.

Tell him I can't see him.

Unless he comes up
with some new information,

I don't want him in my house!

(breathing heavily)

How many are you here
in this room right now?

What is this, an exhibition?

"Come and look at the blind man.

"Come and see what
the blind man does.

"See how he rages
in his blindness."

(inhales) Okay, everybody, out.

Can't you see how upset he is?

You too, Joseph, please.

( melancholy theme playing)

I'm sorry, Daddy.
I had to do that.

Oh, no, no.

I thank you for
doing it, Fallon.

I just d...

Don't want people watching me.

Not even my family.


did I ever tell you
how much I love you?


couple of times.


Well, let's make
it a couple more.

I love you so much, Daddy.

Now, I don't want you upset.

No tears.

I'm managing, and I'm gonna
manage better as time passes.

Much better.

All right?


I guess I should go down
and talk to that police officer.

Maybe he does have
something to tell me.

(sniffling) Well,

I'll help you downstairs, okay?

BLAKE: How's everything
going with Jeff, honey?


You are trying now, aren't you?


He's a brave young man.

He... risked his life to
save mine, you know?

Yes, I know. Just...

Just a minute.


Thank you.

Now, you take it easy with
that policeman down there.


All right,

I promise.

( dramatic theme playing)

DAWSON: Mr. Carrington,

I came here this morning
to ask a few more questions

and hopefully to
get some answers.

I have been answering
your questions.

For two weeks at the hospital,

the past week,
here in this house.

Now, what about some answers

from you for a change?


Well, a speeding car
of unidentified make

with two unidentified occupants

hasn't left us with very much

to go on. Lieutenant, you
know who was behind it.

I've told you people that.

Yes, you suspect a
Logan Rhinewood.

I don't suspect Rhinewood.

I am positive that
it's Rhinewood.

Mr. Carrington,

nobody knows Rhinewood.

No one at the department
has even seen him.

Man must be a recluse
like Howard Hughes was.

Tell me,

have you ever met Rhinewood?


Ever seen a photo of him?


Then how can you be so
positive, Mr. Carrington?

Where's your proof that
he was even involved?

Lieutenant, it's your
job to find that proof.

Our job is checking out facts,


Now, Mr. Carrington,

victims sometimes
remember things,

small but significant
things, long after the incident.

I have told you everything
that I can remember.

So has your son-in-law

and your chauffeur.

Dark night. Car zooms by.

Two men inside, their
faces in the shadows.

One throws the dynamite.

But you can't identify
him or the driver.

Your son-in-law and
chauffeur can't identify them.

I'm afraid that leaves us
with absolutely nothing.

Well, what can I say
except that we'll keep trying?

Yes, indeed, you'll keep trying.

Lieutenant, you just go back

and tell your people
to do their job.

I am fed up with
their incompetence.

You understand? I am fed up.

Oh, excuse me, Blake.


Didn't realize you're
with somebody.

Lieutenant Dawson
is just on his way out.

We'll be in touch,
Mr. Carrington,

as soon as something breaks.


Uh, Blake,
Dr. Eggleston's with me.


Are you back finally, doctor?

I'm sorry. I was detained at
a convention in Los Angeles.

It's nice seeing you again, sir.

Well, you're looking fit.


what are we gonna
do this time, doctor?

EGGLESTON: Well, I think
you'll be pleased to know

that the, uh, tests
and x-rays that I took

before I left

confirm what the other
specialists have found.

There's absolutely no
damage to the optic nerve.

Then why the devil can't I see?

Unfortunately, medicine
is not an exact science.

Does that mean
that you don't know?

Well, we suspect

that it is a severe...

psychological trauma
brought on by the accident.

Oh, in other words,

I'm just imagining
that I'm blind.

Is that it? No, no, no, no.

Your blindness is very real.

All right, then when will it go?

Or... won't it?

Well, cases such as these vary.

Meaning, again, that
you don't know, huh?

You're absolutely
right, Mr. Carrington.

We don't know.

(breathes deeply)

Now, I won't prolong
this any longer.

I can let myself out.


let's have lunch. Right. Thanks.


that's your
world-renowned expert, is it?

I worked with him in Vietnam.

He's one of the best
ophthalmologists in the country.

Then we better
pray for our country.

Then let's throw in an
amen for Blake Carrington.

And what is that
supposed to mean?

It means keep it up.

All the anger inside you,

all the resentment,
just keep it up

because it's gonna do
wonders for your stress load.

I'm sick of hearing that
psychiatric mumbo jumbo.

And I'm sick of telling you

to take it easy
and try to relax.

I can't relax. Not here, anyway.

I'm going back to
work on Monday.


You've been out of the
hospital for less than a week.

Are you crazy?

You're the psychiatrist,
you be the judge of that.

That's right, I'm
the psychiatrist.

And I'm concerned
about you, Blake.

You're a sick man, very sick.

Are you through?!
Yes, I'm through!

Go ahead, go back to work.

The phone calls,
the board meetings,

the ticker tapes, go ahead.

Do whatever the hell you want.

You're still Blake Carrington

with the big bucks
and the unholy power.

But you remember this, friend:

You're like the rest of us.

You're human too.

( dramatic theme playing)

If not humane.

Now, what is that
supposed to mean?

Answer me that.


Toscanni, answer me!


Answer me.


Wait a minute.

Only a minute? That's a snap.

I've been waiting
for nearly a month.

How could you talk to
him like that? Deserved it.

Don't you know what
he's going through?

Can't you imagine how
he's feeling? Miserable.

Just like I've been these past
couple of weeks without you.

I'm not talking about us.

Damn it, I am.

I need to know something.


Don't make me ask.

You know.

I want you. I want
you for myself.

I can't bear the thought of...


Am I sleeping with him?

Is that what you wanna know?

Not since Blake and Alexis
were together in Rome.

I have my own room.

We're not sleeping together.

When are you gonna tell him?

When are you gonna
stop this charade?

I don't know, Nick.

I'm sorry.

I just don't know.

( mellow theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Are you planning
on getting dressed,

or are you just gonna
mope around a while?

I'm not moping, I'm thinking.

What about? Your lover?

My father.

Well, I think about
him too, Fallon.

Do you really?

Of course I do, and you know it.


We're due at the
Randolphs' at .

I know.

( romantic theme playing)


Aren't you going to get dressed?

I don't really wanna go.


Well, you know Lenore,
she's always talking about

babies and pregnancies.

Hers and...

Yours? Mine.

Well, what's wrong with that?

Does it bore you?
Or don't you care?

Of course I care.

I kept the baby, didn't I?

Oh, Jeff,

let's not fight.

Then get dressed.

What, do I turn you off
now that I'm pregnant?


What's the matter, then?

You're not doing this for
me, you're doing it for Blake.

Because I saved his life.

And you figure you
owe me something

every once in a while.

Oh, now you're a mind reader.

No, I just know you, Fallon.

No, you don't.

I'm still a woman.

Why don't you
call your boyfriend?

Unless he's suddenly turned
off by a pregnant Mrs. Colby.

( majestic theme playing)

Oh, Mr. Carrington,

you don't have to
ring quite so often.

I did hear you the first time.

You did, huh? Well,
then what kept you?

Well, let's say the fact
that it's Sunday today,

and I have this unheard-of
habit of sleeping in a little later

on Sunday morning.

Not to mention...

Not to mention what?


you did wake me up
twice during the night,

once to shave you,
once to read to you.

That disturbed you, huh?

Well, what disturbed me

was your choice
of reading matter.


I find spy stories dull.


You must, Joseph.

You read them dully.

Mr. Carrington,

I'm afraid I...

I have to tell you that
I'm finding your sarcasm

harder and harder to take.

Do you, now?

Well, there's the door.

Downstairs there's
another door, a front door.

You can walk right
through and find

one of hundreds
of families in Denver

clamoring for a major-domo.


Forgive me, Joseph.


My nerves are frazzled.

Please accept my
apology, and please...

stay, my friend.

And major-domo?

You're the best.

Yes, I think I am.

A rare breed.

Well, shall I tell
Mrs. Gunnerson

to prepare your breakfast?

No, j-just some coffee.

I'm not hungry.

I'll tell her.

JOSEPH: Good morning, Mr. Laird.

Morning, Joseph.

BLAKE: Andrew.

Morning, Blake.


you are looking fit.

Did you come here
of a Sunday morning

to tell me that, Andrew?

That, and some wonderful news.

About a half an hour ago,
I got a call from Rotterdam.

Your oil's been
released and sold

on the spot market, all of it.

is solvent again.

Thank you, Andrew.

Th-that's fine.

Fine? Ha, ha.

Blake, I am telling
you great news.

All right, great.


I have some papers
that need signing.

Do you want Krystle to do it?

She still has power of attorney.

No, I'll sign them when I go
back to the office tomorrow.


That's wonderful.

It'll be good for you to get
back into the swing of things.

Andrew, I want you to schedule

some extra time for us tomorrow.

You and I are gonna
have a long talk.

Oh, 'bout what?

Logan Rhinewood.

How I'm gonna get the
man who did this to me.

Get him...

and put him away.

( ominous theme playing)


I need a / socket.

I'll get it.

What's the matter, Fallon?

Don't you speak
to your relatives?

Oh, yeah, sure. Hello.

Listen, if you don't like me,

that's just tough.

Because I'm in this family,
whether you like it or not.

That's right, you are,

for the time being.

(engine starts)

Enjoy church.

That is where you're going,

isn't it?!

( dramatic theme playing)

What's wrong?

Did Fallon say something?

Fallon? Oh, yeah.

She asked me to have
lunch with her someday

so she could show me off.

Steven, why are
you ashamed of me?

What are you talking about?

You are ashamed.

Or you would have told
your father about us by now.

It's been three weeks.

Everybody else knows.

When are you gonna tell him?

Sammy Jo, come on.

You know why I haven't told him.

It's pretty obvious.

I mean, he's been in the
hospital most of the time.

And he's not exactly making
an easy adjustment to things.

Except I'm not a thing,

I'm your wife.

And not being able
to see doesn't mean

he won't understand
that I'm important to you,

that I count around here now.

Or do I?

Look, I'll tell him.


When, Steven?

Sometime today.

You promise?

I promise.

(angrily): You did what?!

I married Sammy Jo.


How could you do that?

What do you mean,
how could I do that?

She's Krystle's niece.

They're related only
by an accident of birth.

That's the only
similarity between them.

What did she do,
trick you into this?

Or were you drunk?


No, Dad,

I wasn't drunk.

Look, I married her
because I love her.

Thanks for the congratulations.

All right.


You don't say that
with much conviction.

I say it the way I say it.



I don't know.
A-all right, all right.

It's done.

We'll live with it.

We'll get used to her,
and she'll get used to us.

And we'll train her
to fit into the family.

Like you train your guard dogs?

Or your servants?

Now, Steven,

I'm trying to understand
what you've just told me,

but it's not easy.

But I'm trying very
hard to accept this.

Well, maybe you
can accept this too:

I quit my job at the refinery.

What, again?

Eh, now what are
you going to do?

Something that's
very important to me.

I can't wait to hear.

I'm going to be a
professional driver.

Truck or taxicab?

Racing cars.

My God, what have I done?

BLAKE: Steven, I'm your father.

I won't listen to this
nonsense, you hear?

Racing cars.

I won't let you k*ll
yourself on some...

Some racetrack
somewhere, do you hear?

Look, it's my life.

I can handle it my way. I
intend to handle it my way.


may I speak to you outside
for a moment, please?

Excuse us, Blake.

How dare you be so inconsiderate

as to upset him
at a time like this.

Maybe I have a little
bit of you in me, Mother.

Don't be insolent.

STEVEN: Don't be forgetful.

ALEXIS: What are
you talking about?

I'm talking about a woman
who was inconsiderate enough

to tell him years ago that
Fallon wasn't his daughter.

That is a closed
subject, Steven.

Oh, is it? Yes.

ALEXIS: Now, it's bad
enough that you had to run off

and marry that nothing girl,

but this stupidity
about motor racing...

stupidity is my business,

something I share with my wife.

And if you don't approve,

Sammy Jo and I can
make it without any of you.

( dramatic theme playing)


Blake, I'm sorry,

but you had to find
out about the marriage

sooner or later.

Mm. It happened.

Nothing we can do about it.

(sighs) Yes,
unfortunately, it did happen,

but I think there is something
that we can do about it.

We can talk to them,
get the marriage annulled.

(knocking on door)

Yes, who is it?



I'll come back later.

No, no, no, Joseph. What is it?

Well, about our
conversation of earlier,

I thought it might be best

if you didn't spend
your nights alone.

I could have a
folding bed brought in,

and, uh, if you
needed something,

I'd be right there.

Well, that won't be necessary.

But thank you very much.

Well, it would
make me feel better.

Spy stories or not?

(chuckles) Yes.

All right.

That was... very decent of him.

Well, I know what
you think of him, Alexis,

but he's a decent
man, very decent.



Won't Krystle feel
a... A little bit awkward

about this ménage à trois?

Krystle is staying
in the guest room.

It's, uh...

more comfortable for her there

while I'm like this.

Oh, yes, of course.


As long as you
know she's close by,

that's all that matters.

A husband should always
have his wife close by.

That's what
marriage is all about.

Something I learned
a little too late.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Mm. The desk,

file, humidor,

desk set,


telephone panel.

Am I doing all right, Joseph?


(intercom buzzes)

Yes, Marcia? Mr. Carrington,

a Mr. Colby is here to see you.

Oh, fine, send him in, please.

Come in, Jeff.

I'm happy to report

that I seem to be managing.

Mr. Carrington, this is, um...

No, Blake, it's Cecil.

What are you doing here, Cecil?

Well, I heard you were
back at work this morning,

which I think is wonderful.

I've come to welcome
you back to the fold.

You mean, pack, don't
you? Pack of wolves.

Did they send you
to represent them?

It's a good choice.

Blake, I'd like to talk to you
for a few minutes... alone.

Would you wait
outside, please, Joseph?

Of course.

All right, Cecil,
talk, but, uh...

Make it quick.

You have less
than a few minutes.

We've been... Or had been.

Friends for a long time.

Until I stupidly
called in that loan.

Now I'd like to
bury the hatchet.

In my back again?

Well, I said it, I'm
sorry about that,

and that's passed.

Now I'd like to make
you a good offer,

a genuinely good offer.

A merger of interests.


Now, listen to me, Blake.

I have , acres'
leasehold on oil-shale land.

The best leases.

I happen to know
that Denver-Carrington

has the best process
for extracting that oil.

So you're proposing a marriage.


And the wedding
gift goes to Jeff.

How to Jeff?

I was unfortunate enough

to have my nephew
walk out on me.

You were fortunate
enough to offer him a job

which he accepted.

Now we can both have him.

He can head the operation.

Forget it.


Forget it, Cecil.

But thank you.

You have given me one good idea.

When Denver-Carrington is ready

to go ahead with
the process itself,

I will make Jeff the
head of the operation.

He's one hell of a man.

And the only
Colby that I'd trust.

( dramatic theme playing)

Now, it's Monday,
I've just come in,

I have work to do.

You know the way out.

( mellow theme playing)

I was looking for
Claudia Blaisdel

in the file room,

but I learned she's
in Development.

How do you like
my executive suite?

It's a beginning.

A lovely beginning. Good luck.

Thank you, really.

And thank you for encouraging me

to use my head, to
concentrate on oil shale.

I think I have a
little talent for it.

More than a little.

Or, knowing Blake, you
wouldn't be in here at all.

You know, it's amazing,

when I was married to Matthew,

if I had used the words
"shale rubble" or "kerogen,"

I mean, he just would've
patted me on the head and said:

"Don't you worry
yourself about it,

it's boring men's talk."

That's what I dropped
by to talk to you about.

Matthew and Lindsay.

Have you found her?

Well, we're making
good progress.

Our Lima office informs
me that they've left Peru

and are heading for Colombia.

You told me that they
were in Venezuela.

Venezuela, then Peru.

Don't you remember?

No, I-I don't remember that.

I mean, it's not
the sort of thing

that I'm likely to forget.

(chuckles) No, of course not.

I'm sorry for the oversight.

But the important thing
is that I'll concentrate

on helping you get
your daughter back

and you concentrate
on oil shale.

Talk to you later.

( dramatic theme playing)

I tried phoning you
all day yesterday

on your private line.

I was out. Uh, what is it?

I wanna see you, Krystle.

I wanna see you tonight

at my place.

I can't make it.


Now, why?

And please be straight with me.

I don't wanna make it.


Straight enough.


Okay, uh...

If you don't wanna come see me,

I'd be more than
happy to come see you

and talk things out with you.

In front of the butler,


gardeners, stable hands,

whoever else may
be around.

I want to see you, Krystle.

Oh, so nice to see you again,

Mrs. Carrington, Mrs. Colby.

Thank you, William.

I have your table this way.

Would you care for
something from the bar?

I'll have a Kir Royal, please.

Uh, I'd like a club soda.

I'll be right back.

Hello, Nick.


Do you make a habit
of coming here alone?

FALLON: Oh, yes, all the time.

I happen to be
here with my mother

at the moment. NICK: Ah.

Mind if I sit down a minute?

Um, I have a patient
due in minutes.

Oh, I'll bet you do.

It's all right, I
like competition.

What's she like?

He's bald.

Oh, well,

that's gotta be a change

for Dr. Amerigo Nicholas
Francesco Toscanni.

How've you been?

Radiant. Don't I look it?

Yes, you do.

You know, I got a call

from the Chronicle
the other day.

They're doing a Sunday
supplement on maternity wear,

and they wanted me to pose.

I said, "Forget it. I'm
gonna remain a toothpick

until my eighth
month, at least."

Some women do, you know.

(inhales) Yeah, I guess.

I have to go, Fallon.

( somber theme playing)

(exhales) Is he the one, Fallon?

Dr. Toscanni?

Answer me.

Is he the man you told
me you were in love with?


Watch out.


I don't know, there's...

There's something about him.

He's dangerous.

Well, he's a psychiatrist,
not a gangster.

No, it's... It's
all in his eyes.

He's after something.

My money.

No, it's...

something beyond money.

Well, I don't care what
you think about him,

what your sixth sense is.

He's the only man I've
ever truly been in love with.

And I'm gonna marry him one day.

After the baby and after Jeff.



in the meantime,
what about the woman

that you think
he's involved with?

Do you know who she is yet?

I think so.

But one way or another,
I'm gonna find out.

JEFF: "Dr. Nicholas Toscanni.

"Born New York City.

"Graduated from
Hazlitt Medical School.

"Internship at St.
Gregory's Hospital.

"Residency in neurosurgery.

"Commissioned and
served in Vietnam

"until shrapnel wounds in
right hand reduced acuity,

could no longer
perform surgery."

Uh, yes, I remember
reading all that before.


"Civilian life:

"Changed his
specialty to psychiatry,

"established successful
practice in New York.

Specialized in performance
problems with athletes."

Well, that's it for
professional background.

What did it say
about his family?

I might have missed
something there.

Nothing unusual.


He said something to me once

that was kind of
odd about his family.

About the Toscanni men.

How they always took care
of anyone who's hurt them.

Read that, will you, Jeff?

"Father and mother deceased.

"Two sisters, Maria
Theresa and Antonia.

"Two brothers, both younger.

"Mark Toscanni.

"The other brother,
Giancarlo, nickname, Gianni...


Is deceased."

You know, it doesn't say so,

but his mother must
have been married twice.

The last name was Mullaney.

Gianni Mullaney.

Sound familiar?

Yes, but I just can't
seem to pinpoint it.

Gianni, Gianni,

Gianni Mullaney.


( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

Did you tell him?

I couldn't,

not after the way
you talked to him.


I'm sorry about that.

It just happened.

I apologize.

Apologize to him, Nick.

I'm not that sorry.

He was trying, in his
own way, to lift himself up.

Oh, I see.

And I kept kicking
him down. Yes.

A man who expects
his money and power

to buy him everything,
including his sight.

He's Blake Carrington.

He's what and who
he is. He's my husband.

Whom you don't
sleep with anymore.

That's none of your business.


Nick, I have to stay
with him for now.


Because he's blind?

Because he needs
the emotional support.

You know that.

Tell me something, who the hell

has nailed you to this cross?

Not his ex-wife.

Certainly not his daughter.

I'll leave him when he can see.

Not until then.

Krystle, that may be never.

And I don't intend
for us to wait that long.

( romantic theme playing)

Nick, help me, please.

I have to do what I have to
do, otherwise I'll hate myself

and you'll end up hating me too.

All right.

How can I help?

Leave me alone, please.

( majestic theme playing)

Blake, let's talk legally.

And legally, it
boils down to this:

No grand jury is going
to return an indictment

against anyone without
specific evidence.

Right, and that's why I
wanna try another way.

I'm gonna nail Rhinewood
in a different court,

a court of public opinion.

I don't understand.

I mean, how do you
expect to do that?

(intercom buzzes)

Yes? MARCIA: Mr. Carrington,

there's a Mr. Bonning
here to see you.


Send him in.

(door opens)

Good evening, Mr. Carrington.

And, uh...?

I'm Andrew Laird,

Mr. Carrington's attorney.

Oh, yes, I've read the name.

Nice to meet you.

What do you want, Bonning?

First, to express
my sincere regrets

over your accident.

Mr. Rhinewood said you
were trying to reach him.

He asked me to stop
off and see if you...

Well, considering your problem.

Were finding it hard to
handle your football team

properly now.

And Rhinewood would
like me to accept his offer

to buy the rest of
my team, correct?


It was you who did
it to me, Bonning.

It was you who blinded me.

I know it was you.

Mr. Carrington,

my associates and
I were in Las Vegas

at the time of the incident.

We can, if necessary, prove it.

BLAKE: Can you
produce that proof

in front of a Senate
investigating committee?

A committee that I
plan to get under way

to look into
crime in this state.

You do that, sir,

and you'll end up
looking very foolish.

Get out of here.

Damn it, get out of here!

Easy, Blake, hold on.

I think it best you leave.

Always a pleasure to
see you, Mr. Carrington.

(door closes)

I'll get them.

I tell you, I'm gonna get 'em.

Take it easy, Blake.

Now what is this business
about a crime commission?

I hope you're kidding. I'm not.

Andrew, I want you to call
in all our political markers.

I want you to start on
this thing immediately.

I'll testify as exhibit A.

Blake, forget it.

I know it now.

Rhinewood is serious.

Last time, his
g*ons blinded you.

Next time, you can wind up dead.

I'll just have to
take that chance.

( mellow theme playing)

SAMMY JO: Steven, I couldn't
help it, but I heard you talking

to your mother in
the hall yesterday.

STEVEN: About?

SAMMY JO: Well, what
you said about Fallon.

Like your father maybe
not being her father.

Well, then you heard
wrong, Sammy Jo.

No, I didn't.

Well, then forget
it, understand?

(scoffs) Well, how can I?

A thing like that?

Is it true?

I don't know.

I don't ever wanna know.

And I don't ever
want you breathing

a word of it to anyone.


I would just die if I
ever even repeated

anything so disgusting,

or... Or anything
that would begin

to hurt Fallon.

I mean, we don't get along yet.

But she is my sister-in-law.

Hey, we'd better
get dressed soon

if we're gonna have supper.

I mean, dinner.

BLAKE: No, no, I'm nowhere
near being exhausted.

No, there's no need to postpone

our talk until tomorrow.

I... I've got it all
worked out in my head.

Yes, and then I'm
gonna detail it to you,

and I want it put into action
before I go to sleep tonight.


Good. I'll be here.

Oh, Marcia,

would you get Mrs. Carrington

on the phone for me, please?

No, n...

No, wait, uh...

don't bother.

It's me, Blake.

Marcia said you were alone,

that I wouldn't be interrupting
you, so I brought the coffee.

So you dropped by to...

have a little visit with me.

To be with you for a while, yes.

Then I thought
I'd take you home.

Well... Thank you,

but I'm not ready to leave.

And when I am, Joseph
will take me home.

( somber theme playing)



I'm trying.

I'm trying so hard
to be of some help.

Krystle, I want
you to know this,

just in case you don't.

I can get hundreds of people
to bring me a cup of coffee.

I can snap my fingers

and have a table
set for people.

I can pick up the phone

and I can have a government
in South America fall.

Those are not the things
that I need a wife for.

I need a wife... in my bed.

Now, is that what
you're offering?

Don't bother to answer.

( dramatic theme playing)

FALLON: I saw her tonight.

Are you sure it's Krystle?

I was at his house one
day when she phoned.

And when you and
Daddy were in Europe,

she came home once
at : in the morning,

obviously from him.

And then tonight.

What else do I have to know?

Oh, Fallon, I warned you.

Well, I don't blame Nick,
if that's what you mean.

I blame Krystle for
throwing herself at him.


I'd love to tell
Daddy about this.

But you can't, not
in his condition.

I know.

But I gotta do something.


Leave it to me.

Now, you know how I feel
about your Dr. Toscanni,

but I-I can understand
how you feel about him too.

So trust me, darling.

To do what?

Not only are we
going to get Krystle

out of Nick's life,

we're going to get her
out of Blake's life too.

( majestic theme playing)
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