05x12 - Atlantis SquarePantis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants". Aired: May 1, 1999 - present.*
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A square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, in the city of Bikini Bottom on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
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05x12 - Atlantis SquarePantis

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's go!

(honks horn)


Hey, kids.

Rush hour traffic here in Encino
is a real bringdown.


Some music should soothe
me jangled nerve.

At least
me in-dash hi-fi still works.

(music starts and stops)


Me ultra-rare Frampton Comes
Alive! eight-track destroyed!

And I'm going to miss
the new SpongeBob cartoon

if this traffic
doesn't move soon!


("SpongeBob SquarePants" theme
ringtone plays)

Who's callin'?

Yes, Patchy here.

Start squawkin'.

Hey, Patchy.

The new SpongeBob cartoon's
about to start.

Where are you?

Stuck on the .

Uh, be a dear
and record it for me, would you?

Oh, I threw that old
Betamax machine in the garbage.

You what?!!

Oh, calm down, Beardy.

Potty, you know how important
this cartoon is to me.

(horn honking)

Do you mind?!

I'm trying

to talk to my parrot!

Sorry, Potty,
just some landlubber.

(dial tone)

Hello, hello, hello, hello?

Dropped again.

Curse this traffic...!



(horn honks)

Arrrrrr, home at last.

What the...?

Encino... it's gone.



You know, kids,

this kind of reminds Patchy
of an old story,

another story about a lost city.

Why don't you check it out?



(inhales deeply)

(Patrick giggles)

A beautiful
specimen, SpongeBob.

Hurry, Patrick, hurry!


How's it look, buddy?

Ready for the old scrapbook?

More like the
scrap heap.

They never
come out right.

Oh, well.

Let's try again.

Okay, friend.

This is going
to be my masterpiece.

I'm ready.


Hi, Patrick.

I missed it again.

This darn camera
isn't fast enough.


Hold on a second, Patrick.

It's not the poor camera's
fault you can't get a photo.

It's not?

It is the very nature
of the fragile bubble.

It is?

Yes, it is, my friend.

Allow me to demonstrate.

♪ The sun must set ♪

♪ At the end of every day ♪

♪ And the curtain must fall ♪

♪ At the end of every play ♪

♪ And every little bubble
ever blown ♪

♪ Must someday pop ♪

♪ Like presents
on Christmas Day ♪

♪ It doesn't
seem to stay ♪

♪ Or a cheese soufflé ♪

♪ It doesn't last
all day ♪

♪ I will try ♪

♪ Again ♪
Try again ♪

♪ To blow a bubble ♪
To blow a bubble ♪

♪ That will last all day ♪

To blow a bubble
that will last ♪

♪ All day. ♪


Not now, Patrick.

This bubble is going
to break all records.

I hope it doesn't break

until we get a little closer
to the ground.


What have I done?!

(both screaming)

We're never going
to get out of here!


What happened?

That's what happened.

Whoa, what is it?

It looks really old.


What do you think that means,




lt probably belonged
to your ancient ancestors.

SpongeBob SquarePantis,

you must wear the ancient
crest of your ancestors

for it is your birthright!

My birthright!


Let's take this
to the Bikini Bottom Museum.

They'll know what it is.


Uh, beautiful day

for standing outside a museum
doing nothing.

Whatever you say.

Hello, there.

Welcome to the museum.

That'll be three dollars.

But I thought
it was free Tuesday.

Oh, no, no, no, today is Monday.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be wearing

this "I hate Mondays" shirt.

Good point.

Enjoy the artifacts.

Don't stand
in one place too long;

people might mistake you
for one.

(SpongeBob and Patrick laughing,
Mr. Krabs gasps)


Whew, that was a close one.

Neptune's Ascension.

The only surviving painting from
the great lost city of Atlantis.

This is just what the doctor
ordered, Squiddy...

spending your day studying
the Atlantean masters...

and best of all, no Sp...

(SpongeBob and Patrick laughing)

Would you watch where you're...

What is that?

What are you doing
with the amulet of Atlantis?

We were just...
Were you going to steal it?

No, Squidward, we'd never...

This is a new low
even for you two.

Lucky for you,
I was here today.

Stealing artifacts
could land you

in the stony lonesome...


You boobs found the missing half
of the Atlantean amulet?

What's an Atlantean omelet?

Amulet, not omelet!

It's the key to untold riches.

Did someone say
"untold riches"?

Yes, Eugene, the streets
are lined with gold

and the streetlamps
are made of diamonds.

Diamond lightbulbs?!

I wonder what they make
the money out of.

For reasons unknown,

this great city
disappeared one day,

but no ruins
were ever found.

All the inventions you take
for granted were given to us

by the Atlanteans.

Their advances in art,
financial wealth and weaponry

were eons ahead of their time.

Why is this bubble painted
on the mural?

That's just
the oldest living bubble.


The oldest living bubble alive?

Behold, Patrick.

Behold this living bubble.

This is the most beautiful
bubble I've ever seen.

That's just a painting,
you quarter-wit.


Ha, that's less than half.

The real bubble lives
in Atlantis.

Some dumb old bubble pales
in comparison to the art.


And science.

Don't forget science.

What's all the hubbub, boys?

These two

found the missing half
of the amulet.

The amulet of Atlantis?!

Legend says when the
two halves are joined,

the path to
Atlantis is opened.

What are you waiting on?

Let's hitch them two doggies up.

Go on, Squidward.

Hurry up, Squidward.

That money ain't getting
any younger.


(SpongeBob and Patrick
oohing and aahing)

The magical path
to Atlantis is a van?

Nice hot-rod flames.

What's it doing?



Well, holly wally,


Would you look
at that?

Take a gander,

Fabulous decor.

Quite a vessel,
but who's manning it?


Welcome aboard the sea ship

This is a non-stop trip.

So please take a seat, relax

and we'll be
on our way.

But there's some loose change
in here.


So this is what
luxury feels like.


What I wouldn't do
for a foot rub.


Attention passengers.

Regretfully, we lack the fuel
needed for forward motion.


(all grunting)

(bell ringing)

ls this some kind of joke?

Where's the gas t*nk?

We, Atlanteans, find the use

of fossil fuels to be

and have developed an
alternative source we call...



The engine of this vessel

is fueled by...


The more you sing
of your desires,

the closer to Atlantis
you will get.

Let us commence singing.

Did that make any sense?

No, but I'm game for
singing any day.


Sing a song?

A song of wanting to move along.

SPONGEBOB (singing off-key):
♪ To a land
where all our dreams... ♪

Oops, sorry.

♪ To a land ♪

♪ Where all our dreams ♪

♪ Can finally come true ♪

♪ A bubble I long for ♪

♪ That so eludes me,
but soon enough I will see ♪

Well, that's just splendid, boy.

♪ A land where it rains money
more than you can spend ♪

♪ With fives and tens
and fifties ♪

♪ And all want
to be your friend ♪


♪ Such a valiant desire ♪


♪ The lost weapons of Atlantis ♪

♪ The most advanced
of all time ♪

♪ As soon as this dopey song
is done ♪

♪ I plan to make them mine! ♪

Did y'all hear

♪ I can hardly believe it ♪

♪ There's a lost city ♪

♪ Where having smarts
is more important

♪ Than being pretty ♪

♪ With all their advanced
science ♪

♪ And my painfully
enlarged mind ♪

I bet we can figure out

how to make
wondrous things.

♪ Like melons with
edible rinds ♪

♪ As a connoisseur of fine art,
l'm proud to say ♪

♪ I've always seen things
in my own special way ♪

♪ Artlantis with their glorious
esthetics ♪

♪ I'll cop their style
within a while ♪

♪ My art will be prophetic ♪

♪ I'm Patrick ♪

♪ I'm Patrick ♪

♪ Patrick, Patrick,
Patrick ♪

♪ Um, and I like,
uh... ♪

Uh.... uh...

(record scratches)
I don't know what I like.

(engine pops)

(whistling on descent)


You have run out of song fuel.

(all screaming)

Hey, look, there's


(all scream)

You dimwits haven't even
been here two minutes

and you've already messed up

someone's topiary garden.

Go on, SpongeBob, ring the bell.

"Ring For The King," huh?

(trumpet fanfare)

Welcome to Atlantis.

I've been expecting you.


(groans and grunts)

Allow me to introduce

I am the Lord Royal Highness,

but my friends call me LRH.

My friends call me SpongeBob.

I'm here to see
the oldest bubble.

Yes, of course.

What a rip-off.

This street ain't gold!

Oh, if it's gold
you want,

you'll find it in our vault.

I'm Eugene.

I like money.
l can see that.

Pleasure to meet you.

Come, I'll give you
the grand tour

of our Atlantean

I'm so glad you're
all here.

They're gone.

Now to get to those weapons.



Okay, what do I have to work
with here.

What's this?

Owner's Manual!

Looks like I found
my escape route!




For centuries,
we Atlanteans spent...

nah, wasted our
talents and energy

building the most sophisticated

to defend ourselves
from invaders.

But we abandoned the idea
of warfare long ago.

And now all these

weapons gather dust

behind this locked door,

as an example of what
must be done if one wishes

to live in harmony
with all creatures

of this or any world.

MR. KRABS (sighing):
Harmony shmarmony.

When do we get
to see the treasure?

But of course. Follow me.

Coming through, boys!

(shoes squishing)

These Atlanteans leave
a room full

of the most advanced weaponry

No wonder they got lost.


Oh, my.

There will be no one to stop me
this time.

(laughing maniacally)

♪ ♪

Well, bad news, kids.

Encino's still lost.

(music playing)

Ooh, but at least
I got me radio fixed.


Well, enjoy the rest
of the show.


It is both an honor
and a pleasure

to welcome you to Atlantis.

We haven't had

in quite some time.

You see, being a lost city
has certain disadvantages,

which I digress.

Now, if you will
just follow me,

I'll show you some
of our grandest


You told me the streets
were paved with gold!

Now that streetlight better
be a -carat diamond,

or else!


Ah, hold still, Squidward.

You're standing on my neck!

Ooh, what?!

(glass shattering)

Are you all right?

Yeah, but I feel odd.

(groaning and sputtering)

Mr. Krabs, are
you okay?


I know that smell anywhere.

(barking) Me pockets!

Me be smelling loot!


Oh, hey, hey!

Hey, oh, oh.


(pockets munching)

Those pockets of yours

really have a nose
for treasure.

These are me houndstooth pants.

What you see here

is a glimpse of ancient
Atlantean history.

Long ago, we abandoned
our obsession with wealth

to focus on the pursuit
of knowledge.

So, help yourself to as much
as your pockets can carry.

As much as me pockets
can carry?!

♪ Oh, if I'd only known
when I woke up today ♪

♪ I'd stopped at me tailor's
along the way ♪

♪ And had ten more pockets

♪ Put on me pants ♪

♪ 'Cause I think I hear
a money avalanche ♪


♪ Look at all this cash ♪

♪ Hey, look at all this money ♪

♪ I hope me heart
can take it... ♪

(flat-line tone)
EMT: Clear.

I'm all right, sonny.

♪ Industrial accidents
can make quite a mess ♪

♪ Unless you fall
into a money press ♪

♪ Oh, make me into money,
Mr. Wonderful Machine ♪

♪ I always knew that me true
color was green ♪

♪ Oh... ever since I was
a little kid ♪

♪ I dreamed of such a place ♪

♪ Yes, I did ♪

♪ With mounds of money ♪

♪ And rivers of cash ♪

♪ And a pool of coins
to make a splash ♪

♪ Oh, I'll open up a Krusty Krab
with patties made of money ♪

♪ They'd be delicious
and expensive ♪

♪ And taste like golden honey ♪

♪ Money and gold
and treasure I'm told ♪

♪ And all of it for me. ♪

Mr. Krabs, we're off
to see the bubble.

Would you care to join us?

Are you kidding?

I just got here!

Oh, well, then, off we go.


when are we gonna see
the bubble?

Patrick, shh!

Don't dally, lads.

You don't want to be
left behind, do you?

No, sir!

Come on along, Patrick.

You know, LRH,

I was born with a healthy
scientific curiosity,

and I was wondering
if I could get a peek

at some of your scientific

Of, course, Miss Cheeks.

Here we are.

The culmination of
all our technology.

I give you

the Atlantean Hall of Science.

Hocking acorns!

Look at all this
high-tech gear.

What does this
gizmo do?

It's a biomass converting

It can take any household

this comb, for example,

and turn it into, let's see,

ice cream.

(cow moos) Would
anyone like to try?

Oh, me, me!
Me, me!

me, me! Oh, me, me!

Go ahead!


(both laugh)

(eating noisily)



What else can it
turn things into?

Actually, it can only
turn things into ice cream.

We haven't worked
that bug out yet,

but I can show you

the most amazing,

slash, fantastic
device created

by Atlantean hands.

Behold. This grand
machine allows the user

to be broken down
to nano stature,

enabling them to battle germs
hand to hand.

How's it work?

Please have a seat,

and I'll explain.

Now, here's how it works...

Hey, cool!


Where'd SpongeBob go?!

Right now, his molecules are
being broken down into data,

which is assembled
into this computer

and is stored on these tapes,

then reassembled
on a much smaller scale...

Someone help me!

And finally passes
through this tube

and into this t*nk,

which contains every element
known to...

Oh, dear, heavens.

lt looks like
our scientists were working

on a very aggressive case
of the sniffles.

He could be in trouble.

Don't worry, SpongeBob!

I'm coming to help you!


Okay, I've seen enough.

Let me out of this thing.


(upbeat video game tune playing)


What's going on here? I...

(rhythmic video game tones)

Oh, no!


(rhythmic tones)

Squidward, don't make
any sudden movements!

(rhythmic tones)


(tones tinkling)

(rhythmic tones playing quickly)



(all screaming,
harsh tones play)


Help, Sandy!

Sounds like them critters
is in trouble.

(rhythmic tones)

(harsh whirring)

Hold on, fellas!

I'll be there soon.

As soon as I send
these critters to
their doom.

(whirring, rhythmic beeping)

♪ Look out germs ♪

♪ The end is near ♪

♪ Your days are numbered ♪

♪ 'Cause Sandy's here ♪

♪ I'll get these germs
and make 'em pay ♪

♪ With some good,
old-fashioned karate ♪


♪ If I borrow some elements
from the periodic table ♪

♪ I can mix up a brew ♪

♪ That is sure to disable ♪

♪ Any virus, bug or sniffle ♪

♪ That steps into my path ♪

♪ And make them feel
my microscopic wrath. ♪


(whimsical tune plays)


Well, shall we continue on

with the rest of the tour?

Y'all head out without me.


Well, then
good luck,
have fun.

We'll see you at dinner.

Your friend Sandy

certainly is an excitable one.


Somehow I knew I'd get stuck
with you yahoos the longest.


♪ Oh, what a beautiful sight ♪

♪ Weapons as far
as the eye can see ♪

♪ But which one will be right
for me? ♪

♪ How do I pick? ♪

♪ Which one will do the trick? ♪

♪ Which is best
to guarantee eternal rest? ♪


♪ So many weapons ♪

♪ How do I chose? ♪

♪ Look at this one...
What a beautiful fuse ♪

♪ And with this one ♪

♪ I couldn't lose ♪

♪ That one would surely
give them the blues ♪

♪ And this one here
matches my shoes ♪

Come on, Plankton, just pick one
and forget about your shoes!

Eeny, meeny, miney, mo,
l pick you.

Now let's go.


(shoes squelching)

This stuff is wonderful and all,

but when are we going to see
some real Atlantean culture?

Gentlemen, what is art?

Oh, oh, I know, I know!

I thought you'd never ask.

Art is the conscious
arrangement of elements

in a manner
that affects a sense of beauty.

Not even

Art is what happens
when you learn to dream.

Go ahead,
dream a little.

(shoes squeaking)

It looks like my front door.

Behold... the Hall of Arts.

(door creaking)


(ice picks clanging)

(choking up)

The creativity!

The artistry.

This painting
is so realistic,

it looks like you could
step straight into it!

And you can.



This place is amazing!

(water gurgling)

♪ Isn't this great?
lsn't this neat? ♪

♪ I'm a living work of art
from my head to my feet ♪

♪ From the very first drawings
on walls in caves ♪

♪ Art has been
what the heart and soul craves ♪

♪ So pick up a brush,
a pencil or pen ♪

♪ If you don't like this one,
paint it again ♪

♪ From now on,
please call me Sir Real ♪

♪ I can wait
for your impression to congeal ♪

♪ Take it from an undersea
Renaissance man ♪

♪ I'd even look great
on the side of your van ♪

♪ Anyway you cut it,
I am art and art is me ♪

♪ Ask your mama or your Dada ♪

♪ To tell you about the,
uh, schism ♪

♪ Between minimalism
and cubism ♪

♪ My personality
may be of the cynical type ♪

♪ But I finally found something
that lives up to the hype ♪

♪ I can say honestly
and with great certainty ♪

♪ That Atlantis is where
I want to spend eternity! ♪

(holding note)

Hey, can you not sing?

I'm trying to model here.

Now, hold on, Nando.

Why don't you take five?

I'm really digging
this squid's form.


Looks like I'll be here

inspiring these
Atlantean art makers

with my beauty.

You guys, go on ahead.

Okay. Bye,

(shoes squeaking)

(crickets chirping)

Now, this section of town
is known for its advances

in the science of
fondue cooking.

Excuse me, sir.

This tour's been
great and all,

but, uh, can we see
the bubble now?

Do excuse me.

Most folks don't stay
with the tour this long.

Of course you can.

But first,
remember this.

This bubble is over
one million years old.

It was brought here

when the first Atlanteans
colonized this place.

Deftly hand-carried
over billions of light years

from our home planet.

It is our people's
most beloved

and treasured ancient relic.

But most importantly,

remember to...

have fun!

(both gasp)
There it is,

The world's
oldest living bubble!

(both whooping)


Look at it, Patrick.

So ancient, so floaty.

lt is the most beautiful,
wrinkled up, dusty old bubble

I've ever seen.

Like a delicate air raisin.


Now if you'll excuse me,

I need to make ready
for tonight's dinner,

so I'm just going to leave
you two friendly strangers alone

with our most beloved,
ancient and fragile

Atlantean relic.

Join us in the dining hall
when you've had an eyeful.

Thank you, Mr. Lord
Royal Highness, sir.

Just look at it, Patrick.

Ah, the story
this bubble could tell!

I just wish
we could get a closer look.


Catch it!
Oh, golly!

l don't know
how much longer I can hold this!



(teeth chattering)

(both laughing)

Whew! That was a close one, buddy.

We almost popped
the most-prized possession

of all Atlantiseans!

Boy, that would
have been our greatest blunder

without a doubt.

We should go before
something bad does happen.

Let's get a picture for
our scrapbooks before we leave.

Great idea, Patrick.



Patrick, did you hear something?

A sort of a popping sound?


(both screaming)

(door slams open)

So sorry I'm late.

The tour ran a little long.

So, how are you all
enjoying our beloved city?

I'm never leaving this place.

I've learned more about painting
in a few hours here

than I did in four years

of community college.

Absolutely marvelous.

And, Eugene, I assume
the Hall of Treasure

was everything you hoped for?


And, Sandra, how did you
find our laboratories?

They are just amazing!

I used your invention room
to make this.

Splendid! What does it do?

I'll show you.

(whirring and buzzing)



Now I can eat underwater
without removing my helmet.

This is just the beginning.

I should have a cure
for the common cold

up and running
by tomorrow afternoon

with your high-tech lab.


SpongeBob, Patrick,
tell me,

how did you enjoy our rarest
and most-prized possession?

Um, we have to go back
to Bikini Bottom now.




Enjoy the best
Atlantean cuisine

has to offer before you go.


What is wrong
with you two morons?

We have to go home now.

Why would you want
to leave a paradise
like Atlantis?

Because, uh...

Gary misses me.

(music playing, snails meowing)

We destroyed
your most prized possession!


If there's one thing
we Atlanteans enjoy,

it's a healthy dose
of dark humor.


It's not a joke!

We burst the bubble!

(Sandy and Squidward gasp,
LRH chuckles)

That's not the real bubble.

lt's just a prop
for the tourists.

This is the real deal.


(camera shutter clicks)


the Atlantean Royal Guard.

(trumpet fanfare)



Seize these hostile


(all screaming)

Don't just stand there.


Can't you go any faster, Sandy?

Maybe... if y'all
would use your feet.

Never mind.

Just keep doing
what you're doing.


Huh? Wha...?


Come on, Patrick.

That tickles.

Hang in there, little buddy.

(all grunting confusedly)

(all grunting)


Don't let them
get away.

(guards grunting angrily)




This is the end of Patchy.

No water, no food,

and still no Encino.


Here come the vultures
to pick me bones.


Shiver me timbers!

It's Potty!


I wonder
what parrot tastes like.

(Patchy grunts, Potty squawks)

Come back here!


Here come the hallucinations.


(SpongeBob laughing)

(laughter echoing)

Patchy, it's me,
SpongeBob SquarePants.


Don't lose hope.

Everything will be all right
when you get to Encino.

B-B-But Encino is gone.

It's not gone if you...





"Welcome to Encino."

It's back!

SpongeBob was right.

All I had to do was believe.


♪ You gotta believe
it was out of sight ♪

♪ You gotta believe ♪

♪ I'm back in Encino ♪

♪ You gotta believe ♪

♪ That everything's all right ♪

♪ The sky above
and ground below ♪

♪ Great to be back in Encino ♪

♪ It was lost some time ago ♪

♪ Just glad to be back home ♪

You gotta believe ♪

♪ I'm back in Encino ♪

You gotta believe ♪

♪ Oh, it was out of sight ♪

You gotta believe ♪

♪ I'm back in Encino ♪

You gotta believe ♪

♪ That everything's all right ♪

You gotta believe ♪

♪ I'm back in Encino ♪

You gotta believe ♪

♪ Oh, it was out of sight ♪

You gotta believe ♪

♪ I'm back in Encino ♪

You got... ♪
(record scratches)

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Ooh, ow!

(bird caws)


It was all a hallucination.

Encino's still gone!

(bird squawks)

Ooh, a sandwich!

Potty, you're a lifesaver.


Potty, you know
I don't like mayo!


Here, you want some?

Go on.

Take it.

l don't like the
mayonnaise, you know.

Once it gets up above , ,

the mayonnaise gets
kind of grody, you know.

(evil laughter)

Cower to me, fools!

I have commandeered
the most powerful w*apon

in the Atlantean arsenal.

Now bow before the new king
of Atlantis

and prepare to taste my wrath.

Yeah! Huh?

Uh, I-I mean, uh,

prepare to taste my wrath!


Why, you...


Prepare to

taste my wrath!

Launch sequence deployed!

(Plankton cackling)

(all gasp)

(cow moos)


Plankton's wrath
tastes like ice cream.

Thanks, Plankton.
Thanks, Plankton.

Ice cream?

It sh**t ice cream?!

Over-sized ice cream maker!



Ouch! Ouch!

Look, a talking speck.

This talking speck will make
a fantastic replacement

for our recently deflated
national treasure.

Won't you, little fella?

I'll destroy all of you!

This is so much better

than that dusty old bubble.

You haven't seen the last of me.

When I get out of here,

I'll hunt you all down
like a pack...

(camera shutter clicks)

Can't you read?!

No flash photography!

(excited murmuring)

So nice to meet you all.

l hope you have
a safe journey back home.

And do come back anytime.

So long.

And thanks for the tour.

Dispose of this quickly.

We can't survive anymore
visitors like these.

Sir, yes, sir!

I thought sponges were supposed
to make life easier.

♪ Good-bye ♪

♪ Atlantis ♪

♪ But we really have to go ♪

♪ Back to a little town that
is the greatest place I know ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ Back to Bikini Bottom ♪

♪ I can hardly wait ♪

♪ But what about the treasure? ♪

♪ It was really great ♪

♪ I love Bikini Bottom ♪

♪ It's where my Gary is ♪

♪ But Atlantis had
that science stuff ♪

♪ At which I was a whiz ♪

♪ Soon I'll see
The Krusty Krab ♪

♪ Where I'm happily employed ♪

♪ But Atlantis
had the oldest bubble ♪

♪ Which I cruelly destroyed ♪

♪ You can't beat Bikini Bottom ♪

♪ No place is so nice ♪

♪ But Atlantis was a fabulous
artistic paradise ♪

Sorry, Squidward,

but it's the end of our
Atlantean vacation.

♪ And back to my depressing life
of quiet desperation ♪

♪ Good-bye, Atlantis ♪

♪ We're Bikini Bottom-bound ♪

♪ Please turn this bus around ♪

♪ We had our fun ♪
We sure did.

♪ But now we're done ♪
And I'm bummed.

♪ We're on our way ♪
Can't we stay?

♪ So now we say ♪

♪ Good-bye! ♪

I think I'm gonna cry.

Me, too.
♪ Good-bye, Atlantis ♪

♪ We're Bikini Bottom-bound ♪

♪ There's no place like home ♪

There's no place like Atlantis.

I can't wait to get home

I don't want to go back.

♪ We're Bikini Bottom-bound ♪

Please don't
make us leave.

♪ We're Bikini Bottom-bound ♪

Stop saying that.

♪ I even love the sound ♪

Good-bye, Atlantis ♪

♪ Bikini Bottom is the greatest
place to be ♪

Good-bye, Atlantis... ♪

(song fades out)

Pretty good story, eh, kids?

(glass breaks)

I found Encino.

But it's all tiny.

Someone must've...


(spaceship pulsing)


Sorry, sir.
Our son

Norblott Five was

messing around with
his Shrink-a-tron again.

No, no, no, no!

I want Encino full size again.

There's no place like home.

There's no place like home.

Okay, hand it over,
Norblott Five.

We'll fix your town, Beardy.


(car horns honk)

(cows moo)


Aargh! Aargh! Aargh!

(yelling continues)

Well, looks like everything's
back to the right size,

eh, Potty?


(loud squawk)


Well, kids, I'm a little busy
right now.

But be sure to come back
real soon

for more of your old pal


... and more
SpongeBob SquarePants.

(SpongeBob laughing)
Potty, will you get off of me?
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