02x16 - The Baby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x16 - The Baby

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Good night.

Good night.

There's so many things
I could see again tonight.

Thank you.

I guess the only word
is congratulations, Blake.

I'm very pleased for you.

Thank you, Cecil.

You look happy,
Krystle. Stay that way.

I will.

My date seems to
have disappeared.

Do you happen to
know where Alexis is?

Fallon. Fallon. Fallon.

Open your eyes. Please.

Please, Fallon open your...

Oh, thank God.


Yes, it's me.

(cries out)

(groans): Oh.

Oh, the pain.

Oh, God, it's the baby, I know.

Oh, oh.

Fallon, just stay here, darling.

Keep warm and stay calm.

I'll get some help.

Stay here, darling.

Don't move, I'll be right back.

( fast-paced suspenseful
theme playing

Help! Help!

Sir, can you help me?

There's been an accident.

(man shouting indistinctly)

This is it.

Oh, it's very nice. Yeah.

I told you I had
noisy neighbors.

Have you tried
banging on the walls?

I have.

Didn't work.

Well, you could, um, always
challenge them to a duel.

Ten paces at dawn.


Actually, Matthew
bought me a g*n,

and my permit says
"for self-protection."

It's a good idea.

Do you want some
coffee or some tea?

Oh, no, no, no, thanks.



God, I was in a rotten
mood when I left the party.

I'm glad I suggested we
go to the club for a drink.



I'm a little bit woozy now,

but I'm glad too.

Well, I guess I should be going.


Is Fallon waiting for you?

Oh, come on, Claudia,

I know we didn't talk about
it, but I'm sure you've guessed

what our situation
is like at the house.

I know what it's like.

With Matthew.




I didn't realize
how late it's getting.

No, it's not. It isn't late.


it was very good
between us at first.


I thought that he would be
the only man that I'd ever know.

And then, I don't know,
things began to happen.

I guess I began to feel
trapped, you know, confused.

I was married really young.

Am I starting to bore you?

Oh, no, no, no,
no. Y-you're not.


I'm alone here and...


It's nice to have
someone to talk to.

I'm tired of talking
to these walls.

The concert's over.

Well, listen.

In a minute now, he's gonna say,

(in a deep voice) "Hey,
come to bed, now."

Wait, listen.

( mellow theme playing)

I, uh...

I really have to go.

I mean...


Well, um...

You're alone too,
aren't you, Jeff?

MAN: Are you
coming to bed or not?

WOMAN: Forget it.

(laughs): Told you.

( soft romantic theme playing)

WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. Kelly to Operating Room .

Uh-oh. Not a very
good party, eh?

It was all right.
I've been to better.

I thought I'd come back and
check on the Morales boy.

He's doing great, just great.

Yeah, I know.

Part of it's thanks to you too.

You know, for a surgeon

who's been away from
the table for a while,

you didn't get too rusty.

Were you serious about
my coming here on staff,

not as a psychiatrist but
as a neurosurgeon again?

Oh, when it comes
to running this hospital,

I'm always serious.

I'd like to thank
you, Mr. Crayford.

Yeah? For what?

Oh, that injury to my hand,

using it as an excuse
never to operate again

because I was so damn
afraid I'd lose another patient,

you nailed me on that.

Helped me to face tonight.
I'd like to thank you for that.


That little boy in there.

Oh, when he smiled
up at me, you know,

that beautiful groggy smile,

I'll tell you, it was like
coming home again.

I think you're ready to
sign another contract.


Now, why do I have the feeling
you've already drawn it up, hm?


I wouldn't put it past me.

(chuckles): Uh-huh.

(doors open)

Nick. Oh, God, it's Fallon.

What happened?

We were riding in the car.

She went off the road.
She was driving too fast.

Oh, God, Nick, it's
the baby. Alexis, Alexis.

All right, listen,
she'll be all right.

Nurse, take Mrs. Carrington.

Give her ten milligrams
of diazepam PO.

Alexis, stay here
with the nurse.

( uplifting theme playing)

(pops) (screams)

Oh! Oh!

(both laugh)

You'd make a rotten headwaiter.

Oh, I don't know.

I was the best
beer-and-pop-bottle opener

in Dora's Diner.

Dora's Diner?

Yeah, that's the
place that I worked at

when I was going to high school.

Huh. Was, uh, Dora pretty?

Oh, just about as
pretty as her chili.

(chuckles) Know something?

I have a feeling that
you're prettier than Dora,

hard as it is to believe.

Here's to you, pretty lady.

(glasses clink)

( romantic theme playing)

Did you just shave?


At : in the morning?



Oh, I love you.

I love you so much.

It's been so long.


Feels like an eternity.

Say it again, how
much you love me.

More than life. Now,
can you match that?


I think so.

By showing you how
desperately much I love you.

( soft romantic theme playing)

(telephone ringing)

Let it ring.

Right off the hook.

(telephone continues ringing)

Oh, damn it.

Yes? Who is it?

ALEXIS: Hello, Blake?

Blake, it's Alexis.

(sobs): It's Fallon.

We need you. Please come.

What about Fallon?
Where are you calling from?

Memorial Hospital.

There's been an accident.

Please get here quickly, Blake.




( mysterious theme playing)

(cuff pumps, hisses)


You came to be with me.

Yes, I'm here, Fallon.

Hold my hand.

I'm in pain.

I know, sweetie, I know.
It's gonna be all right.

So much.



It's all I have
left to hold on to.

Oh, no, Fallon, no. You're
gonna have the baby.

You're gonna be all right,

and the baby's
gonna be all right.

I'll be here with you, Fallon.

Right here.

Plasminate, cc's.

Get her up to OR, stat.

Doctor, can I speak
to you a minute?


Blood pressure's
dropping, / .

The fetal heart tones are
down, the mother's shocky.

She's having an abruption.

We're gonna have to do
an emergency C-section.

Is her husband here yet?

We haven't been
able to reach him.

Father's on the way down.

We can't wait.

Dr. Forrester,

what are the chances
the baby will be alive?

Considering what the
mother's been through...


all we can do is hope.

WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. O'Neill, call your exchange.

Stay with me.

I'll be here all night, Fallon.

Nick. I'll be here.

( dramatic theme playing)


Tissue forceps.

Curved Mayos.


Bandage scissors.

( dramatic theme playing)

(elevator dings)

Blake. Oh, God, Blake.

Where is she?

She's in surgery. They're...

They're doing an
emergency cesarean.

My God. How did this happen?

I don't know.

We were at the house
and... And she came up to me

and she said that she
wanted to go for a drive.

So naturally, I wasn't
going to let her go alone.

And then, when we
got onto the road,

I-I thought she must have had
too much champagne or something

because she was
driving so recklessly.

How can that be, Alexis?

I noticed Fallon wasn't drinking

anything at all tonight.

Oh, really, Krystle? I
mean, how do you know?

Were you with her all night?
The... The adoring stepmother?

Well, I'm her mother. And I
know what she was doing.

God, Blake, it was a nightmare.

She went so fast and...

And I tried to get
her to slow down,

and then all of a sudden, we
hit a curve and we crashed.

Well, you mustn't
blame yourself now.


If only I hadn't let her drive.

At least she wasn't alone

and you did get her
here to the hospital.


Now all we can do is...

pray that she got here in time.

(respirator pumping)

Head's out. Bulb syringe.

Let's close. Penningtons.

I'm gonna have to ventilate.

He's not breathing.

Heart tone's dropping.






Oh, come on, little
guy. Come on, little fella.



One hundred.

That's it.

Well, I wanted a cry,
just one healthy little cry,

but he's too weak.

Take him up to NICU.

( uplifting theme playing)

(door opens)

Where are you going?

No, I just came back.

I realized I had
nothing in the house

for a good breakfast.

So there's this
all-night shopping plaza

down the street,

so I just went there.

Claudia, I really think
I should be going.

I don't think I should
have breakfast here.

Do you really wanna go home?

Well, let's say I don't, uh,

particularly want to.

But I think I should.

I really don't want you to.

Not right away.

Why don't you stay with me?

Just for a while.

Do I have to say please?


( light suspicious
theme playing


Blake, I'm thirsty. Do
you have a quarter?

Yeah, of course.


WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. Costelli, call the operator.

Dr. Costelli, call the operator.

Oh, Mr. Carrington? Yes?

I'm Dr. Forrester.


She's gonna be all right.


Thank you. What about the baby?

You have a grandson.


Is he all right?

Well, uh, he's premature.

So naturally, he's
very, very small.


But he's perfectly formed.

And he seems to be a fighter.

A very good, determined fighter.

Well, naturally.

He's a Carrington.

Then you think the
chances are good

that he'll make it, doctor?

Dr. Brighton, the pediatrician,

thinks he'll make it.

She's usually right.

Well, there's no point in
your all waiting tonight.

, The baby's in intensive care

and Mrs. Colby isn't in
any condition for visitors.

Doctor, I'm her
mother. May I see her?

Well, you can, of
course, Mrs. Carrington.

In the morning.


Good news. Fallon is all
right and she's had a boy.

Well, congratulations, Dad.

How does it feel
to be a grandfather?

It's wonderful.

Isn't Jeff here with you?

No, no. I... I
thought he was here.


Let's call the house and
see if he's on his way.

I'll be with you in
a couple minutes.

WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. Costelli, call the operator.

Dr. O'Neill, call your exchange.

Dr. O'Neill, call your exchange.

Well, I suppose you're
less than satisfied,

aren't you?

What are you talking about?

That you called me a liar,

about Fallon having had
too much champagne.

But Blake didn't believe you.

Was I wrong, Alexis?


Of course you were.

But I'll forgive you.

Will you?


Under the circumstances,
you must be terribly upset.



Fallon giving Blake what
you're unable to give him.

You must feel...

very left out.

Absolutely shattered.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Where are you going?

Back to the hospital
to see my sister,

like you didn't last night.

What happened?

What happened?

I was tired. Dead tired.

So you came upstairs to change,

but instead you
decided to go to sleep.

That's real caring of you.

Don't you give a damn
about anybody but yourself?

You know that I do.

I just didn't think I
would be of any help.

How is she, Steven?

I don't really know yet.
I'll talk to her this morning.

But when I do, I want
you there with me.

No, I can't.

(sighs): Oh.

That headache last night.

I think I'm beginning
to get something.

Maybe a fever.

A very convenient fever.

My sister knocks herself
out to give us a party,

and you can't even
get the hell out of bed

to at least tell her that
you're happy about the baby.

That she's alive,
that the baby's alive.

You're really all
heart, aren't you?


Darling, I know it
must be very painful.

What is this place?

It's a hospital.


(groans): Oh.

My stomach.

Well, darling,

you've had the baby.

You've had a
beautiful little boy.


Where is it?

Well, he's, um...

He's in an incubator right now,

but he's going to be fine.

So are you.

I was driving.


We had an accident.

Yes, I know.

But, uh, that's all over now.

Before the accident,

she told me about Daddy and you.

Said that Daddy wasn't...



But she told me.

Who told you?

Steven's wife.

( dramatic theme playing)

That little tramp
told you that lie?


But didn't you tell
me it was the truth?

(sighs): Oh, Fallon.

All I said was that I... I...

I didn't know whether Blake
was your real father or not.

Cecil Colby.

You said Cecil Colby.

Fallon, I didn't know
what I was saying.

I was so frightened.
You were driving so fast.

You said Blake wasn't my father.

Fallon, please, please,
let's forget everything

that happened yesterday.

You took him away from me!

(breathes deeply)

The only thing I
ever cared about.

The most beautiful thing
in my life, you stole him.

Oh, baby.

I'm not your baby.

I'm nothing now.

I used to be...

Fallon Carrington.

Now I'm nothing.

I don't wanna see
you. Get out of here.

Oh, Fallon.

Do you hear me? Get out of here.

Do you hear me? Ah!

If you don't get out of
here, I'll have you kicked out.

Thrown out.

Get out!


Get out!


Sammy Jo.

BLAKE: I don't
care how you do it,

I want you to do it.

Now, listen, there must be
somebody on Wall Street...

Which, as I recall, happens
to be three city blocks

from our New York office.

There must be somebody
there who has the answer,

and I want that answer.

Is it Logan Rhinewood
who's buying up big blocks

of Denver-Carrington stock?

And if it isn't
Rhinewood, who is it?



Jeff, where have you been?

I, uh...

I did a little
barhopping last night.

A bender, I guess you
and my uncle would say.

Oh, you mean us
old-fashioned types?

Oh, no, no, I didn't
mean it to sound that way.

Oh, my God, you can see.

Yes. Yes, I can see.

In fact, you might call last
night a night of miracles.

Two of them.

I got my sight back and
you became a father.

I what?

Fallon was in an accident

and the baby was
delivered prematurely.

It's a boy.

And they're both in good shape.


Thanks, Blake.

Um... Now, look.

Now, why don't you get
out of this bender uniform,

go up and take a shower
and get over to the hospital?

Memorial Hospital.

A son.

I'm a wonderful
father, aren't I?

I finally have a son.

Where was I when he came
into this wonderful world?

WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. Costelli to Operating Room .

Doctor, how's the
Colby baby doing?

Not all that well.

His blood gases are off.

He just can't get in
enough oxygen yet.

Respiratory distress syndrome.

Now, I know it's
frequent with preemies,

but I'll breathe a lot easier
when it's all cleared up.

If my son's wife
is still asleep,

will you go upstairs

and have one of the
servants wake her up?

Tell them to drag that
little tramp out of bed.

Mrs. Carrington, the
girl has left the house

and I don't know where she went.

Well, as soon as
she comes back here,

you tell her that I am
waiting for her in my studio,

that I insist on
seeing her right away,

and that if she doesn't,
she will regret it.

You'll tell her that,
Joseph, all right?

( dramatic theme playing)

Now, what are you doing here?

That's not a very
friendly hello.

I mean, I purposely didn't
wake you up this morning

because I know you didn't
get much sleep last night.

Well, I hardly slept at all,

but I know this is a
very special day for you

and I wanted to be with you.


Hello, Fallon. Congratulations.

Hello, little mother.
How are you feeling?

I happen to have
a surprise for you.

I just saw my grandson.

Did you?


You're gonna be able to
see him too, by tomorrow.

That's good news, isn't it?

I guess.

Now, honey, I know
what you've been through.

I know that you're very tired.

But that's all gonna go soon.

It won't be too long before
you'll be taking your son home

to his nursery, and,
to quote his mother,

"He's gonna be the most
pampered kid in Colorado."


Come on, how about a
little smile from his mother?

What is it, darling?
Something wrong?

Something I can help you with?

I'll wait outside.

( sentimental theme playing)

Come on, now.

It's just the two of us here.

Come on now,
tell me. What is it?

Say, "Yes, Daddy,
there's a problem."

You just said it.

I'm tired,

and I don't wanna
talk to anybody.

I don't wanna talk to you.

Yes, but, Fallon...

Please go.

All right.

She's very disturbed
about something,

and she won't
tell me what it is.

Blake, about last night.

At the beginning of the
party, Fallon was very happy

and in a wonderful mood.

And if something
happened to change that...

I think you oughta
talk to Alexis about it.

(telephone rings)

ALEXIS: Hello?

MAN: Mrs. Carrington?

Yes. Who's this?

Morgan Hess.

Oh, Mr. Hess.

Well, you've been very
private for a private investigator

these past few weeks.

That is what you are, isn't it?

Well, I've been very
busy on your case.

In fact, I just
flew in from Ohio.

I, uh... I have some
interesting information.

Any chance of me coming
out to see you this afternoon?

Yes. Um, how about : ?

That'll be fine.
I'll see you then.

Yes. And, Mr. Hess, it
better be good information.

It's been a
miserable day so far.

(knocking on door)

Who is it?

Sammy Jo.

Come in.

You asked to see me.
Aren't you gonna talk?

Yes, I'm going to talk.

I'm asking you
loudly and clearly,

how dare you throw that
lie at Fallon about her father?

Me throw it? Wait
a second, Alexis.

It's Mrs. Carrington to you.

Whatever makes you happy.

I heard Steven
throw it first. At you.

And I don't believe it's a lie.

So, what are you
gonna do about that?

That's a very good question.

And that's exactly the
point of this little tête-à-tête.

In plain words of one syllable
that you can understand,

I want you out of this family.

I want you not
married to Steven.

I am offering you , dollars

if you will sign
this piece of paper

and leave immediately.

And there will be no
goodbyes to anybody,

including Steven.

Is that clear?

What is that?

It's a declaration

that you and Steven never
consummated your marriage.

I don't suppose you know
what that means, do you?


Well, it means that the
marriage can be annulled

as if it never existed.

It means that you
never slept together.

Well, that's gotta be a
joke, and you know it.

Is , dollars a joke?

Look, I love Steven.

From now on, every
word that you utter

is going to cost
you , dollars.

You've just said four words.
That's now , dollars.


Not exactly a word

but I'm going to
count it anyway.

Fifteen thousand dollars.


Tell me something,
my little nymphet,

is this your way
of upping the ante?

I'm not talking about money.

I'm talking about Steven and
me, and what this paper says.

It's wrong.

We've slept together. A lot.

A real lot.

Must we continue
with this vulgarity?

You didn't let me finish.

Go on.

Now, if you wanna
make a different deal,

I'll take the ,
and then I'll leave.

I deserve that much.

What do you mean
a different deal?

I wanna use the money to
go away someplace for a while

and improve myself.

Get some what you
call fancy manners.


Look, I'm not a
charitable institution.

I am paying you good money
so that you will do what I want,

and that is to go
away and stay away.

Sorry, but that's it.

Because if it isn't,

I'll take this paper
straight to Steven

and show him how
his dear sweet mommy

wanted his wife
to sign something

that would make him out a f*g.

You wouldn't dare.

Try me.

Now, you can write me a check,

and I'll give this back...


And, who knows?

Maybe while I'm
away improving myself

I'll find someone richer or
better-looking than Steven.

Then you can have
your divorce, Alexis.

( mellow theme playing)

I'm sorry you had to
go through this alone,

that I wasn't with you.

Doesn't matter.

Well, it does to me.

Well, then, take a guilt
trip to Alaska or Chile.

Or to another woman.

That's what you need,
Jeff, another woman, not me.

Last night, when I
saw you in the library

with Nick Toscanni...

Uh, I-I did go with
another woman.

I spent the night with her.

That's fine.

Now we're even.


But none of that's
important right now.

It's our son, he's important.

Now, let's give
ourselves some time

to straighten our heads out

before we go through
with any divorce.

Now, I-I just want you
to think about it, Fallon.


I have nothing
to offer you, Jeff,

or anybody else.

Oh, you have a child.
Our child, our son.

I don't wanna talk about it.

I don't wanna see him. I
don't wanna hear about him.

Oh, my God.

A woman who doesn't even
wanna see her own baby?

I mean, what kind
of a monster are you?

I'm me.

That's right, you're
you. You're inhuman.

( dramatic theme playing)

Sammy Jo, where are you going?

Away, Aunt Krystle.

As far away as I can
get from this house.

Why? What happened?

Ask dear Alexis Carrington.

And while you're at it,

ask her when she plans
to send you packing.


Do you have to do
that in the kitchen?

Gotta eat, gotta clean this.

So why not both
at the same time?

Hello, Mrs. Carrington.

Hello, Tony.

Oh, Marie, could you see
that my dress gets pressed?

Thank you.

I hope you don't mind my
doing this in the kitchen.

I'm doing it for...

The other Mrs. Carrington.

She really does love to
get out there and sh**t.

( suspenseful theme playing)


Tony, do you remember the
day I had that accident on Champ?

When you fell from him? Sure.

Was she sh**ting that day?

Gee, that was months ago and...

Yeah, she did sh**t.

I remember. She decided
to, uh, walk back to her studio,

and I had to drive the truck
into town for some supplies.

I heard about what
happened when I got back.

Thank you.

I'll deliver that to her.


Well, now,

you look as if you're
armed for battle.

I am.

Is it your little
niece? Is that it?

Are you going to
sh**t my heart out

because I've sent her
back to the boondocks

where she belongs?

Stop the charade, Alexis.

I know.

I know what happened that
day I was out riding the horse.

You shot this g*n.

It wasn't a car that backfired.

You were out sh**ting
and you saw me riding

and it was no accident.

Oh, you don't know
what you're talking about.

You're insane.

You were jealous.

Jealous because I was
gonna give Blake a child.

And you couldn't
stand that, could you?

No, no, you're jealous
because Fallon's had her baby

and that's made you
even more paranoid.

Well, I didn't cause
your accident, Krystle.

Just as I didn't cause
your barrenness.

So if you've quite finished...

I haven't.

( tense fast-paced
theme playing




Get off of me.






(breathing heavily)

If you want a
rematch, just whistle.

If you can.

( triumphant theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

I got the key to Jeff's file.
I had a duplicate made.

I opened up the
file a little while ago

and the papers weren't there.

They what?

They weren't there.

Now, I kept my part of the
bargain. You keep yours.

Where is Lindsay?

You promised me that
if I did what you said,

you would tell me
where my daughter is.

No, Claudia, that
wasn't our deal.

What are you talking about?

If Jeff has removed
those oil-shale papers,

you'll have to wait
until he returns them,

then photograph them,
it's as simple as that.


Or are they still in the file

and you're trying
to double-deal me?

Maybe you don't want to betray

your esteemed Blake Carrington.

Yes, you're partly right.

I didn't want to. I
never wanted to.

It was filthy of me,
this whole idea.

It was only the
thought of my daughter

that helped keep some
of this filth from me.

Now I'm stuck
with the rest of it.

You've made a
prost*tute out of me.

I taught you how
to use sex for gain.

And it apparently upsets you.

It disgusts me.

How naive you are

for a bright young
woman, Claudia.

Don't you know if you want
something badly enough

in this world, you
have to pay for it?

So when I get what I want,
our deal will be completed.

Not until then.


No stalling. It
won't help things.

I warn you, it won't.

( dramatic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Who is it?

It's Morgan Hess.

Come in.

My God, Mrs. Carrington.

Are you okay?


I'm in the pink.

Why, I meant, is there
anything I can do?

Yes, Mr. Hess, you can tell
me your important information.

Well, you could
say that I've, uh,

finally earned my money.

Oh. How? Where?

In Dayton. I found out that
one Samuel Mark Jennings

went to Mexico to divorce
one Krystle Jennings.


So I checked with
reliable sources in Mexico.

She probably doesn't know it,

but those divorce
papers were never filed.

Not anywhere.

Are you telling me

that Krystle
Jennings is just that?

Krystle Jennings. She's
not Mrs. Carrington?

That's correct.


Where do I find this
Samuel Mark Jennings?

He's apparently using the
name Mark Jennings now.

Where do I find him?

That's a problem.

I lost his trail in
New York City.

That's a big town, over
eight million people.

Mathematics don't interest
me, Mr. Hess, Mr. Jennings does.

So pick up that trail,
find him, bring him to me.

I don't care how much it costs.

I've got business
with Mr. Jennings.

( suspenseful theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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