02x20 - The Shakedown

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x20 - The Shakedown

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

(birds chirping)


Ah, Mr. Carrington.

Oh, Joseph, have
you seen my wife?

I haven't seen her, no,

but I heard the sound
of an engine starting,

looked out the window
and saw her car leave.

Hm. I think I know
where she's gone.

Well, shall I wake Alfred up

and have him bring
the car around?

No, no, no. I'll drive
myself. Thank you.

( dramatic theme playing)


RECEPTIONIST: Head Nurse Siok...

Krystle. Darling, what
are you doing here?

They won't let me
see Claudia, Blake.

Well, it's : in the morning.
Now, why didn't you wake me up?

Because you would've stopped me.

Tell them to let
me see her, please.

Well, I can't do that.

Now, why don't you
come back in the morning

with Nick Toscanni, and
you can see her then?

No, I can't. Come on.

She wouldn't be
in this condition

if it weren't for me.

Claudia is going
to be all right.

I promise you that.

I've asked Nick to take
her to a private clinic

in the morning.

No. She has to be

where we can be close to her.

She's all alone, Blake.
She hasn't got anybody else.

We... We can't abandon
her. We just can't.

( dramatic theme playing)

All right.

KRYSTLE: Hello, Nick.

Krystle, hello.

Thank you, Henry.


It's good to see you.

Is it?

Yes. I wa...

Don't touch me.

I'm telling you,
just leave me alone,

and don't touch me.

Krystle. You better not.

Not right now.

She's a little
shaken. I'll handle it.

BLAKE: Steven has
been in Los Angeles

for how many days now?

Four days.

Denver-Carrington has an
office in Los Angeles, right?

Yes, that's right. What's
wrong with those people?

Why can't they find him?

We keep calling them
every half hour, Blake.

And they keep telling you
that he hasn't phoned in.

What about that private
investigator they've hired?

What has he come up with?


What about the L.A. police?
What have they come up with?

We haven't notified them yet.

You haven't...?

Jeff, I told you to get
in touch with the police.

I told you to call in
the police, didn't I?

You also told me to
think, not to be a yes man.

Now, the reason I
haven't notified the police

is because there's no evidence
anything has happened to Steven.

Now, come on, Blake.

I mean, maybe he
doesn't wanna be found.

Maybe he's located Sammy Jo,

and they've gone off
together somewhere.

No, he'd have left word
or he'd have phoned.

Jeff, I want you to cancel
everything you're doing today.

I want you to
get on top of this,

and I want you to find Steven.

Is that understood?

(sighs): Blake...

Steven's not a runaway kid.

He's a grown man.

Now, you're the one
who keeps telling him

that he's gotta learn
to deal with his own life.

So why can't you let him?

(door opens)

(door closes)

Hey, amigo.

Dos cervezas, por favor.

You got it. Gracias.

Here's to my mom.

(country music
playing on jukebox)

Let me get this straight.

Your wife dumped you

because your
mother paid her off?

Come on. You gotta be kidding.

That's what happened.

Boy, that's really hard
to believe. (clears throat)

Maybe the little woman
took the money and split

because you didn't quite,
uh, please her in bed.

I never heard a complaint.

More like the opposite?

You know, it seems
to me like, uh,

your wife is pretty bad news.

I mean, uh...

posing in the nude

and all that kind of stuff?

I couldn't handle that.

Your mother may have
done you a big favor.

A favor? Mm-hm.

My mother doesn't give a
damn about anyone but herself.

Look, I'm sorry about...

chewing your ear
off about all this.

I'll shut my mouth.


It's like the old song says:

"Talking about what
your heart is feeling

is better than eating
your heart out."

Well, I never heard it.

Yeah. Heh. Nobody has.

It's a... lousy tune.

But it does have a message.

Okay, gents, who's
picking up this round?

I've got it.

Here you go.

Hundred-dollar bill?

Oh, that's all I have on me.

Yeah? Well, this is
Santa Fe, not Vegas.

I'll get it. No. No, no.


Hey, sorry. No checks.

Cash only.

Hey, no mon, no fun, guys.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got
it right here, Confucius.

How much you need? Two-fifty.

Two-fifty. One, two...


Hey, listen, thanks. Sure.

I owe you one. Whenever
you come to Denver.

How about a lift today?

I hear there's a lot of
gigs opening up there,

and I've been, uh, meaning
to check the town out.

Besides, you look pretty beat.

I'll help you with the driving.

I've always wanted
to drive a Rolls.

A Rolls?


What makes you
think I have a Rolls?

It was just a guess.

That's gotta be a $ ,
watch you got there.

Oh, uh, not quite.

And I rented a Mustang in L.A.

Oh, a Mustang?

Now, there is a jitney
that really turns me on.

What do you say, Steven?

Okay. What did you
say your name was?


Stick around. I gotta
make a phone call.

(clicks tongue) I'll be back.




I'm gonna start
paying the rent again.

I got me a real live one.

Steven Carrington.

Do you remember
that trial up in Denver

where his father got convicted
of k*lling his boyfriend?

Yeah, man.

That's the one.

( dramatic theme playing)

(knock at door) Come in.

ALEXIS: Oh. Hello, Joseph.

Here is your wine.

I would appreciate it if
you'd give the correct address

when you order your wine.

Would you put it
down there, please?

Thank you, Donald.

The correct address, I
believe, is your studio...

not the main house.

I did. They must
have made a mistake.

Would you please make
out a check for this amount?

I had to pay it out of
the household account.


Thank you, Joseph.


Mrs. Blaisdel is arriving soon.

And I want fresh
flowers for her room

as soon as possible.

Bring them to Joseph, please.

Mrs. Carrington.

I just wanted to tell
you how sorry I am


getting mixed up that day.

The day you were out riding,

I guess I just wasn't
thinking straight.

Are you saying she was sh**ting?


Then, you didn't get mixed up.

And an apology
doesn't wipe out a lie.

And that's exactly what it is.

A lie to protect my
husband's ex-wife.

And if I could prove the lie...

I'd fire you on the spot.

( dramatic theme playing)

The check, Mrs. Carrington.

I have other things to do.


Please don't tell me
what they are, Joseph.

I'm bored enough
today, thank you.

There you go.


Um, I'd like to see you when
you have a minute, please.

Hello, could I speak
to Mr. Colby, please?

No, no, no.
It's... It's all right.

There's no
message. I'll call back.

You wanted to see
me, Mrs. Carrington?

Oh, yes, yes. Tony. Come in.

Come in, sit down.

Well... Tony,

do you enjoy working here?

Yes. Very much.

And, um...

does Mr. Carrington
pay you well?



Why don't we talk about...

better than enough?

And Mr. Jeffrey likes pot roast.

We haven't served
that in a while.

So, uh, why don't you list
that as your dinner entrée

for Tuesday, all right?



He's here, Jeanette?

Yes, I'll tell her.

Joseph... Ah, Mrs. Carrington.

I was about to come and see you.

Mrs. Blaisdel's just arrived,

if that's what you're
wondering. Yes, I know, she's...

I want you to be sure to
make her feel very comfortable.

Um, what kind of
juice does she like?

Orange juice.

Orange juice. So she'll
have that for breakfast.

Of course. I think she
likes poached eggs.

That's right.

So two poached eggs.

And I talked to Tony about
flowers. I want you to...


You seem a little nervous today.

I'm not nervous.

And I don't need you to
tell me when I'm nervous.

I'm sorry.

Oh, um...

I was about to tell you,
Lieutenant Holliman is here.

He's in the library. He
says he wants to talk to you.

Would you rather I told him
you don't wish to speak to him?

Mrs. Carrington?

No, I... I'll see him.

( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

Lieutenant Holliman.

Joseph told me you were here.

I've just come from
Memorial Hospital.

They told me that
Claudia Blaisdel's

been brought here to convalesce.

Yes, that's right.

Mrs. Carrington, there's
nothing I'd like more

than to... close this case,

as I'm sure you would.

But there's, um...

a question mark
hanging over it for me.

I don't understand.

Well, in your
original statement...

you said that you and
Mrs. Blaisdel hadn't argued

except over her having the g*n.

Is that correct?

Yes, it is.

Well, I understand the last time

that you and Mrs. Blaisdel
were seen together...

uh, prior to the
incident with the g*n...

The same day in fact

was at the Club St.
Dennis. Is that correct?

Thank you, Marie.

Coffee, lieutenant?
No, thank you.

Yes. We had lunch.

I understand that Mrs. Blaisdel

appeared to be very upset.

That she got up from
the table and left you.

She was upset.

We both were.

She had just found out that
her daughter was missing

in South America.

Well, after her surgery,
Mrs. Blaisdel accused you

of "stealing her husband."

I believe those were her words.

Can you explain
that, Mrs. Carrington?

Dr. Toscanni has already
explained that to you.


Mrs. Blaisdel was in
a very confused state.

Do you have any
idea why her confusion

would take this particular form?

No, I don't.

Perhaps we should go up

and talk to Mrs.
Blaisdel together.

Get this thing straightened out.

(door opens)

Lieutenant Holliman.

Well, shall we, Mrs. Carrington,

go up and talk to Mrs. Blaisdel?

Uh, excuse me, lieutenant, uh...

Mrs. Blaisdel is in no condition

to see anyone right now.

You know, doctor,
sooner or later,

she's going to
have to talk to me

about the events that
led up to the sh**ting.

Yeah, well, uh, lieutenant,
let me ask you something.

I don't understand.

Why won't you believe
Mrs. Carrington?

I mean, what in the world
would she have to gain

by not telling the truth?

Well, everybody has
his own truth, doctor.

But until we talk
to Mrs. Blaisdel,

we won't know the
whole truth, will we?


(door opens)

(door closes)

ALEXIS: Well, I was
just leaving, but...

How should I know the
truth about the sh**ting?

I... I wasn't there,
Sergeant Holliman.

Lieutenant. Oh. Sorry.

No big deal.

Well, I wish I could help you,

but, uh, I don't know how.

Well, I thought maybe
you could tell me...

Assuming you were living here

when Mrs. Blaisdel stayed
with the Carringtons last.

Yes, I was.

I thought maybe
you could remember

something about the relationship


Mrs. Carrington and
Mrs. Blaisdel at that time.

Yes. I do.

Uh, would you like a drink?

Yeah, something
soft, noncarbonated.

Orange juice? That'll be fine.

Please sit down. Thank you.


what exactly would you
like to know, lieutenant?

Uh... this relationship...

was it a friendly one?

Well... how should I know?

I mean, under the


Oh. Please.

Forget that I said that.

I'm paid not to forget.


what... circumstances?

Well, um...

I suppose that any woman

is entitled to be defensive

around another woman

whose husband she
had an affair with.

I presume you know about
Mrs. Carrington's relationship

with Matthew Blaisdel.



Are you implying

that Mrs. Carrington's
capable of v*olence?

Oh, well. I think
we're all entitled

to lose our temper
once in a while

if there's a good reason.

And Mrs. Carrington's reason?

Do you know? She had
this extraordinary notion

that I had some
residual affection left

for my ex-husband?

She came into this studio,
and she literally tore it apart.

( dramatic theme playing)

( peaceful theme playing)

(indistinct chatter)

Sorry I'm late, Blake.

Got tied up. No, no, no, no.

I'm the one that
should apologize.

Forgive my, uh... My short
fuse this morning, will you?

Jeff, I really do appreciate
all that you've been doing

to help locate Steven.

Well, I am part of
the family, Blake.

I know.

It's just that I've been
so concerned lately

about Krystle as well as Steven.

And there's that
damned Rhinewood threat

to take over Denver-Carrington.

But I have decided on a way

to deal with Mr. Rhinewood.

I've called a board meeting
for late this afternoon.

I'd like you to be there.


I'm going to propose
that Denver-Carrington

issue , shares
of preferred stock...

redeemable for similar
shares of common stock.

That way, you'll pull the
stockholders back to you

by offering preferred
for common.

At more than the market value.

So they'd be crazy
to sell to Rhinewood

or anyone but us, right?


I'm gonna lock up control
of Denver-Carrington...

by cutting Logan Rhinewood
right out of the picture.

( upbeat theme playing)

( mysterious theme playing)

have excellent sources, Carrington.

I am the buyer.

I see.

Now, I've always run

I've run it well.

But I think there
is a possibility

that you might
bring in, shall we say,

some, um... Some
creative thinking

that could make the
company even bigger.

So I'm prepared to offer
you two seats on my board.

That is your proposition?


You obviously feel it's better

to have me on the inside

where you can at least
keep an eye on me.

Well, your thinking is
quite misguided, Carrington.

BLAKE: My thinking is for
the good of my company.

SCRAMBLED VOICE: Your company?

As of this afternoon,
I now own closer...

(flips switch)

(light tapping at door)


Miss Pierce tried to buzz
you, but there was no answer.

Hello, darling. Mm. Hello.

Um... I was shaving.

The electric razor. I
guess I didn't hear her.

Miss Pierce, will you
hold my calls, please?


Oh, I've always
found it rather amusing

how the most
successful businessmen

will spend a fortune on being

immaculately tailored,
impeccably groomed,

and yet they will ignore
the most important details.

As I do?


On my way downtown,
I passed your estate,

and I happened to
notice the grounds.


you have got the most
beautiful weeds in Denver...

and the largest varieties.

As I recall, my
estate was written up

at least five times last year.

Four American
magazines. One British.

And you especially know
Her Majesty's loyal subjects,

when it comes to gardens.

What I know is that...

crabgrass takes
four weeks to grow.

I mean, darling, that place
can't hold a candle to Blake's.

I was really shocked.

All I could do is say I'm sorry.


I think you should
do something about it.

Such as...?

Well... get a gardener.

Darling, I've already
got six gardeners.

Oh, yes, but they've
all got such a...

A pitiful lack of imagination.

What you need is
somebody creative.

Somebody who'll whip
that place into shape.

I'm sure you have
someone in mind.


Yes, I do. Two people, actually.

One is Tony Driscoll.

Now, he works
for Blake right now,

but I'm sure he
could be lured away.

I see. And the other person?



Yes. In a supervisory
capacity, of course.

Listen, Cecil,

if you want me to consider
your marriage proposal...

I'd really like to know now.

Am I going to be mistress

of your mansion
and estate or not?

( playful theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

Claudia, what are you doing?

Do you know where
the phone book is?

No, why?

I've got to find out where
I can get a passport.

I want to go to Lindsay.

I think that's great, but don't
you think you should wait

until you're a little stronger?

Did you take it? No.

Well, then, where is it?

(opens drawer)

Uh... Uh, Claudia.

Claudia, we'll find
the phone book.


We'll find it. We'll find it.

First, I just wanna do
a quick neuro check.

Just take a minute.

Come on, come on. Just...

sit down.

Take it easy now.

That's it.


Will you get that
needle out of my eye?

What are you doing?

Claudia, it's just a
penlight. Look. See?

Here, take it.

Take it. Take it, take it.



(sobbing): What's the
matter with my head?

You said I was
gonna be all right.

You are gonna be all right.

You understand?
You're gonna be all right.

You've been through
quite an ordeal, young lady.

You've suffered a...

temporary trauma.

You got a bruise
inside your brain.

It takes time to heal.

It's gonna be all right.


It's all right, Claudia.

Now, look, what I want
you to do is get back into bed

and get some rest.

Come on.

Come on, Claudia.

I have to go get my pass...

We'll find the passport later.

Right now...

you just lie down...

and get some rest.

Just rest, Claudia.

Come on.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door opens, closes)


Hey, good-looking.

Wanna get flashed?

That's all you get.

That's a preview of
our trip to the Caribbean.

While you're in that
stuffy medical convention,

I'm gonna be out on the beach.

In this. Or less.

Oh, I'm sorry, Fallon,
I thought I told you.

I had to cancel the
convention and the trip.

But why?


Oh. Come on.

You did a brilliant
job. You saved her life.

Let the minor-league
medics take care of her now.

Oh, come on, Fallon,
she's a patient of mine.

She happens to be major league.

I'm sorry. I do care
about Claudia, Nick.

But I care about you too.

Everybody needs a
vacation. Even doctors.

No, especially doctors.


Her whole future depends on
the treatment she receives now.

Right now. Do you understand?

Well, what about our trip?

You promised.


You know... You
know what you need?

You need a baby rattle,
so you could bang it

every time you don't
get something you want.

Now, you're behaving
like a selfish brat

who's been offered a
treat and had it taken away.

Now, stop it.

Oh, great, fine.

Is that what you really
think of me, doctor?


( lighthearted theme playing)


Call me...

when you grow up.

If you ever do.

( sedate theme playing)

You're so tiny. And so pretty.

Do you know who I am?

That's right, I'm your mother.

I said a lot of things when
you were inside of me.

I hope you weren't listening.

If you were, I didn't mean them.

I love you.

(door opens)

It's great, isn't it?

He's obviously gaining weight

and... getting
stronger by the hour.

d look at you.

Now, what happened
to that... scrawny

little girl I used to
climb trees with?

The scrawny little
girl I fell in love with?

She's nothing
compared to the beautiful

grown-up woman I'm
looking at right now.

Hm. That's funny.

Not everybody thinks
of me as grown-up.

Isn't it great?

Our son will be
coming home soon.

We could start acting
like a real family.

(soft piano music playing)

What are you thinking?

How sometimes
when I look at our son...

I wonder how I can see
so much of you in him.

Well, maybe because I
carried him for seven months,

he decided he liked me,

so he picked up on
some of my terrific virtues.

Let me get the check,
and let's get out of here.

I mean, as parents,
we have a lot to discuss.

Oh, really? Like...?

Well, like his college
education, for one.

I was thinking of Harvard.


Then he's gonna end up
stuffy and square like you.

How about the
University of Miami?

Then he could jet
down to the Caribbean

and build up his tan.

He won't need a tan if he
turns out as beautiful as you.

Let's go someplace cozy. Uh...

less crowded.

Maybe some local
palace. One of its rooms.

Like the library?

Well, I was thinking
about the room

that looks over these...

very pretty gardens.

The one with the big bed...

pale blue sheets.

You mean, my bed?

Well, I sure don't
mean Joseph's.

(both chuckle)

(crickets chirping)

(dials phone)


KRYSTLE: Blake, it's me.

Oh. That's funny, I was
just gonna phone you.

That meeting with
Harrison and his people

got a little out of hand,

so I had some
calming down to do.

But everything
turned out all right,

and I should be leaving
here in a short while.

I'll wait up.

You know something?

I love you a lot.

Funny. I love you a lot too.


( upbeat theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

(door closes)

This is no way to
run a separation.

I know.

This doesn't mean anything.

I know.

Claudia. I just checked
on you a little while ago.

You were asleep.

I knew that you were there.

I let you think
that I was sleeping.

I finally figured
it out about you.

About me? What do you mean?

God punished you.

He punished you.

He took your baby
because you took mine.

No, Claudia.

That's not what happened.

You deserved to lose your baby.

God chose to make it happen.

Don't you see...

how simple it really is?

(door opens, closes)

( dramatic theme playing)

(easy listening tune
playing on radio)

Well, Duane, this is it.


Land of high-tech dreams,
and quicksand of the rich.

It's nice.

Hey, why don't we head
toward Carver Street?

You know, between
Third and Fourth?

I didn't know you
were here before.

You never asked.

Well, Steven...

it's just about the
end of the old trail,

as they say. Ah, yes, it is.

Sure has been nice
having some company.

Yeah, I've enjoyed it. I've
really had a good time too.

How about it?

How about what?

How about, uh,

you and I checking in
at the Marlowe Hotel?

You know the
Marlowe on, uh, Carver?

No, I've never heard of it.

It's a nice place to have a...

real nice time.

You want to?

Two of us?


Well, why not?
What's the matter?

I know you like me.

Look... Duane...

I don't think this
is gonna work out.

I mean, you've
got the wrong guy.

I'm just asking you to
spend the night, you know?

We're talking one
night before you go back

to that happy house that
you've been talking about.

Look, I'm going home.


I know you like me.

Look, didn't you hear me?

You've got the wrong guy, okay?


Not okay.

You see, I know when a
chick is coming on to me.

I also know when a guy's

been coming on to me too.

Me? Yeah, man. You.

You're Steven
Carrington, aren't you?

Oh, that was a
interesting trial.

All about your pretty
boyfriend in New York.

All about how
your uptight father

k*lled your pretty boyfriend.

And all those pictures
of you in the newspaper

and on TV, at his grave, crying.

Broke my heart.

So come off it, man.

All this bull about a wife you've
been bending my ear about

since this afternoon.

Who are you kidding?

You only married her to clean up

your uptight family name.

( dramatic theme playing)

(tires squealing)

Okay, out.

No way.

Get out! (car horn honks)


But it's gonna cost you.

It's gonna cost
me? Cost me what?

Five hundred bucks.
You got a checkbook.

Write out a check for me.

Or how's it gonna sound?

Steven Carrington picks
up a young guy in Santa Fe,

offers him a ride to Denver...

and then he propositions him.

Ooh, I bet your folks are
gonna love to hear about that.

Especially your father.

Five hundred.

What are you...? Huh?
Are you shaking me down?

Oh, you're quick. That's
the name of my game, pal.

You damned con man.

Come on.

(punches connecting)

Help! Stop.

Stop it! Stop him. You crazy?

Help! Help!


Hold it.

Come on. Get back here.

Now, break it up
and settle down.

Put those hands behind your
head and lace those fingers.

Turn around here. Now,
what's going on? Hands up.

f*gg*t picked me up.

When I didn't go with
him, he tried to k*ll me.

You're lying! You
tried to blackmail me!

Get those hands up. Put 'em up.

Now... what's your name?

Come on.

I said, what's your name?

You don't wanna talk now, huh?

We'll see about
that at the station

when they book you for as*ault.

Now, you have the
right to remain silent.

If you give up the
right to remain silent,

anything you say can and
will be held against you.

You have the right to
speak to an attorney

and to have an attorney
present during questioning.

Let's go.

( sedate theme playing)

(door opens)

My fridge is on the blink.

I left a tin of caviar in yours
this morning. I'll just get it.

(opens fridge)

How's Claudia?

Feeling better?


You look exhausted.

Aren't you sleeping well?

I'm fine, Alexis.

Are you really?

I suppose you know
what it's like now...

to be in Blake's shoes.

What does that mean?

How he must have
felt during the trial.

The pressures.

The tremendous pressures then,

with everybody pointing
accusing fingers at you.

Oh. I'm sorry, I...

I take that back.

How could you really
know how Blake felt

when you walked out
on him that day in court?

Me? What about you
walking in to that courtroom

and testifying
against my husband?

I didn't just walk in.

I was subpoenaed.
I had to appear.

Anyway, I didn't see anybody

give you an official
notice to leave.

I was sick.

I was pregnant with the
child you made me lose.

Please. You don't still
believe that, do you?

Oh, yes, I do.

You know something?

I think that you're sick.

You are... You are mentally ill.

What you really need
is a few more of those

psychiatric sessions
with Dr. Toscanni.

That is what
they were, isn't it?

You're the one who
needs a psychiatrist, Alexis.

( dramatic theme playing)

Nobody could be as
rotten and evil as you...

without being sick.

Get out of here, Alexis.

You know, I don't remember
it ever being so good. Do you?

You know, I think
sometimes two people

have to...

go away to others for a while

before they realize
what they really had. Hm?

Jeff, let's not get heavy now.

No, let's.

I wanna tell you about

the woman I got involved with.

That's your business.

Well, it's over now.

We were both lonely.

Let's get everything out
on the table. No secrets.

Start with Toscanni.

Then you're gonna
tell me about her?

I don't wanna know.

I wanna know about him.

About Nick Toscanni?


What do you wanna know?

Do you love him?

Jeff, I don't think this
is the time or place.

You're really taking
the edge off the evening.

I have a reason.

You do?

You wanna tell me about it?

Tonight just isn't an evening.

I think our son turned
out to be a bigger miracle

than either of us realized.

Our love for him is the thing

that brought us
back together again.

Maybe he's what we
can hang our future on.

I think we have a chance.

What do you think?

Think we do.

Jeff... listen...

just because we
went to bed together,

it doesn't change anything.

We enjoyed each other.
Let's just leave it at that.

Oh, we can't, Fallon. We
have a child now, a son.

Yes, I know.

I gave birth to him, remember?

But we have a child
we both love and want.

What are we gonna do?

Split him down the
middle and each take half?


Good evening, Mr. Carrington.


Quiet evening? Yes, very.

Who is that outside
working on that truck?

Tony. He's having
some trouble with it.

He's anxious to leave tonight.

I should say...

leave us.

Leave? Where's he going?

I believe Cecil Colby
offered him a job

as head groundskeeper today.


(door opens)

Hello, Blake.

Hello, darling.

How was your day?

Oh. Fine.



did you know that
Tony is leaving?


Yes, he's taking a
job with Cecil Colby.

Alexis' artful hand
at work again.

What do you mean?

She's sending him away
to be sure he stays quiet.

And she's the one that
should be leaving, Blake.

( dramatic theme playing)

Now, there's nothing
to worry about, Tony.

You're a good man.
One of my best.

I'm not gonna let you quit.

And I'm not gonna
fire you either.

All I want you to do
is to tell me the truth.

(knock at door)

Who is it?


Come in.

Out for an evening stroll?

Shut up and listen to me.

What's wrong with you?
You... I said, shut up and...

Put this on.

I assume that you know
Tony, one of our groundsmen.

Yes. Yes. I know him.

You've accused him of stealing.

Yes. Yes, I did. Is that
what this is all about?

Yes, it's exactly
what this is about.

Now, he did not
steal your silver,

he did not quit his job to
go to work for Cecil Colby,

and his days of lying to
protect your hide are over.

Lying? You believe that thief?

Yes, I do.

I forgot about you.

I forgot how vicious
and ruthless you can be

when you want something.

And obviously, what you wanted

was for Krystle not
to have my child.

All right, Blake.

I dropped the g*n.

And... it went off.

But it was an
accident. I swear...

Accident? You shot
that g*n on purpose.

You fired it and
then you watched.

You watched that
horse throw Krystle

and drag her clear
across that field...

k*lling her child inside of her.

Oh, Blake. How could
you possibly think

I'm capable of such a thing?

I'm the mother of
your two children.

How do you...?

How do you think that I...?

I could k*ll a baby after
what happened to our baby?

( intense theme playing)


We swore never
to talk about that.

I can't.

I'll never get over his loss.

Don't try to resurrect the past

just to excuse the present.

Oh, Blake.

Why do you hate me so much?

I love you. I've never
stopped loving you.

You don't understand, do you?

You k*lled my child.

I don't ever want to see
you around here again.

Do you understand that?

I don't give a damn if
this house is in your name.

I'll burn it to the
ground if I have to,

with you in it.





Oh, no, Blake.


It's not gonna end this way.


I didn't fight
this hard to lose.

I may have lost you now,

but I'm not gonna
lose everything.

Oh, no.

(menacingly): Oh, no.

( melodramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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