02x21 - The Two Princes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x21 - The Two Princes

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

What happened?

You're shaking.


Tony finally admitted
that it was Alexis

that fired that g*n that
frightened your horse.

I just had it out with her.

About our child. About
her k*lling our child.

I've ordered her to leave.

We're gonna bulldoze
that damned studio

of hers in the morning.

Blake, you can't.

Don't you realize what
she could do to you?

You gave her that
property. She owns it.

I don't care about that.
Nothing is going to stop me.

Alexis will. You're
on probation.

She wants you to
do something like this,

so she can get even with you.

Now, Krystle, you've been trying

to get her out of
here for months now.

And I still do,

but not if it means

your getting hurt
in the process.

Besides... your grandson's
coming home tomorrow.

Now, what does that
have to do with this?

It's such a special day.

Don't destroy that
pleasure for yourself, Blake.

You've waited so
long for this baby.

I don't understand you.

H... How you can defend
her, after what she did to you?

To us? To... To our child?

I'm not defending
her. I hate her.

I'm just afraid of what
she can do to you.

Blake, please.


All right. For now.

But I will not let her
get away with this.

I swear.

I will not.

(knocking on door)

JOSEPH: Mr. Carrington?

Yes, come in, Joseph.

There's a phone call
for you. From Steven.

Los Angeles?

No. He's here in Denver.

He's been arrested.

( dramatic theme playing)

(typewriter clacking)

(dispatcher speaks
indistinctly over speaker)

(door closes)

Hello, Steven.


Well, I'm glad to see
that you're safe, at least.

What does that mean?

That you made it back from
Los Angeles in one piece.

After stopping off

in more than a few
towns and at, uh...

more than a few
bars, as I understand it.

I drank slowly
and I drove slowly.

Steven, I'd like
you to turn around

and look at me when we talk.

Did you hear what I said?

Now... did you find Sammy Jo?

Yes. What happened?

It's my business.

Well, we didn't come here to
talk about her, anyway, did we?

I've spoken to
the desk sergeant,

he's having your
bail papers filled out.

It'll take about ten minutes.

He said that you didn't
have enough money on you

to bail yourself out.

That's right. How come?

I was near home and I
was just about out of cash.

But you did have
enough money in Santa Fe

to buy that young
man a few beers or...

whatever, huh?

He bought them for me.

Oh, really?


But you're right. I was
loaded in Santa Fe.

I had a hundred Carrington
dollars to my name.

Don't get smart with me, Steven.

I'm not in the
mood for it tonight.

( dramatic theme playing)

Now, what happened?

I told you about
it on the phone.

No, you didn't. All you said
was that he tried to blackmail you.

Why don't you finish saying it?

How, considering
my past history,

why would I invite a stranger,

a man, to drive back with me?

I mean, that's the
next question, isn't it?

I'd be lying to you,
son, if I said no.

And you don't lie, do you?

No, I don't. Not to anyone.

I don't have to lie.

Go home, Dad.

I don't need you to bail me out.

( dramatic theme playing)


( majestic theme playing)



I wanna talk.

Oh, Jeff, we've talked
practically all night.

What is it?

It's still our son.

Now, there's some facts
we're gonna have to face

about us and him before
we bring him home tomorrow.

Well, one fact for sure is,
is if we don't get some sleep,

we're gonna be too
tired to pick him up.

I was thinking about my father.

I still hurt for his loss.

And if we don't give
our son a chance

to grow up with a
mother and a father,

we could be hurting
him very badly.

Well, it couldn't be any worse
than living with our fights.


We just have to forget
about ourselves, for once.

Just think about the baby.

I'll think about it, okay?

Now can I go back to sleep?

Yeah, go back to sleep.

( peaceful theme playing)

FALLON: What do you
mean you left Steven in jail?

Fallon, I am late for a
business appointment.

I'd like to have a nice quiet
breakfast and get out of here.

Peter, some bacon
and eggs, please.

Good morning, Marie.

(whiny): Daddy. I asked
you a question about Steven.

I got Andrew Laird up out
of bed at : this morning

to go down to that
jail to talk to Steven.


Those eggs are overdone,

and the bacon is burned.

So he talked to Steven,

and he said that he would
represent him in court.

Well, he got about as
far as I did last night.

All right, all right.

If your brother wants to
face this thing by himself, fine.

Maybe it'll make
a man out of him.

He is a man. God.

When are you two
gonna get together?

What's gonna be the end of this?

I don't know. I wish I did.

For his sake, and
for all our sakes.

Well, what did you say to him?

You must have said
something to upset him.

Will you please stop
cross-examining me?

And stop telling me
how to be a father.


What am I supposed
to tell my son today

when he comes home?

Sorry your Uncle
Steven isn't here.

But as usual, he
and his grandfather

don't see eye to eye.

This was supposed
to be a happy day.

It will be.

Will it?

( melancholy theme playing)

(knocking at door)

Come in.

What is it, Joseph?

It's Mrs. Blaisdel.

She is demanding that I get her

a suitcase immediately.


She says she's leaving
for South America...

to get her daughter.


Call Dr. Toscanni.
I'll talk to her.



Come in.

Morning, Claudia.

Ooh, good morning.

Joseph said you want a suitcase.

Yes, I do. I wanna
borrow it for, um...

a little while.

Actually it maybe
longer than a little while.

I'm not sure how far Ecuador is.

It's quite far.

Well, heh, so is China, but...

I mean, people are going
there in droves all the time.

It's in all the
travel magazines.

"Come to friendly China."

You don't think I
should go, do you?

Well, I... I don't think
that you should go

until you see Dr. Toscanni.

Until he makes sure that you're
strong enough to make the trip.

I'm fine.

There is nothing
that's wrong with me.

Claudia, you're recovering
from an accident.

Accident? What accident?

I don't remember any accident.

I'll tell you what
I do remember.

I remember how
sneaky you can be.

I remember how sneaky you were

with my husband.

With Matthew.

When they took me
away to the sanitarium...

you took him from me.

Took him from me.


if this idea of yours is
just more of the same,

bringing Dr. Toscanni here

to give me his
stamp of approval,

which you, I know, are going
to talk him into not giving me.

No, no, no. The answer is no.

I mean, there is no way

I'm going to listen
to you or believe you.

Go, please. I mean...

I'm busy here. You can see that.

( ominous theme playing)

(door opens)

(door closes)

( majestic theme playing)

How much is it?

Medium with mushrooms.
Seven bucks. Oh.

Pay the man, will you, Cecil?

You said $ ?

Yes. All right.

Remember, Beppe's
-hour service.

Oh, I'll never forget.

There you are. Keep the change.

Thank you. Mm.

Well, this is a kinky breakfast

that I've invited you to.

Pizza and pink champagne?
I think it's marvelous. Hm.

Do you bring the pizza
up to the champagne,

or the champagne
down to the pizza.


These mushrooms look good.


Taste good too.

Do you know those damned
servants over at the house?

They won't let me borrow a thing

from the kitchen anymore.

I'm not even allowed to
show my face over there.

The other day I said
to Mrs. Gunnerson

that I'd really
like to have a loaf

of her wonderful salmon pâté.

And do you know what
the wretched woman

had the nerve to say to me?

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Carrington,

"but I'm not even allowed

to give you so much
as a graham cr*cker."

Hmph. Well, as it so happened,

I loathe graham crackers.

The cheek of the woman.

Why did you invite me over

for breakfast this
morning, Alexis?


I think that you should
be the first to know.

I've decided to
accept your proposal.

You what?

I'm going to marry you.

No kiss for the bride-to-be?

Oh, I think that
can be arranged.

Ah. Hm.


your lips have been known
to be more passionate, Cecil.

Even at breakfast?

Breakfast, brunch, lunch and...

midnight suppers. Ha-ha.

What was it George
Bernard Shaw wrote?

"There are two
tragedies in life:

"One is not to get
your heart's desire.

The other is to
get it." (giggles)

Or something like that.

I see. So you see our
future marriage as a...

As a tragedy, do you?

Oh, not at all.

But you never
fail to surprise me.

I mean...

this suddenness.

You've kept me
at arm's length...

uh, figuratively speaking...

for eons.

But perhaps it's the unexpected

that makes you so attractive.


So my unpredictability
is an aphrodisiac of sorts.

Shall we drink to that?


Why did you decide now?


maybe I had to get rid
of a lot of old ghosts first.

Why, Blake's not dead.

No, no. Blake is
very much alive.

But you no longer love him.

Love? Blake?


Don't be ridiculous.

I loathe Blake.

I've always loathed him.

Surprise again.

That must have been the
best-guarded secret around.

Do you really think that I
would have come back to Denver

to testify in that
disgusting trial

if I had any love left
in my heart for him?

I thought things
changed after that.

They didn't. (scoffs)

Sometimes I...

I pretended they did, but, uh...

I had my reasons.

He's vile. He's arrogant.

And I'd like nothing more
than to see him destroyed.

Are you serious?

Oh, I'm deadly serious.

Well, don't you hate
Blake Carrington too?

You mean, as a
business competitor?

No. As an anything.

Well, I'll put it this way:

There's no love lost

between me and Blake Carrington.

No. That's good.

That's very, very good.

That puts us on...

the same side, as it were.

Tell me some more about...

how much you hate Blake.

I find that very exciting.


There's no love lost between us.

And I do something about it.

Every day.

( romantic theme playing)


It's okay.

Claudia's not going.

No, she's not.

I told her that the
healing process is slow,

and that she's got
to give it more time.

And she finally
said, "All right."


I didn't know how
to deal with her.

Come on, now,
that's my specialty.

I mean, after all, I'm
still part psychiatrist.

It's like, I was talking
to my, uh, nephew, Joey,

the other day in
New York and, uh...

he said to me, "Hey, Uncle Nick.

"Mom tells me that
you switched back

"to being a neurosurgeon.

"That makes you, uh...
Uh... One-third, uh...


one-third cutter-upper
and one-third Italian."



I've been wanting to tell
you how grateful I am to you...

for what you've
done for Claudia.

And for...

putting aside your
personal anger towards me.

Oh, yeah, that. Well...

Well... I was angry
about that, but...

I mean, after all, what
guy likes to get dumped?

But your love for your
husband was stronger.

I just hope he realizes
how lucky he is.

( peaceful theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

BLAKE: Mrs. Gunnerson thought

you might like to have
some fresh clothes to wear.

MAN: It's all right,
Mr. Carrington.

I'll have these
when you want 'em.

Despite your feelings
in this matter, Steven,

your bail has been
set. (door closes)

You go into courtroom
in ten minutes, at : .

And... I'm going with you.

I told Andrew Laird I
didn't want anyone here.

I'm innocent.

And that's the way I'm
going to plead, by myself.

I don't want any high-priced

Denver-Carrington lawyer
whispering orders to me.

Steven... plead guilty.

You think I'm
guilty? Is that it?

Did you hit that young
man or didn't you?

I want an answer.

I don't have to answer
to you for anything.

Now, look...

if you plead guilty,
there'll be no trial.

I've been in your shoes.

I don't have to tell you
what an ordeal my trial was.

I can handle it.

Are you gonna
be able to handle it

when they bring up Ted Dinard?

This won't be
considered simple as*ault.

It'll be h*m* as*ault.

You did hit that man,

and reason or not,

you're going to
have to answer for it.

Steven, don't you understand

what I'm trying
to save you from?

( dramatic theme playing)

( lighthearted theme playing)

BLAKE: And it could be

that I didn't have much
sleep the night before,

and I may have been a
little grumpy this morning.

I'm sorry.

It's okay, Daddy.

Were you able to
get in touch with Jeff?

No, I tried, but...

Why don't I phone him

and tell him not to
come here to the hospital,

but to go straight home?

Okay. All right.

See you in the nursery.
You look happy now.

Oh, I am. I am.

I'm taking my grandson home.

WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. Brady, please call Radiology.

Dr. Brady, please
call Radiology.


So today's the big day?


Jeff with you?

No, my father is.

Jeff should be at the house

by the time I get back there.

I mean, a father
wants to be there

when his wife and son

first come across the threshold.

Does that mean
you're back together?

I wanna make a life for my son.

With a mother...

and a father.

I can't argue with that.

Well, too bad, doctor.

Look at the prize
package you let go of.

Fallon Carrington Colby.

One of the richest
girls in all of Colorado.

Get back to your
patients, doctor.

Go on, go back to work.

And excuse me while
I get back to my life.

( dramatic theme playing)

WOMAN (over PA):
Nurse McCale, call - - .

Nurse McCale, call - - .


(door opens)

Hello, doctor.


I heard you were here.
It's good to see you again.

Hospital grapevines never
lose their bloom, do they?

Not in New York.
Not here in Denver.


Hm. Beautiful boy, isn't he?

A beautiful, very
rich little boy.

Know what his grandfather
said to me during the interview?


He's a little prince.


My God. You'd think we
were dealing with royalty.

Of course,

you wouldn't feel the same
way about that, would you?

Oh, come on, Susan.

It's a great job, and
you're lucky to have it.

You're gonna love living

in that beautiful mansion.

I'd rather live in

the Toscanni
house up on the hill.

I'm sorry, Susan.

It just couldn't
work out with us.

You must know that. It couldn't.

( melodramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

(crowd conversing indistinctly)

(door opens)

Attention, everybody,
here they come.

(crowd applauding, bell ringing)

This is my son.

Blake Carrington Colby.

MAN: Bravo. (indistinct chatter)

(crowd applauding, bell ringing)

(indistinct chatter)

MAN: But two months.

Two months.

He's gorgeous.

Do you say that about a boy?


Well, I do. He's
absolutely gorgeous.

Now, Mr. Carrington?

Now, Joseph.

George, the champagne.

MAN : Let me clear
it. Let me see his face.

Let me hold him for a while.

Be careful, you hear?

Yes, I will, young lady.

I'll be very careful.

Jeff, come on over here.
Didn't you hear what she said?

Blake Carrington Colby.

You had a little to do
with this too, you know.

Uh, yeah, well, I guess I did.


Well, I have a feeling that

a very proud grandfather's

about to make a toast.

That's right.

I want all you good people...

to drink to this
splendid child...

this splendid prince, this
splendid grandson of mine.

To wish him health...


and a totally fulfilled life.

MAN : Hear, hear.
MAN : Hear, hear.

(crowd applauding)


Young Blake...

this is Jeanette.

She's been with us
for a good many years,

and she's a marvelous woman.

Thank you, Mr. Carrington.

Welcome to the
house, Master Colby.

Gee, look at that.
He smiled at that.

Well... nearly smiled.

Well, I think I saw it too.

Uh... Nearly.

(both laugh)

This is Mrs. Gunnerson.

Hello, Master
Colby. And welcome.


Oh. (both laughing)

Ah. Is that a way
to greet our cook?

Are we gonna try
and make this work?

Yes, we'll try.

We've got to.

BLAKE: I'll have you
know, young man...

this is an
exceptional... Come on.

Give us a smile, Miss Farragut.

Please, no... No pictures.


BLAKE: Maybe the
best cook in Denver.

Maybe the best cook in
the whole state of Colorado.

GUNNERSON (laughing):
Oh. I'm not that extraordinary.

But thank you, Mr. Carrington.

And I do make good baby food.


BLAKE: And this
is my friend, Joseph.

JOSEPH: And this is from
me. May I open it, please?

BLAKE: Please.


Did everything go all right?

I guess so.

Well, come on in and
have some champagne.


To celebrate the heir
apparent's arrival?

Maybe a little later. Thanks.


JOSEPH: Well, you may
be right about my thriftiness.

But, tiny or otherwise,

this is definitely
not a piggy bank.

JEFF: It's beautiful, Joseph.

Of course it is.

(all laugh)

It's beautiful.

Thank you.

It's not all that much, Fallon.

A "not all that much"

that cost you a good
deal of money, I'm sure.

As a matter of fact, it did.


(all laughing)

( melancholy theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Lookit. You're home now.


Give us a smile.

Come on. Give me one.



There'll be lots
of time for that.

We're gonna spend lots
of time together, you and I.

I'm all you need now.

You're all I need.

Uh, should I take
him, Mrs. Colby?

Yes, thank you, uh, Susan.

I wanna go in my
room for a minute.

(exasperated whining)

So, Baby Carrington...

oh, you are quite
a lucky little boy.

(door closes)

Not all of us have
Buckingham Palace

to come home to.


Oh, hello, Susan.

Mrs. Carrington.

I just wanted to take
a little peek at him.


He looks more
beautiful every moment.

May I?

He might as well get
used to it around here.


Oh. Here he comes.
There you go. (coos)

(softly): Oh. Look at you.

Well, hello, little fella.

Little Blake.

You sure are a lucky little boy.

Yes, you are.

( ominous theme playing)

Krystle, please give my
son back to his nurse.

I'd like to talk with you
outside for a minute.

I'm sorry, Fallon.
I just wanted to...

Hold him, I know.

Well, you did.

What's wrong with that?

Look, Krystle, I don't
like you around the baby.

I can handle him.

I don't need my
father's wife to help.

I'm not gonna take this
as an insult, Fallon...

because I think I
know what's eating you.

Has something to do
with Nick, doesn't it?

Fallon, I was never
really involved with him,

and I'm not now.

And I'm not holding him

with any invisible strings.

If you lost him...

and you wanna know the source...

just look into any
mirror in the house.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

BLAKE: This telex just
came in from Ecuador.

My God.

Blake, I'm worried, uh,

telling Claudia about this...

Not in her condition. Not now.

I'm worried too,

but is there ever a right time

for news of this kind?


I promised I would
tell her the truth.

I promised I would tell her

if I ever got any information

about Matthew or Lindsay,

good or bad.

Now, I asked you to
come over here to...

pick up the pieces
in case she fell apart.

But... we've got no choice.

Even the sick
have to face reality.


( dramatic theme playing)

All right, Blake.

( ominous theme playing)


Come in.

Oh, Blake. Dr. Toscanni.

I'm... I'm just cutting out

these pictures of clothes...

that I want to get for Lindsay.

You know, she's at this age

where clothes are
so important to her.


Yes, I know. You came to

tell me that I can go now.

No, Claudia.

There's no reason to go.

Matthew and Lindsay, uh...

What about them?

They're, uh...

They're gone.

They've gone? Where?

They're dead.

( dramatic theme playing)

You can't come in here
and start lying to me!

Yeah, our office in Ecuador

couldn't prove anything
until now. We, uh...

Their bodies were
found yesterday, Claudia.

They were tossed
from Matthew's jeep.

The reason they
weren't found sooner

is because they were
covered by jungle growth.

He's lying to me.

I want you to tell
me he's lying to me.

I have to give you this.

My husband...

and my baby.

I can't cry.

Yes, you can, Claudia.

Go on, cry.

I can't.

I want to.

I can't.

I knew that they were dead.

I knew it when I
read the other telex.

What other telex? When was that?

That night.

That night.


At the office.

What happened?

(unfolds paper)

The telex machine
started ticking.

I went...

and I read.

I read the message about
the... The missing jeep.

"No sign of life", it said.

It didn't say "dead."

It just said...
"No sign of life."

Go on, Claudia.

I, um...

I knew that...

in my heart, they were dead.

I just stood there. I...

I just stood there.

And then what did you do?

I went, uh, back
to my apartment...

and I took the g*n
out of my purse.

I knew I had to k*ll him.

k*ll who?

Cecil Colby.

For using me...

and for not giving
me the information

he had about them.

That's when Krystle
came to the apartment.


She saw the g*n.

I grabbed it.

And then what did Krystle do?

Krystle tried to stop me.

She tried to stop
me. If she hadn't...

I'd have k*lled him.

Now, that night, with Krystle...

who fired the g*n?

I did.

Claudia, you know the police

will wanna talk
to you about this.

Will you tell them just what

you've told Blake and me?

I'll tell them.

But I'm not gonna say I'm sorry.

Wanted him dead...

for what he did to me.

I won't. I won't.

(whispers): I won't.

I'll phone Lieutenant Holliman.

And I'll tell Krystle.

(door opens)

I won't.

(door closes)

(sobbing): I won't.

I won't.

I won't.

( majestic theme playing)

That's fine. Thank you,
doctor, I appreciate it.

Well, they have a room
available for Claudia

any time we need it, Blake.

All right.

I would hate to see her
go back into the sanitarium.

I'll tell you something,
Blake. I was watching her

while Lieutenant Holliman
was questioning her.

And she's in control now.

But I'm not so sure
it's total control.

I'll keep an eye on her for
the next couple of weeks.

There's time to
make the decision.

Nick, how can I thank you?

I'll think of something.

JEFF: Blake.

Rashid Ahmed has been
trying to reach you from London.

BLAKE: Ahmed? What does he want?

JEFF: Well, to make no further
commitments in the Middle East

until he can meet with
you here in Denver.


Rashid Ahmed.

( ominous theme playing)

NICK: A kid gets locked
up on drug charges,

and they forget to notify
the people he worked for.

I was notified. They
sent me a cable.

But I got it a week
later, out in the field.

Now, you listen.

Neither you nor Rashid Ahmed

gave a damn about my brother.

BLAKE: Now, you listen...
NICK: No, you listen.

One word from you could
have saved my brother's life.

One word.

( majestic theme playing)

What are you doing in here?

None of your bloody business.

Answer me, Alexis.

Unless you'd like to see
feathers fly again. (scoffs)

I'm here to see the baby.

Are you going to stop me?

In this house, I am.

And if you're really
that anxious to see him,

why don't you phone Fallon

and ask her to bring
him over to your studio?

Oh. You talk about him
like he's a piece of luggage.

Could you be jealous?

No. Just amazed by you.

For not realizing
that you're the one

who's excess
baggage around here,

ever since the day you
moved into that studio.

My studio.

Yes, your studio.

Where you can keep
an eye on Blake and me.

Well, you can't taunt
us anymore, Alexis.

And you know it.

Do I?

Well, that's immaterial now.

Because I've decided
to marry Cecil Colby.

Great. Two of a kind.

A perfect match.

Now, please leave my house.

With pleasure.

You've just given me
the most wonderful idea.

The perfect place
for Cecil and I

to have our wedding reception.

Denver's never going
to stop talking about it.

( melancholy theme playing)

(door opens)

STEVEN: Mother?


Oh. Darling, welcome home.


I, uh...

I heard about your arrest.

What happened in court today?

The judge set
the trial for later.


But didn't you admit
that you hit the man?

No, I didn't.

But I would like you
to admit to something.

You paid my wife to
leave here, didn't you?


Yes, Steven, I did.

But, darling, I did it
for your own good.

She w... She was nothing.

She was a... A-a
cheap little tramp.

Darling, you deserved...

What I got?

I picked up a guy
and came onto him.

Steven, you act
like I believe that.

Don't you?

Yes, you do.

You know you're just
like the rest of them.

Well, I don't give a
damn what you think.

JOSEPH: Excuse me.

Steven, your father would
like to see you in the library.

( dramatic theme playing)

Steven, wait a minute.

Steven, I wanna talk to
you about what it means

to be a Carrington.


Come in, Steven.

I thought this was a good time

to reassess things, you and me.

You know, it's been a
very special day for me.

My wife's name has
been cleared of suspicion,

my grandson is here
and my son is back home.


let's have a drink
and talk, shall we?

I don't want a drink.



I've allowed you to
lead your own life.

So last night, you
spent the night in jail.

Today, you were in court...

charged with assaulting
some cheap punk

you picked up in a bar.

You offered him a few
beers, and then you invited him

to share a ride
with you to Denver.


Well, damn it, aren't
you gonna say anything?

BLAKE: What the hell kind
of a childish gesture is that?

STEVEN: I'm not a child!

BLAKE: I am not talking
down... What's going on?

Steven and his
father. I'm going in.

No, wait. I... I don't
know if you should.

I don't care. I'm going in.

BLAKE: What is it you want?
What would make you happy?

From you? Nothing!
What's happening?!

Now, please, everybody,
leave us alone.

No. Come in, Fallon.
Come in, all of you!

You wanna hear
it, you'll hear it.

Excuse me, Blake,
I've got to talk to Steven.

Steven, I want to see you.

You're seeing me,
mother. Come join the jury.

You wanna know what's
happening here, Fallon?

We're judging my life.

About how I shape up as
a Carrington. Right, Dad?


let's go outside,

just you and I, and
we'll talk about it.

Don't try and
shut me up, Fallon.

Steven, if you'd just calm down.

Look, I'm through being calm!

I'm through trying to live
up to what's expected of me.

Steven, please, don't
spoil this day for your father.

BLAKE: No, no, Krystle.

Let him get it
out of his system.

Now, everybody, please leave.

This is between Steven and me.

Like hell it is.

You've all been a part

of this kangaroo court.

And this defendant
could do no right.

"Don't mess with boys,
Steven. Find yourself a girl."

Okay, I did.

And look how you
welcomed Sammy Jo

to the precious
Carrington circle.

Steven, she deserved
no welcome here.

In whose superior book, mother?


The woman whose
husband kicked her out

and paid her not to come
around contaminating her children?


don't let the past
destroy the present.

Sammy Jo was common
trash. Everybody knows it.

Common trash.

And what are you, Fallon?

Uncommon trash?

A million-dollar tramp?

All right, Steven, knock it off.

(Fallon gasps)

Poor Jeff.

Still can't face the truth, huh?

That this family is
rotten to the core.

Steven, listen. There's a...

out of this, Joseph.

You, Krystle, Jeff.

You're not Carringtons.

Even if you have been

contaminated by the oil baron...

his money, his power.

His... possessions.

BLAKE: Steven.

That vase is worth a fortune.

How much, Dad?

Half-a-million dollars?

More than that?

( slow, dramatic theme playing)


Is it worth...

more than Ted Dinard's life?

Are we back to that again?

You were there. You
know it was an accident.

But my love for him wasn't.

It was decent and
it was honorable.

But you wouldn't accept that.

No, you had to, uh...

make me over to fit...

your image of a Carrington.

I wanted you to be a man.

I am a man.

Just not your kind.

You know, I'm finally

facing up to something here:

I tried to live a lie...

to please you.

Not anymore.

From now on...

I'm gonna live my life my way.

I'm a h*m*, Dad.

I'm gay.

And I want you to face it.

And say it.

Say it.

"Steven is gay."

Somebody say it.

Steven is gay.

( dramatic theme playing)

Where are you going?

I'm not sure.

You know what really
hurts me the most?

Is I hate what
you all stand for.

I hate your values...

your morals...

and your blindness.

But I love you.

I love you all very much.

(baby crying)

The heir apparent.

The little Carrington prince.

God help that poor baby.


( ominous theme playing)


( ominous theme rises)


(baby crying)

(whispers): Lindsay.

My baby.



Life ends...

but then it begins again.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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