04x03 - The Note

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x03 - The Note

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Oh, Jeff. Did you
see Papa downstairs?

He's acting very strange.

I wonder if he's all right.

I think I should just
take him to a doctor

and make him have a checkup.

What's the matter?

What is it?

I don't know how
to tell you this.

Tell me what?

Your father.

Sweetheart, he's not downstairs.

He's... Oh, he's
been in an accident.

Oh, he's in the
hospital, I know.

Can you bring me to him, please?

I can't, he's gone.

Gone where?

Your father... is dead.

No, no, no.

You have to believe me. I
was there, I saw it happen.

Saw what happen?

Saw what happen?

He shot himself.

I-I don't believe that.


That's an ugly, horrible...

My father would never... Oh, no!

( dramatic theme playing)



Goodbye, I-I didn't get a
chance to say goodbye.

Or tell him how
much I loved him.

I didn't get a chance.

Oh, Papa.

( dramatic theme playing)

Lieutenant. Blake.

Why the unexpected visit?

I have some questions
to ask you, Mrs. Colby.

Not again.

I've just come
out of the hospital

and I'm exhausted.

Alexis, Joseph is dead.


Mr. Anders shot
himself to death.

He left Mr. Carrington a
note, I'd like to read it to you.

"Mr. Carrington, the
police are bound to discover

"it was I who set the fire.

"I tried to stop that evil woman

"from ruining yet
another life and failed.

"I pray my death will satisfy
her need for vengeance.


What exactly do
you think that means?

I have no idea
what a su1c1de note

from an obviously
deranged man means.

Are you sure?

Are you accusing of me of
being the evil one in that note?

There were two women
in that cabin, you know.

No, ma'am, I'm not
accusing you of anything.

Do you have anything
else you'd like to add?


Well, you'll be hearing
from me again, Mrs. Colby.

Good night.

You're just gonna leave?
W-What's gonna happen now?

We're gonna follow
through on all this.


I do have your word
that you won't release

the full contents of that
note to the press, only...

Only the fact that Joseph
confessed to setting that fire?

Thank you very much.

ALEXIS: Well, now that he's
gone with his ridiculous accusations,

would you like some champagne?

I'd like you to answer me
the way you didn't answer him.

What did Joseph
mean in that note

about satisfying her
need for vengeance?

And whose life
was he referring to?

I don't know.

Alexis, the man is dead.

And he made an accusation
against you before he died.

Joseph was a fool.

He should have known I would
never have told Kirby the truth

about her sainted mother.

Oh, my God, that's what he
meant about ruining another life.

I just threw that threat at
him to put him in his place.

To put him in his grave.

That was not my fault.

He tried to k*ll me, and
then again at the hospital.

Was it somebody else
who tried to smother me?

Steven said it was
a nightmare but...

Was it? Maybe it was real?

I'm not gonna let you change
the subject, do you hear?

Now, Joseph k*lled himself.

He was a decent, moral man

who loved his daughter
more than his own life.

Now, because of you, I'm
gonna have to lie to Kirby.

Lie to protect her from
knowing what her mother was.

Joseph died to keep that secret.


How noble of you, Blake, to lie.

Do I applaud now, shout "bravo,"

or just remain
terribly impressed?

Well, I am not impressed.

Many things suit you, Blake,

but being sanctimonious
isn't one of them.

Joseph, a decent and moral man?

What he really was
was your paid house spy

who liked nothing better

than to badmouth
me whenever he could.

Well, it's a pity
he didn't tell me

about you and that
sexy, young wife of his.

The attic nympho,
wasn't that her sobriquet?

You'll do anything, say anything
to justify yourself, won't you?

Well, if you tell Kirby

one thing about her mother,

I warn you, what Joseph
attempted and failed to do,

I will finish.

( ominous theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

I don't understand.

Joseph confessed he set the
fire but gave no reason why.

Well, I would have
to guess, Steven,

that our mother gave him
more than enough reason

to try and k*ll her.

She always did treat
him as if he was dirt.

Fallon, can't you ever give her
the benefit of the doubt, ever?

Look, I probably
shouldn't say anything,

but this is no time for the
two of you to be at each other.

Tomorrow Claudia is
released from High Meadow.

Her big day.

I wanted to share it
with her but now I...

I wonder if I should cancel

going up there
to drive her back.

You promised her you'd
go. It means a lot to her.

(footsteps approaching)



Thank you for
being here, Steven.

We haven't been getting
along very well lately,

but I realize the pain
you must be feeling.

You know what
Joseph meant to me too.

Well, I've gotta be
getting back to Danny.

Good night. KRYSTLE: Good night.

Good night.

Daddy, don't let him go.

Whatever is wrong
between the two of you,

can't you just try
and make it right?

What if something should
happen in our family?

You'd look back on all this

and regret you didn't
make your peace sooner.

Fallon, no matter how hard
I try, I can't make it right.

I can't make it stay right.

It's as if we live in
two different worlds.

Thank you for
coming too, Krystle.

It's really very kind of you.

I couldn't not come, Blake.

I know what Joseph
meant to this family.

Blake. Oh, Jeff, how's Kirby?

She's trying to
fight off the sedative

Dr. Winfield gave her,

asking me questions
I can't answer.

Will you help me?

So many memories
begin coming back to me.

Three kids.

Steven and I and Kirby
growing up together,

and Joseph, always there,
looking after his little girl.

I remember the look on his
face one time on his birthday.

Kirby giving him a little card
that said, "I love my daddy."


He must have been so desperate

to have been
driven to leaving her.


I'm so very sorry.

Why would my father
wanna k*ll Alexis Colby?

What did she do to him?

It wasn't what she did to him,

it was obviously what
she planned to do to me.

Do to you?

You see, more than
anything in the world,

Alexis wants to take
over my company

and everything I have.

Your father's loyalty and love

for me and my
family was boundless.

He must have decided that,

on his own, he
would try to stop her.

When that failed,

he did a tragically wrong thing.

But he took his own life. Yes.

Such a waste of a
fine and precious life.

And sadly, it solved...
Didn't solve anything.


Kirby, I can't bring him back,

but I can do what he
would have wanted.

I don't want you and Jeff to
move out of this house ever.

You're part of the family
and you always will be.

All right?

( dramatic theme playing)

(door shuts)

( dramatic theme playing)

You keep walking out on
him. He's your father, Steven.

That's right, Chris.

He's my father and
I'll handle this my way.

Look, the only reason I
went over to that house

was to try to share this
tragedy with my sister

and to offer him my condolences.

I did that, there was
nothing else to stay for.

How about one more try?

To tell him that we're
friends, not lovers.

We're two guys who
live in the same house

with separate bedrooms.

Try moving the pyramids.


Well, then maybe you
better give your ex-wife a call

in New York.

What does she
have to do with this?

She phoned a little while ago.


When she found out why I
was here and you weren't,

she came on very hostile.

I quote,

"You're living with
Steven and my son?"

I got a good line on her during
those divorce talks in New York.

She can be trouble, Steven.

So I'd suggest
that you straighten

this matter out with her.

Give her a callback now.


You just said the key
word, Chris. "Divorce."

I'm through with Sammy
Jo, I've got custody of my son,

and I don't owe her
any explanations.

It's the same thing
with my father, Chris.

The same situation. Settled.

I don't live for his
approval anymore.


Nothing is ever going to change

that man's mind about me.

So to hell with
Blake Carrington.

Steven, I beg you to
go back one more time.

( dramatic theme playing)

Krystle, I'm glad
you're still here.

I wanted to tell you that
Lieutenant Merrill has promised

that the charges
against Mark Jennings

will be dropped immediately.

Thank you for telling me.

I wanted you to
know something else.

I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry.

I wasn't able to go
along with your conviction

that Mark was innocent.

You see, I now realize

that my underlying personal
resentment against the man

probably colored my judgment.

I've insisted to you
that I'm not unfair,

and I guess in this
instance, I was unfair.

That's very honest
of you, Blake.

I have the staff

waiting for me in the library.

I have to be going too.

( dramatic theme playing)

( mellow jazz theme playing)

Krystle, Krystle.


Krystle, I wanted to
share the good news.

I found two notes
at the front desk.

One from Fallon saying she
does not accept my resignation

and the other from the police
telling me I'm a free man.

What do you say to that?



I'm so happy for
you that it's over.

Let's talk about
this in the morning.


Look, I'm... I'm sorry
I got so carried away.

I-I know how you
must feel about Joseph.

You were very fond of him.

Yes, I was.

But I had to see you tonight.

To thank you for encouraging
me to believe in myself.

You don't have to.

Oh, yes I do.

You see, I'll never forget
the look in Carrington's eyes

after he put up that
bail money for me.

"You're guilty
as hell, Jennings,

so let's just call this a
gesture for whatever reason."

There's something
you should know.

I already do.

You're just like you've
always been, Krystle.

You're warm and you're
tender and you're loving.

He is tough and cynical
and a manipulator.

I'm glad you finally
wised up and dumped him.

Blake told me tonight that
he was wrong about you.

Did he?

Now suddenly he's the
good guy and I'm the bad.

I didn't say that.

All I'm saying is that

it was very big of
him to admit that.

Now, it's late.

Good night.

BLAKE: And in his way,
Joseph looked after all of us.

Concerned for our problems.
Caring for our needs.

So many things that made
him more than a majordomo,

that made him our friend.

He lived by principles

that a lot of people don't
subscribe to these days,

and he had standards
of excellence

that I sometimes
found myself envying.

He was an unusual man.

And we shall miss him.

I, especially, shall miss him.

Sleep well, dear, dear friend.



Well, High Meadow, can't say
I'm exactly going to miss you,

but I am grateful

for helping me to trust
where I first distrusted.

Helping me to help myself.


Now, I'm going out
into the real world.

It's gonna be great. I know it.

It's just gonna be
beautiful and great.

( upbeat theme playing)


Oh, look. These are from Fallon.

Aren't they lovely?

I'm going to filch one of these,

and present it to a
very beautiful woman.

On the occasion of
this being the first time

we've been alone
together in a very long time,

I would like to say...

that it's about
time and real nice.

Welcome to your future, Claudia.

Being here with you, Steven,
I really like my present.


Right now I'm
thinking about the past.

A part of it, our past.

Go on.

You talk, it's good to talk.

Right now I'm thinking
about the first time

we were alone together.

At the cabin. That night.

Making love.

My first time making
love to a woman.

The two of us.

Holding on to one another
not wanting to let go,

and you saying, "Make this..."

Night last forever.

Make the stars wonder,
where's the sun?


( romantic theme playing)

I haven't touched a
woman since Sammy Jo.

And I haven't touched a
man who mattered since you.

( dramatic theme playing)

I'm certain that a maroon
car was following us.

So keep your eyes
open and if it shows up,

I want you to come
and find me immediately.

Yes, Mrs. Colby.

MARK: Well,
that's great, Sherry.

Big improvement on the forehand.

See you again soon, okay?

Hello, Mark.

Hey, you finally
come by to thank me.

You're welcome, Alexis.

Well, I'm enormously
grateful to you, Mark,

and I just wanted to talk
to you for a few minutes.

About what?

About how stupid it was of me

to go out to that
cabin unprotected

when so many people had
made threats against my life.

You see, I realize now that like
so many rich and powerful women,

I'm the logical target for
jealous and angry men.

Men who are afraid that I'm
going to betray their secrets.

Which is all your
problem and not mine.


So that's exactly why I'm here.
I wanna make it your problem

and I wanna make
it worth your while.

Mark, why should you waste
yourself on the tennis court

when it could be so much
more intriguing working for me?

You're not being very clear,
Alexis. That's not like you.

All right.

I want you to use
those rippling muscles

for one purpose and
one purpose only.

To protect me.

I want you to be
my bodyguard, Mark.

Tell me something, is
this offer your official,

your tangible thank
you for saving your life?

In a way, yes.

Well, let me tell you now,
lady, so far as saving your life,

if I had it to do over
again, I wouldn't.

( dramatic theme playing)

Oh. Fallon.

Darling, I wonder
if you'd let me know

where and when the services
for Joseph are gonna be.

Sorry, Blake's given orders
you're not welcome there

and you're not to be
told the time and location.

Good God.

Does he really think he can keep

that piece of
information from me?

If... If what?

You really want to
attend services for a man

who hated you so much,
he wanted to k*ll you?

Look, if you really wanna
go and privately gloat,

you'll have to find someone else
who'll tell you where and when.

If you can find
somebody who will.

( ominous theme playing)

You've helped pulled me
together again, Claudia.

You're so beautiful.

Steven, I wanna talk to
you. (groans contently)

It's important.

All right.

You've got seconds exactly.

Thousand one. Stop it.

Thousand two.

Stop it. Thousand three.

Thousand four. I
wanna talk to you.

It's about you and Blake.

Why didn't you tell me
about this thing before?

Because you're a very sexy woman

and I didn't want you to
turn all serious on me, okay?

I'm turning serious
on you. Thousand five.

Steven. Thousand six.

Why didn't you tell me?

Maybe because I didn't wanna
rain on your graduation parade.

All your hard work. Hm?

I think your minute is up.


Hey. Hm.

You're not gonna tell me
you're on Blake's side, are you?

No, of course not.

I'm not on Blake's side.
I'm not on your side.

I'm on Danny's side.

Come on, Danny has
nothing to do with this.

Of course he does.

How many grandfathers
does he have? How many?

One. Only one who's around.

One, well, my daughter,
Lindsay, had one grandparent.

It was Matthew's mother.

She disapproved of the
marriage from the start.

She never got over
her feelings toward me.

Despite the fact that I dreaded
every visit to that woman,

I never cut Lindsay
off from her,

because a grandparent's
love is very important to a child.

It's very, very important.

She used to say, "the
children of my children

are twice my children."

In spite of my feelings,
she loved Lindsay.

Oh, Steven.

If you don't make
it up with Blake,

how is your son ever going
to know his grandfather's love?


( dramatic theme playing)

Would you go out on the terrace

and see that the buffet is
set up properly? Thank you.

Blake, I have something
to do for a minute.

Would you take Kirby in, please?

Oh, yes, of course.


I'm really concerned
about Kirby.

Well, what do you mean?

Well, I can't get her
to talk about her father.

She never leaves our
room. She barely eats.

I beg her to eat for her
sake and the baby's,

but I get nowhere.

Well, she's been
through a terrible ordeal.

I know, I know, but she's
gotta get over it sometime.

Look, you're her friend.

She feels close to
you, she trusts you.

Would you talk to her?

Well, I don't know
what I can do,

but I'll talk to her.



Did you hear me?

There are two lives
you're responsible for now.

Yours... And my baby's.


Krystle, you know something?

God is punishing me.

He took my father

who did that terrible thing.

To take his own life,
yes, what a terrible waste.

God isn't punishing
you for that.

The fall from that
horse was an accident.

No, it wasn't an accident.

I did it on purpose.

It was deliberate.

It was very deliberate.

What are you talking about?

I have to tell someone.
I have to tell someone.

I can't keep this
inside of me any longer.

You said that you
had to lose the baby

because it wasn't Jeff's.

Was that true?

Swear to me that you
won't tell anyone, please.

No, I won't.



It's Adam's.

He r*ped me,

the baby is Adam's.


Does he know? Oh, God, no.

He never will.

Krystle, I would give
my life if it were Jeff's,

because it's Jeff that I love.

It's Jeff.

Kirby, you have to be
strong enough to tell him.

I can't.

What if he leaves
me? I-I would die.

What if he finds out later?

Is this something
that you can live with?

Is it?

( dramatic theme swells)

( dramatic theme playing)

LAIRD: Blake, you
have to understand.

The kind of custody case

that you are
considering launching

is not an everyday matter.

A grandfather
challenging his son's right

to raise his own child.

Now, that's not
entirely accurate.

It's a grandfather
challenging his gay son's right

to raise their child
in an unwholesome,

and unnatural environment.

All right, what about my rights

to protect that
baby's best interests?

And what about
the baby's rights?

Well, let's say, at the moment,

they're in some fairly
uncharted territory.

Now, what does that mean?

It means, like so many
other family issues,

nobody can clearly define
what those rights really are.

Conflicts between
parents and grandparents

often degenerate into bitterness

that even the
courts can't control.

Blake, listen to me.

My advise to you is don't...
Don't jump into this thing.

I'm not jumping into anything,
Andrew, I'm being pushed.

Only because of your
antagonism toward Steven.

Look, the boy came over
to you. He shook your hand.

I grant you these are
terrible times for you both,

but Blake,

why don't you reach
out to your son?

( upbeat theme playing)

Good morning. Good morning.

Good morning. I
phoned your suite.

The desk said
that you were here.

Oh, please don't go, Claudia.

No, it's okay, I
have things to do.

I was wondering whether
you'd given any thought

to what we had discussed
yesterday after the services.

I really have, I've given
it a great deal of thought,

and a great deal of
quiet gratitude to you,

but I really can't go back to
work at Denver-Carrington.

I feel I've gotta kind
of move out on my own.

You can understand
that, can't you?

Sure, of course.

Thank you.

I'll see you later. All right.

May I join you?


That was very
nice of you, Blake.

Offering Claudia that job.

Well, she needed a job
and I'm not a total monster.

You know, sometimes it takes

losing an old friend
like Joseph to... To, uh...


To make you understand
that none of us is an island.

My whole life long I
took pride in the thought

that I didn't need anyone,
that I could make it by myself.

That was a false
pride, I know that now.

I realize how wrong I was

in shutting you
out so many times

when you tried to share
my problems, my pain.

So I came here this morning

to let you know...
how much I need you.

How very much I need you.

( dramamtic theme playing)

If only we hadn't lost
the baby, our baby.

We'd still be
together, I'm sure.

I thought of that so many times.

Well, I'm not going to
press you for an answer,

but if you could at least think
about becoming my wife again.

Would you do that, please?

I'll think about
it, Blake. I will.

( ominous theme playing)


You're busy.

I have some catching up to do.

Yes, I'm busy.

Well, this won't take long.

Just winding things up.

In case our paths don't
cross in the next few days,

I thought I'd say
goodbye before I check out

and go back to Billings.



How regretful you do not
look. I didn't expect otherwise.

Brothers and sisters
loving each other

only happens in very
old-fashioned novels.

In real life, we're
just like the animals.

We come out of the same litter,

and once we've grown up, we
don't even know one another.

Well, maybe there's
something about you, Adam,

that doesn't
exactly inspire love.

Then what?

Let's say mistrust.

It's a typical Fallon
thought, typical Fallon word.

I wonder how one says
"forever Fallon" in Latin?

It ought to be inscribed on
a corner of the family seal

in red, blood red.

What about Dr. Edwards?

What about him?

Well, you claimed you
didn't even know the man

and it turned out he knew
you since you were a baby,

and then the business
of your first court case.

The man who went
berserk from mercuric oxide?

And you denied having
anything to do with that case.

So you tell me, Adam,

how does one begin to love
somebody they can't even trust?

Spoken like the
suspicious daughter

of our suspicious mother.

Did you know she
thought I was the one

who put the torch to that cabin?

How's that for family love?

Goodbye, Fallon.

It's too bad you're not
the girl I thought you were

before I found out
who you really are.

( ominous theme playing)


Billings, Montana.

Operator, I don't know
if you can help me,

but I need to locate
a company there

that manufactures
mercuric oxide.

( dramatic theme playing)

(doorbell rings)

Oh, I, uh, came by to see Danny.

And to bring him
something, how sweet.

Mrs. Gordon's giving
him a bath right now.

I'll come back another time.

Oh, no, no, Krystle.

I insist that you come in.

I'd like to clear the air
about something, Krystle.

What is it, Alexis?

You can leave that there
because I don't want you

coming to this
apartment anymore.


You've finally done
it, haven't you?

You have finally managed

to alienate Fallon
and Adam from me.

You don't need any help in
alienating anybody, Alexis.

You do quite well on your own.

Well, Steven is my son

and I will not hold
still if you're trying

to steal him away from me too.

My friendship with Steven
goes back a long time.

Long before you made your
triumphant return to Denver

to mess up everybody's life.

And I doubt that Steven will
hold still anymore than I will

for your dictating
to either of us.


Hello, darling.


Krystle, did I, uh, break in
on some sort of an argument?

Argument? No, no, no.

We were just... (phone rings)

Excuse me.


Yes, I just got in, Dad.
What's on your mind?

( dramatic theme playing)

I'll get right to
the point, Steven.

Is it about Danny?


About your son, my grandson.

I want the best for you
both, you know that.

That being?

For all of us to
be together again.

You and Danny here at the house.

Me kind of hanging around,
being the proud grandfather.

In other words, you want me
to move out of the apartment.

That's right.

And if your friend Chris
wants to stay on alone, fine,

or perhaps he'd like to
move to another place.

Chris. So this little chat
isn't just about Danny.

The important thing is,

consider what a wonderful
home your son is going to have,

and also the same
goes for you and me.

Would you like some more ice?

No, thank you.

Andrew was right about
my reaching out to you.


What does your lawyer
have to do with this?

Well, we've been
discussing this whole matter.

What were you going to do?

Take me to court
and force me back?

Oh, God.

Not me, my son.

Now, look, Steven...

Discussing the
whole matter of what?

Suing me for custody
of Danny, was that it?

Yes, if I were driven
to that kind of extreme,

but we could work it out,
there are always ways.

There are always two ways,
both of them Blake Carrington's.

That's a rotten
thing to stay, Steven.

Rotten or not, it's true.

Look, Dad, I'm not coming
back to live in your house

and you can't take
my son away from me.

All right, all right.

If you want to stay
there then stay,

but give me Danny.

And if Krystle comes back to me,

I promise you that

she'll raise the child the
way he should be raised.


You screwed up and lost Krystle

and now you hope this
will bring her back, right?

No, that's not true.

Steven, cooperate with me

and I will drop
all consideration

of any legal action.

Legal action?

Against me, to take
Danny away from me?

To help your son for his
sake. Don't you understand?

No, I don't. We don't
need your damned help.

I'm not through with you yet.

Well, I'm through with you.

( suspenseful theme playing)

This isn't the
end of it, Steven.

I'll see you in court.

I'm going to get my grandson.

( ominous theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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