04x06 - Tender Comrades

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x06 - Tender Comrades

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

BLAKE: That's right.

I want you at the house tonight.

I'll tell you exactly why.

I don't want any more surprises
in that courtroom, Andrew.

And I don't intend
to wait until tomorrow

to hear what you're
going to say about Steven.

I'll expect you
here in a half-hour.

( mysterious theme playing)

(intercom buzzes)

Yes, sir?

MAN: Mr. Carrington?

We'll be putting down

in about an hour.

Right. Thanks.

Danny asleep? Mmm.

You know something?

Your son sleeps
just the way you do.

Really, it's a certain look.

He's now frowning a bit.
Now the trace of a smile.

He's the complete dreamer.

I watched you the other
night after we made love

and your eyes closed.

Same look. It's exactly...

What's the matter?

( melancholy theme playing)

This is wrong, Claudia.

We've gotta turn back. Why?

Because it isn't fair
you're doing this for me.

I want to do it. It was my idea.

To help me out?


So that I can finally show you
how much you really mean to me.

Oh, Steven,

if you're worried about
what you feel strongly about,

what you talked of in
court, your principles...

I am. You're not
abandoning them.

You're just realizing that,
at any given moment in life,

there are priorities.

And at this moment in your
life, your priority is your son.

( pleasant theme playing)

(knock at door)

Hello, Sammy Jo. Samantha.

Your sister gave me that
name when I was born.

You can at least respect it.

Your mother never called
you anything but Sammy Jo.

There's a draft.
Are you coming in?

I don't care what your
darling Iris called me.

All I really remember about
her was her coughing, coughing,

night and day.

She was very sick.

(scoffs): Was she ever.

Oh, I wondered when you'd
be popping by for a little chat.

I mean, all I got in court
from you today was a glare.

Talk about those
saintly blue eyes

sending chills up
and down a back.

Sammy Jo, how could you have

so much hatred in
you against Steven?

Who is worthy and honorable,
and all that good stuff.


Well, he sure has a fan
club in you, Aunt Krystle.

Is there something about
him that turns you on?


You lied in that courtroom
today, didn't you?

Did I?

And you know what the
cost of those lies might be.

You seem to be so sure of
everything all of a sudden.

You tell me.

Steven will probably
lose his son.

And Blake will
win a bitter victory.

Blake. The great white father.

He's been good to you, Sammy Jo.

Oh, get off your
high-and-mighty Carrington horse.

I'm here for my baby's sake.

I don't keep changing
sides the way you did.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about your
big promises for Danny

when I showed up with him
at the house. Remember?

I was even willing to let
you and Mr. Carrington

adopt my baby.

Because I knew that being
raised by Blake Carrington,

he'd give Danny the
best world he could have.


And then what did
you do, Auntie Krystle?

What did I do?

The minute Steven shows up alive

and moves his
lawyer in with him,

you turn on Mr. Carrington
and take Steven's side.

And you're telling me how
much pain I'm causing the man?

Well, who walked out
on him, Miss Grant?

( dramatic theme playing)

If you really loved him
as much as you say,

you wouldn't be
here picking on me.

You'd be with him.

I'd like you to go.

In fact,

I want you to get
out of my room.

Get out.

Thank God your
mother isn't here.

To see how you turned out.

( melancholy theme playing)

LAIRD: "I can only conclude

"by respectfully
asking Your Honor

"to award a decision

"in favor of my client,

a loving, caring grandfather,
Blake Carrington."

That's your summation?

Yes, and I think it's a damn
good one. So do I proceed?

I see no problem, Andrew.

As long as you take out
those lies about Steven.


You heard me.

If you don't, I'll... Now,
look here, Blake, I...

Now, Sammy Jo was
lying, and you know it.

The only thing I know
is that a witness testifies

to what that witness
claims is the truth,

and that our object
is to win this case.

Now, if you don't wanna
go along with this...

Now, look, this legal
action that I instituted

is on a clear-cut basis,

that a gay man
living with his lover

has no right to
ruin his child's life

by subjecting him to
that kind of environment.

Uh-huh. And do we forget
about the total lack of proof?

Now, what does that mean?

That there is no proof
that a child raised by a gay

will necessarily
become gay himself.

So if you wanna win this case...

I'm going to win.

Then you're gonna have
to get down to the nitty-gritty

of painting Steven
personally as an unfit parent.

You obviously didn't hear me.

I'm going to win without any
personal att*cks on Steven.

Not from you or anyone
else, and I mean that.

So you strike them from
whatever you've scribbled

on that paper over
there, do you understand?

All right.

But I want you to know,
Blake, that it tees me off a lot...

A lot.

That you're making
me the whipping boy.

Well, I happen to think that
your loss of Steven's affection

is only the tip of
the iceberg here.

What the devil are
you trying to say?

Blake, I'm not only your lawyer,

I'm your friend.

And I feel compelled to
say something to you now.

Even if it upsets you.

I saw the way Krystle turned
away from you in court today.

You wanna know what I think?

I think you're attacking me

because this suit has obviously
cost you her affection as well.

Now, look here, Andrew...
No, you look here, Blake.

Listen to me, please.

Why don't you set your
mind to getting her back?

She left you because
you treated her like...

Like a possession.

Well, why don't you find
another way to treat her?

Not just as a wife,

but as a partner.

( mysterious theme playing)

( subdued theme playing)



You don't have to
tiptoe on my account.

I've been awake too.

What happened, um...

It was the wine and...

And me and, uh...

And i-it was my fault, Fallon.

No, it wasn't.

It wouldn't have happened
if I didn't want it to,

as much as you did.


Jeff, it's okay.

We wanted to make
love, and we did.

It was good, Fallon.

It was so good.

Well, I've heard about
this Montana night air.

What it does to people.

It was good.

But we have to forget it.

Forget it?



I am so confused.

Even though I'm with Kirby, I...

I still have these
feelings for you.

And they just won't go away,
Fallon. They just won't die.

They have to, Jeff.

For both of us.

Please, say they will.

I'll try.

You'll have to do
better than that.

All right.

You know, when I
phoned Kirby this afternoon

and told her I wasn't
gonna make it back...


the minute that I mentioned
that I was up here with you,

I could just feel
her tighten up.

It was as if she sensed
what would happen

with the two of us
being away and alone.

And yet I couldn't even get
into why we had to make the trip.



I can't even mention
that name around her.

Whenever I do, she just freezes.

Maybe she has
terrifically good instincts.

We'll find out tomorrow

when we catch up
with Jud Barrows.

Get to the bottom
of who and what

Adam Carrington really is.

( melancholy theme playing)

Good night, Jeff.

Good night.

Fallon, uh...


Just go.

( melancholy theme continues)

(door closes)

( mysterious theme playing)

ALEXIS: Who's there?

Is anybody there?

Who's there?

Is somebody there?

Who is it?

( tense theme playing)

( ringing)

Hello, Harold?

This is Mrs. Colby.

Did anyone come
up to my apartment

in the last few minutes?

Well, I thought I
heard the elevator.

Yes, I'll check it.

Oh, Harold, you're
right, it's locked.

It's just that, ever since
the robbery, I've been...

Good night.

( tense theme continues)

( ringing)

Hello, Mr. Deegan.

I'd like to speak
to my son, please.

He's not there?

Well, where is he
at this time of night?

( uplifting theme playing)

MAN: Do you both promise to
love and comfort one another,

to honor one another,

to keep one another
in sickness and health,

in prosperity and adversity,
and forsaking all others,

be faithful to one another
as long as you both shall live?


I do.


I now, therefore,
pronounce you man and wife.

Now, if you'll just let
me get to the office,

I'll sign the
certificate properly.

Come on, Emma.

I'll take this precious
witness with me, if it's all right.

Yeah. Of course.

MAN: Mr. Carrington, if I
may make a suggestion,

you may kiss your bride. Heh.


Teacher, tender comrade, wife.

Robert Louis Stevenson
wrote that on his wedding night.

It's beautiful.

But was he as handsome as you?

( triumphant theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Alexis Colby.

This will put an end
to mercuric oxide.

( ominous theme playing)

( subdued theme playing)




Very, very happy, yes.


Mr. Carrington, yes.

I'm glad, Mrs. Carrington.


Mrs. Carrington.


I've loved you for
such a long time.

I remember how I asked
you to marry me once.


And I said that I
still loved Matthew.

I lied.

But I was alone.

Were you? Yes, I was.

I didn't want you to
be burdened with me.

With all my problems

I didn't think I
could cope with.

All that's behind me now.

You know what, Steven?

You know the first time
that I knew that I loved you

was when you dropped that
dish on my kitchen floor. Heh.

(chuckles) Do you remember?

I remember.

I knew that I loved you then.

I know that I love you now.

And that I'll love you always.


( tender theme playing)

(Danny cries out)

Look who's awake.

Look at him.

He's smiling. Hello.

See? He had a good dream.

(Danny giggles)

I'm glad.

What are you thinking?


Yes, you are.

You're thinking about today,
what's to come, aren't you?

What's waiting for you
and Danny back in Denver.


Is that judge going
to give him to us,

even after this?

Or to my father?


( tense theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

I was wondering, Father,

has there been any
word from Jeff and Fallon

about when they're due back?

No, no, nothing at all.

Everything all right, Adam?

Yes. You sure?


You know, I'm very happy
to have you in my company

and under this roof.

But do you have some
private misgivings about it?

I mean, some, uh...

Some conflict of loyalty
towards your mother, perhaps?

Towards Alexis? Of
course not, Father, no.

Well, I want you to
understand one thing.

No matter what my
feelings are toward Alexis,

you don't have to prove your
loyalty toward me by hating her.

I mean, after all,
she is your mother.

I'm not sure what her
feelings toward me really are,

but I don't hate her.

And if I have any
problems in my life,

believe me, they're
minor compared to yours.

I don't envy you, your
day in court this morning.

Well, son, if you ever
do have problems, ever,

I do think it's important
that we level with each other.

All right.

I admit that my
coming here to you

has caused me a
few sleepless nights,

because I realize this
merger is going to go through,

and when it does,

I'm going to have to be involved
with both you and Mother.

And I am worried about
how you're going to react

when I behave
civilly towards her.


Adam, there's nothing
for you to worry about.

Now, if you've not
understood it clearly before,

please do so now.

You don't have to earn my love.

You already have it.

You understand that?

( somber theme playing)

I do.


( upbeat theme playing)

Hi. Hi.

Something I can do for you?

Yeah, we're looking
for Jud Barrows.

He's expecting us.

Yo, Jud.

Hi. I'm Jeff Colby.
This is Fallon Colby.

Uh, we've been
waiting to meet you.

I'm pretty busy, Mr. Colby.

Uh, been one of
those days, you know?

Well, we've traveled a long
way to ask you some questions.

Well, why don't
you just ask away?

I'll do my best to answer.

A couple years ago,

you were the foreman
at High Ridge Chemicals.

That's correct.

And you gave a workman
named Allison an order,

but instead of carrying
it out, he went berserk.

Tried to strangle you.

Yeah. He collapsed, and he...

He almost died, that's right.

Could you tell us
exactly what happened?

Well, I think you probably
know what happened, don't you?

We'd like you to
tell us. Please?

(sighs): Well...

doctors discovered that, uh,

he'd been poisoned
by mercuric oxide

that they manufactured
at the plant there.

He'd been inhaling these
fumes seemed like for hours a day

for several months.

And, uh, well,
when he recovered,

he sued High Ridge for damages,

and got him a
smart, young lawyer.

Got him a real tidy settlement.

And you testified in the case?

Heh-heh. Yes, sir, I did.

I sure didn't like being up
there on that witness stand,

I can tell you that
much for sure.

Well, sometimes a citizen,

he's just gotta do
what he's gotta do.

You know how that goes.

The lawyer, who was he?
Do you remember his name?

Oh, sure. It was, uh, Torrance.

That's what it was.
It was Torrance.

( ominous theme playing)

MAN: Jud.

Mr. Thorpe wants
you, on the double.

Yeah, I'll be right there.

Like I said, it's one of
them days, you know?

Thank you very much.

You betcha. Good luck.

Torrance. Wasn't that...?

You're damn right it was.

When I first met Adam,

he introduced himself
as Michael Torrance.

It was the name he grew up with.

( majestic theme playing)

When you phoned
me last night, Adam,

and told me that you had some
routine papers for me to sign,

I assumed that you'd
bring them to the office.

You do remember where that is?

I do.

So if these papers
are so routine,

what are you doing here?

And why such an early bird?

You're due in court
this morning, Mother.

And although the China Sea
offshore leases I was working on

while I was at
Colbyco are routine,

they're also important.

I'm not so sure about this.

Do you mind explaining that?

I just don't understand
why I should sign anything

unless Colbyco has it in writing

that those leases are
definitely up for bids.

If you wait for that, Mother,
other companies won't,

and you'll be squeezed
out. It's as simple as that.


Nothing in life is simple, Adam.

If it were, I would have
had a good night's sleep.

Look, the paper you're signing

is a statement of
interest on Colbyco's part.

Nothing more than
that at the moment.

But if you don't
wanna get involved,

I am just trying
to do you a favor.

Adam, I-I just feel so awful.

I'm sorry, Mother.
Let's just forget it.

It's Colbyco's loss, not mine.

All right.

Give me the pen.

( mysterious theme playing)

Two and three are
copies of the first page,

but they all need
your signature.


I'll get these to my contact
as soon as possible.

Thank you for breakfast, Mother.

And good luck in
court this morning.

( tense theme playing)


( tense theme swells)

( mysterious theme playing)

Mr. Carrington, rumor has it

that Judge Kendall's
going to be handing down

his decision this morning.
That's fine with me.

You think you're gonna win?

No comment on that.

Mr. Carrington, it
seems your whole case

is based on raising the
baby in a straight family.

We would like to get through,
if it's okay with your people.

But if you do get custody,

with you and your
former wife not married...

Or do you plan to
make it legal again?

No comment on that one either.

Mr. Carrington, do you still
have a thing for Krystle Grant?

There she is.

REPORTER: Miss Grant.

Miss Grant.

Miss Grant, if
Mr. Carrington gets the baby,

are you gonna marry him again
and be a mother to the child?

Miss Grant, in
court, you testified

for Mr. Carrington's son.

What does that do
to your marriage plan?

KRYSTLE: Sorry, I'm
not prepared to answer.

Come on, Miss Grant, what is it?
Another marriage prospect, or...?

Rumor has it that
you and your first...

Get your hands off of her.

Hey, who do you think you are?

I'll show you who I am. Blake!

KRYSTLE: Blake, don't.

Well, I guess we got the
answer to one question.

Mr. Carrington does
have a thing for the lady,

whoever gets the baby.

( dramatic theme playing)

Mr. Deegan? Yes, Mrs. Colby?

I called the
apartment last night

to find out where Steven was,
and you evaded answering me.

I know that, Mrs. Colby.

Well, I wanna know
what's going on

and why he isn't in
this courtroom now.

If I could answer you,

I'd feel better about
what's gonna happen

the minute the judge
walks into this room.

A damn lot better.

( dramatic theme playing)

( somber theme playing)

How much longer
do you think it'll be?

Mr. Laird, Mr. Deegan,
please approach the bench.

I'm prepared to hear
your closing arguments,

but I can't until all
parties are in court.

So where, Mr. Deegan,
is your client?

He's on his way, Your Honor,

but he's been
unavoidably detained.

That's pretty obvious.

I ask the court's
indulgence, Your Honor.

A recess until after lunch.

I'm certain Mr. Carrington
will be here by then.

All right. Let's call
for recess until p.m.

(bangs gavel)

BAILIFF: All rise.

( tense theme playing)

Mrs. Carrington, I have a
phone message here for you.

Oh, thank you.

( pleasant theme playing)

KRYSTLE: So you've decided
that running away is the answer.

I'm leaving a place I should've
never come back to, Krystle.

That's not true, Kirby.

This is your home. This
is where your life is now.

No, you're wrong.
You're so wrong.

The only life I really
had in this castle

was over when my
father sent me to Europe.

When I came back, I...

I thought I could leave
the downstairs world

and move upstairs.

Well, I did.

Except the fairy tale
boomeranged. It didn't work.

There's a baby to be considered.

And I'm going to
Paris to have it.

Make a life for
the two of us there

with the money
my father left me.

What about Jeff?

What about Jeff?

Is he ever gonna know
why you walked out on him?

Kirby, you said once that
if he left you, you'd die.

Well, now you're leaving him

without giving him a
chance to say how he feels.

Doesn't he deserve the
right to decide for himself?

( melancholy theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

MARCIA (on intercom): Mrs. Colby
would like to see you, Mr. Carrington.

Send her in, please.

When I got back to my office,
I found this official telegram,

stating that the
government has no objection

to the proposed merger between
Colbyco and Denver-Carrington.

I know all about that.

So now that you think
the decks are cleared,

you're here to gloat.

Well, let me put it this way.

I would've sent for
you to come to me,

except that I didn't
want to waste my time

while you dragged your heels.

Will you please
come to the point?


And first of all, next
Monday morning,

I'm calling a meeting
of my own board.

Then in the afternoon,
I'm calling a meeting

of the Denver-Carrington board.

And this time,

I don't want to be surprised

by the mysterious absence

of the Denver-Carrington
board members.

Is that clear, Mr. Carrington?

Is there anything else you'd
like to communicate to me?


And this one's personal.

It concerns your
having forbidden me

to see Fallon's child under
your holy Carrington roof.

So I did what you suggested.

I went to Fallon and I asked
her to bring the child to me.

But she wouldn't agree.

Well, I believe
that's her business.

And I believe that you
went behind my back

and asked her not
to agree to the plan

that you yourself came up with.

Well, you're wrong
about that, Alexis.

Am I? Yes.

Now, you know, we all know,

that Fallon has very
much a mind of her own.

It's her child,
it's her business.

Tell me something, Blake.

What's going to happen
when that court reconvenes

and, as Andrew predicts,
you get custody of Danny?

I wanna warn you

that if you prevent me
from seeing that child,

and you keep him locked behind
your Carrington mansion walls,

you're gonna find yourself
back in court again.

Because your days of
winning from me are over.

( dramatic theme playing)

I'm giving Mr. Deegan
five more minutes

to produce his
client, Mr. Laird.

Your Honor.

I'm sorry about the delay,

but weather conditions as my
client's plane approached Denver

precluded his
landing any sooner.

Weather conditions?
DEEGAN: Yes, Your Honor.

I would like now to
enter before this court

the document I've
been waiting for.

The certificate of marriage

between Steven Carrington
and Claudia Blaisdel.

( dramatic theme playing)

Judge Kendall, I hereby move
that the court drop this case

on the grounds that the
basis on which it was raised

is invalid.

Totally invalid.

Objection, Your Honor.

This whole procedure
is highly irregular.

Objection overruled, Mr. Laird.

(Danny whines)

Mr. Carrington, now, I
want you to tell this court...

And remember,
you're still under oath.

Is it your intention to live

with your wife as man and wife,

together share in the
rearing of your son?

Yes, sir, that is my intention.

From this moment
until he's fully grown,

and then when he no
longer needs our attention.

Even though he'll
always have our love.

(Danny whines)

In that case, I rule in favor
of Mr. Deegan's motion

and dismiss the suit.

( triumphant theme playing)

BAILIFF: All rise.

Oh, Steven, I'm
so happy for you.

You get to keep Danny forever.

Thank you, Mother.

Oh, Claudia.


Thanks, Alexis.

Steven, we should
go back to La Mirage

and pick up the
rest of my things.

Well, then I'll take
the baby. Take him?

Yes. I'll leave him
with Mrs. Gordon

at your apartment.

After all, you can't carry both
of them over the threshold,

can you, darling?


( tranquil theme playing)



I wish you both so
much happiness.

Thanks. Thanks, Krystle.

I, uh...

I'm glad that it all worked
out this way, and I'm...

I'm happy for you both.

Thank you, Blake.

Let's go.

LAIRD: Blake.

I'll see you outside.

( tense theme playing)

I can't say I'm sorry
you lost your case.

But I am sorry for
all you lost with it.

Deeply sorry.

( dramatic theme playing)

( pleasant theme playing)

FALLON: Marcia, is my
father there? It's Fallon.

Oh. I'll call him
back in a little while.

Would you just tell him that
Fallon and Jeff are back?


Is he still in court?

She didn't say. Only that
he'll be back within an hour.

Good. That'll give
me time to get home.

See Kirby? Yeah.
In the meantime,

don't say anything about
this to anybody except Blake.

Not until we know something
more definite, okay?



What about it?

I'll always smile
whenever I think of it.

It'll be a good memory, Jeff.

(knock at door)

Come in.

Hi. I just heard you're back.

You heard right. I'm here.

Well, how about the news?

What news?

Your brother Steven
married Claudia last night.

He did?

That's right. And the, uh...

The court gave him the baby.

Thanks for telling me.

I thought if I brought
you good news,

you might, uh, drop
the chilly treatment.

Chilly, like in ice.

Mark, I'm not giving
you any treatment at all.

As long as you're here,

you may as well
understand where I'm at.

You came into my life briefly

at a really bad time.

When I was divorcing Jeff

and extra vulnerable.

And now you're gonna
tell me that's all changed.


And now you're out of my life.

So if you'll excuse me, I
have a phone call to make.


( tense theme playing)

( tranquil theme playing)

Wait a minute. Wait. Oh.


(gasps, chuckles)

You are one skinny
chick, you know that?

We're gonna have
to fatten you up.

You better let me
do the cooking.

Oh, good. Start off by
insulting my culinary prowess.

That's a good...

( dramatic theme playing)

What are you doing here?

She barged in, Mr. Carrington.

I had no time to call you.

It's all right, Mrs. Gordon.

Bye, sugar.

You are beautiful.


(Danny gurgles)

Come on.

I guess I'm supposed
to congratulate you

on the wedding.

I do.

With the way you pulled the
wool over that judge's eyes, Steven.

You, Claudia? I
feel sorry for you.

But I wish you good luck.

Because, believe me,
you're gonna need it.

No matter what happens, Steven,

one thing will never change:

I gave birth to him.

I'm still his mother.

( dramatic theme playing)

(indistinct chatter)

(light piano music playing)

Thank you for coming down.

May I get you
something? Some wine?

Uh, no, I don't think so.

Thank you for what you
said in court to me today.

Well, it's how I felt.

I appreciated it,
more than I can say.

Oh, Krystle, I'm so tired.

Tired of losing my
personal battles.

I don't want to lose you.

I love you very much.

I love you, Blake.

It's just... I know.

I know, I've shut you out
of my life and my world.

You can't live that way.

Not can't, I won't.

All right.

You once said that the core

of my life was business.

Well, I want you to
share that with me now.

Would you consider

coming in to
Denver-Carrington with me now?

Are you offering me a job?

Bill Rockwell, you know him.

Your public-relations chief.

He just resigned.

He's going into
business for himself.

I'd like you to replace him.

What do you say?


What do I know
about public relations?

You know a lot
more than you think,

and it's all
instinctive with you.

Your instincts for how
people should react,

for what kind of image
they should project.


It's funny.

So many times in the past,

you tried to help me by passing
along those instincts to me,

free of charge, and
I've ignored them.

Yes, you did.

No more.

Oh, about this job,

and everything else, does...?

Does any of this interest you?




Th-there is a "but" there?


The merger.

Would this mean that
I'd be working for Alexis?

Because I don't
think I could do that.

Krystle, I'll see that

you're never
involved with Alexis.

Well, you've just made
it doubly tempting. Heh.

I'll think about it.

And I think I will
have some wine.


( uplifting theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

( melancholy theme playing)

KRYSTLE (memory): Doesn't he
deserve the right to decide for himself?

Hello, Kirby.

Oh, Jeff.

I'm sorry I didn't get
back to you sooner.

Oh, that's all right. You
explained on the phone.

Well, I-I tried to.

Are you all right?



And I won't be until I tell...

Excuse me, there's a
telephone call for you

from Miss Fallon.

Oh, thank you, Emily.
Uh, I'll take it here.

Hello, Fallon.


Sure, I-I can meet you
downtown right away.

Okay, bye.

That was, uh...

Fallon. Yes, I know.
Don't let me keep you.

Obviously, what I have to
say isn't as important as Fallon.

Can't we talk about
this when I get back?

You spent all
that time with her.

A day and a night.

What could possibly
be so urgent?

I'm sorry, I can't talk
about that right now.

( tense theme playing)


We all have things we
can't talk about, haven't we?

( majestic theme playing)

Adam trying to poison
Jeff, I can't believe it.

Where could you
have spent enough time

to inhale those fumes?

And how...? How could he
possibly have arranged it?

Well, it took me a while
to figure it out myself,

but it finally hit me.

It was the paint.

When I was moving
back in to Colbyco

to take over
Uncle Cecil's office,

Adam arranged
to redo the office,

even though it had
been redecorated

only a couple of months earlier.

And then the opening
night for La Mirage,

I cornered him and asked
him about the repainting.

And what did he say?
JEFF: He looked at me,

and he said, "I hope you
like my welcoming gesture."

( ominous theme playing)

( ringing)

MARCIA: Yes, Mr. Carrington?

Marcia, I wanna talk to Adam.

I'm sorry, he's
out of the office.

Well, where did
he go? Did he say?

No, sir, he didn't.

All right. Thank you very much.

Nobody seems to
know where he is.


Well, he'll turn up eventually.

In the meantime, I've
proven what a liar he is.

Fallon, I am not
buying any of this.

Not until I hear what
my son has to say.

Daddy, isn't it obvious?

No, it's not.

Won't believe any of it.

Not until I hear it
from Adam's lips.

False accusation cost me Steven.

I will not lose my other
son the same way.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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