04x12 - The Wedding

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x12 - The Wedding

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

ALEXIS: "Denver-Carrington oil
magnate Blake Carrington will re-marry

"the former Krystle
Grant-Carrington tomorrow.

"The wedding is to be
a small, intimate affair.

"The couple will
honeymoon in Rio de Janeiro,

escaping our winter
on Copacabana beach."

Mr. Farnsworth Dexter, please.

Have him call Alexis
Colby the minute he returns.

( dramatic theme playing)

We've got to get
out that brochure

on the Carrington Center
for Neurological Diseases.

At Denver Memorial, right.

I'm going to the printer's this
afternoon to check the proofs.

Oh, and you won't
forget the release

on our lab's
anti-pollution studies?

I won't forget. It will go out
Friday morning as ordered.

Oh, there's so much, Tracy.

I don't want to forget anything.

Believe me, you haven't.

You've got the number
of the hotel in Rio.

If you need me for
anything... Krystle,

you're going away
on your honeymoon.

No business.

And that's an order from me.

(chuckles) Okay.

By the way, Krystle,

whenever Bill went away,

he usually gave
me the credit cards.

Well, you know, for gas,

or in case I want
to pick up a tab

whenever I invite a reporter
to do a piece on the company.


Oh, yeah, and I
might need the keys

to the confidential files.

Well, I don't know.

We rarely use them.

You're right. Just
thinking out loud.

I remember when Bill
took off once on a trip

and we needed some
information in a hurry

during that takeover mess.

Nobody could
find Mr. Carrington.

It was one giant headache.

But odds are nothing
is going to happen.


Wait a minute.


What if something does happen?

Thanks. For the
vote of confidence.

I will guard them with my life.


( dramatic theme plays)

Morning, Tracy.

Something wrong?

Hunger pangs, Mr. Carrington,

and whether I should give in
to the urge for a cheese Danish

or skip the calories.

Well, the way you
look, I'd say live

and have two cheese
Danish. (laughs)

Are you trying to make
the boss look bad?

Good morning, darling.

Well, your desk looks like
you've been here for hours.

I didn't know I'd
hired a workaholic.

Now, I know that you don't
have time to read the newspapers,

but they all say there's going
to be a wedding tomorrow

and that we are in it.

That's why I'm here early.

To tie up all the loose ends

so Tracy can follow through.

I'm sure she'll
do just fine then.

Well, I know, but just in case.

You wouldn't want me thinking

about the office on our
honeymoon, would you?

I have every intention
of distracting you.

( tender theme playing)

I'm heading down to the gym.

Hm. At least one of us
gets to work off the tension.

God knows there's
been enough of it

this past couple of weeks.

You all right?

Yeah, I'm just a little tired.

I think a lot tired.

Why don't you see the doctor?

I'm going to see
Dr. Winfield in two weeks

for my regular appointment.

As for looking beat,
what do you expect?

It hit us both.

You look pretty tired too.

But I'm not carrying a baby.

Kirby, why are you
doing this to yourself?

There's no reason
to rush into a divorce

until well after
the baby is born.

The only reason
I'm waiting at all

is so we don't spoil Blake
and Krystle's wedding.

Being stubborn
doesn't make you right.

I just want to end this
mockery of marriage.

As soon as they go to Rio,
I'm going to see a lawyer.

Do what you want.

(door closes)


( dramatic theme playing)

Blake, I love you. I adore you.

But if you do not stop
throwing all your toys

all over the floor,

I'm going to get
really, really cross.

Oh, you're so gorgeous.

You're so pretty.

Oh, Fallon.

Don't tell me that
you dropped by

just because you
missed your mother.

I came by to take my
son to his pediatrician.

Irene, would you get
him ready, please?

We'll just be a
minute, Mrs. Colby.

Oh, you've got to go now. Muah.

Bye-bye. I'll see you next week.

Goodbye, lovely.

You want a coffee, Fallon,

or would you like
something a bit stronger?

Hi, sweetie.

Nothing, thanks.

I notice from the gossip columns

that you've been, uh,
something of an item

with this Peter De Vilbis.

I do hope you realize that he's
nothing more than a playboy.

If you mean he's got
money and style, you're right.

Oh, money and style.

I just want to warn
you, Fallon, advise you,

that I have seen this
man on several occasions.

I've seen him in Barbados,

at St. Moritz, in Monaco.

He's not for you, darling.

He's decadent.

He's burned out.

He's had too much of everything.

Are you ready, Irene?

Fallon, listen to me, he's bad.

He'll... He'll hurt you.

If this is more of your
jet-set gossip, Mother,

I'm not interested.

Peter De Vilbis
may spread his life

around six continents,

but he's very hard-working

and incredibly sensitive.

And evidently not
too shabby in bed.

That's none of
your damn business.

Sorry, it just slipped out.

And don't get any ideas
about protecting me

like you did for Mark.

Because if you come within
one mile of me and Peter,

I'll make you regret it.

That enemy list of yours
grows longer everyday, Alexis.

Most mothers and
daughters have rows, Mark.

Sometimes I think
you really believe

that bull you toss around.

This is disgustingly sweet.

Make me a martini.

One of these days
you're going to wake up

and there will be nobody
left to count on, except me.

And we both know I'm
only in it for the money.

To your health.

( majestic theme playing)

What do you want?

You're going to listen to me.

Get out of here.

Not until you hear
what I have to say.

Kirby won't speak to me.

You pull your disappearing act

every time we run into
each other and I'm fed up.


Well, that's it.

A curt dismissal from the
high and mighty Jeff Colby.

Call it whatever you like.

Look, Kirby is going
to have my baby.

And I'm damned if I'm going
to stand on the sidelines

and watch you raise my child.

You live here.

You can see the
kid from time to time.

When that baby is born,

he's going to know
who his father is.

That's my right.

Your right?

You r*ped Kirby.
You call that a right?

You lured her down to that motel

on the pretext
of a business trip,

came on like an animal.

In your twisted mind,

did you think those
screams for help

were cries of passion?

I'm not going to
let this go, Jeff.

You better.

I've got to get some fresh air.

( dramatic theme playing)

I am leaving this city tomorrow.

I'm very busy winding
matters up today.

Now, what is this urgent
matter concerning my grandson

you had to see me about?

My art studio.

What about your art studio?

When I married Cecil,

I deeded the
studio to little Blake.

It becomes his when he's .

Well, that's more than
years from now.

I know. But it's
such a waste to see

the building go
to no use at all.

And I thought, wouldn't it
make an adorable playhouse?

A playhouse?


Well, he's such an active child,

and he really needs a
place where he can run free.

So why don't you
just tell your guards

that I'll be sending my
workmen over today.

This, of course, has
nothing to do with the fact

that Krystle and I are
getting married tomorrow?

The answer, Alexis,
is no. No workmen.

And if one of them
sets foot on my property

to get to that studio,

I'll have them thrown
out by my security people.

(intercom buzzes) BLAKE: Yes.

WOMAN: Mr. De Vilbis
just called. It's all set.

You and Mrs. Carrington
will have the bridal suite

at the Copacabana Playa.

Good. Thank you.

How clever of you, Blake.

Rio and its dazzling night life.

What a colorful place
to go to for a honeymoon.

So different from Kofu.

You remember Kofu,
don't you, Blake?

Where you and I honeymooned.

I've tried very
hard to forget it.

ALEXIS: I was so young.

Just a child, really.
What did I know?


Krystle's a lot more
worldly than I was.

It's a pity that when
we were on Kofu,

I couldn't see the façade,

your greed, your selfishness.

If I had, our marriage
would have ended

a hell of a lot
sooner, believe me.

If you had, we wouldn't
have three children.

Three beautiful, clever children

that I gave you to carry
on your Carrington dynasty.

And that's one thing
Krystle will never,

ever be able to give you.

Krystle may not be
able to give me a child,

but she does fill
a void in my life

that you are incapable
of understanding.

Now, if you don't mind,

I would like you
to get out of here.

( dramatic theme playing)


Oh, hi.

Is Fallon in?

No, but I expect
her in a few minutes.

Is there anything I can do?

Yes, Ernesto Pinero,

my architect. Yeah.

He's arriving from Rio
the end of next week.

Yeah, I know. I
saw the reservation.

I'll make sure that he gets
the best accommodations.

A suite, the Northern Exposure.

Northern Exposure?

Yes. The light is much better

to work on sketches.

That's no problem, I'll
just make a note of it.

Ernesto needs a drafting table.

Well, that's no problem.
I'm sure I can rent one.

Is there anything else?

Fallon says she's very
lucky you came to work here.

Well, I'm glad
that she asked me.

I like Fallon very much.

You're very beautiful, Claudia.

Thank you.

Very lovely.

Please don't.

Very attractive.

I have to work.

Why are you getting so upset?

I was only paying
you a compliment.

A pass is more like it

and I intend to tell her.

I will deny it.

Which one of us do you
think she will believe?

Oh, hi.

You look beautiful.

By the way, Claudia
has a message for you.

I left you a note.

I have to go.

You really do look beautiful.

KRYSTLE: Oh, Blake.
Aspen was such fun.

The sleigh ride, dinner.

Getting away for a little while.

Yes. And now
back to harsh reality.

My bachelor party.

Oh, I'm sure they've
got that all planned.

Yes, it will be quite a party,

if the last one
was any indication.

With a huge cake,
with a sexy girl inside.

One girl?

Oh, no, no. When
that thing popped open,

it was half the chorus
line of the Folies Bergère,

waving sparklers
and doing the cancan.


You're putting me on.

Mm. Maybe just a little.

Oh, Krystle.

My world is opening up again.

Hasn't been easy without you.

Not for me, either.

Just so you know, as
far as I'm concerned,

that marriage that we're
going through tomorrow,

it's just a simple reaffirmation

of the three wonderful years

that we had together
as man and wife.

( tender theme playing)

Wish I didn't have to
take you back to La Mirage

and leave you at the
door again tonight.

Just one more night.

I'll see you in the morning.

Oh, no.

No, the second I arrive,

I'm going straight
to the guest room.

Now, you can't
fight tradition, Blake.

The groom does not
get to see the bride

until she walks to the altar.

All right.

Then I'll have to give
you this right now.


( majestic theme playing)

You know, the last
time they got married,

Joseph did such a wonderful job.

Like you're doing this
time, Mrs. Gunnerson.

It's okay, we all miss him.

Jeanette, I'll try that.

Mm. It's excellent caviar.

Make sure we have at
least two more of those.

Yes, Mrs. Colby. Uh, by the way,

is it true Peter Duchin flew
in to play for the wedding?

Yes, it's true.

You know, this
is all so incredible,

we could easily lose you
to the court of St. James.


One for the good guys.

( dramatic theme playing)

Mr. Dexter still isn't back?

Well, I've been leaving
messages since yesterday,

so will you make sure that he
gets them as soon as he returns?

Problems with your new
partner already, Mother?

Darling, no, of course not.

How are you? Hi.

You want a cup of coffee?

No, thanks.

I know you can't stay long,

you're going to some sort
of reception this afternoon.

Dad's wedding, yeah.

Oh, yes. How lovely.

I just wanted you to know that
I've arranged a little surprise

for you for your birthday.

That's more than two weeks away.

I know, but I've never been good

at holding in surprises.

So I wanted to tell you that
I'm giving you shares

of Colbyco stock.

That's quite a bit, Mother.

Well, you're my son.

Feel free to tell your
father about it this afternoon,

if you like.


Which I couldn't have done
if your little birthday surprise

hadn't just popped out
all of a sudden, could I?

Oh, Steven, you do
know me rather well.

Speaking of your birthday,

I'm planning a small
dinner party in your honor

at the St. Dennis Club,

and I've invited some
very important people.

Uh, Mother, could we make that

the night before
or the night after?

Claudia has already set
up a little party of our own.

She didn't invite me.

No slight intended,
believe me, it's just a...

It's kind of a
triple celebration.

My birthday, Dad's and
Krystle's homecoming.

I see.

And, uh, my patching
things up with Dad

the night at the Carousel Ball.


Well, never mind. I...

I didn't realize that Claudia

had such a gift for diplomacy.

We'll just have to postpone
my party for a while.

Happy birthday in
advance, darling.

Thank you. I'll see you soon.


( mellow theme playing)

Claudia Carrington, please.

Hello, Claudia. It's Alexis.

I'm going to be passing
by the hotel in a little while.

I'd love to see you to chat.

So I realize that you couldn't
have known about my plans.

And now we have
this dreadful conflict.

Why didn't you just
ask Steven, Alexis,

before you dreamed
all of this up?

I don't know.

Oh, you know me,
I have these, uh,

sudden inspirations.

Anyway, your party is so
small and uncomplicated.

Couldn't you possibly
change the date?

I realize that my party
isn't as grand as the one

that you have in mind,

but Blake and Krystle
have already accepted,

and to me, it is important.

Oh, yes, the, um,

bringing together
of father and son.

Look, Claudia, I know you think

that you were
doing the right thing,

but believe me, you
have made a mistake

in pushing Steven
back into the arms

of a man who just
simply isn't worth it.

I don't agree, Alexis.

That's your privilege.

And I don't push
and I don't shove.

Steven is his own man,

and he does what he wants to do.

Of course he does.

I also happened to think
that Blake is a fabulous guy.

And Steven is a lot happier

since they both made
up with each other.

Mm. For now, maybe.

Steven loves his father, Alexis.

And he loves you too. Very much.

That's the way it should be.

But if you can't accept an
equal display of affection

from Steven to
both of his parents,

that's your problem.

Please, don't try
and make it mine.

That's very honest.

And blunt.

I appreciate it.

But as far as my problem goes,

I have never had one in my life

that I wasn't able to solve.

And I don't intend to, Claudia.

( dramatic theme playing)

WOMAN (over phone): Hello.

This is Mrs. Colby,

I won't be back at
the office for a while.

I've run into a problem.

I have to find a
way to solve it.

And I will.

( upbeat theme playing)

I'm glad we can have
this private moment, Blake.

You and Krystle belong
together, always have.

Thank you, Andrew.

Speaking of Krystle,

has she gotten you to sign

the premarital agreement yet?


Well, it only seems fair.

Last time you were married,
you made her sign one.

And now that she's
half owner of Allegre,

and pretty well
fixed in her own right,

she ought to
protect her interests.

You give my wife
any ideas like that,

I'm going to fire you, Andrew.

Now, what about
this fellow, De Vilbis?

He appears to check out.

Everything he owns
seems to make profit.

What do you mean, seems to?

Well, of course, I
don't read Portuguese,

and some of the other languages
the man does business in,

but, uh, figures
are pretty universal

and they do look good.

What about his background?

He comes from a
first-class European family.

Um, he left the family
business to go to Brazil

because he thought they
all move too slow for him.

He's obviously a high roller.

Well, that's something
that I've been called too.

It's worked out all
right for me, hasn't it?

You almost lost your
shirt with those, uh,

tankers you tied up
last year, remember?


But I didn't.


I'll see you downstairs.

And someday, Blake, someday,

I'm going to have
the last word with you.


Mrs. Harris, it's a
pleasure to see you again.

Good to see you. Mr. Harris.

Welcome, welcome.
Thank you very much.

The Beaumonts don't
have any champagne.


The Beaumonts have no champagne.

How are you?

Which you must have. I see.

Mr. Beaumont.

FALLON: You look
beautiful, Krystle.

Thank you, Fallon.

I saw the wedding
gown, it's spectacular.

Thank you.


So you have something old,

something new.

Here's something borrowed.

A bright, new shiny
penny for your shoe.

Oh, thank you, Fallon.

Call me a big spender.

But promise me you'll
wear it happily ever after.

I promise.

And I'll keep it very shiny

for when I loan it back to you.

Very soon.

Me? Why would I need it so soon?

Oh, just a hunch.

And his name is Peter De Vilbis.

(speaks Portuguese)

That's Portuguese for
"maybe, maybe not."

But keep it
polished just in case.

( upbeat theme playing)


Well, Dad, I think you're
ready to claim your bride.

No, no. Not without this.


You haven't been best
man at a wedding before?

Uh, no, and to
tell you the truth,

I'm a little nervous.

Well, you'll be all right,
son. It will be over soon.

All right.

Oh, Steven.

Yeah, Dad?

Well, I want to tell you that...

I mean, uh...

I have to tell you...

Good God.

I run a major corporation, I
make a dozen speeches a year,

and I can't say a few
important words to my own son.

You don't have to.

But I want to.

I... I need to.

We have had so much
wrong between us.

You must believe
me when I tell you

that I never wanted

to be anything less than

the best father that
you could ever have.

I know.

And despite all the...

Well, despite everything,

I never stop needing you.

( tender theme playing)


And I don't mean
biblically, either.

Excuse me.

How are you?

(breathing heavily)


I want to talk to you.

Don't you ever let up?

Can't you let it
rest even today?

I want to settle
this, once and for all.

It isn't your concern.

Oh, yes, it is.

I want my child to
know me as his father.

Oh, I don't believe you.

You don't care about
anyone but yourself.

That's not true.

I do have feelings, Kirby,

contrary to what
you may believe.

I know what it's like to grow
up without a father, a real father.

And I can't deny
our child that chance.

And I'll be damned if I
let our son or daughter

go through life with
the name Colby.

Well, you don't have
to worry about that.

The baby's not going to
be a Carrington or a Colby.

I'm giving it my name, Anders.

And Jeff's going to buy that?

Yes. Yes.

You're hoping I'll
say nothing now

and then after the baby is born,

it will be too late.

No, Adam.

Well, it's not going to work.

Don't forget,
Kirby, I'm a lawyer,

a damn good one.

And I'll fight you.

We'll take blood tests to prove

that Jeff's not the
father of this child.

No, you won't. You'll
never get that satisfaction.

Try me. I don't have to.

Because before
you file your briefs

or whatever you need
to prove your stupid point,

Jeff and I will be
getting a divorce.

A divorce?

Adam, please, don't tell anyone.

There's no reason to yet. It
will only spoil the wedding.

We're going to tell
Blake and Krystle

as soon as they get back.

And you and I can tell them

that the minute your
divorce from Jeff is final,

you're going to marry me.

No. No.

We have to, Kirby.

It's so important for
the baby. And for me.

It isn't going to happen.

Please, Kirby.

I won't marry you.

Won't you get it
through your head?

I don't love you.

( dramatic theme playing)

( romantic theme playing)

( "Bridal Chorus" playing)

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered together to
join this man and this woman

in the bonds of matrimony.

This ceremony is a sacred act

to express love and devotion

from now through eternity.

Marriage is a mutual
and loving contract

between a man and a woman,

properly based on mutual
regard and affection.

Now, if any of you
know any reason

why these two should
not be thus joined,

please speak now or
forever hold your piece.


I was just about to
send out a search party.

Nine messages.

Makes me feel very important.

You are important, darling.

Very important to me.

Alexis, you're giving
me a swelled head.

That's not good for me.

Maybe not.

But I'm sure this is.



What a wonderful way
to start the afternoon.

Blake Carrington,

do you take Krystle

to be your lawful wedded wife?

To love, honor and cherish her,

to comfort and protect her

in sickness and in health,

and to be to her a faithful

and loyal companion?

I do.

MINISTER: And do you,
Krystle Grant, take Blake

to be your lawful
wedded husband?

To love, honor and cherish him,

to comfort him in
sickness and in health.

And to be to him

a faithful, sincere helpmate

and companion?

I do.

have the ring, please?

By this ring, symbol of unity

from time immemorial,

here and now given,

and received,

as a token and a pledge,

this union is sealed,

and I now pronounce
you man and wife.

( romantic theme playing)

(all cheering)


Have to remember to check
my messages a little faster.


Well, as much as
I've enjoyed this,

I have a funny feeling

you just might have
something else on your mind.

Maybe I have.

So, what's the scheme?


I'm not sure that I like your
choice of words, darling.

You know that I'm always
totally on the up and up.


Well, nearly always.

You want a drink?


I have thought of
a wonderful way

for us to go into
business together.

We're already in
business together.

Oh, darling. That's Lex-Dex.

Tar sands don't mix
with what I have in mind.

Which is?

Minerals in Brazil.


Alexis, you're talking
a little fast for me.

With your minerals expertise

and the Colbyco Oil reserves,
we can make a fortune.

Now, I've booked us on
a flight to Rio tomorrow...

Whoa. Wait a minute.

Well, this all sounds
very interesting,

but what's the hurry?

Why do we have to fly tomorrow?

Let's check this out first.


I mean there's always
a market for minerals.

Why wait?

Colbyco can do the checking

while we do the
dealing down in Rio.

Funny thing.


I heard Blake
Carrington is going down

to Rio on his honeymoon.

Yes, I heard that too.

Are you all that hell-bent

on screwing up their lives?


Dex, how could you possibly

think such a thing?

Well, otherwise, it's
just one big coincidence.

Maybe it is.

I think I know you
better than that.

Do you?

I can't deny that this
chance happening

could reap added dividends.

But let me remind
you of something,

that I am the head of a
very important corporation,

and it is my job to see
that that corporation

becomes as rich and
as powerful as possible.

And that I intend to accomplish

in Rio with or without you.

That's a nice
performance, Alexis.

But as I've told you before,

I'm not sharing you with anyone.

I think you still have a
thing for Blake Carrington.

Blake Carrington.

I loathe him.

Words, Alexis.

Those are words from
the bottom of my heart.

I despise that man.

And as far as sharing
me with anyone goes,

exclusivity is something

that only I decide.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have a very
important appointment.

And I'm late for it.

( dramatic theme playing)

(band plays Frank
Sinatra's "Embraceable You")

Just one look at you,

my heart goes tipsy in me.

♪ You and you alone ♪

♪ Bring out the gypsy in me ♪

♪ I love all ♪

♪ The many charms about you ♪

♪ Above all I want
my arms about you ♪

(everyone applauds)

(both laugh)

Uh, let's go over
say hello to Peter.

Best couple on the floor, Blake.

Thank you, Bob.

Peter, we're
absolutely delighted

you were able to fly out for
the wedding from New York.

Thanks, Blake. Well,
the last time I saw you

was at Fallon's coming-out party

and that was also quite a party.

The music's beautiful, Peter.

Just like the bride.

We'll see you later.

PETER: See you later.

Took me a whole
day to make these.

They're from the
old family recipe.

What are you doing?

I'm starving, aren't you?

Only for you. Come on.

We can't leave yet,

not before the bride and groom.

What's the matter?

Oh, nothing. It's
just been a long day.

Well, you were feeling
fine a few minutes ago.

I still am.

Come on.

(Peter plays upbeat
music on piano)

(everyone applauds)

Oh, look at this.

Oh, yes.

WOMAN: Excuse me. MAN: Careful.

Well, I'm supposed
to make a wish, right?

I trust that I'm
included in that wish.

Well, we'll talk
about that in Rio.

(all laugh)

(breathing heavily)


It's... It's only a headache.

Tell me what's bothering
you. I said, it's only a headache.

Let me get you
something for it. No.

Why are you
fighting me like this?

If there's something
wrong, let me help.

I just want to get some rest.

Let me get you an aspirin.

No, please. Just leave me alone.


( joyous theme playing)

All right, all the single
ladies to the front.

One, two...

(all cheer and applaud)

( dramatic theme playing)

(elevator doors open)

Get your passport
and pack your things.

We've got a plane to catch.

What? Alexis, the
least you could do

is give me some notice.

I have plans.

Cancel them.

I told you when
you took this job

that you'd be working hours.




How delightfully
erudite you always are.

One way or another, you're
going to pack your bags,

so you decide whether
it's one suitcase

or everything you own.

Okay. Where are we going?

Oh, I forgot to tell you.

Rio de Janeiro.

Better start
practicing your samba.

Oh, one more thing,
call the switchboard

and tell them they
can contact me

at the Copacabana Playa.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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