04x13 - The Ring

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x13 - The Ring

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)


It's amazing.

Yes, indeed, you are.

I mean being here in Rio.

It's going on winter back
home and it's summer here.

I couldn't get
over that in school.


It's mind-boggling.


(maracas playing distantly)

Speaking of mind-boggling.

(band playing
gentle Latin rhythm)

Mr. Carrington, Mrs.
Carrington, I am Joaquin Palmas,

manager of the
Cocacabana Playa Hotel.

I bid you welcome
and, of course,

on behalf of Mr. De Vilbis,

who telephoned me
personally just before your arrival

to make sure your honeymoon
be as special as possible.

Well, that's very
nice of Peter, isn't it?



This luncheon represents
a touch of Rio de Janeiro.

Several specialties to
serve as an introduction

to our exciting
and romantic city.

So, please, enjoy it.

Thank you very much indeed. Ah.

Thank you.

Darling, are you really hungry?

Well, we should have something.

They've gone
to a lot of trouble.

I know, but why
not a little bit later?

After all, the man did say
that this is a romantic city.

We don't wanna make
a liar out of him, do we?

( mellow theme playing)


( romantic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Not wasting any time, are we?

The wedding's over.

Just like our marriage.

Blake and Krystle are in Rio.

And you're on your
way down the hall.

Can you give me one good
reason why I shouldn't be?

None that I can think of.

Um, in case we
don't see each other,

when's our appointment
with Andrew Laird?

I don't know yet.

What do you mean
you don't know yet?

Didn't you talk to
him at the wedding?

Yes, about Blake and
Krystle. Kirby, it was a wedding,

and talking about
signing divorce papers

seemed a little morbid to me.


So...? So you'll make
the arrangements today?


( melancholy theme playing)

Kirby, we did the right thing,

pretending for their sake,

letting them enjoy
their honeymoon.

We'll be ruining their
homecoming soon enough.

( dour theme playing)


She's out.

You'll have to call
her long distance.

Soon as she gets back,
we're taking off for Rio.


Well, look, there's
been a change of plans.

The only place you're taking off

is up those stairs
with her bags.

(bags rattle)

Look, pal, I work
for Mrs. Colby.

Nobody else tells me what to do.


If these are too
heavy for you, I could...

MARK: Wanna get
your hands off them?


( dramatic theme playing)

What the hell is going on here?

I was just showing
him the way out.

Well, first of all,

why don't we find out
why he thinks he's in.

Look, I came here
to try to stop you

from making a fool of yourself.

Oh, really?

Your time should be
spent on you, Alexis.

Don't waste it on
bitter memories.

Is that what you
came here to tell me?

Look, from where I stand,

Blake Carrington was
a fool to ever let you go,

but he did. That's his mistake.

I'm here right now for you.


That sounds like an invitation.

Yes, to let the past die

and look hard at
your future instead.

Well, the past never
dies, but you could be right.

The future could be interesting.

( string theme playing)

Why don't you call the airline
and cancel my reservation.

The number's next to the phone.

(clears throat)

Yes, I'm calling
for Alexis Colby.

I'm wanna cancel her
reservations on Flight...




I see.

Thank you.

( line hangs up)

It'd already been cancelled.

Of course.

By me.

You see, I don't waste
my time on bitter memories.

Blake Carrington is
still a part of my life,

and when I destroy him, it's
not gonna be in his hotel room,

it's going to be
in his boardroom.

You could have told me.

I just did.

Your lesson for today.

I make and cancel
my own reservations,

and I run my own life.

( majestic theme playing)

Ms. Kendall?

Mr. Laird.

I'll be out of your
way in just a minute.

I wasn't aware the Public
Relations Department

kept their files in this room.

Well, as Krystle
said before she left,

Public Relations must frequently
deal with private matters.

And one must always be prepared.

Which is why she
gave me the keys.

Marcia, has
Mr. Carrington called in

with any messages for me?

No, he hasn't.

But I have you down for a :

with a reporter
from The Chronicle.

Yes, I know. I'll
be waiting for him

in Mrs. Carrington's office.

Mrs. Carrington's office?

No one told me you
were going to be using

Mrs. Carrington's office.

Well, I'm telling
you now, Marcia.

I am speaking for the
company in her absence,

and I will do it in a proper
office, behind a proper desk.

( string theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

(Blake, Krystle
chatting indistinctly)

(Krystle chuckles)

(Blake speaks indistinctly)

(Krystle chuckles)

How would you like a nightcap?

I'll have a sip of
whatever you have.


But in case nobody's
ever told you,

you samba very well.

Yep. Watch out,
Mr. Astaire. And Mr. Kelly.

Oh, not all that
well, Mr. Carrington.


Well, you give me
two more weeks here

and nothing is going to stop me.

(switch clicks)

(cocktail music
playing over speakers)

To a lifetime of happiness.

To a lifetime of happiness.

What were you thinking
about a little while ago?


Oh, a moment ago in the car.

I know that
pensive Krystle look.

I was thinking about us.

You especially, how...

How what?

How you've given so much to me.

And there's something
I wanna give to you.


I have you. That's all I need.


I wanna give you a child, Blake.

Oh, darling.

You've lived through one
disappointment already.

I don't think I could
bear to see you

suffer that way again, ever.

There's a risk with
everything in life.

A child of our own...

Yes, but we have Little Blake,

and we're gonna have another
child under our roof very soon.

Kirby and Jeff's.

And we'll love them both
as if they were our very own.

( romantic string theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

( tense theme playing)

You're not eating.

I'm not hungry.

And you're angry.

(scoffs) Am I?

Yes, what's wrong?

You promised to call Andrew
Laird today, remember?

I did call him. He said he
couldn't make it until tomorrow.

Kirby, we're not
eloping this time.

It takes a little
longer for a divorce.

Yes. And, meanwhile, we have
to wait and pretend to go on living

like a normal couple,
which we're not.

( majestic theme playing)

( tense theme playing)

JEFF: I'm going out for
a while. I'll be back later.

(door closes)



Oh, uh, go away, Jeff.

He just did.

Oh, not now, Adam.

Leave me alone.

I can't do that,
Kirby. You need me.

I don't need anyone.

Least of all, you.

You need my love.


What do you know about love?

I knew nothing
about it until I met you.


Your brand of love
belongs in an alley, Adam.

Yes, I know about the alley.

I spent most of my life there.

I thought I could
never love anyone.


And it didn't matter
because, for me,

love was something
you suffered through.

You waited for it to end, leave
you alone again, so why bother?

Well, now we found we
have something in common.


( tender theme playing)

Yesterday, I asked
you to marry me.

Oh, yes. Your sense
of moral responsibility,

paternal obligation.

Call it whatever you want,

but I learned
something about myself.

And no matter how
hard I try to ignore it,

Adam Carrington loves you
as he's never loved anyone else

in his life before.

I don't want your love.

We all change. We all change.

Given a chance
together, we could...


(sighs): End up
like Jeff and me?

No, thank you. Keep your love.

The baby and I
will be just fine.

( ominous theme playing)

Will you?

Look at me, Kirby.

Look at me.

You're looking at a man who
was deprived of his birthright.

I did not know who I was.

Is that what you
want for our child?

He'll grow up hating you

because you stole
what was rightfully his.

Which would you prefer?

Him hating me, or growing up
a Carrington and hating you?

I love you and I
want to marry you.

But if you try to take
my child away from me,

to keep him from
his family rights,

I'll fight you all along
the way if I have to,

to make sure that he knows
that when his name is called,

that name is Carrington.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door closes)


( majestic theme playing)

(geese quacking)

(children chattering)

CLAUDIA: Yeah. And don't
you give Mrs. Gordon a hard time.

Come on, you have to be a
little older to do that, sweetheart.

Well, Danny, ready for
another tough day in the park?


Good morning.

See you later, pal.

I'm keeping my eye on that one.

Why, Mrs. Gordon?

What's he done?

Oh, nothing, I guess.

Except, every day he comes by

and calls Danny by his name.

A little too friendly.

Well, is that all?

He probably heard it from you.

All the same, you'd think he'd
have something better to do

than hang around a park all day.

Oh, I don't know. I
think this is a lovely place

to spend the day.

Except if you're late for work.

I've gotta run.

Mrs. Gordon, you know where
to get me if you need anything.

Bye-bye. Bye.

( tense theme playing)


What say we go home and
frost your daddy's birthday cake?

And you, my love,
will lick the spoon.

( subdued theme playing)

ALEXIS: And when
you get to Flat Rock,

I want you to take
this to Mr. Dryer

and, uh, inform him
that we are a little curious

as to why wells
Number and Number

have shown a -percent
decrease in profits recently, all right?

Then I want you to
go to Bulldog Creek...

Mother, mother, I'm only
gonna be there for a few hours.

Oh, I know, darling,
but I promise you,

you'll be back in plenty of time

to pay your respects to
your father and his new wife.

I did promise, you know.

I know.

(paper rustles)

Claudia told me about
your birthday plans.

It's all right. She's your
wife, she should come first.

Well, how about a little
post-birthday celebration?

Just the three of us.

Yes, I'd like that.

I'll fix the date, and
then we'll go from there.

Great. Bye-bye.


Oh, speaking of dates,

whatever happened
to the start-up date

for the, uh, Tar Sands project?

Well, you should have that
information on your desk by now.

When it comes to the
Lex-Dex Corporation, mother,

there is no information.

Not only has your silent
partner failed to notify me,

but I can't even find him.

Any ideas?

(sighs): I don't keep tabs

on his every movement, Steven.

I'm not suggesting you
should, but he is your partner.

He has a certain obligation
to at least stay in touch.

Steven, Eric is waiting
for you at the airport.

If you want to be back in
time, I suggest that you go

and leave Mr. Dexter
to me. I can handle him.

Hello, Alexis.

(door closes)


And goodbye, Steven.

I see your son still
approves of me.

He has a mind of his own.

Inherited from you, no doubt.

I'm busy, Dex.

I usually make an appointment
when I want to see someone.

I don't remember having
made one with you.

You and I have, uh,
had an appointment

for a long time, Alexis,
and we both know it.

Check with my secretary.

He'll see if he can fit you in.

No need to. Believe me, we fit.

You're very presumptuous.

DEX: Not at all.

I don't have time
for games, Alexis,

and that's what
we've been playing.

Now, I've just spent
the last two weeks

away from you, deliberately.

Two weeks. Mm.

Seems like only yesterday since
I threw you out of my apartment.

Two weeks in Australia, Alexis.

I pretended to go
there on family business

but, the fact is, I needed
that time to think about my life.

Where it's been, where
it's going, and with whom.

(object clatters)

It always came
down to one woman.


Sorry, you're dealing
with a disinterested party.

Well, at first, that's
what I thought.

But you've tried to shut me
out too many times, Alexis,

to be disinterested.

You're afraid of me.



Nothing frightens me, Dex.

If you knew me
better, you'd know that.

Come on, save it.

You're frightened because you
want me as much as I want you.


Two weeks in the outback

and this is what
you come up with?

No. Oh?

I spent most of
my time searching

for the one thing on this earth

that comes closest
to matching you.

( suspenseful theme playing)


( tinkling theme playing)

Oh, my God.

It's breathtaking.

The setting was designed by me.

Each stone was handpicked by me.

And each facet was
cut to reflect your beauty.


You are afraid.

Don't be.

It's not a collar, Alexis.

It's a tribute.

I can't.

Yes, you can.


( romantic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Peter was right
about you, Mr. Pinero.

You are a brilliant architect.

Then you are pleased.


When I think of what this
wing could have looked like,

compared to what it will
look like with your designs...

To genius.

Let us say, to a man who
tries very hard to please.

And to our mutual friend, Peter.

My father's returning
from his honeymoon today.

I've sent copies of
this over to his office,

which I'm sure he'll
approve on sight,

so we can begin
construction immediately.

I feel guilty not staying
to oversee the project.

Well, that's all right.

You've already done more
than I dreamed was possible.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

Before you go to Rio, though,

I would like you to
meet with my contractor

to go over the specifications.

This afternoon all right?

FALLON: That would be fine.

Sorry, Fallon, I
thought you were alone.

Perfect timing.

Meet Ernesto Pinero.

Ernesto, my brother, Adam.

Peter De Vilbis' master builder.

Not quite.

There are very few
masters in the world.

Ate logo, Fallon. Goodbye.

Muito prazer, Señor Carrington.

(chuckles): Hey.

(door opens)

(door closes)

Pretty impressive, huh?

Yeah, I'm impressed, all right.

Have you gone over
the cost estimates

for this dream house of yours?

Of course I have.

Then you're aware
how little relationship

they bear to reality.

In your opinion.

My experienced opinion, yes.

Well, I don't agree.

Because Peter De Vilbis says so.

Fallon, just because a man
looks good in a dinner jacket

does not necessarily mean
he's a good businessman.

His business is none
of your business.

Look, not only am I in charge

of Blake's real
estate operations,

but I'm also, whether you
like it or not, your brother.

I don't wanna see you hurt,

financially or personally.

Why don't you let me
worry about Peter De Vilbis.


That's the problem, Fallon.

You don't worry.

I've talked to De Vilbis.

Cotton candy.

Sickeningly sweet
and full of air.

Since when are you an
authority on relationships

between a man and a woman?

Look, I have work to do.

( ominous theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

This is where I sign here?

Kirby, you don't have
to sign this right now.

So why don't you think
about it for a while?

Because I'm tired of thinking.

I just want this over
with. It's been two weeks.

And what about Jeff and
what you're doing to him?

He's better off, believe me.

( dramatic theme playing)

What's the matter, Kirby?




I'm fine.

Thank you for coming.

(door opens)

(door closes)

( ominous theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

They say that one out
of two end in divorce.

For me, it's two out of two.

How long before it's final?

Ninety days from filing
and I did that two weeks ago.


Good. That's, uh,
quite a comment

on my life, isn't it?

It's not a fait accompli, Jeff.

I can undo a divorce
easier than I can a marriage.

The marriage is undone, Andrew.

Come on, Jeff.

I don't believe that.

It says it right there
in your petition.

"Irretrievable breakdown.
Irreconcilable differences."

Tell that to the judge.

This is me, my friend.

I've never known
you to walk away

from differences,
let alone a baby.

Now, listen,

I was at the airport when
your father flew to Korea,

and I was there when
they flew his body back.

I-I couldn't do
anything about that.

But don't expect me to sit back
and watch you destroy your life.

( melancholy theme playing)

Andrew, I appreciate your
concern and your loyalty,

but it is my life.

Now, are you going
to handle the divorce,

or am I going to have
to find someone else?

All right. I'll
proceed with this.

But at the risk of
overstepping my bounds,

let me ask you something.

I'm a trained
observer, and I wonder,

I just wonder, if
your split with Kirby

doesn't have something
to do with Fallon,

something you still feel for her
that you can't quite overcome.

Andrew, what I may or
may not feel toward Fallon

has nothing to do with Kirby
and my divorce. Nothing.

I hope that's true
for everyone's sake.

Everything seems to
be happening so quickly.

You and Kirby, this divorce.

Fallon and Peter De Vilbis.

Has she talked to you about
him and their plans for the future?

( melancholy theme playing)

Fallon leads her own life.

What she does with this
De Vilbis, that's her business.

(clears throat): Except
for one thing, Jeff.

If they get married,

he becomes your
son's stepfather.

Think about that too.

( somber theme playing)

(door closes)

(knock on door)

Who is it?

ERNESTO: Ernesto.

Where is Peter?

Oh, I imagine he's still in
the clouds with Fallon Colby.

Well, he had better land soon.

There's a line of anxious
friends waiting to greet him.

What are you so
nervous about, Ernesto?

I received a call from the bank.

They know I am
leaving for Rio tonight

and they expect a
payment from me on arrival.

So? Take a later flight.

(scoffs): You know, Everett,

I'm a bit tired
of your attitude.

I borrowed $ million to finish
that damn hotel of Peter's.

He owes me.

He just paid you million

from his sale of half interest
in Allegre to Blake Carrington.

From the money he is
squandering on his habit lately,

what guarantees do I have
about getting that money?

My friend, you worry too much.


Why the hell am
I talking to you?

Listen, you tell Peter,
when he is through

with Blake Carrington's daughter

that I will talk to
him, not to his puppet.

Now, you listen to me.

( dramatic theme playing)

I speak for Peter De
Vilbis at his request.

And whatever's thrown
at him, I catch first,

and I don't play softball.


Now, when you get
off your plane in Rio,

you tell your welcoming
committee that Peter De Vilbis

has just about struck oil.

And he always pays his debts.

( majestic theme playing)

FALLON: Krystle.

(giggles): Daddy.

BLAKE: Hello.
PETER: Welcome home.

What a very welcome
welcoming committee you are.


Hi. Here.

PETER: How was Rio?

Rio was beautiful.

hotel is magnificent.

Well, thank you.

KRYSTLE: What is this?

Oh, well, we knew you weren't

going to wanna
leave your hotel room,

so we did some shopping for you.

Souvenirs from Rio.

Well, we did manage to do
some shopping ourselves,

but it's a lovely
idea. Thank you.

Now look, we got
a long ride home.

Why don't we
continue it in the car.

We didn't come out
with Alfred, Daddy.

We're gonna stay here.

Peter's giving me
my first flying lesson.

A flying lesson?

Don't worry, Blake,
she's in good hands.

I am.

Well, shouldn't a licensed
instructor be along?

Peter's been flying
since he was .

He flies his own jets.

Don't worry, I'll
be perfectly safe.

And, besides, I have
a vested interest.

See you later.

( subdued theme playing)

(airplane engines whirring)

( tense theme playing)

Vested interest.

Just what exactly
does that mean to you?

( tender theme playing)

Oh, I see.

(engine revs)

( mellow theme playing)

(door opens)

Mrs. Carrington.

Yes, Ray.

I've been looking for you.

Mrs. Gordon's been
trying to get you.

She said it's urgent.

Thank you.

(phone receiver lifts)

(buttons clicking)

(door closes)

Mrs. Gordon, it's Mrs.
Carrington. What is it?

That man. That man in the
park I-I was telling you about.

What about him?

He followed us.

He's outside now.

He followed you?

Double-lock the door and don't
let anyone in until I get there.

I'm on my way.

All right, all right,
Mrs. Carrington. Bye.

(phone hangs up)

( tense theme playing)

There's no one down there.

Are you sure?


Oh, yes, yes, I'm sure.

He was right across the
street, Mrs. Carrington.

And I could swear he
was looking up here.

Well, maybe he
just lives in the area.

Looking up. And that's not all.

There was a phone
call afterwards.

It was his voice. I know it.

He asked what number it
was, and I said, "Who is this?"

And he hung up.

Mrs. Carrington,

I think we should
call the police.

And say what?

That a man was
standing on the corner,

and then someone called and
asked what number this was?

But after the terrible thing
that happened to Little Blake...

I mean, the kidnapping.

Mrs. Gordon, nothing
has happened here.

You were right to call me,
but there's no need to panic.

(breathes deeply)

No, of course not.

I'll just, uh, go and
check on little Danny.

( tense theme playing)

( line dialing)

Hello, this is Mrs. Carrington.

Is my husband back yet?

Well, can he be reached?

Well, look, could you please
try and get through to him

as soon as possible?

It's very important.

( majestic theme playing)

So this is the official end
of the Colbyco merger, huh?

Yes. We can safely say

that it's past history
that never happened.

You can safely say it's the end

of Alexis' little
scheme as well.

Good work, Andrew. Good work.

I appreciate your keeping an
eye on things while I was gone.

Both eyes, Blake.

Which brings me to a
rather delicate subject.

Oh. What's that?

When I went to get these papers,
I discovered Krystle's assistant

going through the
confidential files.

Well, there's nothing
unusual about that.

Krystle gave Tracy the key.

You think that was wise?

Well, Krystle's the
head of the department.

I trust her decisions.

Well, that's up to you, Blake,

but, uh, confidential

means just that.

And giving an underling access
to that kind of information...

Andrew, that
underling happens to be

a very capable young woman.

What's bothering you?

You've been on edge ever
since you walked in here.

It's got nothing to do
with a loose key, either.

Come on, now, what is it?


I'm just concerned that, uh...

Oh, never mind.

Andrew, what is it?

I don't wanna talk
about it right now.

(phone rings)

( subdued theme playing)


Well, hello, Claudia.
How are you?

Looking forward to tonight, I...

What is it?

Claudia, what's the matter?

( dramatic theme playing)

( tense theme playing)

BLAKE: Now, try
to relax, Claudia.

Krystle is showing
Mrs. Gordon her room,

and with our security
people outside,

Danny couldn't be safer.

Well, maybe I overreacted,

but when I couldn't
reach Steven, I...

You did exactly the right thing.

I don't know. Maybe nothing.

It's just that I
started thinking

about Little Blake
and the kidnapping.

Yeah. You don't
have to apologize

for bringing Danny here.

This is where he belongs until
we get this straightened out.

Well, at least until
Steven comes home.


Yes. And then what?

The two of you
spending your days

with Danny behind locked doors,

wondering where
and who that man is.

That's too great a risk to take.

Blake, he can't
stay here indefinitely.

He has a home.

Yes, he does. You all do.

Right here with us.

Live here?


Oh, Blake, I'm delighted
that you and Steven

are finding each other again,

but he would
never agree to that.

Now, there is no reason,
under the circumstances,

why the three of you
shouldn't stay here.

I mean, after all, it's
for the baby's sake,

and we are family.

Now, please, I want
you to think about that.

Is everything all right?

Well, Mrs. Gordon's
settled and Danny's asleep...

- -finally.

Thank you.

Well, I still have a job to do.

Blake, I'll think about that.

And maybe we can
talk it over at dinner.


Will you tell Mrs. Gordon

that I'll call her
in about an hour?



Which reminds me, I have
a meeting across town.

Oh, darling, you know, that
flight from Rio was a long one,

and you're not expected
in the office today.

Now, why don't
you just play hooky

and take advantage of the
fact that Danny's in the house.

Well, I would like to
spend some time with him.


Blake, what did you ask
Claudia to think about?

Something that
might make your wish

to have another baby
under the roof come true.

( tender theme playing)

(door opens)

(door closes)

You owe me an
explanation, Claudia,

and I want one right now.

Alexis, I did not move Danny in

with Blake and Krystle
as an attack on you.

That child belongs to me just
as much as he does to Blake.

I am not denying that.

But right now, Danny is safer
at Blake's than anywhere else.

But that place is a prison.

It's got guards,
it's got fences,

it's got visiting hours.

Blake refuses to allow
me into that fortress.

What am I supposed to
do? Send Danny a postcard?

Steven and I will bring Danny
to see you anytime you want.

Now, Steven is
that child's father

and he makes the decisions,

not you, Claudia.

Understand this, Alexis.

As far as Steven is
concerned, I am Danny's mother.

And I don't need
anyone's permission

to act where my son's
safety is concerned.

Safety? With Blake Carrington?

That man destroys, Claudia.

He destroys from within.

And what would you do, Alexis,
to satisfy your hatred of Blake?

Would you jeopardize
Danny's safety?

If that's true, I
feel sorry for you.

And that really is
all that I have to say.

( dramatic theme playing)

Then we both said
all there is to say.

For now.

(door slams shut)

( dramatic theme continues)

(knock on door)

JEANETTE: Mrs. Carrington?

Mrs. Carrington?


Yes, Jeanette.

It's Kirby, Mrs. Carrington.

I'm worried about her.

Well, what's wrong?

It's her ring finger.

It's terribly swollen.

It's as though her wedding
band is cutting off the circulation.

You can't get it off?

We've tried everything.

Soap, oil.

She's in a great deal of pain
and I don't know what to do.

Where is she?

Downstairs in the kitchen.

Call Tony at the stable.

Have him bring a tool
that will cut through gold.

(Kirby gasps)


KRYSTLE: Be careful, Tony.


Oh. It hurts.


Hurry, please.

Hold still, Kirby.

It's just about over.




Hurry, Tony.

Just about.

( tense theme playing)


Oh, hurry, hurry, please.




(all sigh, chuckle)

(all sigh, chuckle)

I'll take that.

It's over. Thank you, Tony.

Everything's fine. It's fine.

And don't worry about the ring.

I'll take it to Jensen's.
We'll have it repaired.

And it will be back on your
finger before Jeff gets home.


It isn't... It isn't
just one finger.

It's all of my fingers.

( dramatic theme playing)

Look at my hands.

( dramatic theme swells)

Oh, my God.

What is it?



KRYSTLE: I'll call a doctor.

( dramatic theme continues)

( majestic theme playing)
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