04x18 - The Vigil

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x18 - The Vigil

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

My God.

The car went out of
control. I couldn't help it.

I couldn't see those
people standing there.

Save it for the cops, mister.


Officer, call an ambulance.

Right away, Mr. Carrington.

My God, what happened?

She went running
out of the hotel,

and I tried to stop her,
but she just kept running.

MAN: I'm telling
you, it wasn't my fault.

She just ran out of nowhere.
You gotta believe me.

BLAKE: It will be all right,
Fallon. You'll be all right.

(siren wailing)

KIRBY: Thank you.

You know, the staff is beginning

to refer to this conservatory

as Mrs. Colby's room.

Are they?

I stopped by a music store

and I got you
these for the piano.

Beethoven, Brahms and Bacharach.

Thank you.

You know, it's a beautiful day.

Maybe you'd like
to sit in the garden.

Krystle, please, not now.

I don't wanna be waited on.

I don't wanna be smiled at,

I don't wanna be told

what a beautiful
day it is, okay?

Kirby, I know what
you're going through.

I lost a baby too.

And I know the feelings
of hurt and anger.

But I also know that...

That you have to
open up to others,

not keep everything inside.

Well, that's fine for you.

You have someone
you can reach out to.

You have a husband
who loves you.

And, of course,
you have all of this.

I'm a downstairs girl.

We're expected to keep
our feelings to ourselves.

Kirby, in this
house, you're loved

for who you are,
not what you are.

(door opens)

Hello, Adam.

Hi, Krystle.

Well, I've got things to do.

I'll see you both later.

Am I glad you're
home from the hospital.

This is home, isn't it?

Yes, it is.


There was a time I
was beginning to wonder

where I belonged, with whom.

You belong here with me.

You still wanna marry me

even though you
know I don't love you?

You will, I promise.

Whatever it takes,
however long it takes,

you're gonna love me
as much as I love you.

I hope you have enough
love for both of us,

because I've decided
to accept your proposal.


Oh, Kirby.

Ha-ha-ha, that's wonderful. Mm.

Yes, it is, isn't it?

Now we'll have
everything we ever wanted.

You'll be in your
father's favor once again,

you'll have your family,

I'll be a Carrington,

one of the ladies of the house.

What more could I possibly want?

Mm, children.
Beautiful children.

Oh, yes, Carrington
children, only the best.

Kirby, that doesn't
sound like you.

You're a loving, sensitive
woman. You're not...

Hard and calculating? Hmm.

Watch me. I learn fast.

( mellow theme playing)

( ominous theme playing)

WOMAN (over PA): Dr. Sweeney,
please call the operator.

Dr. Sweeney, please
call the operator.

Dr. Walcott, what is going on?

All this time, my daughter

is still lying there

Now, damn it, I wanna
know what's wrong.

You hired me, Mr. Carrington,

because I'm one of the best
neurologists money can buy,

not because I babysit
anxious parents.

All right, uh, what
have you found out?

Well, I've examined the patient,

I've studied the x-rays.

The chest plate was clean,
so was the cervical spine.

She has, however,
suffered a minor fracture

of the occipital bone.

That's at the back of the head.

Minor? She's unconscious
for God's sakes.

Actually, Mr. Colby,
your ex-wife is in a coma.

However, our tests show

that she has suffered
no severe brain damage.

But I have no idea how
long she'll be in a coma.

We'll just have to wait and see.

You have no idea?

Doctor, is there anything
that you do know for certain?


Yes, Mr. Carrington, there is.

That your daughter
is best served

by you and I not wasting time

challenging each
other's credibility

as doctor or parent.


Agreed. I'm sorry.

Believe me, Mr. Carrington,

when I know
something, you'll know it.

Thank you very much, doctor.

WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. Castelli, call your office.

Jeff, if anything
happens, call me.

I'll be over at La Mirage.

Someone there
that I want to see.

( dramatic theme playing)

Mr. De Vilbis' suite, please.

Checked out?

Well, how about his lawyer,

Maurier, is he still there?

WOMAN (over PA): Nurse
Schubert to Radiology.

Good. Thank you very much.

You're going to tell me
where he is, Maurier,

or by God, I'll
make you pay for it.

All right, look,

De Vilbis ran out on me too.

Thanks to him, I'm out grand.

Then talk, damn it.

He's catching the
next flight to New York.

And then where?

MAURIER: Morocco.

There's no extradition
treaty with the U.S.

Once he gets to
Morocco, Carrington,

you can't lay a hand on him.

Oh, no matter where
he goes, I'll find him.

I'll track him down if it takes

the rest of my life, you hear?

I'll see to it that
he rots in jail.

( suspenseful theme playing)

(phone rings)

Yes? Put him on, operator.

Airport Security, this
is Blake Carrington.

The police are on their
way out to the airport,

I want you to hold all
the planes to New York.

I don't care what
it takes. Do it.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Goodbye. Thank you.

WOMAN (over PA):
Sundale Airlines announces

the arrival of Flight .

Flight from St. Louis
now arriving at Gate .

(metal detector beeps)

I'm sorry, sir, I'm
gonna have to ask you

to empty your pockets.
Must be the key.

Probably, but just the same.

WOMAN (over PA):
Sundale Airlines passenger,

Miss Judith Pane,
please use the...


( ominous theme playing)

I'll have to ask you to
open your attaché case.

I don't understand.

Please, open.

(clasps clicking)

Thank you, sir.

Lift up the scarf.

Officer, I need security
backup over here right away.

This man has what appears
to be dr*gs in his attaché case.

( suspenseful theme playing)


Blake, can I explain?

And this is for my daughter.

WOMAN (over PA): Airport
police to the security area.

We got him, Mr. Carrington.

We got him.

This time you're
lucky, De Vilbis.

I would have k*lled you.

( dramatic theme playing)

(phone ringing)

( romantic theme playing)


Think of something
to argue about.

Ha, ha. Why?

Because this afternoon

has just settled
our last argument.

I'd be willing to
settle another one.


Don't you ever get tired?


But never tired of you.

You know, it's a
very strange thing,

but the... The more
I say no to you,

the more interested
in you I become.

As you know real well,

I'm the only one

that won't take your
"no" for an answer.

Oh, really? Mm-hm.

Well, just don't ever step
your bounds, Mr. Dexter.

What bounds are those, Alexis?

My personal life.
Particularly my family.

You can say anything
you want about me,

but don't ever criticize

anybody close to
me or my family.

Does that include
your ex-husband?

Oh, no. Anyway, that's
none of your business.

Oh, but it is.

When somebody makes you unhappy,

when it takes your
attention from me,

then it's my business.

ALEXIS: They say that this food

gives you plenty of strength.

Blake Carrington,
where does he fit in?

You claim it's over,

but you spend a
hell of a lot of time,

energy and passion on that man.

Ha, ha, "passion."
Have some sushi.

I'll take an oyster.

Yes, that's right, passion.

You can call it
bitterness, hate...

but the fact is...

you're as absorbed about
him as much as you ever were.

Darling, he is the
father of my children.

And your first love.

You know, they
never go away, Alexis,

those first loves.

Just like you'll never
let go of your children,

you'll never let go
of Blake Carrington.

What, are you afraid
that you're gonna lose me

to the memories of
Blake and my children?

I don't wanna lose
you to anything.

That's right, Dex.
You can't lose me.

You can't lose something

that you never had
in the first place.

This conversation is becoming
boring, you know that?

You wanna be left alone?


I do enjoy my own company
just as much as you enjoy it.

(phone ringing)

Excuse me.

Hello. Oh, Krystle.

Oh, what can I do for you?


Oh, my God, what's
happened to her?

( suspenseful theme playing)

Alexis, I'm sorry. We
tried calling you, really.

Where's Fallon?
Where's my daughter?

She's unconscious.

I wanna see the doctor.

BLAKE: Yes. Yes, all right.

And, Krystle, if there's
any change at all, call me.

Thank you, darling.

Eric, I'm sorry,

I can't get into this right now.

I've got too many
things on my mind.

Listen, Blake,

this is a terrible
time for you, I know.

Under normal circumstances,
you could avoid it.

But, frankly, we need an answer.

State chairman of the party,

that's a... That's a
big responsibility.

That's why we
need a big man. You.

Blake, we want the
statehouse back.

We need new legislation
in the economic area,

the environmental area.

The start-back campaign

is gonna take a man with power,

influence and respect
throughout the state.

The committee
came up with a name

of one man who fits the bill.

Must be Blake Carrington.

What are you doing here, Dexter?

I heard that you were
meeting with Eric.

I wanted to make sure

that all our interests
were represented.

I wasn't aware that
you were involved

in Colorado politics.

Your research slipped up. I am.

Dex established residence
in Colorado three years ago.

He's a great
behind-the-scenes man.

Behind the scenes, huh?


I have a vested
interest in this state,

in this country.

I don't think one
needs to be obvious

to be paid attention to.


Blake, Mr. Dexter doesn't agree

with the committee's choice
of you as party chairman.

Oh, is that so?

Let me put it this way.

Whoever heads up this party

needs to put the party's
interests ahead of his own.

I've never known
you to take a back seat

to anything or anyone.

Dex, Blake may not have been

the committee's
unanimous choice,

but he is the best
man there is for the job.

And I, for one,
would be very grateful

if you accepted the nomination.

Right now, my concentration
is on my daughter.

And as far as the
party is concerned...

DEX: Take it, Blake.

You can't go
anywhere in this state

without bumping
into your influence.

Believe me, I know.

So make it a clean sweep.

You tell the committee

that I thank them for
their confidence in me.

And if they want
Blake Carrington,

they've got him.

( dramatic theme playing)

You wanna get some coffee?

Oh, yeah.

Jeff, you want anything?

I won't be long.

Hmm. Ha-ha-ha.


( mellow theme playing)





And if it should happen here,

we don't have to tell the baby.

What baby?

Is there any other
kind? A "baby" baby.

Well, you'd like to have one,

wouldn't you, someday?

You serious about that?

About us having a baby?

How about right now?


You're the first
girl I ever loved,

do you know that?

Yes, I know that.

What are you thinking right
now? What are you feeling?

How this moment...

This moment, what?

I want you just as much
as you want me, but...

No buts.

We're alone and we
both want each other.

The rest of the world
is a million miles away.

I love you, Fallon.

Our son loves you.

We need you so much.

( dramatic theme playing)

( soft theme playing)

(phone ringing)


Hello, Mother
Blaisdel? It's Claudia.

Oh, hello, Claudia.

I hope that I'm not
getting you at a busy time.

No, you didn't.

Mother Blaisdel,

something very strange
has been happening.

It involves Matthew.

Matthew? CLAUDIA: Yes.

And me and our past.

And I was wondering if...?

What, Claudia?

Well, if I could drive
out to the house

later today and
talk to you about it?

It's very important. Please.

( dramatic theme playing)

(doorbell rings)

Claudia, come in.


Chilly day.

Yes, it is.

Days like this, I'm
glad I have a fireplace.

I have some hot coffee,
just made and ready.

Join me in a cup?

Thanks, I will.

I baked these molasses
cookies after you phoned.

They were Lindsay's favorite

whenever she came to visit
her grandma, remember?

Yes, I do.

And I remember
how you adored her.

I appreciate that.

Just as I appreciate your
agreeing to see me today.

Why shouldn't I see you?

We share a great loss with
Matthew and Lindsay gone.

I need you to think back

and see if there's anyone
that you ever talked to

who knew Matthew
and Lindsay and me.

Someone who knew us well enough

to know that I
called him Lancelot

and who hated me enough,

for whatever reason,

to do this to me.

Ha, I wish I could
help you, but...

I can't think of anyone
who's said anything

even remotely unkind about you.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

People always talked
about what a loving mother

and wife you were.

I'm sorry, nobody comes to mind.

Are you sure?

Very sure.

Just as I'm very happy right now

that the bad blood between
us is finally over with.

Both of us have been
hurt enough in our lives.

Haven't we?

( majestic theme playing)

This is all his
fault, everything.

Alexis, what are
you talking about?

Our daughter is in a coma.

Now, this could
never have happened

i-if Blake had only
listened to me for once

about that Peter De Vilbis.

Now, I insist, Krystle,
that you have him call me

the instant that he
comes in so that I...

How dare you hang up on me.

That's caviar, Mark,
not peanut butter.

You can scream at
people all you want,

but the truth is, Alexis,

if you hadn't come
between Fallon and me,

none of this would
have happened.

Coming between Fallon and you

was the best
thing that I ever did.

Now, would you please
take your criticism

and your caviar sandwich
and go to your room?


I got your message. You
wanted to see me, Mother?

It couldn't have waited?

Apparently not.

Apparently, you're
a young man who,

when he makes up his
mind to do something,

does so without
thought or hesitation.

Now, what are you talking about?

I hear you're still planning
on marrying that girl.

Kirby. That's right, I am.

Oh, for God's sake,

you're not in the
backwoods of Montana now.

You've got a brain, use it.

What does my marrying
Kirby have to do with you?

Because part of
your life is mine.

Now, I didn't
spend over years

crying over you,
dreaming about you,

just to have to
throw it all away.

I love her.

And I'm going to marry her
whether you object or not.

Why? What is to love?

I mean, I can
understand if you thought

she was still
carrying your child.

She was carrying my child.

Or if you felt sorry for her

because she was
sick in the hospital.

But to marry her? I love her.

Mother, when I hold Kirby,

all the years of feeling lonely,

searching, they all melt away.

And I won't let you or
anyone take her away from me.

You are a Carrington.

You are heir to a fortune.

And neither fact
gives you the right

to live my life for me.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door slides)


Morgan Hess? It's Alexis Colby.

I still think you're slime.

But since I know you'll
do anything for money,

and you are rather a
good private investigator,

I've got another little
job I'd like you to do.


I want you to go to
the Denver Chronicle

and get me copies of
every story about a crime

that was committed years ago.

The subject's
name, Alicia Anders.

She had a husband called Joseph

and a daughter, Kirby.

The crime was m*rder.

( mellow theme playing)

Well, today has been
quite a day for you,

Eric, hasn't it?


By your request,

Blake Carrington
has agreed to be

the new party chairman, ha-ha.

For which I'll always
be grateful to you

for suggesting it
in the first place.

And for which you will
always be in my debt.


There's something I
want you to do for me.


Whatever you're into, Tracy.

No, Eric.

When Blake Carrington
becomes head of the party,

I want to be in charge of PR.

You're already in PR
at Denver-Carrington.

Hmm, forget Denver-Carrington.

Oh, when that man
hits the campaign trail,

I wanna be right there with him.


They've already got
a man on that job.

Get rid of him.

Well, you can do that.


Well, let me put
it to you this way.

You owe me.

And besides,

both of us know how
upset your wife would be

if she saw you right now, hmm?

Uh. Come on.

Relax, hmm?

You're gonna love this.

( mellow theme playing)

( ominous theme playing)

Jeff, I know that
you're exhausted

and you have
Fallon on your mind,

but I've gotta talk to you.


Blame it on Alexis,
destroy my marriage,

and you're asking
me to forgive you?

What, are you out of your mind?

I was.

That's what I'm
trying to tell you.

What are you doing?
Pleading insanity?

In a way, yes.

In a way, no. All of
this was premeditated.

All right, but I was sick.

Jeff, I saw things
differently then.


I'm not asking you to
understand or to accept,

but I am asking you
to forgive me, please.

Forgive you?

I could k*ll you.

Oh, but don't worry, Adam,

I wouldn't think of putting
you out of your misery.

I'll just make sure you're
put away the rest of your life.


I've just lost my child.

My little girl.

Isn't that punishment enough?

No, as far as I'm concerned,

that's just the beginning.

I come to you for forgiveness,

and you say vengeance is yours.

But we'll see.

Press charges,

and we'll both watch
them thrown out of court.

You confessed to Blake yourself.

I wasn't myself.

Kirby's life and the life of
my child were in danger.

See how far you get with
that kind of confession

under those circumstances.

You just confessed to me.

With no witnesses.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Excuse me, Steven.

Just coffee,
Elizabeth. Thank you.

Any word about Fallon, Steven?


But I have been hearing
a few about you from Jeff.

Thanks, Elizabeth.

Yes, I tried to talk
to him last night.

I wasn't successful.

What about Mother?

You tried to frame
her for Jeff's poisoning.

How could you do that?

I'm not trying to excuse myself.

That's a relief. I thought you
might come up with something.

Steven, I don't expect
you to understand

what I did to Mother,
but keep this in mind.

Alexis is not quite as innocent

as she would have us believe.

That's so typical of you, Adam.

Focus the blame
on somebody else.

I'm not blaming anyone.

Sometime, Steven,

you're gonna have to look
at Alexis as an adult would,

not as her baby boy.

I don't need any lessons on
growing up from you, Adam.

That's right, I forgot.

You have to make
your own mistakes.

You can't learn from mine.

I wonder why not. You
set such a good example.

( soft theme playing)

Hey, you all right?


Dr. Winfield ordered
two laps a day.

He's going to have
to settle for one.


Just take it easy.

You know, Kirby, I
don't think you should,

um, rush into things.


Are you talking about my walking

or my marriage to Adam?

Well, I think you should
give yourself time to heal,

inside and out.

How's Fallon?

Ah, we don't know yet.

She's, um, still in a coma.

Everything will
work out for the best.

I know it will.

How about you?

You call Adam the best?

It so happens, I do.


Let me put it this way.

I've learned something
these past few weeks.

We all get what we deserve,

really deserve, in this life.

And I can live with that.

( majestic theme playing)


Fallon, darling,

I'm here. Can you hear me?


Blake, why don't you go
home and get some rest?

I'll call you if
there's any change.

All right, Jeff. Thank you.

There is something
that I've got to do.

( majestic theme playing)

ERIC: Blake, I
know you're in a rush.

I can only give you just
a couple minutes, Eric.

Fine. Listen,
we're all set to roll.

I've got a press conference
lined up for you tomorrow,

three guest speeches
in the matter of a week,

all of which means you're
gonna need a PR man.

Wait a minute, I
haven't had a chance

to look at the schedule yet,

and here you are
organizing a staff for me?

That's why I need
to talk to you now.

I've got the perfect
PR person in mind.

Someone who can
really take charge.

Oh, who's that?

Krystle Carrington.


She's head of PR
for Denver-Carrington,

devoted to you.

She's absolutely perfect.


Except what?

Except for one fact.

Krystle's your wife.

Do you think the
press will look kindly

on that sort of
family arrangement?

I'm sorry, Blake.

I wish it could be Krystle,

but it obviously can't.

Well, then we're
back to square one.

Unless there's somebody
else on your staff.

A man you could really trust.

Well, you've got
the gender wrong,

but everything else is right.

Marcia, would you ask Tracy

to step in here for
a minute, please?

Mr. Carrington, I am flattered,

honored that you
want me for the job.

But I just can't.

Of course you can.

Well, I appreciate
your confidence,

but I already have a
job at Denver-Carrington.

And what about Mrs. Carrington?

Tracy, if Krystle
weren't my wife,

frankly, I'd be
offering the job to her.

But I'm not. I'm
offering it to you,

and I want you to take it.

Now, you're not gonna
turn me down, are you?

Mr. Carrington, I could
never say no to you.

Good, then it's settled.

So now that I've formally
introduced you two,

why don't you get acquainted,
go over the schedule,

and if you need me,
I'll be at the hospital.

I'll talk to you later.

Thanks, Blake.

(door closes)

I told you it would work.

See you tonight?

Oh, sure. Why not?

You earned it.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. Staunch, call please.

Claudia, you can start
medication on this patient.

Dr. Walcott, is there
any improvement?

Mrs. Colby, I told you I
would be in touch with you

if there was any
new information.

Doctor, look, if
there's anything

that I can do to help
you help my daughter,

fly in other specialists
from anywhere in the world,

other equipment, will
you please tell me?

I appreciate that,
Mrs. Colby, but, uh,

for now, I'll
settle for a prayer.

( dramatic theme playing)

Alexis, I've said some
ugly things to you.

And I apologize.

Well, you believed
that I tried to k*ll you.

Under those circumstances,

I don't blame you
for what you said.

Mr. Colby, she's coming to.

Oh, thank God.

( dramatic theme playing)


Hey, Fallon, we're here now.

Come on, wake up. Wake up.



I'm right here, Fallon.

So am I, darling.

No. Go away.


Mother, get out of here.


So I see that you did

your usual watchdog
number on me, Krystle.

Did I?

Yes, when we spoke on the phone,

I asked you to have
Blake call me back.

Oh, yes, you, um, ordered me.

I remember now.

And you chose not to remember

to tell him, didn't you?

That's right.

You say that so
sweetly, so innocently,

so Krystle-like, "That's right."

Alexis, why should I
have had Blake call you?

To do your usual number on him?

Blaming him and anybody
else except yourself?

When I leave a message,

especially with an

I expect it to be passed on.

( dramatic theme playing)

WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. Staunch, call .

All right, Neal, you
said it was important.

You've got one
minute of my time.

Alexis, it will take me less

than seconds
to make you squirm.

I wanted you to
be the first to know.

You'll wanna buy a
gown for the victory ball.

The ex love of your
life has just been named

the state chairman of the party.

Blake, chairman of the party?

Where did you hear that?


You may have cost me
my chair in Congress,

but I still have a key

to the closed
doors in this town.

And now Blake has that same key.

What difference
should that make to me?

Because whatever
political decisions

are made in this state,

every piece of legislation,

your ex-husband
will be privy to.

And even before you've had
a chance to hear it whispered.

Now, I'd say that spells
success for Denver-Carrington.

But what does that
spell for Colbyco?

I'm sorry to
disappoint you, Neal,

but if you came here
to see me squirm,

you're out of the cab fare
that it took you to get here.

Or did you have to walk?

(intercom buzzes)

Mark, our unemployed
congressman was just leaving.

Keep the door open
for him, will you?

It was well worth the trip.

Send me tickets for
the main event, will you?

Main event?

The party's just
bought Blake Carrington

as their new chairman.

Well, we'll just
have to unbuy him.

I'll see to that.


( suspenseful theme playing)

I want you to watch
Alexis like a hawk.

I wanna know
exactly what she does

and how she does it.

She's a smart lady, McVane.
She covers her tracks.

But she's a greedy woman.

And the thought that Carrington

has the inside track on
contracts, handshakes, deals,

why, she won't be happy until

she gets him out
of that position.

I know there's no love lost
between you and Carrington,

so why the concern?

Money, my friend. Blackmail.



She hates Carrington

and she'll do anything
to destroy him.

Well, I wanna know how and when.

Then she will pay me

for my silence.

( ominous theme playing)

Do you remember anything at all?

I was running...

down a corridor...

and, uh...

Well, it's all right.

Don't rush it.

It's a slight fracture.

It'll take a while.

Meantime, let's see how
the rest of you is doing.


All right, I'd
like for you to...

close your eyes and
extend your arms forward,

please, in front of you.

Fine. Fine. Okay.

Feel that?





How about that?

No, nothing.



I want you to bend your
legs for me now, okay?

Come on, do it now.

I'm trying.

It won't move.

Come on, Fallon, try, try.

Oh, my God, Jeff.

I can't move my legs.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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