04x22 - The Voice - Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x22 - The Voice - Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

Yes, I realize you're
with Network News,

but all requests of this nature

have to go through
our Public Relations.

REPORTER: oil exploration.

That's Krystle Carrington.

Her extension is
. You're welcome.

Sorry, I have nothing
to say at this time.

This is wonderful. And awful.

I know, Marcia.

MARCIA: Mr. Carrington's office.

Well, while you sit here
peacefully in your office,

the phones are
ringing off their hooks

in the rest of the building.

Really? Really.

It seems that everybody
wants to interview

Blake Carrington.

Forbes Magazine,

Fortune, World Finance, Time.

Is Newsweek ignoring me?

Apparently. They've
only called twice today.

How about some coffee?

No, thank you.

I just got off the phone
with Fred Palmer,

the editor of World Finance.

It seems they wanna
do a cover story.

A cover on me?
Only if they show me

with a beautiful public
relations lady I know,

who happens to be
carrying my baby.

Well, the problem is they want
the baby's handsome father.

And the story of how
he pulled off the coup

in the China Sea.

Well, I hope to get it
pulled off by next week.

I still have
million dollars to go

on that hundred I agreed
to pay for the leases.

Blake, Palmer indicated
that his reporter may ask

a sticky question.

Only one? (chuckles)

Well, basically, it's this:

Why is Blake Carrington

dealing with Rashid Ahmed
when everyone knows

that he was double-crossed
by him two years ago?

It's simply I agreed
to deal with Ahmed,

even though I don't trust him,

because not one
cent of that money

is going through
the man's hands.

It's being paid directly
to the government

that he's representing.
Now, if that government

wants to pay Ahmed a commission,

well, that's their business.

And my business right now

is to steal a kiss from
my public relations chief.

( tender theme playing)

TAYLOR: Arthur Wilde says
this case was marked closed.

I'd have thought that you'd
laid the past to rest by now.

I didn't come
here for platitudes.

And, obviously,
you thought wrongly

otherwise I wouldn't be here.

The note my father
left, may I please see it?

Just to know what
his last thoughts were.

That note was addressed
to Mr. Blake Carrington,

and we didn't reveal
its contents to the press

at the specific request
of Mr. Carrington.

(Kirby sighs)

Mr. Carrington told me
what my father wrote.

TAYLOR: Please, sit down.

I just wanna see
those words for myself.

It's the only way that
I'm gonna be able to end

this nightmare I've been having.

These awful dreams that

my father didn't write the note,

someone else did.

Someone who k*lled him

and then made it
look like a su1c1de.

Mrs. Colby, I
understand how hard it is

to accept the idea
that somebody you love

could be capable
of taking his own life,

but both Mr. Carrington and
your husband were in the house

when your father
pulled the trigger.

And it was his
handwriting on the note.

There's no question about that.


But if it'll help you any,

I have a copy of it here.

KIRBY: "Mr. Carrington,

"the police are
bound to discover

"it was I who set the fire.

"I tried to stop that evil woman

"from ruining yet
another life and failed.

"I pray my death will satisfy
her need for vengeance.


Oh. "That evil woman".

Thank you, Lieutenant Taylor.

I finally understand what
my father's death was about.

( mellow theme playing)


(door closes)

Nobody announced you, Adam.

I'm announcing myself.

I just talked to
Mother's secretary

and he said she's in Hong Kong.

Then I guess
that's where she is.

Don't get cute with me.
What's she doing there?

Working. At what?

At undoing what you
did. She's gone to pick up

whatever oil leases
might've been left over

from the deal Blake made,

thanks to the stolen
evaluation report you handed in.


Be very careful, Steven.

I put as much into
that report as you.

More, in fact.
Oh, save it, Adam.

I'm not in the mood for
your damn bull right now.

And what about
Blake? What about him?

Have you told him that
Mother's in Hong Kong?

No, I haven't. Why not?

Because I'm not the
resident house-spy.

What Alexis does
is her business,

just as it's my business to
run Colbyco while she's gone.

Now, I've got a lot
of work to do, Adam,

so why don't you
just get out of here.

( tense theme playing)

(door opens and closes)

( suspenseful theme playing)

Son, I somehow get the feeling

that your mind is not on
this championship match.

Still thinking about
North Dakota, huh?

That cemetery where Kirby
found out about her mother?

Actually, I was thinking
about my own mother.

How unnecessary,
how cruel it was of her

to throw the truth at
Kirby the way she did.


Well, your mother can win
prizes at that sort of thing

if she sets her mind
to it. But in this case...

Don't say she had an excuse.

Well, she did. You.

You see, in her mind,
Alexis was protecting her son.

She always believes that
she's on the side of the angels.

And she always justifies
everything she does

with a firm conviction
that it's right.

(pool ball thuds)

When I told you this afternoon
that she was in Hong Kong,

I wondered, then, what she
was really up to over there.

Is she on the side of the
angels this time, Father?

I don't care what side she's on.

Nothing or no one is
going to stop us now.

( tense theme playing)

(pool ball thuds)

( upbeat theme playing)

( exotic Asian theme playing)

Hello. Champy?

According to the hotel waiter,
that's Chinese for champagne.

Really? But that
bottle is French, isn't it?

Let's see, it's smuggled
across the border

of the people's republic,
and it's Bulgarian.

Bulgarian? Oh,
my God, what year?


Just kidding, just kidding.
It's really very French

and it's gonna
reflect on your bill.

Oh, thank you. Uh,
by the way, Mark,

what are you doing in my suite?

It's time for dinner. I
thought I'd take you out.

After we share a
little champagne. Oh.

Well, that's very
gallant of you,

but I already
have a dinner date.

So why don't you take
this like a good Mark

and go and enjoy yourself with
some of those charming tarts

who've been
following you around.

You're dismissing me?

Oh, that's very
perceptive of you, Mark.

Yes, I'm dismissing you.

Have a good evening.

Don't wait up for me.

( mysterious theme playing)

(door opens)


Good evening, my dear.

Come in.

(door closes)

( romantic theme playing)

I am certain this is going to be

a good evening. Oh.

I'm sure it will be.

Now that you've had a
chance to weigh my proposition,

do I ruin Blake
Carrington, or don't I?


( dramatic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

Alexis Colby's suite, please.

(patrons chattering)

I see.

Uh, no, no
message. I'll try later.

Oh, by the way,
when do you think

my room will be ready?

Thank you.

(jazzy music playing
over speakers)

Scotch rocks, please.

Same here.

That's right, Jennings, it's me.

The jealous lover
following his lady friend

halfway around the world.


You know, Jennings,
it's none of your business

why I'm in Hong Kong, but
I'm gonna tell you anyway.

Alexis and I have a corporation.

That's right,
Dex-Lex or Lex-Dex.

Never can remember
which one of you is on top.

It's Lex-Dex, and
that's the point.

She and I should both be on top
when it comes to making a deal.

You're talking as if this was
one of your joint ventures.

What about, uh, Colbyco?

The lady happens to
be pretty heavily involved

in that corporation as well.

Well, uh, maybe I
can talk her out of that.

Why would she listen?

Because on her own,
she could screw up

whatever deal she's going after.

With me, there'd be no screw up.

Well, here's to your modesty,
Dexter, if not your smarts.

Look, I'm around. I can't
help but know what's going on.

You've got nothing
to worry about

if you're worried about
being double-dealed.

Care for a pretzel?

So I've got nothing
to worry about?

Not unless you're into silk.

The lady's on a
shopping spree, Dexter.

You go to Vegas to gamble,
and you come here to shop.

Okay, so I flew a few
miles on a dumb hunch.

Look, as long as I'm here,
I'd like to buy you that drink.

And I'll go do a little
shopping myself.

It's nice to see you, Jennings.

Terrific seeing you, Dexter.


( upbeat theme playing)

Is that your decree
of divorce from Kirby?


And you had no intention
of telling me about it, hm?

Yes, that's right, Adam.

You see, it's my
affair, not yours.

I'm sure that Kirby's
received her copy.

When she wants
to tell you, she will.

Jeff, this animosity between us,

isn't it about time we really
ended it and faced the truth?

What truth?

That everything is gonna
be all right all around.

You and Fallon will
be married again.

You never should've been
divorced in the first place,

you know that.

Kirby and I are
gonna get married.

Everything is gonna be right.

Once, not too long ago,

while Kirby was in the hospital,

you and I shook hands.

It turned out that
was only a gesture.

Well, this time, I'd like it
to come from the heart.

Adam, don't press your luck.

You got just about all
you're gonna get from me.

( tense theme playing)

(footsteps receding)

( upbeat theme playing)

Now, you.


( dramatic theme playing)

Get rid of that junk.

Who the hell are you?

It is a question I
should ask you.

Or better still,
phone hotel security.

Darling, what's
going on out there?


Oh, my God.

Happy hour's over.
You get dressed.

If you wanna leave here alive,

take the back door.

Alexis, with your permission,

I should like to deal
with this whining dog.

ALEXIS: Oh, Rashid. Listen,

this is a... A private matter.

Please go, Rashid.


Now, just who the hell
do you think you are?

I am the same guy who had
a talk with you the other day

about the two of us
believed in one thing.

Oh, really? You remember?

No! Well, I'll remind you.

The word was fidelity. I
was leaving for Los Angeles

and you made some
crack about me meeting up

with Hollywood types.

And I told you that I
hadn't slept with any type

after I'd met you. So what?

After I'd fallen
in love with you.

Except I didn't know that
what I'd fallen for was a slut.

A slut with the morals of
a dog in perpetual heat.


( dramatic theme playing)

(both grunting)

(Dex screams)


(both grunting)


(both grunting)

Nice to see the
real you, Alexis.

Oh, you...

(both grunting)


( dramatic theme playing)

Dex, what's wrong?

No, Alexis, it's what's right.

Finally, for me.


We're through.

ALEXIS: You overrated cowboy.

You thought you owned me?

Well, nobody owns Alexis!

( dramatic theme playing)

Alrighty, so you
wanna buy a g*n.

Now, are we talking about
a g*n for sport like a r*fle?

Or are we talking
about a handgun?

A handgun.

Handgun, mm-hm.

Well, in that case,

I'm gonna have to ask
you for some identification.

You know, to prove
that you're years old.

You have a driver's
license with you?

Yes. Yes.

Could I see it, please?

Boy, things are getting
harder to see all the time.

Is that missus
or miss? It's miss.

Thank you.

Well, let me tell you
something, young lady.

g*ns can be very dangerous.

Deadly, in fact.

Now, is there some particular
reason you want one?

Yes, there is, um...

I live alone. And, well,
it's pretty obvious, isn't it?

Yeah, well, self-preservation.
Yes, it is obvious.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

All right, well, let me
see what we got here.

And then I'd like you to tell me

where I could take some lessons.

I mean, if I own one,

I should know how
to sh**t it. Heh.


You know, I can see
through that smile of yours

that you're scared beneath it.

Frightened of something.

Now, if there is
someone or something

that is threatening you,

I think you ought
to tell the police,

not try to handle
this by yourself.

Uh, well, yes, I am frightened.

But the police can't
move in with me.

My apartment's been burglarized
twice while I was at work.

And it may happen again,
and I may be there the next time,

and there's no point
in me having a g*n

if I don't know how to use it.

Well, it sounds to me
like you don't intend

to miss the target.

Oh, no, I don't intend
to miss the target at all.

( suspenseful theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

Here, let me fix your tie.


Need I remind you that when one

is to be interviewed by
World Finance Magazine...

One should look like a
world-class financial figure.

Exactly. Heh.

You sure you don't
want me at the interview?

Yes, I'm sure.

In case you need
some quick data?

I can always phone you.

Well, I may not answer.

I'll send you a wire.

Probably won't
read it. (chuckles)

Darling, I appreciate
you wanting to be with me,

but I do have all the facts I
need right at my fingertips.

But there is something else
behind all this, isn't there?

Come on now.

Come on, what is it?

Well, they're sending their
top reporter, Gordon Wales.

Which rhymes, as they say in
the trade, with tough as nails.

Now, we both know

that on occasion,
you lose your temper.

And we both know how
expl*sive this oil deal can be.

So I thought
that if I was there,

I might be able to help you.

I love you worrying about me.

But the Carringtons
have never been known

to be exactly pushovers.

And I think your
Mr. Tough-As-Nails

will have met his match.

Well, something tells
me I've just met mine.


Now, I want you and my
child to stay put, do you hear?


( upbeat theme playing)

I thought this was to be
an interview, Mr. Wales,

not an inquisition.

Oh, call it what you
like, Mr. Carrington,

but the entire business
world wants to know

why you and Rashid
Ahmed are in this together.

I've already answered
that question.

I see no point going
back over it again.

All right, then let's talk about

the political implications
of this deal you made.

As I said in my TV statement,

there is nothing political
about this, it's pure business.

Business that is good
for Denver-Carrington

and good for this country.

A prime new source of oil.

How many governments
are in that area? Two.

Are they friendly? No.

Does each claim
jurisdiction? Yes.

Is Blake Carrington obviously
siding with one of them?

Yes. Are you interviewing me?

Are you writing an editorial

based on your own

Siding? Yes.

I'm siding with the
future of this country

and its need for energy.

Now, do you want me to
repeat that into this thing?

No, no. That's loud
and clear enough.

(tape recorder thuds)

Uh, yeah, Tracy Kendall.

What about her?

Oh, she was your
party's PR person

until you resigned,
right? Right.

Oh, I hear you axed her
from your public relations staff.

She went with you to Hong Kong,

but she didn't come back
with you. What happened?

Was she worried about the
public relations' consequences

of this deal, so you
just, what, got rid of her?

Once again, you're
wrong, Mr. Wales.

And this misguidedly
aggressive attitude of yours

is beginning to bore me now.

Just as it's annoyed
me right from the start.

So let's say that
this interview is over.

Well, of course, I'll, uh,
send you a copy of the article.

Make that two copies.

One for me, one
for my legal staff.

( tense theme playing)

(door opens and closes)

( mellow theme playing)

We're both leaving late
for work this morning.

At least, you have an excuse.

Oh, what I have is a
husband with spies stationed

around the house to
report if I step outside

the front door a moment
before the appointed time.

(phone ringing)

GERARD: I'll get
it, Mrs. Carrington.

Thank you, Elizabeth.

GERARD: Hello?

It's for you, Miss Claudia.

The same man who
phoned the night you returned

from South America.

I'll take it if you want me to.

Yes, please.


MATTHEW: Claudia.

Matthew, it's Krystle.

What are you trying to do?

We need you, Lindsay
and I. We're a family.

I said it's Krystle.

What do you want? Where are you?

We need you, Claudia.

What are you talking about?

(line disconnects)

I told you it was Matthew.

I told everybody it was Matthew.

Yeah. It was Matthew's
voice, but it was strange.

I told him it was me, but
he kept on talking to you.

He said, "We need
you, Lindsay and I.

We want you home with us."

What else did he say?

Well, something like,

"We're a family,
we belong together."

That's exactly what he
said both times before.

Are you sure?


Well, it's almost as
if it were a recording.

A recording?


When I was at the sanatorium,

and Matthew was
in the Middle East,

he sent me a
tape-recorded letter.

Only, I never received it.

And then she told Matthew

when he got back
that it never arrived.

Who's she?

His mother.

It never arrived, she said.

But did it?

I know a way we can find out.

( upbeat theme playing)

Horseback riding? Right now?

JEFF: If not, sooner.

I'm not dressed for it.
I've got a lot of work to do.

You're dressed just fine
and the work can wait.

And this has to do with
our son's second birthday.


So you wanna bring a
bunch of -year-olds here

and have a party.
It's gonna be chaos.

Not to mention pandemonium.

You know, I think you're right.

I think it'd be chaos
and pandemonium.

In that case, I think
we should have it

on the Carrington lawn.

Ha-ha. You wanna move
a merry-go-round there

for the party? Why not?

I gotta hand it to you,

you are a super father.

I promised you that I wouldn't
press you on the subject,

but have you told yourself yet

that I'm pretty good
husband material too?


I mean, I am a free
man as of yesterday.

You just give me a nod,

we'll run off and
see a preacher.

Go on. Go talk to the man
about renting these horses.

I'll catch us a brass ring.


(organ playing lively music)

( eerie theme playing)

( ominous theme playing)

(line ringing)

Hello, this is Fallon Colby.

I was a patient of Dr. Walcott's

when I suffered
a skull fracture.

I need to talk to him now.

Well, when can I reach him?

No, I'll call back. Thank you.

( upbeat theme playing)

We won't be long, Frederick.

Yes, Mrs. Carrington.

(doorbell rings)

Emily, you're early
again as usual.

Mother Blaisdel, may we come in?

Of course.

This is Krystle Carrington.

I know. I recognized you from
your photos in the newspaper.

Nice to see you
again, Claudia, dear.

But why the surprise visit?

I know you answered
most of my questions

last time about Matthew,

but you didn't get around
to talking about the tape.


You know, the one that
Matthew sent me years ago.

The one that you
forgot to give me

and then said that you lost.

Claudia, dear, if you've
come back to hound me

about something in the past,

about something that I
already apologized for...

KRYSTLE: Mrs. Blaisdel,

we're here to ask you some
questions about the tape.

We have good reason
to believe it still exists.

We both heard it.

How could you have heard it?

KRYSTLE: Because I
took the call for Claudia.

And it didn't make sense.

Matthew's voice kept
talking to Claudia, not me.

Now, if you know
anything about this,

it might be better
if you tell us now

rather than the police.

I know nothing about this.

I wonder if the
police will believe that.

( tense theme playing)

This man came by to see me.


He asked for my cooperation.

He said he'd pay me
$ by giving him the tape.

I asked him why he wanted it,

and he said
something about using it

to upset Mrs. Steven Carrington.

And because I felt,
then, as I feel now,

that you have no
right to happiness

in your new marriage

after what you did to my son,

to my Matthew.

I gave him the tape I kept.

What's the man's
name, Mrs. Blaisdel?

I don't think I have
to tell you that,

neither of you.

Oh, yes, you do.

Who's been doing this to me?

Who, damn it, who?

( dramatic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

BLAKE: Where is Claudia now?

I dropped her off at La Mirage.

She said she wanted to be
alone in her office for a while.

In the car, she kept asking,

why would a man she'd
never met t*rture her like this?

I have my doubts that
the man wanted to do it.

But I can make a pretty
good guess as to the woman

who might want Claudia
out of her son's life.


Blake, do you really think
she's capable of doing this?

Can you think of anything that
Alexis isn't capable of doing?


Darling, you've
handled this very well,

but I think it's my
turn to handle it now.

( suspenseful theme playing)


You got a bad habit, Hess, of
trying to keep me out of here

when I decide to come in.

All right, all right,
what do you want?

I just found out
that you're back

doing some more
of your shady work

for my ex-wife.

So what?

Claudia Carrington, that's what.

Those anonymous packages,
those taped phone calls,

I wanna know about them.

Did you hear what I said?
I wanna know about them.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Now, let go of me and
get the hell out of here.

( suspenseful theme playing)

MATTHEW (on recording): Claudia.

We need you, Lindsay and /.

We need you, Claudia.

We're a family.


We need you, Lindsay and I.

(button clicks)

All right, how much
did she pay you to do it?

And how long was
this supposed to go on?

If you're talking about
Alexis Colby, forget it.

I hate that woman
as much as you do.

So if you'll just forget
what you found here today,

I'll go through with my
plan to get even with her.

Look, the woman did me dirt.

All of this is just part of a
plan to get even with her.

I'll plant the
tape at her office

and then tip off the cops.


When her son finds out,

he's gonna hate
her for what he thinks

that she did to his wife.

That'll destroy Alexis Colby.

You scum.

What kind of a man
are you anyway,

playing games with
somebody's sanity?

I told you, Carrington, to
get revenge on Alexis Colby.

All right.


Now tell it to the police.

Let me read you
your rights, Mr. Hess.

"You have the right
to remain silent."

( mellow theme playing)

didn't think I'd do it,

but I got all the
grime off from the well.

Sweetheart, you
already have your answer.

Can't you just put it
all out of your mind?

I've been thinking
about Matthew's mother.

And what the detective asked me.

Do I wanna bring
charges against her?

I know that I can't.

She lost her son and
her granddaughter.

I can't add to her suffering.

( tender theme playing)

Now, all that's in my mind is
the future with you and Danny.

My beautiful future.

( romantic theme playing)

( exotic Asian theme playing)

(jazzy music playing
over speakers)

I'm just going to have
a drink, thank you.

Right here.

It's true.

They say if you stay in
Hong Kong long enough,

you're bound to run
into somebody you know.

I thought you went home.

Blake Carrington did,
a couple of days ago.

He left me behind.

Well, you don't seem
too happy about it.

He fired me.

I'm not exactly ecstatic
about losing my job.

Must've had a good reason.

Well, I'll tell you
about it someday.


Buy you one of these?

One for the lady, bartender,
make mine a double.

So tell me, what is it
you're not celebrating, Dex?



Let me guess.

Alexis Colby.

You guess well.


Another guy? (chuckles)

You guess very well
for a great-looking girl.

That's sexist.

All right, a great-looking
woman. Better?

No. My ability to guess well
has nothing to do with my sex.


I like the way
you say that word.

Two strangers in
a strange place,

what else is there
to talk about?

( tense theme playing)

( sultry theme playing)

Is that a smile of satisfaction?

Yes, it is.

Two strangers of
yore have become

extremely compatible.


It seems as though I've
opened up an old wound.


The result of an
alley cat I ran into.


Tracy. Hm?

I want you to do
something for me.

Something very special.

(sighs) (laughs)

I'm talking about out of bed
and when we get back to Denver.

I want you to take a job.

Oh, I intend to.

This working girl has to.

I want you to take
a job with Alexis.

Maybe not such a bad idea.

But suppose she's
not in the market

for a public relations person?

Oh, she will be.

When you let her know some
of the information you have,

information about


You're as excited about
this as you were about sex

a little while ago.


You are a complete man.

The most complete.

Dex, what's behind all this?

It's simple.

I'm in business with the lady.

And to know her
is to distrust her.

So if you're at all interested,

you can earn yourself
two salaries for the job.

One from Mrs. Colby
and one from me.

Along with a little fooling
around in our spare time?

Does that appeal to you?

It appeals to me.


Oh, so very much.

( sultry theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Blake, I just talked
to Andrew Laird.

He said that the last
loan was approved.

You just put
together $ million.

And already wired to
Hong Kong. How about that?

Well, how about you?

Taking on a terrific
deal like this, a gamble.

I think, uh, even my Uncle Cecil

would be applauding right now.

Thank you, Jeff, but I'm
not quite sure about that.

You know, Cecil
inherited his money,

and he played his
cards very cautiously.

Maybe that's why

which was just a
newcomer years ago,

was able to compete
with a giant like Colbyco.

I know, not as big yet,

but this deal is going to do it.

One thing I am sure of though,

Alexis will not applaud.


Well, Alexis has
been running Colbyco

exactly the way my
uncle structured it.

I think the only real
gamble she's taken

is when Dex Dexter
says do this or do that.

Oh, how I'd like
to see Alexis' face

when she tries to get in
on this China Sea deal.

When she finds out
that the only areas

that don't belong
to me are worthless.


(knocking on door)

Good evening. Good evening.

That better? (chuckles)

Better than what? Than whom.

Than the way your
hysterical lover of earlier

might kiss you.

Dex Dexter is my ex-lover

and someone who
should never have been

in my life in the first place.

Let's talk about
more important things.

First, more importantly for me,

let me give you this. Oh.

Open it, please.

It's a gift I chose for you

from am outrageously
expensive antique shop.

It's outrageously
sweet of you, Rashid.

Legend has it that it belonged
to the empress of Tibet.

Reputedly the most
beautiful woman in all of Asia,

that her people gave it
to her when her troops

won a victory over the Mongols,

so that she might
witness her beautiful smile

as empress and conqueror.


It's absolutely
beautiful, Rashid.

I'll treasure it forever.

Now, how are things
proceeding with our deal?

Very well indeed.

And when is it going to happen?

Alexis, I play it
carefully, but I play it well.

I know you play it
well, Rashid, but when?

For $ million, I think at
least I deserve a timetable.

Alexis, when it happens,
you will not miss it,

because the expl*si*n

will be heard all over
the financial world.

And Blake Carrington
will be dead financially.

Blake's funeral.


( ominous theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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