04x25 - The Engagement

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x25 - The Engagement

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( soft theme playing)

Blake, I had a
messenger bring this over.

It's hitting the
newsstands today.

World Finance, huh?

From the look on your face,

I'd say we should
cancel our subscription.

Well, the man on the
cover's very handsome,

but I'm afraid it's
an ugly article inside.

It certainly doesn't
surprise me.

Blake, Gordon Wales says

that I try to defend
you and that's not true.

I said you didn't need defending

in the China Sea venture...

Darling, you could've
told the man anything.

He was out to do a hatchet job,

regardless of what you said.

Apparently, he succeeded.

I'm sorry,

I-I should've
handled him better.

Maybe... Gordon
Wales is a hack writer.

Don't you waste your
time worrying about him.

But you're worried, aren't you?

Well, right now, I'm more
anxious than I am worried.

Got a meeting with Avril
Dawson at the bank today.

To extend the loan?

Mm-hm. I think we
got a good chance.

See, with Dawson's bank

holding one half of
the $ million loan,

the other banks holding
the remaining million

should fall in right
behind Dawson.

Now, if he extends my
loan, so will the others.

And if they don't extend?

Then Denver-Carrington
belongs to the banks.

I just hope that

Dawson doesn't pass
any newsstands today.


You should join me
at La Mirage, Alexis.

Tennis again?

There are more
stimulating things to do in life

than to watch you running
around the court in shorts.

Not me, Alexis.

My partner, Dex Dexter.

Much too busy, but
you boys have fun.

Too busy hatching plots?

I don't hatch things, Mark.

No? Then what would
you call your deal

with Rashid Ahmed in Hong Kong?

I thought you were leaving.

You're trying to
ruin Blake, lady.

Why? Just more business?

I know you. When it
comes to Blake Carrington,

you won't stop with
screwing up his oil deal.

You're after something
bigger and better. What is it?

You listen to me, Mark Jennings.

I paid you $ , to
keep your mouth shut.

And you better do just that.


(phone rings)


Alexis, this is Kirby.

Yes, Kirby, what
can I do for you?

I wanted to apologize for
my behavior the other day.

Apology accepted. Is that it?

Well, I thought we
could get together again

and finish our discussion.

As far as I'm concerned,
Kirby, it is finished.

We have nothing more
to say to each other.


Adam Carrington, please.

Mother, if, as you say,

Kirby lured you to
that empty house,

she must have had a reason.

What possible
reason could she have

for dragging me out
to her father's house

in that dreadful neighborhood?

Why would you be
meeting with Kirby, anyway?

That's not the point.
Let's make it the point.

Why did she want to see you?

Well, I'd, um, offered
her a job in Paris.

You did what?

Adam, it took me a
long time to realize

that you were really serious
about marrying this girl.

So I'd offered her
the job once before,

but she turned me down.

She said she changed
her mind, wanted to talk.

Well, there you are.

Kirby took you to the
house to discuss your offer.

Except she didn't
talk about the job offer.

She spent the entire time

rambling on about
her dead father.

Finally, I just turned
and walked out.

It didn't make any sense.

And that's what you
had to see me about?


This girl is obviously as
unbalanced as her mother was.

Mother, I love Kirby.

I know her far better than you.

You nearly devastated her
with the truth about her mother.

Whatever she's going
through now is your fault.

My fault? Yes.

Adam, I am trying to save you
from marrying a very sick girl.

Well, I don't need
to be saved by you.

Neither does Kirby. Go
rescue someone else.

From now on,
stay out of our lives.

So Ilie hit a
tremendous backhand

and I came back with a forehand.

Into the stands. Mark.

(all chuckle)

I'm sorry I'm late.

I'll change, meet
you in a few minutes.

No problem. Mr. Dexter?

You have a telephone call, sir.

You can take it right over here.

Thank you.

See you up on
Court . All right.

( soft theme playing)

Is everything okay?

That's a nice
outfit you've got on.

Hello, Fallon. Hi.

I hear, uh, La Mirage is
bracing for a big celebration.

Oh, a celebration,
yes. Not so big.

Just family and
close friends, that's all.

All in your honor.

And Jeff's.

I suppose it's destiny,
you and Jeff remarrying.

Well, I don't know what it
is, Mark, but it's happening.

There was a time

when I thought we were
destined to be together.

That, uh, time
we spent in Haiti.


Ah, but Alexis didn't
give us a chance, did she?

In fact, she ruined it for us.

Left alone, we could've
made it work, Fallon.

Mark, Alexis put
an end to something

that was probably
hopeless to begin with.

We should thank her for
saving us from ourselves.

( majestic theme playing)

AVRIL: Come in,
gentlemen, come in.

Blake, you're looking
wonderfully well.

Jeff. Avril.

Please, sit down,
won't you? Thank you.

Sorry to have kept
you waiting so long,

but I was on the
phone with the boss.

Mrs. Dawson.

List of things for me to
bring home this evening.

Those are the phone
calls you've got to take.

But then you know that,
Blake. Yes, I know how it is.

Either of you like a drink?

No, thank you. Not
for me, thank you.

In the interest of time, Avril,

why don't we get
right down to business?

What's new on the
extension of my loan?

That's not a decision
that I can make, Blake.


I'm sorry, but it isn't.

BLAKE: Now, you know very
well that if you extend my loan,

the rest of those
banks will follow suit.

Blake, we're talking
about $ million here.

Fifty million dollars of
it from my bank alone.

I know for a fact

that the other banks elected
you to represent them.

Right. But I can't
make any decision

without consulting
with them first.

And none of those other
bankers, including you,

have ever lost a penny
on Denver-Carrington

and you know it. JEFF:
You've made a lot of money

investing with

True, but this goes
beyond investments.

We're talking
about politics here.

What you have are
two conflicting armies

with their g*ns
aimed at each other

and you right in the middle.

As you know, we put certain
conditions on your loan.

Yes, that I'd be into
exploration within days,

or you could foreclose on me.

This says you
can't do it, Blake.

My God, you've got
a small naval force

anchored above your leases.

I have borrowed a lot more
than $ million in my time

and I've paid back every
dime of it, with interest.

Now, who are you going to trust,

some damn magazine or me?

Yes, well, that is the question

that I've got to put to
the other bankers, isn't it?

( dramatic theme playing)

( soft theme playing)

Here you are.

Darling, it's very late.

I know. I'll be up shortly.

Why don't I join you instead?

I'm afraid I'm not very
good company right now.

That's all right.

I can take you at your worst.

Isn't that what the minister
said at our wedding?

(both chuckle)

What is it, Blake?

In the past, whenever I failed,

I could always turn
things around, always.

Failure just meant
one thing for me:

Fight harder.

Be tougher. Make sure
every lesson was learned.

If nothing else, I knew I
could fight back and win.

But you're still the same
man. You haven't changed.

I wonder.

Been a week now since
I met with Avril Dawson.

Still no word about
extending those loans.

I have a feeling
they've turned me down.


What if they have? What then?

Then I've lost everything.


When you first
proposed to me, Blake,

I remember your saying that...

That if I were uncomfortable

about the idea of
being married to a man

with a great deal of money,

you'd give it all away.

I meant that.

And do you remember
what else you said?


That even if I did
give it all away,

that I would find some
way to make it all back.

Whether it was the next
year, or the year after,

you could be sure that
I would make it all back.

Because that's the
kind of man you are.

And you're wiser and stronger

than you've ever been.

You're a winner.

And everybody loves a winner.

Especially me.

( tender theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Come in.

Hello, Alexis.

I expected I'd find
you daydreaming

about your future bride.

Just a momentary lapse.

What can I do for you?

Well, I was in the neighborhood

having a boring breakfast
meeting at the club,

and I thought I'd pop in

and see my favorite
son-in-law to be.

Mm-hm. But we're gonna
see you at the party, aren't we?

Oh, absolutely.

But privately, Jeff,

I just wanted to let you know

how thrilled I am
about you and Fallon.

Well, thank you,
Alexis. I appreciate that.

It's so wonderful to have
something to celebrate

with all the bad
news floating around.

Bad news?

Yes. The mess
that poor Blake's in.

So dreadful.

Well, I have a lot
of faith in Blake.

Oh, I know you do.

But just in case things
should go badly for him

and he tries to drag
you down with him,

I want you know that I'll
see that you're all right.

Blake's been in tough
situations before.

We still have room to maneuver.

Heh, Jeff, I
appreciate your loyalty.

But I mean, everybody's
read that World Finance article.

Really? What are they saying?

Everyone's very curious
about the loan extensions

and whether they're going
to come through or not.

Of course, it's all conjecture,
because no one knows the facts.

Or do they?

Well, we'll just have to
wait and see, won't we?


Oh, Jeff, I really
wish you'd stayed

at Colbyco where you belonged.

I-I understand your
reasons for leaving.

But that's all in the past now.

The only thing that's important

is that you and Fallon
don't lose everything

because of Blake's problems.

Alexis, I'm not gonna lose
anything and neither is Blake.

We're going to win.

Now, if you'll excuse
me, I have a date

with my beautiful
once-and-future bride.

As soon as I finish
this paperwork.


(door opens)

(door closes)

( majestic theme playing)

(door opens)

What are you doing here?

I called in from the
field this morning

and I was given this
message from you.

That's right.

From now on, if you
have any business

that has to do with Lex-Dex,

it goes through me.

Look, first of all, Steven,

Alexis and I are
partners, not you.

And secondly,

nobody tells me how
to conduct my business,

least of all, mama's boy.

I'm second-in-command
at Colbyco,

so the fact is you'll deal with
me or you'll deal with nobody,

because we both know
you've been dumped.

Nobody dumps me.

And nothing's over
till I say it's over.

Listen, cowboy.

If you need to prove
your masculinity,

do it on somebody else's time.

Alexis Colby decides who she
deals with and who she doesn't,

so if you have any
complaints, take them to her.

( dramatic theme playing)


(door opens)

I was told you were
waiting for me, Dex.

Had I known earlier, I'd
have stayed away longer.

There was a time you
couldn't stay away at all.

True, but times change.

I hear you received my message.

You heard wrong. I
received Steven's message.

I wanna hear it from you.

Look, Dex, I'm a
very busy woman.

I'm a very busy man.

Together, our
schedules fit just fine.


Past tense.

We don't fit at all.

We fit, Alexis.

Whether it's partners
in business or in bed.

We got something
special between us.

You can fight it all
you want, but it's there.

You can feel it.

I don't feel. I think.

I run my business and
my life the way I see fit

and if you don't like it,
then my offer still holds.

I can buy you out anytime.

Don't you see what
you're throwing away?

We had it all.

You're the most exciting
woman I've ever known.

And whether you
want to admit it or not,

I'm the best man
you've ever had.

Don't waste it.


( romantic theme playing)


you do have a way with lips.


But this is the wrong
time and the wrong place.

In Hong Kong, you
called me a slut.

Here, you dare to assume

that you can seal
my life with a kiss.

Well, nobody owns me, Dex.

My mind and my body
belong to me alone.

If you want ownership,

why don't you go and buy it
on the street where you belong?

Why don't you get out of here?

( majestic theme playing)

(doorbell rings)

Mrs. Carrington.

Uh, please, if you'll just wait,

I'll tell your aunt you're here.

Tell my aunt anything you like.

I'll be in the
nursery with my son.


(humming, chuckling)

Mrs. Carrington.

I thought you were in New York.

I was, but now I'm here,

to see Danny.


Oh, yes, of course.


Put that down.

Come here.


Oh, you feel wonderful.

Remember your mommy? Hmm?

Why, it's Auntie Krystle.
What a nice surprise.

It wouldn't have been
a surprise, Sammy Jo,

if you'd called first.

I was getting
ready to go to work.

And I know how you
would have regretted

not being here to greet me.

Well, I'm here now.

Don't worry, lady. You still
have the run of the house.

I'm not planning
on staying here.

I just came by to visit my baby.

Now, if you'll excuse us.


As a matter of fact,
Mrs. Carrington,

we do have a suite available.

Here it is, at a night.

Last-minute cancellation.

Four hundred.

Look, you've already
registered me in another room.

Why make more work for yourself?

Uh, take Mrs. Carrington's
luggage to .

you. MAN: Thank you.

I heard you were here. Why?

I'm a successful
model now, Steven.

I can afford to do
anything I wanna do

without having to answer for it.

But since you'll
find out anyway,

I flew in from New York

to visit my son for the weekend.

The weekend. Look,
Sammy Jo, you can...

Steven, first off, the
name is Samantha.

Second, little Danny
is gonna visit me

here in this hotel.

We're gonna spend the
entire weekend together,

just the two of us.

Mother and son.

No, change that to
real mother and her son.

So get used to the idea.

And let Claudia
get used to it too.

( dramatic theme playing)

Steven, you can't just
turn Danny over to her.

The reason that we moved
in with Blake and Krystle

was for Danny's safety.

There's no security
like that here.

I know, but I can't keep her
from seeing him, Claudia.

Legally, she has every right
to bring him back here with her.

It was made very
clear in the settlement,

I would have custody of Danny.

And she has unlimited
visiting privileges, I know.

But we never expected this.

She was in New York.
She wanted a career.

She couldn't have
cared less about Danny.

She made it very clear.

The baby will visit
her on her terms.

Maybe we could hire
our own security guards

to watch over him while
he's here at the hotel.

We could.

I've just got this gut feeling

that handing Danny
over to Sammy Jo

under any circumstances
could mean disaster.

( majestic theme playing)

ALEXIS: I've been
trying to find you all day.

When you work for me, I
want you to leave a number

where you can be reached at
all times. Is that understood?

I was working on an
assignment for you, Mrs. Colby.

What assignment?

To prepare an anniversary
story for Colbyco.

Bigger than the one I
did for Denver-Carrington.

Oh, yes. That's right.

But you can leave
that for the time being.

I've got something else for
you and this takes priority.

Sit down.

I did a little checking on
you before I hired you, Tracy.

Well, that doesn't surprise me.

I doubt whether a
woman like Tracy Kendall

is surprised by much
of anything anymore.

The assignment, Mrs. Colby.

You have certain, um...

How shall I say?
- -connections.

A political power broker

by the name of Eric Grayson.

Jeremy Thatcher.

A writer of dubious talent

known for his
character assassinations

and an ad executive
from New York.

What's the point of all this?

Men. Influential men.

Now, I'm not
criticizing you, Tracy.

Men have used
women for centuries,

so why shouldn't
it be our turn now?

Now I want you to use your
charms on one particular man.

A banker called Avril
Dawson. Do you know him?

By reputation only.

Well, the man has some
information that I need

and you're just the
woman to get it from him.

So I want you to
get it, personally.

Is that clear?

Very clear.

I'll get on it first thing
tomorrow morning.

No. You'll get on it tonight.

Consider it overtime.

( dramatic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

One thing about
you, Auntie Krystle,

when you plan your battles,

you do it in the most
civilized surroundings.

I have no desire to
fight you, Sammy Jo.

I understand your
wanting to see Danny.

But I guess my showing
up caught you by surprise.

Well, yes, it did.

But you're here an... And you
have every right to see Danny.

And I want you to know
that you're welcome

to spend the weekend
with us at the house.

Is that an invitation
or a command?

What are you talking about?

The fact is... Is everybody
is scared to death

to let Danny out of their sight.

Well, I'm his mother,
Auntie Krystle.

And if I want to
spend the weekend

with Danny at La
Mirage, I'll do it.

What about him?
What's best for Danny?

What about him?

You may be his mother, Sammy Jo,

but he doesn't
know you very well.

He's used to his
own environment.

And it would be better
for him and for you

to be together in a place
that he's familiar with.

Supervised by you, Blake,
Steven, precious Claudia,

and the entire Carrington staff.

Oh, we'll see.

But whatever I choose to
do, Auntie, will be what I want.

( soft theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Blake, shouldn't
you be getting ready?

I gave Avril Dawson
my private number.

I'm waiting for him to call.


He met with the other
bankers today, didn't he?

Yes, he did, and still no call.

(phone rings)


Sorry to be so long in
getting back to you, Blake.

No apologies necessary, Avril.

Wish I had some good
news for you, I really do.

Then you're turning me down.

Not just me, Blake.
The others as well.

I'm really sorry, but I...

I don't need apologies, I
need an extension on that loan.

AVRIL: There's nothing
more I can do about it, Blake.

That's it.

( dramatic theme playing)

I'm sorry, Blake.

I'm so sorry.

You'll find a way.

You'll fight back
and you'll win.

Not going to be easy,

but I'll do my damnedest.

I know you will.

Well, I might as
well get dressed.

You know, the party is
already set for tonight,

but that doesn't mean

we can't make the
wedding simpler or smaller.

Absolutely not.

My daughter deserves

as beautiful wedding as we had.

And no one

or nothing is going to
take it away from her.

( tender theme playing)

Come on, handsome.

Let's go see Mommy, huh?


(door opens)

Hey. Here's my little cowboy.


Boy, look at that outfit.
He was just on his way

to give his mommy a
good-night kiss before his bath.

Well, why don't you
go draw the water?

We'll be a few
minutes. Okay? Okay.

Come on, let's go
ambush your mother, hm?

(knocking on door)

JEFF: You decent?

Unfortunately, yes.

It'll only take me a minute
to get indecent though.

Be careful now. There
are two of us here.

It's the men in my life.

Each one as cute as the other.

He's a lucky boy.
There aren't many kids

that get to attend
their parents' wedding.

Second wedding, darling.

You want him to
think he's not legal?

Excuse me. His bath is ready.

Here you go, Irene.

Good night, sweetheart.

Here. Would you allow me?

Jeff, uh, this necklace
is so extravagant.

But it's beautiful, I love it.

I'm so lucky. We both are.

Not many people in this world

that get a second chance.

And I'm gonna make you
this promise, Mrs. Colby.

I'm not gonna let anyone

or anything come
between us again.


Real promise?

Very real.

( tender theme playing)

We've got a party to
go to, remember? Ours.

We could have our own
private party right here.

What about the others?

Let them make their own fun.

Steven, no one wants
Sammy Jo to take Danny away.

Even for the weekend.

Of course not, but she's...

So I invited her to
stay here with us

and she accepted.

So the problem is solved.

Krystle, I appreciate
what you've done,

but I know how
you feel about her.

How she treats you.

How she treats
everybody, unfortunately.


Something's bothering
you, isn't it, Krystle?

And it's not Sammy Jo.

Well, it's nothing, really.

(footsteps approaching)

Hi. ALL: Hi.

about time, you two.


You all look so
beautiful. So do you.

I'm gonna see
what's keeping Blake.

Champagne? Thank you.

CLAUDIA: That necklace
is so pretty, isn't it?

A little something from
Mr. Wonderful over here.

(jazz music playing)


Hello. MAN: Hello.

MAN : How do you do?
MAN : Thank you, ladies.

FALLON: Excuse me a minute.
I've got business to take care of.

I'll see you in a minute,
honey. JEFF: Okay.

MAN: Good evening,
Mrs. Colby. Hello.

You look lovely. Thank you.

Well, I see the
Carringtons have arrived.

Where's the -g*n salute?

Some people don't need to
be announced, Samantha.

I checked all over my room.

I couldn't find my invitation
to the party tonight.

Why would I want to invite you?

Well, as a Carrington, I
should be at the top of your list.

As an ex-Carrington, you're
not even on the bottom.

Would you excuse me?

Fallon, I must register a
complaint about your hotel.


On the surface, La Mirage
seems so you, beautiful.

But the inside is a
major disappointment.

Not enough towels
and dust everywhere.

It's obviously second-rate.

Sammy Jo.

As long as you were
Steven's wife, I put up with you.

We all did.

But now you're nothing
more than a paying guest.

So if you don't like
the accommodations,

get the hell out.

Send up a magnum of your
best champagne to my room.

Yes, Mrs. Carrington.

And a grilled ham and cheese.

(majestic theme playing)

I wanna talk, Alexis.
Not now, Mark.

I'm late for the party
and I have to get dressed.

Now, Alexis.


All right. Make it fast.

Well, I decided
I'd leave Denver.


Yes, well, with that $ ,
gift of yours in my pocket,

I can go where I want.

But then I decided that
I belong here with you.

What made you change your mind?

Dex Dexter.

Look, I'm not in the
mood for guessing games.

What about him?

Well, he's through
with you, Alexis,

and you've got nobody else.

Your deep concern
for me is overwhelming.

But I've decided that I don't
need a bodyguard anymore.

So you're free to go.
Tonight, if possible.

You may not need a
bodyguard, but you need a man.

Do I? Yes.

You need me.

You must be suffering
from delusions of adequacy.

You're gonna pay
for my silence, Alexis,

with more than just money.

From now on, we
share everything.

Including your bedroom. No...

I paid you $ , to
keep your mouth shut.

For a tennis bum, that
will buy a lot of balls.

And believe me, you're
going to need them.

Now I want you to pack
your bags and get out of here

and out of Denver by the
time I come back tonight.

Otherwise, I'll have
you carried out.

Ha, ha, ha. Kicking,
screaming, feet first.

You can't get rid of me, Alexis.

Watch me.


( dramatic theme playing)


( ominous theme playing)

I'm sorry I was
late, Mrs. Colby.

There's some accident
around the corner.

I had to take the long way...
I'm late for the party, Reed.

You know, it looked serious.
There's a big crowd, paramedics,

and a fire truck and an
ambulance just pulled up.

Oh, I heard the ambulance.
I'm not deaf, but I am late.

REED: Yes, Mrs. Colby.

Alexis, I'm glad I caught you.

Well, I'm not glad.
And I'm in a hurry.

This won't take long.

I wanna talk to you about money.

You and I have
had all the talking

that we are ever going
to have in this life, Neal.

(jazz music playing)

It is a beautiful
party, isn't it, Blake?

It's more than that.

It's really quite special

to see all my children
together and happy.

It can't be much
better than that.

Well, it was a beautiful party.

Kirby, you've got
what you wanted.

You dragged Mother
to your father's house

and you made her squirm.

You've evened the score.

Isn't it time to
call a truce now?


Tell me, with
someone like Alexis,

how do you ever get even?

( mysterious theme playing)

( soft romantic theme playing)

I wonder what Alexis would
say if she could see us now.


You ever try standing
up in a hurricane?


Of course, she did order me

to go to bed with a man tonight.

I just happen to have
chosen a different man.


Congratulations, Tracy.

You chose the best.


What's the matter?

Do you have any
idea what it does to me

knowing that you've been
to bed with that woman?

Forget Alexis.
Concentrate on us.

But she's part of us and
as long as I work for her,

she's going to stay part of us.

Dex, I don't wanna share you.

You're not.

By staying close to Alexis,

you're helping me.

Both of us.

But we don't need her.

You know how
good I am at my job.

I don't wanna work
for Alexis anymore.

I wanna work for you. I
wanna be with you openly.

I need you at Colbyco. For what?

To spy on her business, her bed?


You are obsessed
with that woman.



When you calm down,
you give me a call.

In the meantime, you're being
paid to watch her every move.

Every move.

Understand? Dex...

You're supposed to be
meeting Avril Dawson tonight.


( dramatic theme playing)

(upbeat jazz music playing)


What a divine party.

Yes, isn't it?

What a surprise to see you here.

I mean, considering
that you're pregnant.

Speaking of pregnant,

Blake was more
than a little surprised

when I told him that you claimed

to have had four children.

Oh, yes. Well,

I meant the, uh, the miscarriage

that I had after
Steven was born.

Blake doesn't
remember a miscarriage.

Blake remembers nothing

unless it has a dollar
sign in front of it.

Surely you must
know that by now.

Are you sure you're not
talking about yourself, Alexis?


(soft ballad playing)

Blake, you have so much
on your mind right now.

They'll understand if we leave.

Well, there's nothing I can do
until tomorrow morning anyway.

I have been trying to get
in touch with Andrew Laird.

I'll use the phone
in Fallon's office.

I'll get my purse.

I had thought of it too.

Excuse me a minute, darling.

Excuse me.

(line ringing)

You can leave the
door open, Alexis.

I'm on my way out.

That's what the rumors say.

All right, what do you want?

Oh, I'm here to give,
Blake, not to take.

Rumor has it

that your request
for a loan extension

is going to be turned down.

That's my business. Exactly.

And I'm here to help
you keep that business.

What would you say, Blake,

if I were to offer you a loan
of $ million, no strings,

and six months to pay it back?

I'd say, let's
hear the rest of it.

Six months, Blake.

And if at the end of that
time you can't pay it back,

then Denver-Carrington
becomes mine.

No merger, just mine.

Alexis, I don't need your money.

I don't need your six months.

And I'll see you in hell

before I see that you get your
hands on Denver-Carrington.

You're down, Blake.

You're gonna have to
sell everything. Everything.

You'll be lucky to get
a penny on the dollar.

Oh, excuse me.

They told me at the desk I
could find Mrs. Colby here.

She's all yours.

We've finished our business.

Who are you?

I'm Sergeant Cooper, Mrs. Colby.

I'm afraid I have
some bad news for you.

Well, what sort of bad news?

Your bodyguard, Mark
Jennings, he's dead.


But I, uh, I was just
with him a little while ago.

He was very much alive.

What happened?

He fell from the terrace of
your penthouse, Mrs. Colby.

Too soon to tell if he
jumped or if he was pushed.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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