04x27 - The Nightmare

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x27 - The Nightmare

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

(pianist playing "I'm
Through With Love")

WOMAN: ♪ Why did you lead me ♪

♪ To think you could care? ♪

♪ You didn't need me ♪

♪ For you had your share ♪

♪ Of slaves around you ♪

♪ To hound you and swear ♪

♪ In deep emotion ♪

♪ Devotion to you ♪

♪ Goodbye to spring ♪

♪ And all it meant to me ♪

♪ It can never bring ♪

♪ The thing that used to be ♪

♪ For I must have you ♪

♪ Or no one ♪

♪ So I'm through with love ♪

Good evening, Mrs.
Colby. Good evening.

Champagne? Yes, please.

♪ I guess I'm through ♪

♪ Through with ♪

♪ Love ♪


Of course.

It's Dominique
Deveraux, isn't it?

And not Lois Lane.

Very good.

You had a somewhat
chic little place

of your own in, uh, Monte Carlo

or was it Mabere?

Could have been Rome.

I've had very chic
little places in all three.

When you came to
my apartment tonight,

why didn't you tell
me who you were?

Maybe my tender ego was bruised

because you didn't recognize me.

May I go now?

What are you doing
here in Denver?

Among other things,

obviously making you
very uncomfortable.


Yes, Mrs. Colby?

How long is Miss Deveraux
registered to stay at La Mirage?


( tense theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

Hello, Steven.

What are you doing
up at this hour?

I just came down to get a book.

Pretty exciting stuff, isn't it,

Jeff and Fallon's
wedding coming up?

Yes, it certainly is.


Maybe that's why
I'm so restless.

All right, son.

What is it? What's the problem?

What's bothering you?

You have enough on your mind.

Whether I've got things
on my mind or not,

I'm still your father.

And fathers do care about
their sons' problems, you know.

Steven, we've gone through
a lot to get our relationship

on solid ground.

Now, is there something
that I can do for you?

( tender theme playing)

It's strange.

I remember how hard I fought you

for the right to hang
on to my own son.

And now,

Sammy Jo wants Danny back.

She what?

She told me tonight.

"He belongs with his real
mother and I want him back."

I can't hand my son
over to a woman like that.

A liar, a cheat, a tramp.

God help me, I can't.

I won't.

( ominous theme playing)

Hi. I'm back.

Yeah. I heard.

The janitor let me in.

He remembered
Mr. Hess' lady friend

from the last time.

I guess you remember
that last time, huh, Morgan?

Oh, I haven't forgotten.

How could I?

Violets. They nearly did
the trick on her, didn't they?

Like I told you when you
came to see me that night

before you left for New York,

there are no guarantees.

I know.

I just thought I'd drop
by and say hello again.

You don't mind, do you?


What happened to
that smile of yours?

What would you do if
I decided to tell them?

And what exactly
would you tell them?

That you came to
me and slept with me.

And while you were at it,

asked me to find a way of
sending Claudia Carrington

back to the sanatorium.

And away from my kid
and my terrific ex-husband?

Is that what you'd tell them?

Isn't that the way it was?

You're damn right.

And if you do tell them,
maybe they'll finally know it.

I'm not the stupid tart
they like to think I am.

I have a brain and feelings.

And I don't like the way they
humiliated me in that courtroom.

So go ahead and
shout it from the rooftops

if you really want to.

Only you'll never see me again.

I was only kidding, Sammy Jo.

It's you I want, Sammy Jo.

You know that.

( romantic theme playing)

You know,

I still dream about you.

You're the most beautiful
thing I've ever known.


( dramatic theme playing)

The hour is intolerably late.

I've had a terrible day
and an even worse evening.

So whatever you
want, make it brief.

This won't take long.

"This" being exactly what?

You walked out on me

the other day in
my father's house

before I could say
everything that I felt.

Then you hung up on me

when I tried to continue
the conversation.

Will you never get over
this obsessive notion

that I was responsible
for your father's death?

Now, I refuse to listen
to you anymore, Kirby.

Will you please leave?
No, I'm not leaving. Not yet.


Well, this is my apartment

and I'm ordering you to leave.

I am not leaving.

You have robbed me of the
most important person in my life,

Joseph Anders.

You drove him to his death

and then you
tried to atone for it

the only way you knew how.


But that is not the way

that you settle such
an unforgivable debt.

A life for a life, Alexis.

Even if it is an ugly life
for such a beautiful one.

Oh, God. Oh, yes.

Pray to him. Pray
hard and quickly.

Oh, Kirby... Kirby,
your mother...

I don't wanna hear about her.

Your mother committed a
crime and she was sent...

I said I don't wanna
hear about her.

Do you want the same
thing to happen to you?


Kirby, be honest with yourself.

If you really had such
bad thoughts about me,

you would have done this
that day at your father's house.

I intended to,

but that man came and
I... I couldn't do it then.

Well, then, do it now, Kirby.

There's nobody else
here, so go ahead.

Pull the trigger.
It's not that difficult.

Go on. Look.

I'm a perfect target.
I'm not moving.

So go ahead.

Pull the trigger
and watch me die.

That's what you want, isn't it?

Isn't it?

( tense theme playing)

Put the g*n down. Put it down.


Aren't you gonna
call the police?

That depends on you.

I won't press charges

if you refuse to marry Adam

and go back to Paris.

You're not going to tell
Adam the real reason for this

and neither will I.

So go back where you came from.

Otherwise, you'll go to
jail and I shall cut Adam off

and he'll lose everything.

What do I care about Adam?

No, you care.

You care because you love him.

And you wouldn't want
this to happen to him.

( somber theme playing)

You bitch.

If I am, take a lesson from me.

You may need it in life.

Now get out of here.

( dramatic theme playing)

( cheerful theme playing)

I've been looking for you.

I know, Auntie Krystle.
I'm always late to breakfast.

You see, I was out jogging...

Did you tell Steven
you want Danny back?

You got it. I want him back.

You can't be serious.

I just heard that line
the other day on TV.

An old movie.

"You can't be serious."

When are you going to grow
up and start acting like a woman?

I am a woman.

Well, what about being a mother?

A mother who really
cares about her son.

I do and you
can't question that.

If you really loved him,

you would do
what's best for him.

Well, I know now
because I have grown up.

And I can tell the difference
between honest talk

and the kind of bull
you're handing me.

The person who's best for
Danny is me, Auntie Krystle.

Not you, not your
Blake Carrington.

And not his gay son, Steven.

It's me.

( somber theme playing)

Now put this in the truck.

Mrs. Gordon.

I wanna take Danny out
for some air. Dress him.


Yes. Come, love.

( delicate theme playing)

(knock at door)


What are you doing?

I'm leaving.

I was, uh, gonna
write you a note.

I'm going back to Paris.

(chuckles): Well, for how long?

A year, ten years. I don't know.


I'm not going to marry you.

I've decided that.

So if you'll please just let
me finish what I'm doing.

Did my mother have
anything to do with this?


For God's sakes, can't
you see? I don't love you.

You do love me.

KIRBY: I never
did. You do love me.

You've told me how much.
You've shown me how much.

I was lying... I
don't believe that.

I won't.

Stop it.

What are you trying
to do? r*pe me again?

Is that all you want from me?

( tense theme playing)

You know,

I tried to be decent with you.

And I guess I should've
realized that any kind of decency

would have been wasted.

Of course, you're going back
to Paris to that Frenchman

who kicked you around
and treated you like dirt.

Because that's what you've been
from the day I met you, Kirby...

is dirt.

(exhales shakily)

Put your jacket on.

Come on. Put your hand in here.

There we go. Put your hand...

I changed my mind about taking
Danny outside, Mrs. Gordon.

(door opens)

Travel agents of
the world, step aside,

because I have found
a really terrific side trip

for our honeymoon.


Where? Tell me where.

Well, how about Africa on
a photographic safari, huh?

That sounds wonderful.

Just you and me
and a pride of lions.

And a leap of leopards. Yeah.

And a whatever of giraffes.

I don't know. How
about a neck of them?

That sounds about right.

It will be wonderful, Jeff.

We're really gonna have
a honeymoon this time.

We're really gonna
make it special, aren't we?

Dinner by candlelight.

And after dinner, dancing.

And if there's a band,
great. If not, I'll hum.


You should be
pretty tired by then.

Not that tired.


So when I take you to
bed, I'll hold you close,

and we'll make love.

More beautiful love
than ever before.

( tender theme playing)

I love you.

I love you, Jeff.

From the bottom of my heart,

I love you.

( romantic theme playing)

( tense theme playing)

I didn't think anyone
would be in here.

I'll go. I mean, you
probably wanna be alone.

No. As a matter
of fact, I don't.

Well, I'm really glad
you're here, Adam.

I mean, for the company.

Do lonely gymnasiums
frighten the pretty, young lady?

No, silly.

It's just that my instructor
back in New York

gave me some exercises
that need a man's help.

For instance, in order
to do one of them,

I need a strong, balancing hand

right here in the
small of my back.

So you mean something like that?

That's right. I'm supposed
to bend back like:

(laughs) Oh, God.

Is that right?

( tender theme playing)



(door opens)

Adam. Would you excuse us?

There's something I'd like
to discuss with Sammy Jo.

Good luck with her.

I just got off the phone with
my lawyer, Chris Deegan.

Your close friend.
I remember him.

He told me he received
a letter this morning,

special delivery from
an attorney you've hired.

You wanna tell me
what this is all about?

Sure. That's easy.

I intend to get Danny back,
with or without your agreement.

So if we have to go back
to court again, we go.

And what happens
when we tell the judge

what kind of woman
you really are?

You're still a load
of laughs, Steven.

Tell me about a
judge, any judge,

who won't give a baby
to its natural mother.

Unless she's proved
to be totally unfit,

which I'm not.

( tense theme playing)

Look. I've decided I don't
want a career anymore.

I don't wanna be a model
in New York or anywhere.

What I do want is to be
a real mother to my son.

And I intend to have
him raised by a real man.


Why not?

I'll tell you why not.

That brother of mine
becomes father to my son

over my dead body.

Or yours.

( dramatic theme playing)

MARCIA: Mr. Carrington,

Mr. Maxwell's partner
is here to see you.

His partner? Who is that?

What the devil are
you doing here?

I'm Rolan Maxwell's partner.

Call it another one of my
many joint ventures, Blake.

This one happens to be my
interest in your football team.

What happened to Maxwell?

He told me that he was
gonna handle this personally.

Well, he's a very busy man.

He's got a lot to do back East,

so he phoned me
early this morning

and asked me to
take care of this.

It's a great team, Blake.

But I don't have to
tell you that, do I?

Your roster has improved,

you've got a fine record,
attended zooming, just great.

So much for greatness,

now let's get down
to pragmatics.

I assume you've checked it out.
You know what the team is worth.

Oh, yes. Yes, I have.

Our check, certified.

( tense theme playing)

What the hell kind
of a joke is this?

Joke? Most people I know

wouldn't laugh at
that kind of money.

That reads $ million.

Which means
cents on the dollar.

Now, of this ten, my
ownership position

entitles me to . million.

Now, that team is
worth million at least,

and you know it.

That's our offer.
Take it or leave it.

(door opens, closes)

( cheerful theme playing)

Steven, why didn't you tell
me what Sammy Jo wants?

I was gonna tell you
about it later, okay, Claudia?

When you had that
meeting with Chris Deegan,

he advised you to try and make

a personal agreement
with Sammy Jo

for joint custody of Danny.

Well, I'm taking this to court.

You can't make an
agreement with a cobra.

Steven, listen to me

and consider what losing
the fight could mean.

You don't understand,
Claudia. I'm not gonna lose.

You just may.

And if Sammy Jo wins,

she could pack Danny up and
she could take him anywhere.

She could make sure you
never see your son again.

Steven, sharing Danny is better

than losing the fight.

And you just may.

( tense theme playing)


All right.

All right, Dawson.

You people are
gonna regret this.


The banks, they foreclosed.

I've lost the company.

Oh, darling.

Twenty-five years of my life
and they're trying to tell me

it was all for nothing.

Blake, banks can
foreclose on a company,

but they can't on a man.

Not on you.

You have a genius for knowing

where oil is and...
And how to get it out.

You'll start another company.


No, I won't. I won't have to.

Those banks are gonna find out

that they've got more
than they can handle.

is Blake Carrington.

And they will come begging to me

to run that company again.

I know they will.

And I'll make them
get down on their knees

when they come begging.


Why don't you go to your
office and get your things

and I'll come by
and pick you up?

Then we'll go home.

There's nothing more
for us to do here tonight.

( tender theme playing)

(door closes)

(intercom buzzes)

Yes, Marcia?

MARCIA: Mr. Carrington,
there's a woman

who says she wants to
see you. A Miss Deveraux.

I don't know a Miss Deveraux.

She said you didn't
but that you both stayed

at the Villa Marini
outside of Rome.

(door opens)

I'm sorry, Mr. Carrington,
but she just...

It's all right, Marcia.

Hello, Mr. Carrington.

Miss Deveraux.


And you are Blake, of course.

The Villa Marini.

Does that hold any
special memory for you?

Yes. I was there
on a business trip.

May I ask what you want,
what you're doing here?

You met there once
with Rashid Ahmed.

Rashid was a steady customer
in my nightclub in Rome.

Why am I here?

To satisfy my
curiosity, I suppose.

How could a man as
tough and as brilliant

as you're supposed to be

have been taken in by
Rashid in Hong Kong?

(chuckles): I see.

Well, I hate to deprive you

of what you're obviously
here for, a story,

but I've had a very long day

and my daughter is
getting married tomorrow.

So if you don't mind,

I don't intend to stay here
and fence with a stranger.

(speaks French)

I mean, it is to laugh.

Everyone in Denver
mistaking me for a reporter.

Well, I am not a reporter.

And once your
daughter is married,

you just may want to look me up

and continue this conversation.

I doubt that I will.

You should.

We are two people who
should know one another, Blake.

Miss Deveraux,

I still don't know who
you are or what you want,

and I... I don't really care.

I have to go and
I'll tell my secretary

that you're leaving.

( mysterious theme playing)

Won't it just knock
their socks off

when they find out
I'm a Carrington?

Miss Deveraux,
may I show you out?

You may,

for now.

( majestic theme playing)

Harold, has Benny
brought my car around yet?

HAROLD: Uh, yes, Mrs. Colby,

but Mr. Dexter's on
his way up to see you.

Harold, how many
times have I told you

not to send anybody up

unless you've
announced them first?

Hello, Alexis.

It's my daughter's
wedding day, Dex,

and I'm late for an appointment.

So goodbye. Look.

The last time we saw each
other, you made it very clear

that not only were
we finished as lovers,

but we weren't even friends.

I obviously made it clear since
you remembered every word.

And I bought what you said.

I took off for Wyoming. I
was angry, damned angry.

I just wanted to go home to
what I knew and loved as a kid.


Little Wyoming cowgirls?

Basics. Fresh,
clean air, hard riding.

All the things that are
supposed to clear a mind,

but it didn't work for me.

When I got back here,
Tracy Kendall told me

that you knew all
about our affair.

And it hit me suddenly.

I'd set up a double
standard, Alexis.

We both had our affairs,

and I had no right to expect you

to act any
differently than I did.

Well, that's extremely
modern of you

and very gallant.

I mean it. I asked
too much of you.

You're a lot of a woman, Alexis,

and you're what I want.

So I'll have you on your terms.

( romantic theme playing)

I need you...

so very much.



I really do have to
go, but I'll tell you what.

How would you
like to be my escort

at the wedding tonight?

Pick me up at ?

Six on the dot.

Black tie, of course.

What else?

( majestic theme playing)

VIRGINIA: Bennett, Mrs. Colby
has only another half hour to go,

so please have
her car out front.

Thank you.

Hello, Mrs.
Carrington. Virginia.

Uh, Diette's ready
for you, Booth .

Thank you. Mm-hm.

WOMAN: It all so
exciting, Mrs. Colby,

about your daughter
getting married this afternoon.

And I'm sure her wedding
will be just as beautiful

as Mr. And Mrs.
Carrington's was.

I wouldn't know, I wasn't there.

And I read in the
columns the other day

that Mrs. Carrington
is pregnant.

And Mr. Carrington was so happy,

he gave her fabulous gifts.

It's all so, well, Carrington.

The name may be
Carrington, my dear,

but the game?

My hunch is that you
give a man of a certain age

the news that he's
going to become a father,

and he asks no
questions about how

or by whom.

(both chuckle)

WOMAN: Perfection.

One little thing and
you can be on your way.

I'll be right back.

I'll be right back.

So you like to
sling mud, Alexis?



How dare you?

( pleasant theme playing)

(thunder crashes)

(knock on door)

Come in.

Need I remind
you, sister o' mine,

that today is not
just any old day?

Men called florists

are descending
upon us like locusts.

Mrs. Gunnerson has delusions
of being General Patton,

commanding the
kitchen to outdo itself.

And where's the bride?

I'm resting. I'm allowed.

Today's your day,
kid. You are allowed.

My gift should be arriving soon

and I don't wanna
spoil the surprise,

but it's a bean bag.

You always did want
your very own bean bag.

Oh, yes. Ever since
I gave you yours

on your th birthday.

You said, "Thanks a
lot," and you punched me.

A very small punch.

Not so small it didn't hurt.

Where are you
hurting now, Fallon?


If I look down it's because
it shouldn't be raining

on my wedding day.

This is Steven.

I can read your
eyes, I always could.


When you're in
pain, I'm in pain.

Where do you hurt?

My head.

What's wrong?

I don't know.

Ever since the accident,

I get these really bad
headaches sometimes.

How often?

Not too often.

Are you having one now?


Look, don't tell
anybody about it, okay?

Because it'll pass.

Now, I just have the
jitters about the wedding

so promise me you won't
say anything to anybody.

It'll go. Promise?

I promise, sis.

( tender theme playing)

( cheerful theme playing)

(thunder crashes)

Oh, Mrs. Carrington,
what do you think?

I think it's beautiful, Gerard.

More caviar, Emily.

How is everything,
Mrs. Gunnerson?

Just fine, Mrs.
Carrington. Good.

Now, if we bring
this tendril down,

I think it will soften
the angle of your cheek.

It turned out beautifully.
(all chattering)

And this veil... And
the buttons, I know.

Do you love lace?

Was this your own design?

I really think
it's just beautiful.

You look so elegant.

Oh, Fallon, you look beautiful.

Oh, thank you.

Well, your matron of
honor has to get dressed,

but I wanted to stop
by and give you this.

Oh, could it be the same
shiny penny I gave you

when you married
Daddy? Married Blake?

(both laugh)


( tender theme playing)

Now, if you could just
hold still a moment longer,

I could brush through
one more time.

You're still a little...
You know, I think...

(all chattering indistinctly)

( tense theme playing)

Stop it!

I'm sorry.

I just need to be by
myself for a while.


I'll finish the rest myself.

( somber theme playing)

(door closes)

( uneasy theme playing)

( menacing theme playing)

(all chattering)

The baby's here.

I hope you don't mind
my being here, Blake.

I was invited by the
mother of the bride.

Well, you can stay for
the wedding, Dexter.

But the minute it's over,

I want you the hell
out of this house.

(orchestra playing
"Wedding March")

(crowd murmuring)

I'll see what's keeping her.

(knock on door)


( tense theme playing)

What's happened?

I don't know.

(car honk honking)



Fallon! I'll get her.

( dramatic theme playing)


Look, don't worry.
It's gonna be all right.

Mrs. Colby.

Sergeant Cooper. What is it?

Is this something to
do with my daughter?

I don't know anything
about her. I came to see you.

(sighs) Can we talk alone?

No, I'm sorry. I
can't talk right now.

I'm sorry to intrude
on a time like this,

but I insist that
we talk right now.

It's about Mark Jennings.

What about him?

Something that I'm sure you're
gonna wanna discuss privately.

I'm coming with Mrs. Colby.

How many times
do I have to tell you

that I am tired of
being questioned

about this unfortunate
man's su1c1de?

I am warning you
that... Mrs. Colby.

We have learned that
before Mr. Jennings died,

he opened a bank account.

And deposited a
check for $ , .

Sergeant, I knew
Jennings pretty well.

The man was capable
of being mixed up

in all kinds of shady deals

Mrs. Colby would
have no knowledge of.

It took me some time
to trace it, but it turns out

that the deposit consisted
of a personal check

made out to the deceased
and signed by you.

Now, the department
has a theory.

That no man takes his own life

with that kind of
money in the bank.

That maybe, in
fact, very probably,

he was blackmailing you.

Wanted more, you both
struggled on the terrace

and you pushed him over.

That's not true.

You people are crazy.
Jennings was twice her size.

And very drunk.

The autopsy showed us that.

Also, we have some witnesses

with some
interesting information.

Mrs. Colby, I'm
placing you under arrest

for the m*rder of one
Mark Howard Jennings.

Why, that's
absolutely ridiculous.

Dex, Dex, you've
got to do something.

I'll phone Gerald Wilson.

Cuff the lady. Cuff
me? How dare you?

You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up the
right to remain silent,

anything you say
can and will be held

against you in a court of law.

You have the right to
speak with an attorney

and have the attorney
present for your questioning.

If you so desire
and can't afford one,

an attorney will be...

( dramatic theme playing)

(tires screeching)

( tense theme playing)

(tires screeching)


INMATE : Hey, Mert.
Look what's headed our way.

(inmates cheering, hooting)

did you do, honey?

Put her in here with me.


This is all a mistake. This
is all a terrible mistake.

Sure, it's always
a mistake, honey.

Now, you just make
yourself comfortable

till the judge sets your bail.

Don't you dare walk away
and leave me here, damn it.

Let me out of here.

Let me out of here!

( menacing theme playing)

(horn honking)


( majestic theme playing)
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