05x01 - Disappearance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x01 - Disappearance

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, fellas, let's move out.

Come on.

Oh, dear God.

Let her be all right, please.

Excuse me.


Hey, take it easy.

Who's the woman
that was driving that car?

l don't know. This is the guy
who was driving the truck.


- Whoa, now.
- The woman, where is she?

That's what we'd like to know.
This is a hit-and-run.

How did you know it was a woman?
Who are you?

My name is Colby. She's my ex-wife.

The truck driver,
he knows, doesn't he?

He swerved to avoid hitting this car.
He hit his head, he was unconscious.

By the time he came to,
there was no trace of her.

l'll tell you, it's a miracle
she walked away from that.

- l gotta ask you questions.
- After l find her.

Wait a minute, fella, whoa.

Now, you're not get anmhere on
your own, you're just much too upset.

Just get in the squad car
and we'll find her, okay?

Let's go.

All right.

l iust saw the last of the guests out.

l should have gone with Jeff.

This waiting.
This interminable waiting.

He'll be back soon.

Jeff will find her.

She must have been frightened
by something tonight.

Fallon was never really frightened
by anything.

l remember her first day at school
when she was years old.

l drove her there,
Ieft her at the classroom door.

And she-- She iust
kissed me goodbye, waved once.

That quick, happy wave of hers
and then she disappeared inside.

She was excited,
Iooking fomard to a new experience,

and totally without fear.

And l...

l was the one
who was close to tears.


Why don't they come back?

Hello, Steven.

You can go now, De_er.

- l'm dismissed, that it?
- l can handle things for my mother.

- We don't need you tonight.
- The good and caring son.

Except there's nothing left
to be handled.

My lamer's getting
the bail hearing started and your--

Your lamer? Who the hell
authorised you to call in a lamer?

Look, nobody has to authorise me
to do anything.

l phoned him on my own.

You know,
l thought you were a better man

than to let some petty iealousy
come before your mother's welfare.

The assistant DA has blood in his
eyes. The night court is adjourned,

the iudge was about to leave for
a couple days when he got the call.

Not exactly your happiest twosome.

Liam Farley, Steven Carrington.

How's my mother taking this?

Take your hands off me.

Your Honour, l am not going back to
that cell with those wretched women.

l can't go back there.

You won't have to, Mrs. Colby.
At least not for long.

lf we can settle your bail.

Then what are you waiting for?

Steven, Dex,
you can't believe what it's like there.

- The foul language. l'm not going back.
- It'll be all right.

Mr. Farley,
please have your client sit down.

Mrs. Colby, please.

Let's get on with this.

Mr. Dalton, please,
for the prosecution.

And briefly, please.

Mrs. Colby has been accused
of a capital crime.

The premeditated m*rder
of one Mark Jennings.

An alleged m*rder
without an eyewitness.

An accusation that is a total travesty,
Your Honour.

Now, her defence will prove
that Mrs. Colby is innocent,

and Mrs. Colby has evey intention
of remaining in Denver

to face the charge
and to see her name cleared.

l've reviewed the basics of this case,
sketchy as they are for the moment.

True, there were no witnesses.

But the police have sufficiently
good reason for arresting the suspect.

l therefore set bail at $ million.

All rise.

But it's the middle of the night.

Oh, God.
How quickly can you get the money?

How long do l have to stay locked up
in this hideous place?

l cannot go up there again.

lt's only an hour, maybe less.

l promise you, Alexis,
l'll have the money by then.

l promise you that.

What's happening to us, Steven?

To me, to Fallon?

Oh, God, Steven.

l don't know.

l really don't know.

My Danny.

lsn't he the handsomest
little boy ever?

Why did l give him up, Adam?

Maybe because you thought
you were doing the best thing for him?

l did at the time. l honestly did.

l iust never realised
how painful it was gonna be.

And now, l do want my son back.

So much to be with him
and make a home for him.

- Well, then do it.
- What?

Talk to Steven,
forget about the past and compromise.

Find a way
to share custody of Danny.

lt will never happen.
Steven hates me.

l'm sory, Samantha, l've got to go.

l should be with my father.

Adam, Auntie Kystle's with him.

Why don't you leave him alone
for a while?

What do you think of me, Adam?

Oh, l think you're a beautiful girl.

And l think
you're incredibly attractive.

Do you care about me at all?

Find yourself thinking about me a lot,
the way l think about you?

Day and night,

lying in bed?

The two of us together.

Just the two of us, alone.

Oh, l think about you, Samantha.
Yes, l do.

But now is not the time
to talk about us.

And there's Steven.

What about Steven?

l've already had enough trouble
with my brother.

l don't want to make matters worse.

He wouldn't have to know anything.

This is such a big house.

Lots of private places.

Nice ones.

Oh, Samantha,
l think the wine is getting to you.

And l really should see
if there's any news about Fallon.

Steven, darling,
would you call the house?

Find out if there's any word
about Fallon.


- Can l pour you a brandy?
- Yes, please.

STEVEN: Gerard, may l speak
with Mrs. Carrington, please?

Kystle, it's Steven.
Are they back yet?




You don't have to say it.

Jeff still hasn't found her, has he?

No, he hasn't.

Why don't you go home, darling?

There's nothing
that you can do here.

And the minute that you hear anything,
call me. l'll be waiting.

All right. Good night.

Good night.

Here we are.

l don't really want it.

Oh, Dex, l'm so tired and exhausted.

l feel drained.

For the first time in my life,
all the fight's gone out of me.

Oh, Dex.

Hold me.

l need you tonight.

l need you.


Where's Fallon?

She's missing.

Missing? What does that mean?

We found her car and...

There was an accident.

Except there was no trace of her.

She must be hurt.
Did you check the hospitals?

Yes, we checked the hospitals.


Didn't you hear me?
There's no trace of her.

Then why didn't you go out
and look for her and ty to find her?

What do you think l've been doing
for the past five hours?

The police and l have looked for her.
We've talked to eveyone.

They put an all-points bulletin out
in Greeley, Boulder, Colorado Springs.

- There's no trace of her.
- Then you haven't done enough.

- My daughter is gone and you--
- l want her back as much as you do.

l love her as much as you do.

Something happened to Fallon?

You wouldn't be here if something
terrible hadn't happened to her.

We don't know anything yet.

Jeff was out half the night
Iooking for her.

He's out now.

Well, what about the police?

Can't they do anything about this?
First they arrest me, wrongly.

And then they can't even find
our daughter.

They're doing as much as they can.

They have a special force
working around the clock.


whatever has happened between us
in the past is not important now.

What is important is our child.

Now, l have been
wracking my brain all night

tying to figure out
where Fallon might have gone.

Do you have any idea
where she might be?


Do you really think
l'd keep that information from you?

l had to ask you.

l do know that she told Steven

that she was having
excruciating headaches.

We really should have paid more
attention to her, Blake, as her parents.

As two people who love her
and who care for her.

We do love our children.

l'll let you know if l hear anything.


l've never seen you so defeated.

''And so then the Royal Mouse went
to the castle to see the Good King.''

- Daddy.
- Hmm?

Where's Mommy?


Mommy had to go away
for a little while.

But she'll be back
as soon as she can.

Come on. Come on.

Oh. Uh-oh. Oh. Bear hug.

- Uh-oh.
- Ugh.

Bear hug.

lt's time to take Little Blake
for a walk.


- Ha, ha.
- Grandpa.



There are times when l look
in those big eyes of yours

and do you know who l see
when she was your age?




- All right, Martha, he's all yours.
MARTHA: Come on.

- He's gotten big, hasn't he?
- Yes, and hea_ too.

l had to see him.

l needed to see him.

Just as l need to see Fallon again,

So did l.

Thank God he's too young
to realise what's happening.

You heard anything from the police?

No, there's no word yet.
There's still looking door-to-door.

l asked them
to make an announcement

that l'm putting up $ ,OOO reward
for any information that might help.

Let me put up part of the money.

No, Blake. l know what the company's
going through right now.

Leave finding Fallon to me.

l'll bring her home. l swear l will.

ADAM: l understand you've doubled
Jeffs reward.


l hope it'll do some good.

Fallon is my child
just as you are, Adam.

l thought that you might have come
on your own

to comfort me when l needed it.

Since you didn't, l decided to swallow
my pride and ask you here.

l meant to get in touch.

Tell me something, Adam.

And l want the truth.

Do you believe l'm guilty
of murdering Mark Jennings?

- No, l don't.
- You hesitated before answering.

But then a good lamer
always hesitates

before answering, don't they?

Speaking of good lamers,

l've hired the best criminal attorney
in the county to defend me.

Warren Ballard.

l vey much
want you to work with him.

To be on the defence team.


l knew you'd be surprised.

Well, yes, l am.

We may be mother and son,

but we haven't
exactly been friends recently.

That's true,
but that's all in the past, Adam.

What's important are the
operative words that you just used.

''Mother, son.''

The son l welcomed
when nobody else would.

The son l loved
when eveyone doubted his birthright.

The son who not only has my blood,
but my brains.

You trust me enough
to put your fate in my hands?


l trust you.

And l love you.

Then l'll do my vey best
to defend you, Mother.

But you're going to have to tell me

about your relationship
with Mark Jennings.

You're going to have to be
absolutely honest.

Adam, when have l ever been
anything but honest?

- Blake?
- Yes?

- Where are you going?
- Oh, just going for a drive.

Well, l'll come with you.

Well, l'm all right, you know,
you don't have to come with me.

But l want to.

All right.

l'll get my iacket.

The first field to come in.

How did you know that?

Oh, one of your scrapbooks.

l remember the snapshot.

You standing over there,
grinning away.

Holding up a handwritten sign,
''Carrington .''

Yes, that was the beginning
of Denver-Carrington years ago.

Now it's gone. Eveything, gone.

No, Blake.

The money's gone,

but you still have something
worth a lot more.

Your family.


Another child, our child, on the way.

And Fallon.

Do l still have her?

She's going to come back, Blake.

You know her.

You know nothing on this earth
will keep her from her son.

Or Jeff or you.

Just like nothing would ever
keep me away from you.

ls that because you love me?

Yes. Because l love you vey much.

Or is it because
you're the kind of person you are?

The kind of person who would
stay with me no matter what.

Maybe even iust out of pity.


What are you talking about?

Didn't you hear me? l love you.

That's the only reason l'm with you.

When are you going to
understand that?

Oh, Kystle.

l don't know what l'm going to do.

For the first time in my life, l--

l don't know what l'm gonna do.


Ever mine

You want me sleepless

You loving me


Who is it?

Oh, Brady.

God, Brady.

ln the flesh.

And one gorgeous husband to see.

You don't look so bad yourself.
And you certainly feel good.

Come in, come in.

Brady, what are you doing here?

Funny, l came to ask you
the same question.

What will you have to drink?

Oh, whatever you have.

You were supposed to meet me in L.A.
three days ago.

Well, l phoned.

l told you that l love it here.
It's beautiful here.

lt's a great place to rest.

To rest?
With all this construction going on?

This hotel must be one hell
of a noise palace during the day.

Now what are you up to,

Oh, what am l up to.

What am l up to?

Still admiring you.

Your panache and your charm
and your just-about-eveything.

ln case you forgot,
my name is Brady Lloyd.

And l've been married to you, Mrs.
Lloyd, too long not to know when--

When l am up to something.
All right, l confess.

l am here to do a little business.

Without consulting me?

l said a little business, Brady.
l'm not in New York tying to buy

the Trump Tower
or the George Washington Bridge.

Whatever the business.
Since when do you go it alone?

Remember me, baby? l'm the guy
that took a few talented, unknown kids

and parlayed them into
a billion-dollar recording business.

ln a lot of circles,
my advice is considered vey valuable.

Oh, Brady.

You're beginning to sound like
your own press releases.

You do have that habit, you know.

Part of my panache and charm,
not to mention, ego.


what kind of business?


Right here in Denver.

Maybe even buying this hotel.

What about that place in Tahoe
you were so interested in?

Oh, well, l'm no longer interested.
And that's a woman's prerogative.

That's sexist talk.

From a lady that you still find sey,
l hope.

Kind of, yeah.


and fun and all that good, good stuff.


Brady, maybe in the morning,

you should talk to
whoever's in charge here--

At the moment
l think it's Claudia Carrington.

--and arrange...

Arrange for me to pe_orm here.

- You can't be serious.
- l'm-- You think l'm crazy.


- l know you're crazy.
- But l--

l find this place restful. l need a rest.

And l have to start singing again.

Now, can you tell me a better place
than Denver

for me to get to know
the American audience?

l mean,
just a short engagement, Brady.

l don't ask for much, really.
l really don't.

Brady, l don't ask for much.

You usually ask for the world.

Well, now l'm iust asking
for a vey handsome part of the world.

Just you.

l haven't seen you
for two whole weeks.

And that's too long.

You know what l'd like more
than anything in the world, Adam?

What's that?

ls for you to play hooky
from the office this afternoon.

Take me and Danny on a picnic.

Sory, Samantha, l'd love to,

but l have an amul lot of work
to do today.

Sammy Jo, l wanna talk to you.

We'll have to wait till later.
Mrs. Gordon is expecting me.

We're taking Danny out.

maybe this is none of my business,

but don't you think it'd be
better for your son

if you and his mother
could find a way of getting along?

l don't think it is any of your business,

Although his mother
seems to be now--

No, oh, no, you've got that all wrong.

l have no designs on the lady

and l have evey intention
of keeping out of that situation.

There's enough
going on in this family right now.


your friendship is vey important to me,
especially now.

Let's be friends as well as brothers,

Fair enough.

l heard from Mother

that you'll be working with
Warren Ballard on her defence.

That's good.

Except that even
with a genius like Ballard,

it isn't gonna be easy
getting information out of her.

Each time that l feel
l'm about to make some progress,

either she gets upset or her friend
steps in with his alternatives

and his advisements.

- De_er.
- De_er.

l guess he feels that
since he put up the bail money,

he's entitled to play ersatz attorney.

Well, not for long.

l'm gonna be going over the books
at Colbyco today

to ty to figure out which account
l can pull from to pay him back.


Oh, yes, Mr. Carrington?

l wanna speak to my father
before l leave.

Do you know when he'll be down?

No, sir.
In fact, l think he's still asleep.

He paced up and down the halls
all last night

and finally went back to the
master bedroom at dawn or nearly.

Thank you.

lt's the loss of his empire.

l guess watching
over a billion dollars disappear

is enough to wipe out anyone.

Even him.

lf it were only that,
he could deal with it,

somehow eventually.

lt's Fallon.

That's what's really k*lling him.

l thought you might want
some coffee.

Thank you.


- l was iust about to get dressed.
- Would you like me

- to have your breaMast sent up?
- No, no. l'm really not vey hungy.

Blake, there are a few things
l'd like to go over with you.

First, the lamers have been calling.

They want to know
what you intend to do

about liquidating
some personal assets.

And Claudia called too from La Mirage
about cancelling some further work.

And the press wants a statement
about Fallon.

- There's some problems--
- Damn it.

Why are you doing this to me?

Why are you bothering me
with this now?

Because you have
to pull yourself together,

and stop shutting out the world.

Start dealing with things
as they happen to be.

Tell the lamers that l'll be back
to them in a day or two

with a plan of action.

Tell Claudia to go ahead
at La Mirage

any way she thinks is best.

As for the press...

Well, you are the director
of Public Relations.

You tell them
whatever you think is right.

Lillian, please bring in
a set of books marked CSO- .



Steven, l was wondering if you'd like
to get away from eveything.

Take in a movie tonight,
have dinner somewhere quiet.

Just the two of us?

l wish l could, sweetheart, but l've
come across a problem in the books

and l'd better stay here
till l straighten it out.

- What sort of problem?
- l'm not sure yet.

And l'm not sure
how long it's going to take.

- Okay.
- Bye-bye.


Here are the books you asked for,
Mr. Carrington.

And, Lillian, please hold all calls

unless it's something about my sister.
Anything about her.

- Yes, sir.
- Thanks.

lt's something about Fallon, isn't it?

No, there's still no word.

Then what's the emergency
that's so important

that it couldn't wait until morning
for you to tell me?

Ty $ million.

Meaning what?

Meaning that l spent the day and night
going through Colbyco's sacred books

and l found a not-so-sacred
bookkeeping error.

And the more l investigated,
the more l realised it was no error.

Well, we'll iust have to fire somebody
in Bookkeeping, won't we?

Will we?

You tell me.

l don't like your tone of voice,

l'm your mother,
not one of your stenographers.

My mother, who found a way
to withdraw $ million in cash

and took that cash to Hong Kong.

What are you talking about?

l phoned the bank.

They confirmed that you withdrew
$ million

on the day you left for Hong Kong.

Did you use it to buy
those few bolts of silk there, mother?

Or to pay off Rashid Ahmed?

To bribe him in order to sabotage
Blake's oil deal?

l resent your iumping
to those outrageous conclusions.

Well, l'm iumping, Mother.

l'll even iump to the conclusion
that you k*lled Mark Jennings

to stop him from talking
because he knew about this.

My God, do you realise
what you've just said?

l realise it, yes.

Well, then,
you better retract that right now.

l can't.

Steven, l assure you
that l had absolutely nothing to do

with Mark Jennings' death.

As for Rashid Ahmed
and that money,

do l have to remind you,
of all people,

that it was Colbyco who started
the search for oil in that area?

And your father, knowing this,

ruthlessly squeezed me out
of our part of the negotiations.

So l acted the only way l could.
The only way that l could.

l did exactly what he would have done
had the tables been turned.

Don't ty to excuse yourself to me.

There is nothing about you
that l can believe in anymore.


Steven, l can't believe
you're talking to me like this.

This information.

What do you intend to do with it?

Tell my father.

Tell Blake?

Why? What's the point?

Telling him isn't going to get him
back his money or Denver-Carrington.


Don't tell your father.

l don't know
how you can sleep at night.

But if l ever want to again,
l have no choice.

Kystle, where's Dad?

Oh, he's out riding.

You look tired.

You look as if
you've been up all night.

l was.

l saw Alexis
and drove around for hours.


Whatever it is
you wanna see your father about,

ty to remember he's had a lot
to handle these past few days.

All l know is l have to talk to him.

Sammy Jo, you are wrong.
You are just so wrong.

l am not. And even if l were,
l'm Danny's mother, not you.

And if l say it's safe for him
to play with this toy, then it is.

And l want this nervous Nellie
of a nanny

to give him the truck back now.

But it isn't suitable for him,
Mrs. Carrington.

- These sharp edges are vey--
- Mrs. Gordon, give that to me, please.

- Could you take Danny out, please?
- Yes.

Come, sweet love. There we go.

There we go.

l'm gonna say this straight,
Sammy Jo.

My gay ex-husband
saying it straight?

That must be kind of hard, Steven.
A real chore for you.

l want you out within the hour.
l've had enough of you.

We've all had enough of you.

And what would you say
if l told you the first thing l'd do

would be to sue
for custody of Danny?

Then l'll see you in court.

Now get the hell out of here.

Steven, go after her.

Ty to make peace with her,
for Danny's sake.

- Because she can be dangerous.
- Yes, she can be vey dangerous.

Look, Claudia,
she's been making our lives miserable

and l want it to stop.

She wants to sue, great.
l'll tear her apart in court.

And l'll keep custody of my son.

lf l know anything in life, l know that.


You mean, ''Good morning.''

l mean, ''Hey,
the lady who married the rich man.''

Or once-rich man,
but who still runs this house.

Steven iust told me l have to leave.

l think you should tell him
l'm staying.

You know something, Sammy Jo?

lf it had been up to me,
you would have out of here weeks ago.

l'm as sick of you as Steven
and Claudia and eveyone else.

Aunt Kystle, listen.


l know l'm not pe_ect.

l'm really afraid.

l mean,
my modelling contract fell through.

What am l gonna do?
Where do l go?

l don't know. That's your problem.

But l don't think
it'll be much of one.

You have a way of coping
with situations.

l'm sure you'll find a way
to handle this one.

This isn't what l had in mind.
Let me show you the original plans.


See-- Come in.

- Mrs. Carrington?
- Hi. Look, l'll talk to you later.

- Come in.
- l'm not too early, am l?

No, not at all.

- How are you enioying your stay here?
- Hi.

Okay, okay. And my wife likes it too.

ln fact, that's what l've come
to talk to you about.

Dominique seems to! like La Mirage.

She wants to stay on for a while.

She thinks this might be iust
the right place to break in her new act.

So the question is,
will you put her to work?

You know, for a week, ten days?

Well, l heard her sing the other night.
l'd love to, Mr. Lloyd.

Call me Brady, please.

Brady, l'll have to check
with Mr. Carrington first,

but l don't think
there will be any objection.

- Please, sit down.
- Oh, thank you.

Good, Claudia.

lt is okay if l call you that?

''Mrs. Carrington'' would not respond.


A name that coniures up
an image of a more romantic time.


You know, it's almost as much fun
doing business with you

as it is listening to you.

l'll let you in on something, Claudia.

My mama used to say l had a way
with words when l was a little boy.

And her dream
was for me to grow up

and write poems
for a greeting card company.

Was she disappointed when you
turned out to be a mere music tycoon?

Well, when l didn't win a prize
for an oatmeal-jingle contest,

l guess she kind of resigned herself
to my doing just about anything.

About the entertainment,
l'll let you know as soon as possible.

- Well, thank you vey much.
- Sure.

- It's nice talking to you.
- Yeah.

l see.

Would you like me to talk to Steven?

No, Adam. It wouldn't do any good.

Besides, it's really time for me
to get back to New York, and to work.

- So l'd like to ask you for a favour.
- Sure, what is it?

Would you drive me
to the airport today?

And would you convince Mrs. Gordon
to let us take Danny?

l wanna be with him
till the last possible minute.

l don't mean to bring up sad memories,
but you were a father.

Even for only a few minutes
of that poor baby's life.

You can understand how l feel,
can't you?


l love this place.

l love it vey much.

l wonder how long l can keep it.

As long as you want, Dad,

if you'll iust pull yourself
out of this mood you're in.

l know how upset you are
about losing Denver-Carrington

and about Fallon.

And l respect your right to grieve,

but not to iust let your whole life
slip away without a fight.

Dad, Alexis betrayed you.

ln Hong Kong, the oil deal.


Yes? Go on.

She paid Rashid Ahmed $ million
to get those people to abandon you.

To ruin the deal for you.

You got proof of that?


Absolute proof?


l guess l always knew
that she was the one behind it.

l iust didn't want to believe it.
Not even of her.

What are you going to do?

l'm gonna teach her a lesson.

A lesson
that she's never going to forget.

l'll pay her back. l'll buy her.

Just the way she's tried to buy me.

Thank you, son.

l know what it cost you
to tell me this.

Now l've got to get going on things.

l've got to raise enough money
to get back into business.

We'll take a mortgage
on this house, all right?

- Yes.
- l'm gonna set up a meeting with Jeff

and whoever's in charge
of investigating Fallon's disappearance

and we'll get going on that
a lot faster than we have been going.

lt's so good to see you smiling again.

Oh, Blake,
it's so good to see you like this again.

Well, l can't sit around and brood.
That's not gonna do anybody any good.

l can start to get Denver-Carrington
back on its feet.

l started out with nothing once.

A young guy with a dream
and ,OOO hard-earned dollars,

and look what l did with that.

Come here.

Flight to New York.

Okay, Danny?

Oh, Adam, l left my sca_ in the car.
Will you check in for me?

- l'll be there in a minute.
- Okay.


My two best dresses
were in those suitcases, honey lamb.

But if eveything goes the way l plan,
your mom's gonna have more.

Lots more.

Come on.
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