05x03 - Fallon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x03 - Fallon

Post by bunniefuu »




Oh, l see.

Good. Thank you vey much.

Our flight has been pushed back
a half hour tomorrow morning,

which means we'll be leaving
the house about :OO.

Blake, why does Billy Waite live
in South America?

Because he has oil wells there.

Because he raises
thoroughbred horses there.

And obviously,
because he likes it there.

And because
the United States government

can't look over his shoulder there.

You seem to know a little about him.

Well, more than a little.

l looked through the
Denver-Carrington file on him today.

He's a shark.

Yes, he's a k*ller shark.

Why are we going to see him?

Because l need help.

And l need help
from wherever l can get it.

l thought you understood that.

Oh, l iust have
this strange feeling about him.

l'm concerned about you.

Well, don't be, darling.

Because no one is gonna get hurt,
especially not me.

l've handled tougher cases than
Billy Waite all my life.

l can handle this one too.

What is it?

l was iust thinking about Fallon.

Oh, darling.

Jeff knows where we'll be.

And if he has anything to report,
he'll get in touch with us.

Steven, l was iust at the house
visiting Little Blake

and his nurse told me that Blake
and Kystle have gone away.


Well, don't you think it's a little odd,

them leaving town when
his circumstances are so precarious?

lf you're tying to get any information
from me, Mother, forget it.

Where Blake is
and why is his business.

Not mine. Not yours.

Thank you, Steven.
That's blunt and honest enough.

Now let's get down to our business.

- Why are you ignoring my advice?
- What advice?

You're going under
my recommended bid

on those offshore Louisiana
Ieases by $ ,OOO.

Because l thought
that you came in too high.

l didn't iust pull that figure
out of midair.

lt took me weeks to work
on those numbers.

l thought you wanted those leases.

l do.

lt's a potentially viable field,
but not at that price.

- Somebody could grab it like that.
- l know that.

You're taking a damned big chance.
Do you know that?

Steven, you don't get rich
if you don't take chances.

When are you going to grow up and
become somebody in this business?

Mother, my definition
of being somebody was never yours.

Being rich is not as important to me
as it is to you.

The best things in life are free.

Or some other
such misguided phrase

designed to placate those
who are not rich.

Steven, there is nothing in my life
more important than my children.

Money, position, power, nothing.

l'd give anything
to have Fallon back with us

and to have little Danny
back safe again.

But l do value money,

because money
can help protect the people that l love.

l value it iust as much as
l resent this trial that's coming up.

This nightmare.

l didn't k*ll anybody, Steven.

And l iust wanna get back and
put my energies where they should be.

With the people that l love.

With you and with Fallon
and with Danny.

- You say her name's Fallon?
- Yes, that's right.

That's an unusual name.

Look, all l wanna know is
if you've seen her.

l was told
since she didn't have any money,

the hostel would give her
a place to stay.

l don't--

You don't what?

No, l've never seen her.

Are you sure about that?

l'm vey sure. Now do you mind
if l get back to what l was doing--?

Look, l'm gonna ask you
one more time.

Are you sure you've never seen her
or are you lying to me?

Look, l resent that.

are you gonna get off my back?

Here's my number.

Please, if you do remember something
or if she should come here...

l'll get in touch with you.

why didn't you tell him the truth?

You see the state he's in.

Look, l gave her my word, Em.

l promised her l wouldn't tell anybody
where she'd gone.

l promised.

CLAUDIA: You're iust gonna have
to wait. l'm sory.

you've hardly touched your lunch.


Ever since Sammy Jo
took off with Danny,

Fallon vanished,

days and nights iust seem
to blend into each other.

l can't sleep, l can't eat.

l know, the waiting is unbearable.

But sweetheart, Jeff is doing
eveything he can about Fallon.

And you know the minute
Sammy Jo needs money,

we're gonna hear from her.

l mean, you telephoned evey one
of her friends that you knew of.

Sooner or later, someone's
gonna turn up with something.

And eveything's going
to be just fine.


God, Claudia, how can you
of all people assure me of that?

We went through a iungle
tying to find your daughter.

Things don't always turn out fine.

That's true. They don't.

But we can't dwell on pain.

l did that twice
and l wound up in the hospital twice.

l don't wanna see that
happen to you.


- Who is it?
- It's Claudia.

Just a minute.

- Hello.

l iust wanted you to see this ad.

Supposed to run in the Chronicle
Iater this week.

Oh, l like it, l like it. It's vey low-key.

Except l prefer using
the lower case D's on my name.

That's my signature in Europe. No?

Okay. Lower case it is.

Also, l'd like to do a bio on you.

Where you were born, where you went
to school, who taught you to sing.

How you met Brady.
The usual kind of stuff.

The nosey stuff, huh?

Well, the kind of stuff people
are curious about.

lncluding you, Claudia?


l'll be vey honest with you.

l don't share my private life
with anyone.

Not even with people l like.

Boring, boring details.

Old photographs.

Like, see the happy kid
in the canoe?

lsn't she adorable? Ugh. Please.

One might call it
the scrapbook syndrome.

lt's not for me, Claudia. l'm sory.

- All right, we'll lose the bio.
- Thank you.

One other thing.
If you have a closing date in mind,

l think l should include it in the ad.

l would agree,
except l haven't made my plans yet.

The club is doing great business.

La Mirage is marvellous for my health.
l adore it here.

So why don't we iust
put that on hold?

- All right?
- Sure.

- Okay.
- Thanks.

Thank you. Bye-bye.

Hello, J.J., please.

Would you tell him that l phoned?
This is Dominique Deveraux.

l want to know how much longer
he expects me to sit in this place?

Yes, and tell him to make it fast.

No more excuses.

Blake, you son of a g*n.

- Hello, Billy.
- Been a long time. Welcome.

And thank you for bringing along this
beautiful, vey beautiful wife of yours.

- Kystle, isn't it?
- Yes.

An exquisite woman
with an exquisite name.

Thank you.

- Billy.
- Billy.

Well, let me show you
to your quarters.

You'll be staying in the same wing,

where you once stayed with Alexis,

shortly after you were married,
l believe.

Yes. Yes, that's right.

Oh, Kystle.

l mean, sharing the same room with
Blake which was, well...

- l don't mind at all.
BILLY: Good.


And so buying back
those South China Sea leases

fortunately didn't cost me that much.

Who'd you pay off?

No one.

And the cost of opening up
that whole area for drilling?

l figure it'll be about a billion dollars.

That covers lobbying in Washington,
the negotiating and the drilling.

Only a billion?

l know that's steep, vey steep.

But the return
could be phenomenal.

Who else have you talked to
about this?

Oh, a couple of people.

And all of them are interested,
but have yet to come up with any cash.

That's right.

You're down and out, Blake.
Aren't you?


Not exactly. l did manage
to scrape up enough money

to take the trip down here.

Billy, l'm here for one reason.

lf you are anything,
you're a risk taker.

l don't always appreciate
the way you operate.

As a matter of fact, l rarely do.

But you've got guts.

And you've got what l've got,

Good instinct.

My instinct tells me there's a fortune
to be made out of that sea.


What would my share
of this fortune cost me?

Fifty million to start.

With that, l can put together
a consortium and get the ball rolling.

What do you say?

Give me a couple of days
to think it over.

All right,
l'll give you until the end of the week.


lf you're so certain that that man at the
hostel was lying to you about Fallon,

why didn't you offer him some money
to get him to talk?

Because if the prospect of a $ ,OOO
reward couldn't get him to talk,

how much would?


What are you going to do now?

First thing tomorrow, l'm going
to have breaMast with my son.

Then l'm going to fly back
and keep looking.

Oh, God, Jeff.

l feel so useless in all of this.

Well, there nothing much we can do,
Alexis, except wait and pray.

Oh, l do. l do.

Does Blake know?

The circuits to Caracas are busy.

l've been tying to reach him there.

Guess l'll have to ty later.

Look, l have to be going.

- Take care.
- Bye.


Blake, l know that Waite has spared
no expense with this house,

but even with those antiques
and the artwork and all of this,

there's something about it
that just makes my skin crawl.

Yeah. Well
we'll be home tomorro!w, darling.

And maybe when we get home--

Maybe Jeff will have
some good news about Fallon.

Yes. The phone call was encouraging,

Blake, why can't we leave today?

l've got a feeling, a positive one,

that our friend Waite is going
to say yes to our loan

before the end of the week.

l wanna keep talking to him
and talking to him about that loan,

evey chance l get.

KRYSTLE: Manipulate him,
the way he manipulates.

BLAKE: That's not a terrible word, you
know. Not in the world of business.

Do you really wanna do business
with him?

Darling, l have got to do
business with him.

l have got to do business
with anyone at this point.

- Don't you understand that?
- l'm tying to.

Blake, there's nothing more important
to me than for us to be happy

and for our children
to be healthy and safe.

Well, you'll have that. And more.

Because l'm gonna get it back
for all of us.

That's the only reason
why we're here.

Steven? Hello.

Don't look at me like that.

l am fine.

l think it's a little drunk


Come on.


Thank you, Steven.

l know you have your own problems.
l don't mean to draw you into mine.

One of which seems to be a rather
unsteady hand at the moment.

- Where the hell have you been?
- Mm.

l have been to Denver proper

and a vey proper party given
by Warren Ballard

for some of
our more prominent citizeny.

- That is vey hot.
- Drink it black.


Yes, little brother.


l'm finally back with my family.

Steven, it was a terrible party.

l mean, l had a lousy time.

Who can make social small talk
when eveything here is such a mess?

Why'd you bother to go?

Ho-ho. It's rather difficult to say no
to a man like Ballard.

Especially when he's handling
Mother's defence.

So l went.

And l drank too much
to get myself through that mess.

l only hope l didn't make
a complete fool of myself.

Oh, l doubt it.

Even drunk, you're too smart

to ieopardise your standing
with a man like Ballard.

Your eyes are too focused
on your brilliant future for you to risk it.

That was not vey kind of you,

Just as Kirby has not been kind.

What about Kirby?

Ever since she left, l've tried
to phone her in Paris evey day.

And she iust hangs up on me.

l write.

And she never answers.

Steven, she's the one woman
l ever really truly loved.

And somehow you managed
to foul it up, didn't you?

That seems to be a talent of yours.


Letting Sammy Jo take off
with my son.

Fouling up other people's lives.

Steven, wait.

What is it?

There's something
l forgot to tell you.

There was a young man,

a vey pretty young man,
at the party tonight.

Even drunker than l was.

Timothy something-or-other.

He said you and he had been
roommates for a year at prep school.

He asked me to send you his love.

Was that the word he--? Yes, love.

And for you to give him
a call sometime.

He's anxious to reminisce with you.

Unless, of course,
your being suddenly married

would cast a pall on sharing
sweet memories, as he put it.

Rather prettily, l thought.

ALEXIS: l'd like to speak to Mr. De_er,
please. Mr. Dex De_er.

Still not there? Thank you.

Does Blake know?

Circuits to Caracas are busy.

l've been tying to reach him,
but l guess l'll have to ty later.


Operator, l'd like to make a call to
Caracas, Venezuela, please.

The party's name is Waite.

Billy Waite.

You've read the latest article

- in this morning's Chronicle, l trust.
- No, l haven't.

- Adam?
- Yes, Mr. Ballard, l have.

Well, would one of you mind
telling me about it

or should l send out
for a copy myself?

l don't particularly like this picture.
l look a bit pale.

You look vey, vey wealthy,
Mrs. Colby, which is the problem.

The continuing, l should say,
mounting problem.

What problem?

There's a syndicated reporter
called Philip Spalding.

His personal crusade
is equal justice for the rich.

The rest of the press,
including the Chronicle,

have seized on his w*r cy, and now
they're painting you as a millionairess

who's tying to buy her way out
of a m*rder conviction.

So, what am l supposed to do?
Fire you as my attorney?

l don't think you need go that far.

Perhaps we can think
of something less drastic,

like hiring a public relations firm.

Fight fire with fire.

Oh, that's a wonde_ul solution.

l mean, that's going to cost me
even more money.


Would you explain to your mother

that she has some rather bad press
in the past to live down?


There was an incident in Portofino
with a film star.

That was not an incident.
It was an affair.

Some people do have them

Adam, anything else?

a party that made headlines.

Other stories,
all of which can be counterpointed

by mother's involvement
in different charities.


Ever since Blake Carrington banished
me from Denver and from my children,

my main charity, unfortunately,
has been Alexis Carrington Colby.

So l don't think
that we're gonna get vey far

with your brilliant strategy of hiring me
a press agent.

l don't appreciate the sarcasms,

And l don't appreciate the fact
that all through this whole thing

l have not had one single piece
of concrete help.

My whole life is at stake here,
Mr. Ballard.

l am innocent.

And l am vey, vey frightened.

And if at times
l appear not to be taking

this miscarriage
of so-called justice seriously,

it is because l cannot believe
that it is actually happening to me.

So let me offer my suggestions
about all of this.

Which are?

That you keep a lower profile
in all the pre-trial and trial matters.

Go on.

That you take a back seat
during the trial

and let Adam
appear to be defending me.

A son defending his own mother.

Well, that should bring tears
to a juy's eyes, don't you think?

Take a back seat.

Let me tell you something,
Mrs. Colby.

l not only find that insulting,
but vey, vey foolish.

And believe me, the Denver public
is not so easily fooled.

So you don't agree.

No, l do not.

Well, since you haven't come up
with anything better, you are fired.

- Mother, you can't mean that.
- Oh, yes, l can.

l have fired chauffeurs
and secretaries in my time.

l have fired vice presidents
and heads of corporations.

And l am now firing you, Mr. Ballard.

My business affairs people
will messenger you your cheque.

Good day.

Good luck, Mrs. Colby.

- Mr. Ballard.
- l'm well out of it, boy.

l don't en_ you.

l iust hope you're not in
over your head.




Do you realise
what you've just done?


l've iust fired the most
famous criminal attorney in America.

But Adam, l've got to ty and handle
my defence the way that l feel best.

But l need your help.

And with your help,
l know l'm going to win.

Welcome back, Mrs. Carrington,
Mr. Carrington.

Thank you, Gerard.

Have l had any long-distance
phone calls from Jeff?

- No, you haven't.
- Any word from Sammy Jo?

Nothing at all, l'm afraid.

A Mr. McGraw
from your Legal Department did call.

Nothing urgent, he said,
but he would like to talk,

- if you have a few minutes.
- Thank you.

l'll phone him from the libray, darling,
and l'll see you upstairs.

Good afternoon, Kystle.

What are you doing here, Alexis?

Since Fallon is still missing
and you obviously can't be bothered,

l've been spending as much time
as l can with Little Blake.

l've also noticed that this house is
in a vey shabby condition these days,

definitely run-down, in case
no one's had the nerve to tell you.

What happened to it?

Happened to what?

The Degas that used to hang there.

And the Louis XVl escritoire
in the guest bedroom,

the north guest bedroom.

No one gave you permission
to come into this house.


l don't need permission, Kystle.

l'm at the top of his appraisal.

l'm looking, l'm probing,
l'm examining.

And so far l don't like
what l've seen.

Well, what you've seen
is all you're going to see.

l don't ever want you to come
into this house again

unless you're invited.
Is that understood?

Careful, Kystle.

You're beginning to sound
the tiniest bit jealous.

Don't wory. You can have Blake.

l iust want the mansion.

Alexis, l wouldn't count on Blake
or the mansion if l were you.

Your wrap, Mrs. Colby.

Thank you, Gerard.

Please, tell the staff, heh,
what's left of it,

that l want this house kept
in tiptop condition.

Lots of spit,
polish and elbow grease.

Like the great old days
when l used to live here.


And iust what do you think
you're doing here?

l'm surprising you.

- Going somewhere?
- Yes.

l am going to my office
in the morning.

You've got a hell of a nerve, Dex.

Okay, ne_ time l'll have the doorman
Iet you know l'm on my way up.

You show up here after disappearing
for weeks at a time,

you don't phone me, you don't even
bother to return my phone calls

and then you iust appear.

Without an invitation?


My, we are getting vey formal.

l mean, for two people
who have known

some rather informal
moments together.

Alexis, look, l'm sory about all that.

But things back home aren't
going exactly great these days.

ln fact, they're real bad.

Oh, really? What happened?

Did you get turned down
by a few Wyoming cowgirls?

Don't tell me you're losing
your devastating sex appeal, darling?

l wasn't turned down by anybody,
because l didn't ask anybody.

Ugh. You must think l'm really dumb.

My social life was restricted
to the De_er family.

lt wasn't much fun, Alexis.

- Get you a drink?
- No.

May l help myself to one?

Make it a short one. Vey short.

lt's late, Dex. l've got to get up early
in the morning.

l've got a lot
of important business to do.

Ah. Business.

l spent most of my time
tying to talk business to my father.

Well, Sam De_er
may have had a stroke,

but that doesn't make him any less
stubborn than he always has been.

lt wasn't easy tying to convince him
not to buy a string of refineries

at this particular time in oil histoy.

Histoy always bored me at school.
It bores me now.

lf tying to save De_er International
from ruin is boring you,

it was even more so
for my sister, Marin.

ln fact, she decided to liven things
by smashing up another car,

- into a trailer park this time.
- Hmm.

The family of one
of the accident victims

didn't waste a minute
in filing a lawsuit against us.

- They're asking for a fortune.
- Mm.

Just like l--

Just like you what?

Only ask for a chance
to be with you again tonight.

Oh, ho-ho, no, Dex. Oh, no.

Not after what you've put me through
in the last few weeks.

l told you, l was vey busy.

Busy? Out until all hours
of the night, working?

Doing what, drilling?

You're iealous.


Well, if you're really going to interpret
a few casual remarks on my part

as being iealous, you have a lot
to learn about me.

- A lot.
- l know.

ln fact, l never wanna stop
Iearning about you.

ALEXIS: Hmm. Hmm?
- All about you.

- Your brilliant mind.
- Yes.

Your fantastic body.


- Those lips.
- Oh, yes.

Those incredible lips.


Steven, you haven't really
spoken to me in days.

What's happening?

Why are you shutting me
out of your life like this?

l'm not.


What have l done?


Sometimes l iust feel
that you're so involved at La Mirage.

What? That l don't have any time
for you and Danny?

- Is that it?
- Yes.

ln other words,
my tying to keep busy,

my tying to act chee_ul,

my tying to maintain some sanity
in the midst of this emotional upheaval,

that's not caring in your book.

Well, damn it, l can accuse you
of the same thing, you know.

You go to the office evey day,

Your work there with your mother.

l'm sure you talk to her.
l'm sure you do.

But when you come home here,
you have nothing to say to me.

Darling, look. Danny is a part of you.

That makes him a part of me too.

l want him back as much as you do.

l know.




Let's iust talk this out a little more,

First of all, how's Danny?
l need to kn--

Sammy Jo, don't hang up on me.

What did she want?

She wants to meet me ne_ Friday
in Los Angeles.


To talk about custody of Danny.
Real serious talk, she said.

- You're Jeffrey Colby.
- Yes.

l'm Emily.
l phoned you about Fallon Colby.

What do you know about her?

l know where you can find her.

To old times.

And to your being
more beautiful than ever.

Thank you, Billy.

But l didn't invite myself here
all the way from Denver

iust to talk about old times.

Oh, not all business.
Spare me that, Alexis.

You of all people.

Yes, Billy, all business.

Tsk. Ah.

Well, how is it that you haven't touched
on a certain subject as yet?

The trial? That ridiculous charge.

l'm thousands of miles away
from that now.

l iust want to forget it.

No, l was talking about Blake.

lt isn't iust a coincidence
that you show up here

knowing that he's been here
for the last couple of days.

Your relationship with Blake
has always been passionate,

possessive and vindictive.

Yes, you apparently can't live with him
or without him.

l have managed to live vey nicely

without being involved
with Blake Carrington, thank you.

However, l will be honest with you.

Part of the reason for this trip
does concern him.


Now if that aha means that you think
l'm being vindictive, you're wrong.

You see, Billy,
l'm really worried about him.

No, l mean his financial plight
is so abysmal right now

that it's seriously affecting him
and not only him, but our children too.

Now, as a good mother,
l can't just sit back

and watch them all being ruined,
can l?

l still don't know
what you're doing here.

l imagine that when Blake was here,

he was asking
for some money from you

to finance some proiect or other,

BILLY: Mm-hm.
- l'd like you to help him with it.

You want me to help Blake?

Yes. l know him so well.

He's not really defeated. Not yet.

Heh. You iust said that things
were abysmal.

Well, they are, they are,
but not over.

So if you'll take this risk,
if you give him what he wants,

l'm sure you won't lose your money.

At least not all of it.

l'm famished. Is lunch ready?

Just about.

Good. Then l'll go and freshen up.

And then maybe after lunch,

a siesta in one of the cool recesses
of my hot hacienda,

as you used to call it.

Oh, Billy, we tried that once
and it wasn't such a good idea then.

l'd much rather ride one of your
gorgeous stallions, if you don't mind.






- Come in, J.J.
- Dominique.

Well, it certainly
has taken you long enough.

l was beginning to wonder
whether New York

was on the same planet as Denver.

Funny lady.

Hey, come on, l was in court
on a case, a hea_ one.

And besides, what's a few days after
what my people have dug up, huh?

- You're looking great.
- Yes, l know.

What do you have for me?

Okay. Blake Carrington.

On his $ OO-million loan
for the South China Sea leases,

he has lost total corporate assets
worth close to a billion dollars.

l'd like a cup of coffee.

When you have finished, J.J.,
not before. Please, go on.

All right, so he's been all over the place
tying to raise money to restart,

but he's been getting mostly
the vey cold shoulder.

The only bit of luck he's had is to pick
up some money on his mansion

which hasn't
exactly made him ecstatic,

since it turns out his first wife
is holding the papers

and she's threatening to foreclose.

why are you so interested in this guy?

l mean, you're not actually thinking
of helping him out, are you?

Well, help isn't exactly
what l had in mind.

But this information
will help me to form a plan.

Now, what l want you to do ne_--
And don't want you to tell Brady.

l want my husband
kept completely out of this.


And lunch was divine.

Sory you couldn't stay longer.

ALEXIS: Well, maybe ne_ time.
But right now my plane is waiting.



Señora Colby?

- Yes?
- Lieutenant Lopez.

l will escort you to your plane
and on your flight.

Why? l don't need an escort.

Your county's
Federal Bureau of Investigation

seems to think othemise.

- What?
- They issued a warrant for your arrest.

Unlamul flight from the United States
to avoid prosecution for m*rder.


Lieutenant Lopez,
this must be a mistake.

l was here on business.


l have not finished.

- Billy, what is this all about?
- This is serious, Alexis.

lf l were you, l'd pay attention.

Upon your arrival in Miami,

you will be met by federal officials
and taken to the county jail.

Then you will be served with e_radition
papers from the State of Colorado

and taken to Denver in custody.

This is outrageous.

l'm on my way to Miami right now

and l'll explain eveything
when l get there alone.

you are not on the plane yet.

And there is always a chance
that alone,

you might decide to change direction
and go perhaps to Rio de Janeiro.

So l will be with you
and ty to keep you entertained.

Oh, my God.




Señora, we will ride to the airport
in Mr. Waite's car.

l believe it will be more comfortable
for the two of us.



MAN: Yes, this is the young woman
that came here for a while, but--

- Fallon Colby, did you say?
- Yes.

No, that's not the name
she gave to us.

lnstead she called herself, um--

Brother Leo, no disrespect.
l don't care what name she's using.

l iust want to see her now.

But she's gone, Mr. Colby.

She's gone? Gone where?

Young man, what l have to say to you
now is vey painful indeed.

lf you want corroboration,
you may talk to the police, but...


About what?


Jeff, l heard you were back.
Any luck about Fallon?

Did you hear anything, Jeff?

She is all right, isn't she?


Jeff, l asked you something.

What is it?


She's dead.

She's dead, Blake.

She's gone.


Dear God, no.

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