05x04 - The Rescue

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x04 - The Rescue

Post by bunniefuu »


MAN: The bodies
of the two occupants of that plane

are in the morgue here in Seattle.

And we're looking
for more signs of identification.

Positive identification.

Positive identification?

Does that mean that you're not sure
who the people were in that plane?

We're sure about one of them.

The man piloting the aircraft
was thrown clear on impact.

The papers he had on him showed him
to be a Brazilian national

recently released from prison
on a cocaine charge.

The name is

- Peter De Vilbis.
- Peter De Vilbis?

- What was she doing with him?
- Let's hear the rest of this.

Now, do you know who
the other person was in that plane?

Well, we're not certain yet.

We know it was a female,
and she was trapped in the plane.

With the force
of the expl*si*n and the fire,

there's no hope of positive l.D.
Not from the body.

- Well, then it might not be Fallon.
- Lieutenant, see you for a minute?

- Excuse me.
BLAKE: Jeff, did you hear that?

There was no positive identification.

- Then who was with De Vilbis?
- Well, maybe another woman.

No, she didn't leave the retreat alone.
Brother Leo told me that.

Well, De Vilbis might have dropped
Fallon off someplace

and picked up another woman.

Oh, look, Blake.

She must have called him
from the retreat.

She must have asked him
to come for her.

That still doesn't mean
that she was on that plane.

Jeff, Fallon was sick.
She was in pain.

Those headaches
must have been agony.

Now, we can't blame her
if she called someone.

My men found a woman's ring.

lt's pretty scorched.
Maybe one of you can recognise it.

l gave this to Fallon
when we got engaged.

She went off with him

and she died with him.


l don't want this.


How she admired Fallon.

l remember one night, we were doing
the supper dishes and she said to me:

''Mommy, when l grow up,

do you think l'll be as beautiful
as Fallon Carrington, even close?''

And l said,
''Yes, l do, l think you will.''



Kystle, Jeff is here with me.

The Sheriffs Office up here
has confirmed it.

lt was Fallon.

Blake, l'm so sory.

We'll be home tonight.
We'll be flying back with...

With her.


We'll be waiting for you.


Blake and Jeff

they'll be home tonight

with her body.

Oh, no.

Oh, my God, no. Not again.


Oh, God.


Don't cy, please.

We have to be strong.

Jeff and Blake and Steven,
they're gonna need us.




They told me you were up here.

l was iust looking
over some of the things

Fallon and l used to play
with when we were kids.

She used to call eveything dumb.

Dumb scooter.

Dumb tricycle.

Dumb baseball glove.


She was a great sister, Dad.

She was my best friend.

Son, this loss, this terrible loss,

maybe it will help bring
the rest of the family together.

lf you're talking about Adam and me,
he's not family to me, Dad.

We didn't grow up together.

And more important than that,
l don't trust him.

l can't forgive him for letting Sammy Jo
just take off with my son.

lt's finally arranged.

One o'clock, a week from Friday,
in Los Angeles.

She made it vey clear
that Danny wouldn't be with her,

so l wouldn't have
a chance to see him.

Or better yet, to make a grab for him
and bring him back home.

She's got me in a corner, Dad.

She's holding my son for ransom
and l don't know how to get him back.

We'll get him back.

Somehow, we'll get him back.

Jeff, about the funeral service...

Now, l think that Fallon
would have wanted it to be private.

Just the family
and some of the staff.

How do you feel about that?

That sounds fine, Blake.

You handle the arrangements, okay?


Jeff, about Fallon,
l know you're angy,

Vey an y,
because of her being with De Vilbis.

- For whatever reason--
- l'd rather not pursue this if you--

- Well, l want to pursue it.
- Why? To straighten me out?

To tell me she was like
eveyone else on this earth,

that she had her faults,
that she wasn't pe_ect?

Well, you don't have to
because l know that.

l know that.


Yes, she did have her faults,
but l loved her despite those faults.

And l know that you loved her too.

It seems to me, Jeff

we should remember
those wonde_ul qualities,

the things about her that we loved.

Because they are the things

that should be providing us
with comfort now.

l'd like to be left alone
if you don't mind.

l'll deal with my grief, my feelings,
in my own way.

l'm vey, vey sory.

Yeah, l know, l know.

Have you or Steven told Alexis?

- No, we haven't.
- l'll have to tell her.

She won't be back until tomorrow.

Where's she been?


She's been arrested
for leaving the county.

What was she doing there?

She went to see Billy Waite.

Mm. That's not important, for now.

Your Maiesty has five minutes.

What are you doing here, Blake?

lt's not Fallon, is it?

Has something happened to Fallon?

Alexis, l, uh...

What's happened?

l know something's happened.

Fallon was k*lled in a plane crash.



No, no, no!

My baby.

My baby.


You stole my children
away from me.

You let them run wild
and you k*lled her.

You k*lled my baby.

You k*lled my baby.

What are we going to do?

Blake, what are we going to do?


MAN: You will let us know
if there's anything that we can do.

- Thank you, good night.
- Good night.

Blake, Kystle,
time to be getting on home.

Thank you vey much
for coming, George.

l know how many problems of your
own all of you people have these days,

and l appreciate your being here.

We loved Fallon, vey much.

As for problems,

when Denver-Carrington
gets rolling again,

well, there iust won't be
any more problems.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Kystle.
- Good night.

lt's so good to see you.

Mr. Carrington,
l have to thank you again.

- Oh, come on, now--
- No, l have to.

Keeping me on salay

has been making all the difference
in the world for me.

Bye-bye, Marcia.

- Kystle.
- Bye.

Tsk. It's a shame, really a shame.

When a company
like Denver-Carrington

goes out of business, we forget
the economic shoc_aves it causes.

Now, those are good people,
all of them, out of work.

l should be tying to help them get
their jobs back again, but l can't.

l iust can't seem to concentrate
on anything.

Of course you can't.

Fallon's gone and all of us
have died a little bit inside.

We can't expect
to get over it that easily.


- Hello?
- Blake, it's Billy.

l heard the tragic news.
l'm vey, vey sory.

Thank you, Billy.

Have you made
any decision about the loan?

The South China Sea deal. Yes.

l'm afraid that the way
my finances are going these days,

l'm not gonna be able
to go it with you.

Come on now, Billy.

The amount that we discussed
was peanuts to you and you know it.

l do not know it, Blake.

And you should know me
well enough

to know l don't appreciate
being pressured,

particularly after l've made
my position clear.

All right, then tell me one thing.

Exactly what did Alexis do that caused
you to back out of that deal?

Oh! My other phone is going.
l'm gonna have to get off.

Well, l'm sory.
l'm vey sory about eveything.

Well, she did it again.

Alexis has succeeded
in cutting me off from eveyone.

My God.

lf l could iust forget that she's
the mother of my children, l'd...


But l can't.

l can't forget.

Hello, cowboy.

Hello, Daddy.

- How you doing?
- Fine.

- Daddy?
- Yes?

Remember when my puppy died
and you said it went to heaven?

Yes, l remember.

Did my mommy go to visit him?

Yes, she did, son.

You see, Mommy was sick.

She was in an accident.

And she was in a lot of pain.

And God took her there
so she wouldn't hurt anymore.

ls heaven nice?

Yes, oh, it's vey nice.

lt's vey beautiful.

l wish they'd both come back to me,
my puppy and my mommy.

l'll be right out here.

Hello, Alexis.

Hello, Dex.

There are no words, l know.

But you have my sympathy.

My deepest sympathy.

Thank you.

Oh, God, this place.

What am l doing in this place?

Can't they understand
it would never have occurred to me

that anyone would think
l wasn't coming back from Venezuela?

Didn't you hear the iudge?

He told you not to leave the state,
Iet alone the county.

l know, l know, it was stupid of me.

Give me a cigarette.

l'm worried about you, Alexis.

The circumstantial evidence
against you is building.

The man in the street,
he can't be expected to--

Oh, Dex, if you're gonna tell me

that public antipathy
is building against me,

along with eveything else,
then don't.

Because l don't wanna hear about it.
Not now, not at this time in my life.

That's the key word, Alexis.
Life. Your life.

That's what l'm talking about,
thinking about.

Your life and your freedom.


That's not where my thoughts
are now, Dex.

They're with Fallon.

They're with my beautiful daughter
who's dead.

Dex, you've gotta get me out of here.

l've got to be with her one last time.

Please, Dex, please help me.

There's nothing l can do.

They're buying my baby.

And l wanna be with her.
Please let me out of here. Please.



l'll phone the governor.

Behold, l show you a mystey.

We shall not all sleep,

but we shall all be changed
in a moment,

in the twinkling of an eye,
at the last trump.

For the trumpet shall sound

and the dead
shall be raised incorruptible.

And we shall be changed.

For this corruptible
must be made incorruptible,

and this mortal
must be made immortal.

Then shall be brought to pass
the saying that is written:

''Death is swallowed up in victoy.

Oh, death, where is thy sting?

Oh, grave, where is thy victoy?''

May the soul
of Fallon Carrington Colby,

betrothed of Jeffrey Colby,

mother of Blake Jeffrey Colby,

daughter of Blake Carrington
and Alexis Colby,

daughter of this rich
Colorado earth she loved so dearly,

rest in eternal peace in that earth.



l loved you
from the moment you were born.

And l shall continue
to love you for as long as l breathe,

and then, beyond that.

My little girl.

Please forgive
any of the differences that we had.

l loved your strength.

l love you always.

Goodbye, my baby.


Why, Fallon? Why'd you leave me?
You never loved me.

lf you loved me,
you wouldn't have left me for that bum.

You bitch!

What the devil
do you think you're doing?

l will not let you desecrate
my daughter's funeral, you--

You're a drunken fool.

Jeff, l told you she'd become sick.

ls it too much
to ask you to forgive her?

ls it?

Well, it's good to see you relaxing.


l'm iust sitting here thinking.

Thinking about Billy Waite
turning me down,

and the others
who have turned me down.

What do l do now?

l don't know,
but you'll think of something.

Kystle, l have to work.
l need to work.

lt's the one thing
that's always saved me.

l understand, but iust don't
drive yourself too hard right now.

Ty not to deal
with people like Billy Waite.

Blake, being rich
isn't important to me.

And living in a -room house,

well, there are times
when l still get lost.

So, what does it matter
if we lose the house?

Well, it matters to me.

My children
were born and raised in this house.

One of them
was buried from this house.

Can't you understand
what this place means to me?

Darling, of course l can.

But the memories don't go away,
no matter where you live.

Blake, what matters to me
is that we have each other.

Remember that, despite eveything
that's happened, we have each other.

And our baby.

My God, the baby moved.


l should send it back.
l told them lots of onions.

Sammy Jo, where's Danny?

Where you can't get
your hands on him.

And don't bother looking for him.

He's with friends of mine,
a long way from Los Angeles.

What do you want for him?
How much?

Thirty thousand dollars a month,
for the rest of my life.

Where the hell do you expect me
to get that kind of money?

l know where.

Your father may be broke.
But you do have a vey rich mother.

You'll sign a document,
Iegal and binding,

giving up all claim to Danny forever.

l'll sign anything you want.


Where's my son? l want him now.


First, the contract.

Signed, sealed and delivered
with the first payment.

Thirty thou.

Where do l send it?

l'll call you in a few days
and let you know.


Leave me $ to pay for this,
or l'll make a scene.

Go ahead, make a scene.

Just remember,

if anything happens to my son between
now and the time l see him, l'll k*ll you.


Who's that?


Come here. Come.

Come here.


Such a pretty girl.

So pretty.



Ah! Come here.

No. Don't.

Behave yourself.


Uncle Adam's
come to take you home.

There we are.

And l got Danny out of that motel room
and we flew home.

He's a pretty good traveller, Steven.
The stewardesses loved him.

How is Danny?

He's asleep and he's terrific.

Adam, l wanna thank you
for bringing him back to us.

You've already thanked me enough,
Claudia, really.

Well, maybe l haven't.


Thank you, Adam. Again.

l guess l really didn't know you.

l underestimated you
and l'm sory for that.

Let's get one thing straight, Steven.
It wasn't my idea, it was father's.

l was iust carying it out.

Well, you did a fine iob, Adam.

But l have a feeling
we're not exactly finished with this yet.

Knowing Sammy Jo,
l'm sure we aren't.

Look at that big fancy car.

Hey, let's go.


Hey. Hey.


Good afternoon.

- That's a big car.
- Yes, it is.

Ha-ha. For a minute, l thought
the President of the United States

had decided
to visit Northern Colorado.

No, it's only me.

l know l don't know
any vey rich ladies like you,

and you obviously are vey rich.

But l wasn't always.

- Let me ask you something.
- Mm?

What is the single most beautiful
word in the English language?

Funny you should ask that.

lt's lullaby.


You told me that word one night.

Yes. Right on that porch.

Sitting right there. Just the two of us.
We were talking about words.

Some of the words
and how beautiful they are.


Millie? Oh, it can't be.

Not my little niece, Millie Cox. Oh!

- Just look a little harder.
- Oh, Lord, it is you. Millie. Oh!


Oh. Oh. Oh.

Oh, iust look at you.
Just look at you.

You're more blossomed out than
that skinny little thing that left here.

And you're even prettier,
Aunt Bessie.



lt's so good.

Baby, it's so good to see you again.

Oh, baby.

When l heard you'd left for Europe,

l thought
l'd never see you again, Millie.

Well, l was away for quite awhile,
but l'm back now.

My name is now Dominique.

- Dominique?
- Mm-hm.

That is elegant.


Oh, come on in, come on in.

Are you sure
you're that skinny little thing

that used to run up
these stairs and say to me,

''Aunt Bessie, if you're cooking
chicken, can l have the drumstick?''

Ha-ha-ha. Oh, why didn't you
tell me you were coming?

That second bedroom is a mess.

l'll help you clean it,
and then l'm going to spend the night.

- But first, Aunt Bessie.
- Mm-hm.

l have something
vey important l have to do,

- and l'm going to need your help.
- My help? How? Sure.

My mother's trunk.

Oh, it's still here.



Hello, mother.



Oh, he's iust a little bit nervous.
Come on, honey.


You don't want anything?

Okay. You're the boss today.

He should be hungrier than he is.

No, it's okay. He's really fine, babe.

- He looks flushed.
CLAUDIA: No, he's not.


l thought he felt a little warm before,
so l took his temperature.

But he doesn't have a fever.
He's fine.

Excuse me, Mr. Carrington,
there's a telephone call for you

from Los Angeles.

Sammy Jo.

You sound as if you were
expecting me to call, Steven.

Let's iust say it's no surprise.

We're iust glad
to have Danny back with us.

- Where he belongs?
- That's right.

ln the big mansion which may not
belong to the Carringtons much longer.

Well, enioy the mansion
and the kid for as long as you can.

That goes for all of you.
Including your rotten brother, Adam.

Because l'm not finished
with this yet.

ln fact...

l'm really not finished with this yet.

l came to this house, frankly,
a vey frightened woman.

And each of you went out
of your way to help me adjust

by your kindness
and your understanding.

Which makes it
all the more difficult for me

to ask you to understand now why
we have to let you go, temporarily.

Gerard will give you each a cheque

covering your salaries
for the ne_ month.

l hope with all my heart
that you'll be back with us soon.

Thank you and God bless you.

Kystle, why did you do it?

l iust talked to the gardener.
Why did you fire those people?


Blake, one night some time ago,
in front of those people,

you told them
that it was Mrs. Carrington

who ran this house and no one else.

Well, l did what l had to do,
at least for the time being.

We still have Mrs. Gunnerson
and Jeannette and--

Mr. Carrington, excuse me, sir.

- There's someone here to see you.
- Who is it?

A Dominique Deveraux.
She says you've met.

Send her away, please. Tell her
we're not receiving any guests.

She iust wants a word, sir.
She wishes to pay her respects.

All right, all right. Send her in.

Thank you for allowing me this visit.

l know that you've had
a vey hard time of it.

But l've had a hard time too.

Miss Deveraux,
may l ask why you're here?

Because l feel
as if l've suffered a loss as well.

Exactly what kind of a loss?

Let's iust say that l feel as l do
because we have so much in common.

Such as what?

Our blood.

Our genes.

Our daddy.
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