05x18 - The Ball

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x18 - The Ball

Post by bunniefuu »

La-da-dee. La-da-da.

Shall l take the baby,
Mrs. Carrington?

Oh, thank you, Martha.

lt's time for her nap.

There you go.

Oh, l can never get over
how tiny she is.

Delicate like a Dresden doll.

Baby girls always look so fragile.

Baby girls
are a lot tougher than they look.



All right. Later.

Alexis, what the devil
are you doing here?

Since evey maior oil producer
in the world is staying in this hotel,

where else would l be?

Not at my door.

Ever the gracious host, Blake.

Well, l'm here
to talk business, Blake.

Do you mind if l fix myself a drink?

Alexis, you can submit your bid
along with the other companies.

l can't stop that.

But if you're here looking
for a side deal, you know better.

But this time the highest bid
doesn't necessarily win, does it?

No, it's true that the Chinese wishes
have to be considered in this.

- Yes, if that's what you mean.
- Of course.

And your wishes?



Oh, Your Highness,
welcome to Acapulco.

When did you arrive?


Well, l've been giving
serious consideration.

Your Highness, l'd like to take this
in the other room, if you don't mind.

Thank you. Hold on, please.


Blake Carrington's suite.

Hello? Is anyone there?

ls anyone there?

Was that my other line
that just rang?

Yes, they hung up.

Well, thank you vey much
for answering.

Well, if you have said eveything
that you have come here to say...

No, l haven't.

You know the stoy
of ''Sleeping Beauty '' don't you?

Yes, l do.
And l don't want to hear it again.

They neglected to invite
one of the fairies to the christening.

She put a curse on the child and you
know what happened to the kingdom.

Now, l want my share
of those leases.

And if l don't get them,

l'll make that wicked faiy
Iook positively angelic by comparison.

- We have grooms to do that.
- Oh! Oh.


When l set out to learn something,
l learn it thoroughly.

- l didn't know you were back.
- Or you wouldn't be here?

Don't be ridiculous.

There. Now you're done.

Oh, and iust in time,
l've gotta be going.

Nice seeing you, Daniel.

l'm not chasing you, Kystie.
You don't have to run from me.

Oh, l'm not running from you.

l have other responsibilities.
A husband, a family, a home.

And you think your work here
inte_eres with that?

l don't think you understand.

l understand all right,
you've lost your nerve.

This isn't a business
you can do half-heartedly.

No business is.

lf you want out, get out.

l'll even make it easy for you.
l'll buy your horses.

l'm not doing this half-heartedly,
and l don't want out.

Now, l've made a commitment
and l intend to keep it.


- Hello, Daddy.
- Hello, darling.

Hey, you look wonde_ul.

- Been out snoozing in the sun?
- Yes.

Thank you for all this.

lt's so good to see you
with a smile again.

Oh, it's lovely here.

And l did need to get out of Denver,
away from eveything.

Now, if l could iust find someone to
play tennis with,

life would be pe_ect.

Will this do? It's all l could find.

Oh, yes, that'll be pe_ect.

Oh, would you get me a glass, please?
l'm dying of thirst.

lmmediately, señorita.

Uh, Your Highness,

l'd like you to meet
my daughter, Amanda.

Amanda, this is Prince Michael
of Moldavia.

You could have said something before
l made a complete fool of myself.

l think l enioyed
being mistaken for a waiter.

lt was a new experience for me.

There's no need to be embarrassed.

l'm not embarrassed.

Well, not much.


Well, hello, Ashley.

How are you?

Fine, thank you.

l'd like you to meet my daughter.

Lady Mitchell,
it's Amanda, remember?

Amanda. That lovely child has turned
into a beautiful young woman.

- How nice to see you again.
- Thank you.

- And of course you know--
- Oh, we know each other.

Lady Mitchell
is always where it's happening.


Now, if you will all excuse me,
l have an appointment at .

And a photo session with me at ,
don't forget.

Perhaps we will see
more of each other

before this is over.


Sit down, won't you? And join us.

Thank you.

BLAKE: What a wonde_ul surprise
to see you.

ASHLEY: It's good to see you, Blake.
- What brings you here?

Oh, l'm here to photograph
a few of the VIPs.

Well, maybe she's having
Iunch here somewhere. There she is.

ASHLEY: --with one thing or another.
- Oh.

Well, thank you vey much,

but l think this time l'll be able to
handle my problems without your help.

Thank you for your offer.

Ashley, l've been looking eve_here
for you. How good to see you.

- Hello, darling.
- This is my husband, Dex.

- Lady Ashley, a pleasure.
- Nice to meet you.

And l see
that you've caught up with Blake.

- Hello, darling.
- Hello, Mummy.

l didn't know you'd be here, Dex.

Well, this is where your mother is.
Where else would l be?

Of course.

Well, if you'll excuse me,
l'm going to play tennis.

- See you later.
- Bye.

Well, l'm afraid l must be going too.

Oh, l'm giving a party, Blake,
tomorrow night, for Han Li Su.

- You'll come?
- Yes, of course, l'd be delighted.

But l do hope we get a chance
to see each other before then.

- Nice to see you both.
- A pleasure.

Hello, Luke.

Thank you for agreeing to see me.

Well, l guess l'm as curious about you
as you are about me.

Can l offer you a cup of coffee?
A beer?

No, no. No, thank you.

Well, it's not iust curiosity.

l wanna find out more about you.


shall l skip
my school years and--?

- And go right to my marriage?
- Sure.

lt lasted six years.

l have never trusted,

cared for,
or loved anyone like that before.

Or since.

Then what happened?

Well, things were okay
in the beginning.

At least, we pretended they were.

Karen knew, of course.

How do you not know?

The way someone kisses you,
the way they touch.

Well, it's not like that for Steven.

He enioys making love to me.

He wants a wife, he wants a family.

He needs those things.
They're important to him.

And the other things that he needs?

Don't you think they're important?

lt doesn't matter what l think.

lt's what Steven wants that matters.

Now, he's told me that it's over
between the two of you,

you're not going
to see each other again.

And you don't believe him?

Yes, l believe him.

l know how hard this is for him.

So l'm going to give you
the benefit of the doubt, Luke.

l'm going to believe
that you genuinely care for him.

And l'm going to ask your help.

Stay away from him.

Give him some space.

He's so unhappy, Luke.

All right.

l'll keep away from Steven.

l'll let him make his own decision
without any pressure from me.

But l think
you're fooling yourself, Claudia.

See, l know Steven.

l understand him.

l've walked the same path.

And l know where it leads.

Where did you find that?

l had the trunk
brought down from the attic.

What do you think?

- Take it off.
- Jeff, wait a minute.

- You have no right.
- These are not sacred garments.

Even if they are Fallon's clothes,
they're just old clothes, Jeff.

That's all they are.

- l said, take it off.
- All right.

All right, l'll take it off.
Just get out of here.

Just get out.


Adam, whatever it is
you wanna talk about, l don't.

Have you any idea
why Dominique has put up

half her Denver-Carrington stock
as collateral against a cash loan?

- Ask Dominique.
- l did.

All l got was a song and dance,
so l'm asking you.

Did Blake say anything
before he left?

Adam, what Blake tells me
is none of your business.

Blake doesn't trust me anymore.

He thinks l am to blame for what went
wrong in Istanbul with Rashid Ahmed.

And in Paris,
with the Chinese delegation.

l think
you're jumping to conclusions.

Then why didn't he take me
to Acapulco?

Why does he tell Jeff
what's going on and not me?

Jeff didn't say that he knew.

He's always favoured Jeff. Always.

No matter what l do,
l'm the interloper.

- Why don't you speak to Blake?
- Don't you think l've tried that?

lt's like talking to an iceberg.

Well, l will not be pushed out.

l spent years in exile
and that's enough.

l'm his son.

l'm his oldest son, l'm his heir
and l will have what is mine.

l'm sory.

l'm sory.

lt's Steven, isn't it?

We're a fine pair.

All full of self-pity and anger.

That's not gonna do us
much good, is it?

No, you're right, they're not.

To get what we want, we're gonna
have to rely on a few other qualities.

Like intelligence, a bit of humour.

And a whole lot of determination.

Lights sparkling like diamonds.

Of course,
l've always preferred the real thing.

l'd forgotten
how entertaining you can be.

Let's get to the point, Alexis.

- You want my help with those leases.
- Yes, l do.

Well, you can't have it.

l'm a vey wealthy woman, Ashley.

l could make it worth your while.

Now, why should l be interested
in your money?

Oh, l've heard rumours.

You should know better
than to listen to them.

Those leases are important to me,
and l'm going to get them.

Thank you for the offer.
Sory l can't help.

l'm a businesswoman, Ashley.

l'm here
because l want those leases.

Why are you here?
What do you want?


What exactly are you after?

Now, Alexis,
why should l deprive you of the joy

of finding that out for yourself?


- Hi.
- Oh, hi.

l talked to Danny last night
on the phone.

And he said that he hated oatmeal.

l told him that l loved it so...

Now, l guess l have to have breaMast
with him to prove how much l love it.

Well, he should be dressed
and down soon.

Good. l really wanted
to talk to you too.

l spent most of last night
thinking and pondering.

l guess l was doing eveything
except sleeping.

l wanted to be sure of my decision.

For us to get together again,
or not to get together.


lt won't work. l'm sory.

- Claudia--
- No, no, let me finish.

l love you.

l always have and l always will.

- And l love you.
- l don't know.

There's me and there's Luke Fuller.

l don't know who comes first.
l don't think you do.

And until you do, l can't be a screen
for you to hide behind.

l won't be that screen.

Steven, sooner or later,
you're gonna come to terms

with what you want
and who you are.

And when you do
we can be husband and wife,

we can be lovers,
we could be friends.

And until then you'll drop by
and have oatmeal with my son

and maybe say hello to me
if l'm around.


No, no, no. Damn it.

You're pushing it again.

l told you, flow with it, be a part of it.

Picture somebody up there,
somebody you hate.

Somebody who's tying to hurt you,
or Blake, or the children.


Great, Kystie.

Pe_ect. Pe_ect.

What's the matter? Are you hurt?

No, l've got to be going. l'm fine.

Who is it you pictured up there?

Was it Alexis?

lt's not iust Alexis.

l know Blake doesn't care about her.

But she's there in Acapulco
and l'm not.

Amanda's there and l'm not.

He said it was only business
and there was no point in my going.

And l feel left out.

And it hurts.

BLAKE: Yes, yes, the weather's
been vey fine so far, Gerard.

ls Mrs. Carrington there, please?
l wanted to talk to her.

Mr. Reece's farm.

No. No, no, l'll call her back later.

Thank you vey much.



- Lovely party.
- Thank you.

Excuse me.

ASHLEY: That conversation
Iooked interesting.

- Aren't you glad you came, Blake?
- Well, let me put it this way:

l'm vey happy to be at one
of the celebrated Lady Mitchell parties.

l'm vey happy
to be in her lovely presence.

You do look beautiful tonight,
vey beautiful.

Thank you, Blake.

Well, as for that conversation
with Minister Han, it's a total mystey.

He has told me to proceed cautiously,
vey cautiously,

with my plans
for those leases, period.

That's wonde_ul.

lt is? Why do you say that?

lt means that the top
has decided not to terminate the plans.

That's their term for full-out speed.

Ashley, if l ever decide to hire a
resident optimist at Denver-Carrington,

would you consider taking the iob?

Well, iust ask me.

DEX: Mr. Li Su.
- Oh, Mr. De_er.

- It's good to see you again.
- Good to see you.

How is your son?

Oh, thanks to your rescue, he is alive,
at home and well.

And l am eternally grateful for that.

Now, if there is anything
l can do for you--

Well, we'll talk about that
at the appropriate time.


Mr. Han.

Mr. Han,
l've been looking eve_here for you.

Well, it's my pleasure
you have found me, Mrs. De_er.

Oh, yes.

- Unfortunately, l do not dance.
- Oh, that is unfortunate.

But that should not stop us
from chatting.

You see, l enioy talking
to beautiful women such as you.

Mr. Han, l wonder ifyou and l
might talk seriously vey soon.

See, l understand you're planning on
going to bed with Denver-Carrington.

To bed?

That's iust an expression
meaning to do business with.

To be quite frank, Mr. Han,

l'd like to convince you
and your government

that my company, Colbyco,
would be an excellent partner

to Denver-Carrington
with regard to the oil leases.

And we can all go to bed together?


Hm. Interesting.

Well, we shall talk about it.

- Perhaps soon.
- Yes, yes.

Mr. Han, would you mind taking me
over to Blake Carrington's table?

You see,
he's promised me the ne_ dance.

Oh, certainly.

- And we'll talk together vey soon.
- Yes.

Excuse me, Blake,
l'd like to talk to you.

And don't make a scene because
Mr. Han is watching us. Let's dance.

Excuse me.

l want to talk to you
about those leases, Blake.

We have finished our business
discussion, as l remember, Alexis.

Oh, have we?

Well, in that case l'd like to talk to you
about Lady Ashley.

You and she seem to be
getting along together famously.

- What do you mean?
- Well, she's beautiful, she's clever.

And she's vey smart.

There's gotta be something
wrong with her.

Well, you'll find out what it is too,
l'm sure.

- Or else you'll invent it.
- Oh, yes.

Blake, she seems to be
quite taken with you.

l don't know what you're getting at,

but l wouldn't bother pursuing it
if l were you.

Oh, no, of course not.

After all
you are a happy ma! rried man.

And the sterling Kystle isn't here
to see that you remain faithful to her.

Tell me something, Blake,
l've often wondered,

were you faithful to me
when we were married?

Why don't you keep on wondering?

At least it'll give you something thing to
do besides screwing up my deal here.

Oh, Blake.

l am sure that your husband
is waiting for you, breathlessly.

ALEXIS: Well, l certainly hope so,
and thank you for the dance.

Dance with me, Amanda Carrington.

Sounds like a command to me,
Michael of Moldavia.

And l don't take them,
not from anyone.

lf l added a ''please''?

lf l told you l would be the saddest
of princes if you turned me down?

A melancholy
Mediterranean Hamlet.

Can you think
of anything more sad than that?


Excuse me.

Well, did you enioy your dance
with His Highness?

Heir apparent to the Rhode Island
of the Carpathians?

Did you enioy watching, Dex?

Or was that a iealous look
l caught in your eye?

No, a concerned look.

ln case you don't know it, Amanda,

the guy's had evey iet-setter
in North America,

South America and Europe.

Well, l have a date with him tomorrow,
and who knows?

Michael, dance with me now.

lt's my pleasure, again.

Excuse me.

Well, eveybody seems to be
having a wonde_ul time.

And l am having
a pe_ectly glorious time.

They make a stunning-looking couple,
don't they?

Yes, they do.

One Christmas,
when she was a little girl,

she asked Santa Claus
for a county.

l wonder if he's about to deliver.


Tell me, what else does a prince do
in Moldavia?

You mean, besides being a waiter?

Oh, l also practise
wrecking Ferraris.

Skiing down what's left of the Alps.

Avoiding committing political su1c1de.

And making sure l don't lose
a beautiful woman when l find her.


So tell me more
about the political su1c1de part.

l was afraid of that.

Well, you see, a monarchy
isn't all that bad a thing for a prince.

AMANDA: No, really?
- Positively.

You see, if you're a prince,
and you're nice, you get to be king.

Now, l would've never
thought of that.

But only if you're careful,

and never, never muck up
the royal ship of state.

Darling, why don't you go ahead?
l'll join you in a minute.

- All right, order you the usual?
- Oh, yes.

Mind if l ioin you, Blake?

For coffee or conversation?

For business.

All right, l'll get straight to the point.

You've got two problems
and we both know it.

- Do we?
- Oh, yes.

And there's too much at stake here,

to let past feelings stand in the way
of us making a billion-dollar profit.

Why don't you have some coffee,

because this conversation
is gonna be pointless.

Why must you
be so bloody stubborn?

Eveyone knows you've got to sell
a portion of those leases

in order to finance your drilling.

Yes, and l will.
And without you as a partner.

lt iust kills you, doesn't it?

To admit
that l'm an excellent businesswoman.

But l am, and l will meet
or better any offer that you get.

And as far as my acceptability
as a partner is concerned,

Minister Han thinks
that we are just one big happy family.

Professionally, that is.

Good morning, Mr. Han.

Good morning, Mrs. De_er.

Smile, Blake.

Remember, he saw us
dancing together last night.

lt's not going to work, Alexis.
The answer is no.

And it will always be no.

l want those leases, Blake,
and l never take no for an answer.


Well, you're winning again,
aren't you?


- Nikki.
- Um... l'm in here, Jeff.

l've been looking
all over the house for you.


l'm sory, l--

l iust wanted to apologise.

Jeff, you don't have to...

This is lovely.

Well, what happened earlier
was inexcusable.

l iust don't know
what came over me.

Jeff, l understand. You miss Fallon.

And you don't love me, l know that.

Not yet, anmay.

But l promise you one thing.
l'm gonna make you love me.

Hey there.

Come here.

How are you doing, huh?

L.B.: Fine.
- Fine?

You know what l was iust thinking?

You're getting amully big
for me to call you Little Blake.

How about L.B.?

- That's me.
- That's right.

- You ready for that ride now?
- Ooh. A ride.

What ride? l'd love to go.

Well, you can't come.

That's not vey nice.

l don't want her to come.

She's a vey nice lady.

She wants to be with you and me.

Well, you don't like her either,
she said so.

You want mommy back
as much as l do.

JEFF: L.B., let me explain something.
L.B.: l don't care.

l'm never gonna love you,
only my mommy.


- L.B.
- Jeff, Jeff, don't.

lt'll only makes things worse.

Well, the sand was whiter
than l remembered it.

- And the sun...
- Ooh!

There was too much sun.
My back's burning.

Well, in that case,
we'll have to do something for it.

An emergency measure.

And a speciality
of the house of Moldavia.

Does that help?

- Yes?
- No.


l take that no as an insult.

An affront that will not be quickly
or easily forgotten.

But if you choose,
there's another remedy.

lt's less romantic.



Nice skin.

Nice hands.

Do you always tease men this way?

Who, me?
Your Highness, what could you mean?

And now the front.

Well, you are
a little burned there too.

Do you really think l need it?

- Mm-hm.
- Where?


And here.

And here.

You said
you were going to take me to dinner.

l'm starving.


We say good night here.

- You don't mind?
- No, l know.

We must stay out of the public eye,
mustn't we?

- Call me the moment you wake up?
- l will.

Bob, if you'll excuse me
for a moment.


Do you have any idea
what time it is?

Um, past my bedtime?

Well, from the looks of it,
you've already been to bed.

- Jealous?
- No.


Don't you realise, with the Chinese,

your behaviour reflects
on both your parents?

Well, l don't see them complaining,
just you.

Amanda, eveybody is here for
the same thing, including your prince.

- Those precious oil leases?
- Correct.

And his chances of getting them
are slim or none.

But bedding down
with the daughter of Blake Carrington

iust might improve his odds.

Dex, the prince
is like most other men l know.

He will bed down with me
when l want him to.

Good night.

Oh, thank you.

Prince Michael has invited me
to Moldavia for a visit.

Oh, darling, that's wonde_ul.
You'll adore it.

- You've been there?
- Oh, yes, a long time ago.

His father, King Galen, and l
were vey good friends.

And once, when we were in bed--

Oh, hello, darling.

Well, l'm off.

Michael's rented a catamaran
and we're sailing to Roqueta for lunch.

Well, if he's half the man his father is,
you should have a vey exciting time.

Well, if l'm half the woman
my mother is, l'm sure l will.

Goodbye, darling.


Bye, Dex.

That was quick.
l hope you didn't beat him too badly.

We do a lot of business
with Venezuela.

l took the first set,
l gave him the second set.

Never mind that.

You don't care what Amanda does,
do you?

Well, of course l care.

l care that she's happy and
that she's living her life to the fullest.

The question is, Dex,
why do you care?

Then you understand why
Mrs. Alexis Colby's company

suits our needs.

Their revenues
were triple that of Radco's

during fiscal ' .

Minister Han, l'd like to suggest size is
not the most important element here.

Now, Warren Radco is a vey highly
thought of man in the community.

A man of his word.


Would you excuse me
a moment, please?


Blake, we keep missing each other.

How's eveything going?

Well, eveything is iust fine.

Minister, Blake and Alexis Colby
have been divorced for years.

Oh, Mrs. Colby indicates they're
still involved in business matters.

Well, they're not partners, as a matter
of fact, their companies are rivals.

Am l calling at a bad time?
You're not alone, are you?

Well, as a matter of fact, l'm not.

l'm right in the middle of a meeting
with the Chinese minister.

l'm sory, Kystle,
can l call you back later, say, tonight?

Will you be home?

Well, of course, where else?

Well, evey time l've called,
you haven't been home.

l'll be home tonight. Call me then.

You know,
real friendship is based on trust.

You and l are friends for a long time,
and Blake and l are friends.

You were wise enough
to make him captain of your ship.

Now, why not let him
steer the course?

Wise decisions
are rarely made in haste.

- We shall meet again tomorrow.
- Thank you.


BLAKE: Minister Han, l thought
it was a vey productive afternoon.

l look fomard
to meeting you tomorrow.

Yes, my pleasure. Thank you.

Well, it looks like Alexis
has won the first round.

Han meant what he said.

With the Chinese,
the most important thing is patience.

Well, now that the formalities
are OVer,

why don't we sit,
take off our shoes, have a drink.

Good idea.

That was your wife calling, wasn't it?

Yes. Yes, it was.

She's vey beautiful.

What's she like, Blake?

l'm sory, l'd really rather not talk
about her right now, if you don't mind.

You know what l think?

l think Mr. Carrington
Ioves Mrs. Carrington vey, vey much.

And if he didn't,
you know what l think?

l think he'd be quite a catch.

l mean, there'd be all kinds of ladies
strewing roses in his path.

And carnations.

And gardenias,
and maybe an orchid or two.

Yeah, that's the professor all right.

And that's his home in Villarrico.

As long as he's under house arrest,
we have access,

but once they move him to the militay
prison in Asunción, it's all over.

We better move in fast or not at all.
Who's gonna make up the team?

Well, Talbot, Lasher, Goetz, Suarez.

- De_er?
- No.

l don't like it,
but we have to go without him.

- We've done it before.
- Not this mission.

With or without Dex,
l'm gonna get this man out.

l haven't got time
to wory about some--


KRYSTAL: Daniel?
- Hang on.

Come on in.

l'm sory to barge in like this,
but l was checking--

Oh, stop apologising.
Do you have time for a ride?

l thought you might like
a crack at my favourite horse.

- l'd love it.
- Good.

Hold him. Don't give him his head.

Turn him. Rein him hard to the left.

He's gotten away from you, Kystie.

Hold him back!
Rein him hard to the left!


- l'm off the reins!
REECE: Hold him!

Kystie! Kystie!

Oh, God.

Kystie. Stay still.

Don't move.

ls it your shoulder?
Did you fall on it?

- It hurts but it's not broken.
- You scared the hell out of me.

- You look more frightened than l was.
- l thought you were--

l'm fine, Daniel, l'm fine.

l'm not hurt.
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