05x29 - Royal Wedding

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x29 - Royal Wedding

Post by bunniefuu »

Amanda, eveything is arranged.

The family is already here
for the religious ceremony on Sunday.

The court is arriving
for the state ceremony on Monday.

You've got to go through
with this wedding.

l can't, and l won't.


Look, Michael may or may not
have been unfaithful to you.

You only have Elena's word for it.

And l certainly wouldn't believe
a word that she said.

But that was before
you'd be married.

And it's obviously no reason
not to mary a man that you love.

So, what is the problem?

l can't mary a man l don't trust.
l don't want that sort of marriage.

- Can't you understand that, Mommy?
- No, no, l can't.

Well, it's my life and nobody else's,
and if l want out, l'm getting out.

Look, darling,

l would never push you
into a bad marriage.

l mean, Michael is young,
and he's impulsive,

but he obviously adores you,
and l know that you love him.

You're gonna have
a wonde_ul life together.

So don't throw it all away
just for one indiscretion.




Mrs. De_er, Miss Carrington,

His Maiesty expects you
in the drawing room at :OO

to greet his other guests
from the United States.

Yes, tell him we'll be there.

Won't we, darling?

Certainly. We have to tell all of them
that the wedding is off.

if l can't change your mind,

at least let me
break the news diplomatically.

Please, darling.
Please do this for me.

lf l can't say anything
about breaking the engagement,

then l'm not going to the reception.
l don't want any part of this farce.

All right.

Until l can find
a good enough reason,

you've iust come down with the flu.

Just leave the bags, if you will.

That's all for now.
Thank you vey much.

Thanks for that, Blake.

Well, l was sure that you were tired
after that long flight.

l didn't want them unpacking for us
and fussing over us.

l am tired.

lt's more than that, isn't it, darling?
You're upset about something.

What is it? Sammy Jo again?

KRYSTAL: l can still see her
at the reading of Daniel's will.

She was so angy because
l was named executrix of his estate.

l'm iust afraid
she'll do something desperate.

What could she possibly do?

l don't know.

l iust know her.

Well, l am not gonna let her spoil
the ne_ few days.

My daughter is getting married,

and it gives me a chance to spend
a couple of lazy days with you.

l want you to put Sammy Jo
out of your mind.

Now, will you do that?


Middle of the night.
What's so important it couldn't wait?

l got a call from my aunt
not too long ago,

and l iust want you
to hear her voice.

- And that's why you woke me up?
- Well, l was sitting here thinking.

Come here. You have to hear it.
Wake up. You have to hear this.

Now, iust listen.

Sammy Jo, it's Kystle.

l really have to speak with you.

l have to leave the county tomorrow
for Amanda's wedding in Moldavia.

Please call back so we can talk.


Well, you told me that you got
that commercial you were up for

because they bought
that phoney voice you were using.

Now, do you think
you can sound like her?

Well, sure, if l practised.


Well, for now, Rita, let's iust say

it's something l'd appreciate
your doing for me.

No questions asked, all right?

Sammy Jo, it's Kystle. l...

Now, Father, may l introduce

Amanda's father, Blake Carrington,
and his wife, Kystle.

A true pleasure, Mrs. Carrington.

Thank you, Your Maiesty.
It's our pleasure to be here.

Mr. Carrington,
l've heard a great deal about you

from your vey lovely daughter.

Nothing too unkind, l hope.

Oh, on the contray, l think her words
were ''admired '' ''adored'' and ''terrific.''

Excuse me.

DEX: How much longer
are you planning to avoid me?

Dex, this is a vey busy time for me.
l've got a lot of things on my mind.

Too bad l'm not one of them.

Would you mind
if we save this discussion

of our marital problems until later?

Of course.

Any time you think His Maiesty
can spare you.

You know what l wish, Ashley?

That we were alone?
Anyplace but here?


Now, when do l get my answer?

l told you, Jeff,
l'll let you know in time.

l'm gonna call London,
see if Townsend has any news

on that North Sea well.

l thought you telephoned
this afternoon.

l couldn't get through this afternoon.
l won't be long.

- Steven. Luke.
- Hello, Claudia.

- Quite an evening, isn't it?
- Yes, it is.

Good evening, Luke.
Good evening, Steven.

Claudia, may l borrow you
for just a moment, please?

- Sure.
- Excuse us.


You looked as though
you could use a little borrowing.

- Are you all right?
- Yes, l am.

- Good.
- Thank you.



Michael. Michael.
Please, we have to talk.

l think you've said
more than enough already, Elena.

And what are you doing here, Yuri?

My iob, Your Highness.

Keeping an eye on my comings
and goings, no doubt,

through the keyhole.

As l see fit to do myiob,
Your Highness.

Well, iust focus your attentions
on the Duchess of Branagh,

and make sure
she doesn't follow me.

BLAKE: Alexis, may l speak to you
for a moment, please?

Yes, Blake.
Are you enjoying yourself?

No. Something is wrong.

- l want to know what it is.
- Wrong?

Yes. Where is Amanda?

Amanda, unfortunately,
is in bed with the flu.

So you've told eveyone.
Forgive me if l don't believe you.

Blake, why is it
that you never believe a word l say?

Alexis, if something is wrong,
don't you think l should know?

Perhaps l can help.

Maybe you could.

Maybe she'll listen to you.

The little fool won't take any notice
of anything that l say.

Shouldn't you be downstairs

saying hello to your guests
since you obviously don't have the flu?

l only agreed to this marriage

because l thought you and Michael
Ioved each other vey much.

l know.

And because l believed that,
l brought my entire family

halfway around the world
to see you married.

- Now your mother tells me that you--
- l know what Mommy told you.

She said l was being a fool.

She said you were being stubborn
and unreasonable

and acting like a child.

And so far, l've seen no evidence
that she's wrong.

Well, what do you want me to do?

Be a good little girl and mary Michael
because you and Mommy tell me to?

That's not what l want.

Amanda, you've changed your mind
a great deal about Michael lately.

lt's time that stopped.

Now, you've got to think calmly,
make a decision, and stick to it.

ln other words,
you've got to grow up.

You're right.

l know you're right.

l'm iust so confused.

lt was so amul
seeing Michael with Elena.

They were about to make love.
l know they were.

l iust feel so humiliated and so hurt.

Daddy, l honestly don't know
what to do.

Darling, l can't tell you what to do.

l can only tell you one thing.

That you've got to sit down somewhere
and think about what you want.

And then,
when you've thought it all through,

if you wanna call the wedding off,
l'll stand by you.

Whatever you decide,
l'll stand by you.

They told me l could find you here.

Have you come here to challenge me
to a duel, Mr. Carrington?

To defend your daughter's honour?

Michael, l love my daughter.

Her happiness means
a great deal to me.

And right now,
she is vey upset and vey hurt.

l'd like to know what happened.

- Hasn't Amanda told you?
- Yes, she did.

But over the past few weeks,
you've managed to convince me

that you really do love my daughter.

Now, l know vey well

that, for some people, love and fidelity
don't always go hand in hand.

You gave me the impression, though,
that for you, this time, they did.

Mr. Carrington,
l know my reputation,

and quite honestly, l earned it.

But l do love Amanda.

l've never been unfaithful to her,
and l never will be.

What happened with Elena
was not my fault.

But there's no way l can prove that.

l have never had to beg anyone
to accept my word.

But l'm begging you.

l swear l'm telling you the truth.

- And you really believed him?

But l saw them together.

Amanda, l only wanted you to know

that, after talking to him,
he's convinced me.

But it's your life, darling.

You're the one
who has to be convinced.

Daddy, did Fallon ever give you
this much trouble?

You know,
you two are vey much alike.

She was feisty and vulnerable,
both at the same time.

And l loved her
as much as l love you.

Now, as for giving me trouble,

as far as my daughters are concerned,
there was no such word.

There are those
who might call it failing, but if it is,

l guess l'll iust have to live with it.

Remember, darling,
whatever you decide,

you're going to have to live
with that too.

Eight all.

ADAM: Get it! Get it!
STEVEN: Coming your way.

- One more. One more here.
LUKE: Going too far.

STEVEN: Got it.
- Spike it. That's it.

- Hello, darling.
- Dominique.

Oh, Ashley, what's wrong?

Jeff asked me to mary him.

ADAM: Nice save, Luke.
- And you said?

- l needed time. That l'd think it over.
- Which really means no, Ashley.


A long time ago, Jeff fell in love
with a sophisticated older woman,

and l was vey attracted
to a beautiful young man.

We were lucky.
We got to live out our fantasy.

But will that fantasy survive
the test of reality? Of time?

Ashley, Jeff Colby
has asked you to mary him.

Do you realise
the implication of that?

ln these times, when so few people
are willing to make a real commitment,

Jeff wants to make
that commitment.

l iust don't know.

JEFF: Got it.
STEVEN: Good shot.

Spike it. Spike it.

lf the music doesn't please you,
l shall send the orchestra packing,

sit at the piano
and play for you myself.

- Like the old days.
- Yes, like those.

Well, in case l didn't tell you,
you were terrible.


Then why did you applaud each time
and say, ''Bravo''?

Because l was much more polite
in those days.

Well, at any rate,
it's good to see you smile again.

l know why you came in here.

Amanda. She's still vey much
on your mind, isn't she?

She's all that's on my mind.

l've been tying to talk
to that brat of a duchess

to see if she can help us
out of this mess she's caused,

but she's managed to avoid me.
Can't you do something?

Over the years,
l've learned it's wisest not to inte_ere,

except as a last resort.

So why don't we let the children
resolve this

i n any way
that will make them happy?

l want to talk about us.


We were interrupted the other night
just as l was about to ask you

to stay here with me
after the wedding.

Galen, l already told you,
l'm not ready to give up my husband.


l have a business to run.

l have my own empire.
It's vey important to me.

Admit it, Alexis,
how much you want to stay with me.

You know you do. You know it.
Let us not repeat our mistake, Alexis.



Well, where did you disappear to?
l missed you.

Oh. ''Missed'' as in, ''l can't stand
another moment without him ''

or, ''Where the hell is he,
and what's he up to?''

- What's wrong with you?
- What's wrong?


Oh, nothing, Alexis.

Just that l've been watching you
these past few days,

the way you've been carying on
with the head honcho

of this two-bit tract
they call a county.

Like tonight, the two of you together.

l really don't know
what you're talking about, Dex.

You know exactly
what l'm talking about.

Now, l wanna know,

how far has this thing
between the two of you gone?

- Did you hear me? l want an answer.
- All right, l'll give you one.

lt's gone about as far as the thing
between you and Amanda.

You know something?

l am sick of your twisting situations
to justify your behaviour.

- Oh, are you?
- As soon as l can get a flight

out of this godforsaken place,
l'll be on it.

Dex. Dex, don't you walk out on me.

You bastard.

All right, Mrs. De_er,
l let you drag me in here.

Now, would you kindly tell me
what it is you want?

Yes, the same thing
that l've wanted for days: the truth.

- The truth?
- Yes, my dear.

You pushed your way
into Michael's room,

and my daughter, unfortunately,
drew the wrong conclusions.

- Did she, now?
- Yes, she did, but l didn't.

l want you to go to her
and tell her what really happened.

l'll go to her ifyou like,

but l'll tell her
exactly what l have before.

The truth is Michael and l have known
each other since childhood,

and he has always loved me.

- That's rubbish, and you know it.
- How dare you speak to me like that?


Yes, Your Maiesty?

You have been talking
with Mrs. De_er about my son.

Now let's talk about your father.

What about him, Your Maiesty?

He stands to make a fortune

from the Colbyco investment
in our county.

You know, of course,
that Mrs. De_er is Colbyco?

Yes, Your Majesty, l know that.

So if my son's wedding
to her daughter falls through,

he wouldn't approve.

Your father has a foul temper.
True, Elena?

Yes, Your Maiesty.

So if you would like to avoid feeling
the effects of that temper,

l suggest you go upstairs
and face Amanda Carrington

and tell her the truth,
the absolute truth.



l've come to talk about Michael

and me.

- To gloat, Your Grace?
- No, to clear up a misunderstanding.

He did not invite me
into his room the other night.

l went because l thought
l could make him want me.

l was hoping to convince him to break
your engagement and mary me.

And the truth is, l couldn't.

He asked me to leave.

And iust when l thought all was lost,
you walked in,

and l couldn't believe my luck.

Why are you telling me this now?

Well, does it matter? It's the truth.

Michael loves you.
He has never been unfaithful to you.

Eveything l told you before
was a lie.

Well, say that you believe me,
and let's have it over with.

l do believe you.


You, uh...

You iust don't look as pleased
as l thought you would.


You said Michael loves me.

But you still don't think
l'm the right wife for him, do you?

l've promised to tell you the truth.
No, l don't.

You'll never be able
to stand this life, Amanda.

lt's too demanding. It's too hard.

And you don't have what it takes.



Look, l've had enough of this.

Enough of what?

Your avoiding me.

l know you don't want to upset Blake.
l know that you don't dare upset Blake.

Look, Claudia,
it's better to stay out of his way.

What's the point
of starting an argument?

What do you mean,
what's the point?

l don't wanna be
your embarrassing secret.

lf you insist on treating me like that,
this relationship is over.

- l love you. l don't wanna lose you.
- Well, then start acting like it.

Othemise l'll be gone forever.


Steven, if you won't even ty
to put her out of your mind,

what chance are we gonna have
to make a go of it?

Luke, my feelings about Claudia
are vey complicated.

My feelings about myself
are vey complicated.

lt's not a conflict l can get over
in a week or a month.

lt's going to take some time.

Maybe l'll never get over it.
l don't know.

But if you think that means
l don't love you, you're wrong.

l do.

l really wish
l could believe you, Steven.

You will believe me.

When we get back home, Danny and l
are going to move in with you.

The world may disapprove,

but l don't give a damn
about the world.

Just about us.


Mommy, are you here?


Where are you going?

Home. l've hired a plane.
A car's coming to pick me up.

- l'm getting away from this circus.
- Oh, Dex, you can't go.

- l want you here.
- Amanda, you're just like your mother.

The whole world
revolves around you.

- Dex, please don't go.
- Look, l got mixed up

in a world l never should've
become a part of.

Alexis, the Carringtons,
the Colbys, all of you.

Now, let go of my arm, Amanda.

- Dex, please stay.
- Did you hear me?

- Please?
- Amanda, did you hear me?

Let go of her.

- Stop it.
- Michael, don't.

Oh, my God, stop it.
Leave him alone.

l love him.

Dex, leave us alone.

Does that mean
there's gonna be a wedding after all?


Hey. Just watch where you're going.

What are you doing delivering wine
at this time of night?

What the hell is going on here?

Find his driver.

Tell him we have already taken him
to the airport.

Get him out of here.

Nothing can stop us tomorrow.


Come in.

Good morning, Father.

- Morning, Adam.
- l've just heard from Townsend again.

That order for drilling bits.

We're here for a wedding, son.
Those minor problems can wait.

Now, hold on one second.
l want to talk to you about something.


l've been watching you and Claudia
ever since we got here.

Now, l told you how l felt about that.
Obviously, you didn't listen.

- That's not true.
- Don't lie to me.

l want you to stop seeing Claudia.

Adam, l have my entire family
to think of.

The welfare of evey one of you
is vey important to me.

Now, please do as l ask.

Don't force me to do anything
that we would both regret.

Naturally, l'll do whatever you say.

And what was the implication?
That he'd cut you off?


And what did you tell him?
Did you agree?

l told him l'd never give you up.

And l never will.

But somehow l'm going to find a way
to have Denver-Carrington and you.

So Dex left.

Nothing to lose any sleep about.

He's basically a cowboy,
and this is a royal wedding,

and the twain, as they say,
never, necessarily, shall meet.

Now, remember, darling,

when you walk down the aisle,
l want you to think about your posture.

There's nothing more unattractive

than a beautiful bride
with drooping shoulders.

And when you hold the bouquet,

l want you to keep your arms
parallel to the ground.

And when Blake takes you
down the aisle,

do not let him walk you too fast.
Remember, this is your wedding.


They say,
''Happy is the bride the sun shines on.''

As my beloved mother used to say,
''Rain is good for the farmers.''

ln this world, darling,
you make your own happiness.

Anmay, now it's time for the mother
of the bride to get dressed.

- l'll see you later.
- Bye.




Ashley, do you realise
it's been two days, hours,

a million minutes, give or take?

And l think it's time
that you say to the guy,

''Okay, yes. Okay, l'll mary you.''

l'd like to do that, but l can't.

- l love you, Jeff, but--
- Well, then...

Wait. Let me finish.

l love you,

but when this wedding is over,
l'm flying back to Paris alone

with wonde_ul memories of us.


l'm the wrong woman for you, Jeff.
Can't you see that?

You love children. l can't have any.
You love staying at home nights,

and l'm a gypsy at heart,
always on the move.

- But most of all, l'm not Fallon.
- Ashley, Fallon is gone.


Can you honestly say
that you don't still care about her?

That you're not still hoping
that she's alive somewhere?

l know about that day
when you almost married Fallon,

and then you lost her.

Tell me that she's not on your mind
right now, if you can.

Yes, l think of her.

l think of her a lot.

Excuse me.

- l was here before.
- Oh, yes.

l was wondering,
did a bulletin come in?

Maybe a picture,
somebody who looks like me?

You asked me that the last time.

l'm sory,
the answer's still the same.

A lot of people are missing, but no one
seems to be looking for you.


What are you living on? l mean,
you don't know where you come from.

You don't know who you are.

l had money in my purse,
and some jewelley. l pawned it.

But, you know,
the one thing it can't buy is a name.

So l made one up.

Randall Adams.

Just in case, are you still staying
at the same place?

l was thinking of going somewhere
there are mountains.

You got your pick of places:
Phoenix, Santa Fe, Denver.

l'll go out to the airport
and go wherever the spirit moves me.

Are you ever gonna tell me
exactly what you're up to?

Just put this on, Rita.

l must've been in evey wig shop
in New York today.

But l think this one is close.

Hey, l like her.

Me. Whoever.

And now it's time
someone taught her a lesson.

Let me do it.

You know,
of all the fathers l've seen

escorting their daughters
down the aisle,

you are the handsomest of all.

Now, l know that Amanda
is gonna be a beautiful bride,

but no bride was ever more beautiful
than you were at our wedding.

For me, you were then,
and you always will be,

the most beautiful woman
l have ever known,

in evey way.


Someone's bound to notice
l've disappeared. How long

- do you think you can keep me here?
- As long as necessay, Mr. De_er.

lf you hurt Amanda, l'll...

What are you after?

l shall put it in one word, Mr. De_er:


- Why did Elena leave?
ALEXIS: Darling, l don't know.

But when l saw her standing in the hall
with her bags packed,

l iust waved
and wished her bon voyage.

Oh, look, Mommy.


You see?
Eveything's going to be all right.

The sun will shine
on the happy bride after all.

__BRIDAL cHoRus__]


We are gathered together
in the presence of God the Almighty.

Lord, bless this marriage
and vouchsafe unto these,

your servants, Michael and Amanda,
a peaceful life,

length of days, mutual love,
and a bond of peace,

long-lived seed, and a crown of gloy
that fadeth not away.

Graciously grant that they may behold
their children's children.

Preserve their bed unassailed,

and give them of the dew
of heaven on high,

and the fatness of the earth.

fill their houses with wheat and oil

and with evey beneficence

that they, in turn,
bestow upon the needy.

Have you, Michael,
a good, free, unconstrained will

and the firm intention to take
unto thyself this woman, Amanda?

- l have.
- Have you, Amanda,

a good, free, unconstrained will

and a firm intention to take
unto thyselfthis man, Michael?

l have.

Michael, place the ring
on Amanda's finger.

Now repeat after me.

With this ring, l thee wed.

With this ring, l thee wed.

You are now united
as husband and wife.

Blessed is the kingdom of the Father,
and the Son and the Holy Spirit

now and ever. Let us pray in peace.

- Protect the king.
ALEXIS: Amanda!

- Oh, God, no! My baby!
- Kystle!

They're gonna k*ll us!

Oh, God, what's happening?

- Please stop!
AMANDA: Oh, God!

- What's happening?
- Kystle!




God, Ashley, are you crazy?
Get down!

Ah! Jeff!

Get the king.

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