06x02 - The Homecoming

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x02 - The Homecoming

Post by bunniefuu »

Who is it?


Answer me, damn it.



Oh, God, what are you doing here?

What am I doing here?

They're trying to use me
to get to Blake.

Why--? Why are they doing that?

To honour the unholy deal you made
with King Galen.

Selling your daughter for a throne.

Look, I've been tied up,
I've been blindfolded.

I'm not in the mood for a sermon.

I've been threatened and bullied.

All because of you
and your machinations.

You haven't even asked me
about your children or Dex.

Have you seen them?
Are they alive?

They're alive.

Oh, thank God.

But Ashley's dead.

Oh, no.

And Galen--

What about him?

They're saying he's dead.


But I saw him.

He's alive. Barely.

Oh, God.

Oh, Galen.

Oh, God.

Alexis, save the crocodile tears.

I don't cry that easily, Krystle.

That man is where he is
because of you.

If you hadn't arranged
heaven and earth

to make this wedding happen,
none of this would have happened.

It's not true.

Oh, I wish it weren't.

Alexis, if we ever get out of this alive,
it won't be easy to forgive you for this.


God only knows
how you'll forgive yourself.

Listen to me. People that we know
are dead and dying.

So instead of you wasting your time
trying to make me take the blame,

why don't we both put our heads
together and figure out a way

to try and get out of this hell hole?

Yes, Arthur.

We follow the same procedure
we did with General Ramos.

The president of my bank in Denver.


Yes, $ million. That's correct.

The money will be offered
as a price on my head

if I don't release the women?

It's not a very funny joke.

It's not a joke, Mr. Warnick.

It's the way I deal with t*rrorists.


Mrs. Carrington and the other woman
are now free.

Bring them in.

Oh, Krystle, darling.

Oh, I thought
I'd never see you again.

Goodbye, Mr. Carrington.

And, uh, just for the record,
we are not t*rrorists.

We have just achieved a revolution.

You put whatever label you want
on it.

Right now,
I'd like safe escort to that plane.


I think she's going to be on
in a minute.


The wedding party is at last free
and is on its way home.

Upon landing this morning
in New York,

there was a briefing by officials,

and then the group attended
a welcoming reception.

They then boarded a plane to Denver
where they have just landed.

We switch you live to the airport.

Is it true that Ashley was k*lled?

MAN: How many were there?
How many dead?

What about the king?

MAN: Mr. Carrington, Ms. Carrington.
Over here.

After the sh**ting,
were you physically abused?

Not to any great extent.

WOMAN: The revolutionaries
have imposed a news blackout.

You're the only known survivors.

Why did they let you go?

PRlNCE: I did not choose to leave,
I was ordered to.

Please, we will answer
all your questions.

But one at a time, please.

Did the marriage take place
before the coup began?

The coup was carefully planned
and orchestrated.

The marriage between my daughter
and His Highness did take place.

What about your father?

Was he hurt?
Did you see him afterward?

My father is dead.

I am now the king.

The king of what?

Of Moldavia, his country, of course.

Which do you consider
to be your country now, Amanda?

Your husband lost his crown.

- Do you plan on standing by him?
- That's enough.

We've have been through
a terrible ordeal. We're tired.

We'll be happy to answer
your questions later.

- Right now we ought to leave.
- Daddy, it's all right. I don't mind.

In answer to all your questions,

my husband is and will continue to be
king of Moldavia.

Does that mean
you're standing by him?

Yes, it does.

And the proper way to address
Her Majesty is not "Amanda."

It is "Your Highness."



Well, how's my little one tonight?



Hey, now, what is this?


I was just thinking about Ashley,
and Luke, and Jeff and Steven.

And how sad.

All that love lost, wasted.

About how frightened I was that day
that I'd never hold Krystina again.

Or you.

As long as I live,

nothing's going to come
between the three of us.



Oh, I'm glad I woke up.

I wouldn't wanna miss
a minute of this.

Go back to sleep.

You'll be happier with your dreams.

- Where are you going?
- Heh. Home.

I've got to, you know that.

Oh, Adam.

Come back.

is this really the way you want it?

Behind locked doors,
shades drawn,

the phone off the hook?

You know it's not.

Why don't you just give me
an answer

and tell me you'll marry me?

Oh, Adam, it's not as easy as that.

It is just that easy.

"Adam, I'll marry you."

- See how easy that was?
- Heh, heh.

I love you.

You know that.

It's not enough.

I think you love me just enough

to steal an hour or two
here and there.

To whisper, "l love you,"
so no one else can hear.

Adam, that's not fair.

Then marry me.

I'm afraid.

I love you, I do,
and I want it to go on forever.

But marriage always seems to destroy
whatever love there is.

It's happened twice to me.

Oh, Adam, I feel like if I say yes to you,
I'm saying no to a future.


in that case,
until you make up your mind,

this is how it's gonna be.

Each time we make love,
it will be like the first time.

I feel you tremble, as if no man
ever touched you before.

But nobody has.

Not like you.

And until you make up your mind,
each time, I'm gonna have to leave.

- No.
- Okay?

With both of us wanting more.

Don't go.

And Galen. He's alive. Barely.

Galen. Alive.

Alive. Alive.



What is it?

He's alive. He's alive, Dex.

I know he's alive. I saw him.

- It was all in the dream, Alexis.
- No.


No, it wasn't a dream.

Krystle saw him.
She saw him move.

I wasn't dreaming.

Darling, what Krystle heard could
have been the man's dying breath.

They've announced to the world
that he's dead.

Yes, I know, but--

"But, but, but." No buts.

Alexis, what's important
is that you're alive and safe now.

Here, with me.

The rest is over.


Oh, yes.

Oh, yes, it's over.

Hey, take it easy.

It's my face you're working with,
not a paint-by-numbers routine.

It's the light.

I can't walk around
with my head on sideways.

I gotta see where I'm going.

You're so close.

You can learn the walk,
hold your head,

but something's wrong.

It's out of place.

Maybe the nose. A little shadow.

- I like my nose.
- Well, it's wrong, Rita.

It's worked so far.

Forget it.

You know what your problem is?

You can dress up, change your hair,
the way you talk,

but you'll still look out of place
in the Carrington world.

Well, when I was a little girl,

I used to stand in front of the mirror
and pretend I was a debutante.

Even a princess.

One day I thought,
"You don't have to pretend anymore.

You can be anything,
anything you want to be."

Your problem is
you spend too much time pretending.

You have to be, Rita.

Be what?

I mean, what's so special
about Krystle Carrington?

She's not special,
but she thinks she is.

She acts and speaks
and carries herself like she's special,

but she's just like you and me.

It's attitude.

Oh, I can give you attitude.

Forget it, everyhing's wrong.

The hair, the nose, the whole look.

What am I going through this for?

It's my money, not hers.

To hell with this.

I'm going to Denver.

I'll get what's mine,
and I won't have to use tricks to do it.

And it is with the profound knowledge
that the spirit of man lives eternally

that we commend
the eternal spirit of Luke Fuller

to your everlasting grace.


I worked with Luke Fuller
and he was a friend.

He was an honest man,
both in business and in his life.

So much of what passed
between Luke and me was private

that it's very hard for me

to express my emotions publicly.

But Luke was too important
to be mourned in silence.

We are all here to celebrate his life.

For a long time,
I felt I had to keep my relation--

My relationship with Luke a secret.

But to Luke's great credit,
he wouldn't let me do that.

He knows that love doesn't grow
in a closet. It needs air.

And he was patient with me
as I learned to love.

To Jake and Bonnie Fuller,
Luke's parents,

I want you to...

I want you to know
that Luke loved you very much.

And he was very proud of you
for being so proud of him.

Your son gave me a great gift:

The courage to trust myself.

And for that, I will always...

I'll always be grateful.

Luke had the imagination
to envision life as it might be

and the courage to live it
as if it were that way.

I loved him very much.

And I'll carry him with me, always.

I'm proud of you, son.

And I love you very much.

I love you too, Dad.

Come back to the house with us.

I can't, I've--

I've got to go to Luke's
and pack up some...

I just need to be alone there right now,
that's all.

The days gone by.

That was a beautiful eulogy
you gave today.

Thank you.

Oh, Steven,
I know how much you're hurting.

This may sound strange after all
the pain we've caused each other.

But if there is anything at all
that I can do for you,

I really hope that you'll let me.

Thank you, Claudia.

I appreciate that.

We've been through
so much together.

Somehow seeing you so hurt,
all I can remember are the good times.

All I feel for you now is love.

I love you too.

I'm sorry
I wasn't a better husband to you.

And I'm sorry
I wasn't able to love you

the way you needed to be loved.

It doesn't mean I didn't love you.

I know.

I guess our marriage
was just a mistake.

No. No, it wasn't a mistake.

It was good, and it was special.

And it's something
that I'll never regret.

It's kind of sad, isn't it?

We never seem to appreciate
what we've got until we've lost it.

Oh, God, Claudia, I've thrown away
so much that's precious.


Where the hell have you been?

Oh, my God,
you followed him, didn't you?

Oh, Adam, please.

When are you going
to accept the fact

that Steven is not part of your life

But he is. He always will be.

Oh, Adam, he was hurting.
He needed somebody--

I need too.

Look, you and I exist now.

Steven is your past.

- What do you want from me?
- You.

I want all of you.

But I love you, I do.

But I can't stop thinking
about Steven.

I can't stop loving him
just because you want me to.

Then you'd better choose,
because you can't have both of us.

I need some time.

There's so much
that's going on now.

I've given you all the time I can.

Claudia, I'm ready to give you
every part of me in total commitment.

But I won't settle
for just a part of you.

Either you give me all of you,
or I give you nothing.

I'll have to call you back.

What are you doing here?

I missed you.

You didn't when you gave me
that black eye.

Oh, come on, Rita, I didn't hit you.

You bumped into me.
Everyhing was falling apart.

I finally got my hands
on a great property.

They took it away from me
just because I went a little over budget.

Twelve million dollars
is not a little over budget.

That's the problem
with Pantheon Pictures.

They got no sense of humour.
I'll have a Scotch.

Oh, I know how hurt you were.

You asked them for a second chance
and they said no.

I spent two years of my life
on that picture.

- I know, honey.
- It was brilliant.

The best film I ever made.

I put everyhing I had into it.

You almost put everyhing they had
into it.

Joel, you're a brilliant director.

And you're gonna make another film,
your way,

and you'll be right back on top.

And I'm gonna take you with me.

Now, if we never fought, we could
never make up now, could we?

And you know
how much you like making up.

Joel, please.

I missed you.

And you know you missed me.

Just close your eyes.

And let it happen.

And we'll get back together.

I'm proud of the way
Amanda's come through this, Michael.

I knew she would.

Well, to the future.

Sit down, won't you?

You done any thinking about that?
The future I mean.


what happened to your father
and to your country, it was a tragedy.

But you and Amanda have to start
building a future here in Denver now.

I can help you do that.

I appreciate your offer.

No, really, Blake, I do.

But I know what needs to be done.

I think it's important for you
to meet some people here in town.

In some ways,
Denver is a small community.

And the powers that lead it
are wary of strangers.

But I can set up a couple of meetings
that I think would do--

Not now, Blake.

Well, if you and Amanda
are gonna start any kind of a life here--

Look, forgive me if this sounds rude,

but I'm perfectly capable
of providing for Amanda.

Hello, darling.

I've been waiting for you.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Well, I'm wondering
if you're really my lady in waiting,

or still Daddy's little girl.

Well, I was hardly Daddy's little girl
last night, was l?

Michael, I've been thinking
about the duchess of Branagh.

What are you talking about?

I've been going over it in my mind.

And why do you think she left
before the wedding?

You think she could have known
about the coup?

Oh, don't be ridiculous, Amanda.

It is a possibility.

I mean, she and her father could have
been involved. And I was thinking--

When it comes to affairs of state,
you leave the thinking to me.

Michael, I'm your wife.

What affects you, affects me.
If the duchess of--

I will deal with the duchess
and her father.

Then what do I do?

What am I supposed to be,

I married you because I loved you.

- For God's sake--
- Lower your voice.

Someone might hear.

I don't care
because they're my family.

Well, I do.

Now, you're no longer
simply Blake Carrington's daughter.

You're my queen,
and you will act as one.

Michael, we're in our bedroom.

We're lovers here,
not the king and his queen.


Now, I learned at a very young age
that whether a door is open or closed,

I was a prince and future king.

And nothing's changed.

Revolution or not,
I am still a monarch.

And I have to think and act like one.

So I will deal with the duchess
and her father, if necessary.

It's my responsibility
and one that can't be shared.

Is that understood?

Yes, of course.

I knew the minute I met her,

Sammy Jo
wanted something from me.

Everybody does, don't they, Joel?

Oh, yeah.

She keeps wanting to turn me
into her Aunt Krystle.

Well, it's not working.
She knows it and I know it.

Why would she want you
to pretend to be somebody else?

For a lot of money.

I beg your pardon?

See, Sammy Jo's father died
and left her a fortune,

but her Aunt Krystle controls it.

Did you say her aunt's name
was Carrington?

As in Denver-Carrington.
They're big in oil.

Oil, timber, rubber,
royal weddings, Moldavia.

The papers are filled with pictures,
stories about the coup.

They barely got out of there alive.

That man is rich as Croesus.

I read about him in Fortune.
He's one of the world's wealthiest men.

I know.

I'd say your friend Sammy Jo
is in over her head,

going up against that clan alone.

Well, that's why she gave up
the whole idea.

It was crazy.
It never could have worked.

Don't you think you could do it?

I am an actress, not a criminal.

Well, a real actress could do it.

A real actress
would jump at the chance.

Of course, for this, you need the talent
of Meryl Streep or Jane Fonda.

I have their talent.

I've just never had the breaks
they had.

We make our own breaks, Rita.
I'm not talking about acting.

I'm talking about living a part,
becoming another person

so even their family
can't tell the difference.

- Now, you think you could do that?
- You know I could.

With the right director, you could.

Even the best actress
needs the best director.

I could-- We could turn
in the performance of a lifetime.

Well, don't make no difference now.

Sammy Jo's in Denver
getting what she wants.

And she didn't need any help
from us.

Do you wanna go
on making low-budget pictures

for the rest of your life?

- No.
- I don't.

And we won't.

I won't accept that for you, Rita.

You mean too much to me.

My lawyer
has asked your lawyer repeatedly

to send us copies of the study
your people made

on the projected yield
of the Sumatra Timberlands.

Yes, it was sent to you.
I personally approved it.

No, this was sent to me.

And it's very interesting

how it manages to omit much more
than it manages to reveal.

What are you getting at,


Let me just spell this out for you
once more, Alexis.

Tom Carrington has left the three of us
some very valuable timberlands.

But we are in the oil business,

So Blake and I would like to sell off
that portion of the estate,

but you have refused.

You've been unreasonable.

Because you have not acted
in good faith, you are forcing us to sue.

Look, you want to sell? Sell.

I don't care.

What the hell are you talking about?

You've always been better
at screeching than listening.

If you and Blake
want to sell that land, go ahead.

Do what you want to.
I won't stop you.

Alexis, I have never known you
to give up anything quite so easily.

Yes, well, there's more important
things in life than a pile of wood.

I mean, do what you want with it.

Cut it down, turn it into chopsticks
or toothpicks, or whatever you want.

Just leave me alone, okay?

All right, then why don't I contact you
when we have the final bid?

Do that.

Good day, Alexis.

Goodbye, Dominique.

If it's one thing I hate,
it's plaid wallpaper.

And that green leather chair.
Out, now.

About those curtains...

DECORATOR: What do you think
of shutters, in pastel?

I hate pastels.

- What about basic beige?
- No.

Give me something special.

You can do it.
That's what I'm paying you for.

Well, Auntie Krystle.

I was wondering
when you'd barge in.

What are you doing?

I'm moving in.

This does belong to me now,
you know?

That will be all for now.

And tomorrow, come up
with something better than pastel.

I'll try.

All these pictures of horses...

I mean, when you've seen one,
you've seen them all.

This is a horse ranch.

the stables can stay the way they are,

but I don't want horses in my house
and on my walls.

And while we're on the subject,
what are you doing here?

I have an appointment with Charles.

Well, it's cancelled. He quit.

- What?
- It's just as well.

The terms of the will
made it impossible for me to fire him.

So he did me a favour and quit.

Before you get rid of everyhing,
young lady,

this belonged to your father.

Every object in this room,
everyhing on this ranch

meant something to him.

It's part of your legacy.

Yeah, well, it's depressing.

It reminds me
of what I've missed all these years.

You wouldn't understand that,
would you?

You've got everyhing
you've ever wanted.

- Sammy Jo--
- Forget the sermon, Auntie Krystle.

I need $ , . I want a cheque.

I just gave you money.

It's not enough. I need more.

Well, I won't give you more.

If it were up to you, you'd go through
your entire fortune in one year.

You need to learn responsibility.

That's why Daniel made me executor
of his estate.

That was his mistake.

I'm smarter than I look.

I checked the books, auntie.

You owe me
some unpaid stable fees.

I want them.

You'll get them.

Oh, I know I'll get them.

I'll get all of my money.

All of it.

Well, we're still waiting for a response
on the bid for the Ohio field.

We should have something
by tomorrow.

Alexis, Colbyco already owns the
Little River Copper Mine in Montana.

- What?
-The Little River Copper Mine.

You own it.

Yes, I know. Why?

Because you just made a bid on it.

- Must be a mistake.
- Take a look.

You just put in a bid on a property
that you already own.

Now, what the hell
is going on with you?



you never returned to Denver.

You're so obsessed with the king
and his son and Amanda

that you're letting
the rest of your life fall apart.

- Dex, I truly believe Galen is still alive.
- Alexis, Alexis.

Amanda and Michael are safe.

But you've got to accept the fact
that Galen is dead.

There is nothing you can do about it.

You're right about one thing. I'm...

...Ietting myself drift, and that's
not the way that I want to live.

Good, that's more like it.

But there's one thing I can do
to prove that Galen's still alive.

- Alexis--
- I can go on television.

I can give an interview and tell
everybody that I believe he's alive.

You go on television and announce
your conviction to the world.

And if King Galen is alive,
that's one sure way of k*lling him.

k*lling him?

As soon as word
gets back to Moldavia,

how long do you think
they'll keep him alive?

Make your announcement.

You might as well
have k*lled him yourself.

You want that on your head?


I see
you're going through Ashley's things.

- Well, I thought I could find--
- Oh, don't explain.

Ashley was a very fabulous lady.

I can well understand that you would
want to hold on to something of hers.

Well, maybe it is best
just to hold onto the memories.

But memories fade.

Even the most painful memories

They become gentler and softer.

I don't know, maybe they should.

Otherwise, we would spend the rest
of our lives dwelling on that pain.

And I don't think Ashley
would want you to do that, do you?

I don't know what Ashley wanted.

I don't think she did either.

I know that she wanted you
to be happy.

I loved Ashley very much.

And I miss her.

But I'm not here to search for
mementoes of our time spent together.

I came here to look for this.

Now, take a look
and tell me what you see.

Uh, oh, I see a crowd.

Out of all those beautiful pictures
of you and your family,

what do you want with this picture?

When you first came to Denver and
you met Fallon-- Now, look at this here.

- You think that's Fallon?
- It is.

I know it is.

But even with a magnifying glass
I couldn't swear that this is Fallon.

I don't need a magnifying glass.

Now, when I first saw this picture,
I knew it was Fallon.

Jeff, I came in here
to offer you my sympathy,

a shoulder to cry on
because of Ashley.

It turns out
you are not mourning Ashley.

You are still mourning Fallon.

Well, maybe you're right.

But I still can't shake the idea
that Fallon is still alive.

Well, where is she?

Jeff, you are obsessed with a shadow,
with a blurred face in the crowd.

Fallon knows where you are,
where her son is.

If Fallon is indeed alive
and she loves you,

Jeff, why doesn't she come home?

What if she's trying, Dominique?

What if for some reason
she's trying to get home but she can't?


Same as the lady.

I'm impressed.

French with a French accent.

Where did you learn
to speak the language?

I don't know.
I didn't know I could until just now.

What do you mean you don't know?

You can't pick it up reading menus,
I can tell you that.

Let me guess.

The Sorbonne,
where you studied for four years,

Iiving in a studio on the left bank,
always wore black.

I don't think so.

A world traveller, then? No.

Better yet, a Swiss finishing school
where you met your first lover.

You make my past
sound very romantic.

The fact is, I don't know, Miles.

I call myself Randall Adams

because I saw the name
on a bus sign and liked it.

You invented your name? Why?

Because I don't know who I am.

You don't?

Have you checked the newspapers,
the radio, television?

What about the
Bureau of Missing Persons?

I tried, no help.

Then I saw your name. Colby.

And something clicked inside.

And I thought it was my good looks.

I'm serious, Miles.

Colby means something to me.

Now it's my turn not to know.

Maybe we should try
the Bureau of Missing Persons again.

Let me talk to them.

Please, just talk about you,
about the Colbys.

All right.

But I'm the only Colby
I want you interested in right now.

I'm sorry.

I don't usually push that hard.

It's just that I've never met anyone
quite like you.

You're beautiful and mysterious.

Maybe that's what's so attractive.

- No past to clutter things up.
- Maybe.

But I believe in destiny, Randall,

and all kinds of forces
working to bring people together.

When you saw my name
in the newspaper,

you were drawn to it,
drawn to meet me.

And not because
of what happened in the past,

but because of what can happen
in the future.

Who knows, Miles,
maybe you really are my destiny.

Now, Blake, Ashley took
that photograph in Los Angeles.

I have to go there.

You are seeing in this picture
what you want to see.

Now, it's out of focus.

What could be Fallon
could be anybody.

Don't you see
what this is doing to you?

This obsession is eating away at you.
It's destroying you.

- Blake, I have no other choice.
- There is another choice.

Living is another choice.

Don't you think
if I thought Fallon was alive,

I'd be in this with you,
right beside you?

Blake, everyone told you
that Steven was dead.

And all the evidence said,
"Blake, your son is dead."

But you knew better,
and nothing could hold you back.

Now, whether you approve or not,
I'm going to Los Angeles to find her.

And no one is going to stop me.

Judging from your look, I'd say
your trip to Denver was a failure.

Who are you? What do you want?

Sammy Jo,
meet Joel Abrigore, genius.

You still didn't answer my question.

And you didn't answer mine.

You went to Denver
to get what belongs to you.

And I'd say you came back

It's none of your business.

Oh, dreams are my business,
Samantha Jo.

I know how to put them together,
I know how to make them work.

You've got big dreams.

Now, together we can make
the Carringtons do whatever we want.

Right, Rita?
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