06x03 - The Californians

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x03 - The Californians

Post by bunniefuu »





When do you plan
to leave for California?


This afternoon.

As soon as I wrap up our deal
with McLehr.

Look, Jeff, I'm not going to try

and stop you
from searching for Fallon--

Nobody can, Blake.

- Nobody.
- Let me finish, please.

Remember a couple of years ago,

when everyone thought
that Steven was dead

and I was convinced that he wasn't?

I asked Justin Dehner
to come here to Denver.

- What, the psychic?
- Mm-hm.

I've decided to ask him
to fly out here again.

Forget it, Blake.
I'd rather handle this my own way.


Don't you think I'd give anything
to see my daughter again?

To have her walk into this house,
back into our lives again?

All I'm asking
is that you give this man a chance.

He can help.

And let this guy Dehner
roam around the house

and see if he can pick up
on any vibrations?

Well, that is the way
it's supposed to work, isn't it?

It worked once.
My son is back with us.


Let's just give it a chance.


Jeff, why are you putting yourself
through this?

You don't approve?

I don't understand the point of it.

Fallon's gone.

Now, this is hard to say,
but we have to go on.

You have to live your life.

That picture that Ashley took,
that girl in the crowd.

There is a resemblance to Fallon,
but only that. A resemblance.

So you're convinced
she's dead, huh?

Well, yes, I believe she is.

Look, I agreed to Blake's plan.

- I don't know. Maybe--
- Maybe what?

A few hunches, some vibrations
to stir up the pain again?

Jeff, Dehner never had anything to do
with finding Steven.

Krystle, I've got to hold
onto some hope, any hope.

Jeff, it's just that
I don't wanna see you suffer

any more than you already have.

Look, I appreciate your caring for me.
I really do.

But life doesn't mean much to me
without her.



I'm glad I cancelled my lunch date.

But I do have
a board meeting to go to.

That was nice.


Well, I must say
I've had better reviews.

- All right, very, very nice.
- Good.

But I do have to admit
that I helped it along.

Oh, yes. Mm.

Oh, you've got an ego
as healthy as your appetite.

And courage too.

Darling, why don't you tell me

about some of those rescue missions
you've been on.

How did you accomplish them?

- You really are curious, aren't you?
- Hmm.


Because you're my lover,
my husband.

And there's a mysterious part of you
that I don't know anything about.

Mm. Dex Dexter.

The daring young man
on the cloak-and-dagger trapeze.


Well, I'm in good shape.

Oh, yes. Yes.

But so much for brawn.

The rest is planning, Alexis.

Planning is everyhing.

Before a mission,

and if the mission ever has a chance
of making it.

Yes. Well, give me an example.

What? I'm really fascinated.

This is like being in bed
with a big box of chocolates

and the only available copy
of the latest bestseller.

All right. Chapter one.

If there is an established underground,
you work with them.

But you've got to have guarantees
that the contacts can be trusted.

Do you think there is an established
underground in Moldavia?

People who will be loyal
to King Galen?


I hadn't realised
that this book was about him.

It's not, Dex.

But if he were alive,

do you think that there'd be people,
loyal people,

who would want
to help him escape?

You want it, Alexis, you've got it.

If your former royal pal is still alive,

he's probably being held c*ptive
and being tortured.

No food. No water.

Maybe with bloodsuckers
crawling over him

while the revolutionists laugh
and watch him expire, slowly.

- Stop it, Dex.
- Had enough, Alexis?

Or do you wanna hear about
the maggots eating out his eyes?


- Where are you going?
- Out. For a walk.

And I am not going to fly over there
to see if Galen is still alive.

And I am not going to try to rescue him
if he is.

Oh, Dex. Why not?

I could go with you. We could do it
together. We could be a team.

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

Do you know something?
I think you're jealous.

I think you're jealous
of my human emotion

for a human being
who is in terrible trouble.

Oh, Dex.

Dex, darling,
I don't wanna fight with you.

I love you.


Come back to bed.

I'll show you how much.


Be a good little sex object when
that's what I want you to be, Dex.

Let me lift you to ecstatic heights,
or drop you, as I please, Dex.

Now you're being ridiculous.

Read your own book, Alexis.

It's the story of your life.

It's all in the dedication.

"To Alexis. Oh, with all my love."


All right, doctor.

When the lab results
come in, you phone me.

Phone me. Phone me.

Mr. Colby.

Excuse me, sir,
but your call has come through.

- Is it the doctor?
- No, sir.

It's the call you put through
to Mr. Carrington in Denver.

Excuse me, Mr. Carrington.

You have a call. California.

A Mr. Jason Colby.

Shall I tell him
you're not available, sir?

No, no, no. I'll take it.
Thank you, Gerard.

- Hello?
- Hello, Blake.

How long has it been?
Twenty years, give or take a few?

Not long enough to suit me.

What do you want, Jason?

Heh. Well, I'd be glad
of a little warmer hello.

Look, I'm very busy.
What's on your mind?

I want to see you.
A deal you'll be interested in.

A deal with you?

What is this, some kind of a joke?

I never joke about business, Blake.

And I don't like to take no
for an answer.

You surely remember that.

Jason, I'd suggest
that you save that big noise

for somebody who'll buy it.
I happen to know you.

May I remind you,
that the last time we had dealings

you stole some oil leases from me.

I bought those leases, Blake.
Free and clear,

from your own brother, Ben.
You know that.

And you know that Ben
cheated my father out of them.

All I know is he had legal title
when I bought them.

Seems to me you got a bone to pick
with your brother, not me.

Besides, I had to sell those
damn leases for half what I paid Ben.

That news has brightened my day.

Well, nice to talk to you.

Blake, listen,
all that was a lifetime ago.

We've come a long way since then,
both of us.

You own half of Colorado,
I own half of California.

Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration.

Now, will you get to the point?

Blake, this deal is important
for both of us.

I want to get it in place, while l--
While we can.

You make it sound
like a matter of life and death.

And frankly,
I wouldn't give a damn if it were.

You and I have got nothing
to talk about.

Not a thing, do you understand?

Dr. Boland is here to see you,
Mr. Colby.

Ask him to come on out here,
will you?

Very good, sir.

Hey, Maurice.

Something wrong with your phone?

Had to drive out to see you, Jason.

Sounds like bad news.

Why don't we sit down.

You sit down.

I'll stand.

All right, tell me.

How bad?

The worst?

You want me to start
putting my affairs in order,

as they say?


I would.

I'm very sorry, Jason.

Are you sure about this?

You are sure?

Jason, I triple-checked the test results
with the best doctors in this country.

And I sent them
to two best men in Europe.

I'm very sorry to say this, Jason,

I'm sure.



Damn it all to hell!


How much time have I got?

Not much.

We're not certain.


Well, at least
I don't have to read the obituaries.

All those long goodbyes

in the Los Angeles Times,
the New York Times,

the Wall Street Journal,
the Newsweek.


Those bastards
hate my guts anyway.

Ah. Who was it said,
"Every man has got to die?"

I know that. But in my case,
I thought an exception would be made.

So long, Maurice.
I'll see you around.

Sharon, call my pilot.
Have him get the little jet ready.

We're flying to Denver
in the morning.

And, uh, check the archives.

Get everyhing we've got
on Blake Carrington's brother, Ben.



My God, Ben,
how could you have done it?

Jason, no. No, it's not possible.
It can't be true.

- It's possible. Also true.
- Jason, no.

Conny, don't you go into mourning
on me now.

I can handle this.

But pity,
that's a dish I can't stomach.

I told you
because I know you won't come apart.

But you can't tell anybody.
Not even Sable.

You promise me now.

I promise.

You know,
this is really not all that special.

It's a tough world.
Well, none of us get out of it alive.

Besides, I'm not gonna go tomorrow.
I know in my bones.

I'll have time enough
to get this pipeline underway.

Nothing's gonna stop me on this.


What is it?

Jason, I'm just not comfortable
with this pipeline scheme of yours.

As half-owner of the company,
I'm opposed to it.

- Why?
- Because it is so tremendous.

- And all the work that--
- Now, you put it aside.

I'll be working with a man you admire,
one Blake Carrington.

- Who is tough and determined.
- I said put it aside.

This is my last hurrah, Conny.

This pipeline is something special
I can leave my children.

Not a legacy, a challenge.
Especially to Miles.

I let him, and all of them,
drift apart too long.

And I've gotta fix that.

You let me do it my way,
eh, big sister?

Oh, don't give me
that big sister stuff.

You've been twisting me
around your little finger

since you were years old.

And you're too big for me
to wallop your fanny anymore.

Oh, Jason.

Oh, Jason,
I wonder what would have happened

if father hadn't left us everyhing.

If he hadn't cut Cecil out of the will,

and if Philip had lived
to share all this.

Oh, Phil would have lost every nickel.
You know that.

No, no, no.

Maybe he marched to a
different drummer than the rest of us.

I loved him very much.

And I was proud he died a hero.

As a matter of fact,
I'm pretty proud of that son of his.

From what I understand, he...

He's amounted to quite something.

Heh. That's Blake Carrington's man
stuck out in Denver.

I'm talking about the Colbys
of California.

About us.

I'll be home for dinner.

Oh, Jeff.

And Mr. Wolf huffed and he puffed.

And he went from the top
to the bottom, right to the middle.

And he continued to huff

and he puffed
until he made the baby laugh.

Don't you think she's a little young
to understand that particular story?

Never too early
to teach her to beware of wolves.

All right, young lady.

You are about to take your bath.

There you are, Martha.

It's beautiful, Blake.

Watching the two of you,
to see the way she glows with you.

What is it, darling?
Something the matter?

Oh. I was just thinking about
Sammy Jo and Daniel Reece.

And how differently things
might have turned out

if she'd been able
to spend time like this with him.

Krystle, will you stop?

Sammy Jo is not worth the time
you put in worrying about her.

But I do.

I promised Daniel I'd look after her.

And maybe I came down too hard
on her the other day.

I know she has her problems,
but she's not really a bad girl.

The wig is almost the right colour,

but there's still something wrong.

I-- I think it's the eyebrows.

- They're too thick.
- No.

No, it's not the eyebrows. It's the--

It's the lips.

Yeah, they're too full.

A lot too full.

All right.



No, it's still not right.

- No, it's a long way from perfect.
- I never said I was perfect.

Now, when do I gonna get a break
from this, Joel?


Hey, I am not a big fat rat
in one of those laboratories.

You gonna let me in on this?

- It's your nose.
- What about it?

- What about it?
- It has to go.

Hell, what do I breathe with,
my feet?

- What are you talking about?
- Rhinoplasty.

Plastic surgery.

- Nose job, you know.
- That's it.

Oh, no. Uh-uh.

I am as anxious as you are
to pull off this act,

but when it comes
to fooling around with my face, no way.

Rita, where are you going?

Let her go.

I know her. I'll bring her around.

You'd better.
I'm too close to turn back now.

Lady, you don't know
what you bargained for

when you decided
to get cute with me.

She couldn't begin to know.

Hello, Jeff.

That's right, it's me.
Your Uncle Jason.

How are you?

- What are you doing here?
- Waiting for Blake.

Well, we haven't seen each other
in quite some time.

- Eleven years, to be exact.
- That's right.

It was the day you went off to college,
feisty as a yearling colt.

You spent most of that summer
in California as I recall.

Well, I'm surprised you remember.

As I recall, my Uncle Jason was
too busy to see me most of the time.

Yeah, I was a busy man that summer,
very busy.

Uncle Cecil warned me

that you wouldn't have time
for an unimportant relative like me.

That's putting it a little strong, son.

Oh, is it?

Well, I don't think so.

You see, I think kids remember
things like that growing up.

Being ignored.

Hey, Blake.

If I weren't so fond of my secretary,
I'd fire her for letting you come in here.

Oh, you don't wanna do that, Blake.
You're a fair man.

She did her best. She told me
I didn't have an appointment.

I told her I did. I convinced her.

I thought I made it clear
on the phone.

You did. You were very clear.

But this is too big to pass up.

And if, uh, you still think
I did you out of those oil leases,

this will make up for it.

Now, you're a fair man.

You gonna hear me out?

Maybe offer me a drink?

Make it fast. I'm busy.

Jeff, fix a drink for him,
will you, please?

Jeff, uh, this is between the two of us.

I want him here.

Oh, don't bother, Blake.

My uncle was never very interested
in anything I had to say.

I'll still take that drink.

What brings you here, Jason?

A pipeline.

A pipeline?

Look, not just any pipeline.

This one will deliver oil
faster, cheaper,

more secure from sabotage
and acts of God

than any pipeline in this continent.

In the world.

This country needs that.

Now, that's a lot better

than putting up another
hundred-storey office building, isn't it?

And this one will be built
by Denver-Carrington

and Colby Enterprises.

See, as they say in Hollywood,
I'm giving you top billing.

Not interested.

Then you're either getting old
or foolish.

Passing up the chance to do business
with the Colbys of California?

Passing up a chance
at another fortune.

That'd put you with the --

The wealthiest,
most powerful men in the world.

I'm happy with things
the way they are.

You're not a man who's
ever been happy with second best.

What makes the difference here?

You. I don't trust you.


Now, I'd like you to leave.

I got thrown out
of the White House once.

- You ever hear about that?
- No, and I'm not anxious to.


then you'd better call a meeting
of all your people,

including that, uh,
pretty nephew of mine.

You tell them that oil you found
is gonna have to stay right where it is,

in the South China Sea.

Maybe you can find some use for it
out there.

I'll see you around, Blake.

For the record,

I drink single malt whisky,
not bourbon.

Now, what do you know
about that oil?

I don't like anybody
touching me, Blake.

Except, uh, now and then,
a pretty lady.

I asked you something,
I'd like an answer.

I just made a deal
with Leong Po Sung,

that new minister of trade
they got over there.

That oil that you got
can only be shipped out in my tankers.

Yeah, that's right, my tankers.

Now, you can pump the oil
but, uh, you can't move it.

I can.

And you think I'm gonna stand still
for that kind of double-dealing?

I don't double-deal.

I drive hard bargains, Blake.
You ought to understand that.

That oil is mine,

and one way or another,
I'm gonna get it here.

And nobody's going to stop me.
Not you. Not anybody.

I'm not trying to stop you.
I'm trying to help you.

These are the, uh, profit estimates.

Well, you look them over.

Then phone me.
We'll get down to work.


All I'm asking, Michael, is:

who do you think
was behind the revolution?

I'm sorry, Alexis,

but I'd rather not discuss the matter
right now.

Lin, that will be all. Thank you.

Yes, Mrs. Dexter.

Michael, I truly believe
that your father is still alive.

And I want to help you rescue him.

I appreciate your concern, Alexis.

Look, truly, I do.

But I'm taking steps
through my own channels.

Darling, if he is still alive,
don't you think it's better

that we all work together
to get him out of Moldavia?

Look, Amanda,

I have been reared since birth
to handle affairs of state.

You have not, okay?

So I really don't think
I need any help.

Strange, I'd thought you'd been reared
not to be rude.

Not to your subjects,
and, particularly, not to your wife.

this is between Michael and me.

Will you please stay out
of my marriage?

With pleasure, darling.

But the one thing that I'm not going
to stay out of is a man's life.

Particularly when that life
is in danger.

Are you listening to me, Michael?

Alexis, listen to me, please.

Right now,
and for reasons best known to myself,

I must have my country's best interests
at heart.

This is something which supersedes
any personal considerations.

So I'm asking you
to let me handle things my way.

I have my own people
dealing with it.

And what brilliant schemes
have they come up with?

Oh, well, that is a matter of state
and, uh, no concern of anyone else's.


- Yes?
BARBARA: Mr. Carrington,

Assistant Undersecretary of State
Mr. Lake is here.

He wants to see you,
says it's urgent.

Well, ask him to come in, Barbara.

Yes, Mr. Carrington.

- Blake, do you know him?
- No.

I'll get my things.

BLAKE: Morning.
- Good morning.

- How can I help you?
- Mr. Carrington,

I've been talking with your son-in-law,
Prince Michael,

in an attempt to get some information
on this new Moldavian government.

He's been very uncooperative.

Well, may I remind you,

and anyone else in Washington
who may be interested,

the young man
has been through a terrible tragedy.

Now, he's trying to cope
with that, he's--

Mr. Carrington,
if he doesn't wanna talk,

then I need to know exactly
what you know

as to who was behind the revolution.

Well, the first and only time
I've ever been in Moldavia

was for my daughter's wedding.
You've come to the wrong person.

Oh, I disagree, we know
you persuaded the new government

to release your wife,
and your former wife,

so obviously,
you must know a few people

who still count
in the new scheme of things.

Moreover, you were in the palace
during the revolution and then--

Hold just a minute.

Are you trying to say
that I'm hiding something from you?

That I'm lying to my government,

is that it?
Is that what you are implying?

- Look, Mr Carrington--
- Mr. Lake.

If Mr. Carrington says
he knows nothing,

he knows nothing.

BLAKE: Mr. Lake, I'd like you to meet
Dominique Deveraux.

- This is Jonathan Lake.
- How do you do?

How do you do? I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to imply anything--

Now, if you have any questions
to ask me, I'll answer them.

After you've submitted them
to my attorneys, in writing.

Fair enough.

- Good day.
- Good day.

That was, uh, very interesting.

- To say the least.
- Mm.

Darling, I must run. I'm late
for my board of directors meeting.

And you know how they hate
to be kept waiting.

- Bye.
- I'll see you soon.

- Hello.
- Hello, Dominique.

- Nice to see you.
ADAM: Good to see you.

- You look wonderful.
DOMlNlQUE: Thank you.

Father, I just got back
from a meeting with Harrison.

I found your message on my desk.
Obviously, I'm off to Los Angeles.

Yes, I want you
to do some work for me out there.

I want you to check up
on Jason Colby.

Find out everyhing you can
about his finances,

his corporations, his health,

- Jason Colby.
- Mm-hm.

- Cecil's brother?
- Yes.

Does this have anything to do
with Alexis?

For a change, no.

This has to do
with Denver-Carrington.

We may be forced
to do business with him.

I wanna make sure
that there are no surprises.

I think that Michael
is enjoying playing the exiled king

just a little too much.

Oh, come on, mother.

You can't think that's why
he's not helping you find Galen.

There are a few things in life
I don't understand

and this is one of them.

All I know is a friend of mine is dying
and I've got to do something about it.

Now, I want you
to do something for me.

I want you to find out

which countries have
friendly trade relations with Moldavia.

Well, I know France, for one.


We got to bring pressure
on the new government.

Make them see the light.
The blinding light, as it were.

- What's the matter?
- Don't you think

you're getting in
a little over your head?

I mean, running a business empire
like Colbyco is one thing, but...

You think that, uh,
political negotiations

should only be handled
by professionals, is that it?

I think Washington would agree.

Well, I don't.

A deal is a deal, and money talks
in any language, Steven.

As my dear old mother
would have said:

"lf one can't speak the language,
one hires an interpreter,"

I need to talk to you, Alexis.
Steven, would you excuse us?


I can't talk to you now, Dex.
I've got a lot of business to attend to.

Well, I wanna talk business.

Jason Colby's in from California.


He met with Blake a little while ago.

They're talking about building
a pipeline

from the Pacific to the Middle West.

I want Dexter lnternational
to build that line.


And you also, uh, want something
from me. I wonder what it could be?

Well, Blake won't deal with me,
but he has to with you.

Oh. So you want me
to use my influence

for you to get to Blake, is that it?

Well, remember that you do own

- of the China Sea leases.
- Oh, yes.

So I don't think
that I'm asking so much, am l?

Mm-mm. No, you're just, um,
calling in your marker. Ha, ha.

Oh, what a divinely romantic couple
we've become, haven't we?

Alexis, one thing has nothing to do
with the other.

I'll prove that to you. Tonight?



Well, in that case, my darling husband,

you've got yourself a deal.
I'll help you.

Mm. I'll see you tonight.


Steven, I want you to get me the
French minister of trade on the phone.

Even those monsters from Moldavia

will have to listen to a trade embargo
with France.

That's right. Dominique Deveraux.

Or she might be listed
as Dominique Carrington.

Either way,
I'd like her room number, please.

Uh, look, I'm from Washington
and I'm with the State Department.

I promise you, he cannot be bribed.

Not even by titles.

I saw your car pull up
in front of mine.

Is there anything I can do for you,
Mr. Lake?

I'd like you to know
that I'm not always as rude as I was

to Mr. Carrington this morning.

And that it was necessary
to say what I did.

For someone
from the State Department,

- you were not very diplomatic. Yes.
- Very diplomatic.

Anyway, why don't you say all this
to my half-brother?

He is the one you att*cked.

Oh, I will, in my way.

But you were in the office too,

and well, I wanna buy you a drink

and correct any false impression
I might have given.

Mr. Lake, there is something
in which I've always taken great pride.

The accuracy
of my first impressions.

I'm afraid a martini

is not going to correct an impression
I formed this morning

at about, uh, : .

Good day.

Blake, I phoned the ranch.

- Sammy Jo's gone back to New York.
- Good. Wonderful.

No. It's not good.

I, uh-- I can't just leave things
the way they were with her.

I have to see her.

Now, darling, if there's anyone
who knows how to handle herself,

it's Sammy Jo.

Besides, I need you here,
not in New York.

And Jeff needs you too.

That psychic, Mr. Dehner,
arrives tomorrow, you know.

Well, I'll stay as long as I can.

But please understand,

I have to go to New York
for a few days to talk to her.

I need to know
what's really going on.

Joel, you don't honest-to-God want me
to go through with this operation,

- do you?
- What's the difference?

People have it all the time.

Well, suppose it gets bungled
and I end up a mess?

No, it won't. I promise. I guarantee it.
If anything, you'll turn out better.

More desirable. More beautiful.

I mean, if that's possible.

You do love me just like I am,
don't you?

Oh, you know I do.

This is more important
than anything right now.

More important than me?

Bigger than both of us.

It's all for you,
don't you understand that?

This is your chance, Rita,

to live out everyhing
you've ever dreamed of being.

An actress
playing out the role of a lifetime.

With me directing you.

Your own Steven Spielberg.

- You're talking mighty big.
- Well, I'm thinking mighty big.

I'm thinking of a fairy tale.


Yes, a fairy tale

in which this simple
and talented maiden

is transformed
into a beautiful princess

with wealth
beyond her wildest dreams.



A palace fit for a queen.

- A new hi-fi?
- Uh-huh.

Everyhing we ever prayed for.

And it's all there for you.


You're a lot like me, Rita.

You deserve the very best.

What do you mean?
You gave me an ultimatum, Adam.

Either I marry you
or we're yesterday's loving couple.

How could I not think about that?

If I was rough on you,

it's only because
I don't think I can live without you.

Look, I'm going to Los Angeles
for Blake.

Will you give me your answer
before I leave?

Or better yet, come with me.

And we can have
a passionate time together?


I thought this was business.

Well, that's part of the passion
we share.

Come with me, Claudia.

Make a celebration out of it.

I'll buy you a ring.

No, Adam.

- No.
- What's wrong?

I don't think this marriage
should take place.

We're only gonna hurt each other
down the line.

You think that you know me
but you don't.

I'm not as hungry as you are.

And I don't wanna join forces with you
out of my own problems.

Join forces? You make this sound
like a military exercise.

- I'm talking about passion.
- Passion.

- Yes, passion.
- Oh, Adam.

I don't think it's enough.
I don't think it's fair to either one of us.

I'm going to California too.
I'm going to San Francisco.

Maybe if we have some time apart,

we can both think
about how things really are.

I have to pack.



Nothing. I sense nothing here.

Mr. Dehner.

This is the wedding dress
that Fallon was wearing

just before she left here that night.

Where exactly did you find it,
Mr. Colby?

Just over there on the floor,
right here.

I'm beginning to sense something.

And to feel something, but...

But what?

Panic. Yes.


And water and drowning.


Mr. Dehner.



What are you thinking about?



Oh, do thoughts of them
always make you smile, Mr. Colby?

I'm smiling, Miss Adams,

because I used to find the beach
a sad and lonely place.

But walking here with you now,

I can understand
why people find it beautiful.

In fact,


I can't think of a more beautiful spot
on this whole Earth of ours right now.

Thanks to you.

How about a small reward for it?

Maybe a kiss?

He's too close to the water.

Little boy. Get back.

Did you hear me?

Hey, what are you doing?

You let go of him.

Are you his mother?

Oh, no.
Lucky me, I'm only his babysitter.

He might have drowned.
Did you see what nearly happened?

Wait a minute, lady. Relax, okay?
I had my eye on him all the time.

I mean, why don't you mind
your own business, okay? Ha, ha.

Come on, honey,
let's get away from this crazy.

Randall, he's all right.

What's the matter?

- I remember something, Miles.
- What?

I don't-- I don't know.

It was a baby. But whose?

And where was it?
Was it here in California?

God, please help me remember.


Oh, Mr. Jeffrey, excuse me.
You have a phone call.

Who is it, Gerard?

It's a woman.
She wouldn't give her name.

She sounded insistent.

Excuse me, Mr. Dehner.


- Hello?
- Jeff, this is your Aunt Constance

in California.

Ha, ha. Are you so surprised
you can't think of anything to say?

I'm sorry.

It's just that
it's been such a long time

since I've heard
from any of the Colbys.

Well, I'm partially to blame,
so I will apologise for the whole family.

Jeff, I, um...

I would like to talk to you,
something very important.

What is it?

No, no. No, not on the phone.

I want you to come out here now.

Right away.

- Did you hear me?
- Oh, yes.

Well, will you come? Please?


To Los Angeles?

What is this all about?

Listen to me, Jeff,
and listen very carefully.

I made a decision
that could change your entire life.

But I need you out here, right away,
in California.
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