06x06 - The Titans (1)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x06 - The Titans (1)

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on Dynasty:

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Just because I wanted to make love
and you didn't.

Michael, when you decide
that I'm a pan of your life

and not merely some royal decoration,
perhaps then we can have a marriage.

And there'll be no need
for apologies. Excuse me.

The world is yours.

All you have to do is say, "Yes."

Adam, I'll marry you.

Now, I'm talking about
the Carrington-Colby Pipeline.

Now, Jason is trying to strong-arm me.
I need his tankers.

But with a man like you at his side,
I'd have someone there I could trust.

Consider it done.

Jason, about that pipeline,
you've got a deal.

You're serious, aren't you?
You're really going to Moldavia.

Dead serious.

Yes, and dead
is how you may end up.

Don't worry. I've got nine lives.

There's only one man I know
who could really help.

Alexis, you and our marriage are
the most important things in my life.

Now, I will risk my life if I have to.

But I won't risk losing you.

Your way, and anything you want.

What's going on here?

- What are you doing?
- Calling my husband.

By the time he gets here,
you had better have an explanation.

What have you done?

Ready or not, from this second on,
you are Mrs. Blake Carrington.

- Change clothes with her.
- I'm not ready yet. I need more time.

You've just run out of it.

- Josh, she was to have another week.
- Shut the hell up.

You already know everything
you need to know.

- The head butler.
- Gerard.

Cook who runs the kitchen?

Mrs. Gunnerson.

- First name?
- Hilda.

The crystal?

Waterford and Baccarat.

- China?
- Wedgwood and Crown Derby.

- Darby, Darby!
- Darby.

- The paintings in the east gallery?
- Cezanne, Utrillo and a Van Gogh.

What about the Van Gogh?

It's one of the largest canvases
he ever worked on

from the Arles Period.

Great. You'll sail through it.

Change clothes with her.
You, get her sheets and a blanket.

All right, fine.

As for the details, let's leave those
to our legal departments.

Fair enough.
Meanwhile, we'll move ahead.

I've scheduled
a major press conference

and then a party to celebrate the
biggest deal since the Alaska Pipeline.

The Carrington-Colby Pipeline.

I'll expect you to bring
your whole family, of course.

Unacceptable, Jason.

Well, you could bring half of Denver
if you want to.

You know what I'm talking about.

I want my company
to make the announcement

right here in Denver.

It's Denver-Carrington oil
that's gonna be moved

- through that pipeline.
- Now, look...

The announcement
is going to be made here.

Followed by a party that I'll give.

You can bring your family.

Damn it, Blake,
who set up this deal?

Without my tankers,
you'd have no way to move your oil.

Without my oil,
there'd be no pipeline.

I won't bend on this, Jason.

Uh... Never mind, you have it your way.
We're wasting valuable time.

We got more important things to do
than quarrel over a damn party.

You make the announcement,
you give the party

and I'll bring the entire Colby clan.

Sable and Constance
and all the children.

I'll look forward
to seeing you all. Bye.


Why are you going?
Why are you even thinking of going?

You chopping away at me too?

- I don't need that now.
- But that's just the point.

You don't need the strain
of a trip like that right now.

And what do I need, Constance?

I don't know. See more specialists.

More tests.

Medical opinions?

You really think
that's gonna change things?

It might.

Connie, I'm dying.
You've gotta face that.

It's not such a big thing.
It happens to everybody.

If these doctors do manage
to come up with something,

give me a few more months,
that still won't change things.

- Not in the long run.
- But this pipeline thing.

That matters in the short run.

Yes, by God, it does.

It matters plenty.

Jason, why?

Why? Don't you think the family
has enough money?

Do you have to keep on making more,
more, more all at the...?

Go on.

At the expense of you
enjoying your life to the fullest.

I believe it's a little late for me
to change now, Connie.

Besides, it was never really
the money anyway.

You know that.

It was doing it.

Thinking it up
and making it, by God, work.

Heh. I lie awake these nights thinking

if God had a mind
to let me off the hook on this,

what he should really do
is take it all away.

Let me go back to the beginning
and see if I could do it all over again.

No, no, I understand.

He is not likely to accommodate me
so far as that.

A few months is fine.

Give me time
to get this pipeline deal in place.

A pipeline's not a bad thing
to leave behind, is it?

Yeah, I'll settle for that.

Leave something behind
so people will maybe say:

"Hey, good work.

You did real well, Jason Colby."

Rich or poor, a man doesn't get
many chances like that in his life.

You see what I'm saying?

I'm trying to.

Now, you'd better or else...

Yes, I know.

I know, you'll sue me.

Yes, except I'd probably lose.


Hey, that's what I need from you
these next months.

You see? No tears.

Don't you sing
any sad songs for me now.

Now, I don't want that.

I wanna enjoy what I got left.

All of it.

I plan to devour the rest of my life
like a rare steak.

Very, very rare.

Oh, Jason.


I really don't know. This is
a very busy month for us, socially.

We've got the opening of the opera

and the charity performance
of the Royal Ballet.

So thank you for asking.

Yes. Goodbye, Blake.

Well, what did he want?

Hmm. Hi, darling.
He wanted to invite us to a party.

Oh, did a new shipment
of your favourite hemlock

- just arrive in Denver?
- Mm-hm. Cute.

No, he's planning on announcing
his new pipeline deal

and since I'm part owner
of the South China Sea oil leases,

he wants me to be there
to join in the celebration.


So? It coincides with the time
that we're going to be in Moldavia.

Alexis, go to the party.
It'll look strange if you don't.

And let you go to Moldavia alone?

No, I don't think
that's a very good idea.

Why? Because you don't think
I'll try hard enough to rescue Galen?

No. Because this is something that
we planned on doing together, Dex.

All right, come with me,
don't go to the party.

But for God's sake, don't let anyone
know what we're up to.

This mission has got to be a secret.

It spells the difference
between our living or dying.

Oh, God.

- You make it sound so morbid.
- I'm just trying to make a point.

- Mm.
- I hope I have.

- Yes.
- I'm sorry about lunch.

Somethings come up.

- See you later?
- Yes.

Bye, darling.

- Yes, Mrs. Dexter.
- Donald, would you get my daughter

- on the phone, please?
- Uh... It's David.

Of course, David.

Better still, call my car.

I'll go and see her myself.

Didn't Miss Adams leave a message
when she checked out?

I see.


As I recall, you have an office
of your own across the hall, Miles.

What's wrong,
your intercom not working?

I came to ask you to explain to Dad

I care more about Denver
than that damned party.

Funny you should mention that.

Daddy called me
when I was leaving the courthouse.

He expects you at that party,
twin brother.

He wasn't kidding either.

It was the full-on-Jason-Colby
storm-cloud voice

and I'm supposed to see
that you get there.

Miles, why do you always
have to embarrass him?

I've got something
more important to do.

That girl again?

Oh, no.

Not your little homeless waif,
or whatever you call her.

- For God's sake, Miles...
- For her sake, Monica.

Won't you realize, I'm trying...

I'm helping somebody
who's in trouble.

She can't remember.
She doesn't know anyone here in L.A.

She can't remember who she is.

She's lost. She could get hurt.

But our live-in Lancelot
intends to see that she doesn't, huh?


Could this just be
some kind of a put-on?

- Could she just be after...?
- Sweetheart I know the difference.

I've gotta give it a go.

You understand, don't you?

Yes. But only because it's you.

- And?
- I'll try to explain to Daddy.


I don't know
how far I'm gonna get, though.

For some reason,
this is very, very important to him.

Now get out of here. Scat, I'm busy.

- Did you speak to Jason today?
- Yes, I did. He's coming here.

- Without a fight?
- Well, he Lawlor's one.

But without exactly caving in,
he did agree to come.

Heh-heh. Good.

Oh, Jeff.

I've been doing some thinking
about Fallon.

It's been a year since she died
in that plane crash

and I wanted to do something
to keep her memory alive.

So I'm planning on donating
a million dollars to Denver Memorial

so they could set up a paediatrics wing
at the hospital.

The wing will be called
the Fallon Colby Wing.

- How do you feel about that?
- Well, I'll tell you how I feel about it.

To everyone else,
she's dead and buried

and now being memorialized.
But not to me, Blake.

Because I'm still not convinced
she's dead.

Randall. Randall.

I have a bus to catch, Miles.
I have to go.

- Just like that?
- Miles, please listen.

- I'm going to Phoenix and...
- No, you listen.

If I hadn't played my hunch,
remembered what you said

about trying to reach the mountains
by bus, I would have lost you.

It would've been better that way.

This is something
I have to do on my own.

Uh-uh on that.

A trip anywhere is a lot more fun
when you have company.

What, after all,
is a classical Italian sports car for?

It's good to see you smile.

I guess I'll always smile
when I think about you, Miles.

No matter where I am,
what I find out about myself.

But as for your offer, no.

- You've helped me enough already.
- Oh, no, Randall.

It's not as though I've tried
to come on to you or anything.

Why are you doing this to us?

Because I don't know who I am.

And I'm afraid of what I might find out.
I could be some kind of criminal.

I want to help you
because I like helping you.

Being with you makes me feel better
about myself than I've ever felt before.

So let's both go to Phoenix, all right?

All right.

Yeah, this way.

Everything's gone wrong.
It's out of control.

My aunt wasn't supposed to be here.

We were only gonna chloroform her,
not hit her on the head.

She may be hurt, badly.

You gotta calm down
before you blow this whole thing.

Look, your aunt saw her double.
What was I suppose to do?

- I can't rewrite the scenario.
- We didn't have to go that far.

It was fate, not a plan.

Look, Samantha Josephine Reece,

know this and remember this.

I'm an artist, a film director.
I'm not a criminal.

And your aunt is not seriously hurt.
She's only unconscious.

- A little bump on the head.
- You're positive?

I can promise you
she'll be very well looked after.

She will never, never be hurt.

For now, what's important is for you
to get Rita into the Carrington house

and make sure everything goes
according to schedule there.

Because the sooner she's in place
as Mrs. Carrington,

the sooner you'll get
your inheritance back

and we can all take off
like birds on gossamer wings.

Very, very expensive gossamer.

Oh, God.

What's happening?

Who's there?

I can hear you breathing.

Who is it?

There's nothing to worry about,
Mrs. Carrington.

Don't worry.

I won't hurt you.

Who are you?

That isn't your concern right now.

Look, you've had a kind of accident.

There's a small bump
on your head.

No, no cause to be alarmed.

None at all.

I wouldn't bother trying to get out
of those ropes, you won't be able to.

Where am I?

That isn't important.

You're here

and you're alive.

Give me some water.

No orders. I don't take orders.

Say, “Please give me a glass of water.“
You can say that, can't you?

On second thought,
that isn't necessary.

You're thirsty.

And you're helpless.

I can get you a glass of water.

You can say, "Thank you."

Thank you.

Here you go.

I'll hold it while you drink.

- My head.
- I'm so sorry.

Please, would you untie me
so I can hold the cup myself?


All right.


You're the man that was outside
Sammy Jo's apartment in New York.

And then in Denver.

Mrs. Carrington, you should
never, never have done that.

That was a mistake.

A big mistake.

He said he saw Fallon.

And so I'd like to use
one of the company planes

to fly to Phoenix this afternoon.

Jeff, do you remember this?

It's Fallon's ring.

Do you remember
where it was found?

Yes, I know where it was found.
It was found in the plane wreck.

That doesn't prove anything.

She could have given it away, sold it.
She could have hocked it.

But son,
I know what you've gone through

ever since they found this ring
in the wreckage.

Your drinking,
that marriage to Nicole.

And all for what?

- You want me to say Fallon is dead.
- I want you to believe it.

Now, please, Jeff, give it up.

Can't you see that
it's tearing us all apart?

Blake, there is a man in Arizona
who thinks he saw Fallon.

Are you gonna stay here
and decide that he's wrong?

Now, I've got to try and find Fallon
for me and for my son.

All right, I'll go with you.
Pick me up in half an hour.

I'll call Krystle and tell her I'm going.

Barbara, ring my house for me,
will you, please?

Yes, Mr". Carrington.

Ah. Mrs. Carrington.

Mr. Carrington's been trying
to reach you by phone.

He's gone to Phoenix for the day,
but he will be back for dinner.

May be a little late.

Thank you.

Thank you, Gerard.

- I thought that's who he was.
- Now you know who he was. Gerard.

Good afternoon, Mrs. Carrington.
Mrs. Carrington.

It's Reece now.

I'm sorry, Miss Reece.

From the description you gave me,
that was Jeannette?

Very good.

Ooh, uh, Mrs. Carrington,
Mr. Carrington sent a message

that we'll be having a party
for guests next week.

And I just found out,
we can't order enough morellos.

So I was wondering what you'd think

of trying the paupiette de veau
aux champfgnon?


Or you'd think it safer

to go with the escalope de veau
sautée aux truffes?

I'm afraid, Mrs. Gunnerson,
that decision is gonna have to wait.

My aunt promised I could see Danny
when I got here. I can't wait.

Very well.

Sammy Jo, this is never gonna work.
I don't think I can pull it off.

You're gonna be fine. Just relax.

Besides, you know the kind of lives
these people lead.

You read a lot
of those fancy magazines.

Yes, but they're in English,
not French.

I don't know
what she was talking about.

I guess you are gonna need
all the help you can get.

You, Auntie Krystle,
have just invited me to stay for dinner.

And I accept the invitation.

He really got under your skin,
didn't he?

- Who?
- Blake Carrington, of course.

Heh. That will be the day.

I'm talking about polo.
Blake doesn't even play polo.

Don't give me that.

You have been a grizzly bear
since you talked to him in Denver.

Why did you give in?

Why didn't you insist on
making the announcement out here?

Because I didn't want to take the time
to argue about it.

That's not like you, Jason.
Is something wrong?

No, I feel fine.

Well, somethings been bothering you
and I thought it must be Blake.

After all, the whole pipeline venture
was your creation.

That's why I'm calling
a press conference

the day we get back to Los Angeles
with satellite coverage

so the world knows
this isn't Blake Carrington's show.

It's a Colby-Carrington venture.

Still it's the first impression
that counts.

Ooh. I can just see them all lined up:

The Rocky Mountain royal family
taking their bows.

Well, the Colbys will be there too.

All of us, especially Miles.

It's high time he took his proper place
in this family.

I want you to wear something special
in Denver too.

I want you to shine
like the full moon.

It's what I'm paid for, isn't it?

Mrs. Colby.

What you've got nobody can pay for.


Don't mind me. I'm just taking notes.

Am I interrupting anything?

No, but in another minute or two,
you might have been.

Don't you bother
to knock anymore, Bliss?

Daddy, the door was open.

Where on earth are you headed for
in that costume?

A lunar exploration?

I'm headed for Utah, mother.

- White water rafting with Sean.
- Now, you can't do that.

You've gotta go to Denver,
with the rest of us.

I've been giving that a lot of thought
and I've decided against it.

Decided against it?

She's not my daughter.

At least not today she isn't.

It's a matter of principle, Daddy.

I don't approve of your pipeline.

So I'm not going to lend
either my name or my presence.

I'm not asking you
to lend your presence.

I'm telling you to show up.

This is important to me.

- And what about Miles?
- What about Miles?

He's got some new playmate
and they've gone off together.

- At least, I'm passing on principle.
- You're not passing on anything.

Neither is your brother,
nor your sister.

I promised Blake Carrington
all the Colbys would be at his party

and we will all be there.

That is the end of the discussion.

Well, I'm sorry, Daddy.

I love you very much

but that is not the end
of the discussion.

So I hear that you and Mummy
aren't going to the party.

You heard? From whom?

From Mummy.

- Well, you heard correct.
- So how come?

Alexis didn't explain?

No, in fact, she was very evasive.

So how come?

Because we've got things to do.

But what son of things?

Dex, now you're being
equally evasive.

Obviously, because I don't wanna
answer any more questions.

But Dex, this is the party of the year.

- What could be so important?
- Amanda, look.

- This is none of your affair, please...
- Oh, my God.

Moldavia. You're going to Moldavia.

- Wrong.
- You are.

- And I've got to tell Michael.
- Amanda, don't.

You think Michael's father's still alive
and you're gonna try and rescue him.

- Dex, please tell me the truth.
- All right. It is true.

But you've got to swear
to keep this quiet.

Do you understand that?

The important thing
is not to jeopardize my life

and especially not your mother's.

But does she realize
how dangerous this is?

Yes, she does.

Oh, Dex, Dex.

Amanda, you asked to see me.

Anything wrong?

No, nothing.

Are you sure?


Why don't you try this one on.
It's her favourite.

Why, I don't care, Sammy Jo.
You pick it.


I'm gonna order a gallon of this
before we get out of here.

I love it.

Oh, I love this.

Oh! This is the most comfortable bed
I've ever been on.

What's wrong?

Are you sure I can pull this off?

I mean, it's one thing dressing up
like the lady of the house

but fooling the lady's husband
in bed.

That's the only thing
I'm not worried about.

See, it's like dancing.
You don't lead, you follow.

Going to Phoenix
is a wild goose chase.



You've got to try to put today
out of your mind as much as possible.

- It's not that easy, Blake.
- I know it's not easy.

I don't know how you've done it,

to have gone through
what you've gone through.

If you 're worried
about my mental state, say it.

Yes, I am worried.

I'm worried
you're gonna destroy your life

unless you pull yourself together.

Jeff, I've never asked you
to do anything.

I'm begging you now.

Go to California.

Start a new life away from Denver.

You'll be much happier.


But you're right.

I have to get away.

Start a new life.

The old one is dead.

Yes, Lin.

All right, I'll take it.

Sable, what a surprise.

Alexis, darling.

I don't have to tell you
how happy and relieved I am

you got out of that dreadful
little country safely.

Oh, thank you
for your concern, dear.

Only natural, considering
our mummies were sisters.

Yes, but that doesn't exactly make us
kissing cousins, does it?

To what do I owe the honor
of this phone call, Sable?

- Sable, where is the...?
- Shh.

It's Alexis.

Hello? Hello, are you there?

Yes, forgive me, Alexis.

Now, about Blake's wingding.

I gather it's going to be
a pretty grand affair.

Yes, a swell party.

You know Blake.

I suppose the whole Carrington clan
will be on hand to back him up,

including your adorable Amanda
and her brand new prince charming.

He's a king, dear.


Sable, are you feeling all right?

Yes, wonderful.
It's just that there's a pest in the room.

I'll deal with it later.

Meanwhile, I was wondering
what you're going to be wearing

because I would hate to turn up in...

I'm not going to the party, Sable.

- What?
- No, I have a previous engagement.

Something that takes priority.

Sorry, but I can't tell you what it is.

I see.

Well, I'm devastated.

Mm. I'm sure you are.

- And I'm sure that Jason will be too.
- Hmm.

We must speak soon.
Goodbye, darling.

Well, what's going to devastate me?

Alexis won't be at the party.

I thought she owned
pan of Blake's leases.

Well, she does.
Not as much as she claims, though.

I wonder if there's trouble.

I don't know.
She evaded all over the place.

Well, what else do you got for me
aside from this extraordinary body?

- Isn't that enough?
- Always.

You're very lustful these days, darling.
I'm all for it, mind you.

But they do say a suddenly sexy man
has something to hide.

Hey, what do you mean
"suddenly sexy“? I resent that."

I can't help
the way I feel about your body.

Or your mind.

I never underestimate your mind.

I never underestimate you, Jason.


No, thank you.

Mrs. Carrington,
may I get you a drink?

- Yes.
- What would you like?

My usual.

I'm sorry, but I'm new here.

Champagne, please.

- Sammy Jo, I'm really nervous.
- You'll be all right.

Now, you know who these two are.

I've seen the pictures of them.

- Hello, Amanda, Michael.
- Hello, Krystle.

You're looking very beautiful tonight,
as usual.

Oh, well, thank you.

Amanda, I love your suit.

And your necklace.

But you and Daddy gave me this to me
when we got back to Denver.

Well, of course.

Good evening, everyone.

Sammy Jo.

What are you doing here?

Same as everybody else,
I'm just waiting for dinner.

In fact, I am getting more famished
by the minute.

Then why don't you try
one of Denver's or so restaurants.

Steven, if you'd like to
talk about this alone...

There's nothing I can't say
in front of the others.

Our agreement was you could see
Danny because he's your son.

It included nothing
about being welcome for dinner.

I'd like you to leave the house.

Steven, she is Danny's mother
and a member of this family.

And I invited her to dinner.

And I would like everyone
in this house

to treat one another with respect
and consideration from now on.

- Evening, everyone.
- Good evening, Blake.

- Welcome back, Daddy.
- Thank you, darling.

- Is something wrong?
- No, nothing to worry about.

- Hello, darling.
- Hello, darling.


Would you like a drink
before dinner?

Yes, yes, very much.
It's been a long flight.

About the party, darling.
I'd like every last detail to be perfect.

Gerard should hire more
than the usual staff for the evening.

And Mrs. Gunnerson should go all out
on the menu.

- I already talked to her.
- Good.

Now, about the California Colbys.
There are a lot of them coming.

They're an imperfect group.

Of course, he's probably saying
the same thing

about the Carringtons right now.

He being?

Jason Colby.

Oh, be prepared. He's brilliant.

He'll try to charm you.

But his wife, Sable,
will pretend to ignore it.

But watch out for her.

She's like a panther,
always on the scent.

And then there's Constance
Colby Patterson, Jason's sister.

Now, she is a classy woman,
in anybody's book.

What is it, darling? What's wrong?

Blake, do you mind if I invite
Sammy Jo to stay with us for a while?

To stay here? Why?

Well, I just think that Danny and she
need to spend some time together.

After all, she is his mother.

What about his father?

You saw the way Sammy Jo
and Steven

looked at each other
all during dinner.

- Well, yes, but...
- Krystle.

I may have
some reservations about it.

But I realize
you're trying to reach out to the girl

to let her know
that you care about her.

But I have to think that having her stay
at our house is a mistake.

Blake, it's very important to me.


All right, you win.
She's welcome to stay.

Oh, you twist me
around your little finger.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

You'll never know how much.

There's something else wrong,
isn't there?

Oh. I know, I...

I'm acting a little strange tonight.

A little, yes.

Well, I've had headaches before
in my time.

But this one, I...

I don't know where it came from.

Well, you've taken something for it,
haven't you?


But it's kind of stubborn.

Well, it'll go, in time.

Come to bed.

You didn't eat anything.

Let me go.


Wish I could, but I can't.

What do you want from me?

Why are you keeping me here?

Drink your milk.

You'll relax, sleep better.

And you have to relax.

This will do it.

What happened to my clothes?
Why am I wearing these?

My mother used to say

there's nothing better
or more nourishing than milk.


That woman who looks like me.

Who is she?

I used to prefer chocolate milk
when I was a kid.

Lots of rich, dark syrup. You?

Are you gonna answer me?

My clothes, that woman.

Am I being held for ransom?

You have a very fertile imagination,
Mrs. Carrington.

A kind of dreamer's quality.


But it's unsettling, to yourself.

Just look at you.

I don't know what woman
you're talking about

and I don't know what clothes.

Speaking of clothes,
I have something here for you.


Do you like it?

Oh, please. Please let me go.

I can't.

Believe me, though.

As dark as things look now,

they'll seem brighter in the morning.

Are you afraid of this mission?

Yes, as a matter of fact I am.

Only a fool wouldn't be.

It's that fear that keeps you alert.

Yes, I'm afraid too,
and it's a foreign feeling to me.

How many times are you going
to take that g*n apart and clean it?

Until I feel it's done, okay?


Why are you in a bad mood now?

You really wanna know?

Yes, I really wanna know.

All right. It's because maybe,
with the possibility of death facing us,

I can finally get the truth out of you.

The truth?

That you're still in love with your...

With Galen.

Oh, God.

How many times
do I have to tell you?

How many ways
do I have to prove to you

that you're the only man I love.

Oh, I'll have that proof soon enough,
won't I?

Even at the risk of losing your life
and mine, I'll have it.

I'm gonna rescue your king
for you, Alexis.

And then you're gonna have
to choose between us,

once and for all.

I want you.

But I want you free and clear

not because I'm alive
and the other guy isn't.


We're going on a dangerous mission
and we may not come back.

So why don't we enjoy the time
that we've got,

and don't let us fight. Hmm?

Hello, Thomas?

Yes, we'd like not to be disturbed.

Mr. Dexter and I
are going to take a little rest.

Amanda, I'd...

Oh, um... That...
That will be all, thank you.

I'd like to spend the afternoon with you
and become...

Become what, Michael?


I mean, we seem to have grown
somewhat apart since the wedding.

It seems to me I've been telling you
that for some time now.

And finally I'm admitting it.


Forgive me if I've been cold to you.

But so much has happened,
so much ugliness.


I want to feel close to you again.

I want to start over.

Michael, I've wanted nothing more
than to hear you say that.

What is it?

- Michael.
- Amanda.

Look, I'm telling you that I need you.

Now, I've never said that
to anyone in my life.

Please try to understand.

All right. Well, explain it to me.

Amanda, what exactly
is on your mind?

I can't tell you.

Well, what do you mean
you can't tell me?

It's Dexter, isn't it?

I mean, you've been jumpy ever since
I saw the two of you together.

- Don't be ridiculous.
- What do you mean ridiculous?

Stop it. Michael, don't.

No, stop it. Ow.

Michael, no, not like this. Stop.

You are my wife.

I don't...

I won't be treated like this.

And it seems there's this problem
at the refinery in San Francisco.

Adam went there last week
to take care of it.

That's impossible, Blake.

I just spoke to our people
in San Francisco, there is no problem.

- What?
- Not only that.

The last time they saw Adam was here
in Denver two months ago.

Well, I don't understand that.

I'm sorry to barge in on you both
like this

but I've got to
talk to you alone, Daddy.

Excuse me, I'll check with our people
in San Francisco again.

What is it, darling?
What the matter?

I wanted you to know
that I'm getting a divorce.

I know it's upsetting.

But I can't stand living with Michael,
not for one more minute. I can't.

It's unbearable.

I'm so sorry to hear that, darling, I...

It comes as a kind of a shock.

I'm not an authority on the subject,
but it always seemed to me

that marriage was not something
that you jump into, you jump out of.

Now here, at the first sign of trouble,
you're bailing out.

I just think that marriage is a
commitment that has to be worked at.

I know that and I've tried.

That's why I've put up
with the rudeness and the coldness.

That's why I didn't say anything
when he insulted me or shut me out.

Because I understand
what he's been through.

And I wanted to stand by him
because I've realized

that this wasn't the time
to criticize him or judge him.

But I can't do it anymore.

I won't let myself be treated like this.

- I can't and won't.
- Don't give up yet, darling.

You've got a responsibility
to try to straighten things out.

How? What can I possibly do
that I haven't already done?


maybe, just maybe,
I have an idea that might work.


Yeah, this is he.


I got your message, Miles.
I gather you're on the road.


I'm calling to tell you again,

I won't be making it
to this party in Denver.

Still gallivanting with your lady
who can't remember who she is?

Hope you've smoothed things over
with the father.

Sorry, brother dear,
I told you what he said.

This is a command performance.


He snaps his fingers and we jump.

Look, I don't know about you,
I'm getting sick of it.

Miles, this one seems
especially important to him.

Do it this time, okay?

Why don't you carry the ball.

You're the one who's living out
his expectations of me.

Miles, would it hurt so much?

Daddy seems different recently.

I don't know, he...

He really needs you there.

All right, I'll be there.


All right, we finally get to meet her.

I look forward to it.

Bye, Miles.

See you.

- Was that you're ca“ m LAT?
- Yeah.

My beautiful
but all too persuasive sister.

We're going to Denver.

There's the border.

If you're asked anything,
Sister Theresa?

I met you in a neighbouring town

and asked for a ride in your truck
back to the convent.

And you?

My name is Sister Marie,
I'm with Sister Theresa.

And we both needed a ride
back to the convent.

- Dex?
- We'll be all right, Alexis.

Get him out, take him out of there.

- What's the problem?
- I'll drive you to the convent.

- But what's the poor man done?
- That's not your concern.

Mr. Dexter, why were you trying
to sneak into Moldavia?

I'm interested in opening up trade
with your new government.

- I felt that the only way...
- So you attempt to cross the border

in a truck,
dressed as a common labourer?

Look, I felt that was the only chance
I had...

We have established quite
a few consulates in Europe by now.

You could have contacted any of them
for any business proposals.

Now, what is your real reason
for being here?

You just said it, Warnick, business.
It's what my life is all about.

- Is it, Dexter?
- Yes, it is.

Now, after the way you people
treated me the last time I was here,

I couldn't take the chance of coming

in a three-piece suit and shiny boots,
could I?

Tell me, whom are you working for?


And who besides yourself
is involved in this plot?

What plot? There is no plot.

No plot?

A leopard does not change
his spots, Dexter.

And an adventurer
does not change his style.

You have been
on how many missions now

involving mostly misguided heroics

trying to find American soldiers
in the Far East?

To free American journalists
and diplomats from wherever?

And you expect me to believe you?

Well, I don't.

And if you won't tell the truth
now to me,

perhaps a few hours
in one of our less advanced prisons

might cause you to do otherwise.

Over there, please.

Thank you.


Well, it seems that we are alone,
Mrs. Carrington.

It seems that you're right,
Mr. Carrington.

You know, you're getting
inordinately blase, do you realize that?

I am? How?

We've been married
exactly one week and three hours,

and you have done
absolutely nothing to say:

"What a special day.

What a special hour.
What a special moment."

- I haven't, huh?
- No.

- That's really awful of me.
- Mm-hm.

Well, how do you suggest
I acknowledge

- these terribly vital time factors?
- Ha-ha-ha.


you could tell me
just how much you love me.

Because I love you, Claudia,
so much.

- Oh, God. So much.
- Oh.

Oh, I do.

Oh, with all my head, I do.

Why don't you pack up
the rest of your things?

You're gonna move into the mansion
with me.

I think it's time
I told Blake about the wedding.

Oh, Adam, I...

I don't want to hear "Adam."
And whatever follows it, forget it.

Claudia, I love you.

I want this to happen for us my way.

I agree, it's just...


I just wish the honeymoon
could go on forever.

It will in the mansion.

Now pack, please.

Okay -

I knew you wouldn't approve
of this marriage.

That's why we needed to be
away from here to do it.

Well, go on, I'm sure there's more.

There is.

Claudia and I love each other
very much.

I hope you can see your way clear
to accepting us as man and wife.

- And that's it?
- Yes.

Well, then,
so much for affairs of the heart.

Now let's get down to business.


San Francisco.

The problem at the refinery
you went to take care of.

The only problem was, Adam,
there was no problem.

- There must be some mistake.
- Do you want me to phone them?

- You don't believe me?
- I don't.

All right, I lied.

It wasn't the worst lie anybody
ever told.

Obviously, you lied

because you wanted to go
to San Francisco to meet Claudia.

Which makes it a double lie,
because you promised me

that you'd stay away from her.

Well, I don't tolerate lies.

Not from people that work for me.
Especially not a Carrington.

Is that understood?

- Yes.
- Good.

Now let this be understood too.

I'm changing my will.

I'm leaving you one dollar until you
prove you can be trusted again.


I won't stand for that.

- You're gonna have to stand for that.
- I won't. You can't do that.

Trying to control your family
with money, manipulate us.

Now I'm in no mood for this,

and you are in no position
to accuse me of anything.

You betrayed my trust and now
you're gonna have to work hard,

damned hard, to earn it back again.

And that means bowing to you,
obeying every whim,

grovelling to your pet,
the fair-haired boy, Jeff Colby.

You won't have to do that.

Jeff is moving to California.

Chairman of the La Mirage?
What is that suppose to mean?

There's no chairman of this hotel.

Well, there is now.

So tell it to my father-in-law, Claudia.
He appointed me yesterday.

But don't worry, I'm sure
we can work very well together.

Anyway, I'd really like to get back
to these books.

So if you would check out
the kitchen,

there is a banquet schedule
for this evening, I believe.


Oh, hello, Jeff, Little Blake.

Everybody calls me L.B. now.

Oh, of course, well, forgive me, sir.

L.B. and I were just talking
about the move to California.

That he'll be staying here with you and
his grandpa until I can send for him.

Isn't that right?

And I'm gonna have a good time,
I hope, until I can go to California too.

- Well, that is all right with you, isn't it?
- I think it'll be a great idea.

And we'll have a wonderful time.
You and I and grandfather.

You mean Grandpa.

Jeff, I'm just wondering,

are you sure
that this is a good idea?

I mean, wouldn't he be better off
in California with you?

Well, it's just until I get settled.
Then I'll send for him.

I hope you're not offended, Jeff,
you know he's always welcome here.

It's just that,
well, you're such a great father.

I've seen you with Kristina.

And I know that I'm leaving my son
in the best of hands.

And that makes it a lot easier on me
going to California.

I understand.


Well, he'd rather do anything
than have his hair tousled by a woman.

Well, I can't blame you, L.B.,
I can't blame you at all.

There are many, many of us
who are still very loyal to King Galen.

We meet in basements, in cells,
to keep our allegiances secret.

We hope
to restore the monarchy soon.

Sister Theresa,
it's essential that I meet with someone

from your underground
as soon as possible.

All the arrangements
have already been made, Mrs. Dexter.

Please ask the visitor to enter.


What are you doing here?

Oh, Sister, how do you know
you can trust this woman?

Oh, yes, we can.

She is our friend and inspiration,

and she has come here at great risks
to her life.

I do not blame you for being
suspicious but you shouldn't be.

As the good sister said, it's dangerous
for me to be here, so I will be brief.

The duke, my father,
was behind the revolution.

- Well, why didn't you stop him?
- I did not know at that time.

Now of course, I realize why
he did not want me at the wedding.

But that is past.

For now, just know that I will work
with you to save the king.

Then you do believe he's alive?

I know he is, but he is being
kept prisoner by Yuri and his g*ng,

and they will do anything
to stay in power.

Elena, my husband,

do you know what's happened to him?
Is he still alive?

I do not know the answer,
Mrs. Dexter.

And right now,
I'm afraid nobody does.

- Mr. Colby.
- That's right.

I'm Michael of Moldavia
and Chairman of La Mirage.

May I personally welcome you
to our hotel.

Thank you. This is my wife, Sable,

my sister, Mrs. Patterson,
my daughter, Monica,

and my attorney, Garrett Boydston.

My father-in-law ordered the finest
suites in the hotel for you, of course.

We're holding six.
Will you be needing all?

- That's right.
- I'll show you to your rooms.

Jason, with Miles and Bliss not here,
we don't need six.

They'll be here, we need all six.

Jason, I don't mind telling you,
I feel like a fifth wheel.

This is a family affair.

Wrong, Garrett,
you're a fourth wheel.

Blake will have a whole battery
of his attorneys wheeled out.

But with you beside me,
he'll still be out-gunned.

Oh. Good afternoon, Miss Reece,
we've been expecting you.

Well, I haven't.

What the hell are you doing here?

- I've been invited here.
- By who?

Your English is getting as sloppy
as your sex life.

I thought it was, "By whom?"

I asked you something.

My aunt.

What's the matter, Steven?

Now that your boyfriend is dead,
are you afraid I'm gonna seduce you?

Excuse me, Miss Reece, would you
like your bags taken up to your room?

I'd like that very much.


Is Sammy Jo moving in here?


I thought it would be good for her
to be near Danny.

I mean, after all, a growing child
needs his mother, Steven.

I can't believe it.

After all that's happened?
How could you do this to me?

Look, I've spent a lot of time
with my niece recently

and she's changed.

I think we should both
give her another chance.

I don't know if she's changed,
but you sure have.

Nice lunch, Blake,
you've got a good chef.

And your accommodations
were satisfactory?

Oh, first-class.

Your daughter, Fallon,
she did a nice job for you here.

That's kind of you.
Thank you for that, Jason.

I've got something to propose to you
about tonight.

What's that?

That we announce the pipeline,
as planned,

but that we don't set a start-up date
for production.

Why not?

Well, in light of the oil glut
in the world at the moment

and the price wars within OPEC...

I don't agree.

Let's set a date, we don't want
to waste any time on this.

I don't understand you, Jason.

From your very first phone call,
you've been pressing on this date.

Now, why?

There's nobody competing with us.

There's nobody out there
trying to beat us to it.

Yeah, let's just say in this project,

the word tomorrow
is not in my vocabulary.

Thanks for lunch,
I'll see you at the party.

Oh, what time is it?

Quarter to .
Time to get dressed, darling.

What is it, something wrong?
You seem nervous.

I guess it's just that I know
how important tonight is to you.

Oh, come on now.

You've produced bigger cirouses
than this one.

It's not a circus,
it's a very serious party

and it means a lot to you.

Yes, it does but you're gonna do
just fine, you always have.

Come on.

How many times have I told you
I loved you?

Three thousand, seven hundred
and seventy-three times.

Let's make it , .

I love you very much.

And I want you to wear something
to the party

that's kind of special.

For me.

God, it's fantastic.


It's beautiful, Blake.

It's really beautiful.

Well, not half as beautiful as you.

- Do you know what I wish tonight?
- What?

That I make you very proud of me.

You got two more wishes coming.

That's the only one.

For now.

I'm glad you liked the clothes
I bought you.

I knew I'd guess your size.

Also, I picked out some novels
I thought you would find interesting.

Especially this one.

It's romantic.

You have to let me out of here.

I don't have to do anything,
Mrs. Carrington.

Enjoy your reading.

I'll get you an extra blanket.

It's chilly in here, the night air.

Look at this place, it's a hovel.

I can't provide you with servants,
you know.

Let's tidy it up.

Jason, I haven't seen your son,
Miles, tonight. Where is he?

He may be a little late
but he'll be here.

- Good evening, Miss Deveraux.
- Good evening, Gerard.

Excuse me.

Dominique, hello.


- Oh, I want you to meet some people.
- Oh, I'd love too.

This is Jason Colby, my new partner
and the guest of honor tonight.

- This is Dominique Deveraux.
- A real pleasure.

It's my pleasure.

This is his lovely daughter, Monica

who also happens to be
a darn good lawyer.

I've always been a great fan
of yours.

I think I have every record
you ever made.

Oh, thank you so much.

And Garrett Boydston,
chief counsel for Colby Enterprises.

We've met.

How are you, Dominique?

Wait, you two know each other.

Our paths have crossed, yes.

Krystle, it is lovely here,
you must never want to leave home.

Oh, why don't I show you around later,
especially through the east gallery.

I want you to see our most recent
Van Gogh, from the Arles period.

I couldn't help noticing
your divine Boucher.

The portrait of the muse?

Now, you mustn't tell me you don't
love it. Such sumptuous color.

Impeccable use
of light and atmosphere.

Well, it is beautiful,
but I'm fonder of contemporary art.


Well, why don't we meet
in New York sometime?

I have found
a fabulous new young graffiti artist.

A lot of it is exciting.

Would you excuse me
for a few moments?

Sable, where in the hell is Miles?

He said he would be here, darling,
and he will be.


May I talk to you for a minute?

I realize that things between you
and Adam and me may be awkward.

But I was hoping that in time,
we could all be...

- Adult about it?
- Yes.

You and I are friends.

We have a strong bond between us.

Well, that'll see us through.

Oh, Steven, don't make fun of me.
Please, tell me that you understand.

I'll tell you this, Claudia.

This friendship between us is zero.

It's less than nothing.

All that about breaking up with Adam,
needing time to yourself...

It was all obviously a damned lie.

- If I said anything like that...
- You said exactly that.

Well, because I didn't know
Adam and I were to be married.

Don't you believe me?

Right now I'm wondering
if you've ever been truthful to me,

or if this whole thing
has been a big manipulation.

A manipulation?

Who are you to talk?
You threw me away.

I was married to you and
I was determined to make a good life.

But you were so bloody undecided
about what you wanted, Luke or me.

I never really felt that I had you.

Then you decided it was Luke,
not me.

So, what was I supposed to do?
Wait around for the rest of my life?

It's one thing
to make a new start for yourself.

It's another thing
to run off with my brother.

Your brother and I
happen to be in love.

I hope someday you'll understand that,
if you could understand what love is.

You apparently think I don't.

I don't know,
your world is foreign to me.

You hate it. You're jealous of it.

I'm not jealous. Why should I be?
I have Adam. Who do you have?

I'm sorry.

When we get back home, Danny and I
are going to move in with you.

The world may disapprove but
I don't give a damn about the world.

Just about us.

Quickly, they're looking for
two sisters

who crossed the border
with Mr. Dexter.

- You must hide.
- You sisters, come here.

What's your name?

Sister Theresa.

And you?

- Either of you know French?
- Yes.

Ask her where she's from.

Ask her what order she belongs to.

Sister of Charity.

The nun I was looking for is American.
This one's obviously French.

Hello, Dominique.

Garrett, it has been a very long time.

Twenty years, or just about.

Twenty years to the month.

Thank God, Colorado land
is a little more steady

than the Mediterranean
was that month.

I rather enjoyed the storm.

Made the ship
rock like a cradle, remember?

What I really remember is

that the storm prevented anyone
from attending my final performance.

But I was there.

Yes, you were there, Garrett,
the faithful passenger.

At least to me, if not to your wife.

But you did have the decency
to tell me that you were married.

Before I fell completely
head over heels.

Anyway, Garrett, I was never serious
about a commitment.

You were a very ambitious girl
with no interest in settling down.

And you had a wife.

What was her name? Jessica.

Yes, how is Jessica?

We're into small talk now?

No, I'm really interested.

We're divorced.

So much for that.

Right now I'm happy
that you're happy.

There's obviously a man in your life.

No one of real impedance, Garrett.

In that case, I'll be direct about it.
I'd like to see you again.

You are seeing me, Garrett.

You know what I mean.

Experience has taught me

that it is best to leave the past
in the past.

What we shared on that ship
is a beautiful memory for me.

And I would like to leave it
exactly like that.

Amanda, I just got word
from Moldavia.

Your mother and Dexter tried
to enter the country.

And he was seized.

I knew it wouldn't work.


You knew all along?

But how are they? Are they all right?

Well, that's all I know.

But you knew about this rescue
mission all along and didn't tell me?

I wanted to tell you
but I was sworn to secrecy.


BY Whom?

By Dex.

We can talk about that later.

Isn't there anything
we can do for them?

For your mother or Dexter?

For both of them.

Well, I don't think so.

You see, I think your true concern
is for Dexter.

I've seen you with him.
I've seen what's passed between you.

And I've seen your behaviour
towards me.

Now, I think it's time
you began to consider

admitting your true feelings to me
and to yourself.

Mind if I cut in?

Well, as a matter of fact, I do,

but I don't know what I can do about it.
I enjoyed it.

He's very nice.

Well, there are those
who'd say that he's a shark.

Not exactly like Hal Lombard.

- Who?
- Hal Lombard, remember?

Our house guest last year,
the one that made a pass at you?

Oh, yes, I had nearly forgotten.

It was so unpleasant,
I tried to block out his name.

Don't worry, darling.
I can handle Jason Colby.

I can handle anything
when I want to.

Dear God,

oh, please forgive me for waiting
until this desperate hour to turn to you.

I know my life hasn't been
what it could be.

I've been selfish.


I've wasted my life
in self-serving pursuits.

Oh, but God, I'm turning to you now

because you're the only one
who can help me.


Oh, please, let King Galen be safe.

But more important than that,
let me ask but...

Let Dex be alive.

Oh, please, God.

Please let him be alive.



What I remember about you
that summer

- is that I was madly in love with you.
- Heh.

Well, you know, Monica?

It's nice to know that at least one Colby
has fond memories of me, that's all.

If you're referring
to my wayward brother, Miles

and how he got upset

because he thought you were stealing
some old girl away from him...

Well, that among other things.

Miles thought
he was quite the ladies man.

Probably did him good
to meet his match.

Although, I wouldn't try it
with his latest conquest.

- Oh?
- Yeah,

they should be arriving
anytime now.

I think this one could be serious.

When he gets here,
you better put on your blinders.

Excuse me.


You seen anything of your brother?

He's the most popular young man
not at the party.

Not yet.

He's on his way.

Lots of mountains around Denver.

I was thinking tomorrow,
after the party,

we can go up and see if anything
up there sparks your memory.


How can I meet your family?

They'll all wanna know
who I am and...

Let's do something else, Miles.

First off, they'll love you, Randall.

You're my friend.

That's all anybody needs
to know about you.

Now, somethings troubling you.

It seems to me that this is as good
a time as any to talk about it, Claudia.

You lied to me, Blake.

The man who never lies.

You said that you were going to sell
La Mirage.

You said nothing about giving it
to your son-in-law, the prince.

Now, I resent that accusation.

If there was
any deception going on...

It came from Adam and me,
two people who were in love.

I was going to tell you myself
about Michael's appointment

but I didn't realize that you would be
on your honeymoon.

Oh, Blake,
I am tired of being treated like this.

I'm sick of being
the Carrington doormat.

- Adam?
- Excuse me.

- Yes?
- Take me home.

- This is home.
- Not until tomorrow, if ever.

Claudia, what's wrong?

Your father and I
just had a little talk.

We can't let ourselves be bullied,
especially by Blake. We're staying.

Adam, if you don't take me home,
I am going to go by myself.

Blake, your major-domo said
you asked to see me in here.

- What's up?
- I just got a cable from the Chinese.

“Need immediate confirmation
of ability to transport all drilled oil.“

What does that mean, Jason?
You know something I don't?

What makes you say that?

"Need confirmation
of ability to transport."

Somebody over there doesn't think
you have enough tankers to do the job.

And, of course, I wouldn't put it past
you to bluff your way into this deal.

I can't stand that kind of talk, Blake.

If we're going to be partners,
there has to be some trust between us.

Are you looking for an excuse
to back out of your deal?

I won't need an excuse if I find out
you tried to put one over on me.

You don't need an excuse, period.

If you want out, you just say so.

I told them we would make
the announcement at : .

Unfortunately, it's now.

What do you want to do?

It's your deal, partner.

Dealer's choice, huh?

All right, let's go.

After you.

You obviously didn't understand
what I said before.

You're only alive
because I want you kept alive.

Don't make me change my mind.

Thank you, thank you.

Of course, you'll be reading about this
in your newspapers tomorrow morning.

But I would like to tell you tonight

what a proud moment this is
for Denver-Carrington,

as well as for Colby Enterprises.

It's a momentous time,
in which the future of our country,

not to mention the future
of generations of Americans to come,

will be affected by this.

The first pipeline from California
to the nation's headland.

I'm sure I speak for my partner,
Jason Colby,

when I say “good luck“
to those dedicated men and women

across these beautiful
United States of ours

who will be taking over the task
of making this dream come true.

So I thank you, all of you.

- Jason?
- Well done, Blake.

I'll shake hands on that.

Yeah, I'll drink to it.
Then we all can dance to it.

My brave little brother.

Good party, huh?

Constance, may I have this dance?

Well, this is my lucky night.

That was a nice speech, Blake.

It sounds as though
you're happy with the deal.

You know what makes me happy
about it

is the opportunity to dance
with you.

Oh, that's a charming fib.

I'll bet you haven't given me a thought
in all these years.

Well, I would say it was more
the other way around, right?

Wrong, I often think about you
and your brother, Ben,

and all the fun we had
when we were younger.

Oh, I'm sorry, Blake.

Does talking about Ben
still upset you after all these years?

Yes, but I think
you're right, Constance.

It did happen a long time ago

and it's better to concentrate
on what's ahead.

Well, I hope you're not too upset
my taking Jeff away from you.

Upset? I love the boy.

And what an opportunity
you've given him.

It's a chance of a lifetime for him,
not to mention the challenge.

Oh, it'll be a challenge all right,

when he starts dealing
with Jason Colby.

Excuse me, Constance.

I love you, Fallon.

I always have and I always will.

Jeff, I thought
we had an agreement.

You're right, Blake.

She's gone
and she's not coming back.

I can't go in, Miles.

There's something about that house.
I can't go in there.

We're not going anywhere except
out of here. Hold the car, will you?

Oh, my God, it's Fallon.

What? What are you talking about?


Blake, it was Fallon
driving off with another man.

- Jeff.
- Don't you believe me?

Don't you think I would recognize
the girl I love?

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