06x08 - The Decision

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x08 - The Decision

Post by bunniefuu »

Ladies and gentlemen, did you hear?

Get them, please, get off the plane.


Mrs. Dexter...

Look, look, she's just had two very
long flights. If you would be patient--

It's all right, Dex.
They're just doing their job.

King Galen will be coming off the plane
any minute.

Could you please stand back
and give a little room?

How is he, Mrs. Dexter?
And where's Prince Michael?

ALEXlS: Prince Michael is on the plane
with His Majesty.

Now, he's unconscious
and he's still very sick.

WOMAN: How did you get him out of
Moldavia? Did you pay the government?

We issued a press release when
we changed planes in New York.

You should have that information
within the hour.

ALEXlS : Look, here they come.
Please stand back.

Clear the way.


Please stand back.

Alexis told me once
when we were married:

"Blake, there is nothing on this planet
that I can't do,

including the impossible,"

I guess she proved that
to the world, hasn't she?


Like your mother, there's nothing
that you can't do either.

Now, things are going to be easier now
between you and Michael.

You should have the kind of a marriage
that you deserve, a good one.

My beautiful daughter and her fine,
upstanding young man.

Things will be happy, Daddy.



That's interesting. Why would Blake
Carrington want you to see a doctor?

For a very obvious reason, Joel.

I've been playing
that I have a headache

so I won't have to perform
my wifely duties.

So he doesn't realise
I'm not his darling Krystle.

He's sick and tired of your headache,
sleeping alone and feeling lonely.


Rita, why don't you go to the doctor?

All you have to do is pretend
to take whatever pills he gives you.

It's like back problems.

You can't prove a headache.

Well, suppose he wants me
to take a blood test

and mine doesn't match your aunt's,
then what?

Then nothing.

Her blood will match perfectly.

I should know, I'm her doctor.

- You?
- Me.

This is perfect. Don't you see?

Either one of you?

What are you talking about, Joel?

I've just cast myself.

I'm going to be playing
Krystle Carrington's good doctor.

This is the chance
I've been waiting for.

My chance to get into the house.

What better way than to be a specialist
she's asked for

on the advice of a friend.

Oh, no. No way.

Things have gone too far already.

Don't tell me, Samantha Josephine,

you want to go to a lawyer,
get the money and run, now.

That's exactly what I wanna do.

You have no sense of timing.

I have sense enough to know--

You know nothing
because if you did,

you'd realise that that money
cannot be transferred all at once.

It's gonna look overly suspicious.

How many times
do I have to tell you?

The play must be performed
one act at a time.

How many times
do I have to tell you

that the longer we wait, the more
chance we have of getting caught?

She's right, Joel.

- I don't wanna hear from you, Rita.
- Why not?

Because any decisions to be made
are mine to make.


Is that clear enough?



- Thank God, you're all right.
ALEXlS: Oh, darling.

Oh, yes, we're fine.

- You were extraordinary.
DEX: Oh, all in a day's work.

Welcome home.

Well, I really must congratulate you,
both of you.

I guess the words "brave" and "daring"
are appropriate.

- Thank you, Blake, we appreciate that.
- Yes.

Oh, Alexis, I'd like to talk to you
for a moment, if I may.

- It's rather important.
- Oh, yes, of course.

- Excuse us, darling.
- Sure.

Dexter, I haven't said it before.

I will now.

I think your courage was admirable.

And I have you to thank
for saving my father's life.

Now, I realise the great risks you took,
and I'll always appreciate it.

I'm glad I was able to help, Michael.

And that we all got back safely.

Well, there is one more favour
I'd like to ask of you.

That being?

From now on,
stay away from my wife.



Look, whatever you're thinking--

My suspicions are groundless?

- Yes.
MlCHAEL: Good.

Then it will make it
that much easier for you.

You know something?

This conversation
is for the royal birds.

If you'll excuse me.

Michael, why did you do that?

Oh, my God, Amanda,
isn't it obvious?

No, it isn't obvious to me.

Well, how do you think I feel
when you throw your arms around?

Prince Michael,
I have some good news.

Your father has regained consciousness
for the first time.

- You may see him for a few moments.
- Thank you.

I'll see him alone.


My son.

They told me
you were safe and well.

And I am, Father.

As you will be.

So very well again.

It is permitted for you to cry
if you wish, Michael.

We're all alone here.

It was so very hard for me
to think that you were dead.

It was very hard.

But it is all over, my son.

Tell me.

Tell me about your beautiful bride.

Are you happy?

Oh, yes.

I'm very happy.

Amanda is wonderful.

She's a wonderful wife.


That's good.

That's good.


Fallon's alive?

Yeah. She's at Jason Colby's house
in Los Angeles.

I flew out there, I saw her.

God, Blake, I can't believe it.

Oh, I can't. Our daughter is alive.

Yes, but there's--

There's more.

- She's--
- What?

She's suffering from amnesia.

- Amnesia.
- Yes.

She didn't recognise me.
She doesn't remember anything.

I've got to go to California to see her.
She'll recognise me.

- Oh, she won't know you.
- I'm her mother, she will.

No, listen to me.

It was one of the worst moments
of my life, one of the most painful.

When I stood in front of her after all
this time, she had no idea who I was.


Oh, God, she's--

She's ill, she's in trouble.

She needs me, Blake.

No, damn it, no.

We've got to follow doctor's orders
on this.

She is in very fragile condition.

Now, she's not to be pushed, not under
any circumstances, is that clear?

Not any.


All right. I won't go.


Good. Thank you.

But we have another daughter
who needs help.

Now, Amanda's been going through
a terrible time.

And I haven't been much good
in helping her solve her problems.

She needs your help, Alexis.

She needs you.



You didn't eat the turkey sandwich
I brought you last night.

I know you must be hungry.

So l...

I've prepared a protein drink
and a wonderfully nutritious salad.

Looks good, doesn't it?

Doesn't it?


You look pale.

- Do you have a fever?
- No.

Let me see.

Watch what you're doing. Damn it.

I don't have time to change.
It's getting late.

- Are you going out?
- Yes, I'm going out.


Well, let's just say I'm...

I'm going to make a house call.

What does that mean?

That's my business, Mrs. Carrington.

Just as I want you to make it
your business to clean up that mess.

And to eat something
before I get back.


Hello. I'm Dr. Travers.

Yes, please come in,
you've been expected.

Why, thank you.

Anna, please take Dr. Travers' coat.

Thank you very much.

Mrs. Carrington?


I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked.

I've seen your picture in the paper
from time to time.

They don't do you enough justice.

But I'm sure you've heard that
more than once.

Thank you, doctor. And thank you
for coming to the house.

Oh, it's a pleasure, ma'am.

I'd like you to meet my niece,
Samantha Reece.

How do you do? Pleasure.



Oh, forgive me.
I was just studying that oil.

It's magnificent.

I think everyhing about this house
is going to be magnificent.

Bad news? What kind of bad news?

About my record company.

Someone is buying up large blocks
of stock in my company,

and I don't like it.

When did all this begin?

Immediately after your party.

When you announced
the pipeline deal.

The brokerage house
that is handling the deal is located--

Don't tell me.
It's located in California.

Los Angeles, to be exact.

Were you able to trace down who it
was that was buying up that stock?

No. No.

I haven't been able
to find out anything.

It's Jason Colby.

Now, he knows that you're part owner
of Denver-Carrington.

He's trying to buy up that stock to gain
a controlling interest in your company.

So he can drive a wedge
between the two of us.

And then what he'll try to do
is position you.

So that you have to side with him
on anything at all

relating to that pipeline.

Doesn't surprise me.
Doesn't surprise me one damn bit.

- Thank you for telling me about it.
- Oh, well, I hope it helps.

It does, it all helps.

Well, I'll talk to you later.

- Dominique, good morning.
- Good morning.

Oh, could I see you in my office
for a minute, please?

- Of course you may, Adam.
- Thank you.

- Please.
- Thank you.

Dominique, you know Jason Colby's
chief counsel, Garrett Boydston.

I knew him once.

No, thank you.

Well, I need a complete fix on him.

How he works, everyhing.

A personality and career dossier.


I'm sorry, Adam, but I am not
in the dossier business this season.


Look, anything, any little thing
you can tell me will help.

I've got to work with him,
and at the moment, I'm flying blind.

I am no authority
on Garrett Boydston.

You'll just have to find
your spy elsewhere.


I didn't mean to strike a nerve.

No, you haven't struck a nerve.

Oh, for God's sakes, Adam,
I knew the man briefly.

Is that it?

Or is it because it's me asking?

It's obvious Blake's told you
he's disinherited me.

I assume he's also turned you
against me.

Adam, darling,
it has nothing to do with you.

I did know Garrett Boydston
a long time ago.

That part of my life is over.

That book is closed.

And I never re-read an old book.


Mary had a little lamb

Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb...


What are you doing here?

We're having fun, Mommy.

CLAUDlA: It's true, Sammy Jo.
I was just in the neighbourhood.

And I thought I'd stop by and see
a little boy that I love very much.

Oh, do you now?

Well, don't try and get too close
to my son, you hear?

Danny, go see Marie
and go play downstairs for a while.

But you'll come back again.

- Promise?
- Oh, I promise.

The fact is, Sammy Jo,
that we're already close.

We got that way
when I was married to Steven.

- While you were--
- I was what?

Too busy bumming around
to take care of your own baby.

You, a fugitive from a sanatorium,
calling me names?

Well, you're not
Mrs. Steven Carrington anymore.

And you no longer have the right to
drop by for any of your little visits here.

I happen to be Mrs. Adam Carrington,
and I will come and go as I please.

Don't try and give yourself
Carrington airs, lady.

A wedding band on your finger
doesn't mean anything around here.

You're still a nobody.

Oh, that is wonderful
coming from you.

Who came from nowhere
and married Steven for his money.

And then was willing
to sell her own son.

At least I loved him.

You're wrong, Claudia.

I'm the winner here.

And I always have been.

I'm a rich woman
with my own power.

And I don't have to live off
other people's handouts.

Poor Claudia.

That's all you've ever been
around here.

In case you didn't know it then,
you know now.

The painting on the staircase
was just the beginning.

I hear the paintings in the
west gallery alone are worth millions.

Modiglianis, Riveras,
Monets, Manets.

Princess, don't you see?
We're sitting on a gold mine.

It's more like a mine field.

We've got to be patient.

There's a whole lot more for us
than Sammy Jo's inheritance.

Patient. Are you crazy?

I can't keep coming up with headaches.
What am I supposed to do?

Sleep with him.


I'm only asking you to do it

so that you can have the success
you deserve.

Every bit of it.

Blake Carrington's
a very smart man.

He'd know the difference.

Not if you control yourself.

Just joking. Now, don't be upset.

I thought you loved me.

I'm sorry, it was--

It was only an idea.

Bad idea.

You're right.

Sleeping with him is too risky.

Anyway, I want you for myself.

Believe that.

Oh. L.B.

What are you doing here?

It's the man's birthday today,
and that kiss was his present.


That damned kid.

He follows me everywhere.

What if he tells somebody
about what he just saw?

That is a problem, isn't it?

Well, why don't you just see to it
that he doesn't?



Mother. Welcome home.

Adam. Mm.

I can't tell you
how proud I am of you.

And happy to be
working together again?


Oh, what have we here?

For your signature.

Yes, the pipeline deal.

Well, I'll just have to look these over
and then I'll sign them.

So you and Claudia got married.

Blake doesn't approve.
I hope you do.

Oh, there's bound to be friction
between you and your brother.

I feel no animosity toward Steven.

If there are any problems,
they won't be of my making.

Adam, I want you to make
this marriage work.

And if that sounds like an order, it is.

Steven. I heard you were here.

I thought you might like these copies
I had made.

What are they?

Papers on the pipeline deal.
Mother signed them a little while ago.


What else brings you here, Adam?


Something's been bothering me,

A lack in you, let's say.

What kind of a lack?

You've never congratulated me
on my marriage to Claudia.

What's the matter?

Don't you approve?

It's not for me to approve
or disapprove.

Well, surely, you must have
some opinions, Steven.

I mean, you did abandon Claudia
to run off with your boyfriend.

His name was Luke, and he's dead.

And I don't want you to talk to me
about him with anything but respect.

You understand?

As for my abandoning Claudia, she
and I have come to terms with that.

And I really don't want your opinion
on that subject either.

Well, I should think
you'd be happy for her.

At least now,
she has a real man in her bed.

I know what you're trying to do.

And it won't work.

What you and Claudia do
is your business.

I don't wanna hear about it,
I don't wanna know about it.

So much for congratulations then.


My congratulations to you.

My condolences to Claudia.



CLAUDlA: Hello, darling.
- Claudia.

- You look radiant.
- Oh, thank you.

You must have had at least
four job offers since this morning.

No, job hunting
is a thing of the past.

This came when you left the house.

Listen to this.

"This is to advise you officially
that you've inherited the oil well

titled Blaisdel-Lankershim One
at the bequest of Walter Lankershim.

Your late husband's partner,"

It's incredible.


Now, have you decided what
you're gonna do with your money?

Aside from buying me
an extra Ferrari or two.

But I don't even know how much
is involved. I know there's a lot of it.

I know what I'm gonna do
with my independence though.

Nobody's ever going to treat me
like Claudia, the poor relative again.

I'm gonna use it.

- And you know what, darling?
- What?

- Oh, I'm so happy.
- What?

I'm gonna move back
into the house with you.

Because now,
I'm an equal to the Carringtons.

To any one of them.

You know something?
We're both getting what we want.

Claudia, the dream is coming true.

Here, we can talk in this office.

Thank you.

Now, you've seen
the CAT scan, doctor.

Yes, I have, Your Highness.

And I'm setting up
additional studies.

You see, apparently, the king's
condition wasn't caused by a b*llet.

But rather by the fall he sustained
when he was hit.

And if that's so?

Then we call it a flexion injury.

And there's a chance for surgery,
and there's also a chance

that the paralysis
won't be permanent.

But I'm afraid to say anything more
until I see the studies.

Now, you'll have to excuse me while l
set up the studies I'll be working on.

Thank you.


How can I ever thank you?

First of all, for getting my father
out of Moldavia.

And now,
the finest medical attention possible.

No thanks are necessary, Michael.

I did it for Galen,
but also for you and Amanda.

You see, it means so much to me
that you and my daughter

are happy together.

Give her a little time.

And I know
that she'll really appreciate you.

Well, Alexis,
I hope you're right about this.

Oh, I'm always right
about everyhing.

You'll see, you and Amanda
are going to be very happy together.

The staff is very pleased you'll be here
with the family again, madam.

Oh, thank you, Gerard.
Thank them all for me.

Would you send someone
to La Mirage

to pick up the rest
of Mrs. Carrington's things?

Yes, sir, right away.

Welcome home, darling.



Hello, Adam, Claudia.

It's not just "Claudia" now, Steven.

She's Mrs. Carrington again.

Mrs. Adam Carrington.

What's the matter?

Do you wanna see the licence?

We wouldn't wanna do anything illegal
and embarrass the family.

I hadn't expected you
to move back here, Claudia,

if you wanna know the truth.

Hadn't expected?

Or had hoped not to see us
so happy here in Father's house?

Excuse us, Steven.

We're going upstairs, to bed.

ALEXlS: Amanda, I think it's time
that we faced a couple of facts.

Facts, you're having problems
with your marriage and you need help.

And you're prepared, I suppose,
to offer that help

since it was you who encouraged me
to get married in the first place.

Amanda, you love Michael
and Michael loves you.

I think you should try and work it out,
for better or for worse.

Just like you did with Daddy?

Your father and l
had several wonderful years together.

And we have four children
to show for it.

You know,
I've never told you this before,

but I tried very hard
to make the marriage work.

And when we finally got divorced,
something died inside of me.

Now, you and Michael
have only just begun.

To fight.

You and Michael have only just begun
your marriage.

You know, you may be my daughter,
but sarcasm does not become you.

Don't throw away
a wonderful relationship

before you've given it a chance.

Such good advice, Mommy.

But who are you of all people
to give it to me?

You, who wouldn't even claim me
as your daughter,

all those years I was growing up
and really needed you.

Where were you then?

Do you know I'm sick and tired of your
pathetic little Oliver Twist routine,

your poor-little-me act?

How dare you give me that l
wasn't there as a mother when I was

every step of the way
and I reared you fit for a prince?

Dancing lessons, singing lessons,
tennis lessons, French lessons.

I paid for them all.

And I couldn't afford it because l
wasn't Mrs. Colby or Mrs. Dexter then,

but I was the exiled
Mrs. Blake Carrington.

Well, that was my kind of mother love.

So stop feeling sorry for yourself,

Get your act together,

or you may find that your prince
has flown to greener pastures.


Do you have to go?

I'd better.

Now, remember,
you're sick, under the weather.

Blake Carrington
isn't going to force you to lie with him,

biblically speaking,
while you're not feeling well.

Which takes care
of a couple of days.

Except that Blake Carrington
is a very loving husband.

Oh, I know, a true paragon of caring,
I'm sure.

Well, he is, Joel, I mean,
he'll be worried if I was sick for long.

Don't you worry.

I've got everyhing under control.


These are barbiturates.

Now, if he starts to get amorous,
slip him one of these beauties.

He'll be so drugged,

he won't be interested in anything
except sleeping next to his wife.

because I don't wanna blow this.

About those pills,
they're doubly strong.

I don't want you to use them on him
unless you absolutely have to.

Is that clear?

Blake. Hello.

Hello, darling.

I'd like you to meet Dr. Travers.

- Doctor.
- Pleasure, Mr. Carrington.

Doctor came
very highly-recommended.

Well, that's good to know.

I'm happy I had the chance
to meet you.


Doctor, would you please
tell my husband I'm fine?

Well, yes, to a certain degree,
your wife has a low-grade infection.

nothing to be alarmed about.

But what she needs now
is good old-fashioned rest.

I'll see to it
she gets plenty of that.

Would you excuse me for a minute?
I have to talk to Mrs. Gunnerson.

Doctor, are you quite sure
that she's all right?

I mean,
shouldn't she be in bed, resting?

Oh, don't worry, sir,
I've given her some antibiotics.

She should take it easy,
but bed rest isn't absolutely necessary.

By the way, do you mind my
asking, how are you feeling, sir?

- Why, I'm fine. Why?
- Nothing.

It's, you know,
none of my personal business,

but professionally, I know
how you corporate types

neglect regular check-ups.

Right or wrong?

Well, unfortunately,
you're right about that.

Well, you certainly look in excellent
shape, and I'm sure you are.

I know you have a regular
trusted doctor.

But if you ever want a second opinion,
I'm available.

Well, I'll remember that.
Thank you very much.

My pleasure.


He's not here, Uncle Steven.

You're looking awfully serious, L.B.

I guess.

Are you feeling all right?

Uncle Steven,
is Krystle mad at Grandpa?


Krystle loves Grandpa a whole lot,
you know that.

But I saw--

There you are, L.B.

I've been looking everywhere
for you.

Hello, Steven.

Hi, Krystle.

Mrs. Gunnerson just made you
a big chocolate milkshake.

So you wanna come downstairs
with me right now.

Krystle, is there anything wrong
between you and L.B.?

Well, of course not.

Well, it's just that L.B.'s taken on
a new habit, Steven.

He's begun to lie and tell little fibs.

Oh, I know it's only
because he misses Jeff.

I only hope it's just a phase
he's going through.

I'm sure it is.

It's probably best for us
just to ignore it.

Ignore it.

I guess you're right.

I know you're right.

Tell me, Mr. Wales,
are you still doing your hatchet jobs

for World Finance Magazine?

I won't quote you on that,
Mrs. Dexter.

Oh, please do.

And please be sure to include
that I really resent my PR people

having set up this interview.

And that you have precisely
three minutes of my valuable time.

- Well, then I'd better get to the point.
- Yes.

King Galen.

What about him?

My research tells me that you were
once romantically involved with him.

Is this interview
for a financial magazine

or for one of those trash magazines
that's sold at the supermarket?

Well, there is a correlation here.
The pipeline.

Now, you own one quarter
of the oil leases

but you skipped
the announcement party to go off

and rescue a deposed monarch,
at the risk of your own life.

Now, I and my readers
would like to know why.

And I believe that that is none of your
or your readers' business.

You see, but it is.
See, it is because--

I mean, here is
Alexis Morrell Carrington Colby Dexter,

a bona fide tycoon, willing to put a king,
and one without a country,

before her own empire.

You'll just have to draw
your own conclusions about that--

Is there some allegiance
between you and the king?

Has he promised you something
the community should know about?

- This interview has just terminated--
- Has he offered to make you queen?

Your three minutes are up.


Because you've just told me
what I came to find out.

What you think you know
is merely assumption.

And I'd like you to stick this up
your little tape recorder.

I am a happily married woman,
a very happily married woman,

and I intend to remain so.

You're sure about that?

Oh, yes, I'm very sure about that.

And now would you please
get the hell out of my office?



Glad to see
you've started to eat again.

You've been gone a long time.

I had business to do.

Did it have anything to do with me?


I have a right to know.

Have you sent the ransom note
to my husband?

My dear lady, the less you know,
the better it's gonna be for both of us.

Especially for you.

Don't leave.


You mean that.

Do you?

I just wanted you to know that I read
the books that you brought me.


What did you think of them?

I liked them.

What I could read of them.

It's so dark in here.
It isn't easy to read.

No problem.

I'll bring you another lamp.

Anything else you want?

Do you think
I could have a television set?


You think you're pretty damned smart,
don't you?

What do you mean?

You think your kidnapping
will be on TV

and you can find out
what's going on.

I'm not thinking that.

Well, it won't do you any good.

It won't help you get out of here.

I've thought of everyhing.

And you won't be going anywhere.

We'll see about the television.

All right?


I'm very pleased
that you like Dr. Travers, darling.

I did too.

Well, he said he'd stop by in a couple
of days to see how I'm feeling.


And I will tell you exactly
what he's going to say,

that your husband
is taking very good care of you.

I'll be right back.

- What did you do?
- Oh.

The antibiotics Dr. Travers gave me.

Let me help you.

He should've given me
clumsy pills instead.


Better take this before I forget.

BLAKE: Gerard, I'll be coming down for
breakfast at : tomorrow morning.

Tell Mrs. Gunnerson
it will be the usual.

That's right.

Thank you. Good night.

Oh, here, darling.

Oh, thank you.

To my beautiful wife.


It's late, very late.

There's nothing more
that you can do tonight.

Let's go home.

I want to stay here, Dex.

You're tired.

You can come back tomorrow.

Yes, I know, but I want to stay
and talk to Galen's doctors.

Even if it means spending the night?



Don't you think
you should be at home?

With your husband?


Darling, I wanna go home with you.

But I can't
until I know the results of those tests.

Alexis, I don't understand it.

I mean, what are you doing?

Are you still choosing between me and
Galen, with me in second position?

No, Dex.

I love you.

Oh, God, we went through hell
to rescue Galen.

Can't you understand?

Can't you try and support me
like a husband should?

I find it hard supporting my wife's
apparent love for another man.

Wrong tense.

I loved him once.

But I'm frightened for him now.

Mrs. Dexter,
King Galen is asking for you.

Thank you.

And I'm frightened for us, Alexis.

I'll see you later.


Hello, Galen.

- Alexis.
- Mm.

I was so afraid.

But not for my life.

I thought I might not
ever see you again.


Here I am, larger than life.

And you're safe now.

Your life is safe here, Galen.

This cursed revolution,

if it hadn't happened, I would never
have let you leave Moldavia.

You mustn't exert yourself.

No, no, I must say this to you.

We were meant to be together.

My people would have adored you,
as I adore you.


Don't waste your time thinking
about the way things might have been.

The surgery is dangerous, I know,
but I am determined.

- I will walk again.
- You will.

I will get my country back.

And I will make you

the most powerful woman

in the world.

What do you mean?



What do you mean?

The most powerful woman
in the world?


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