06x11 - The Quarrels

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x11 - The Quarrels

Post by bunniefuu »

Gerard said you wanted to see me.

Yes, good morning.

Close the door, please.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry about last night.

Krystle, all the time
we've been married,

we've never been less than
honest with each other.

And we've solved more than
one problem, always together.

But last night, it was as if you
were almost a total stranger. Why?

I mean, is there something
that you can't tell me,

for whatever the reason?

But I have told you.
It's this illness of mine.

It's made me overly emotional, and
everyhing that's happening is my fault.

We've been to see a second doctor
about your illness.

And he couldn't find anything wrong.

I have to assume
that whatever the problem is,

it's between us.


Yes, come in.

Excuse me, sir, the car's out front.

May I remind you of your appointment
at the Harrison Building.

Oh, yes, thank you, Gerard.

I have to go now but...

Tonight, we're going to say
whatever we have to say to each other

until whatever is wrong
is straightened out.

I am not going to settle
for anything less.

I can't.

We can't.

I am sick and tired of it,
do you understand?

I'm not going to take any more
of this stalling.

What a sweet niece you are,
Samantha Josephine.

Can't stand the idea of your Auntie
Krystle being locked up any longer.

Listen to me, Joel,

I order you to tell Rita
to transfer my money

to that bank account she set up
in the Cayenne lslands--

- Cayman. Cayman lslands.
- Whatever.

- And I want--
- All right, cool it. I'll do it, okay?

One week, Joel. That's what you get
to deliver my money to me

- or I'm calling this whole deal off.
RlTA: Joel, can I talk to you?

It's kind of personal.

Go ahead, both of you.

As long as you understand.
And make it clear to Rita too.

Make what clear?

Nothing, don't worry about it.

Now, what do you need
to talk about, princess?

I'm scared, Joel.

I know. Blake. You told me.

But you didn't tell me
what to do about it.

I can't keep coming up
with excuses.

Let him make love to you.

But how can you say that?

You're supposed to love me.

I do love you.

I love you so much,
I'm willing to make this sacrifice.

But you've got to do your part too.

What if I can't get away with it?

I wouldn't worry about that.

Remember, all cats are grey
in the dark.

But Blake and Krystle Carrington

seem to have something
so special between them.

- He'll know I'm not her, Joel.
- He may notice the improvement.

But to be safe,
make sure he has wine with dinner,

- and fix him a brandy after. A couple.
- But he isn't a big drinker, Joel.

But you're a great actress
and you can do it, princess.

We've worked so hard for this,
and why?

Because we love each other.

And we want only the best, right?

Tell me you're gonna make it work.

Tell me you're gonna make
all our dreams become as real

as money, lots of money.


Wanna try for some dessert?

Darling, I'm having my breakfast.

Well, we could start
a whole new trend, dear.

Come on, let's go for it.

Look, it was a long night
and we both overslept.

I think we should both
start up our day.

What's the matter, Alexis?

Are you trying to get me out of here

before King Galen arrives
from the hospital?

Afraid I'll cause a scene?

No, but you haven't exactly
made a secret

about how you feel
about him moving in here.

I think His Majesty
is a majestic conniver,

and that you're a fool.

The man may be planning to take you
for all you've got.

But, hey, it's your life and money,
so do what you want with them.

Does that mean that you're not
going to fight me on this, Dex?


if your deal with our forthcoming
houseguest means that much to you,

- no, I'm not going to fight you.
- Good.

- I have got to get to work.
- Hm.

- Ciao.
- Ciao, baby.

- Galen. Galen, welcome.
- Alexis.

What a welcome
and beautiful sight you are.

- Oh, thank you.
- Hello, Mrs. Dexter.

Oh, good morning, Larry.

- It's Harry.
- Oh, of course.

I'll check with Mr. Lin on the menus,
Your Majesty.

Alexis. Alexis.

Shall I count the ways I'm prepared
to show my gratitude to you?

Oh, Galen, a simple thank you
would be enough.

I'm just happy to have you here.

I hope you like the decor,
I didn't have much time.

You have done wonders. Wonders.

And is there anything else
that I can do for you?

- Make myself more of a burden to you?
- No.

Oh, no. No.

Oh, there must be something.

Well, there are a few things
which would help me.


A private telephone line,
a telex address,

a trustworthy secretary,
and perhaps a line of credit.

Oh, consider it done.

You are so good to me, Alexis.

Although, it is obvious
I can't impose upon you forever.

Not forever, Galen,

just until you're well enough
to walk out of here.

I'm happy to give you
anything I have.

Oh, excuse me.

Oh, that's all right.
I was just leaving, Michael.

I'll see you later. Take care.

- Bye-bye.
ALEXlS: Bye.

- I received your message, Father.
- Come, sit.

I've been working on the plan
to retake our homeland.

- You ready for your first mission?
- I'm more than ready.


Tonight, you will fly to New York
and meet with several officers,

whose loyalties are for sale,

which means, Michael, you must be
very tough in your dealings with them.

- Is that understood?
- Yes, Father.

There's danger involved.

There are enemies among us
even now, here.

Do you mean possibly
among the hotel staff?

I mean Mr. Dexter.

He is not to be trusted,
not under any circumstances.

But he saved your life.

And I am grateful to the man.

But that is in the past.

I'm concerned with my future now
and the future of our country.

So be careful. He's not our friend.

He may be our very mortal enemy.

Would you take some of these,


All these flowers.

And there's something else in the box.

My God, this looks like
the botanical gardens back home.

"My darling Krystle,

there is no problem
that can't be worked out.

You told me that once,
and you were right.

Meanwhile, a few tokens
of my everlasting love.


A few?

He must have cleaned out
every florist in the state of Colorado.


What's the matter?

Come back here.

Rita, what is the matter?

It's Blake.

No man has ever loved me
the way he does.

But it isn't me he loves.

But you have Joel.

Oh, sure, Joel.

Joel told me
to sleep with Blake tonight.

That's the kind of guy
I get involved with.


- Hello?
- Krystle, I'm calling you because--

Oh, Blake, your flowers
and the earrings, they're so beautiful.

Oh, good, I'm glad you liked them.

I'm calling you because

I didn't like the way I sounded
when I was talking to you this morning.

I love you.

And our marriage means more to me
than anything in this world.

And I just wanted you to know
how I was looking forward

to being with you tonight.

And so am l, Blake.
Goodbye, darling.

Being with him.

Oh, God.

Mrs. Gunnerson,
I'd like you to prepare

my husband's favourite entree
for dinner tonight.

- BeefWellington.
- Yes.

And would you have Gerard
open up a very special bottle of wine.

Oh, a very special dinner, hm?

Oh, yes. Very special.



And a very nice one, Amanda.

Then may I take you to lunch?
You look tired and you need a break.

Besides, crown princes
and chairmen of the board

do not eat tuna fish sandwiches
in their offices.

Well, I'd love to
but I've got a lot to do today.

Oh, and tonight--

If you're about to dare
to tell me that you've got a date

with that movie star in the Brisas suite,
I'll be absolutely mortified.

Well, no,
but I do have to leave town.

I have to fly to New York tonight
on business.

What sort of business?

Well, maybe the movie star
in the Brisas suite

has made a date with me there.

No, seriously, Michael.

Well, now that my father is back,
we have a lot of work to do together.

Political work? Is that it?

Yes, and the less you know about it,
the better.

But that doesn't mean
I can't go with you, Michael.

I want to be a part of whatever
you're involved in.

Is that so much for a wife
to ask of her husband?

- I can't allow it, Amanda.
- Why not?

I just can't allow it and I won't.

Now is that clear enough?

I see.

Is it because it might be dangerous?

Then I'll be a part of that danger.

Unless you want to shut me out
of your life again.

I'm just trying to protect you.

Now, please believe that.

Michael, it's just because I love you
and I'm so frightened.

Shh. Everyhing's gonna be all right.

What about Dex?

What about Dex?

He knows about these things.
Maybe he could help you.

No, Dex is the last person
you should talk to about this.

You have to keep this
to yourself, Amanda.

Everyhing I've told you.

Look, I'm trusting you with my life.


- Hello, Dominique.
- Hello.

I know this is an imposition,
but thank you for allowing me

- to come up.
- You caught me at a very busy time.

I must say, Jonathan, for someone
trained by the State Department,

I find these sudden phone calls
from the lobby very undiplo--

Very undiplomatic.


Please sit down.

You have such a beautiful smile.

That's very sweet.

And you'll thank me
by allowing me to invite you to dinner.

Say, tomorrow night.

I'm sorry, but I can't.

In that case,
I'll make reservations for us tonight.

- Say, the Sierra Room at : .
- Jonathan, I'm telling you that I can't.

I'll wait for you until .

Now, you'll either be there

or you'll continue playing hurt
and locking out the rest of the world.

Including this undiplomatic
but genuinely caring type.

- Hello, Jeanette.
- Mrs. Dexter.

I was told you wanted to see me.

Yes, I certainly do.

I just came from visiting Little Blake
and he seemed rather upset.

- Upset?
- Yes.

I presume you heard about
the unfortunate incident the other day

when he accidentally bumped
into Mrs. Carrington in his toy car

and she became angry
and started swearing at him.

Well, I heard that you phoned
Mrs. Gunnerson and told her.

Yes, I did.
I told her that Mrs. Carrington

was abusing that child.

Mrs. Dexter, what does all of this
have to do with me?


Jeannette, since I can't be here,
I want you to help me.

- Help you?
- Yes.

I want you to keep your eyes open,

and to tell me everyhing
that Mrs. Carrington does with L.B.

Here's a hundred dollars.

Well, call it a retainer.

I'll match it every week.

I'm sorry,
I can't do that, Mrs. Dexter.

I work for Mrs. Carrington.

Jeannette, I'm not asking you
to be a spy.

I'm just asking you to protect
Little Blake from that woman.

God knows what she could--

Jeannette, would you please go?

I know what you're doing, Alexis.

First, you try to turn my family on me
and now you're working on my staff.

I want you out of my house,

Krystle, I'm not working on anyone.

I just want to prevent you
from hurting L.B. anymore.

Maybe you didn't hear me.
I said get out.

With pleasure.

Oh, Alexis, you forgot
your hundred dollar bill.

Why don't you keep it, Krystle.

As soon as Blake realises
what shoddy goods he's married,

you may need it for a bus ticket
back to Dayton.

Good evening, Jonathan.
I'm just a little late.

Just a little.

Thank you.

You can pour the wine now.
I think it's breathed long enough.

Well, Dominique, here we are.

- So it seems.
- And so much for small talk.

Thank God. Ha, ha.

Now, let us move on
to weightier matters.


I told you I heard you sing in Paris.
That night I had considered su1c1de.

Your voice touched me
more than I can ever explain.

It was something inside you.

Something that made me feel
I knew you then

as I feel I know you now.

I must have given
a hell of a performance.

We're very much alike.

Two people who have had to work hard
for they have.

And we've both suffered
some deep hurts.

Kindred spirits, so to speak?

Maybe so

and maybe not.

There aren't many people like us
in this world

and when two of them meet,
it's too precious to waste on small talk.

I agree.

So why don't we get down
to some very serious business?

Let's order a scrumptious,
delicious dinner, shall we?


I'm gonna make a prediction.

In time,

in short time,

you are going to drop
all of those defences.

And when you do,
you will not be sorry.


I've got a surprise for you.

Some of your own clothes.

Pick one for tomorrow.


A night on the town,
just the two of us.

What are you talking about?

I'm taking you out for cocktails.
Dining, dancing.

Who knows, maybe even a drive.

Oh, you don't mean that.

Don't tell me what I mean
and don't mean.

I said I'm taking you out.

If you try anything stupid,
anything at all

the price will be more than
you'll wanna pay.

- Price?
- That woman,

the one that's living at the mansion,

she's gonna know
where I'm taking you.

If you make a scene,
get me into any kind of trouble,

she's gonna know what to do.

And you don't want your baby hurt.

And don't be late.

Dinner was wonderful.

And here's to a very special evening.

At the risk of breaking the spell,

is there something that I've said
or something I've done

that's been disturbing you?


Everyhing is so good
between us now.

Isn't that all that's important?

I wish it were.

But so much distance
has developed between us.

So much has happened
that I honestly don't understand.

Maybe this is all we needed
to correct that.

A quiet evening, alone.

I love you, Blake.

And I didn't mean to reject you.

I love you.

I love you with all my heart
and all my being.

I love you so much.

No, I can't.

What is it? What's the matter now?

Damn it, did you hear me?
I said, what's the matter now?

Am I going to have to force you
into reminding you

of what we have together?

No, please don't.

Once before, just this way,
I almost destroyed what we had.

I won't do it again.

I know things haven't been
exactly good between us,

but I need your help.

How do you think I can help?

It's about my inheritance.

You know the oil well that Matthew
had with Walter Lankershim,

the one that Walter left me
in his will?

Well, your father's trying
to rob me of it. It's my will.

Claudia, no matter what
you think about Blake,

you can't think he's a thief.

Well, let's not get into semantics now.
Let's get into facts.

You were working with Matthew
and Walter when that well came in.

You must remember
how badly Blake wanted that well.

And how hard Matthew and Walter
worked to keep it.

You know how your father
finally came by it?

I was gone for a long time.

Walter could have over-extended
himself, drilling holes didn't pay off.

I don't know, there are any number
of explanations.

You wanna hear
Blake's version of it?

He said that Walter used
that well as collateral

on a loan that he never paid off.

I wanna pay Blake back on that loan,
only he won't let me.

So how do I fit into all this?

You're his son.

I want you to talk to him
and convince him that he's wrong.

Sorry, Claudia.

I can't help you. I don't believe
you have a case against Blake.

Of course you don't.

You're Steven Carrington.

A born-to-the-manor Carrington.

And all the Carringtons stick together,
don't they, right or wrong?

Only this case, you're wrong.

Oh, Steven, go back to your rich boy's
toys that your Daddy bought you.

He got you a whole room
full of them, didn't he?

Maybe he thought
that they would help,

but he was wrong,
in more ways than one.

I'm gonna ignore that,
because that's not you talking.

That's Adam Carrington's wife,
and she's a stranger to me.

And she's becoming more and more
a stranger to all of us.

BART: May I get you a drink?
ADAM: No, thank you.

- I'm here to talk about the--
- Preliminary injunction, yes.

- I received your message yesterday.
- Thank you.

"Urgent. I repeat, urgent.

As you know, Denver-Carrington
and Colby Enterprises of California

are planning to build a pipeline

from the Pacific Ocean
to America's heartland,"

There are those who oppose this

and thr*aten to halt it
with a preliminary injunction.

So here you are, Mr. Carrington,
urgently, to...

To talk about the injunction, yes,
Mr. Fallmont.

And to make you an offer.

Nothing unsavoury, I trust.

How could you even begin
to think that?

There is nothing unsavoury
about a gift to a friend of the family,

in this case, the corporate family.

A gift. I see.

Explain that, Mr. Carrington,
will you, please?


Look, Mr. Fallmont,
we all know what you're after.

A bid for the Senate.

To follow in your father's and your
grandfather's footsteps, as it were.

You want Capitol Hill,
we want the pipeline.

So why don't we just save ourselves
a lot of time and energy.

You help us

and Denver-Carrington will contribute
handsomely to your campaign.

That being your gift to me.

And to the state, and to the country.

All wrapped up
in a pretty, if invisible, ribbon.

Mr. Carrington, do you know a gift
that I would really appreciate now?

No. What's that?

If you were to get up
out of that chair,

turn around
and get the hell out of my office.


Do you really plan
to get to Washington

based on your good looks alone?

Or on your family's political record?

This is more than an injunction,
this is a principle.

And I am gonna fight you people
with everyhing that I've got.

You read my message, Carrington?

You went to see Bart Fallmont
without telling me?

Steven, I'm busy.

I knew I couldn't trust you.
When you said we'd work together,

- you were lying through your teeth.
- Look, this is my responsibility.

I'm going to handle this injunction
my way whether you like it or not.

That's exactly what I'm afraid of.

Well, mother still owns percent
of those oil leases.

I'm not letting you off the hook.
I'm gonna see Fallmont myself.

So you've come to apologise
for your brother, is that it?

He's his own man.

Let him make his own apologies.

I would, however,
like to discuss the pipeline.

Point out its more positive aspects,
I suppose.

Talk about all its aspects.

Tell me something, what is this game
you Carringtons play?

Good cop, bad cop,

- both of them self-serving?
- What are you talking about?

I'm talking about fighting you people
with everyhing that I've got.

Because it's time the big oil companies
realise they can't r*pe the land

and poison the environment

just to add to their already enormous
tax-protected profits.

Look, I'm sympathetic
to everyhing you're saying.

- Are you?
- Yes.

And I can assure you every means will
be taken to protect the environment.

Every means.
Including your father's, I suppose.

My father, in case you don't realise it
or don't want to realise it,

is very aware of what's right
and what's wrong.

He also happens to be a man who's
done a lot to help this country grow,

to create jobs, to supply necessary
energy where there was none.

And you're your father's son
and I've offended you.

Well, I'm gonna go one step further.

I'm gonna throw you out of this office
the same way I threw out your brother.

There is the door, Carrington. Use it.



Why did I trade in the other
Rolls for this heap?

A hundred and fifty thousand dollars
and all I get is a flat tyre.

How long is it going to take
to fix, Bruce?

It's Eric, Mrs. Dexter.
And it won't take long.


In the meantime,
would Mrs. Dexter care for a drink?

In this godforsaken place?

There's a roadhouse.
We could k*ll a little time there.

That shack? You must be joking.

Alexis, it's either that shack
or help Eric change the tyre.

Let's hit the shack.

Oh, what a dump.


I don't believe it.

Do you see what I see?

Yes, I do.

Let's dance. I want to get a little closer,
see what's going on.

Oh, let it go, Alexis.
It's not your affair.

No, but it's obviously theirs, isn't it?
The sterling Krystle

and the rather attractive stranger
in a tete-a-tete.

Come on, let's dance.



You having a good time?

Because I am.

It's sort of magical for me.
It's all...

It's all very, very special.

- Who are those people?
- I don't know.

Don't do anything stupid.

Remember what I said
about your baby?

It's up to you.

I'm not gonna do anything.

I'm feeling better.
Do you wanna dance?

Krystle, what a surprise.

Tell me, is this the new in place?

Hello, Alexis, Dex.


Oh, well, aren't you going to
introduce us to your friend?

I'm Alexis Dexter.

Robert Travers.
I'm Mrs. Carrington's doctor.

Psychiatrist, no doubt.

Well, Krystle, have you been
beating up any small children recently?

- Alexis, this isn't the time for that.
- Oh, I think it is.

- I'd like to talk to you, Krystle.
- And I'd like to speak to you, Alexis.

I'd give anything for one
of your cigarettes.

Since when do you smoke?

I started recently.

I'd like to try one of those
brown cigarettes you smoke.

Well, you certainly have changed.
Smoking, no jewellery.

- Dex has the cigarettes.
- Here's some matches, Dex.

You shouldn't smoke, Mrs. Carrington.
It's bad for your allergy.

- Nice to have met both of you.
- Nice to see you.

By the way,
how long have you been in Denver?

Nearly a year.

Are you at Cheney Hospital
or Denver Memorial?

Private practise.

What do you specialise in?

JOEL: Allergies.
- Fascinating.

You certainly are.

Nice to have met you.

- Something's wrong, Alexis.
- How observant of you.

No, I mean it. She looks frightened.

I'm gonna ask her
if she'd like a ride home with us.

Oh, Dex. Dex, don't be so naive.

What she is allergic to is Blake.

She's obviously cheating on him.

And how she looks is guilty. Heh.

It's written all over her face.

Come on, let's go.

Stupid little trick,
writing "help" on a matchbook cover.

It's from an old movie.
It never works.

You wanna play fun and games?

I know some games
that are a lot more fun.

You're much too lovely
to stay angry with for long.

Besides, I did enjoy our first date.

We should do this more often.

Pleasant dreams.



- Who is it?
- Blake. May I come in for a moment?

Oh, please, come in.

Good morning.

I was on my way to the office,

but I wanted to remind you that
we're going to that charity ball tonight.

You do remember?

Of course I remember,
I'm looking forward to it, really.

Even though for the past few days
and nights

it's been clear that we're married
in name only,

this is more of a business occasion
for me than anything else.

I would like, if possible,
if you could act like a loving wife.


That woman is incredible.

I mean, two days ago,
she throws me out of her house,

screaming like the alley cat
that she really is.

And then last night, caught,
trapped in her guilt,

she comes on
all sweetness and light.

I mean, how two-faced can you get?

Come on, Alexis, you're not gonna
lay into Krystle again, are you?

You like her, don't you?

Well, she's always been pleasant
and gracious to me.

Of course she has.
You're a man, darling.

Tell me something.

Has Krystle ever come on to you?


Come on, Dex, tell me the truth.


- No, she hasn't.
- Hm.

And no,
I am not thinking what you are,

that she's having an affair.

I suppose she was just out
dancing with the doctor.

That's right.

Dex, you are so naive.

She's obviously
having an affair with him.

And that makes you smile.

-From ear to ear.
-Ha, ha, ha. Alexis, you're perverse.

Yes, I know. But deliciously so.

Look, Alexis, the only doctor that I'm
interested in right now is King Galen's,

what he has to say.

When will the majestic one
walk again?

Any prognosis yet?

Oh, I didn't know
you were so concerned.

Make that anxious.

Well, there is
a very definite prognosis.

He will walk as soon
as his nerves begin to respond.

First, he'll move his toes,
then his ankles,

- then eventually, his legs.
- Will it be quick when it starts?

Yes. Does that assuage
your anxiety?

- Hello, Galen.
- Alexis.

I'm sorry I am late in visiting you.

I've had a very busy day at the office.
Here, some magazines for you.

How very kind of you.

It has seemed an eternity
since this morning

but all is forgiven, as you say.

- Have you ordered your dinner yet?
- Yes, I have.

But right now I am doing my exercise.
More important than food.

Well, nearly.


How's it going?

Not very well, I'm afraid.

There's been no progress,
at least not yet.

Well, don't worry, the doctor said
it was going to take a little time.

And when that time comes,
we are going to celebrate.

Denver's skies are going
to light up with fireworks

and champagne is going
to flow like fountains of Versailles.


Oh, you'll never know, Alexis, never,

how much it means to me
to let me stay here with you.

But once I walk again,
and I will, I will,

I'm going to make all your trouble
worth your while, believe that.

I do, Galen.

I really do.

Thought you'd enjoy some company,
and a little entertainment.

Would you?

I don't care.

It'll be nice.

A quiet evening, together,

just the two of us.

You have been notified. The...

I've got our dinner outside.
I'll just go out and get it.

--four vehicles, all passenger cars,

which in a matter of seconds,
piled into another,

causing one witness to say...

According to police,
the four-car collision

was the worst in Denver this month.

Now we switch you live
to the Bergman Center

for a report on
this evening's charity ball.

It's expected to raise
at least $ million.

Mrs. Carrington, Mr. Carrington,

would you step this way
for a moment, please?

- Good evening, Mr. Carrington.
- Good evening.

Mrs. Carrington, as one of
the official sponsors of this ball,

would you tell us why you personally
feel the Holloway Foundation

is so important
to the Denver community?

The answer to that is very simple.

Estelle Holloway spent her life
caring for needy children

in this city and throughout the country,
and I think that we owe it

- Oh, God.
- to her memory

- What's happening?
- and to the people who need love

and emotional nurturing to keep
this foundation alive.

- Thank you, Mrs. Carrington.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

You. You've stolen my life from me!

I want it back, do you hear me?

I'm Krystle Carrington. I am!

I am!

Let go of me.

What do you want from me?

I want you to love me.

You're insane!

Am l?

Well, we'll see about that.

I have a way with women.

With all women.

You can't begin to know
what it's like to be loved

by a man who knows women
the way I do.

But you will.
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