06x16 - The Vigil

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x16 - The Vigil

Post by bunniefuu »

You both look real surprised.

We are, Joel.

We weren't expecting to run into you.
Rita and me.

Well, maybe I'm the one
who should be surprised.

What are you doing here
at the ranch?

Well, l--

"Well, l--" What?

My God, can't you see
she's scared stiff, Joel?

She was at the hospital,
she panicked and left.


But we've had a good talk.
Everyhing's gonna be all right.

- Is it, Rita?
- Yes.

Come on, Rita. Let's go.
Your place is back at the hospital.

Princess, are you okay?

Sure, Joel. Sure.

You look kind of shook up.

She's fine, Joel. Don't worry.

I'm not gonna let her
out of my sight.

I'll make sure everyhing
goes perfectly.


Now hurry and get back to
Carrington's bedside

before they wonder
what the hell happened.

Oh, God.

Steven, come here.

- There's something I've got to tell you.
- What?

There's something wrong.

Krystle. She's not--

- She's not-- She's not Krystle.
- Dad, what are you talking about?

You're not making any sense.

That woman, I don't know her name.

She's not my wife.

Dad, the doctor said
you're coming along beautifully.

Try not to upset yourself.

God, don't you hear me?
Don't you understand?

I've gotta get out of this bed.
I've got to.

You've got to calm down.

Son, my wife is out there somewhere.
She's in terrible trouble.

I cannot lie in this bed
and do nothing.

All right. Let me handle it.

Find her. Quickly.


Let me out of here. Let me out!

Krystle, darling. Come on. Come on.


Did you call me darling?

That's what you are to me, Krystle.

It's you and me now.
Whole new life together.

Whole new life together.

You, me and South America.

I've got our passports ready.

Right here is your new name
and your new identity.

Your ticket
to a whole new life of love.


Starting now.

So are you gonna come along
with me quietly?

Or am I gonna have
to convince you?

Well, whatever you say.

Get your things.

I'll bring the car around.

Wait a minute, Mrs. Carrington.

Oh, please, we have to get in there.

Look, we got your call.

You said you'd been kidnapped,
but we need more.

But you don't understand.
My husband's very sick.

I have to get in there now.

I understand that,
but we need to get Abrigore.

I'll tell you everyhing I know later.

- And you, Miss Reece?
- What about me?

Are you involved in any of this?

What kind of a dumb question
is that?

No, I was not involved.

Let them in, Pete.

I don't know about this.

DN to H .

Yeah, get me
Detective Sergeant Landers.

Alexis, whoa.

Whoa? What am l, a horse?

Dex, I'm late for a board meeting.

Without stopping by to have
His Majesty kiss your hand

and thank you again?

- Meaning what?
- Meaning $ million more

which you've handed over to Galen
like play money.

Correction, Dex. Like real money.

And may I remind you,
husband dear, that it's my money.

- So it's none of my concern.
- Right.

How about my wife making a fool
of herself? Is that my concern?

Correction again: I am nobody's fool
and I'm a big girl now.

- So if you'll excuse me--
- Alexis.

- There's an old Wyoming saying--
- Oh, not one of those again.

"When a person doesn't
see the light,

you burn down everyhing but the barn
until she does,"

Oh, isn't that quaint
and wonderfully witty and amusing?

Well, let me give you a new
Alexis saying for you to mull over.

Don't do anything to blow my deal,
lover. Otherwise you'll be sorry.

Very sorry.

Steven, where's Blake?

Who are you?

It's Krystle.

It's all right, Steven. She is Krystle.

He's in the first room to the right.

He's weak, but the doctors said
we got him here in time.

His heartbeat should be
normal soon.

He's in such good shape,
it's a miracle really.

He could be ready to leave
as early as tomorrow.

Oh, thank God.

Thank you for everyhing.

All right, Sammy Jo.
What the hell is going on?



It's me, Blake. Krystle.

That other woman.

She's out of our lives.

How can I be sure?

I want to be, but how can I be?

Darling, do you remember
where we were

when you asked me to marry you?

We were on your plane.

And I told you that I loved you,

but I wondered whether I could fit in
with your lifestyle, with your wealth.

And you looked at me.

You took my hand and you asked me
if I'd be more comfortable

if you gave up every cent
you'd ever made.

Not that it would make any difference,

Because if I started from scratch,

I'd have a million dollars
by the end of the year

and million by the next year.


Blake, I'm that same woman.

And the only difference is that
I love you more now than I did then,

if that's possible.

I thought I'd lost you.
I thought I'd never see you again.

- Shh. You have to rest.
- No, no, no, I'm fine.

It's good now
and it's gonna be better.


Just don't leave me, please.

Blake, they'll never separate us
again ever.

- Hm?

Krystle darling sends her regrets.
She won't be able to make it.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means that I'm Rita.

Remember that trusting redhead
you were so madly in love with

before you fell head over heels
for Krystle Carrington?

Well, that's me, Joel.

And your lady friend took off
from the attic with Sammy Jo.

That really gets your funny bone.

I'll be a son of a g*n, Rita.
You fooled me.

You really fooled me.
That's great, just great. Fantastic.

- You know, I'm really proud of you.
- Don't give me that.

I may be a lot of things,
but I'm not stupid.

You lied to me. You lied.

Hey, hey, don't go nuts on me,
all right?

I thought you were Krystle,

but I'm glad you told me now,
before it was too late.

- It's already too late, you creep.
- No, no, princess.

No, no.

This was my last
lonely unpleasant task.

To dispose of Krystle Carrington.

No, Joel.
It's all another one of your lies.

You were running away with her,
leaving me behind.

- You were only using me.
- No, no, sweetheart.

Admit it. Tell the truth for once
in your rotten life.

Tell me. Tell me.


- Rita, stop it. Rita.
- Tell me.

- For God's sake, stop it.
- Tell me, tell me.

- Rita, for God's sake.
- Tell me.

- Rita, stop it.
- Tell me.

Well, well, well. If it isn't Krystle,
the barroom ballerina.

Where can I find Blake?

You can't. He's resting
and I don't want him disturbed.

What a hypocrite you are.

He nearly died because of you.
You almost k*lled him.

Alexis, I'm going to ignore that.

Well, you're not going to ignore this.

I knew you were up to something
when I saw you dancing

at that tacky roadhouse
with your doctor.

- Alexis--
- You think everybody buys your act.

Your saintly glow of concern
for all of mankind.

But underneath that,
I know you for what you are.

A cold, unfaithful tramp.

That man forced me to go
to the roadhouse that night.

Oh, and I suppose
you fought him all the way.

Well, I didn't see
any scratch marks on his face.

Listen to me. I was kidnapped.

He was holding me prisoner
in an attic at Delta Rho.

- Ask Sammy Jo.
- Sammy Jo?

That paragon of truth.

That snit of a girl
lied before she could talk.

Why would she lie about this?

And who was living at the mansion,
may I ask? Your twin sister?

I don't know who she was.
She was an impostor.

An impostor?

She looked like you.
She walked like you.

She talked like you.

You can do better than that, Krystle.

Alexis, do you remember when I asked
you for a cigarette at the roadhouse?

- Yes.
- You know I don't smoke.

You even said it.

I'd written "help"
on the matchbook cover.

I did everyhing but scream out to you
to get him away from me.

So why didn't you?

Because he threatened my baby.


But I don't believe you.

Because I saw you
at that roadhouse

and you weren't suffering at all,

You were having a wonderful time.

You were drinking
and you were dancing.

And I wonder what you
and your handsome captor

were doing every night,
locked cosy up in that attic together.

And I bet that Blake's gonna wonder
about that, too, when he's better.

He will. You bet he will.

I just remembered. Of course.

Anything I should know about?

Cabin number , the A Deck.

- The first time we made love.
- Mm.

Of course you remember
the latitude and longitude

of the ship that night as well.

We can put a call in to the captain,
Old Whiskersides.

He'll remember how his boat
rocked that night.

Oh, that's cute. That's cute.

But there really was a big storm
in the Mediterranean that night.

That's open for discussion.

I'd better get dressed.

Oh, Garrett.

Do you have to leave?

I have to prepare for a meeting
and catch a flight back to L.A.

Suddenly, deja vu.

The cruise is over and you must
rush back to your little wife.

- Things are different now.
- Mm. Yes, we're older now. Yes.

And you have gotten a divorce
from your wife.

Yes, things are different.

I'd like to finish
what I started to say, okay?

They're different and I'd like you
to come back to California with me.

Take a suite at the Bel-Air
or the Beverly Hills or wherever

and relax and shop,
and tonight I'll take you out to dinner

at this new place
overlooking the Pacific.

We'll have lobster
and cold champagne.

Candlelight. Soft music.

- I love it, I love it.
- You got it.

Oh, Garrett, I'm sorry. I can't go
running off on a romantic whim.


Especially not with our past.

The past is over.
Over and done with.

So you would like to consider
this a fresh new start.

Why not?

Maybe you didn't hear me,

I want to wipe the slate clean
and forget the past.

There is one thing about the past.
It can never be erased.

No matter how much
you may want to.

Because it leaves traces.

And some of those traces
are indelible.


You're going too fast.

Hey, Danny.

- Say hello. Say hello to Krystle.
- Hi, Danny.

Oh, you look wonderful.

You look sensational, especially
after everyhing you've been through.

Mrs. Carrington,
Mr. Carrington, welcome back.

Thank you, Gerard.
It's good to be back.

And thank you all for being here.

We've all prayed for this moment.

Of course, I've prepared
a wonderful dinner for this evening.

- Lamb stew?
- Right.

Excuse me, darling.
I want to see Kristina.

Mr. Carrington, Sergeant Landers
of the Denver Police

is waiting to see you in the library.

Do you want me to go with you?

No, thank you, Steven.
I'm sure I can manage by myself.

- Sergeant.
- How do you do, sir?

- Sit down, won't you?
- Thank you.

Sorry to bother you on a day like this.
You just got out of the hospital.

But I have some information
that I feel is very important.

It concerns Joel Abrigore, the individual
who kidnapped Mrs. Carrington.

- Yes, what about him?
- We've located his car.

I should say the wreckage of his car.
It burned yesterday.

- And what happened to Abrigore?
- We don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

The licence plate showed
that he'd rented the car.

But after a thorough search
of the debris,

we didn't find any human remains.

There was nothing
but a woman's purse nearby,

with a credit card
under the name of Rita Lesley.

That's the woman
who was impersonating your wife.

Meaning that these two
obviously escaped.

Is that what you're trying to say,

Yes, sir.

Apparently both the man
and the woman

were thrown free from the car
before it exploded and--

Yes, they escaped.

I don't know how
I'm gonna tell this to my wife.

Not right now, anyway.

Damn it.

Wherever they are, sergeant,
you've got to find them.

I promise you
I'll never leave you, Kristina.


I was right, wasn't l?

She's getting bigger
and more beautiful every day.

Oh, how we missed you.

Oh, Blake.

Thinking of both of you
is what pulled me through

all those terrible nights and days.

Oh, when I think about that woman
holding Kristina in her arms.

Darling, the three of us
are back together again.

You've got to stop thinking
about what's happened.

The nightmare is over.

You're the one
I should be concerned about.

You just got home from the hospital.

And I promised your doctor
I'd see you got lots of rest.

What I need is having you back.
That's all I need.

What is it?

What's the matter?

Blake, they threatened Kristina
so many times.

I've got extra security guards on.

You and Kristina couldn't be safer
or more secure.

Blake, they have to catch them soon

and lock them up where they can't
hurt anybody ever again.

They will. Believe me, they will.

Look at her.

Beautiful, isn't she?

Not quite as beautiful as her mama,
but beautiful.

Well, well.

Sammy Jo reading.

And not a comic book.
I'm impressed.

What are you doing here, Alexis?

Oh, I came to visit my horses
and to talk to you.

Well, why don't you go back
to the stalls,

because I don't want to talk to you.

Why not? Is it because you're being
your usual snippety self or--?

Or what?

Or that you have something to hide
about Auntie Krystle.

If I did, Alexis,
you'd be the last person I'd tell.

So, if you'll just get out of here--

Rita Lesley.

Yes, Rita Lesley.
Wasn't that the name of the actress

who was impersonating Krystle?


And you were the one
who discovered her, weren't you?

In a New York bar on West st.

Do you want me to remind you
of the date?

Colbyco has a New York office

and we have an excellent
private investigator there

who brings me all sorts
of fascinating information.

Which is what I want from you
right now.

Unless of course you would like me
to go to the police with all of this.

What is it you want to know?

That's better.

All right, now tell me
about the nature of the relationship

between Auntie Krystle
and nasty Mr. Abrigore.

He kidnapped her.
She was his victim.

So much for the dry facts.
Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty.

Were they attracted to each other?

Well, maybe he was to her.
She's a beautiful woman.

How much time did they spend
with each other in the attic?

They brought her food and clothes,
things to read.

And what about sex?
Did he bring her sex?

- What?
- Oh, come now, Sammy Jo.

You of all people should know
what I'm talking about.

- Did they sleep together?
- No, they didn't.

But you weren't in the attic all the time.
It could have happened, couldn't it?

I was never in the attic with them.

You were never in the attic
with them?

So it did happen.

- Look, Alexis, I know my aunt.
- Who is totally inviolate.

Krystle loves Blake. She would never
let another man touch her.

- Which is what she's told you to say.
- She didn't tell me anything.

Look, we all know you for
the gold-digging slut that you really are.

And right now she's paying you
for your silence.

- lsn't that right?
- It isn't.

If it isn't, if, then you are merely
being loyal to a woman

who could have thrown you in jail
had she pressed charges against you.

Aren't you gonna get it through
that head of yours

- that what I'm telling you is the truth?
- The truth?

That word is as foreign to you,
Sammy Jo,

as Mandarin Chinese
is to a Colorado cowboy.

You've always been a liar
and a leopard doesn't change its spots.

thank you for the information.

It's all been extremely useful.

Enjoy your book.


It's only a word, Sammy Jo.

It hardly begins to cover
what you did.

I was angry and I wanted my money.
That was all.

It got out of control.

I'm so sorry, Aunt Krystle.

I know I'm gonna be prosecuted
for this and I should be.

I'm willing to take
whatever's gonna happen.

You really mean that, don't you?

For once in your life,
I think you're telling the truth.

I am.

Right now I am so angry with you,

I'd like to shake the hell out of you
if I thought it would do any good.


Sometimes when I see you,
I remember lris' daughter.

The baby I used to hold in my arms

and lullaby to sleep
when her mother was sick.

And then I remember all those
miserable nights and days

I spent in that attic,

wondering if my baby was alive
and if I'd ever see her again.

You did help save Blake's life,
and mine.

And that's the only reason
we're not pressing charges.

That, and if you agree
to cooperate with the police

and testify against the two of them
when they're caught.

I will. I will, Aunt Krystle.

I put you through so much
and I'm sorry.

What's happened is over.
And so is this conversation.

Dex, is Mommy here?

No, no.

Good, because I came to see you.

That's blunt enough.

Dex, do you remember the other day
in the elevator?

You asked me about my marriage
and I said everyhing was all right.

Except it wasn't.

I could see that then,
I can see it now.

There's nothing I can do about it.

Dex, listen.

My husband is more concerned
about his country.

And I know that you...

What about me?

Well, I know that you're having
problems with Alexis.

Maybe we've both made mistakes.

And maybe our problems
have a common solution.

You're forgetting
you're a married woman, Amanda.

And that little lapse of memory
makes you a dangerous woman.

Very dangerous.

Why are you so restless?

I was just thinking about something
Amanda said today.


She dropped by
for a couple of minutes.

To see you.

So instead she saw you.

why don't you cut your losses?

I mean, just bail out of this deal
with Galen while you can.

Dex, I am not in the mood
for business talk.

I am in the mood
for a good night's sleep

and I'm sick and tired of you
nagging me about my Moldavian deal.

Well, I have no intention
of letting you be taken.

So, what do you intend to do,
challenge Galen to a duel?

That would be fun, but no, Alexis.

What I am going to do is talk
to some medical people.

Find out what's going on.

Find some way to prove my gut instinct
that this man is a snake.


- Who's there?
- Adam.

Come in.

Claudia, it's so good to see you.

You mean it's so good to see
the wife that you betrayed?

What are you talking about?

Oh, you don't know.

No, I don't know.

Oh, Adam, I've looked and I've listened
to you lie to your father over the years,

and just about everybody else
that you've come into contact with.

- And now I suppose it's just my turn.
- That is not true.

Oh, spare me your protests.

You didn't just notify my lawyer
that I had no claim to that well.

You threatened to sue me
unless I dropped the whole thing.

- Claudia, listen to me.
- Why?

Because we are so close in spirit.

Because we're the two outsiders
who have got to stick together.

Your life has been hell. I know that.

I'm the only person who has really
understood your pain.

Because I've suffered it too.

I was raised in Montana by this--

This old woman.

I was sick on dr*gs as a teenager,

because I couldn't face
the grey life I was leading.

I had no friends.

No one who really cared.

Except Dr. Edwards.

I had a breakdown. He stayed with me
through the whole thing.

And I recovered.

And I finally found out who I am.

I finally became a Carrington.

But never accepted.

Like you, Claudia,
never really accepted into the family.

But we can show them who we are.
We can if we stay together.

We can beat them
at their own game.

Don't you understand?

You lied to me and I don't trust you
and I never will again.

Now, Adam, just get out.
Get out. Go on.

- Adam.
- Father.

Shouldn't you be upstairs resting?

No, no, no, I'm fine.
Feeling much better.

Besides I've got a lot of paperwork
to catch up on.

I heard you were out of town today.

Yes, I drove to Colorado Springs
to talk to an expert on injunctions.

- I think I got some good advice.
- Fine, fine.

Claudia drive down there with you?

No. She's in New York.

A high-school friend got married.
She went to the wedding.

In fact I called her from the Springs.

She sent you her love and her wishes
for a speedy recovery.

How's Krystle? Is she all right?

She's been through a terrible ordeal.

I think she's a lot more shaken by it
than she's letting on.

If there's anything I can do.

Yes, as a matter of fact, there is.

See to it that there is no publicity
about her kidnapping

and that incident
that I've been involved in.

I don't want to make
a difficult decision worse.

- She's suffered enough.
- I'll try my best.

You'll do it, Adam.

Of course, Father.

Oh, by the way, I want to thank you

for handling all those things down
at the office so well while I was ill.

You did a fine job. I'm proud of you.

I'm just glad that everyhing
ran smoothly

and things seem to be fine
all around.

This is Mrs. Carrington.

I need information in
Billings, Montana.


Hi, I'm calling from Tulsa.

I need the phone number
of a Dr. Edwards.

No, mm-mm.
I don't know his first name.

Well, can you just give me any
Edwards who are listed?

I'll hold on. Thanks.

Ah, Mr. Dexter.

You know something, Your Majesty?

I pride myself on being
an educated man.

I know something about many things.
What specifically are you referring to?

I'm on to you.

You've been taking my wife's money,
bleeding her.

I'm not gonna stand for that.

I don't know what on earth
you're talking about.

I just came back from talking
to some people at Cheney Hospital.

I learned a few facts about
your paralysis.

I don't believe you haven't
made any progress yet.

Well, go on. This is fascinating.

Movement in your legs
should have begun a long time ago.

Starting in your toes,
then your ankles.

You should be able to walk by now.

Which I've been praying for
since my surgery.

Well, tell me, then, why am l
perpetrating this charade, this fraud?

Because that is what you are.
A fraud.

You're only stalling so you can keep on
bleeding my wife for money.

Well, I am not gonna let that happen.

Walk, damn it. I know you can.

Did you hear me, Galen?


Dex, stop it. Stop it. God.

It's all right.
He's probably been drinking.

Oh, God.

- Are you hurt?
- No, it's all right.

- He's hurt you.
- It's all right.

You better get out of here, Dex.
Right now.

Are you sure that's what you want?

Oh, yes. Yes, I'm sure.
I'm damn sure.

Krystle, I'm extremely busy.

Some of us do have to work
for a living.

So you have exactly two minutes.

Sammy Jo phoned me.

She spent two days wrestling with
not wanting to heap any more on me,

but finally she told me about your visit
and your disgusting inquisition.

Oh, dear. Did I upset
the poor sensitive little thing?

You threatened her.

Oh, I told her that
I might go to the police

and that she would be indicted.

Alexis, none of this
is any of your business.

Are you annoyed that I asked her
questions about you and Joel?

Annoyed? I'm furious.

And in case Sammy Jo
didn't make it clear to you, I will.

Nothing went on between us.

Because you're so in love
with Blake.

Do you know what the word
"propinquity" means, Krystle?

That means that being locked up in a
room with somebody for weeks on end

can turn even the most
virtuous person into...

Into what, Alexis?

Well, you finish the sentence.
You were the one in the attic.

Alexis, just when I thought I couldn't
possibly loathe you any more than I do,

I find out that I'm wrong.

You're not my only enemy, Krystle.

But at least the others
aren't hypocrites.

Oh, your two minutes are up.

Stay out of this, Alexis.

Is that a threat?

You're damn right it is.



Dominique, hello.

My goodness.

It's Dominique only when
I am happy to see you, young lady.

Okay. Hello, Mother.

Oh, Jackie,
what the hell are you doing here?

Last I spoke to you
on the phone in Lausanne--

I told you everyhing was fine,

And everyhing was then.


But yesterday
they asked me to leave

the illustrious
L'Ecole de la Chatelaine.

Or in plain English,
they kicked me out.


And why?

I would like that answer
in very plain English.

I wasn't present and accounted for
at a bed count on Monday.

In fact I didn't return at all
until morning.

Do you mind telling me
where you were and with whom?

I was out hiking, Mother, alone.

In the middle of the night, Jackie?

It was a very special night.

I heard there was going to be
a meteor shower near dawn

and I wanted to see it

And I did. It was fantastic.

And that's the reason
they kicked you out of school?


Well, we'll just have
to have you reinstated.

Mother, please, don't.

Don't call them.

I don't want to go back.

Maybe that's why I stayed out
that night, Mother.

I've missed you so much.

When you were running your clubs
in Rome and Paris,

I could get on the train
or hitchhike to come and visit you.

But now that you're here in Denver,
Mother, I've missed you so much.

Oh, darling.

I've missed you too.

And I love you.

But what about your education?

You're only and there's still
so much you must learn.

But, Mother, there are schools here.
Good ones.

And I can be near you.


Suppose I tell you that
I don't want you hanging around.

I wouldn't believe that.

And you wouldn't really mean it,
would you?

No, I wouldn't.

I love you
and I want to get to know you more.

So please, let me stay.


Okay, while you're thinking about it,
you can open up your present

I brought back for you
from Switzerland.

I'll give you one hint.

It's not a cuckoo clock this time.

Thank God.

Why are you doing this?

What do you want from me?



What is it, darling?
What's the matter?

He said I'd never see you again.

Come on.

Oh, Krystle,
you've had such a bad time of it.

Why don't I take you away
for a week or two?

Remember that pretty little house
on Maui

with nothing
and no one around for miles?

We could lie on the beach
and maybe sail a boat

and just be together.

No. I don't want to leave this house.

Not now. I can understand that.
But in a couple of days when you're--

No. Never.

I never want to leave
this house again.

So she said to me,

"You have the nerve to question
Sammy Jo about Joel Abrigore and me.

Well, nothing went on in that attic,
Alexis, so you stay out of this,"

So I said to her,
"ls that a threat, Krystle?"

And she said,
"You're damn right, it is,"

- So...
- So?

So isn't it obvious that
that's why she burst in here?

- Why else would she be so upset?
- Why else?

Mother, those are pretty
serious accusations.

I mean, all that stuff
about alleged business in the attic.

You sound like an attorney.

Defence attorney. Her defence.

Look, I don't know
what you're trying to prove.

But Krystle sleeping with another man,
she wouldn't do that,

so why don't you just drop it?

Steven, do you remember
what happened to Patty Hearst?

It's a syndrome.

You know, a woman will often
give in to her captors.

I think it's called hostage syndrome.

You're right about that.

- Of course I'm right.
- You're right to a point.

I mean, if the situation got heavy
enough, any woman might give in.

- Then you do agree with me.
- No, I don't agree with you, Mother.

I'm saying in theory--

Steven, I don't have time
to argue with you about this.

I have a very important appointment
across town.

- So I will see you later, darling.
- Bye.

Bye, darling.

You know, I've always found you to be
a fascinating woman, Mrs. Dexter.

Right now my fascination extends
to your being here.

Why are you here?

I have a fascinating story for you.

One that I know your readers
are going to be enthralled with.

In fact, it could be your story
of the year.

I even have the headline for you:
Krystle Carrington, love sl*ve.

You are talking about
Mrs. Blake Carrington?


The one and only.
The second Mrs. Carrington.

You see, she was kidnapped

and held c*ptive in an attic
for weeks and weeks.

Her kidnapper was a man.

Tall, dark and handsome,
as you would say.


I'm sure that you and your readers
can just imagine

what went on in that attic.

No, but it sounds delicious.

Yes, it certainly is.

But first things first.

I want you to get
your cleverest reporter,

one with the longest knives.

I know that I can get him or her
into the mansion

to find out all the facts.

Every single one.

Krystle Carrington, love sl*ve.

There'll be a stampede
to every supermarket in the country.

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