13x12 - Everything You've Done Wrong

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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13x12 - Everything You've Done Wrong

Post by bunniefuu »


(Echoing thuds)

(Whistle blows,
ball bounces)


hey, philip, huddle up!
Block it! Dude! Dude!

Tristan: nice!
Miles: yeah!

Someone call a doctor
because that layup was sick!

Congrats, superstar,

You're glowing
with athletic success.

I think
that's just sweat.

Hey, good job, hollingsworth.

Coach just bumped you up
to the starting line up.

You're kidding!

Just don't screw it up.

Man, I could not have
done this without you.

I am so incredibly happy
for you.

Especially since that means

You don't have
to take steroids anymore.

I can't stop now.

But you said
you just needed an edge

To make starter!


You've gotta keep 'em
coming, man.

Some other guys
want some too.

You told people?!


Look, I don't know
how they do things

At your swedish boarding school
or whatever,

But I can't just
run around degrassi

Handing out dr*gs
like candy!

Keep your voice down!
It's okay.

Tell me how
it's going to be okay

Because you've basically
signed me up

To be a drug dealer
for the entire team!

I didn't tell them
who I got them from.

just give 'em to me,

And I'll handle
the distribution.

I'll be the only one
who knows you're involved.


But you have got to keep this
on the dl!

The lowest of the down,
I promise.

You're a great friend!

That's me...

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Good news!

oh, you heard back
from the doctor already?

No, my appointment's
this morning.

So why are you
so smiley?

I figured out how
to get out of writing

That article!

And I hope that means
coming clean

And begging for mercy!

Alli, I lied to meredith,

And made up
an entire article on zoe.

If I come clean now,
it could ruin my whole future.

Yeah, well,

Not if you use
the "c" word.

We promised
we wouldn't use that word

Until I get my test results!

Okay, so what's
your big plan?

I'm gonna tell meredith
that I got a competing offer

From another magazine.

It's more money,

And I have to go
with the highest bidder.

That's your big plan?!

Then I'll get something else
published somewhere,

And go to columbia,
and be with eli.

Well, you've obviously
thought this through.

At least the eli part.

Hi. This is clare edwards
for meredith fox.

can the "breaking news" letters
be more on fire?

hey, I've been meaning
to say thanks

For letting me work
on degrassi tv.

Don't mention it.

But it really means
a lot.

It's been hard
since adam passed away.

I know.

He was pretty much
my only friend at degrassi.

Why was he so desperate
to call me?


No one will tell me
what happened!

I think people
are covering stuff up.

But you wouldn't.

I mean, do you have any idea
what was going on?


People keep telling me
to move on,

But I can't stop
thinking about it,

And I just thought
if I knew-

Okay, you should get to work
on those letters.

We launch tomorrow!

(Becky sighs)


♪ Ohhh... ♪

(Sighs heavily)

♪ Ohhh... ♪

♪ Ohhh... ♪

♪ Ohhh... ♪

♪ It's a hollow ground
we chase ♪

(Door clicks open)

Clare, how are you doing?

Well, she's hasn't
been herself for days.

It feels like my brain
stopped working.

I think I might be able
to explain why.

It's brain cancer,
isn't it?

No, no! We've reviewed
your blood work,

And ct,
and you're still cancer-free.

(huge sighs of relief)

I told you, honey!

So I really just have been
overtired this whole time?

I could hug you!

don't hug me just yet.

Even though your tests
came back clear,

I'm confident that
what you're experiencing

Are cognitive side effects
from the chemo.

We call it "chemo brain."

Chemo brain.
What do I take for that?

nothing, unfortunately.

All you can do is slow down,
take it easy.

Have you tried yoga?

My brain feels like
baby food

And you're suggesting
downward dog?!


can you just give me a b shot
or something?

I could,
but it wouldn't do anything.

Chemo brain doesn't respond
to treatment.

Well, how long does it last?

anywhere from a few months
to a few years.

So I could be
stupid forever?!

everything you need
is still in there somewhere.

It just might take
a little longer to access it.

Slow down,
take your time,

And you'll be fine.

Do you have
any other questions?

Are you sure
you can't just give me a pill?

(Pills rattle)


(Door bangs,
pills clatter)

Miles: we need to talk.
Tristan: talk?

Why do we need to do that?
Can't we just go home instead?

Nope! You're going
to stay right here

Until I'm done talking!

Somebody's dealing 'roids

And jeopardizing
the entire team.

Uh, uh, I don't know
what you're talking about.

The fact that you
just spilled pills everywhere

Confirms that!

The league conducts
random drug tests,

So I'm gonna need you to stop.

Otherwise, we're gonna have
a serious problem,

And believe me,

You don't want us
to have a serious problem!

They're fake.

Okay, the dr*gs,
they're just...

Vitamin d tablets!

No steroids,

The sunshine vitamin!

Why the hell are you dealing
fake 'roids?

To protect my friend.

and what is your friend
gonna say

When he finds out
you're ripping him off?

Well, how would he ever
find that out?

By passing
his first drug test.


(Pills rattle and spill)

(Sighs heavily)

(Low hum of chatter)

so what did the doctor say?

I don't have brain cancer.
But I have chemo brain,

Which basically means
that I might be stupid

For the rest of my life.

Case in point.

I am never getting into columbia
with a sixty-five!

Well, maybe the school
can make

Special arrangements
for you?

What if I do write
the article?

Won't they know
it's fabricated?


But stephen glass
got away with it for years,

This is just one article!

Are you hearing yourself?!
This is not clare edwards!

I know.

(Bell rings)

It's just...

This might be
the last coherent thing I write.

have a seat, everyone!

Okay, just get through
the meeting with the magazine

And then you can worry
about columbia.




Where have you been?
I'm in crisis here!

Why, what's wrong?

I can't work with becky,
I just can't!

How am I supposed
to look her in the eye

When I know I kissed
her dead boyfriend?


I made out with adam

And he felt so guilty
about it

That he rushed off
to text becky...

And then he just died.


Look, nothing that happened
was your fault.

But becky doesn't know
what happened

And now she's asking me
about it

And I don't know
what to tell her.

If you tell her
the truth...

Then she'll be devastated.

And would I be doing it
for her

Or to make me feel
less guilty?

And if you lie...

Then I'm lying about
something really big

And I'll have
to keep it up forever!

Well, if you were becky,

What would you
wanna hear?

(Sighs heavily)

(Siren wails in the distance)


so nice to see you.

Take a seat.

I have something
I need to say.

Me first.

I loved your article!

You did?

I know it was just
a first pass,

But it was so well written!

That zoe rivas
really is something.

Thank you.

If this article works out,

Maybe we can make you
a monthly contributor.

Online, at least.

You're kidding!

I loved the pool incident,
by the way,

Great start.

Yeah, when someone pushes
zoe into the pool

For something gatsby did
on the show.

Uh, in your article
you said...

Someone poured
a drink on her

And she pushed them
into the pool.


So much crazy stuff happened
that night.

All of which
we'll be fact checking

With ms. Rivas herself.

You will?

Accuracy is very important
to us here.

Do you think zoe
can come in tomorrow?

Can't think why not.


I'm so glad we took
a chance on you, clare.


Hey, wanna skip out early,
get burritos?

Sounds delish.

I just need to talk to you
about something first.


You can't give
those pills out.

too late.

Why, is there something
wrong with them?

Well, yes,
in that they're not real.

They're fake.
The pills are fake.

They're just
vitamin d tablets.

You gave me fakes
on purpose?!

Yes. I didn't want you
to do real steroids!

Like I was worried
about you.

Okay, I don't need you
to worry about me!

Okay, do you think
I'm stupid?

No! Of course not!

Yeah, well,
you must've!

Now all the team's
gonna think I'm stupid too,

Just like my dad,
just like everyone!


I'll tell them
it was all my idea!

And dallas said
the league tests,

So maybe it's a-

I can't believe
you lied to me!

I thought we were friends.


I am your friend.

Or at least I was.

Trouble in b-ball
bro paradise?

(Sighs heavily)

Do you think
I really messed up?

How bad could it be?

Unless you actually
took zoe's advice

And gave miles
fake steroids.

not just miles.

Maya: tristan!
Tristan: I know!

But I was so worried!

how many times
do I have to tell you?!

Reenacting "west drive" plots
will never solve your problems!

So what should I do?

Tell the team the truth?

But then everyone will know
the dr*gs were fake

And miles'll be humiliated
and never talk to me again!

Yeah, but aren't
they gonna find out

When they all pass
the drug test?

I need to get them off
the fake dr*gs

Without them realizing
they were fake dr*gs.


Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

I think
you're totally screwed.

Maybe not.

So it's fun, right?

It's pretty much what...
What you told me.

Plus a bunch
of horrible lies!

You make me look
like a loser!

People love an underdog.

You said you wanted

Good publicity!

Ever read tmz?

It's about controlling
the message, dummy.

I told you
what I told you

Because that's what I want
people to believe.

Not this garbage!

Come on, meet me
in the middle here.

What's it gonna take?

If I'm going to help you,

The stuff about me
"feeling so alone" has to go.

I need to be the hero
in this,

So add more guys
going ga-ga.

The publisher likes it,
I can't make changes now!

Do you really think
you're in the position

To be making demands

I know what I did
was stupid,

But there's a reason.

This summer...
I had cancer.


You're playing
the cancer card?

Cancer didn't make you lie,

You did that
all by yourself.


Next time on dtv,
an investigative report

On the third floor
vending machine.

Do you know
where your money's going?

Okay, cut.

was I okay?

I felt my voice
was a little bit throaty.

No, you were awesome.

So awesome that
I forgot to press record.

We'll have
to do it again.

Where's becky? I thought
she was helping you out

With this stuff.

No, I'm doing just fine
without her.

yeah, no, you're not.

Why don't you take five?

Did you figure out
what to say to becky?

I just thought it'd be best
to avoid it altogether.

It's gonna be
a long year.

(groans) can we get going
on this?!

I have places to be,
things to do...

And apparently,
so do i.


I was gonna rule
the school,

No matter who I had to take down
in the process!

I think her voice is higher.

I am many things, clare,

But an actress
is not one of them.

This is a terrible idea,
isn't it?

What, getting me
to call the publisher

Pretending to be zoe,

To corroborate the lies
you wrote

And passed off as true?

No, no, no,
it's a great plan.

What could possibly
go wrong?

You're making fun of me.

I just think you should
come clean.

My brain could be useless
for months!

Years, even!

Who knows what my grades
will be like this term?

I could b*mb every class!

So what're you gonna do?

I'll figure something out.

'Cause you're so good
at that right now.

Why don't you play
the whole...

"The other magazine
is giving me more money" thing?

Lying got me into this.

Somehow, I don't think
it's gonna get me out.


(Dishes clink)

Hey, becky, um...

Can I talk to you
for a minute?

Um, again,
I'm so sorry about before,

Bringing adam up,

You don't have
to apologize to me.

I'm someone who needs
to talk about everything,

All the time,

And sometimes I forget
that not everyone's like that.

He missed you.


That's why adam left
to call you.

Because he missed you.


Because, uh,
we had been fighting

And I didn't know
if anything-

He just wanted to hear
the sound of your voice.

He wouldn't shut up
about it.

He loved you.

He really,
really loved you.

Thank you so much.


(Both laugh)


Do you still want
to be on camera?

Um, what about winston?

He wouldn't let me
fire him.

Something about
a wrongful dismissal suit.


I really think you guys
could work well together.

I think you could help
balance him out.

Thank you so much.

You're the best,

(Elevator dings)

Where's zoe?

She's not coming.

Clare, we have deadlines!
There's no time-

I fabricated the story.

I didn't get anything
interesting from zoe,

So I embellished.

You mean lied!

I made a huge mistake.

You put my reputation
on the line.

And I am so sorry.

I was supposed to spend
the summer

Doing amazing things
like this

So that I could get
into columbia...

But then I got cancer.

I worry that
it's gonna come back

Every day.

I just wanted
to achieve something

Before it does.

Writers never recover
from this.

Just know I understand
what I did was wrong

And I feel terrible.

Terrible enough
that you'd never do it again?

I swear on my life!


Then this'll stay
between us.

You're a promising
young writer

Who made a big mistake,

But you don't deserve
your career destroyed.

You've barely started it.

Thank you!

A million times,
thank you.

And clare,

It sounds like
you have achieved something

This year.

You beat cancer.

Many people don't.

(Players chatter)

Hey, guys.
Guys, um...

I just wanted to say something

About the pills
that have been going around.

Uh, I know miles has been
handing them out,

But I've been his supplier.

I've heard through
the grapevine

That the league is gonna be
administering drug tests

Any day now.

Lots and lots of drug tests.

But not to worry.
Liver flush capsules.

One of these pills

Will flush those pesky steroids
through your system

And ensure you test clean.

But after this,
I'm out of the biz.

I mean, my supply line
has completely run dry.

And also, don't you dummies know
how bad this stuff is for you?!

(Players murmur quietly)

Okay, what did you
just give them?

B .

So when they pass
any drug tests...

They'll think
it was those pills.



I'm so, so sorry.

It's okay,

I understand
why you did it.

I was really messed up
over not making starter

And I was acting crazy.

Well, I was super worried
about you.

I appreciate it.

Besides, I noticed
a pretty awesome upside:

I made starter all on my own.

The power of
the placebo effect!

I've gotta say, milligan,
I'm impressed.

You may not be as good
an athlete as your brother,

But you're definitely smarter.


We're gonna kick
that guy's ass.


(Relieved sigh)

I got your mysterious text.

"Meet you after school,
wear comfy clothes."

What are we doing?

Taking charge of my future.

We're not breaking
into the publishing office

And stealing your article back,
are we?

Because I heard
you cannot wear heels in jail.


You've been having
some pretty kooky ideas lately.

We're going
to yoga club.

Wow! Chemo really has affected
your brain!

The doctor said
it might help,

And I'm retaking my sats
next week

So I figured
I'd give it a try.

Oh, so columbia's
still on the table?

For now.

I figured out
what to write about

For my application essay.

My biggest achievement?

Beating cancer.


Apparently I've been pretty slow
these days.

But I'm not gonna waste
every minute stressing

About getting into
the right school.

You only live once.

Spoken like a true -
what is it? -

"Child of the post-millennial

Who knows what
the future holds?

But you've gotta have
some fun, right?

Come on, let's go get a spot
at the back,

So people don't stare
at our butts.


♪ Keep holdin' on to me ♪
(every day is bright)
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