13x17 - The World I Know

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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13x17 - The World I Know

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm gonna be so late!

Pens, paper, binders...

Mom, have you seen
my science supplies?

Science supplies!

Thank you.

I cannot believe my little girl
is turning eighteen.

My birthday
isn't until tomorrow.

Can we hold the waterworks
until then?

I'm running late,

And I still need to go stop
and get a-



My saviour!

what a fun surprise!

Masala chai?

I heard
it was your favourite.

You're buttering me up,
but I'll take it!

(Sighs) what is it
with everyone?

My birthday's
not until tomorrow!

I might not be here.

Are you going on
some secret trip?

My transfer credits
didn't come through.


how long do you have?

Twenty-four hours.

Then they are taking me
back to france.

What? No, no, no,
they can't!

They can.
They are, so...


Well, keep it,

'Cause you're not
going anywhere.

We're going
to fight this!

(Sighs heavily)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

okay, I'll join a sports team,

I'll do every extra credit

Mr. Simpson:
you have enough
to catch up on.

I'll serve detention
every day!

How's that gonna help?

I'll do your filing!


Please, just don't put me
in the rubber room!

Uh, we prefer to call it
the remedial room.

So that's a "no"
to the filing?

Look, I'm trying to give you
extra support this term,

Post suspension.

By putting me in
with the weirdos?

Please, mr. Simpson,
I was cyber-bullied.

Show some leniency.

Mr. Simpson:
you uttered a death threat;
this is leniency.

Look, you just have to go
twice a day,

Once in the morning,
and once for final period.

Show me you can handle

Without flying off
the handle

And you'll be out of here
in no time!

Sir, I heard kids
get stabbed in there!

We have metal detectors.

I assure you, maya,

No one is getting stabbed
in the remedial room.

(Bell rings)

(Students chatter)

what'd I tell you
about my sister?!

Male student:
whoa, whoa, whoa!
I'm sorry, okay?

I won't look at her again,

What are you lookin' at,

okay, what about a spa day?

Or a limo!

Or a spa day
inside a limo!

(Both laugh)

hey, al,

Wanna get at least
a little excited

About your birthday party?!

I can't think about celebrating

When they're sending leo
back to france.

You're kidding!

his visitor visa's expiring

And his student visa
got denied.

So unless I can prove

That latte making
is a unique skill,

He's getting the boot.

This sounds
so complicated.

tell me about it!

Twenty-four hours
and my life is over.

I can't lose him!

Okay, look,
it's just till grad.

Then apply to paris schools
and live happily ever after.

It just seems like
an eternity apart,

And I don't wanna be away
from him

For one second!


Alli, class isn't over!

If I can't find a way
to keep leo here,

I'm spending every last second
with him.

Alli bhandari
skipping science?!


Who's ready to par-tay?

Do you think he prefers
mr. Hollingsworth

Or mr. H?

You did hear me say
party, right?


Dude, you and me,
glow in the dark mini golf?

I can't, man.
I still have tons of work to do

For my "drew torres presents:
the degrassi speaker series"

With mr. Hollingsworth

Don't you have a veep
for that?

Then it wouldn't be called
"drew torres presents,"

Would it?

And besides, I'm kinda
trying to avoid clare.

What, she kibosh
your let's-get-a-live-monkey-

As-a-school-mascot idea?

No! Well, actually, yes,
but that's not the point.

There's something else.

We kissed.


I guess, technically,
she kissed me.

Holy crap,
you're not joking!

It was a total spur
of the moment thing

After thanksgiving.

Bianca broke up with me,
eli was being weird.

Kiss or make out?

Uh... I dunno,
in between?

Was it good?


Did you do
anything else?

No, no!

I'm just trying to give her
some cool off time.

She's probably in love
with me.

No, she's totally
in love with you,

Which definitely warrants
a talk.

You know, you should find out
where she stands

And just let her down easy.

You think?

I know.


oh! Agh! Alli!

I'm sorry, I just...
I couldn't resist!


Did you come
to discuss the future?

We should sort things out.

No, no, no,
no scary future talk.

Today is for fun,
happy thoughts only.

No, I just think
we should talk about-

And we will,
but before we do,

I'm begging you, please,
just give me today.

One last magical day
with the man I love.

I told my manager
I'd train my replacement.

But it could be
the last afternoon

We have together
for a while.


You're right,
I'll go talk to him.


Knowing what skills you bring
to the workplace

Can help you break in.

Several useful skills
are never-

What if we don't have
any skills, ms. Grell?

Ms. Grell:
well, you've got
one skill, grace.


You got grelled!


Ms. Grell:
okay, if you're not going
to listen to me,

Maybe you'll listen
to each other.

We're doing
character interviews.

Why you're here,
what you want.

Find out what skills
you bring to the table.

We'll present tomorrow,
and... Twist:

You'll present as each other.

So everyone partner up.

(Students mutter)

Um, can I just interview

(coughs) princess!

You need a partner,

Ah, but our perpetual latecomer
to the rescue.

have you met zig novak?

oh, yeah.

Me and maya go way back.



How are things?

Are you here to talk
about your intro

To mr. Hollingsworth's

Yes, but, uh...
But first...

Clare, you're, uh,
you're a great girl.

You're pretty swell


But I don't think
this is going to work.

The speech? Why not?
The gym's booked!

No, uh...

Us, we - we're...

We're not going to work.

What're you doing?

I'm trying
to let you down easy.

From what?

Uh, the kiss.

Okay, you are seriously

So you're not in love
with me?

No! You're not even
my type!

I mean,
you're good looking...


But pretty shallow.


And... The hair gel
and the sideburns.

What's wrong
with my sideburns?!

I know we kissed, drew,

But it was a mistake.

I love eli,
not you.

So now that
we cleared that up,

Can we get to work?



I could do this all day.

We have.

We didn't do a single thing
on your list.

And I wouldn't change
a minute of it.


(Sighs heavily)


I'm trying to remember
every detail.

I want to hold onto
this memory forever.

You're acting like
I'll never see you again.

We've had
a perfect romance,

I'd like to keep it
that way.

So what,
you wanna break up?!

No, I don't want to,

But what other choice
do we have?

We can facetime,

I can arrange to be in paris
a few weekends of the year.

We can make this work!

We'll miss one phone call,
then two,

And we'll start
to resent each other.

Okay, I don't ever want
to worry about where you are

Or wonder who you're with.

I'm so sorry, alli.

I hate this more
than you know,


I think
it's for the best.

(Both sigh)

A beautiful flower
for a beautiful girl.



(Sighs heavily)

(Cell phone buzzes)

(Alli gasps)

(Chokes back a sob)


Are you crying?



I miss you.

I miss you too.

Any chance you called
to say you're staying?

no, I called to be the first
to say happy birthday.

Oh, it's not fair!

I finally get an epic guy
and he gets ripped away!

We're supposed
to get married,

Have two kids,
and save the world,

Curing cancer.

Together forever.

Together forever.

I want that too.

So let's do that now.

excuse me?

leo, I love you,
and I'm eighteen now.

I can do it today!

Are you saying
what I think you're saying?

Leo lauzon,
will you marry me?

(Nervous gasp)

(Alli laughs)


Clare and jenna:
happy birthday, alli!

we baked you cupcakes!

Uh, okay,
well, clare did!

They're beautiful!

And now I know exactly
what I want for my party.

It's exclusive -

Just me, leo,
and my two best girls.

as bridesmaids?!

You're getting married?!

What about m.i.t.?
Leo can't leave the country!

We will figure
something out.

what do your parents think?

they will come around,

so they're not gonna be there
on your big day?

That'll k*ll your mom.

Do you even have a veil?

Or flowers?
Or a ring?

Well, now I feel
sufficiently horrible.

Thank you, ladies.

We're just looking out
for you.

You're going down
a crazy path for a guy.

What if it was eli?

Wouldn't you do whatever
you could to keep him?

Clare: of course-
alli: so?

So... It's different!

You've only been together
six months!

yeah, and you'll be divorced
in another six.

Clare: or less.
Alli: hey!

I've seen the statistics!


All we're saying
is think about this.

Please, alli?

I love leo,
I can't lose him.




I guess we should just get
to the questions, right?

Full name.


Zig novak.

Um, actually, maya,
that's not what I said.

This assignment is
all about listening, you know.

Fine, "brutus,"

What employable skills
do you have?

Um, stabbing people
in the back.

Next question.

Why are you here,
in the rubber room?

Well, isn't it obvious?
Stabbing is hard work.

I've got carpal tunnel!

Roman health care
doesn't cover that!

Come on, zig,
just work with me, okay?

We'll show ms. Grell
we don't belong in here.

Well, I'm never getting
out of here.

Or else the romans
are gonna get me!

Ms. Grell:
how's everything going here?

Just great.

Nervous for the intro?

Do you think
I'm good looking?

Me personally?

Do you at least
like my sideburns?

Okay, this conversation

Is straying dangerously
into weirdsville.

What's up?

Clare said that she'd never
go for a guy like me.

You want clare?!

No, no, but i-i want her
to want me,

But instead,
she wants eli.

All right,
this is what you gotta do:

One, rock this event.
You can do it.

And two?

Find yourself
a rebound girl.

You know,
get that mojo back.

'Cause this...
Isn't the d.t. I know.

(loud sigh)

Maya, come on, we're going
for lunch at chompy chicken!

Yeah, miles says they have
the best wings in town!

Okay, well, I'm sure
they have other stuff too.

No, it's not that.
I love chompy chicken.

It's just I have
so much work to do!

What, they give you real work
in the rubber room?

Well, I'd have a lot less
if I wasn't partnered

With stupid zig.

Zig is in
the rubber room?!

Yeah, and just like
everyone else in there,

He's a huge jerkface!

Which is why I need to k*ll
this presentation

And prove to them
that I don't belong in there!

Wait, I'm sorry,
who's zig?

Her ex.


Those are different things.

He's not my ex!
We never dated!

Okay, it's complicated
because we kissed,

But he was dating tori.

We haven't even talked
since last year.

It's cool,

I'm not gonna get jealous
of some rubber room skid.

Wait, I'm...
I'm prettier, right?


Of course!

And obvi, it's classic
schoolyard behaviour.

He's still in love
with you.

Tris, you watch
too many teen soaps.

Now, get outta here,
let me finish.


(Cars rumble)

Ready to get married?

(Alli sighs)

(Sighs nervously)

Oh no,
you're getting cold feet?

No, I want to spend
the rest of my life with you;

That hasn't changed.

But to be honest,

This isn't exactly
how I pictured my big day.

No ring, no gown,

No friends
or family.

Well, I can't fix
a lot of that,

But I do have a surprise.


Alli bhandari,

We crossed oceans
to find each other.

We belong together forever.

Will you still marry me,
even if it's not perfect?

My birthstone.

I could not afford
a diamond.

No, it's perfect.

Thank you.

Just like you,

Oh, I almost forgot!


soon-to-be wife?

soon-to-be husband.


Mr. Hollingsworth:
I never have a bad day
when I'm giving back

To the wonderful people
of this great city!

Thank you very much.
Thank you.


Mr. Hollingsworth:

Thank you.

Come on, degrassi,
is that all you got?

This is mr. Hollingsworth,
he might be our next mayor!

(Students cheer and clap)

Thank you.

Thanks very much.




But your speech
was really inspiring.

The crowd loved you.

Thanks, drew,
you weren't so bad yourself.


Do you wanna grab
a coffee?

I'd love any tips
a powerful,

Confident dude like you
has to offer.

You know what,
I admire your moxie.

I've been thinking
that our campaign

Could use, um,
could use a youth advisor.

you interested?

Yeah, yeah,

Okay, great, great.
Call my assistant

And I want you to set up
an interview, okay?

Thank you so, so much,

Okay. Thanks, drew.


I cannot believe
we just did that!

Me neither,
madame lauzon.

Oh, right back at ya,
mr. Bhandari.

Ew! No, that sounds
too much like my dad.

(Both laugh)

I cannot believe
I'm kissing my wife.

(Both laugh)

so, where to?

I have to get back
to school.

Sadly, classes don't end,
even when you're married.

Then we will hang later?

Sure, as long as you're good
with having my birthday dinner

With my parents?


We can share
our amazing news together!

No! No, no, no.
My parents can't find out!

I thought you said

You did not want them
at the wedding

Because they would
try and stop us.

Yeah, but they can still
ground me for life,

Or kick me out!

Then you can come
live with me.

What? No!

Why not?
We are husband and wife.

I can save up

And we can have
our own place.

I-i can't move out,
I'm not ready!

And my parents,
they cannot find out;

That would just be
a mistake!

like this marriage?

No, I didn't say that.

But that's what
you're thinking, isn't it,

That you've made
one big mistake?

No! Leo, look,
I love you!

We're together.
Just breathe, okay?

Are you ashamed of me?
Of us?

Is that why you won't
tell your parents?

N-no, no! It just-
it all happened so fast,

I didn't even have time
to process.

Can you just breathe?

Are you trying
to counsel me?!

No, I'm trying
to help you!

I don't need your help!


Okay, leo,
I know this isn't you!

Leo: (grunts with effort)
alli: okay, get off of me!

Leo, stop!

Leo, s-stop!
Ow! Stop!

Agh! Agh!


(Car door slams)

(Car starts,
engine revs)

(Lacklustre applause)

Okay... Uh, maya and zig,
you're next.

(under her breath)

that's your part.

All right.

You could've at least
dressed up.

I did.

(Students laugh)


(Students snicker)

Nice to meet you,
I'm zig.

(In falsetto)
and I'm maya matlin.



(Students laugh)

And how did you end up
in here?

Oh, well, I'm only here
because of a silly song.

Yep, that's right.

I'm a pretty little princess

Who's above
all of you peasants.

Just breathing in
the same air as you all

Chokes up my throat!

Ms. Grell:
let's get back on track, zig.

So why are you here,

You dark, dangerous,
yet impossibly handsome boy?

I'm here because
some girl broke my heart

And instead of moving on
like a normal person,

I can't get over it!



Ms. Grell:
zig, where are you going?

I'm done with this
stupid assignment.

(laboured breathing)

(Shaky breaths)


You're hurt!

my god, alli,
what happened?!


I...i was mugged.

Jenna: by who?
Alli: I don't know.

It all just happened
so fast.

Mrs. Bhandari:
we need a doctor.

no, I just wanna go upstairs
and lay down, please!

Mr. Bhandari:
you must be joking!

We need to call the police!

We have to find the person
who did this to you!

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