13x18 - Better Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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13x18 - Better Man

Post by bunniefuu »

(Students holler and laugh)

(Girl laughs)

Uh, hey, can we talk?

(Zig sighs)

Fine, I'll talk.

I'm sorry
I called you out

In front of everyone

ooh, you just got smackballed!


Maya, save your apology
for someone who cares,


I hate you.

(Bell rings)

(Students holler and laugh)

You should stop pretending
you give a crap.

Excuse me?

You're not here
to make friends.

Grace: I thought you wanted out.
Maya: I do.

'Cause you think
you're better than us.

do not!

You're even too good
to play smackball with us!

(Sighs angrily)


Physical activity,

In my class?

Straighten this up!


(Maya sighs)


I'm gonna be stuck here
for who knows how long-


I'm gonna be here
for who knows how long,

So I need to make friends.

Grace, if anyone can help,
it's you.

Please, I need to show everyone
I'm not a princess!

I'll pay you.

Quick tip: if you don't wanna
seem stuck up,

Don't pay people
to do stuff for you.

So you'll do it
for free?

Not a chance.


(Sighs heavily)

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ (The best that I can be) ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

Describe what happened
when you were mugged.

This guy grabbed my purse.

I tried to stop him
and he hit me.


Where did he hit you?

In the face.

Just one time?

It was more than once.

Detective sieber:
left or right hand?

Okay, this is just a lot
to take in right now.

Can we please reschedule?

I understand it's hard,

But we need your statement
while the details are fresh.

Mr. Bhandari:
we must catch this man quickly
and throw the book at him!

(Sighs tearfully)

He hit me
with his left hand.

I tried to get away,
and then he hit me again.

(Alli screams)


(Sighs heavily)

I hurt my arm,
and I think I hit my head.

What about defining details?

Height, build, clothing?


He was... Bulky.


Wearing jeans
and a black hoodie.

you said a blue hoodie.

Yeah, well,
things get kinda foggy

When you've been hit
in the head.

Detective sieber:
and you've never seen
this man before?

Alli: never.
Detective sieber: you're sure?

Can I go lie down now?

Mrs. Bhandari:
our daughter has been
through a lot.

Detective sieber:
if you remember anything else,
ms. Bhandari,

Please, let us know.

(Whimpers in pain)

(Students chatter)

what's hollingsworth's position
on voter reform?

I-i know this!

Oh, I know this!

Argh! I...
I don't know this.

My interview for youth advisor
is tomorrow!

This job was supposed
to restore my confidence!

(Cell phone buzzes)

I gotta bounce.

I'm gonna be late
meeting my chem group.

What, you're leaving?!

I need help prepping
for my interview!

What you need is someone
with all the time in the world

Who will adore you.

Good luck finding that.


Want some help?

I don't need any dr*gs,

Nope, we both know
you can't handle them.


So, what is this?

It's a job interview.

You know anything
about those?


you know what
you're doing, right?

Duh! I watched
a youtube video!

Okay, now sit still.

Whoa! Did I miss
"makeover monday?"

Uh, no, just maya paying grace
for a crazy list

Of rubber room dos and don'ts.

It's not crazy.

No bright colours.
Don't show your laptop.

don't suck up to teacher.

You really think
you can do that?

Well, I have to,
if I wanna fit in.

It's the only way
I'll survive the rubber room.

Well, who cares?

I mean,
it's only twice a day.

It doesn't matter!

Being in a room
where everyone hates you

Is the worst!

Okay, but just don't turn
into that weirdo

In the back
of the class.


I bet you'd make
a cute weirdo.

(Cell phone chimes)

(Alli sighs)

Thanks for staying home
with me.

That was terrible.

They couldn't even send over
a cute detective.

Guess not.

Have you told leo
you were mugged?

I could call him.

No! No.

Al, I saw what leo did
in paris.

I know what he's like.

Look, if you won't talk,

I'll call
detective sieber back,

See if he agrees
with me!

No, jenna! Wait!

(Sighs heavily)

It was leo, okay?

Oh god!

I was right?

Alli, I didn't want
to be right!

Your face!

It was my fault,
I was so overwhelmed!

I ruined our whole
wedding day!

You married him?!

(Panicky breaths)

I knew he was violent.

No, he's just troubled,
but he's getting help.

Jenna, he loves me!

No, if he loved you,
he wouldn'tve done this!

I'm calling the police.

No, jenna, no!

I just need time
to think about it,


(Disgusted sigh)

(Sighs heavily)

(Bell rings)

Someone's looking good!

I thought you were grace!

What are you doing?

Fitting in.

Ms. Grell:
today, let's talk
about perception.

How we're perceived
by others.

Nice look, blondie.

Ms. Grell:
what's the fastest way
someone judges your age,

Gender, and income?

wallet size?

Crotch size,
or lack thereof!

Ms. Grell:
gross, tiny!

Any serious answers?

Please not me, please not me,
please not me, please not me!


Any ideas?

(sighs) um...

I dunno,

But I'm judging you
on that frumpy old maid outfit.

(stunned mutters
and laughter)

Ms. Grell:
I expected better from you,
ms. Matlin.

The answer is footwear.

Good one,
wanna hang out tomorrow

After rubber room

Oh, I have class!




no! I'm not feeling
the confidence!

Well, that's why I asked
for your help!

Maybe I picked
the wrong teacher.

How much do you want
this youth advisor job?

A lot!

Then you need
to listen to me!

You need to command
the room.

Lean forward,
on the edge of your seat.

Look deep into
the person's eyes.

and then what?

Use your natural charisma!

You're a strong leader!
People love you.

They do, don't they?

you're super handsome.

Even with the sideburns?

Now, pretend
I'm mr. Hollingsworth.

Really get into my space.

Earn the respect
of the room.

Be poised,
but not arrogant.


I'm-i'm sorry,
uh, I got carried away!

You're a good teacher.

Drew, it's cool.

You can kiss me
whenever you want.

But what about
your fiancee?

She dumped me.

Ready for
the next exercise?


♪ I've closed my eyes ♪

♪ One million times ♪

♪ There you are again ♪

♪ Dragging me
into the beginning ♪

♪ How many times
do I say goodbye ♪

♪ Before I know you're gone ♪

♪ How many lies
do I have to hide ♪

♪ To be satisfied ♪

You're right.

I can't love someone
that could ever do this to me.

(Sighs tearfully)

(Phone rings)

I called you a million times!

I'm-i'm so sorry!

leo, i-

I could not sleep last night
thinking I hurt my wife!



I don't want to be
your wife.


I want an annulment,

And then I won't call
the cops.

alli, no.

No, no, it's perfect,

And then my parents
won't find out,

And this can all go away!

You mean I will go away!

Alli, please,
I don't want to go away,

I need you!

No, I've heard
all of this before.

It's different this time!

no, it's not!
I just want my life back.

My science, friends,
and school.

I cannot live without you,

I won't!



♪ Building an empire ♪

♪ Staying on top of my game ♪

♪ Burning desire ♪

hey, fyi,

You're supposed to go into
the school in the morning,

Not out.


You're skipping class with me
to hang out with them?

Sort of.

I'm sorry,
I'm just starting to fit in.


You know,
you do make a cute weirdo.

♪ Ain't no doubt about it,
'bout it, 'bout it ♪

♪ I'm gonna do it my way ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

What is she doing here?

I invited her.

Yeah, grace invited me.

Nice nose ring.

all right, lovers,
break it up.

Well, if you're going
to hang with us,

Newbies get to hold this.

You guys have a g*n?

Relax, princess,
it's just a bb g*n.

(Bell rings)

Matlin! Hide that thing!
Do you wanna get caught?


♪ I'm gonna do it my way ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

So, what'd I miss?

Don't worry,
it's science,

I'm sure you'll get an a-plus
like always.

I just want my fresh start
to be off on the right foot.

Well, at least we know
you'll be safe at school.

(Laughs uneasily)

Alli, you're back!
How are you?

Please don't say anything.

Other than people staring
at my bruises in the hall,

I'm okay.

Did the cops catch
your mugger?

Not yet,
but to be honest,

I just wanna forget
about all of this

And just focus on school.


(Alli sighs heavily)

(Cell phone chimes)

(Cell phone chimes)


(Cell phone chimes)


Mr. Hollingsworth:
ah, drew!

Listen, thanks for coming by
on your spare period, huh?

Have a seat.

It's an honour to be invited
into your beautiful home, sir.

(Sighs nervously)

Is there something wrong?

Well, that's quite
the neck bruise

You've got there,

Um, I'm sorry,
I was just um...

Making out
with your girlfriend?

Sort of.



I-i mean not that there's
anything wrong with that.



With all due respect,

We're not here
to talk about me.

We're here to talk
about your campaign.


A politician's answer
if I've ever heard one.

If we are all done
with the hickey talk,

I have some ideas
for you.



alli, are you in here?

leave me alone.


I just wanted a fresh start.

Why won't he let me go?

(Cell phone beeps)

I knew it.
Leo's still texting.

He's here!

"I'm not leaving
until I see you"?

Why do you guys
look scared of leo?

You lied about
getting mugged?

I didn't know how to say,
"my boyfriend beat me up."

Hallmark doesn't exactly
make that card.

I just wanted this all
to go away

And now he's here

And I just have
to tell him to go!

no! No, okay?
We are calling the cops!

no, he'll go
if I tell him to.

He loves me,
he'll listen!

You need to listen
to us!

We love you.

And we're calling
the police.

(Shaky breaths)

(Door creaks shut)

the coast is clear.


she's not gonna do it.

aren't the fish gonna die?

Maybe, now sh**t.

Wait! We'll get covered
in water!

told ya.
She's not gonna do it.

hurry up,
or a teacher will come!

look, I thought you were
one of us.

Hold on,
I'll do it.

(Sighs nervously)

(Grace and tiny laugh)

There were no bb's?!

What do you think,
we're stupid?

This is school property,
we'd get expelled!

Hey, maya wanted to get out
of the rubber room.

Expulsion would do it.

I can't believe
I actually wanted to fit in

With you guys!

Screw that, I do want out
and you should, too!

We're treated like criminals.

well, some of us are criminals.

whatever, zig.
Call me a princess

And be mean to me,

But I deserve better!
We all do!

♪ Leaving means there's nothing
left to try ♪

Detective sieber:
is that him?

Suspect confirmed.


♪ I smiled as you
untied our love for good ♪

no, this is a mistake!

Alli, tell them!

sir, calm down, please!

Yes, officers,
that's the man that att*cked me.


Get him out of here!


No, I love you!


it was ridiculous,

I've never seen it happen
to anybody before, so-

looks like someone's happy
to see you.

I got the gig
with mr. H.!

I knew you would.

Drew: you did?
Zoe: of course, you're awesome.

I am?

Let's go out,
to, uh, to celebrate.

Tell me you mean
a real date.

Yeah. Yeah, sure.
A real date.

(Zoe giggles)

Oh no,
what'd drew do now?

Uh, he just asked
zoe out.

I guess some girls
like sideburns.

I don't understand.
You weren't mugged?

Leo did this?

Allia, how?

You're such a smart girl!

I thought
I could fix him.


I thought
he was getting better.

Mr. Bhandari:
getting better?!

Please tell me
this only happened one time!

He loved me.

We could have been perfect.

It wasn't supposed
to turn out like this!

I could really use
a hug right now.


Mom, I'm so embarrassed.

Don't be,
this was not your fault.

But I disappointed
you guys...


Mr. Bhandari:

Even though
we don't understand,

We still love you.

(Sighs heavily)

Ms. Grell:
if percent
of first impressions

Are based on appearance,

What's the next
most important thing?

Again with the silence?

(Maya sighs)

The words you use?

it's not what you say,

It's how you say it.

Ms. Grell:
correct. Thirty-eight percent
of a first impression

Is determined
by tone of voice.

(Bell rings)

(Students chatter)

You coming, matlin?

You're talking to me?


Pretty brave.

Clearly zig
doesn't think so.

Trust me, you don't want
that zig as your friend.

Now, come on,

We're going to go egg
ms. Grell's car!

I'm kidding!

Unless you want to.

So since we're all friends now,
can I get my money back?

No refunds.

I have a little surprise
for you!

Since you missed
your real party.


I even got
home spa day stuff!

another present?

annulment forms.

Based on what happened,
you can void your wedding.

It'll be like you never married
that jerk bastard-ass loser

In the first place!

Thank you...
For everything.

What do you want to do
with that ring?

Say goodbye to the jerk
bastard-ass loser!


Now, gimme that cupcake!

(Both laugh)

Don't worry,

We'll get through this...

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